Universidad Torcuato Di Tella Research Newsletter No. 4

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Second semester 2023

N.° 4

Universidad Torcuato Di Tella Research Newsletter







Published Articles and Books




Awards (prizes and recognitions)


Participation in Scientific and Artistic Events


Schools and Departments












Universidad Torcuato Di Tella is a research University whose mission is to contribute to the advancement of knowledge, the pursuit of intellectual, scientific, and artistic excellence within a framework of freedom of expression, pluralism, and diversity of approaches. The Research Newsletter reflects the research activity of our faculty. It includes publications, awards, research grants and scholarships obtained, as well as participation in Argentine and international seminars and conferences. The newsletter has two annual editions. With the aim of disseminating the research developed by our regular academic staff to an international audience, this year we are also launching the newsletter in its English version. This newsletter is a joint effort of the Academic Secretariat of the University and the Research Support area of the Library. Each publication reflected in this newsletter contributes to the update of our Digital Repository and the acquisition of new books by Torcuato Di Tella authors published each semester.




Second semester 2023


Arozamena, Leandro Arozamena, L., Ganuza, J. J., y Weinschelbaum, F. (2023). Renegotiation, discrimination and favoritism in symmetric procurement auctions. European Economic Review, 104566.

Azcue, Pablo Albrecher, H., Azcue, P. y Muler, N. (2023). Optimal dividend strategies for a catastrophe insurer. Preprint publicado en arXiv:2311.05781.

Botana, Natalio Botana, N. R. (2023). Cuarenta años: un prólogo y un epílogo. Estudios Sociales, (64), e0052.


Bruno, Paula Bruno, P. (2023). Sick Latin America. Intellectual Interventions on Latin American Condemnations and Failures, 1898-1930. Maximiliano Fuentes Codera (Ed.) The Flu Pandemic of 1918-1919. A Political and Cultural Approach from a COVID World. Routledge. Bruno, P. (2023). Enfermedades y males de América Latina. Intervenciones intelectuales entre 1898 y 1930. Revista de Historia de América, 166, 117-136. Bruno, P. y Schuster, S. (Dir.). (2023). Mapamundis culturales. América Latina y las Exposiciones Universales, 1867-1939. Prohistoria Ediciones.

Chehtman, Alejandro Chehtman, A. (2023). The Use of Force, en C. Espósito y K. Parlett (Eds.), The Cambridge Companion to the International Court of Justice. Cambridge Companions to Law, 448-469. Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781108766241.025 Chehtman, A. (2023). The Presumption against extraterritorial punishment, en L. Farmer et al., The Transformation of Criminal Jurisdiction. Hart. Chehtman, A. (2023). The use of defensive force in Latin America, en Kai Ambos, Göttingen Handbook for Latin American Public Law and Criminal Justice. Nomos. Chehtman, A. (2023). Extraterritorial jurisdiction in Latin America, en A. Parrish et al., Research Handbook on Extraterritoriality in International Law. Edward Elgar. Chehtman, A. (2023). Crímenes Internacionales: Aspectos Conceptuales y Normativos, en Sebastián García Amuchástegui et al. (Dir.), La relevancia de la dogmática en el derecho penal internacional. Marcial Pons.


Cyr, Jennifer Cyr, J., Bianchi, M., Lara, I. F. y Coda, F. (2023). (Re-)Thinking a Collaborative Research Model After Covid-19: Introducing Colabora. Lat. IDS Bulletin, 54(2).

Diamint, Rut Tedesco, L. y Diamint, R. (2023). Crisis cubana y transformación de las fuerzas armadas: de revolucionarios a capitalistas, en Susanne Gratius (Ed.), El futuro de la Cuba postrevolucionaria, TECNOS. Diamint, R. y Martínez, R. (2023). Studying the military: unlocking a closed organization, en Antonio M. Díaz-Fernández, Cristina Del-Real, Lorena Molnar (Eds.) Spain Fieldwork experiences in Criminology and Security Studies: Methods, Ethics, and Emotions. Springer.

Espino, Emilio Espino, E., Kozlowski, J., Martin, F. M. y Sánchez, J. M. (2023). External Shocks versus Domestic Policies in Emerging Markets. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review, Second Quarter 2023, 108-121.

Etchemendy, Sebastián Etchemendy, S., Pastrana, F. y Vezzato, J. M. (2023). Los ingresos populares en un régimen de alta inflación: trayectorias y pospandemia en Argentina. Fundar. Etchemendy, S. y Lodola, G. (2023). The Rise of Public Sector Unions in the Twenty-First Century: A Theoretical, Mixed-Methods Approach with Evidence from Argentina. Politics & Society.


Forster, Sergio Bogani, R. y Forster, S. (2023). Espacios de fuga en organizaciones complejas. Mercados callejeros y comercio informal en La Paz, Bolivia. Revista MAR. Material de Arquitectura. Ed. Universidad Atlántida. Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño, 2, 144-151.

Gago, Andrés Abad, J., Bermejo, V. J., Carozzi, F. y Gago, A. (2023). Government Turnover and External Financial Assistance. Repositorio Digital Universidad Torcuato Di Tella.

González Rozada, Martín Clemente, A., González Rozada, M., Támola, A. y Fernández Díez, M. C. (2023). El impacto de los programas de crédito para la reactivación del tejido productivo y el empleo tras la pandemia: el caso de Argentina. Sitio web del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo.


Gravano, Agustín Meza, M., Gauder, L., Estienne, L., Barchi, R., Gravano, A., Riera, P. y Ferrer, L. (2023). Teamwork Quality Prediction Using Speech-Based Features. Workshop on Speech, Music and Mind (SMM), 1-5. DOI: 10.21437/SMM.2023-1. Romanisio, A. y Gravano, A. (2023). Predicción de la satisfacción del usuario a partir de chats de atención al cliente. Memorias de las JAIIO, 9(1).

Hatum, Andrés Hatum, A. y Sabina, L. (2023). Imperfectos. 2003 - 2023: Una historia de liderazgos y desencantos. Galerna.

Hevia, Martín Hevia, M. (2023). Argentina, en Smits, Husa, Valcke y Narciso (Eds.), Elgar Encyclopedia of Comparative Law. Edward Elgar.

Huffmann, Carlos Huffmann, C. (2023). 40 años de democracia. En Méndez, JM y Borovinsky, T. Democracia 40 años. Ministerio de Cultura de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires.


Iarussi, Emmanuel Deangeli, D., Iarussi, E., Külsgaard, H., et al. (2023). NORHA: A NORmal Hippocampal Asymmetry Deviation Index Based on One-Class Novelty Detection and 3D Shape Features. Brain Topography, 36(5), 644-660. Feldman, P., Fainstein, M., Siless, V., Delrieux, C., y Iarussi, E. (2023). VesselVAE: Recursive Variational Autoencoders for 3D Blood Vessel Synthesis. International Conference on Medical ImageComputing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, 67-76. Springer Nature Switzerland. Deangeli, D., Iarussi, E., Princich, J. P., Bendersky, M., Larrabide, I. y Orlando, J. I. (2023). Learning normal asymmetry representations for homologous brain structures. International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, 77-87. Springer Nature Switzerland.

Levy Yeyati, Eduardo Levy Yeyati, E. (2023). Sovereign Debt Management. Documento de trabajo. RedNIE N 265.

Lodola, Germán Etchemendy, S. y Lodola, G. (2023). The Rise of Public Sector Unions in the Twenty-First Century: A Theoretical, Mixed-Methods Approach with Evidence from Argentina. Politics & Society, 0(0).


Marenco, Javier Koch, I. y Marenco, J., (2022). The maximum 2D subarray polytope: facet-inducing inequalities and polyhedral computations. Discrete Applied Mathematics 323, 286-301. Marenco, J. (2023). An integer programming approach for the hyperrectangular clustering problem with axis-parallelclusters and outliers. Discrete Applied Mathematics 341, 180-195. Bianchetti, M. y Marenco, J. (2023). A branch-and-cut algorithm for the routing and spectrum allocation problem. Discrete Applied Mathematics 339, 107-126. Blaum M. y Marenco, J. (2023). Valid inequalities and complete characterizations of the 2-domination and P3-hull number polytope. Discrete Applied Mathematics 338, 30-45. Koch, I. y Marenco, J. (2023). A hybrid heuristic for the rectilinear picture compression problem. 4OR 21. 329-358.

Martos Venturini, Gabriel Hernández, N., Muñoz, A. y Martos Venturini, G. (2023). Density kernel depth for outlier detection in functional data. International Journal of Data Science and Analytics, 16, 481–488. N., Muñoz, A., Martos Venturini, G. y González, J. (2023). Level Sets Semimetrics for Probability Measures with applications in hypothesis testing. Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 25, 21.

Matallana, Andrea Matallana, A. (2023). Cuando los militares llegaron a los estudios de radio, en Miranda Lida e Ignacion Lopez (Eds.). Un golpe decisivo. La dictadura de 1943 y el lugar de Juan Domingo Perón. Edhasa. Matallana, A.y Merle, E. (2023). Pioneras de la UBA. Eudeba.


Miranda Bront, Juan José Lera-Romero, G., Miranda Bront, J. J. y Soulignac, F. J. (2024). A branch-cut-and-price algorithm for the time-dependent electric vehicle routing problem with time windows. European Journal of Operational Research. 312(3), 978-995.

Monti, Ezequiel Monti, E. (2023). Are There Any Conventional Obligations? Legal Theory, 1–32.

Muler, Nora Albrecher, H., Azcue, P. y Muler, N. (2023). Optimal dividend strategies for a catastrophe insurer. Preprint publicado en arXiv:2311.05781.

Mustapic, Ana María Mustapic, A. M. (2023). Consideraciones acerca del impacto de la polarización política. Estudios Sociales, 64.


Narodowski, Mariano Narodowski, M. (Dir.), Arias, M. E., Fernández, C. y Sacks, C. (2023). Hacia una educación inclusiva, equitativa y de calidad. Un análisis de las políticas públicas implementadas en cuatro sistemas educativos para la inclusión de las personas con discapacidad en escuelas generales. Red Regional por la Educación Inclusiva de Latinoamérica (RREI) y Centro de Evaluación de Políticas basadas en Evidencia (CEPE) de la Universidad Torcuato Di Tella.

Navajas, Joaquín Barrera-Lemarchand, F., Balenzuela, P., Bahrami, B., Deroy, O. y Navajas, J. (2023). The wisdom of extremized crowds: Promoting erroneous divergent opinions increases collective accuracy. Espina Mairal, S., Bustos, F., Solovey, G., y Navajas, J. (2023). Interactive crowdsourcing to fact-check politicians. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied. Advance online publication. Fumagalli, E., Krick, C. B., Dolmatzian, M. B., Del Negro, J. E. y Navajas, J. (2023). Partisanship predicts COVID-19 vaccine brand preference: the case of Argentina. Humanit Soc Sci Commun 10, 579.

Negri, Juan Clerici, P., Demeco, L., Galeano, F. y Negri, J. (2023). Mudding the playing field. Fiscal contributions to municipalities as a political construction. Governance, 1–22.


Pels, Jaqueline Pels, J., Mele, C., Russo-Spena, T. y Tregua, M. (2023). A value-based wellbeing framework. Journal of Macromarketing, 43(1), 85-79. Pels, J. (2023). Negocios inclusivos y desarrollo inmobiliario, un futuro común, en Damián Tabakman (Ed.) Nueva Agenda del Desarrollo Inmobiliario: Triple Impacto y Sustentabilidad en Latinoamérica. Bienes Raíces Ediciones.

Peruzzotti, Enrique Peruzzotti, E. (2023). Democracia y ciclos políticos. Estudios Sociales, 64.

Romero, Claudia Romero, C., Krichesky, G. y Zacarías, N. (2023). Desigualdad y segregación educativa durante la pandemia COVID 19 en Argentina. Profesorado, Revista de Currículum y Formación del Profesorado, 27(2), 143–170. Romero, C. y Krichesky, G. (2023). Liderazgo directivo: prioridades de la agenda y uso del tiempo. Análisis de los resultados de la evaluación TALIS 2018 en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (Argentina). CILME Construir comunidad en la escuela, Narcea Ediciones, 499-501. Romero, C. y Zacarías, N. (2023). Liderazgo educativo y género. CILME - Construir comunidad en la escuela, Narcea Ediciones, 501-506.

Rotnitzky, Andrea Guo, F.R. Perković, E. y Rotnitzky, A. (2023). Variable elimination, graph reduction and the efficient g-formula, Biometrika, Vol. 110, Issue 3, 739–761.


Russell, Roberto Russell, R. y Tokatlian, J. G. (2023). América Latina y sus grandes estrategias, en AA. VV., La sociedad internacional: Miradas iberoamericanas. Fundación Carolina.

Salvatore, Ricardo Molteni, C. y Salvatore, R. (2023). Las políticas de desarme y desmovilización tras el asedio de la ciudad de Buenos Aires (1853). Cuadernos de Historia. Serie Economía y Sociedad, 31, 91–114.

Shmerkin, Pablo Shmerkin, P. (2023). Inverse theorems for discretized sums and Lq norms of convolutions in Rd. Repositorio Digital Universidad Torcuato Di Tella. Orponen, T., Saxcé, N. D. y Shmerkin, P. (2023). On the Fourier decay of multiplicative convolutions. Repositorio Digital Universidad Torcuato Di Tella.

Shmidt, Claudia Shmidt, C. et al. (2023). Historia y Crítica de la Arquitectura: Jornadas 2023. Arquitectura y Naturaleza: lenguajes, ambiente, sustentabilidad. UTDT. Shmidt, C. (2023). Prólogo en Historia y Crítica de la Arquitectura: Jornadas 2023. Arquitectura y Naturaleza: lenguajes, ambiente, sustentabilidad. UTDT, 8-9. Shmidt, C. (2023). Bringing projects to life. A selection of letters written by Amancio Williams, introduced by Claudia Shmidt. CCA Articles. 17

Spector, Horacio Spector, H. (2023). Proporcionalidad constitucional y el teorema Alchourrón-Makinson. Doxa. Cuadernos de Filosofía del Derecho, 47, 383-402. Spector, H. (2023). Sobre el principio de proporcionalidad. Una discusión con Horacio Spector. Doxa. Cuadernos de Filosofía del Derecho, 47. Spector, H. (2023). Autonomy and Rights, en Ben Coburn (Ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Autonomy, London and New York, Routledge.

Tokatlian, Juan Gabriel Russell, R. y Tokatlian, J. G. (2023). América Latina y sus grandes estrategias, en AA. VV., La sociedad internacional: Miradas iberoamericanas. Fundación Carolina.

Vulcano, Gustavo Jagabathula, S., Mitrofanov, D. y Vulcano, G. (2023). Demand Estimation Under Uncertain Consideration Sets. NYU Stern School of Business.


Weinschelbaum, Federico Arozamena, L., Ganuza, J. J. y Weinschelbaum, F. (2023). Renegotiation, discrimination and favoritism in symmetric procurement auctions. European Economic Review, 104566.

Yamin, Patricio Yamin, P. (2023). Green for the Right Reasons? How Government Ideology Shapes Preferences over Climate Change Negotiations in the Global South. APSA Preprints. doi: 10.33774/apsa-2023-pkdsg.



Chehtman, Alejandro Member of the international team led by Lund University (Sweden) that received funding from the European Union for the MARS project: NonWestern Migration Regimes in a Global Perspective, which has been granted four years of financing.

Forster, Sergio Erasmus Mobility Grant for the research project “Auto ¡Stop!¨-2080 International collective research with exchange between students and professors from three universities: AKBILD (Austria), PUCCH (Chile), and UTDT-EAEU (Argentina).

Goytia, Cynthia Housing deficit and Informal settlements, and Guide for the formulation of an urbanization and housing policy program. Agreement between the Centro de Investigaciones sobre Política Urbana y Vivienda de la Universidad Torcuato Di Tella and the Instituto de Vivienda de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Recomendaciones para la formulación de un programa de urbanismo y vivienda a nivel jurisdiccional de corto y mediano plazo. 20

Examining opportunities and challenges for implementing land-based financing instruments for funding climate action: A study of land markets and flood risk pricing in different contexts. Lincoln Institute of Land Policy. Energy efficiency in informal neighborhoods of the City of Buenos Aires. Part 2. Instituto de Vivienda de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Value chain of the Housing sector in Argentina and Uruguay. Diagnosis, Affordable Housing, and policy proposals for the 2024-2028 cycle. Inter American Development Bank. Analysis of the National Registry of Popular Neighborhoods Program (RENABAP) and its association with tenure security in informal settlements in Argentina. Lincoln Institute of Land Policy and Secretaría de Integración Socio Urbana de Argentina.

Martos Venturini, Gabriel Short-term research stay at University College London - UCL (London, April 2023). Department of Statistical Science.

Navajas, Joaquín Templeton World Charity Foundation Grant: Individual and cross-cultural differences in the attraction to political extremes.

Shmidt, Claudia Graham Foundation Grantee Project 2023: AP205 Amancio Williams: Readings of the Archive by Studio Muoto, Claudia Shmidt, and Pezo von Ellrichshausen.


Closed International Competition, First Prize. Project Association Escuelas Lincoln. Elementary School. Estudio Rovea-Sargiotti and Associates. Claudia Shmidt: Architecture Advisor for Education. La Lucila Campus. Buenos Aires Province. 2023: project stage (Inauguration: 2025).

Spector, Horacio During June 2023, he was a Humboldt Research Visiting Fellow at the Faculty of Philosophy of Humboldt University in Berlin, where he worked on a project on the concept of justifications in criminal law and international law.


Awards (prizes and recognitions)


National awards

Romero, Claudia On August 2023, the Chamber of Deputies of the Province of Santa Fe declared the book La Trastienda de la Educación, Políticas Educativas en Escena, compiled by Claudia Romero, as a matter of interest.

International awards

Chehtman, Alejandro Alejandro Chehtman participated in the drafting of an Ethics Code for Judges of International Criminal Tribunals, in a project co-organized by the Ecole Nationale de la Magistrature (France), the Nuremberg Academy (Germany), and the Siracusa Institute (Italy).

Hevia, Martín Re-elected President of the Ibero-American Association of Law Schools and Faculties for the term 2023-2025.

Huffmann, Carlos Curator of the “Sense of Self” exhibition by artist and fashion designer Jessica Trosman. Tomás Redrado Art Gallery, Miami, USA (December 2023).


Participation in Scientific and Artistic Events


National events Gervasoni, Carlos

XVI National Congress of Political Science, “La democracia en tensión. Retos y desafíos de las democracias en un mundo inestable”. Universidad Católica Argentina, CABA. (July 2023). • Presentation in the panel “Pensando la Política Argentina más allá del Escenario Electoral: Coaliciones, Liderazgos y Nuevos Actores”. • Presentation in the panel “Procesos de autocratización en América Latina”.

Goytia, Cynthia

Presentation of the results of a research on climate change and development of informal neighborhoods. Buenos Aires (October 2023).

Gravano, Agustín

Presentation of the work Romanisio, A. and Gravano, A. (2023) “Predicción de la Satisfacción del Usuario a partir de Chats de Atención al Cliente”. Simposio Argentino de Ciencia de Datos y Grandes Datos (AGRANDA), JAIIO. The presentation was given by Alejandro Romanisio, a MiM graduate, and received the award for the best presentation at the symposium.


Kitzberger, Philip

Presentation of the paper: “Populismo, medios, periodismo y comunicación política en América Latina”. XVI Congreso Nacional de Ciencia Política Sociedad Argentina de Análisis Político, “La democracia en tensión. Retos y desafíos de las democracias en un mundo inestable.” Universidad Católica Argentina, CABA (July 2023).

Marenco, Javier

SIIIO 2023, Jornadas Argentinas de Informática. Buenos Aires, Argentina (September 2023). • Singer J. and Marenco J. “Un estudio poliedral del problema de coloreo de máximo impacto en hipergrafos”. • Santos R., Marenco J. and Micheletto M. “Problema de asignación de puertas de enlace en redes inalámbricas con minimización de tiempo de transmisión y energía”. • Bonomo F., Lebon J. and Marenco J. “Modelos de programación lineal entera para el survivable routing and spectrum assignment problem with path protection”.

Miranda Bront, Juan José

Presentation of the work “Problemas de ruteo de vehículos bajo efectos de congestión: variantes, modelos y algoritmos exactos”. Simposio Argentino de Informática Industrial e Investigación Operativa, 52 JAIIO, CABA (September 2023).

Narodowski, Mariano

Seminar. Universidad Pedagógica Nacional. Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires. Speaker. “Sobre el mérito y la meritocracia” (August 2023). Panel. Inter-American Development Bank on Social Policy on Inclusive Education. Buenos Aires. Co-speaker. “Inclusión en sistemas educativos: los casos de Italia, Brasil, Suecia y New Brunswick” (August 2023). Central Tribute of the Asociación Sarmientina de la República Argentina. Buenos Aires. Central conference “Sarmiento embajador del futuro” (September 2023).

Rieznik, Andrés

Cotton, A. & Wisznia, J. “GPT-3.5’s Performance with Rioplatense Spanish Structures in Medical Triage Tasks. 2das Jornadas de Inteligencia Artificial del Litoral”, UNL, Santa Fe, Argentina (October 2023). Cotton, A. & Wisznia, J. “Guidance is all you need: using function calling for sustained Goal-Oriented tasks”. SCIAA (Simposio de Inteligencia Artificial y Aplicaciones). UdeSA, Buenos Aires, Argentina (October, 2023).

Rocchi, Fernando

Presentation of the paper “El Banco Ciudad: del empeño a la gestión comercial 1945-1970”. XXVIII Jornadas de Historia Económica, Asociación Argentina de

Historia Económica y la Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto (September 2023).

Romero, Claudia

Participation in the 30.ª Jornadas Internacionales de Educación, Feria del libro de Buenos Aires. Coordinación Académica del XXI Congreso AIEPBA. • Participation in the roundtable “El rol de directivo en la vida escolar en tiempos inciertos”. • Opening Conference “Educación, entre el legado y la innovación”, Buenos Aires. Lecturer at “Experiencia Argentina. Syllabus para profesores”. Fundación Bunge y Born, Argentina.

International events Bruno, Paula

Invited Paper: “Trayectorias transnacionales de mujeres latinoamericanas en la vida diplomática”, Coloquio “Diálogos y conexiones entre Europa y las Américas”, Universidad del Valle, Colombia/Université Paris Cité, Francia. Online (July 2023). Conference: “Biografía e Historia: balance y desafíos”. Seminario “Biografía como género histórico”. Universidad de Montevideo. Online (July 2023).

Closing Conference: “Embajadoras culturales. Mujeres latinoamericanas y vida diplomática en el largo siglo XIX”. X Simpósio Internacional de História Global e das Relações Internacionais: “Política Internacional SulAmericana No Século XIX”, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Laboratório de História da Política Internacional Sul-americana (LAHPIS), Río de Janeiro (September 2023). Organizer of the “Biografía e Historiografía: balances, propuestas y problemas”. II Coloquio Internacional de la Red Iberoamericana de Historia de la Historiografía. Online (October 2023). Organizer: III Congreso Internacional “Historias y Diplomacias. Nuevas agendas de investigación”. Online (October 2023). Organizer: II Workshop virtual internacional: “Mujeres entre guerra y paz: mediadoras, intelectuales y agentes culturales”. Online (October 2023).

Diamint, Rut

Commentator. “Security in an Era of Uncertainty: Germany’s Response - A Conversation with the Political Director of the Federal Ministry of Defense of Germany, Jasper Wieck”. CARI and the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Buenos Aires (July 2023). Commentator. Hybrid event, presentation of the book Evolution

of International Security Studies by Barry Buzan and Lene Hansen. Universidad Iberoamericana. Mexico City (October 2023). Special Session: “The Military and Politics in Brazil.” 47th Annual Meeting of ANPOCS (October 2023).

Forster, Sergio Red Iberoamericana de Innovación en Proyecto Arquitectónico, RIIPA, 2do. Congreso Internacional de Innovación en el Proyecto Arquitectónico. Presentation of the papers: • “Procesos Proyectuales Digitales”. Sergio Forster - Pablo Llionti. • “Materia, resistencia y organización”. Sergio Forster - Marina Masciottra. Presentation “Modelo de Proceso Creativo Dinámico por Actualización. Un campo fértil para desarrollar metodologías de creación artística y colaborar con la pedagogía de las artes”. V Congreso Internacional IDEA’23, Facultad de Artes de la Universidad de Cuenca (Ecuador).

Gervasoni, Carlos

Presentation in the panel “¿Qué pasó con los problemas que imaginábamos íbamos a tener que lidiar y pensar luego de la transición?”. International Political Science Association 27th World Congress of Political Science “Politics in the Age of Transnational Crises:

Vulnerability and Resilience”. Buenos Aires, Argentina (July 2023).

Goytia, Cynthia “Modelos de Integración Socio-Urbana”. Congreso Internacional de Integración y Desarrollo. Ciudad de Bs. As. “Can Land Use Regulations and Land Management Tools Prevent Informal Land Development in developing countries?”. AREUEA International Conference Cambridge, UK (July 2023). “Políticas de gestión de suelo en América Latina”. Seminar “La ciudad latinoamericana y del Caribe”. Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS) de Stanford University and Tinker Foundation (October 2023). “Economía urbana: ¿qué se necesita saber para gestionar mejor las ciudades?”. Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL) (November 2023). “Impacto económico y urbano de la intervención pública en suelo”. Lincoln Institute of Land Policy y Ministerio de Vivienda de Chile. MINVU. (October 2023). “Gestión Integral del Hábitat”. Foro de Hábitat de América Latina y del Caribe. CIHALC, Antioquia.

Iarussi, Emmanuel 26th International Conference on Medical

Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2023), in Vancouver, Canadá. Presentation of the following works: • “Learning normal asymmetry representations for homologous brain structures”. • “VesselVAE: Recursive Variational Autoencoders for 3D Blood Vessel Synthesis”, along with Paula Feldman, Doctoral Fellow at the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.

Kitzberger, Philip

International Political Science Association. 27th World Congress of Political Science “Politics in the Age of Transnational Crises: Vulnerability and Resilience.” Buenos Aires, Argentina (July 2023): • Presentation of the paper: Kitzberger, P, Hallin, D.C. y Palos-Pons, M. (2023) “The Populist/ Anti-Populist Cleavage in Latin American Media Systems: The Model of Argentina and Ecuador”. • Presentation of the paper: “Mediatización de la política y la politización de los medios en 40 años de política democrática en la Argentina”.

Lombardi, María Presentation of the paper. The effect of high dismissal protection on bureaucratic turnover and productivity: • Workshop of Economics of Education en Valle Nevado, Chile


(September 2023) • Presentación. RISE Annual Conference 2023 en Oxford, UK (October 2023)

Marenco, Javier

Presentation of the paper “Exploring integer programming techniques for the hyper-rectangular clustering problem with axis-parallel clusters”. The 23rd Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies, IFORS 2023. Santiago, Chile (July 2023). Presentation of the paper “A polyhedral study of a relaxation of the routing and spectrum allocation problem”. XII LatinAmerican Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization Symposium, LAGOS 2023. Huatulco, México (September 2023).

Martos Venturini, Gabriel Reign-and-Conquer Clustering Algorithm. HiTEc & CoDES. Limassol, Cyprus.

Talk: Uncovering Sets of Maximum Dissimilarity on Random Process Data. UCL (London). Department of Statistical Science. (April 2023)

Miranda Bront, Juan José

Organization of an invited session. 23rd Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS 2023). Presentation of the paper “Rescheduling the NBA regular season via Integer Programming”


by Nicolas Garcia Aramouni, Juan José Miranda Bront. 23rd Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies, Santiago, Chile (July 2023).

Narodowski, Mariano

International Seminar on Teacher Training. University of Colima. Colima (Mexico). Speaker. “Futuros sin escuelas” (January 2023). International Seminar. Coalición Latinoamericana para la Excelencia Docente. Buenos Aires. Speaker. “Innovación en la formación docente, Casos en América Latina” (November 2023).

Navajas, Joaquín

Presentation of the paper “Linguistic Complexity Reduces the Perceived Validity of Moral Arguments”. Barrera-Lemarchand, F.; Navajas, J. 9th International Conference on Computational Social Science IC2S2. Copenhagen, Denmark (July 2023). Presentation of the paper “Collective implementation of the Fermi method underlies the wisdom of deliberative crowds”. Lescano Charreau, Victoria; Barrera Lemarchand, Federico; Navajas, Joaquin. 9th International Conference on Computational Social Science IC2S2. Copenhagen, Denmark (July 2023).

Presentation of the paper: “Partisanship predicts Covid-19 Vaccine Brand Preference”. Krick, Candelaria Belen; Fumagalli, Elena; Dolmatzian, Marina; Del Negro, Julieta; Navajas, Joaquin. XIX Reunión Nacional y VIII Encuentro Internacional de la Asociación Argentina de Ciencias del Comportamiento (AACC). Universidad del Salvador. Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina (August 2023). Presentation of the paper: “Extremizing Judgements Produces More Inaccurate Individuals but Wiser Crowds”. BarreraLemarchand, F., Navajas, J. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 45. Sydney, Australia (August 2023). Presentation of the paper: “Effects of sleep deprivation on political polarization”. Lescano Charreau, Victoria; Casiraghi, Leandro; Navajas, Joaquín; Golokmbek, Diego. 23ra conferencia internacional de la Sociedad Argentina de Neurociencia (SAN). Universidad Nacional de San Luis. San Luis, Argentina (October 2023).

Pels, Jaqueline

8.th Naples Forum on Service, Ravello, Italy (June 2023). • Keynote speaker: “Emerging Markets and Low Resource Beneficiaries”.

• Paper presentation: “Constitution of Service Systems, Institutions and Economic Development”. • Paper Presentation: “Absence as an Enabler of Market-Shaping Visions”, in co-authorship with Nenonen, S. and Peters, L. Keynote speaker: “B2B markets in emerging economies”, CBIM 2023 Conference on Business and Industrial Marketing, Graz, Germany, online (June 2023).

Penas, Fabiana

Annual European Conference of the Financial Management Association (June 2023). • Presentation of the paper “Political uncertainty and the geographic allocation of credit: Evidence from small businesses” (co-authors: Geraldo Cerqueiro and Ana Mãode-Ferro). • Discussant for the paper “Political Ideology and Corporate Innovation: Evidence from the Expansion of a Local TV Network” (authors: Gu, Kaviani, Li, Maleki, and Mao).

Rieznik, Andrés

Presentation of the paper: Cotton, A., Ramenzoni, V., Rocca, F., Londoño, C., Edelsztein, V. & Rieznik, A. (2023). “Mental representation of fractions and its demographic dependencies, a Massive Online Experiment”. XXXVIII Annual Meeting of the SAN (Argentine Society of Neuroscience) San Luis, Argentina (October 2023).

Presentation of the paper: Cotton, A., Ramenzoni, V., Rocca, F., Londoño, C. Edelsztein, V. & Rieznik, A. (2023). “Mental representation of fractions, a Massive Online Experiment”. VIII International Meeting of the AACC (Argentine Association of Behavioral Sciences). Buenos Aires, Argentina (October 2023).

Romero, Claudia

Member of the Academic Council and Conference Presentation. 4th International Conference on Leadership and School Improvement. Seville, Spain. Conference: “Factores de eficacia y mejora escolar”. Benemérita Escuela Nacional de Maestros. Secretaría de Educación Pública, Ciudad de México.

Shmidt, Claudia

Organizer. 2023 Jornadas de Historia y Crítica de la Arquitectura 2023 “Arquitectura y Naturaleza: lenguajes, ambiente, sustentabilidad”. Universidad Torcuato Di Tella. EAEU. Master’s in History and Criticism of Architecture (July 2023). Opening Lecture: “Far from Nostalgia: The Letters of Amancio Williams. Exhibition Out of the Box: Amancio Williams’ Archive”. Canadian Centre for Architecture. Montreal (October 2023).

Spector, Horacio

Workshop on “Current Issues in Metaethics and Practical Normativity”. Faculty of Philosophy, Humboldt University of Berlin (June 2023).

Stevenson, Hayley

Keynote presentation: “Indifference to Truth in Climate Change Adaptation”. Conference on Justice and Legitimacy in Trans-scalar Climate Adaptation. Stockholm, Sweden (June 2023). Presentation of the paper: “The Dynamics of Organized Hypocrisy in the UNFCCC”. University of Stockholm, Department of Political Science (September 2023). Panelist in the event: “Strengthening International Climate Cooperation in Times of Crises Time for Reform?”. Swedish Institute of International Affairs, Mistra Geopolitics, and Linköping University. (November 2023, online). Panelist in the event: COP 28: “¿Es aún Sostenible el Acuerdo de París?”. FLACSO Ecuador, Online (November 2023).

Tokatlian, Juan Gabriel Participation in the International Seminar “Latin in a Multi-polar World”. The New School, New York (November 2023).

Yamin, Patricio

International Political Science Association 27th World Congress of Political Science “Politics in the Age of Transnational Crises: Vulnerability and Resilience”. Buenos Aires, Argentina (July 2023): • “Justice, Necessity or Free-Riding? Developing Countries and the Use of Differentiation in Climate Change Negotiations (2010-2021)”. • With Julieta Zelicovich: “Are There Any Sticks? Assessing the Effects of the Belt and Road Initiative on South America’s Ties with the US”. Presentation of the paper “Green for the Right Reasons? Ideology and Climate Change in the Global South”. American Political Science Association 2023 Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Los Angeles (August-September 2023). Presentation of the paper: “What Internationalists Think of Their Discipline: Results of the Survey of Academics in Latin America”. XVI National Congress of Political Science, “La democracia en tensión. Retos y desafíos de las democracias en un mundo inestable”. Universidad Católica Argentina, CABA, along with Florencia Montal and Gino Pauselli (July 2023).


Universidad Torcuato Di Tella Universidad Torcuato Di Tella is a non-profit institution founded in 1991. It is a heiress of the industrial, entrepreneurial spirit of the SIAM Di Tella company (1910) and the Instituto Di Tella´s (1958) vanguardist artistic and social vision. Its mission is to educate new generations of academic, social, political, and business leaders, and to advance research and scholarship in the arts and sciences within the framework of academic excellence, pluralism of ideas, and equal opportunity. President Juan José Cruces Ph.D. in Economics, University of Washington. Provost Martín Hevia Doctor of Juridical Science, University of Toronto.

www.utdt.edu 30

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