The University Daily Kansan Dec. 2, 2019

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KU football closes out season with blowout loss to Baylor

Monday, December 2, 2019

WHAT’S NEW AT KU News on deck at

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Kansas City band prepares for life after graduation

The Student Voice Since 1904

Vol. 139/Issue 27

KU changes course

After a partnership with an international student recruitment agency fell short on its projections, the University had to rethink its strategy

Man found dead

Sarah Wright/UDK

International students wave flags from their homes during the 2019 homecoming parade. There are now 109 countries represented at the University of Kansas.

Nicole Asbury @NicoleAsbury

Contributed by Hannah Cruise

Canoe Battleship

KU Recreation Services added Canoe Battleship as a new intramural sport this year. Teams shovel water into each other’s canoes in an attempt to sink them.

After years of falling international student enrollment, the University of Kansas has been forced to rethink its goals when it comes to recruiting students around the world. In 2014, the University signed a contract that could have been worth millions. It didn’t work out. The University agreed in 2014 to become one of two college partners in the United States with Shorelight Education, a Boston-based recruitment agency that connects international students with American universities. The University hoped to double its international enrollment.

The Kansan obtained an unredacted version of the Shorelight contract after a complaint was filed to the Kansas Attorney General’s Office in October 2018. The Kansan originally requested a copy from the University through an open records request, but the version obtained redacted information about how much money is exchanged between the company and the University. The unredacted version of the contract states Shorelight would be paid $2 million a year through the partnership to recruit hundreds of international students annually. However, since the number of students being recruited was so low, the partnership is not meeting its original

projections. In 2014, there were 2,283 international students at the University. Now, 2,031 international students are enrolled — an 11% decrease in the last five years. “Given the international recruitment market nationally, the original projections are no longer realistic,” Charles Bankart, vice provost for international affairs, said in an October 2018 email to the Kansan. The entities agreed on an enrollment “limit,” or max capacity of 2,650 new international students by the 2018-19 school year. No minimums were set, according to the University’s contract with Shorelight. Continue on page 2

From Lawrence locals to legends: Names that stand the test of time Contributed by David McKinney

Shannon Blunt

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Left to right: Hugh Cameron, Leo Beuerman, John Schneider and Jimmy Tucker are Lawrence legends.

Liam Mays


The Jayhawks will play the Buffalos in Allen Fieldhouse. Tip-off is set for 6 p.m.

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Lawrence bike shop makes best bike shop list for seventh year @TiannaJWitmer

On the horizon

Chance Parker/UDK

Despite Chick-fil-A’s announcement that it will no longer support anti-LGBTQ+ organizations, some faculty and students at the University of Kansas say their opposition to having the food chain on campus will not change. Faculty Senate President Shawn Leigh Alexander said his stance is no different from what it was in August, when he endorsed the Sexuality and Gender Diversity Faculty Staff Council’s letter expressing concerns with the University’s moves to “deepen its relationship with Chick-fil-A” by creating a Chick-fil-A coin toss and moving the organization to the Kansas Union. “Verbally saying ‘we no longer will do this’ does not change the culture and the impact of the community, so in a week, I see nothing different, other than the fact that they say, ‘We no longer do this,’” Alexander said. Chick-fil-A continued donating to anti-LGBTQ+ groups after pledging to stop donating to anti-gay groups in 2012, following Chick-fil-A CEO Dan Cathy’s comment to the Baptist Press that his company was “guilty as charged” when asked if it had a stance on marriage equality. That was the same year three Chick-fil-A petitions rose on campus — one to remove the chain from campus and two to keep it on campus. Despite this, the administration chose to renew the University’s contract with Chick-

Tianna Witmer

President Donald Trump named Shannon Blunt, a KU engineering professor, to the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology to provide information on electrical engineering and computer science.

Men’s basketball hosts Colorado Saturday

Nicole-Marie Konopelko @NicoleKonopelko

Contributed photo

A 90-year-old man who was reported missing was found dead near Yuma, Arizona. The man was last seen in Lawrence before a Silver Alert was issued for his disappearance.

Opposition to Chick-fil-A remains at KU

Lawrence has been home to many local legends — people considered eccentrics or characters, making them unlikely local celebrities. Some of these Lawrence legends include “The Blue Lady,” “The Tan Man” and “The White Owl.” The Kansas Hermit Hugh Cameron, born in 1826, was one of the first Lawrence legends. Nicknamed the “Kansas

Hermit,” Cameron walked from Kansas City, Kansas, to Lawrence and started a freighting business in 1854, the same year Lawrence was founded. Cameron quickly became a recluse after serving two years in the Civil War, according to a 1908 article titled “Famous Hermit Who Lives in a Tree-Top” in the Human Life magazine by Alice Rohe. “After the war, he became known as an eccentric, and he had a treehouse that he built and lived in in Lawrence,” said Will

Hickox, the public engagement coordinator at the Watkins Museum of History and a University of Kansas graduate. Cameron’s treehouse was located at what is now Sixth and Louisiana Streets. KU students made it a ritual to visit Cameron’s treehouse before they graduated, said Watkins Museum curator and KU alumna Brittany Keegan. Cameron supported social and political causes and grew out his hair and beard, vowing to not cut it until women had equal rights Continue on page 3

For more than 40 years, Sunflower Outdoor and Bike Shop has resided in Lawrence. It started as an army-navy surplus store in 1971 and moved to what it is today: one of America’s Best Bike Shops, according to the National Bicycle Dealers Association. This year marks the seventh year of the America’s Best Bike Shop list and the seventh time the bike shop located at 804 Massachusetts St. has made the list. Dan Hughes, co-owner of Sunflower, said the list helps the bike shop to continue to pedal ahead. “I think there are a few shops around the country, probably less than a handful, that have been on it every year, and all seven years the Sunflower has been fortunate enough to be on that list,” Hughes said. “For us, it’s an opportunity to not only review what we are doing as a business, but also to have people check us on it.” To be considered for the award, the shop must check requirements off of a standards list with things such as shop layout, store Continue on page 4



The University Daily Kansan

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Monday, December 2, 2019

AAAC grants underused Emma Bascom @EBascom3

A Student Senate funded grant for University of Kansas students related to invisible disabilities is under-used and may be in jeopardy, Student Senate Chief of Staff Zach Thomason said. Invisible disabilities is an umbrella term for any disability that is not immediately noticeable, said Deborah Meyer, director of the University’s Academic Achievement and Access Center. Invisible disabilities can include mental illnesses, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, dyslexia and more. Students with disabilities must provide documentation proving they have a disability, but some students seeking diagnoses cannot access evaluation centers because of financial need. To combat this, Senate funded 10 $250 grants for students who have financial needs so they can get an evaluation and receive help from the AAAC. “When money has to stretch to cover basic needs, sometimes students just don’t have the funding to get an evaluation,” Meyer said. The grant went into effect at the beginning of the semester. But so far, no one has used its resources. Thomason said there could be many reasons as to why the grant is not being used, such as a lack of knowledge or promotion, but that puts Senate in a difficult position when it comes to renewing the funding.

Nicole Asbury/UDK

Student Senate Chief of Staff Zach Thomason speaks at a Senate meeting in March 2019.

“If something’s used, we would never want to cut that. But if something’s not being used, it makes a difficult argument to maintain the current levels of funding,” Thomason said. Even if students continue to not use the fund, Thomason said he believes Senate will consider funding the grant again if the AAAC can show a plan of action to increase the use of these resources. The grant is currently in effect for the remainder of this semester and next semester. Meyer said the AAAC will work on promoting the grant’s resources more next semester to ensure that students take advantage of the opportunity. To apply for the grant, Meyer said all students have to do is email her. The AAAC will then check to see if they have financial needs through FAFSA, and if they qualify, the AAAC will award the money to the student’s account. “We never want there to be a financial need that a student has that prevents them from getting

a diagnosis that they might need for help, so we’re very hopeful that that’s something that we can continue,” Meyer said. After receiving the money, the student has options on where to go to get evaluated. Meyer said students can go to Watkins Health Services, Counseling And Psychological Services, the KU Psychological Clinic in Fraser Hall or the School of Education, located in Joseph R. Pearson Hall. However, if students feel more comfortable, private providers in the Kansas City area, Topeka and Lawrence are also available. Meyer encouraged students to reach out for help if they need it and to not feel ashamed of an invisible disability they may have. “I always tell every student if you needed glasses and you didn’t have access to them … you’d be at a disadvantage to being able to see. And you shouldn’t be embarrassed — you shouldn’t feel uncomfortable because you need glasses, and somebody else does not,” Meyer said.

Chick-fil-A from page 1

fil-A for 10 years. “It’s a difficult thing because everyone thinks that because Chick-fil-A made this announcement, everything goes away. But it doesn’t go away,” Alexander said. A Chick-fil-A statement showed it donated $1.65 million to Fellowship of Christian Athletes and $115,000 to the Salvation Army in 2018 — two organizations that advocates claim discriminate against the LGBTQ+ community. Like Alexander, junior Alivia Crouch — who has been boycotting the company for a year — said she would also like to see proof of Chick-fil-A not donating to anti-LGBTQ+ organizations to believe its promises. “It makes me feel better that they’re taking a step towards the right direction on supporting more customers and broadening our customers and the LGBTQ+ community,” Crouch said. “I would like to see proof, like anyone else.” Freshman Allicyn Burns, on the other hand, said Chick-filA’s stance would not be a reason for her to avoid the organization. “I kind of just look past it,” Burns said. “I just try not to make everything so political.” The contract between the University and Chick-fil-A will end in 2024, and the question of renewal will arise for University administration once again, Interim Provost Carl Lejuez previously told the Kansan.

Shorelight from page 1

“The partnership — when it has sufficient students would pay [Shorelight] $2 million. This would be revenue paid to the partnership by matriculates students above and beyond what KU charges the partnership for full tuition, fees, housing, dining,” Bankart said to Interim Provost Carl Lejuez. “It [requires] students in large numbers so that economies of scale are achieved. Until that point, the partnership is only able to pay KU’s full costs and the costs of the staff running the program. It is not true that KU would ever pay [Shorelight]. It really is the partnership entity.” This information was shared with the Kansan in a text message from Lejuez. Nationally, colleges have grappled with how to recruit international students. Institutions across the country continue to report dropping enrollment numbers, the Kansan reported in October. The Kansan previously reported the University hoped to use the extra money that international students bring to fund ambitious building plans. It used the money to pay for buildings in the central district, but then international enrollment actually fell. How it works Shorelight recruited 560 students from 2014 to 2018, according to data in a report by the University Senate’s international affairs committee. According to the terms of the contract, if the recruitment agency had met the extended limit, the University could have raked in upwards of $20 million in revenue — in addition to the higher tuition international students pay. The University and Shorelight

International enrollment has dropped 11% in the past five years, according to University data.

jointly managed a separate limited liability company, known as KAAP, Bankart said. Shorelight receives program payments through KAAP from students who participate in the University’s Academic Accelerator Program. Each three-credit-hour class taught by the University’s Applied English Center and taken by a Shorelight recruit nets the University $6,650. Additionally, any three-credit-hour class taught outside the AEC pays the University $7,500, according to the Shorelight contract. The University also gets a stipend of $1,000 per student per year, in addition to required fees, international fees and student housing fees — also covered by Shorelight. Assuming a Shorelight recruit took a full 12-hour course load, with three regular courses and one course taught by the AEC, that recruit could be as valuable as $31,000 to the University before accounting for international student tuition — which runs between $40,000 and $44,000 per year. The partnership started out strong, Bankart said in a November 2019 interview with the Kansan, but the University didn’t have a diverse class of international students coming in. Most international students that came to the University were from China. In fall 2016, international en-

rollment started declining, Bankart said. Both students recruited directly by the University and by Shorelight decreased. An array of global issues were affecting international enrollment rates. And Shorelight was gaining more university partners as well. The University’s new goals University Senate’s international affairs committee compared international enrollment at institutions similar to the University. The committee was asked to study it by others in University governance. The committee asked universities both with and without the assistance of companies for information on their international recruits. “With all the fluctuation in this so-called market, so many external factors coming into it and determining international enrollment at universities, what we realized that having a very strong and very efficient and effective direct recruitment system is the best if KU was to have a pretty good international student population,” said Kapila Silva, the 2018 chair of the University Senate international affairs committee and the lead author of the report. “One of the things is that it’s not only the number — it’s also the diversity of the student body.” The original 2014 Shorelight partnership goal to double the number of international students

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Sarah Wright/UDK

was found to be unrealistic, according to the report. In January 2019, the University aimed for Shorelight to recruit around 250 students each year, according to the report. Silva said this new goal was more realistic. After international enrollment started declining nationwide, Shorelight started getting more creative with the students it was recruiting, Bankart said. Rather than specifically pulling students from a small number of countries, Shorelight recruited a more diverse class of students. Currently, there are students from 109 countries outside of the United States at the University, according to data from the University’s Office of Analytics & Institutional Research. “While contracts can be easily scrutinized, building an infrastructure can be incredibly expensive also. I think there are good reasons to support internal structures that are able to do this, and sometimes there are good reasons to develop partners,” Lejuez said. “There are always good and bad decisions, but it isn’t the case that every contract or time that we outsource is a bad decision.” Former Kansan reporters Conner Mitchell and Lara Korte contributed to this report.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Arts & Culture

The University Daily Kansan


KU clay, painting clubs to host fundraiser Rylie Koester @RylieKoester

The clay and painting clubs at the University of Kansas are teaming up to host a holiday fundraiser sale Tuesday, Dec. 3, with the aim of raising money for extracurricular learning opportunities. The holiday fundraiser sale is open to the public and will take place inside of Chalmers Hall this year. In past years, the clay club has hosted the sale on Massachusetts Street during Final Fridays, said Nicole Woodard, secretary of the clay club and second-year MFA ceramics candidate. The collaboration between the two clubs is also new this year. “We’re hoping that we can continue to expand that collaboration,” Woodard said. “It just gives us more visibility wherever we are.” The fundraiser sale will take place from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. on the third floor of Chalmers Hall outside of the Art and Design Gallery near the café. The sale will include mugs, bowls, pitchers, tea pots, planters, small sculptures, ceramic buttons, paintings and more. Items will range in price from $1 to $75. Woodard said the club is trying to engage with a different audience by hosting the sale in the art and design school. Half of the money raised for each sale will go to the artist, and the other half will go to the club, Woodard said. Woodard said the club’s goal is to raise $1,000, which will help fund extracurricular activities, in-

Legends from page 1

with men, Keegan said. The Kansas Hermit also traveled extensively. At 71, he walked 1,100 miles from Lawrence to Washington, D.C. to see President William McKinley’s inauguration. He also frequently walked back and forth between Lawrence and Topeka to visit friends and family, according to archived documents from the Watkins Museum of History. Leo Beuerman Several decades later, Leo Beuerman became a local Lawrence celebrity. He was half blind, deaf since childhood, 36 inches tall and unable to walk without the help of his cart. He wrote on a pad to communicate because, according to Leo The Man, a website made to honor Beuerman, his voice was unintelligible. “He had a special tractor built for himself that he could use working in the fields,” Hickox said. “Later on, when his health problems continued and he was not able to be very mobile, he used this tractor to get to downtown Lawrence.” Beuerman used a chain hoisting system on his tractor to lower himself into a Flintstones-like cart where he pedaled himself down Massachusetts Street. He often parked his cart downtown, where he repaired watches and sold pencils, pens and art supplies, according to the website. In 1969, a short film about Beuerman was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Documentary Short, according to the website.

cluding the club’s trip to the annual National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts conference in the spring. Woodard said the conference gives students the opportunity to network, engage with other art programs across the country and create a sense of community in the clay club. “Getting together and going on trips like NCECA help us to organize and realign our collective goal and foster a community with each other,” Woodard said. Each semester, the clay club aims to bring in at least one visiting artist for an artist talk. Fourth-year ceramics student and co-president of the clay club Josh Goering said his favorite visiting artist was Simon Levin, a woodfire potter who he said opened his mind. “It’s amazing to bring in new artists because it gives all of the students so many different options for making,” Goering said. “It gives them new ways of learning.” Goering, who also majors in environmental studies, said he will have a variety of works in this year’s sale. Goering is a potter and has been in the clay club for about two years. Goering said he has made functional use items for the sale, including mugs, cups, bowls, vases, tea pots and more. “It will be a lot of things that I hope students will like and they’d love to give to their parents,” Goering said.

Contributed photo

The KU clay club co-president and fourth-year ceramics student Josh Goering will have a variety of works in the sale, including mugs, cups, bowls and the works shown above.

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The KU clay and painting clubs will host a holiday fundraiser sale Tuesday, Dec. 3, from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. in Chalmers Hall, including this work from Elizabeth Sundahl.

The Blue Lady Jane van Meter, called “The Blue Lady” because she was dressed in head-to-toe powder blue, was spotted occasionally on campus in the 1970s according to students’ rumors, which were collected in a report at the Spencer Research Library titled “Local Legends in Lawrence, Kansas” by Nancy Golden-Patterson, who attended the University in the early ‘70s. One rumor, from student Mary Beth Skach, said “The Blue Lady” used to live in Paris and hung around with F. Scott Fitzgerald and Ernest Hemingway. She was married to an English professor at the University and divorced him because “she was sick of living with Shakespeare,” Skach wrote.

“It’d be probably easier to make a list of the notable people that she didn’t know,” said Wayne Propst who was friends with Van Meter and studied history at the University, graduating in 1971. “The Blue Lady” came to know these notable people when she was working as an assistant to Sylvia Beach, who owned Shakespeare and Company, a famous bookstore in Paris according to Beach’s autobiography, titled after her store. Propst said Van Meter moved to Lawrence with her husband after the store closed, which was due to the German occupation of Paris. The couple always wore navy blue, but after their divorce, she switched to powder blue in retaliation to her former husband,

Contributed by Spencer Research Library

Hugh Cameron, known as “The Kansas Hermit,” was a supporter of social and political causes and once walked from Lawrence to Washington D.C.

Propst said. Many of the students’ rumors from Patterson’s report said she would randomly appear on campus in her powder blue outfit and would then disappear and return several months later. The Tan Man John Schneider, more commonly known as the “Tan Man,” frequently tanned on campus — usually on Wescoe beach. He rode his bike around town, wearing short shorts and no shirt, said Barney Hubert who worked with Schneider at First National Bank in 1974. “[He was] somebody who was sort of a fixture on campus — always a smile on his face,” Hubert said. In an interview with the Kan-

Contributed by Spencer Research Library

John Schneider, commonly known as “The Tan Man,” was frequently seen tanning on campus.

san, Schneider said he moved to Texas in 1977 for a custodial job — and the warm weather. However, Schneider said the weather wasn’t as warm as he expected, and the people weren’t as nice about his tanning as Lawrencians, so he soon returned, eventually working in an area hospital. The White Owl Another Lawrence legend, Jimmy Tucker, called himself “The White Owl,” a name he said was bestowed by a Cherokee man, though some suspect he nicknamed himself after the blunt of the same name, according to Deadspin. Tucker was a popular fan of Kansas sports in the early 2000s, typically seen at games dancing around and wearing bright tie-dye colors. In 2008, when Kansas football played in the Orange Bowl, “he would be standing in front of Wescoe yelling about the football score,” Keegan said. Tucker got engaged to 22-yearold student Julia Lee in 2008. Lee said in a Kansan article that her family wasn’t happy with her decision, but she intended to marry him by the end of the summer and have kids right after. However, her expected fate with White Owl was short-lived as their engagement was canceled. Tucker was banned from the KU campus and arrested after he broke a protection order that was issued on behalf of his former fiancée, according to reports from The Pitch and the Lawrence Journal-World. The last time White Owl was seen on campus was in August 2011 when he was quickly arrested and escorted off campus, according to a Kansan article.


Arts & Culture

The University Daily Kansan

KC band Kid Computer prepares for post-grad life in music industry

Liam Mays/UDK

From left to right: Christian Sanchez, George McMillian, Dalton Grenier and Matt Gore make up the indie pop rock band Kid Computer.

Liam Mays


In the basement of a suburban house in Gardner, the four members of indie rock band Kid Computer practiced their new song “Affection.” Psychedelically bright-colored tapestries and acoustic sound panels covered the walls as the band played on their guitars, bass, synthesizer and drums. The Kansas City, Missouri-based band is made up of lead singer, guitar player and songwriter George McMillian, drummer Dalton Grenier, bass player Matt Gore, and Christian Sanchez who plays the synthesizer, guitar and is beginning to dabble in singing and songwriting for the band. Sanchez is also a University of Kansas senior studying philosophy and political science. Gore said the band’s genre has been coined as “alien moon psych pop,” but in terms of generic genres, it’s closest to modern indie pop rock. The band agreed that “Hippo Campus” and “The Strokes” are the most similar

well-known bands they could be compared to. Kid Computer came together in 2017 but released its first few songs in 2018 and released an EP earlier this year. Every member of the band said they have been musically inclined since they were kids, but most took some time before beginning to play the instruments they’re currently on. Sanchez said the band’s name comes from his love of Radiohead, combining the names of two of their albums, “OK Computer” and “Kid A.” Kid Computer will play a show at The Rino in Kansas City, Missouri, as a part of Jingle Jams, an annual holiday rock show, on Dec. 28, the day after their new single “Affection” will be released. “[The new single] was influenced largely by the first day of the year in 2019,” McMillian said. “It was New Year’s Eve, and we were all in Lawrence, Kansas, hanging out having a good time.” Kid Computer has a lot of plans. Two of the band members are still in school, but they plan to hit the ground running when they

graduate. McMillian said they’re hoping they all move to Kansas City, Missouri, together so they can focus on their music. “We all just want to put out really good music,” McMillian said. “We’re hoping to do an album at some point in the next year or two — and we want to tour all over the world.” The band is also hoping to go on a Midwest tour soon. So far, they’ve played in Lawrence; Kansas City, Missouri; Tulsa, Oklahoma; Omaha, Nebraska; Springfield, Missouri; and Fayetteville, Arkansas. “I’m pretty satisfied with the work we put in, but I think we all want to have a sustainable career, to some degree, in music and putting in the work and trying to make it a business,” Grenier said. “Having that side of a band is a lot of work, but I think it’s necessary to fulfill it to be just a viable means of living. But that’s the goal ... to tour and fulfill that while we’re young.” Kid Computer is set to play the Replay Lounge in Lawrence on Dec. 12.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Sunflower from page 1

traffic and extra store events. The strict requirements bring Sunflower in as one of four shops in Kansas to win the award in 2019. The shop has expanded over the years to cover outdoor activities, such as camping, backpacking and rock climbing, but at its roots, it has always been a bike shop. “I think our mainstays in the bike shop at this point are probably gravel bikes and mountain bikes and all the things that support that,” Hughes said. “Then every once in a while somebody will come along and want to buy a five-figure time trial bike.” Charles Hughes, Dan’s son, has been working at his father’s shop for around a year but said he unofficially started three years ago when he was put on stock duty in the back room. He has grown up surrounded by bikes and gear. “I definitely feel like there’s a lot more connection between the employees and the customers [than] other stores or other retail establishments,” Charles said. “We’re on a first name basis with a lot of our customers, and all the employees hang outside of work.”

At the core of the company, Sunflower wants to provide experiences for those who want to get outside. “What we’re selling is the idea that somebody comes in and they buy a bike, and the bike is the thing that gets them out on the trail and riding a trail,” Dan said. “Or they buy a gravel bike and that bike is the thing that gets them to compete in a gravel race that they never thought they could do, right.” Doug Platz, an employee of almost two years, said this aspect is his favorite part of working at Sunflower. “Just talking to people about their adventures and that type of thing, it’s probably my favorite part of it,” Platz said. Dan said he feels the same way, aligning his store and employees to love the customers, to add value to transactions and to constantly improve. “Selling those experiences and being part of those experiences, being able to share that with those customers, that’s probably what motivates me and gets me excited,” Dan said. Sunflower Outdoor and Bike Shop is open Monday through Friday from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m., Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Sundays from noon to 6 p.m.

Tianna Witmer/UDK

Sunflower Outdoor and Bike Shop was recently named one of America’s Best Bike Shops for the seventh straight year.


Food & Dining

Movies & TV



Holiday Art Fair on Dec. 7 at the Lawrence Arts Center from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Burrito King located at 900 Illinois St.

“Queen & Slim” released on Nov. 27

“Heartless” by the Weeknd released on Nov. 27

“The Wolves” shows at William Inge Memorial Theatre starting on Dec. 5

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The University Daily Kansan


Monday, December 2, 2019



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The University Daily Kansan

Monday, December 2, 2019

Record Hong Kong voter turnout proves power of united youth

FREE FOR ALL Text us what you hear around campus to (785) 260-0518, and we’ll publish the best stuff.


Brianna Wessling

FFA of the day: Do you think


Natty will help get a stray cat out of the house Excited for some nice insightful conversation about the impeachment inquiry at the dinner table I can’t wait to get into an argument about Trump today “This thanksgiving I think we need a kids table and a boomer table.” “I got drunk and booked a flight to Canada” “I’ve been studying for my drug test.” “I have nothing against virgins, I used to be one” “I’d like to get a fake passport with a fake name just in case things gets heavy” “If you’re over the age of 20 and your parents aren’t divorced. Grow up.” “she’s like me but like...slutty.”

Pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong have had a grueling year. Millions have been taking to the streets since June to send a message to their government and the Chinese government. Protests, which started in opposition to an extradition bill, have grown to encompass many other issues, including police brutality and demands of universal suffrage. On Sunday, Nov. 24, protesters had the opportunity to take to the polls and send an even stronger message to pro-Beijing politicians. They turned out in record numbers. Preferred candidates of protesters won 388 of 452 elected seats, reducing the number of pro-Beijing officials sitting on district councils to 58. Voter turnout in Hong Kong was at 71%, a significant increase from 47% in 2015. Young people were greatly responsible for this surge in turnout. These voters showed officials in Hong Kong and Beijing that they can’t be ignored. Their demands are not going to be forgotten about easily, and they’re going to continue to push, in every way, until they are met. It is a decisive win for the people of Hong Kong. This election is proof that when enough people mobilize, political change can happen. Many young, grassroots politicians won against well-established opponents simply because enough voters showed up to let their voices be heard. Voters in the United States should look toward this election

Columnist Brianna Wessling urges voters to draw inspiration from the Hong Kong protests.

as an example. The political climate in the U.S. can make many of us feel hopeless. Not a day goes by that we’re not being bombarded by disheartening news. It’s difficult and painful to maintain hope in the face of climate change, the immigration crisis, health care issues and countless other things. It can be so much easier to stay cynical, to decide that there’s no way we can turn the tide and turn away from participating in politics in general. It’s crucial that we don’t let that cynicism take over. Too much is at stake for us to decide that it’s not even worth trying. When we feel hopeless, we need to look to the people of Hong Kong. They’re fighting for their right to a free and fair democracy, and we need to keep fighting to maintain the integrity of ours. We need to re-

member that even after months of exhausting protests, they haven’t given up, and they aren’t going to anytime soon. We learned in 2016 that there is no sure win to any election. We need to realize now that there is no sure loss either. Whether it be in the primaries in the spring and summer or the general election next fall, we have to get out to vote. If we don’t maintain optimism, then we’ve likely lost already. We haven’t seen voter turnout in a presidential election in the U.S. that compares to Hong Kong’s recent elections in the past century, according to FairVote. Voting, however, is the most powerful tool we have to effect change. Young people historically have low voter turnout rates. Meanwhile in Hong Kong, young people turned out in droves to sway the election. We

orgies except for me” “Oh no. I know my limits. I just hate myself.” “Wait. What’s wrong with drinking water from the shower?” “I feel like I look like an acid dealer right now” “he’s never had a pet? that’s probably why he’s Republican” “They’re a free-spirited family. I also don’t think they know she’s a stripper.” “I should be drinking while I do

Contact us Elijah Southwick Grace Fawcett Members of the Kansan Editorial Board are Elijah Southwick, Savanna Smith, Nichola McDowell and Grace Fawcett.

UDK file photo

need to look to them as an example. Young people in the U.S. can sway an election when enough of us show up. Our situation may not seem as dire as the one in Hong Kong, but we shouldn’t wait for it to become dire to demand change. If you’re not already, it’s important that you register to vote, sooner rather than later, at Up until the election, there are plenty of other ways to make a difference, whether that be volunteering with a campaign or other political organization or donating to a campaign. What’s most important is that we continue to care and that we show our leaders they can’t ignore our voices. Brianna Wessling is a junior from Omaha studying English and journalism.

Disney+ reignites childhood wonder

“Everybody’s invited to the

this, get the tequila out”


Columnist Jerika Miller writes that Disney+ provides a much-needed escape at the end of the semester.

OPINION Jerika Miller @MillerJerika

I don’t know if anyone else has noticed, but this time of year definitely seems to suck the life out of everyone on campus, whether it be because of the cold settling in or the added seasonal affective disorder so many of us experience. Not to mention the endless assignments that begin to pile up in November before finals, or the petri dishes that we call our dorm rooms and apartments. So we have to come up with some

way to combat all of the elements working against us in order to push through to the end of the semester. This year, that thing is Disney+. Disney released its new streaming service Tuesday, Nov. 12. Since then, it’s all that anyone has been posting, tweeting, sharing and talking about. Since Disney also owns the rights to Marvel and “Star Wars,” people with all varying interests are forking over the monthly fee to watch their favorite throwback Disney movies, new series and every Avengers movie and cartoon you can think of. To me, this seems like an odd thing to find comfort in as none of us really have the time to be watching TV, and the movies that

we all grew up with in the Disney realm are ones that we have seen a million times. Additionally, it is no secret that Disney Channel original movies do not have high quality production, effects or acting. I mean, they were filled with mostly child actors. I, an avid Disney lover and huge Marvel fan, looked at this streaming service with nothing but cynicism. After paying for Hulu, Netflix, Spotify, HBO — I had to watch “Game of Thrones” — Amazon Prime and all the other things that I pay for in a month, it seemed like a definite no-go for me to add another bill. But that was before my roommate got a free trial through her phone ser-

vice provider. So I caved, obviously. I just wanted to watch “The Cheetah Girls” and relive my magnificent kindergarten experience waiting for it to be broadcast on TV. Something really funny happened though as my roommate and I watched “The Cheetah Girls” and “Moana,” and now the only thing I have been watching is Disney+. Despite Disney+ being the only streaming service I am not paying for, my roommate and I have produced a cluster of constant laughs, tears and groans as we watched the cringe-worthy movies from our childhood. Suddenly, the semester didn’t seem so bad. There may not be a true scientific correlation between Disney+ and college students’ emotional capacities, but reliving simpler moments has sure made the tough ones easier this week. I don’t think I am the only one who can attest to that. By getting all the things that made me happy as a kid together in one spot, Disney has helped me remember when things weren’t so stressful, and it feels like my former child has been reborn. So if you are feeling down this week, grab a bowl of popcorn and turn on some “Suite Life of Zack and Cody.” Jerika Miller is a senior from Aurora, Colorado, studying English and secondary education.

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Monday, December 2, 2019


The University Daily Kansan


Dotson leads KU to victory in Maui Jakob Katzenberg @KatzWriteSports

In Kansas men’s basketball’s 45-minute dog fight with the Dayton Flyers Wednesday night, sophomore guard Devon Dotson’s career-high 31-point outing gave Kansas the spark it needed to take home the Maui Invitational championship. Early in the game, the Bob Cousy Award watchlist member looked poised to have a big day as he managed to draw a shooting foul just 13 seconds in and made both free throws to give Kansas the first points of the game. On the next possession, with a stagnant offense, the Jayhawks were forced to take a bad shot. With the shot clock winding down, Kansa scalled its point guard’s number, and Dotson delivered on a quick hop-step midrange jumper that rattled around the rim but eventually fell through. Dayton started the game red hot from beyond the arc as the Flyers scored their first 12 points exclusively from three-point territory. At the 14-minute mark, Dotson gave the Flyers a taste of their own medicine as he used his adept dribble moves to get just enough separation to drill a three-pointer on the left wing to tie the game at 17-17. Right after that, Dayton junior guard Jalen Crutcher missed a quick three, and Dotson snagged the defensive rebound. He then dashed past everyone on the court and took the ball coastto-coast before finishing with a finger roll. Later in the first half, the Charlotte, North Carolina, product

showed off his explosiveness. Off a dribble handoff, Dotson weaved through the lane and was fouled hard by Dayton redshirt junior center Jordy Tshimanga, but he fought through the contact and finished the and-1 layup to give Kansas an early 24-19 lead. Dotson was the sole reason Kansas was still within striking distance early. His performance was so vital to the team that coach Bill Self kept him on the floor for all 20 minutes of the first half. At halftime, he led the game in scoring with 17 points on 6-of-8 shooting from the field, but the Jayhawks trailed the Flyers by one point. In the second half, Dotson made several more key plays. At the 11:40 mark, Crutcher threw a wild pass that Dotson turned into a fast break. With a full head of steam, Dotson sprinted up court and converted a crafty floater over the top of Dayton’s star redshirt sophomore forward Obi Toppin. Minutes later, the Jayhawks found themselves down 66-58 with just over seven minutes left in regulation. Then, sophomore forward David McCormack came away with a steal and passed the ball down court to Dotson, who finished with a layup that banked in high off the glass. This play sparked an 11-0 Kansas run to take the lead with just over two minutes left in the contest. Down the stretch, Kansas’ hot hand would step up once again. After a block from senior center Udoka Azubuike, Dotson pulled away a rebound before getting fouled with 19 seconds left. He ended up burying both of the free throws to give Kansas a 73-70 lead.

Sophomore guard Devon Dotson dribbles the ball against UNC Greensboro on Nov. 8.

The drama didn’t end there. In fact, Dayton’s Crutcher hit a step-back three with three seconds remaining to send the game into overtime. In overtime, Dotson came

in clutch as he scored on a game-clinching contested layin to put Kansas up late. The sophomore finished the game with 31 points (11-of-16 shooting), six rebounds, four as-

Chance Parker/UDK

sists and five steals. His incredible performance ended up being the difference as Kansas walked out of Maui, Hawaii, with a 90-84 championship win.

KU women’s basketball wins tournament Logan Fricks @LoganFricks

Continuing its winning streak, Kansas women’s basketball defeated Florida Atlantic University 90-60 to claim victory in the FAU Thanksgiving Tournament Saturday. Successes ran wild as three players set a career high in scoring, and two players set a career high in rebounding in Boca Raton, Florida. Leading the force was junior forward Tina Stephens, who set

career highs in both scoring and rebounding. Stephens scored 19 points and grabbed 15 boards in the contest and was also a force on the defensive end, tallying a career-high six steals. Sophomore guard Aniya Thomas got the game going early, drawing an and-1 right off the tip. After converting, the Jayhawks scored six more points, only allowing three in the meantime. Led by sophomore guard Brooklyn Mitchell, the Jayhawks ended the period on another run, this

time 15-2. Mitchell scored 11 points in the quarter, and Kansas went into the second period up 24-10. The Jayhawks carried the momentum from the first quarter straight into the next as they once again raced to a run. Kansas got up 34-14, but from there, the Owls began to do work. FAU flipped the script later in the half and went on a 19-4 run, eventually reducing the deficit to 42-37 going into halftime. After a bright second quarter for the

Owls, Kansas immediately shut them down and went on a tear through the second half. The Jayhawks outscored FAU 48-23 in the second half and outshot FAU 53% to the Owls’ 26% in the half. In the game as a whole, Kansas went 36-73 (49.3%) from the field but only 24% from the three-point line. Kansas out-rebounded the Owls 48-30 in the game. Mitchell led the Jayhawks in scoring with her career-high 23 points. Following Mitchell was

Stephens’ 19 and Thomas’ career-high 19 points. Thomas also set a career high in rebounds with seven, and she was a force on the defensive end, finishing the game with four steals. After the tournament, Mitchell was crowned MVP while Stephens earned All-Tournament honors. Kansas will rest until Dec. 8 when the Florida Gators visit Lawrence. The game is slated for 2 p.m.



Senior guard Niccolly Ramalho and senior forward Mariane De Carvalho wait for play to begin. Kansas beat UIC 91-50 on Nov. 10.




The University Daily Kansan

Monday, December 2, 2019

Turnovers plague KU football Jakob Katzenberg @KatzWriteSports

Kansas football’s egregious 61-6 loss on senior night to Baylor was a complete disaster. The team committed a season high six turnovers, which ultimately led to the result being as rough as it was. “Certainly, it’s obvious why we didn’t do well — we turned the ball over,” coach Les Miles said in his post-game press conference. “We turned the ball over six times. That’s uncharacteristic of teams that I coach and uncharacteristic of this team.” A lot of the errors Kansas committed were a product of not being able to establish a run game early. The Bears entered as the fifthranked run defense in the Big 12, but they stepped up big against the Jayhawks. One week ago, sophomore running back Pooka Williams Jr. totaled 154 rushing yards on 19 carries. But, in the first half against Baylor, the talented back only managed to gain 34 rushing yards. Williams said after the game he started seeing “more holes and more gaps” in the second half, but by then it was too little too late. With no semblance of a running game, Kansas had no choice but to throw on Baylor’s defense. Coming in as the top ranked de-

fense in the conference in pass defense efficiency, the Bears flexed their stout pass defense and forced senior quarterback Carter Stanley into making bad decisions. Stanley finished the day with only 13 completions on 26 passes for 95 yards and three interceptions. After the game, he took responsibility for his errant throws. “Two of them from me were just forced passes,” Stanley said. “We’re down at that point, and I was maybe trying to make too much happen.” After the third interception — at the 7:15 mark of the third quarter — Stanley pulled himself from the game, down 41-0. A very defeated Stanley said he walked up to coach Miles and his offensive coordinator, Brent Dearmon, and told them to “go ahead and give Manny a shot.” Stanley, who is a fifth-year senior, said he wanted senior Manny Miles, coach Miles’ son, to enjoy his final opportunity to play quarterback under his dad. “I know how special it is for Manny to play under his dad for this last year,” Stanley said. “I just wanted him to have [a] moment there and close out his career as well.” Manny came in the next drive and scored Kansas’ only touchdown of the game. But, he also threw the Jayhawks’ fourth inter-

Chance Parker/UDK

Sophomore running back Pooka Williams Jr. stretches for the first down against Baylor Saturday.

ception of the game late in the fourth quarter. On top of the interceptions, Kansas also muffed two punts — something it hadn’t done all season — and both ended up being recovered by Baylor. Coach Miles voiced his displeasure with those after the game and said this blowout loss isn’t fitting for a team that he thinks improved over the year. “They turned the ball over twice on special teams. You can’t win football games doing it that way,” Miles said. “This team has taken some strides to improve, and this game was not indicative of the team that played game after

game.” Stanley said the lopsided defeat wasn’t how he envisioned his career ending, but he said he believes the program is heading in the right direction. “Today certainly wasn’t a reflection of the progress this program has made,” Stanley said. “It’s so many things just internally that these coaches have done that’s been incredible for this program. I’m super jealous [of them] — I’m graduating, and I won’t be able to play here anymore. I truly feel like there is a great foundation set.” Williams added to that by speaking on his frustration with the team’s performance.

“It hurt me deeply just because I told Carter we were going to send him off with a win,” Williams said. “Just competing, we didn’t really compete as much as we should’ve to send the seniors off with a victory.” Junior receiver Andrew Parchment said he felt as though this season was a “disappointment,” but he is looking forward to coming back after a short break. “I almost felt like we were getting complacent with losing... It’s a new team,” Parchment said. “[This] season’s done. We got a week off then we come back to work — I’m excited for that.”

KU volleyball falls to West Virginia 3-2 Jack McGarr


The Jayhawks traveled to Morgantown, West Virginia, Saturday to take on the West Virginia Mountaineers in their final match of the season. The Mountaineers completed a comeback, winning the match 3-2. The first set for the Jayhawks was everything they could have asked for, coming off a 3-2 comeback win off Iowa State this past Wednesday. The team came into Saturday’s game firing on all cylinders — totaling 12 kills and only committing two errors through the entire set. As for the Mountaineers, the story was the complete opposite. Though totaling 17 kills in their 20 total points, they managed to commit eight attack errors in the set, as well as two service errors, proving costly in the final score. The Jayhawks managed to capitalize off a strong hitting performance off West Virginia’s errors as they went on to take the first set 25-20. The second set proved much of the same for West Virginia. The team simply couldn’t get over its turnover woes and kept giving Kansas free points. The Mountaineers finished with 12 attack errors as well as another two service errors, all proving to be the difference in the end. While the Jayhawks didn’t have as much

success hitting the ball in the second set, their hitting percentage and turnover count was just low enough to keep them in the set. They finished with a .114 hitting percentage compared to .286 in the first set and also managed to commit six errors and four service errors in the set. Because of West Virginia’s -.079 hitting percentage, Kansas was able to hold on and steal the second set 25-19. The third set was a tale of who could play the set out the lon-

gest. The box score was roughly the same for both sides, as both sides recorded five attack errors, and the Mountaineers finished with just one more kill than the Jayhawks with 17. It all came down to who hit better in the end, as West Virginia finished with a .293 percentage, and Kansas finished with .262. West Virginia stole the third set with a score of 25-22 as the team looked to make the match interesting. The fourth set was much of the

same as the third. With a .256 hitting percentage for Kansas and a .298 hitting percentage for West Virginia, the Mountaineers were able to get a fighting chance in the fifth set, as they won the fourth set 25-22 once again. The fifth and final set was a showcase of West Virginia’s resiliency. While down 2-0, the Mountaineers had managed to win back-to-back sets 25-22. Kansas struggled to find the rhythm in the final set. Committing five

errors with one service error, the Jayhawks fell to the Mountaineers 15-8 as West Virginia managed to complete the comeback 3-2. Kansas’ record falls to 9-17 to finish the 2019 season. The team will look to improve on its hitting at the net, keeping the ball in play and committing fewer turnovers, as these problems have been key to the team’s under sub-.500 record.

Kansas volleyball players come together before a match. The Jayhawks swept Texas Tech 3-0 Wednesday, Nov. 6.

Sarah Carson/UDK







Women’s Basketball


Men’s Basketball

Turnovers versus Baylor

Points per game for sophomore guard Aniya Thomas in 2019

Losses this season

Assists for Devon Dotson this season

For the latest scores and complete coverage, visit

96.5 Football

Yards per game for Pooka Willams Jr.

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