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Use the breathing-in to inflate the chest with the light. Next, repeat with the head. Ensure that everything in the head, including the eyes, ears, forehead, jaws and the inside of the mouth is relaxed and without tension. The more you can get the light into the cells and molecules, the more you can feel the success of what you are doing. Of course the body is doing this all the time. Cells are constantly being renewed. But normally the overall quality of natural regeneration declines in line with the natural deterioration of the body through ageing. In this case, we are upstreaming what the body has been programmed to do naturally and introducing rejuvenation more directly from the infinite potential of the source itself. And we are doing it consciously and intentionally, using the principle that “mind comes first”. From the point of view of conventional dualistic thinking operating in the brain, we are performing miracles. But a “miracle" is just one of a pair of dualities: things which occur normally and which can be explained satisfactorily within the constraints of current known (“scientific”) opinion; and things that seem to occur and cannot be explained satisfactorily within current opinion. From the point of view of the Centre, there are no miracles. Everything can be explained on the basis that everything in existence has come from the one source and, therefore, anything is possible. All that is needed is for mind to conceive it, confidently find out how and diligently do it. Technically, there seems to be no limit to how far you can go with this (see chapter 32). You are after all using the source of everything in the universe. How far a given individual, such as yourself, can go depends on how good you get at the practice. Consider: it was known for hundreds of years that it was possible to swim the English Channel. The fact that it had never been done didn’t mean it was impossible. Just that there hadn’t been swimmers good enough and confident enough to do it. Then along came Captain Matthew Webb on August 25th 1875 and did it. Since then, of course, there have been many others. Nowadays you get swimmers who can swim across to France and back again the same day. There is no limit. Anything is possible. You just have to conceptualise it (have the idea), work out how and then apply sustained effort. Mostly the doing of it 63

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