Re:action Summer 2017 - University of Southampton research and enterprise

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Summer 2017 | Issue 06 Research and Enterprise Newsletter

100th EU-funded research project addresses challenge of creating virtual objects OPINION PIECE: Cyber defence failure

FEATURE: Photonics and the fourth industrial revolution

FEATURE: Driving profitability through Knowledge Transfer 1


WELCOME TO RE:ACTION I am delighted to introduce the Summer edition of our research and enterprise publication, Re:action, produced by colleagues in Research & Innovation Services, which highlights and explores our research and enterprise activities across the globe. In this issue we focus on research partnerships which are helping create economic growth throughout the UK, Europe and around the world, showcasing our work addressing the industrial challenges of creating virtual reality, Industry 4.0, cyber security and knowledge transfer, amongst many other successes. The articles highlight the diversity of the research conducted at the University as well as the range of models for partnership that we are engaged with. It is also significant that a large fraction of the work has a strong international dimension. With the new Industrial Strategy being rolled out, and the introduction of funding schemes such as the Global Challenges Research Fund, the imperative to work with industrial and international partners has never been more pressing. In my experience there are three critical elements for a successful partnership: (1) a clear mutual benefit to working together, often in the form of being able to address an interesting or important challenge which would not be possible for the individual partners working in isolation; (2) mutual trust and respect between the partners, that ensures the partnership will endure and


thrive even if there are challenges along the way; (3) a clear understanding of the time and resources required to make the partnership work. Funding is important, but so also is the time commitment invested by the partners, to see each other sufficiently often to ensure the continued health of the partnership. In reading this issue of Re:action I believe that you will see clear evidence that these elements are present in each of the research partnerships featured. I hope you find this issue informative. If you have any ideas for items to include in the future issues please contact

Professor Mark Spearing Vice-President (Research & Enterprise)

PLEASE SEND US YOUR FEEDBACK We are keen to receive feedback about Re:action. If you have any ideas, comments or suggestions, please send them to

Research & Innovation Services, visit:



04 10 FEATURE:

Photonics and the fourth industrial revolution Lasers and photonics will be pivotal to delivering Industry 4.0, one of the defining revolutionary themes of the current era.


Business innovation gets a boost with 100th EU-funded research project



Cyber defence failure or organisational lapse? Reflecting on the consequences of recent cyber security breaches and how research is informing better protection.


Enhancing clinical research across the UK and beyond EDGE offers a unique approach to the management and conduct of clinical research.



News in brief In this issue we feature: LifeLab, ORC grant successes, Future Worlds Medicine and the Lloyd’s Register Foundation, a new spin-out Ambassador Programme.



Data-driven benchmarking on a global scale We reflect on the capabilities of Pure and speak to those benefitting from its implementation.


Media highlights and Events for the diary Our recent appearances in the media and events to keep an eye out for.


Driving profitability, competitiveness and insight through knowledge transfer We find out what Knowledge Transfer Partnerships are and talk to the different players involved on how they have benefited from ‘KTPs’.


Funding news The latest news on recent funding.




For the EU Office, contact:

BUSINESS INNOVATION GETS A BOOST WITH 100TH EU-FUNDED RESEARCH PROJECT A recent tranche of three awards under the EU Innovative Training Networks (ITN) scheme were simultaneously awarded to Southampton bringing the total awards funded under H2020 to one hundred. The 100th award is led by Wendy Adams, Professor of Experimental Psychology, whose multi-disciplinary Dynamics in Vision and Touch (DyViTo) project received the highest-rated score from H2020 the University has seen. Professor Adams explains her project, “To perform real world tasks such as getting dressed or operating machinery, we need to quickly and flexibly integrate information received from the different senses, such as vision and touch. “For example, we effortlessly pick up a wine glass and take a sip without dropping the glass or spilling the contents. However, this apparently simple action requires us to estimate the size, shape, weight and material properties of the object and plan our actions accordingly – we tailor where we grasp the object, and how much force to apply in different directions. Within 100 milliseconds of contact, we modify our grasping action in response to haptic (touch) feedback. For example, the object might be more slippery than it first appeared and we reflexively increase force to prevent it sliding through our fingers. “Understanding how we perform multisensory integration ‘on the fly’ is a key challenge with important applications in digital and virtual environments. Communication, entertainment

and commerce increasingly rely on realistic and immersive virtual worlds that we can interact with.

“ Our goal is to produce a step change in the industrial challenge of creating virtual objects that look, feel, move and change like ‘the real thing’.” Involving scientists from nine institutions across five countries with expertise spanning Psychology, Neuroscience, Computer Science, Graphical Rendering and Physics, the project aims to develop a new generation of researchers who will advance our understanding of the ‘look and feel’ of real and virtual objects and provide Europe with key innovators in the developing field of visual-haptic technologies. Central to the project is an interdisciplinary training programme for 11 EU PhD students that includes secondments to industrial and public outreach partners.

manufacture, and the development and manufacture of innovative materials, such as metallic pigments and foils, while The National Gallery (London) and the Science Museum (Bradford) reflect the network’s commitment to training in outreach and science communication. More information about Professor Wendy Adams’ research can be found here: Also in this tranche of three awards Professors Malcolm Levitt and Marcel Utz secured funding for their ZULF project which will, for the first time, connect experts of non-conventional nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) to create a network of zero- and ultra-low-field (ZULF) NMR science. Professor Atul Bhaskar was also awarded funding for a collaborative doctoral training programme addressing the need to reduce NOx emissions from modern diesel engines. There are still opportunities to bid for EU Innovative Training Network grants which are open to all topics of interest. For further information please contact the University’s EU Office on

Industrial partners include companies involved in 3D digital rendering, lighting design, lighting 5


“ We believe that a broad-based, positive engagement with companies and organisations in this exciting and dynamic research environment is the most effective way to deliver the multidisciplinary, cyber security message.� 6

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CYBER DEFENCE FAILURE OR ORGANISATIONAL LAPSE? The University’s Cyber Security Academy Director, Professor Vladimiro Sassone, discusses recent cyber security breaches and how our research is informing organisations to better protect themselves. The well-publicised NHS ransomware event, and more recent events, which exploited the same vulnerabilities as the NHS attack, were not the first attacks with indiscriminate, international consequences and won’t be the last. However, these give rise to some interesting reflections. Government, IT businesses, consultants and others produce regular security advisories which should never be ignored. The victims of the recent attacks were using obsolete and unsupported software and didn’t adopt a systematic backup policy. These particular attacks were known, not particularly sophisticated, and only directly harmed organisations which had failed to take the recommended precautions. The primary message is clear: once a vulnerability is in the public domain, you either close it by applying the relevant patch, or become a sitting duck. Perhaps of greater interest is the assertion that the NHS ransomware event in particular was not a failure of cyber defence as much as an organisational lapse. This illustrates the need to take a holistic, organisation-wide approach to cyber security as it is very rare for a successful

cyber-attack to be a purely technical event with no human or organisational component.

University-based supervisors across a wide range of research themes.

Southampton University’s Cyber Security Academy (CSA) has been formed to address attacks like these and other cyber security issues. As a multi-million pound, industry-funded initiative, the CSA has a substantial and varied consortium-based research agenda. As part of the recently re-accredited GCHQ ‘Academic Centre of Excellence – Cyber Security Research’, the Academy’s members include Northrop Grumman, DSTL and Roke Manor Research.

A final point raised by the recent attack is the proliferation of cyber weapons. It turns out that the attack used exploits developed by the National Security Agency (NSA) and leaked into the public domain.

Offering PhD / Masters level degrees and a growing Continuing Professional Development Programme, the CSA involves researchers from Computer Science, Engineering, Law, Management, Mathematics, Nano-Electronics, Psychology, Sociology and Web Science. The breadth of this research expertise demonstrates the importance which the Academy places on the human, organisational and technical aspects of the cyber security threat, as well as the interrelationships between them. A comprehensive, industry driven research programme has been devised and the Academy is currently building research teams which will be directed by industry- and

This illustrates why so many cyber experts and organisations strenuously resist law enforcement agency requests for “backdoors” in systems. Recall the Apple/FBI San Bernardino case. It is not that Apple or others side with criminals or terrorists. The fact is that they are trying to protect us all from the consequences of the systemic failures that will result if these techniques are leaked into the public domain. As the recent cases show, these leaks actually do happen – even in a cybersavvy organisation like the NSA. Professor Vladimiro Sassone is a Roke/RAEng research chair in cyber security, and the University’s Cyber Security Research Centre Director. The Academy is actively seeking new members from a range of industrial sectors. For further information: @CybSecSoton 7


PHOTONICS AND THE FOURTH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION New optical fibre, “smart” lasers and beam-shaping techniques under development at the University’s Optoelectronics Research Centre will prove central to the fourth industrial revolution. An industrial fibre laser cuts metal at ORC spin-out company, SPI Lasers


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Industry 4.0 is becoming one of the defining themes of the current era, promising the combination of connectivity, flexibility, artificial intelligence and speed required to deliver nextlevel industrial productivity. Looking to 2020 and beyond, it is clear that lasers and photonics will be pivotal to delivering this fourth industrial revolution on multiple fronts. From high-speed optical data links to the versatility of laser materials processing, and intelligent decision-making made possible by machine vision systems and optical sensors, the smart factories of the near future will exploit photonics like none before. At the Optoelectronics Research Centre (ORC), and through the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)funded Future Photonics Manufacturing Hub, development of many of the technologies that will enable that transformation is underway: optical fibres for ultrahigh-speed, reliable data communication; fibre lasers; sensors for intelligent feedback; and even optical systems that change dynamically according to the particular manufacturing task at hand. ORC director Professor Sir David Payne, says: “We are entering an unprecedented era of convergence in photonics innovation. Progress conceived for one application, for example lasers or silicon photonics, will be rapidly re-deployed across all society’s major challenges - from individualised manufacturing, to healthcare and autonomous vehicles.”

“Making better fibres means more data, more power, more dimensionality, better environmental protection,” says Professor David Richardson, who is leading the HC project. “We are adding to the armoury of optics for Industry 4.0.” With much-improved advanced fibre production capability now available, Richardson and others at the ORC have also just begun a £6 million follow-up programme, which will see the technology developed for applications ranging from cutting-edge science to medical imaging and factories of the future. Although this will initially support in the area of laser materials processing, with the likes of BT and Microsoft among the industry partners, communications will become a major element too. According to Richardson, transmitting light through the air of the hollow core will result in the kind of optical characteristics needed for the ‘tactile’ internet, facilitating real-time wireless human control of real and virtual objects. Elsewhere at the ORC, Professor Michalis N. Zervas has explored ways to double the typical output of a fibre laser, and is now working on a ‘smart laser’ to control

output to an unprecedented degree, while Dr Ben Mills’ work in precision manufacturing and high-speed control of beam-shape is set to unlock a revolution in laser processing for applications ranging from sensing to healthcare. The latest system self-corrects in real-time, for example to work around a speck of dust – putting it clearly in the realm of Industry 4.0. “The coming together of processing and communications photonics in the hardware underpinning Industry 4.0 is stimulating demand for more integration and new approaches to manufacturing photonics components,” adds Professor Payne. “This will drive new industrial partnerships, multiplying our impact and unlocking further economic growth.” The ORC recently demonstrated its latest capabilities in optical fibres and lasers at Laser World of Photonics Munich, the world’s leading photonics trade fair, visited by some 32,000 people.

That means digital tuning of fibre laser pulses for each manufacturing process, optimising productivity and flexibility in cutting, joining and marking applications. Simultaneously, hollow-core (HC), or “holey” fibre, one of the ORC’s key technologies, will enable the transfer of unprecedented power from the laser to the distant workpiece as well as the communications networks to connect machines and factories, enabling real-time feedback and digital process control. Thanks to recent progress made under another EPSRC grant, the ORC can now produce advanced hollow-core fibres in lengths exceeding tens of kilometres with excellent uniformity and performance features.

Professor Michalis Zervis, Optoelectronics Research Centre



ENHANCING CLINICAL RESEARCH ACROSS THE UK AND BEYOND EDGE is a programme dedicated to developing a unique approach to the management and conduct of clinical research. Using purpose-built software, EDGE provides researchers with faster access to real-time data, allowing them to track and manage their studies from start to finish. “ We wanted a system that was intuitive to use and that focused on the needs of both researchers and research managers. We knew that we also had to have information about how we are performing at our fingertips but wanted to reduce the reporting burden for our research teams. The EDGE system delivered all of our requirements.� Helen Lewis, North Bristol NHS Trust, England- UK


For more information, visit:


of the NHS uses EDGE in the UK

Over 94,000

research projects on the system


active users, accessing real-time data, faster

Over 2.9 million

patients in the system

Over 1.1 million documents stored

15,000 sites listed

Since its launch in 2000, and its adoption by the National Cancer Research Network, EDGE has grown from strength to strength and is now used nationally by over 80% of the NHS, in Canada, and plans to widen its membership in other countries in the future. The concept The EDGE programme was developed in the Faculty of Medicine’s Clinical Informatics Research Unit (CIRU) which operates as an applied research and enterprise unit working nationally and internationally. The idea first came about when CIRU Director, Professor James Batchelor, was working for the National Cancer Research network. James explains: “Clinical researchers spend a lot of time designing studies with the aim of transforming patient care, and this requires them to collaborate with their NHS hospital partners to undertake their studies and recruit patients. From the hospital’s perspective however, 100s of these studies could be running simultaneously. “Getting research studies up and running has historically been a predominantly manual process, and crucial information, such as patient and trial numbers, just wasn’t readily available. I decided to develop a new approach, which changed the clinical research process, and made the data more accessible.”

Designed to allow multiple organisations to collaborate and share information within the software, the EDGE programme helps reduce duplication of effort, creating more time for researchers to engage with their patients and undertake research, and less time on administration. James continues: “We are now faced with the challenges of integrating research more deeply into normal clinical practice, for which there are new requirements for more research into research. This is translational informatics researching the data within the systems and immediately implementing new approaches back into health research.” Growth In 2011 EDGE launched at the clinical trials department of Juravinski Cancer Centre (JCC), Canada, which serves more than 1.7 million people in the central west Ontario region. Success within JCC led to interest from the Canadian Cancer Clinical Trials Network 3CTN and other cancer research institutes including the Alberta Clinical Research Consortium

(ACRC) and the University of Saskatchewan’s Clinical Trial Support Unit. By reducing the burden on clinical research front-line workers, improving the quality of research management and facilitating a collaborative research environment, EDGE has since rolled-out across the whole country. Plans are in-hand to launch the programme in Europe and Asia and Pacific Regions making this a truly global initiative. Novel solutions Alongside EDGE, the CIRU addresses other research informatics needs within the Faculty, NHS and wider commercial sectors. The Unit plans to enhance the performance of national and international clinical research by delivering data in real-time across the globe. Its vision is to become the most trusted intelligent research management system amongst clinical research professionals in the UK and internationally. For further information 11



For further information contact KTP Manager Dr Phil Jewell:

The University’s current Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) portfolio is worth around £2.5 million, and in the first open call of 2017 a record number of awards were received. KTPs drive profitability and competitiveness for the businesses involved and provide students and academics with an unparalleled insight into transferring know-how and research into the commercial environment. We asked different players in these partnerships to give us an insight into the benefits and experience. KTP business partner, Aurora Medical Ltd Dr Andrew Taylor, Managing Director, Aurora Medical Ltd “Our KTP with the University of Southampton looked into hip replacement operations. It’s made a significant contribution to the company’s commercial plan, as well as the design, development and pre-clinical testing of new implants. “The University was doing great work in the area of biocompatible ceramic materials, which we recognised had the potential to form new artificial hip bearings that are more resistant to dislocation and permit more of the patient’s bone to be conserved. “Through the KTP two new types of implant have been produced, both achieving a CEmarking. The first has benefitted over 3,500 patients worldwide, achieving over £5 million sales. Improving on efficiencies from the first implant, the KTP enabled the second to be developed for half the cost.”

KTP Associate, TSL Technology Ltd. Dr Aleksander J Dubas, Senior Research Engineer, TSL Technology Ltd. “I had little idea what a KTP entailed other than a collaboration between the University and industry, but after eight years of study and research, it seemed a great way to get a taste of the ‘real world’. “What surprised me was how much I learnt about project management, which is integral to being a KTP Associate. This has benefited me professionally and outside of the workplace. The scheme involved two residential courses providing contextually supported learning, and was invaluable in accelerating the development of my business skills. “I also saw the product I developed through its product lifecycle; from design and engineering to manufacture and marketing. There was an unparalleled sense of satisfaction to give TSL Technology Ltd. not only a world-class design, but also the tools to design future products.” KTP with Covesion “The University’s KTP with Covesion has provided us practical experience of the transfer path from research to product; to see our technology used in research laboratories worldwide and measure its impact through real world sales”.

“The KTP has helped me to flourish within in a cutting edge optics company. I have got great satisfaction from deploying my PhD research to directly influence the course of Covesion’s R&D and future sales.” Dr Lewis Carpenter, KTP Associate, Covesion “Our KTP with Southampton has provided three years of access to academic expertise and £120million of state-of-the-art research facilities. The results of our collaboration will have a transformative impact on our growing business”. Dr Christian Rahlff, COO, Covesion The KTP scheme is the primary mechanism for University of Southampton academics to transfer and embed cutting-edge research knowledge with business partners from a wide range of industry sectors. Through the scheme’s Innovate UK grant funding a collaboration is built with our business partners, allowing the University to cultivate significant relationships which drive and enhance our impact. Funding calls are scheduled monthly and increased levels of funding are being deployed in 2017-18 from Innovate UK and its partners.

Dr Corin Gawith, Covesion KTP academic supervisor, University of Southampton




Professor John Holloway, Associate Dean (Research), Faculty of Medicine, and Dr Reuben Wilcock, Director, Future Worlds, mark the launch of Future Worlds Medicine

NEW DIGITAL GAME WILL HELP TEENAGERS EAT BETTER AND GET ACTIVE Teenagers across Southampton are to create a new gaming platform that will encourage them to eat smart and get active. In a new project led by the University of Southampton, teenagers who are taking part in the LifeLab programme will be asked to develop the digital game, alongside health researchers, scientists and professional game developers.

ORC GRANT SUCCESSES Researchers from the Optoelectronics Research Centre (ORC) recently secured over £10 m in a series of grant successes pioneering future global technologies. The funding rush is spearheaded by a visionary EPSRC Programme Grant establishing new Hollow Core Fibre Photonics. The £7.8m Full Economic Costing (FEC) grant, led by Principal Investigator Professor Dave Richardson, seeks to reinvent fibre optics technology by replacing the traditional glass core with air or a vacuum to produce ‘Optical Fibres 2.0’. The ORC has also been awarded £2.2m FEC for a Platform Grant exploring Laser Technologies for Future Manufacturing. The grant, led by Principal Investigator Professor Michalis Zervas, will optimally combine different laser technologies into hybrid platforms for miniaturised, efficient, low-cost, agile and reconfigurable smart laser systems. 14

Ideas and formats will be given to in-game designers at Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU) who will create the game and then bring it back to LifeLab for testing. The aim is to educate young people about the impact their lifestyle choices have on their health and the health of their future children, and encourage them to improve their diet and exercise habits.

LIFE CHANGING MEDICAL INNOVATIONS SET FOR GLOBAL IMPACT University innovators are set to break into the healthcare and pharmaceutical markets through the Future Worlds incubator following new financial backing from the Medical Research Council.

The award-winning incubator will now dedicate specialised resources, events and mentoring to the medical industry as it builds on a successful pilot with researchers in engineering.

The University’s Future Worlds scheme will grow a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship within the medical and healthcare sector, powered through a unique network of mentors, investors and industry leaders. The Medical Research Council is highlighting the concept as a “new type of approach” as it opens its support of the programme through its Proximity to Discovery Industry Engagement Fund.

Professor John Holloway, Associate Dean Research for Medicine, said: “This award will allow us to realise the fantastic potential for innovation and entrepreneurship that exists in medicine, healthcare and life sciences at the University.”

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NEW UNIVERSITY SPIN OUT LAUNCHES In the latest in a series of University spin outs, ClanTect Limited has recently been formed from key expertise and intellectual property from the Institute of Sound and Vibration Research (ISVR). The company originates from the lab of Professor Steve Daley (Professor of Industrial Active Control) and Dr Ilias Zazas (Principal Enterprise Fellow) and has recently completed its first major production and assembly run, delivering sophisticated monitoring and detection equipment for the Home Office. Steve and Ilias possessed a vast wealth of signal processing academic research

experience and realised, in recent years, that a potential application lay in detecting humans or other living beings hidden in concealed compartments. The technology is now deployed by the UK Border Force at a number of port entry points. Early stage research and collaboration with the Home Office was essential in proving the technology’s potential.

as ClanTect, to deliver products and support services to key operational border checkpoints. “It’s been a fantastically interesting and busy journey for us during the last 18 months and the support of the Faculty and the University has been essential in enabling this scale of impact from many years of research activity.”

Commenting on the launch, Professor Daly said: “We’ve worked with the UK Border Force for several years, first as University researchers seeking to discover if it was possible to increase detection rates and secondly, as a team acting

UNIVERSITY ACADEMIC JOINS LLOYDS REGISTER FOUNDATION AMBASSADOR PROGRAMME The Lloyd’s Register Foundation recently launched an Ambassador Programme, known as 100A1 Ambassador, which aims to build an international network of friends, stakeholders and beneficiaries who are willing to promote the mission of the Foundation and its causes. Dr Themis Prodromakis, Reader in Nanoelectronics at the University of Southampton and Director of the Lloyd’s Register Foundation International Consortium for Nanotechnology, is one of just thirty-five leading figures from academia and industry which have accepted the Foundation’s invitation to become a 100A1 Ambassador.

Themis may be called upon to represent the Foundation at events, as well as identify and propose occasions. His appointment is for three years. The Lloyd’s Register Foundation is a UK charity established in 2012 to protect the safety of life and property, and to advance transport and engineering education and research. news/2017/100a1-launch.aspx

Dr Themis Prodromakis

Feature website:

EDGE EDGE is an innovative cloud-based research management system created by the Clinical Informatics Research Unit at the University of Southampton. It supports a wide range of research management functions which empower research managers, data analysts, research nurses, clinicians and support services to make the most of their information.

For more information visit:

EDGE Clinical Research



DATA-DRIVEN BENCHMARKING ON A GLOBAL SCALE The University of Southampton is named within the top one per cent of universities in the world, 8th overall in the UK for research, and generates more than ÂŁ150 million in research income every year.

Since the implementation of Pure... More than

Over 3,000

new research outputs have been deposited


Over 50

training sessions have been delivered throughout the University

Over 500

researchers and Faculty staff have been trained

250 activities

including conferences, prizes and media exposure have already been uploaded

For further information, visit:

“ Our Pure records and linkages are the building blocks for telling our impact stories, for REF and beyond.” Dr Stephen Kemp, Impact Framework Manager

To maintain, and improve on, these figures it is vitally important that the University makes strategic decisions which are data-driven. The recent implementation of Pure, and our expanding bibliometrics capabilities, will enable us to benchmark our research performance on a global scale like never before.

“We have seen a positive uptake of the new system with the majority of people engaging with Pure. We find it to be very user friendly and if we have any queries, we receive a quick response from the Pure and ePrints teams.” Sarah Richardson, Pure Superuser, Faculty of Physical Science and Engineering

“It is now much easier to upload publication data and to comply with the HEFCE Open Access mandate for REF. The transition to Pure has been embraced by academic colleagues, and with the planned improvements on the horizon such as Researchfish integration, Pure is likely to be of even greater value to us going forward.”

“Pure allows us to record impact evidence and tie it to research outputs, awards, activities and so on. This solves one of the big headaches from the last REF where impact evidence had to be gathered retrospectively. Our Pure records and linkages are the building blocks for telling our impact stories, for REF and beyond.”

Professor John Holloway, Associate Dean (Research), Faculty of Medicine

Dr Stephen Kemp, Impact Framework Manager

Pure has simplified the process for depositing outputs, providing researchers with an overview of their portfolio, from research outputs and grants, to student supervision.

Researchers can also produce CVs, enter and keep note of their activities (such as conferences attended), prizes won or media mentions, as well as using a dedicated module for Impact.

With ORCiD IDs fast becoming the international standard used to disambiguate authors, Pure is now also able to automatically update researchers’ ORCiD profiles on orcid. com. These IDs sit behind a researcher’s name in an institutional repository, a funder’s database, publisher’s website or a Twitter account, to pull together all of a researcher’s outputs and involvements. Ultimately, Pure will be used to generate the University’s REF2021 submission and, for the first time, is currently being used to support the 2017 outputs benchmarking exercise. For up to date information and announcements follow Twitter:



MEDIA HIGHLIGHTS Ò Professor Christian Ottensmeier, Cancer

Research UK scientist at the University, and his team found a new biomarker to help predict the effectiveness of immunotherapy for lung cancer patients. The news was covered by the Daily Echo, PharmaTimes, Reuters and Voice of America. Ò Senior research fellow Ken Collins, of

the National Oceanographic Centre Southampton, comments in the New Scientist on a study about a type of fish that has the ability to recognise individual faces.

Immune killer T cells attacking a cancer cell

Julidochromis Transcriptus, a little striped fish from Lake Tanganyika, East Africa

Ò A new study, published earlier in June by

Dr Oliver Kennedy and colleagues, it is claims that people who consume at least a cup or more of caffeinated coffee a day have a 20 per cent lower risk of developing hepatocellular cancer than those who abstain. The news has been widely covered around the world by the New York Daily News, Reader’s Digest, CTV News and the Daily Mail to name a few. Ò According to recent research by Citywire,

the University of Southampton is creating more successful fund managers than any other university in Europe or the US. The news was covered by City AM, the Times and Yahoo Finance UK to name a few.

CT scan showing the neurovascular canals within the skull of a Neovenator salerii. Credit: by Barker et al

A study has shown that coffee can lower the risk of liver cancer

Ò The Guardian covered news of a

study published in Scientific Reports by palaeontologist, Chris Barker, which found evidence that dinosaurs’ faces might have been much more sensitive than previously thought, and may have helped them feed more carefully or woo potential mates. Ò Graduate Tom Crowley enjoyed double

success of the BBC’s much-heralded Planet Earth II after the nature programme scooped two awards at this year’s British Academy Television Awards. Crowley, a wildlife camera operator and assistant producer for the BBC’s Natural History Unit, travelled the world to film sequences for Planet Earth II which won BAFTAs for ‘Specialist Facutal’ and ‘Must-see Moment’.


University leads the world in producing high-performing fund managers

A baby iguana is chased by snakes on BBC’s Planet Earth II. Credit: BBC

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19 July, the Institution of Engineering and Technology, London

3-6 August, Blenheim Palace, Oxfordshire

In the first of the University’s new environment public lecture series, experts will explore and discuss the challenges, trade-offs and innovative approaches we are using to make urban systems more environmentally sustainable. Keynote speakers include Professor William Powrie, Jane Wernick CBE and Richard Bonner.

The annual ‘Bringing Research to Life’ roadshow showcases a selection of our research groups across the University. Our researchers meet more than 20,000 visitors during each Roadshow. Last year’s research featured at BBC Countryfile Live included Stem Cell Pinball and the National Infrastructure Lab model wind tunnel.

For more information visit:

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14 September, Avenue Campus, University of Southampton This exciting interdisciplinary conference showcases forefront technology that is being translated into the clinic. The programme will consider new approaches to diagnosis, imaging, targeted therapy and precision diagnostics.

For more information visit:

THE VOOM TOUR 2017 9 October, The Broadway, Winchester This is Virgin’s festival of business tour in Hampshire. Potential entrepreneurs can get advice and mentoring from business leaders and find out how 2016 winners turned potential into solid cashflows.

For more information visit:

6 October, Centre for Human Development Stem Cells and Regeneration, University Hospital Southampton This bio imaging symposium aims to bring together distinguished life science researchers from universities across England to share and discuss their research. Presentation topics will include developmental biology, neurosciences, cilia biology and cancer immunology.

For more information visit: southampton-bio-imaging-symposium

RESEARCH & INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 16 November, Highfield Campus, University of Southampton Charlotte Watts, Chief Scientific Adviser to the Department for International Development, will be visiting the University on Thursday 16 November to deliver her lecture as part of the 2017 Distinguished Lectures programme.

For more information visit: 19


FUNDING NEWS FACULTY OF BUSINESS, LAW AND ART Dr Christián Bravo; Southampton Business School The Value Of Opinions In SME Credit Evaluation Transforming Subjective Evaluations Into Objective Risk Measurements British Academy, £9,877 over 24 months Professor Martin Broad; Southampton Business School British Council Higher Education Partnership Fund British Council, £10,001 over nine months Professor Lianghuo Fan; Southampton Education School Curriculum Analysis for The Future of Education and Skills: 2030 project Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, £4,330 over six months Dr Tri-Dung Nguyen; Southampton Business School Cooperative Game Theory: New Mathematical and Algorithmic Approaches EPSRC, £419,229 over 60 months

FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AND THE ENVIRONMENT Professor Janice M Barton; Engineering Sciences EPSRC Manufacturing Hub - Feasibility study EPSRC, £50,000 over six months Professor Atul Bhaskar; Aeronautics, Astronautics and Computational Engineering Structural mechanics & design KTP with SMD Innovate UK, £144,002 over 24 months Dr Michael Byfield; Civil, Maritime and Environmental Engineering and Science Dawson Construction UoS KTP Innovate UK, £144,000 over 24 months Dr Angelo Grubisic; Aeronautics, Astronautics and Computational Engineering Integrated Microwave Propulsion Architecture for Telecommunication Satellites (IMPULSE) UK Space Agency, £231,250 over 12 months Dr Angelo Grubisic; Aeronautics, Astronautics and Computational Engineering Refractory Additive Layer Manufacturing for Commercial Space Applications (RADICAL) UK Space Agency, £94,097 over six months Dr Yongqiang Liu; Civil, Maritime and Environmental Engineering and Science Developing integrated anaerobic digestion and aerobic granular sludge technology for textile wastewater treatment in Indonesia Royal Academy of Engineering, £34,094 over 24 months


Professor Robert Nicholls; Civil, Maritime and Environmental Engineering and Science An assessment of the ecosystem service and livelihood implications of government development proposals in coastal Bangladesh NERC, £100,009 over 12 months Professor Robert Nicholls; Civil, Maritime and Environmental Engineering and Science Coastal Landfill and shoreline management Additional Funding NERC, £24,898 over two months Dr Carlos Ponce de León Albarrán; Engineering Sciences Renewable energy source based on the recovery, purification and storage of hydrogen from chloralkali plants Innovate UK, 134,986 over 24 months Professor John Preston; Civil, Maritime and Environmental Engineering and Science Services of Research on the Understanding Passenger Numbers Project Department for Transport (DfT), £288,000 over 24 months Professor John Preston; Civil, Maritime and Environmental Engineering and Science H2020 Metamorphosis European Commission, £212,683 over 36 months Dr Emiliano Rustighi; Institute of Sound and Vibration Research Advanced Di-electro Electro-Active Polymer modelling for vibration control applications Royal Society, £3,000 over three months Dr Kate Schreckenberg; Civil, Maritime and Environmental Engineering and Science Governance for Ecosystem Services and Poverty Alleviation (GESPA) Ecosystem Services for Poverty Alleviation, £8,722 over 12 months Dr Kate Schreckenberg; Civil, Maritime and Environmental Engineering and Science Issues and Myths in Protected Area Conservation Tradeoffs and Synergies (IMPACTS) Ecosystem Services for Poverty Alleviation, £3,492 over 12 months Professor John Shrimpton; Aeronautics, Astronautics and Computational Engineering Kelda Showers UoS KTP Innovate UK, £144,000 over 24 months Hanna Sykulska-Lawrence; Aeronautics, Astronautics and Computational Engineering Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowship Royal Society, £25,269 over three months Dr John Walker; Engineering Sciences Insitu Profilometry for transient testing of automotive coatings EPSRC, £100,634 over 12 months

Professor Philip Wilson; Civil, Maritime and Environmental Engineering and Science CFD assessment and isomorphic control of autonomous underwater vehicles Royal Society, £12,000 over 24 months Dr Yue Zhang; Civil, Maritime and Environmental Engineering and Science Development of a bio-refinery system for organic acid production, bioenergy generation and nutrient recovery using fish waste from Tumaco, Colombia British Council, £57,906 over 18 months

FACULTY OF HEALTH SCIENCES Dr Lucy Brindle; Health Sciences, and Dr Gerry Leydon; Medicine Identifying optimal GP-patient communication about direct access tests, safety-netting and referral for investigation of possible cancer Cancer Research UK, £125,458 over 18 months Professor Peter Griffiths; Health Sciences Senior Investigator Award NIHR, £75,000 over 60 months Professor Catherine Pope; Health Sciences Investigating organisational culture, individual attitudes and team practices in relation to Patient Safety agenda initiatives Health Education England Wessex, £50,000 over 12 months Professor Anne Rogers; Health Sciences Scoping peer delivery of a network mapping tool within Solent NHS Recovery College Solent NHS Trust, £22,418 over nine months Professor Anne Rogers; Health Sciences Dementia Capacity Modelling project NHS England, £9,980 over 21 months Professor Maria Stokes; Health Sciences Interactive system for assessment and training of manual task performance in astronauts to enable safe and effective planetary excursions (SpaceMMark) Phase 1 Science and Technology Facilities Council, £19,880 over two months

FACULTY OF HUMANITIES Dr Will Baker; Modern Languages and Linguistics English as an ASEAN lingua franca: Implications for language and education policy and practice British Council Newton Fund, £32,700 over six months Dr Lucy Blue; Archaeology Syria’s Coastal and Maritime Historic Cultural Heritage: Understanding Threat, planning for Change Honor Frost Foundation, £24,000 over nine months

For more information, visit:

Professor Catherine Clarke; English Pilgrimage into the Past: Walking the Medieval March of Wales AHRC, £69,590 over 12 months Dr Sophie Holmes-Elliott; Modern Languages Generation Why: teenagers as leaders in linguistic change British Academy, £9,995 over 24 months Dr Mark Levene; History Genocide and the Cold War, 1948-1989 Leverhulme Trust, £43,247 over 24 months Dr Hettie Malcomson; Music Violence, Youth and Hip-hop in Mexico Leverhulme Trust, £49,959 over 24 months Dr Jesse Ransley; Archaeology The Levant and the History of Archaeological Ideas about Seascapes Honor Frost Foundation, £28,527 over ten months Professor Aaron Ridley; Philosophy Arts and ethics - H2020 MSCA IF European Commission, £156,364 over 24 months Professor Joachim Schlör; History Muslim Antisemitism in Colonial Morocco - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowship for postdoctoral fellow Maite Ojeda Mata European Commission, £146,764 over 24 months

FACULTY OF MEDICINE Dr Nisreen Alwan; Primary Care and Population Sciences Utilising routinely-collected individual and area-level maternal and early life data to quantify childhood obesity risk The Academy of Medical Sciences, £49,373 over 24 months Professor Iain Cameron; Human Development and Health Confidence in Concept MRC, £224,000 over 24 months Professor Ying Cheong; Human Development and Health Mifepristone plus misoprostol vs misoprostol alone for the medical management of missed miscarriage (with University of Birmingham) NIHR, £8,269 over 36 months Professor Cyrus Cooper; Human Development and Health A supermarket intervention to improve the diets of women of childbearing age The Academy of Medical Sciences, £32,558 over 12 months Professor Paul Elkington; Clinical and Experimental Sciences Analysis of gene expression in tuberculosis to identify new treatment approaches The Morriston Davies Charitable Trust, £10,350 over 12 months

Professor Paul Elkington; Clinical and Experimental Sciences Bioengineering to combat the tuberculosis pandemic MRC Global Challenge Research Fund Foundation Award, £349,122 over 24 months Professor Sarah Ennis; Human Development and Health Functional and interpretive analysis of the microbiome and assessment of ileal transcriptome and genetic interactions in paediatric Crohn’s disease Action Medical Research, £240,640 over 36 months Professor Michael Grocott; Clinical and Experimental Sciences Effectiveness, cost effectiveness and safety of gabapentin versus placebo as an adjunct to multimodal pain regimes in surgical patients: A placebo controlled randomised controlled trial with blinding (the GAP study) NIHR, £11,515 over 48 months Dr Christopher Hanley; Cancer Sciences Developing a 3D model to study tumour-stroma/ immune interactions in lung cancer in real time Cancer Research UK (Research Travel Award), £9,860 over three months Professor Mark Hanson; Human Development and Health H2020-SC1-2016-2017 Life-Cycle European Commission, £392,284 over 60 months Professor Nicholas Harvey MRC Lifecourse Epidemiology Unit; Human Development and Health JPI HDHL Proposal led by University College Dublin BBSRC, £99,947 over 32 months Professor John Holloway; Human Development and Health Proximity to Discovery: Future Worlds Medicine MRC, £100,001 over 18 months Professor Peter Johnson; Cancer Sciences Cancer Research UK Southampton Centre Cancer Research UK, £6,582,277 over 60 months Dr Chrissie Jones; Clinical and Experimental Sciences IMPRINT: IMmunising PRegnant women and INfants neTwork MRC/BBSRC GCRF Networks in Vaccine R&D, £1,935,965 over 36 months (with ICL) Professor Colin Kennedy; Clinical and Experimental Sciences An international prospective study in children older than 3 to 5 years with clinically standard risk Medulloblastoma with low risk biological profile or average risk profile The Brain Tumour Charity, £22,331 over six months Dr Geraldine Leydon; Primary Care and Population Sciences (ANCAP) Antibiotic Negotiations Conversation Analytic Project NIHR, £35,505 over 11 months

Dr Sean Lim; Cancer Sciences A phase IIa study of rituximab and varlilumab in relapsed or refractory B-cell malignancies (RiVa study) Cancer Research UK, 149,950 over 52 months Dr Mark Lown; Primary Care and Population Sciences Prolonged Antibiotic Use, Inflammation and Obesity (PROBITY) - A Retrospective Cohort Study NIHR, £18,463 over 12 months Professor Michael Moore, Primary Care and Population Sciences A retrospective cohort study in the HHR of the primary care antecedent of admission with sepsis NIHR, £14,396 over 12 months Professor James Nicoll; Clinical and Experimental Sciences BRAIN UK 2017 Brain Tumour Research, £27,031 over seven months Professor Christian Ottensmeier; Cancer Sciences Seed Funding ARCP003981 MRC, £15,000 over nine months Professor John Primrose; Cancer Sciences A23528 ORANGE II Plus Amendment Cancer Research UK, £59,383 over 36 months Dr Miriam Santer; Primary Care and Population Sciences Best Emollient for Eczema (BEE): Pragmatic, primary care, multi-centre, individually randomised superiority trial of four emollients in children with eczema, with internal pilot and nested qualitative study NIHR, £233,821 over 40 months Martin Logue and Dr Miriam Santer; Primary Care and Population Sciences Qualitative study exploring feasibility of using Andrographis Paniculata as a symptomatic intervention for acute respiratory tract infections NIHR, £3,000 over 13 months Dr Beth Stuart and Dr Ingrid Muller; Primary Care and Population Sciences Patient reported outcome measures for acne: mixed methods validation study NIHR, £42,463 over 18 months Professor Mike Thomas; Primary Care and Population Sciences Reducing Asthma Attacks in Children using Exhaled Nitric Oxide as a biomarker to inform treatment strategy - a randomised controlled trial (RAACENO) (with University of Aberdeen) NIHR, £14,386 over 48 months Professor Timothy Underwood; Cancer Sciences A Multicentre Study to determine Predictive and Prognostic Biomarkers and Therapeutic Targets for Oesophageal and Junctional Adenocarcinoma including whole genome sequencing Cancer Research UK, £120,000 over 60 months


News Professor Bruno Linclau; Chemistry Investigating lipophilicity and hydrogen bonding properties of functionalised aliphatic compounds EPSRC, £387,478 over 36 months

Anna Lisa Ferrara; Electronics and Computer Science VAC+: Verifier of Access Control EPSRC, £100,746 over 12 months

Dr Sumeet Mahajan; IfLS/Chemistry Label-free techniques for distinguishing and tracking Tau oligomers Alzheimers Research Trust, £49,921 over 12 months

Dr Corin Gawith; Optoelectronics Research Centre Cold Atom Space PAyload (CASPA) EPSRC, £239,369 over 24 months

Dr Anthony Williams; Cancer Sciences Southampton ECMC 2016 Cancer Research UK, £798,078 over 60 months

Professor Gill Reid; Chemistry 2D Layered Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Semiconductors via Non-Aqueous Electrodeposition EPSRC, £799,812 over 42 months


Professor Chris-Kriton Skylaris; Chemistry Support for the UKCP consortium EPSRC, £221,046 over 48 months

Professor Lajos Hanzo; Electronics and Computer Science Key Technology Research on mmWave MIMO Systems Royal Society, £12,000 over 24 months

Professor Karen Walker-Bone; Human Development and Health Manualising Individualised Placement support for people with unemployment due to chronic pain and testing the feasibility of a randomised controlled trial NIHR, £291,250 over 27 months Dr Anthony Williams; Cancer Sciences Southampton ECMC 2016 NIHR, £681,503 over 60 months

Dr Phillip Fenberg; Ocean and Earth Science The edges of the tropics: integrating historic and modern data to assess geographic range changes of coastal molluscs in Baja California and Peru Royal Society, £14,125 over 12 months

Professor Damon Teagle; Ocean and Earth Science Characterising devolatilisation beneath the Mariana Forearc NERC, £51,546 over nine months

Professor Gavin Foster; Ocean and Earth Science SWEET: Super-Warm Early Eocene Temperatures and climate: understanding the response of the Earth system to high CO2 through integrated modelling and data NERC, £307,948 over 60 months

Marc Rius Viladomiu; Ocean and Earth Science Detection and prevention of biological invasions: a major challenge for human societies and biodiversity conservation British Council, £18,195 over 10 months

Professor Gavin Foster; Ocean and Earth Science Reducing Greenhouse Climate Proxy Uncertainty (led by University with Birmingham) NERC, £48,482 over 36 months

Professor Jeremy Webb; Biological Sciences JPIAMR _Transmission Dynamics in Antimicrobial Resistance MRC, £303,158 over 36 months (part of a €1,334,000 European consortium grant)

Dr Stephen Goldup; Chemistry Rotaxane Cu-complexes for radiopharmaceutical applications Royal Society, £9,350 over 24 months


Dr Stephen Goldup; Chemistry H2020 ERC CoG European Commission, £1,780,565 over 60 months Dr Diego Gomez-Nicola; Biological Sciences Is the microglial response in Alzheimer’s disease determined by a dysfunctional balance of proliferation and survival? MRC, £474,278 over 36 months Professor Rachael James; Ocean and Earth Science Releasing divalent cations to sequester carbon on land and sea NERC, £438,475 over 48 months Professor Keith Jones; Biological Sciences Why oocytes fail to mature into eggs BBSRC, £421,523 over 36 months Professor Malcolm Levitt and Professor Marcel Utz; Chemistry Underpinning Equipment for Magnetic Resonance Research EPSRC, £1,999,099 over 12 months


Professor Lajos Hanzo; Electronics and Computer Science Key Signal Processing Technologies for 5G Milllimeter-Wave Massive MIMO with Lens Antenna Royal Society, £120,000 (with Tsinghua University) over 25 months Dr Robert Maunder; Electronics and Computer Science An energy-efficient, robust and secure body area network for health applications Royal Society, £12,000 over 24 months Professor Ian McHardy; Physics and Astronomy Reverberation mapping of AGN accretion discs Royal Astronomical Society, £1,200 over six months Professor Hywel Morgan; Electronics and Computer Science Improving Biosecurity in Aquaculture using High Speed, Low cost, Lab on a Chip Micro-Cytometry for the Surveillance of Harmful Algal Blooms NERC, £200,437 (with the National Oceanography Centre) over 18 months

Dr Martynas Beresna; Optoelectronics Research Centre Topological liquid crystal optofluidics for reconfigurable singular beam shaping Royal Society, £11,880 over 24 months

Professor Otto Muskens; Physics and Astronomy Light Shaping on a Chip with Nanophotonics and Complexity Royal Society, £11,745 over 24 months

Dr Stuart Boden; Electronics and Computer Science SuperSolar Hub Extension Call EPSRC, £95,700 over 12 months

Professor Timothy Norman; Electronics and Computer Science ASSET: Augmented Safety through Smart EnvironmenTs British Council, £150,001 over 24 months

Professor Michael Boniface; Electronics and Computer Science H2020 - SCI - 2016 -CNET - CrowdHEALTH: Collective Wisdom Driving Public Health Policies European Commission, £252,763 over 36 months

Dr Andy O’Bannon; Physics and Astronomy Boundary and Defect Conformal Field Theory: Open Problems and Applications Royal Society, £5,000 over 12 months

Dr Bing Chu; Electronics and Computer Science Coordination control of distributed generation units: a learning based approach Royal Society, £11,918 over 24 months

Dr Francesca Parmigiani; Optoelectronics Research Centre Signal bandwidth enhancement in Parametric amplifiers by exploiting multi-mode nonlinear effects in fibres EPSRC, £100,262 over 18 months

Dr Robert Fear; Physics and Astronomy, and Dr Fiona Simpson; Ocean and Earth Science Space weather impacts on ground structures (SWIGS) NERC, £296,177 over 48 months

Professor Anna Peacock; Optoelectronics Research Centre Speciality Fibre-Based Optical Vortex Signal Transmission & Processing Royal Society, £24,000 over 36 months

For more information, visit:

Dr Themistoklis Prodromakis; Electronics and Computer Science Industry Fellowship Royal Society, £135,862 over 48 months Professor David Richardson; Optoelectronics Research Centre Hollow Core Fibre Photonics EPSRC, £6,160,545 over 72 months Dr Zoheir Sabeur; Electronics and Computer Science 2017-2020 SEDNA: Safe maritime operations under extreme conditions: the Arctic case European Commission H2020, £291,879 over 36 months Professor Vladimiro Sassone; Electronics and Computer Science Academic Centre of Excellence in Cyper Security Research EPSRC, £81,867 over 60 months Professor Elena Simperl; Electronics and Computer Science Engaging citizens with data in a post-truth society EPSRC, £704,836 over 36 months Dr Collin Sones; Optoelectronics Research Centre Early stage, point-of-care detection and antibioticresistance testing enabled with laser-patterned microfluidic devices on low-cost paper platforms EPSRC, £690,360 over 36 months Dr Sebastian Stein; Electronics and Computer Science DAIS ITA Dstl and ARL, £242,857 over 16 months Professor Gabriel Stephen; Electronics and Computer Science H2020 MSCA RISE - PATH European Commission, £124,620 over 48 months Professor James Wilkinson; Optoelectronics Research Centre Multichannel integrated optical waveguide chip for environmental bioassay (exchange with Tsinghua University, Beijing) Royal Society, £11,291 over 24 months Professor Michalis Zervas; Optoelectronics Research Centre Laser Technologies for Future Manufacturing EPSRC, £1,768,136 over 60 months

FACULTY OF SOCIAL, HUMAN AND MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES Dr Benjamin Ainsworth; Psychology Impact & feasibility of mobile mindfulness intervention (MOMA) NIHR, £15,510 over 12 months Dr Julia Branson; GeoData, Geography and Environment Services in Support of Plant Health Operations Forestry Commission, £300,000 over 48 months

Dr Samantha Cockings; Geography and Environment Population247NRT: Near real-time spatiotemporal population estimates for health, emergency response and national security New & Emerging Forms of Data Policy Demonstrator Projects ESRC, £185,027 over 12 months Dr Christine Currie; Mathematical Sciences Workshop on personification and choice modelling for demand management with restricted data (University of Warwick lead) EPSRC, £4,412 over eight months Professor Stephen Darby; Geography and Environment Sustainable Intensification of Rice Agriculture in Vulnerable Mega-Deltas: A Global Challenge BBSRC (GCRF), £538,523 over 24 months

Dr Zacharias Maniadis; Social Sciences The Credibility of Opinion Polls: an Experimental Approach British Academy, £8,900 over 24 months Professor Graham Moon; Geography and Environment Small area estimates for obesity and smoking Public Health England, £69,133 over seven months Dr Jo Nield; Geography and Environment Multiscale aeolian bedform dynamics within a barchan dune train National Geographic Society, £17,304 over 16 months Dr Hou-Duo Qi; Mathematical Sciences Optimisation in Big Data: Models, Theory and Algorithms Royal Society, £11,980 over 24 months

Dr James Dyke; Geography and Environment Agent based models for the analysis of early warning signals of ecosystem tipping points as a consequence of environmental change LWEC fund of RCUK, £20,900 over six months

Dr Emma Roe; Geography and Environment The Laboratory Animal Research Nexus Wellcome Trust, £280,767 over 60 months (part of a £1,499,824 Collaborative Grant with the universities of Exeter, Manchester, Nottingham and Oxford)

Professor Jane Falkingham; Social Sciences Knowledge Exchange bid ESRC, £35,300 over nine months

Mr Jason Sadler; Geography and Environment Development of a portal for dissemination of evidence-based migration data International Centre for Migration Policy Development, £20,000 over six months

Professor Jane Falkingham; Social Sciences Demographic change in the era of Brexit: what does local industry need to know? ESRC, £34,557 over two months Mr Christopher Hill; Geography and Environment Mali - Dolonguebougou International Institute for Environment and Development, £4,096 over six months Mr Christopher Hill; Geography and Environment DRM FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, £30,917 over five months Mr Christopher Hill; Geography and Environment River Restoration of the new Forest rivers & wetlands Forestry Commission (South West Region), £16,908 over three months Professor Bruce Macfarlane; Southampton Education School Recognising and Rewarding Academic Citizenship Leadership Foundation for Higher Education, £7,992 over nine months Dr Nick Maguire and Stephanie Barker; Psychology Effectiveness of peer support for a homeless population in London Big Lottery Fund, £104,776 over 60 months Dr Nick Maguire; Psychology Scoping built environmental and mental health issues to improve homeless hostel services Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council, £20,000 over three months

Professor Peter Sunley; Geography and Environment Manufacturing Renaissance in Industrial Regions ESRC, £265,163 over 30 months Professor Andrew Tatem; Geography and Environment Ruktanonchai, GCE Phase 1 Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, £77,591 over 18 months Professor Andrew Tatem; Geography and Environment RAPID: Overcoming uncertainty to enable estimation and forecasting of Zika virus transmission Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, £6,604 over 12 months Professor Lucy Yardley; Psychology Get a Move On Network Think Piece EPSRC, £5,000 over three months Professor Asghar Zaidi; Social Sciences Understanding, Beliefs and Treatment of Dementia in Pakistan Age UK, £99,978 over 12 months Dr Alain Zemkoho; Mathematical Sciences Newton-type methods for bilevel optimization EPSRC First Grant, £100,929 over 18 months

This list encompasses a selection of awards logged with University of Southampton Finance from February to April 2017 that are considered non-commercially sensitive.


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