UKAA Newsletter Term 2 MARCH

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In collaboration with commercial partners


The United Kingdoms of Africa Association is a non-political, social development advocacy platform which acts as a unified voice for civil society and functions in support of Presidencies and National Government, Institutions and Citizens to support the National Development Plans of African Governments, Agenda 2063 of the African Union and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

Term: 2 | Issue 1

March 2020

MESSAGE FROM KING DAVID Psalm 3: 1. ”A psalm of David. When he fled from his son Absalom.” Lord, how many are my foes! How many rise up against me! 2. Many are saying of me, “God will not deliver him.” 3. But you, Lord, are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high. 4. I call out to the Lord, and he answers me from his holy mountain. 5. I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the Lord sustains me. 6. I will not fear though tens of thousands assail me on every side. 7. Arise, Lord! Deliver me, my God! Strike all my enemies on the jaw; break the teeth of the wicked. 8. From the Lord comes deliverance. May your blessing be on your people.” I write this communication at a very crucial time in our human history and world events. In the month of February I was honoured to be invited as a Special Guest to the Opening of the National House of Traditional Leaders at parliament, in Cape Town, South Africa. The discussion between the traditional leaders and the president, His Excellency Mr. MC Ramaphosa, who is also our newly appointed President of the African Union, accompanied by his cabinet ministers, declared a vision that all African nations and governments must depict and strive for. I saw the pivotal merging of our age old customary system with the globally “accepted” western system..Hallelujah! This approach was inclusive of every fiber of our community and continent. Not one approach was right and the other wrong, but diverse aspects of our world and culture were brought together for the purpose of rightful governance over our people. This was a proud moment to see. I was part of the team that pioneered such discussions of the recognition of traditional leaders in the South African constitution with the then president, Former President Jacob Zuma. We have indeed come a long way since then and I can say that Africa is now heading in the right direction. Prior to this occasion, Father God favoured us with yet another momentous |

success as the outcome of the Summit of Traditional Leaders which we held at the horn of Africa, Ethiopia, Addis Ababa. The ministry of Foreign Affairs subsequently gave us a dedicated office from which we will coordinate and establish a Continental House of Traditional Leaders. However, the world is now at yet another defining moment and our leaders are put to the test. I want to stress, Father God’s power and hope are our only weapons for ensured victory, my fellow leaders. The attack of the coronavirus has spread fear in the world, businesses and markets are in a state of panic. Airports seem to indicate the health of a country. But my Lord Father God says, “Not so.” Father God will fight and defend His people.... My Father placed in me a message and told me to read Psalm 91. Father God then began to say no pestilence formed against my people shall prosper. Tell my children, a thousand shall fall at their side and ten thousand at their right hand, but it shall not touch them, because they have the deliverance and salvation of Father God. Heavenly intelligence tells us that this virus is man made and that it is a precursor to a bigger and more evil plan by the enemy. So be vigilant my brothers and sisters in leadership positions. Do not let fear cause you to move in haste, but dwell under Father God’s strong tower and refuge. Do not help to spread the anxiety. Many more are dying daily without food in Africa or from cancer!

This epidemic has no power, it is a liar like its father, the devil. In the last days before Jesus Christ comes back, many things must take place which shall bring terror to the world, but today I want you to know and remember that there is safety, protection, success and victory for Father God’s people. Speak deliverance over your cities and your communities! Speak out load and rebuke the virus!! I keep you in prayer, my fellow leaders, your loved ones, our beloved continent and the world. God bless you all


Head Office: Cape Town, South Africa | UNGM NO: 613759

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In collaboration with commercial partners


The United Kingdoms of Africa Association is a non-political, social development advocacy platform which acts as a unified voice for civil society and functions in support of Presidencies and National Government, Institutions and Citizens to support the National Development Plans of African Governments, Agenda 2063 of the African Union and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

Term: 2 | Issue 1

March 2020 HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED WHY WE ARE ALL HERE? through a number of tests destined to restore the original state. In reality, Adam and Eve had no choice. They had to die in the innocence state to be reborn into the consciousness one. This is how we created negative energies/ emotions like fear and anger (destruction) when we were literally made up of love and gratitude, Father God’s original creation. This is how we are able now to rate our experience as good or bad. Father God created an elaborate, truly magnificent plan that would accomplish all that growth, through giving us the ability to distinguish and rate our experiences. This is how we learn from our experiences and are able to choose the right or less strenuous way.

Have you ever wondered why we’re all here? Or why people talk about experiencing ‘duality’ and the importance for us to understand it? Before Father God sent us on this journey of many lifetimes and experiences through duality, we came from a state of oneness and unity both spiritually and dimensionally. That is eventually what caused the world of duality to come into play and why it is important to understand where we were in order to grasp where we are ultimately trying to go. Here is a highly condensed version of what Father God has revealed to me: As previously stated we were all in a state of unity and oneness at some point in the very distant past with our Father God. In this state we were all connected through the vibrations of Father God’s love and gratitude. After a time though, we wanted to experience more... More meaning, experiencing a variety of different emotions, not only love and gratitude. It is my understanding that our souls were all |

born/created to be co-creators with Father God on earth, and we did practice the art of creation in an Eve and Adam like state with our Father God for a very long period of time before our world was turned into what we know today. The Biblical Adam and Eve’s action or mistake that threw us into this matrix of survival and quest for happiness, represents humanity’s need to experience duality. A world of successes and hardships followed...A world where hate and love can be experienced by the same person in minutes. A world where truths and lies go hand in hand in one boardroom. Adam and Eve became conscious of the double nature of the tree of knowledge and acquired the “knowledge of good and evil” instantaneously. They discovered that they would rediscover the “Centre of the garden”, the unified state, the primeval state only after the fall into the world of duality and the passage

The physical realm on earth as we know it now, was thus created for us to explore and learn. As a result of experiencing duality, for many lifetimes, we would eventually long for home, the state of unity and oneness with Father God, who created us. This was a built in divine mechanism, for each of us to realize that all of us are connected, by our Father God, and that we are on the same journey of experiencing duality whilst all trying to remember where we came from. We are on many different paths of creation trying to find our way home. Ultimately Father God will reveal only one road, through the way maker, through His Son, Jesus Christ to ensure we all return to a state of love. The Bible has been providing us with the clues all this time but the time is only right to now reveal its clues to the seeking souls. The veil of deception is lifting as our vibrations lifts. The Trees of Knowledge, of Good and Evil are now releasing their knowledge to humanity. This final period of testing and experiences will lead our souls to create something even better than our original home! This new found knowledge will set is free..

Head Office: Cape Town, South Africa | UNGM NO: 613759

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In collaboration with commercial partners


The United Kingdoms of Africa Association is a non-political, social development advocacy platform which acts as a unified voice for civil society and functions in support of Presidencies and National Government, Institutions and Citizens to support the National Development Plans of African Governments, Agenda 2063 of the African Union and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

Term: 2 | Issue 1


Father God will now create the sincere emotions of compassion in us. The same compassion Jesus showed when He died for us on the cross. On this life journey we have not only created both love and hatred, we have also created an understanding from which we can face and accept hatred with love and understanding. Some of us can already transform fear and hatred into love and gratitude with COMPASSION! We have evolved enough to create heaven on earth! We can now “create” the ability to transform any environment into one which can hold the high vibration of love and gratitude. Children of God.. when you hear that your mission here is “simply” to clear your own self or you are here to “grow” and be an example of Christ-like consciousness, don’t think it is so simple... We have a much bigger assignment.

As Father God’s chosen, we can transform the vibrations of the energy of compassion in our bodies, into love and gratitude which will in turn create a ‘heaven on earth’ inside of our own bodies. In this Christ-like state, you can drastically affect your family, friends, neighbours, your co-workers, everybody and everything with energy that you come into contact with, all will be transformed into love and gratitude. It is now more important than ever before.. And this my fellow Jesus believers is how we will prepare the way for the second coming of Christ and side step the worst the enemy will throw at us.. And just know, God is with us in this trying time. Be blessed!


Sidonia history/bible-01.html chapter-k05.html

Advisor to the King and Spokesperson UKAA

MEETING WITH AMBASSADORS FROM ETHIOPIA AND IVORY COAST EMBASSIES IN SA On the 26th of February 2020, His Majesty King David and the Minister of Corporate Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA), Minister Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma with her deputy, Mr. Obed Bapela met at their parliamentary office in Cape Town. This was truly a meeting of great minds with a clear God given vision for the continent of Africa. Each of their mantles clearly overlaps their country of birth, and spreads across the entire continent. These leaders discussed at length the importance of the revival and establishment of the 6th Region of Africa. Amongst many things they also discussed CIDO, proposed to revisit the resolutions taken in the last conference of CIDO, the importance of “The Africa We Want” initiative and likewise His Majesty, King David, requested the support of the Minister, especially her wisdom, as he puts together the framework. He also shared with the Minister the support he is receiving from the Ethiopian government, in Addis Ababa, as they have offered office space for the forum in which to work. |

Deputy Minister Obed Bapela, King David (King Dr Tchiffi Zie) & Minister Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma

The King expressed his admiration for the work Her Excellency conducts and that he looks forward to their future collaboration to effect real change in Africa. HM’s meeting with Ivorian Ambassador

Head Office: Cape Town, South Africa | UNGM NO: 613759

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In collaboration with commercial partners


The United Kingdoms of Africa Association is a non-political, social development advocacy platform which acts as a unified voice for civil society and functions in support of Presidencies and National Government, Institutions and Citizens to support the National Development Plans of African Governments, Agenda 2063 of the African Union and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

Term: 2 | Issue 1

March 2020


Brook Temesgen, King David (King Dr Tchiffi Zie) & His Excellency Dr. Shiferaw Teklemariam Menbacho

On the 2nd of March 2020, His Majesty King David met with the Acting Ambassador of the Ivory Coast to South Africa, His Excellency Mr. Volkanaud N’Guessan, at the Ivorian Embassy in Pretoria, South Africa. It was a successful meeting, one in which the leaders’ commitment for the continent’s upliftment, was clearly expressed. His Majesty, above all, requested the support of the Ambassador for the United Kingdoms of Africa Association (UKAA) to be able to be in contact with associations of Ivorians in South Africa, particularly to be of assistance during difficult times when xenophobia is raging and also to be of assistance with any matters related to the Ivorian emigrants and refugees in South Africa. As the head office of UKAA is in Cape Town, and as it is also soon to become his second residence, the xenophobia situation in South Africa is of great concern to the King. The King stressed the importance that we are all brothers and sisters in the eyes of God and part of our heavenly Father’s household. Animosity and prejudice have no place in Africa. We must all be united in these challenging times.

Matters that were deep in the King’s heart and shared with the Ambassador included the following: • God has impressed it upon His Majesty, King David’s heart to work on and assist in resolving the tensions in Ethiopia and Egypt over the Nile river. • His Majesty therefore requested from the Ambassador that he affords him a chance to invite both the Ambassador of Ethiopia and the Egyptian Ambassador to a meeting in order to discuss the matter. • For the assistance of the Ambassador to establish a friendship between the parliament of Ethiopia and that of South Africa, and likewise an association between the peoples of both countries to promote engagement and also help curb rivalries based on nationality. • His Majesty also informed the Ambassador that his organisation, United Kingdoms of Africa Association has been able to source funds to help the Ethiopian Orthodox Church complete the construction of the Museum in Axum, the news of which delighted the Ambassador. Finally the Ambassador expressed much gratitude to His Majesty, especially for the role he has chosen to take upon himself for the benefit of Africa. Furthermore, the Ambassador informed His Majesty of his intentions to renovate the Ethiopian Embassy in South Africa to bring a more Afro-centric feel to it. He also plans to establish a museum to represent and highlight the cultural heritage and differences as well as the historical significance of Ethiopia in Africa. King David congratulated the Ambassador for his vision and pledged collaboration between the two museums. His Majesty expressed his own vision of reclaiming the rich historical artefacts that have left the borders of the continent and to promote the building of many tourism attraction centres throughout Africa to channel revenue back to the original custodians.

HM’s meeting with Ethiopian Ambassador His Majesty King David met with the Ambassador of Ethiopia to South Africa, His Excellency Dr. Shiferaw Teklemariam Menbacho on the 3rd of March 2020 at the Ethiopian Embassy in Pretoria, South Africa. The meeting was an outstanding success as His Majesty was able to get the commitment and support of the Ambassador on many discussion points. Principle to their dialogue was, “Finding African solutions to African problems.” |

His Excellency Mr. Volkanaud N’Guessan, & King David (King Dr Tchiffi Zie)

Head Office: Cape Town, South Africa | UNGM NO: 613759

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In collaboration with commercial partners


The United Kingdoms of Africa Association is a non-political, social development advocacy platform which acts as a unified voice for civil society and functions in support of Presidencies and National Government, Institutions and Citizens to support the National Development Plans of African Governments, Agenda 2063 of the African Union and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

Term: 2 | Issue 1

March 2020


LET’S UNITE OUR EFFORTS IN AFRICA! Join us in this spiritual battle! Father God will protect His people! Let’s unite our efforts in Africa and focus on the positive awakening and change that is taking place! I urge you to send this to address all the beautiful survival stories!! Let us publish it for the world to see! Sidonia, King David (King Dr Tchiffi Zie) and Maria

My Fellow believers in Christ Jesus.. We are entering a time in history that will challenge us on every level of our beings.. Our faith and relationship with our Creator will be challenged in every way possible. Our relationship with Father God is now more important than ever. Propaganda and media focus is causing Confusion and fear and is resulting in huge economic losses.

With Father God’s blessing and protection... Blessings!

MARIA Co-founder UKAA Read how its getting better - https://www. Follow the facts live - go to:

I beg of you to see through this man made war against humanity. This is a financial war to create opportunities to make money or distract us from these powerful people’s real and ultimate agenda. Block out the fear ridden messages in these times. Dont contribute to the anxiety and panic by passing it on on social media. Look at the facts! Most of the people who have died are over 65! Survival rates are high! Our systems can fight it! People with good immune systems and good hygiene are not vulnerable. Many more people die daily of Cancer, influenza or diabetice not to mention car accidents! Children of our Father God.. UKAA officially makes a stand against Corona! |

Head Office: Cape Town, South Africa | UNGM NO: 613759

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In collaboration with commercial partners


The United Kingdoms of Africa Association is a non-political, social development advocacy platform which acts as a unified voice for civil society and functions in support of Presidencies and National Government, Institutions and Citizens to support the National Development Plans of African Governments, Agenda 2063 of the African Union and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

Term: 2 | Issue 1

March 2020

DO YOU KNOW FRESH RUNNING WATER WAS DISCOVERED AT ADAM’S CALENDER? Recently fresh, running water has been discovered at Adam’s Calendar in South Africa, on the edge of the oldest crater in the world. The water fountain is about 500m away from the actual calendar and has the most beautiful, crystal clear water. What is baffling is that the calendar is situated at least 300 meters high, so one has to ask where the water is coming from? Another 300 meters further down from the fountain, a beautiful body of water is also found and is suspected to have been used as a water bath and/or a place of cleansing rituals or washing clothes. In the same vicinity of the water, a cave has been found on the side of the cliff which has ancient roman inscriptions on it! A most remarkable discovery as life first originated in this crater. What other surprises await... ?

THE DELIVERANCE OF AFRICA AT ADWA IN THE MONTH OF ADAR The Feast of Purim is the celebration of Father God’s deliverance of the Jewish people as referenced in the Torah and Biblical book of Esther. What is very interesting is that Father God did not just deliver the Jewish people in this cycle of time, He also delivered His African people from invaders and infiltrators.

Patrick Kuwana, founder of Crossover Transformation Group

124 years ago on the 1st March 1896 (which in the lunar based Hebraic calendar is the 16th ADAR 5656) Father God delivered Africa in the battle of Adwa when Ethiopian warriors defeated invaders from Italy. The outcome of this battle ensured Ethiopia’s independence, making it the only African country never to be colonized. This battle and victory for Africa happened in the Feast of Purim window of time. |

A decade before the Battle of Adwa, European powers had decided the fate of Ethiopia. At the Berlin Conference of 1884-5, 14 European countries divided Africa among themselves. Before the conference, only about 10% of Africa was controlled by Europeans; the remaining 90% was ruled by indigenous and traditional rulers. Italy had a colonial possession over Assab port since 1882. At the Berlin Conference, European colonial powers agreed that Italy could take over Ethiopia as its future colony. But at the battle of Adwa Father God intervened and the Father God appointed stewards of the land of Africa prevailed in battle. The battle of Adwa and the victory against colonial invasion that led to Ethiopia being the only African country to not be colonized is a key prophetic reminder that Father God’s hand is and has always been on Africa.

The commemoration of this battle should be a celebration across Africa to thank Father God and pray for His divine assistance on the continuing journey of Africa’s deliverance into complete freedom (spiritually, politically and socio-economically). In the Bible, Numbers 10:9-10 says “When you go to war in your land against the enemy that oppresses you, then blow an alarm with the trumpets (shofar or rams horn) that you may be remembered before the Lord your God, and you shall be saved from your enemies. Also in the day of rejoicing, and in your set feasts, and the beginning of your months, you shall blow the trumpets (shofar or rams horn) over your burnt offerings and your peace offerings; thus they may be a remembrance before your God. I am the Lord your God.” More on the Battle of Adwa at africa/1811232/how-ethiopians-defeated-theitalian-army-in-the-battle-of-adwa/


Head Office: Cape Town, South Africa | UNGM NO: 613759

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In collaboration with commercial partners


The United Kingdoms of Africa Association is a non-political, social development advocacy platform which acts as a unified voice for civil society and functions in support of Presidencies and National Government, Institutions and Citizens to support the National Development Plans of African Governments, Agenda 2063 of the African Union and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

Term: 2 | Issue 1

March 2020 DO YOU KNOW THAT YOUR SPEECH HAS TREMENDOUS POWER? 80% of your body is water, that emotion will have the controlling effect on the state of your body, your organ function, your state of health etc.. That means a positively charged emotion or word will have the same powerful effect on your being, thus the power to heal or to prevent illness! Test and experience how you actually can feel the ripple wave going through your cells throughout your body, as someone speaks love or hate over you. Know that Negative words uttered in a conflict situation, can physically result in your illness!! Most cancer manifestations are an example of compounded emotional trauma or abuse suppressed for long periods of time. As such a state of Happiness can definitely build the body’s immunity against viruses and can prevent chronic illnesses! CORONA CAN THEREFOR BE AVOIDED AND OVERCOME!!

As leaders in your communities, do you know you can effect divine miracles!? Most leaders are unaware of the effect of negative speech, tone or sound. We have the ability to pass negativity on to whomever we address, in an instant through an instruction or message either physically or via social media. The same applies to the power of positive speech. Over the next few editions, we will go into depth exploring the scientific effects of SPEECH AND THOUGHTS. Let’s talk about WATER “CONSCIOUSNESS” today.. Having the knowledge of what it is and using it correctly together with the divine

power of our Father Father God and Jesus, we will have a very powerful tool to change our surroundings and the frame of minds (emotional state) of the people around us.

Dr Moto’s research also showed how polluted and toxic water, when exposed to prayer and intention could be altered:

Dr. Masaru Emoto, the Japanese scientist who revolutionized the idea that our thoughts, words and intentions have a physical impact on life, studied the scientific evidence of how the molecular structure in water transforms when it is exposed to human words, thoughts, sounds and intentions. Through a freezing technique, the molecule structures of water can be studied with different emotions and intended speech applied to it. Our bodies are made up of 80% water and as such it is hugely affected by our own emotions and the emotions of others. Take a moment to reflect on what happens within your body when you are negatively charged, angry or upset – if |

Head Office: Cape Town, South Africa | UNGM NO: 613759

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In collaboration with commercial partners


The United Kingdoms of Africa Association is a non-political, social development advocacy platform which acts as a unified voice for civil society and functions in support of Presidencies and National Government, Institutions and Citizens to support the National Development Plans of African Governments, Agenda 2063 of the African Union and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

Term: 2 | Issue 1



World Cancer Day

MARCH 2020 2 March

Adwa Victory Day Ethiopa

8 March

International Women’s Day

20 March

March Equinox

21 March

Human Rights Day - South Africa

22 March

World Water Day

How does it apply to Africa’s people specifically ? The African culture features many water spirits. These water spirits thrive on human demise and sorrow. Unbeknown to most Africans, we as humans can control these spirits with our thoughts and speech spoken over places of water. As leaders, I urge you to speak over polluted water, over water yielding no fish or over rivers causing damage or if it takes lives of your people. Rebuke these spirits into eternity! Free up your villages and take your Father God given power back! Leaders take action and speak therefor over your villages. Speak prosperity and health over your people and your crops, trees and plants. Bless your people with deep conviction and intent!! Rebuke viruses from villages and houses, in the name of Jesus.

APRIL 2020 7 April

United Nations’ World Health Day

10 April

Good Friday

12 April

Easter Sunday

17 April

Ethiopian Good Friday

19 April

Ethiopian Easter Sunday

22 April

Earth Day

27 April

Freedom Day South Africa

Jesus showed us how water is alive and an energy capable of more than we ever imagined. For this awareness, we thank you, Jesus! Next time we will talk about cell memory and the sins of the Fathers ...

MAY 2020 1 May

Workers’ Day South Africa

1 May

Freedom Day Ethiopia

15 May

International Day of Families

21 May

Ascension Day South Africa |

From: SIDONIA (Supported by our findings on https://thewellnessenterprise. com/emoto/)

Head Office: Cape Town, South Africa | UNGM NO: 613759

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In collaboration with commercial partners


The United Kingdoms of Africa Association is a non-political, social development advocacy platform which acts as a unified voice for civil society and functions in support of Presidencies and National Government, Institutions and Citizens to support the National Development Plans of African Governments, Agenda 2063 of the African Union and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

Term: 2 | Issue 1

March 2020 FATHER GOD’S ORDER FOR THE NEXT DECADE Father God reveals His plans to His servants, the prophets. God the Father has thus revealed the events of this hour to many servants of His kingdom and confirmations of such revelations are first felt in the spirit of the righteousness and then again confirmed through many more testimonies that have followed.

Prophet Aquinas

Proverbs 13:22. “A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children’s children: and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just.” As we forge strongly into the new year and in the new promises of Father God we have also been met with the first global challenge which comes to bring Father God’s order for the next decade. Nonetheless, nothing befalls Father God’s people without Him first announcing it and preparing them for victory. Greater than the Bubonic Plague “And then I heard the voice of Wisdom cry out, “Prepare! Prepare! Prepare!” And the earth began to open up and swallow an entire nation with a terrible calamity. “This is the hour that plagues shall consume a vast number of people in Europe. These plagues shall overrun their boundaries, and shall sweep the earth with a terror and vengeance that shall be greater than the Bubonic plague,” saith the Lord. “The hour is swiftly approaching that viruses will appear one after the other that will baffle and mock the efforts of the medical industry. I will cause those nations that have created diseases for the purpose of evil to taste of their own bitter medicine. Their judgment shall now visit the governments that have funded the creation of this nightmare, and they will taste the harvest upon their own shores,” saith the Lord.” ~ Arch-Bishop E. Bernard Jordan, Written Judgements Volume 3 written in 1996 ~ |

We are thus not to fall into the trap of fear that the enemy seeks to devour many with. In light of Father God’s true and eternal word through His prophets, we know therefore and discern that the epidemic that is upon us and many more that will follow are only a man-made weapon against Father God’s ordinances and humanity. We are to be vigilant therefore, be strong in our faith and courageous against the wiles of the evil one. To observe and discern their ways and intent, and their desire to send ailments into the world for the sake of profit. With the spread of the coronavirus all around us we see global markets crumble. We are not to fear but remind ourselves of God’s word, for in Him lies our eternal refuge. Once again God the Father is demonstrating through such events that man’s wisdom and intellect has wisdom, but His is everlasting. That we are not to trust in our limited understanding but are to follow His will obediently and in doing such, we will have the reward of all abundance, protection and provision synonymous with His Kingdom. This is therefore the time that wealth will change hands as the Lord takes His riches away from the wicked and begins to give it to His entrusted pioneers of His coming reign. Psalm 141: 8. “But mine eyes are unto thee, O GOD the Lord: in thee is my trust; leave not my soul destitute. 9. Keep me from the snares which they have laid for me, and the gins of the workers of iniquity. 10. Let the wicked fall into their own nets, whilst that I withal escape.” Therefore, let us not be overtaken by fear lest we miss one of the greatest moves of God the Father for the end times. The corona epidemic is nothing but a smoke screen, for there is a greater work happening behind the public

eye also veiled from the knowledge of the unschooled. There is a wrestle in the heavenlies and Father God will cause His enemies to fall into their own entrapments and the people of God the Father will walk into a great victory. Prepare people of God the Father! Be steadfast in the unwavering love of Father God, be strong in righteousness and be cunning to make friends with the mammon of unrighteousness. Because you have been trustworthy with little, God the Father will now trust you with plenty and cause your territory to expand into the borders of the enemy. We will see many new and great works arise in the midst of this turmoil, for it is also an hour of new and great connections. Father God will cause mighty doors of old to be opened and a strong shout of victory to come forth from out of heaven. The mantle of leadership is also changing over Africa, and God the Father our will now quicken and spearhead the outlook and rebranding of the continent. We will see programs of development move ahead with great impact and yet with great ease, and new discoveries will come to the fore that will place the continent and it’s people at a great advantage. Behold the kingdoms of this world are falling and the Spirit of God the Father is championing His next move. With that said, I write this communication with a great sense of excitement for what I see coming in the name of God the Father and as such I will continue to pray that our Father God, with the might of His angels and the hosts of heaven keep you, guide you and cause all your ways to be prosperous as we await and strive for the manifestation of Father God’s kingdom here on earth as it is in heaven. God Bless


Head Office: Cape Town, South Africa | UNGM NO: 613759

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In collaboration with commercial partners


The United Kingdoms of Africa Association is a non-political, social development advocacy platform which acts as a unified voice for civil society and functions in support of Presidencies and National Government, Institutions and Citizens to support the National Development Plans of African Governments, Agenda 2063 of the African Union and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

Term: 2 | Issue 1


Coffee, is quite possibly the single most loved and enjoyed product across the continent. While the world is enjoying it, one cup at a time, little is actually known about how humanity first and foremost come to drink it. Legend has it that a shepherd boy by the name of Kalid from Keffa, in Ethiopia realized the response of his goats after they consumed a certain herb. In time he introduced the herb to his village and the rest is history!

The Arabs also developed a love for it and spread the product and it’s ceremony to the rest of the world labelling it as “Coffee Arabica”. The International Coffee Day conference, exhibition, and festival was held from 6th to the 8th of February 2020 in Addis Ababa, with a motto of “Coffee from the land of origins!”. The event was organized by the Ethiopian Coffee and Tea Authority in collaboration with Coffee producing farmers, exporter coffee shops and other governmental and non-governmental stake holders.

through time create a decline in the Ethiopian business owners and the coffee market itself. All in all the exhibition was one of a kind and I encourage our readers to participate in next year’s event which will be held on the same day, as is the case every year. For those who want to import coffee from Ethiopia, business to business connections and matching could be provided upon request. Contact Mrs Frehiwote: cell phone/ whatsup number +251912619325 or by email:

It was observed during the conference that many Chinese citizens are now involved in producing and exporting coffee. A rather sad observation as it is feared that this may

DO YOU KNOW WHERE THE TEMPLE IS IN JERUSALEM? were destroyed and in over 2000 years, a third temple has never been built… Why? According to Robert Mendlebaum, a Bible expert, 2 Samuel 24:21 clearly states that the temples were built on a threshing floor that in no way compares to the floor of the Dome of the Rock.

There is much speculation between archeologists, historians and academics that both previously built and destroyed Jewish temples were not built on the same site as the Dome of the Rock, but rather on a nearby hill called an ophel! History shows that Jerusalem housed two temples, one built by King Solomon and the other by Herod the Great but both |

Nehemiah 2:15 clearly states where the temples were built, the key word is “brook”, Nehemiah 3 refers to “river”. According to Robert, there is only one brook and one river within 5 square miles of Jerusalem, and no river or brook or running water on the Dome of the Rock. There is only running water at the Gihon spring (Gihon meaning “gushing”) which is approximately 1.6km from the Dome of the Rock.

Further to that, when David brought the Ark to Jerusalem, he placed it at the Gihon spring, when Solomon was anointed as King, it was at the Gihon spring – this is why it is inconceivable to many that the temple built by Solomon would be so far away from this blessed water. There are many biblical references to a fountain in Solomon’s temple (Joel, Ezekiel, Psalms etc..). Water was a very necessary element in the temple for cleansing and purification ceremonies. To date, no water has been found on the Temple Mount. According to Bob Cornuke – President of the Bible Archaeology Search and Exploration Institute, Josephus, the first century Jewish historian, said the temple was 600ft from valley to valley yet the Temple Mount structure including its ancient walls has these dimensions: north 1,020 ft; east 1,530 ft; south 910

Head Office: Cape Town, South Africa | UNGM NO: 613759

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In collaboration with commercial partners


The United Kingdoms of Africa Association is a non-political, social development advocacy platform which acts as a unified voice for civil society and functions in support of Presidencies and National Government, Institutions and Citizens to support the National Development Plans of African Governments, Agenda 2063 of the African Union and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

Term: 2 | Issue 1

March 2020 CONTINUE... DO YOU KNOW WHERE THE TEMPLE IS IN JERUSALEM? ft and west 1591 ft. These dimensions meet the described size of Fort Antonia that was built in Jerusalem where Titus housed the Roman 10th legion. Discussions further claim that the Western Wall or Wailing Wall as named within Jewish communities, is in-fact the western wall of the Roman Fortress and not that of the Temple of Solomon! If this is true, it would be one of the most horrific truths to be learned by the Jewish community who have for hundreds of years treated this wall as the most holy place

because of its proximity to the holiest site in the Jewish faith! The contents of this article were taken from a video entitled “The Coming Temple”, narrated and produced by Christopher Glyn – Christian broadcaster and narrator, with supporting statements from, David Sielaff – Director Associates for Scriptural Knowledge, Don Esposito – Director Bible Study – Israel and Robert Mendlebaum – Bible expert and Bob Cornuke – President of the Bible Archaeology Search and Exploration institute.


On the 25 February 2020 was the day in which it was the official opening of the National House of Traditional Leaders (NHTL) in Parliament, Cape Town. The opening of the NHTL is an annual ceremony wherein the President of the Republic of South Africa addresses the members of the House, Traditional Leaders and the guests in attendance. This event follows the State Of the Nation Address (SONA) by the State President in the National Assembly of Parliament, also in Cape Town. When the President addresses the House of Traditional Leaders he pays particular attention to matters of SONA that resonate with the Institution of Traditional Leadership and rural communities of the country. The decorum of the official opening of the House is both royal and traditional. Kings, Queens, Princes, Princesses, Leadership of the Congress of Traditional |

Leaders of South Africa (CONTRALESA), Leadership of the National Khoisan Council (NKC), Speaker of National Assembly, Chairperson of the National Council of Provinces (NCOP), Ministers, Deputy Ministers, Members of Parliament, Judges, Civil Servants, Business Leaders are all part of the audience of attendees. It is a high profile event in the calendar of each financial year in South Africa. In essence, the NHTL is an arm of the Parliament of the Republic of South Africa. The Chairman of the NHTL is Ikosi Sipho Mahlangu and he presided over the opening ceremony. King Zie Jean-Gervais and other royals from SADC were in attendance. In his address the President of the Republic acknowledged their presence. After the event HRH Zolani Mkiva took His Majesty King Zie Jean-Gervais to meet with President Cyril Ramaphosa and had a quick discussion. The President then introduced King Jean-Gervais to the Minister responsible for Traditional Affairs. The President directed the Minister to meet with the King and take up matters for consideration and report back to him. After the official luncheon, King Jean-Gervais, HRH Zolani Mkiva and Prince from the Diaspora met with Minister Obed Bapela in his office. The meeting was very productive and it discussed very pertinent issues. On the 26 February King Zie Jean-Ger-

vais met with Minister Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, former AU Chairperson. This meeting was very fruitful and it achieved its objective. Minister Zuma is responsible for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA). On the 27 February the National House of Traditional Leaders reconvened to discuss the speech of the President that was delivered on Tuesday, 25 February. Members of the NHTL, CONTRALESA and NKC are designated to discuss the speech. King Jean- Gervais, the newly appointed head of the Diaspora and other visiting royals witnessed this debate in the House. After all speakers made their representation, the President took the podium and answered all questions and comments made by those leaders who were designated to debate. In his response the President Ramaphosa thanked all visiting royals for their support and acknowledged them for congratulating him as the new Chairman of the African Union.After the proceedings all guests were treated to a wonderful lunch. It was a very robust week indeed and all went according to the plan. HRH ZOLANI MKIVA, MP GENERAL SECRETARY CONTRALESA

Head Office: Cape Town, South Africa | UNGM NO: 613759

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In collaboration with commercial partners


The United Kingdoms of Africa Association is a non-political, social development advocacy platform which acts as a unified voice for civil society and functions in support of Presidencies and National Government, Institutions and Citizens to support the National Development Plans of African Governments, Agenda 2063 of the African Union and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

Term: 2 | Issue 1

March 2020

ETHIOPIA WINS BEST DESTINATION ARCHAEOLOGY AND ANCIENT HISTORY AWARD Ethiopia has been chosen as this year’s Best Destination Archaeology and Ancient History’ award from the Pacific Travel Writers Association Awards (PATWA) at the International Tourism Bourse (ITB) in Berlin, Germany. The only African country to have escaped European colonialism, has retained much of its cultural identity and its story is one of Africa’s most fascinating. Ethiopia is one of the oldest archaeological sites in the world. The fossils of Australopithecus Afarensis (homo sapiens species) were discovered in Hadar, Afar region in 1974. The exact origin is now a UNESCO World Heritage site and is located some 185 miles northeast of Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia. The skulls and bones belonged to 24 years old female Lucy/Dinkinesh that lived in the country some three million years ago. In Ethiopia was the discovery of another series of fossils in Awash in 1992 of Ardipithecus Ramidus thought to be 4 million years old and the discovery of Australopithecus Garhi, a fossil dating some two million years ago by a team of local anthropologists like Berhane Asfaw. Africa’s second-most populated country was chosen also for its excellent preservation of humanity landmarks such as the ruins of the palace of queen of Sheba in city of Axum, known as the heart of ancient Ethiopia. Axum is a city in northern Ethiopia. Its known for its tall carved obelisks, relics of the ancient kingdom of Aksum. Most are in the northern stelae park, including a huge fallen pillar, now in pieces. Centuries-old St. Mary of Zion is a church and pilgrimage site believed to have house the biblical Ark of the covenant. The royal enclosure is the remains of a fortress of a city in Gondar.

It was founded in the 17th century by Emperor Fusillades and was the home of Ethiopia’s emperors. Its unique architecture shows diverse influences including Nubian styles. The sites were inscribed as a UNESCO world heritage site in 1979. This historically rich country is also home to the “New Jerusalem,” Lalibela town in the northern part of Ethiopia, is a place of pilgrimage for orthodox Christians. The town is home to 11 ancient monolithic churches carved entirely out of a single rock with hammers and chisels in 13th century. Standing at 40 feet high, Bete Giorgis (St. George’s), is a roof that has the shape of a cross. Bete Medhani Alem church which you can find across the main road from St. George, is the largest monolithic church in the world. King Lalibela is credited for these church spectacular buildings which have been registered by UNESCO as world heritages. On top of the accolade, Ethiopia’s Minister of Culture, Dr Hirut Kassaw won the ‘Best Tourism Minister’ award. The PATWA International Travel Awards are handed out in March every year at ITB Berlin, the world’s biggest travel and trade fair. The awards recognize individuals and organizations that are involved in the promotion of tourism and other service providers related to the industry. It is also known that Ethiopia chosen as top destination in the world for tourists by the European Council on Tourism and Trade (ECTT), a non-profit group of European union tourism trade organizations in 2015. |

Head Office: Cape Town, South Africa | UNGM NO: 613759

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