There is only one maroon. Brand Guidelines - U of D Jesuit

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There is only one maroon. B r a n d

g u i d e l i n e s.

University of Detroit Jesuit High School and Academy The Jesuit Experience. More than an Education.

The Jesuit Experience. More than an Education.

University of Detroit Jesuit There is only one maroon. Brand guidelines.

Content. 01

the brand.

















logos. typography. colors. social media. the name. pillars and positioning. stationery.

©2022-2023 University of Detroit Jesuit, 8400 South Cambridge Avenue, Detroit, Michigan 48221

01. 2

the brand.

There is only one maroon. Brand guidelines.


he title There is only one maroon symbolizes the one voice and the one signature of our brand identity. The brand “University of Detroit Jesuit High School and Academy” was not created by a marketing firm. It is something made by the students, faculty, staff, alumni, parents, and Jesuit community over the course of almost 150 years. Our brand is our students. It is the education we provide, the community we call home, and the faith and social justice we instill. The brand reflects the legacy of thousands of alumni and the countless lives this amazing place has transformed. It is being a Man for Others, living out the Grad at Grad, and seeking the Magis every day. As communicators, we do not create the U of D Jesuit brand, we live it and we share it. The words we use, the way we visually tell our

stories, our logos, the maroon and white, and the approved typefaces — all these elements interfuse to help communicate who we are and our mission. Working together, we can create bold, engaging content that will connect with our audiences, grant them a look into who we are, and protect our vision into the future. There is only one maroon is designed to help you consistently create powerful materials that collectively tell the Jesuit experience in a way that is memorable, clear, comprehensive, and most importantly, true to who we are. AMDG,

Jim Adams Director of Communications

B R A N D CO N S I S T E N C Y It’s vitally important for us to use the brand carefully and consistently, while treating it with respect. This includes everyone in our school community from clubs to academic departments to parent organizations to athletics.

Univer sity of Detroit Jesuit




Logo t s e r C


There is only one maroon. Brand guidelines.

Primary logos.

CREST LOGO Logo used primarily to represent academics or the institution as a whole.

Fuzzy web logos.

INTERLOCK LOGO Logo used for athletics, clubs, organizations, or displays where the Crest Logo would not be readable. It is called the Interlock Logo because the U and the D are interlocked.

U of D Jesuit logos downloaded from a Google search are typically the lowest quality files and are often outdated. The Communications Department maintains all of our logos in a wide variety of file formats to ensure the highest quality reproduction. Contact us (page 25) to obtain the correct high-quality format for your project.

Dark and light. When placing logos over images, make sure the logo does not get lost in the background.

Univer sity of Detroit Jesuit


About the crest. The U of D Jesuit Crest Logo is comprised of elements reflecting the powerful history of our school and of the Jesuit order, which was formed by St. Ignatius of Loyola half a millennium ago. Striped field: The seven maroon stripes on the heraldic crest represent the heroic awards the seven Loyola brothers received for their distinguished service in battle in the 14th century. Two wolves: The two wolves eating from a cauldron are taken from the heraldic crest carved in the lintel on St. Ignatius’ family home in Loyola, Spain. The imagery symbolizes the generosity of the Loyola family who, after feeding family, retainers, and soldiers, had enough to feed the wild animals.

Date: 1877 is the year our school was founded.

Today the crest celebrates our history and is a fitting tribute to the generosity of our donors. Through their kindness, Jesuit education is made possible to many deserving young men of metropolitan Detroit.


There is only one maroon. Brand guidelines.

How to use the crest logo. The Crest Logo must be reproduced from approved downloadable artwork at a resolution of 300 dpi or better for print or digital displays and 72 dpi or better for web. • Only show the crest in the approved maroon, black, or white colors (see page 14, Our Colors.) Embossed, silver, gold, chrome or other artistic treatments must be approved prior to publishing. • Don’t alter, add extra colors, rotate, or modify any portion of the Crest Logo. • The Crest Logo can be animated as long as the final visual element reveals the entire unaltered crest in the correct upright position. NOTE Never use the • Don’t use previous versions of the logo found on third-party crest as a dot websites. Obtain the correct version from the Communications to an “i” or as a Department. bullet point or as a substitution • It is acceptable to use the crest or portions of it as a watermark for an “o” in a with less than 30% opacity. Adding a blur to a watermark is word. Doing so acceptable as long as the image is identifiable as the crest. degrades our brand.

Clear space and minimum size. Measure to determine clear space needed. X=clear space




• A clear space equal to the space between the inner and outer circles of the logo must be maintained on all sides. “X” in above inset is an example of the clear space measurement. • The minimum allowable size for print is .75” (19.05mm) in diameter. (Exception: small envelopes - see page 23.)


Univer sity of Detroit Jesuit

• The minimum allowable size for digital/ web is 54 pixels in diameter.


Secondary logos.

AMDG Logo This is the official U of D Jesuit Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam (AMDG) logo. No other variations of the AMDG logo should be used. The AMDG Logo is available in maroon, black, white, and chrome.

The PARC Logo The PARC logo can be used with or without the Interlock Logo. The Joe Louis Park & Johnson Recreation Center text can not be removed. Two versions are available: color and white. Minimum allowable print width is 2”. Cub Paw Logo The Cub Paw Logo is a versatile graphic. It can be rotated up to 45o in either direction to fit your graphic design. It can be used within a circle, especially for social media purposes. It can also be used as a watermark. The Cub Paw Logo should not be paired with the Crest Logo.


Alumni Logos Two styles of the Alumni Logo are available. Text below the Interlock Logo can be Gill Sans or Copperplate. A clear space exception is made for alumni lapel pins using the Crest Logo.

Jesuit Logo This is the official logo of the Society of Jesus - the Jesuits. It should only be used when referring to the Jesuit community at U of D Jesuit or the Society of Jesus in general. NOTE

Do not use the modified version of this logo, which has an AMDG in the middle (see page 10.)


There is only one maroon. Brand guidelines.

Logo pairing and positioning.

University of Detroit Jesuit

The Crest Logo should be paired with the Copperplate font wordmark. Crest Logo placement options are to the leftJesuit or centered University of Detroit the wordmark. High School above and Academy Clear space between the logo and wordmark must University of Detroit Jesuit be observed (see page High School and Academy 7.) When paired with the Interlock Logo, the wordmark should be in Gill Sans font, with the logo to University of Detroit Jesuit High School and Academy the left of the wordmark.

High School and Academy


Orchestra Copperplate font

Clubs, organizations, parent groups, and athletic team spirit wear should use the Interlock Logo with the name below. The font below the Interlock Logo can be Copperplate or Gill Sans. The font can be black, maroon, or white. The name below the logo should not exceed the width of the Interlock Logo. Two lines of text are acceptable.

HOCKEY Gill Sans font

The Cub Paw Logo can be paired with various elements except the Crest Logo.

- Since1877-

Univer sity of Detroit Jesuit


Misuse of logos.

Logo has been altered. “Jesuit” can not be removed from any logo.

Logo is no longer in use and is the wrong color.

Wrong color maroon. Correct color is Pantone 202C (see page 14.)

FRISBEE CLUB Do not alter any logo. Club or team name should appear below logo (see page 9.)

Crest Logo is covered by another graphic. Clear space is required (see page 7.)


Wrong AMDG logo (see page 8.)

Club name should not exceed the width of the logo.

Detroit Jesuit Lacrosse University of Detroit Jesuit High School and Academy

Proper clear space not observed around logo (see page 7.)


Do not degrade the logo by using it as a character in a word.

There is only one maroon. Brand guidelines.

It is unacceptable to modify the school’s name.

Crest Logo is paired with school name in the wrong font (see page 9.)

Logos and graphics no longer in use. The logos and mascot graphics below have been retired and must not be used. Some have been retired due to potential trademark violations. Do not use any variations of these logos or graphics in any color.

There is only one maroon. Red


Pantone 202C

Make sure your logo is using the correct Maroon - Pantone 202C (see page 14 - Our Colors.)

Univer sity of Detroit Jesuit




Uu AaBbCcDd EeFfGg HhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPp QqRrSsTtUuVvWw XxYyZz0123456789 (&?!/,:;-_+;%@*”)

Dd AaBbCcDd EeFfGg HhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPp QqRrSsTtUuVvWw XxYyZz0123456789 (&?!/,:;-_+;%@*”)


There is only one maroon. Brand guidelines.

Our fonts. NOTE

Mac users: fonts are listed as Gill Sans and Copperplate. PC users: fonts are listed as Gill Sans MT and Copperplate Gothic.


The school name or wordmark is represented primarily in Copperplate. The font can also be used for headers and graphic titles. You should NOT use Copperplate for body text.

Copperplate Font:

University of Detroit Jesuit High School and Academy

Gill Sans.

The school name can also be used in Gill Sans, with the exception of letterhead. Gill Sans can be used for headlines and body text if desired.

Gill Sans Font:

University of Detroit Jesuit High School and Academy

Do NOT use:

Gill Sans Ultra Bold Gill Sans Bold Condensed Gill Sans MT Ext Condensed

Other fonts.

Other fonts may be paired with Copperplate and Gill Sans for headlines or body text as long as they maintain a professional graphic style. In other words, do not use Comic Sans font. This document utilizes Montserrat fonts, which pair nicely with Copperplate and Gill Sans.

Script fonts.

Always consider your audience before using script fonts in your design. Today’s youth don’t write in script. Some young people have trouble reading script. Therefore, it would be wise to stay away from script fonts if your primary audience is teenage boys. When Gill Sans is not available, Arial or Helvetica are an approved substitution. There are no approved substitutions for Copperplate. NOTE When using U of D Jesuit stationery, the recommended font choices for correspondence are: Gill Sans, Arial, Helvetica, Calibri, Georgia, or Times New Roman

Univer sity of Detroit Jesuit




Here’s to our colors of maroon and white!


There is only one maroon. Brand guidelines.

Primary colors: maroon and white.



, 48 100, 64 , 9 K Y CM 4 38 51 RGB 13 633 62 H E X# 8

0 0, 0, 0, CMYK 55 5 255 2 RGB 25 f f fff H E X# f

Accent colors: gray, gold, and black. The definition of “accent” below describes these colors best, with the exception of black text. ac•cent adjective /ˈak-sent/ 1. An accent color is a shade used in comparatively small quantities in a design, to add impact and interest.

NOTE GOLD Accent should account for NO MORE than 10% of any design, background, or clothing.

NOTE All black variants are allowed. A 79% Gray (CMYK 0, 0, 0, 79) is used specifically behind the word “Jesuit” in the Interlock Logo.




CMYK 18, 11, 8, 23 RGB 173 175 175 HEX# a7a8aa

CMYK 0, 24, 100, 2 RGB 242 175 0 HEX# f9be00

CMYK 0, 0, 0, 100 RGB 0 0 0 HEX# 000000

Univer sity of Detroit Jesuit


05. 16

social media.

There is only one maroon. Brand guidelines.

Social media branding. The Crest Logo should be used in social media when the social channel is representing the school as an institution in general or for academic purposes. Otherwise, the Interlock Logo, the Cub Paw Logo in a stylized circle or other approved logo can be used. When using the Interlock Logo on social, make sure it fits within the circle. To be considered an official U of D Jesuit affiliated social media channel, the channel must be registered with the Communications Department and listed on the school’s social media webpage. All official U of D Jesuit social media channels must utilize an approved social media graphics-branding package. Contact the Communications Department (page 25) to request a branding package. Official U of D Jesuit Social Media Channels:





Examples of social media branding.



Our social brands are refreshed yearly. Contact the Communications Department to make sure your social channel is using the current social media graphics-branding package.

Social media best practices.

The Communications Department provides a Social Media Guidelines & Best Practices document for our social media ambassadors. To obtain a copy, contact the Communications Department (page 25). Social Media Guidelines & Best Practices document includes: Social M Guide edia lin Promote The Experience. We use the brand expression “The Jesuit Best P es & ractice s Experience. More than an Education.” Keep this brand expression in mind when you write posts. Many prospective students and parents follow our various social media channels to get an idea of what life is like at U of D Jesuit. Writing about the “experience” of an event will be well-received by our community and prospective students and their families. Unive

rsity of


it Jesu


Respect U of D Jesuit. Remain professional and in good taste, and protect the institutional voice of U of D Jesuit. Univer sity of Detroit Jesuit


06. 18

the name.

There is only one maroon. Brand guidelines.

The name. Many abbreviations of the school’s name have been used since 1877. In today’s world, consistency is essential in maintaining a strong brand. It is imperative the school community use only one abbreviated name throughout external communications to keep the power of the brand. “U of D Jesuit” best fulfills this need. Never use the abbreviation UDJ in external communications. Incorrect: “You can take the entrance exam at UDJ.” Correct: “You can take the entrance exam at U of D Jesuit.” “The” is not part of our school name. Incorrect: “The University of Detroit Jesuit invites you to...” Correct: “University of Detroit Jesuit invites you to...”


The word “Jesuit” must appear in the school name and logos. It is not optional.

Brand names are treated as proper adjectives. In our brand, “U of D Jesuit” is a proper adjective that qualifies the generic nouns “High School and Academy.” Therefore, do not make the adjective possessive. Incorrect: “Inscape, U of D Jesuit’s literary-art magazine...” Correct: “Inscape, the literary-art magazine of U of D Jesuit...” ACCEPTABLE USAGE University of Detroit Jesuit High School and Academy University of Detroit Jesuit High School & Academy University of Detroit Jesuit High School University of Detroit Jesuit U of D Jesuit

Jesuit Academy

UNACCEPTABLE USAGE UDJ (internal only and social media handles) Detroit Jesuit University of Detroit High School University of Detroit High School & Jesuit Academy University of Detroit U of D U-D Jesuit

ACCEPTABLE The Jesuit Academy (“The” is acceptable when used with the Jesuit Academy.) University of Detroit Jesuit High School & Academy U of D Jesuit High School and Academy The Academy (Acceptable on the second reference.) UNACCEPTABLE University of Detroit Jesuit Academy U of D Academy

CUBS vs. CUB Nouns vs. adjective

NOUN: Depending on its usage, the noun can be singular or plural Plural NOUN: “The Cubs will play the championship game on Friday.” Singular NOUN: “My son is a Cub.” ADJECTIVE: The word is always singular when used as an adjective. Adjective: “Cub Football begins on Monday.”

The High

This term has been used since the late 1800s. It is acceptable in internal communications and as a second reference in external communications. It should never be put in quotes. The T and the H should always be capitalized. Incorrect: The 50th reunion will be at the high... We welcome alumni back to “The High.” Correct: The 50th reunion will be at The High... We welcome alumni back to The High.


This term refers to our second campus. It is acceptable in internal communications. External communications must use the full name of Joe Louis Park and Johnson Recreation Center. “The PARC” can be used as a second reference in external communications, with the exception of Press Releases, where only the full name can be used.

Univer sity of Detroit Jesuit


07. 20

pillars and positioning.

There is only one maroon. Brand guidelines.

Our brand pillars and positioning. Brand pillars are the values and characteristics that make up our brand. They define the fundamental points that set us apart from other schools. Brand positioning means owning a unique position in the mind of our target customer, i.e. prospective families. The strategy involves creating brand associations in customers’ minds so they perceive U of D Jesuit in a specific way. At its core, the position we want to establish for a prospective mom, dad, or guardian is that a Jesuit education is a transformational life experience that can’t be found at other schools. At U of D Jesuit, their son will become a Man for Others. Communicating our brand message. The diagram below epitomizes our brand expression “The Jesuit Experience. More than an Education.” This expression should be positioned and articulated in all communications. The best way to communicate the brand expression is through stories of student experiences and examples of them being Men for Others. Stories of alumni being Men for Others strengthen the brand exponetially.


We live and operate out of a Jesuit charism. Jesuits operate a worldclass education system that establishes a “sense of wonder” to ensure reflection on experiences and finding God in all things. We hold to the Jesuit belief of cura personalis or care for the whole person, which is reflected in every aspect of our school.


We are committed to socioeconomic and racial diversity and inclusion in order to increase the cultural competence of our students. By doing so, we promote social justice and enable young men to become open to growth. Univer sity of Detroit Jesuit

U of D Jesuit



Our school has nearly 150-years of tradition in forming tomorrow’s leaders, innovators, and champions of social justice. Jesuits draw on the rich tradition of Ignatian spirituality and reflection, as they have for the past 500-years. 21

08. 22


There is only one maroon. Brand guidelines.

Printed stationery. Only approved vendors can be used for stationery printing. Please contact the Communications Department (page 25) for details.

Envelope parameters. All envelope sizes must use a one-color print of maroon with the Crest Logo and Copperplate font. Print Color Format is CMYK. Crest Logo should be .75” (19.05mm) in diameter, with the exception of small envelopes, such as A2 size, which have a .563” (14.30mm) Crest Logo.

University of Detroit Jesuit 2.5”

High School and Academy

Name Title

8400 South Cambridge Detroit, Michigan 48221 Main: 313-862-5400 Direct: 313-927-0000 Cell: 313-555-1212


University of Detroit Jesuit


8400 South Cambridge Detroit, Michigan 48221 Main: 313-862-5400 Direct: 313-927-0000 Cell: 313-555-1212


Business card parameters. Academic (Crest Logo) and non-academic (Interlock Logo) business cards options are available. Crest Logo must be .75” (19.05mm) in diameter. Interlock Logo must be .75” (19.05mm) in width. Card Dimensions 3.5” x 2.5”

University of Detroit Jesuit High School and Academy 8400 S. Cambridge Avenue Detroit, Michigan 48221


# 10 Envelope


High School and Academy

Paper Weight / Color 300 GSM / 14 Pt white Print Color Format CMYK 2-colors

Order requires department head approval.

Univer sity of Detroit Jesuit


Stationery parameters. Letterhead Dimensions Letter 8.5” x 11”

University of of Detroit Detroit Jesuit Jesuit University High School and Academy High School and Academy

University of Detroit Jesuit High School and Academy

Paper Weight 30 lb. white minimum Print Color Format CMYK - 2 Color NOTE A Microsoft Word® version of the letterhead is available on the network S:/ and V:/ drives under the folder LOGOS. A Google Doc version is available as a shared template in Google Workspace. The Jesuit Experience. More than an Education. The Jesuit Experience. More than an Education

NOTE When using printed stationery the recommended font choices for your correspondence are: Gill Sans Arial Helvetica Calibri Georgia Times New Roman

8400 South Cambridge Avenue Detroit, Michigan 48221 313-862-5400

New version of letterhead effective 2022.

Personal Notepad Dimensions Half-Letter 5.5” x 8.5”


University of Detroit Jesuit


Post-it® Notes Dimensions 5” x 3”

Print Color Format CMYK - 1 Color with halftone

Print Color Format CMYK - 2 Color with halftone

Binding 50 sheets per pad / top glue-binding


This version of letterhead is no longer in use.

Name Here

Paper Weight 20 lb. white

Order requires department head approval.

8400 South Cambridge Detroit, Michigan 48221-1699 (313)862-5400 Fax (313) 862-3299 Forming “Men For Others” since 1877

Binding 50 sheets per pad / selfadhesive backing The Jesuit Experience. More than an Education. 8400 South Cambridge, Detroit, Michigan 48221 313-927-[Extension]

There is only one maroon. Brand guidelines.

Order requires department head approval.

University of Detroit Jesuit

Forming Men for Others since 1877

Ask the Communications Department. email. phone. 313-927-2341


There is only one maroon.

Brand guidelines. University of Detroit Jesuit Communications Department

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