Beacon may2014

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May 2014


BEACON U n i t a r i a n o f

Sunday Services Including “Who’s in Charge Here?” on May 4

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c h u r c h L i n c o l n

Teacher Retirement Party Appreciation Potluck Invitation

Movie Night: Shadows of Liberty

Help us celebrate together!

Fun, Fellowship & Fritz!

Wednesday, May 21

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Getting to know Curt Donaldson offered by Steve Enersen

Our incoming Board president, Curt Donaldson, is a soft-spoken gentleman whose quiet manner masks substantial knowledge in things political, things green, things constructive, things ridiculous. He is a UNL political science major who went to Washington D.C. to improve the planet. He wound up doing carpentry. Eventually he figured out he could do the same in Lincoln and avoid the traffic. Over the past 40 years, Curt’s career has segued from full-time carpenter to full-time maintenance on his rental properties, with side careers as a newspaper columnist (1983-93), a city council member (1993-1996) and chairman of the Lincoln Public Schools Construction Review Committee (1992-present). The newspaper column, called “Working on it,” ran weekly in the Lincoln Star. It was a poignant humor column that often poked fun at the ridiculous things we humans visit upon ourselves. His authority for writing the column stemmed from his position as System Analyst II at the Center for Applied Speculation. (Author’s note: In 1985, I needed surgery on a leaning garage. A big fan of the newspaper column, I contacted the carpenter/writer. He took the job and corrected the lean; no mean feat on a brick tile structure. It is still holding thirty years later.) As a city council member, Curt was instrumental in getting Lincoln General Hospital sold to Bryan and turning the proceeds into the Community

Health Endowment. In his work with LPS, Curt has promoted the use of geothermal heating/cooling systems in our schools. “I believe,” Curt noted, “that our system’s total geothermal installation is now one of the largest in the world. It’s saving over $2 million a year.” Curt has led the way to getting geothermal installed in our church renewal project. Curt notes that his greatest recent accomplishment is marrying Kathy Disney.

!1333 N. 33rd • Lincoln, NE 68503 • 402-483-2213 •

May 2014



A Month of Sundays 10:00 AM 1333 N. 33rd Sanctuary Sunday, May 4 – "Who's In Charge Here?" We question authority. Do we also have "a problem with authority?" How does authority arise in a democratic faith? What is its foundation? How is it best exercised and controlled? Leader: Fritz Hudson, Minister Music: Fuson Jazz Combo Post-Service: Spring Congregational Meeting

Sunday, May 11 – "Discoveries In A Children's Theater" Why I left my church home for 8 months, where I went and what I discovered there. Speaker: Evelyn Weymouth, Worship Associate Worship Leader: BJ Wheeler, Worship Associate Music: UU Women’s Choir Share the Care: Public Relations Committee

Sunday, May 18 – "Here to Help?" Politically, it's been said, the most fearful of words are: "I'm from the government, here to help." Religiously, it's been said, "to minister" means simply "to help." When the UUA comes here to Lincoln, what might we get from their "ministry?" Leaders: Nancy Heege - Congregational Consultant, UUA MidAmerica Region Fritz Hudson - Minister-Emeritus-in-Training, Unitarian Church Music: Ryan Wells, piano Share the Plate: Fresh Start Home for Women

Sunday, May 25 – "Where Have All the Flowers Gone?" A Memorial Day service in the spirit of Unitarian Universalist Pete Seeger. Leader: Fritz Hudson, Minister-Emeritus-in-Training Music: Jen McClung & Jim Coppoc, vocals & guitar

Sunday, June 1 – "Flower Communion Sunday" We tell the story, see the pictures, feel the spirit and say our thanks for our past year’s life of shared ministry. As pictured above, our children carry in the flowers that we bring (storebought or home-grown) to fill our appreciation bouquet. Leaders: Fritz Hudson - Minister-Emeritus-in-Training, Chelsea Krafka, Julie Enersen, Jean Helms, Karen Dienstbier Music: One-Hour Choir, Chalice & Flame Choirs !1333 N. 33rd • Lincoln, NE 68503 • 402-483-2213 •

May 2014


WO RS H IP Parson to Person:

Adieu? offered by Rev. Fritz Hudson

The pressure's on. This past week, our incoming President Curt Donaldson and I got tandem letters from our UUA Mid-America Transition Coordinator. - Mine said, "The most important thing during this time is saying good-bye well." - Curt's said, "The main task you have as congregation is saying good-bye well." And we got some guidelines for how to do this: - have honest conversations about and open celebrations of the good we've done together; - remark on things that did not go well or were difficult for us, without trying to resolve them; - wish each other well. And we were promised some help to manage this transition: - an "exit interview" for me – to help me shape the narrative for my ministry most helpful to your bonding with my successors; - a "transition interview" for our Trustees – an unearthing of the necessarily various perspectives on where we have been, as the beginning of melding them into a common story of where you are headed.

Nancy Heege, our UUA Congregational Consultant throughout my ministry, will guide us through these as well. All the while, our Trustees and I will also be engaged in some speed-dating, screening for and then choosing our dance partners for the separate Interim Ministries now before us. Cindy Maly, Trustee Transition Leader, submitted your Interim Ministry application last week. She emailed us: "Let the games begin!" I hope we all can capture some of Cindy's spirit, and engage in all this with a certain playfulness. Collectively, I'm sure we'll touch our brushes into the full palette of our emotions in the coming weeks. "If tears come, let them come" (in sorrow, in anger, in wistfulness?) But let come as well the smile, the giggle, the guffaw - "riding on the tail of the tear." Buried in Curt's letter, I happened to notice, your job was restated this way: "bid the person adieu." Is that perhaps a bit much? Send the minister a dieu, (to God) – that's certainly in order, fitting. But the person? Might he just need a thorough and lengthy cleaning, to scrape off the clerical shroud? Might even a "minister emeritus" serve the spirit with one hand still in human touch, while the other reaches a dieu? We'll see - and we'll feel – our way well on this path only as always before: with care. See you in Church !

Spring Town Hall Meeting

Spring Congregational Meeting

Sunday, April 27 • 11:15AM • Sanctuary

Sunday, May 4 • 11:15AM • Sanctuary

Come and hear from your candidates for Board of Trustees, learn about the nominees for Share the Plate and hear an updated Construction Completion Schedule from Team 2016.

Members will check in and vote on: •Board of Trustees candidates •Share the Plate recipients We will also hear reports from the Management Team, Minister, Religious Growth Director and Board President.

!1333 N. 33rd • Lincoln, NE 68503 • 402-483-2213 •

May 2014


RELIG IO US G RO WTH & LEA RNING We Celebrate Change This last month of April was very busy in the Religious Growth and Learning area. For Easter, the children and youth had an Ingathering where I talked about the idea of doing things differently than usual. For the first time in a few years, we did not have our Easter Canned Food hunt – due to a lack of ground space outside for cans to be hidden. This year, we read a story called ‘The Piggy Bunny’ about a pig who wanted to be the Easter Bunny. In the story – his friends and family did not always accept him for his choice because they expected him to be a pig and do pig-like activities. The main character in the story did not want to stick with what he had always known and instead wanted to explore what life would be like to change. I explained how we would go about celebrating Easter a different way this year. I set up multiple ‘stations’ for crafts and activities which included activities such as decorating wooden ornaments, creating butterflies out of pipecleaners and coffee filters, and creating pictures with Easter-themed stickers. One of our stations was set up for the stuffing of Easter Eggs for children and youth to then hide for Adults to find.308 On April 27, the Youth In Action group held a carnival to raise funds for scholarships for children in Guatemala. They pulled together activities such as: pin the tail on the donkey, a candy walk, a photo booth, face painting and a bake sale. The group had voted earlier in the year to take on this project and had spent months planning the event. This Sunday, we also heard from our Senior High group who were responsible for the service. It has been a busy and exciting Spring! This Summer, we have a lot to look forward to as well. Our Sunday theme will be Harry Potter, which will be led by Christina Strong and other volunteers. We can use a lot of volunteers to help assist Christina. Please let me know if you are willing to pitch in. Also, Julie Enersen and Evelyn Weymouth will be leading a Drama Camp at the end of June, with the culminating event to be a Drama Service. With the new temporary building, we are doing things a bit differently but, “We cultivate growth and celebrate the changes that growth brings.” In Peace, Faith and Love, Chelsea Krafka

May RGL Calendar Preschool Class and Nursery Care are available every Sunday for younger Pre-K children. May 4

Regular Classes

May 11

Regular Classes

May 18

INGATHERING - Teacher Thank You

May 25

Regular Classes

Harry Potter Assistants Needed We are now recruiting assistants for Sundays in Summer to help Christina Strong lead Harry Potter lesson plans! If you are willing and able to help assist even just one Sunday in Summer (Beginning June15) please contact Chelsea Krafka:

TEACHER APPRECIATION POTLUCK The Religious Growth and Learning Committee wants to invite the congregation to thank our teaching and assisting volunteers by bringing food on May 18 after service at 11:15am for this year's teachers and assistants to enjoy at a potluck. If you have not volunteered to teach or assist in RGL this last church year - please consider showing your gratitude for the volunteers in our program by contributing to the potluck, and allowing the teachers and assistants to sit back, relax, and enjoy, as you eat alongside them. It is up to you to decide how you wish to contribute, everyone loves a potluck. Some families have one person who volunteered and one who has not. We will need all the food we can get to show a great amount of thanks! Foods and beverages of all types are invited: appetizers, salads, main dishes, desserts, drinks etc.

!1333 N. 33rd • Lincoln, NE 68503 • 402-483-2213 •

May 2014



Fun, Fellowship and Fritz! Be part of the retirement celebration

As our church year winds down, so does Fritz’s time with us. We will be throwing a big retirement party on May 30 at the Lincoln Community Playhouse. All church members and friends are cordially invited to attend (see invitation above.) We hope you will contribute to the

Fritz Fun in the Following ways:

Financial Contributions We are now officially accepting monetary donations toward the celebration and gifts. Two board members have already stepped forward with generous donations totaling $300. Would you like to honor Fritz’s contributions to our community as well? Then simply leave a check in the church office by May 1 payable to “Unitarian Church of Lincoln" and with “retirement reception” in the memo line.

Festive Contributions Party attendees are asked to bring a favorite beverage to share. We will provide cups, corkscrews and tubs of ice and would welcome gifts of wine, beer and soft drinks. Please contact Cyn Monohon at if you would like to be part of the food team for the event.

Foto Contributions We need pictures of Fritz to include in a celebratory slideshow! We have lots from the past few years, but could use more from the pre-2009 era. Maybe you attended a retreat or a conference with him and took a few shots? Please send them electronically to OR turn them in physically to the church office. If you attach your name to the pics, we will scan and return them to you.

!1333 N. 33rd • Lincoln, NE 68503 • 402-483-2213 •

May 2014


EV ENTS A C TIV ITIES NEWS & & ANNOUNCEMENTS Register now for Drama Club! "At Home With Ourselves" - a service about INDIVIDUALITY Registration is now open (through May 1) for this year’s Drama Club which will rehearse June 23- 27 from 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM at our temporary church location, 1333 N. 33rd St. All kids in grades K - 8 are invited to participate. Evelyn Weymouth and Julie Enersen have sketched out a fun-filled service about individuality entitled “At Home With Ourselves." The students will work for five mornings and then present the service on Sunday, June 29 at the 10:00AM service. Grades K - 5

The younger students will present a play based on the story “Tacky the Penquin.” There will be opportunities for both speaking and non-speaking parts as the kids tell the story of penguins who march to the beat of a different

drummer. And there will be actual drumming – percussionist Michele Dobszewicz has volunteered to share her talents at the service. Just imagine all of the kids marching up and down those aisles at the church before returning to their “iceberg” at the front of the sanctuary! Grades 6 - 8

The middle school students will have numerous responsibilities in the service. They will serve as our worship leaders, read “The Big Orange Splot” as the day’s story, and be in charge of the Joys and Concerns. Since we have so many musically talented teens, I’m also hoping we can get them to provide some of the special music. How can we do a service about individuality without using the song “I Gotta Be Me”? There is no registration fee for church families (that is, those who have shared time and/or money with the church.) The only cost is $10 per K-5 child for the tuxedo t-shirt which they will wear as their costume. Scholarships are available for those who need assistance. If you know of non-church families who would enjoy this sort of opportunity, please pass along the information. We will be charging $50 for the first child in a family and $20 for each additional student.

Youth Drama Service 2013

Register your child by sending his/her name & current grade level to Julie Enersen at by May 1. !1333 N. 33rd • Lincoln, NE 68503 • 402-483-2213 •

May 2014


NEWS & ANNOUNCEMENTS AUCTION IS COMPLETE!! Three months ago we began building the foundation for the annual church auction. This resulted in a record number of items, services and meals being offered by church members. Two months ago, people began hammering away at bidding by adding their bid to the poster of their choice. A month ago the posters came down and the finishing touches were done with the highest bidders being contacted. As of last week the Auction Committee was able to complete the closing of this year’s auction. The record number of offerings made it possible to build a record final amount. Thanks to all involved, the amount raised for the church was $10, 166 !!!! They always say that anyone who has built a house would never choose to build the same house twice. However, the Auction committee has already began to think about next year and how to make the annual fund raiser better. Thanks again to all of the contributors and bidders. You are the ones who help build this year’s auction into the success that it was. Auction Committee: Karen Heafer, Barbara Pearson, Cyn Monohon, and Jackie Egan

All Church Potluck & Ice Cream Social

KNOW YOUR NEIGHBORS MAY 2014 Big Sal’s Pizza Sunday, May 25 • Noon Big Sal’s • 838 N. 27th

Let’s get together for lunch after Service and check out another restaurant in this area. No RSVP necessary. Reservations have been made. Check out the full menu here:

KNOW YOUR NEIGHBORS After Service, stay for Fellowship Time, then head over to a local venue with us at noon. Ice Cream for lunch in June anyone? Sunday, March 30: Pho Factory: 32 people Sunday, April 13: Imperial Palace: 31 people

Sunday, May 25: Big Sal’s Pizza Sunday, June 29: Dairy Store Sunday, July 27: Golden Wok

Sunday, June 1 • 11:30AM • Fellowship Hall/Grounds

Holding this event on Flower Communion Sunday has become a tradition in recent years and this year there will be special significance to it as we say good bye to Fritz and Ginny. Although they won’t be leaving town until later in the summer it is likely to be the last “all congregation” event where we will gather as a church family to celebrate the end of this church year and Fritz’s ministry with us. If you have special words of advice or friendship as they prepare to leave us now would be the time to express it. The event is sponsored by the Newcomer Committee and ALL are invited to participate. We will have baskets available for cards and other expressions of farewell or good wishes. We look forward to seeing you there! Because this is the usual potluck as well as farewell please do bring your own table service, we’ll have drinks available.

NOTES FROM THE CHURCH OFFICE: • Please turn in any keys that you have for the 6300 A St building. • We are in need of two more Office Posse members. This means that you would cover for the Office once or twice per year, usually on a Sunday. • Lost and Found is on the top of the North coat rack inside the West Door.

!1333 N. 33rd • Lincoln, NE 68503 • 402-483-2213 •

May 2014


NEWS & ANNOUNCEMENTS PROCLAMATION WHEREAS: Rev. Fritz Hudson served The Unitarian Church of Lincoln as its settled minister for 16 years; and WHEREAS: Rev. Fritz Hudson announced his intent to formally retire from settled ministry in 2014; and WHEREAS: The church membership and its governance express sincere gratitude to Rev. Fritz Hudson for his ministerial leadership and service; and WHEREAS: The Unitarian Church of Lincoln’s membership approved Rev. Fritz Hudson as Minister Emeritus during its regularly scheduled Winter 2014 Congregational Meeting; and WHEREAS: Rev. Fritz Hudson’s pastoral care, ministry, and community outreach represent well the Principles of Unitarian Universalism;

April 15, 2014 Board President Charles Coley presents a Proclamation to Rev. Fritz Hudson, Minister Emeritus, Unitarian Church of Lincoln

NOW, THEREFORE: I, Charles Coley, serving as Board of Trustees President and on behalf of our church membership, do hereby proclaim Rev. Fritz Hudson as Minister Emeritus of The Unitarian Church of Lincoln. Signed this 15th day of April, 2014.


“GENERAL ASSEMBLY: LOVE REACHES OUT” What is GA? The National UU Conference held each year is called General Assembly (GA). This year it is in Providence, Rhode Island from June 25-29. For GA information go to:

When is registration due? Early bird registration ends on April 30. Why should I go? GA provides a rich opportunity to attend many great, informative workshops and network with UUs from all over the country as well as the opportunity to attend as a delegate.

What if I have questions? Contact Connie Benjamin at 402-326-1294 if you have questions. Connie can let you know who else is going, put you in touch with congregants who have attended in the past or any other questions you may have.

!1333 N. 33rd • Lincoln, NE 68503 • 402-483-2213 •

May 2014


NEWS & ANNOUNCEMENTS Tea, Discussion and Theatre: XINGU

Movie Night: Shadows of Liberty

Sunday, May 4 and Sunday May 18 • 2:00PM • Ferguson House, 700 S 16th Street

Wednesday, May 21 • 7:00–9:00 PM • Sanctuary

Join members Judy Hart, LauraLee Woodruff and the Angels Theatre Company for tea, theatre and a scholarly discussion about Mrs. Wharton's wit with UNL Professor Guy Reynolds. The "theatre" in the event is a performance of the short play Xingu by Thomas Seller. Xingu is an adaptation of Edith Wharton's short story of the same name. A group of club-women try to entertain a high-hat woman novelist. Everything goes wrong, and the poor women are in despair trying to make conversation. One member starts everyone talking about "Xingu." No one knows what this is, but no one will admit it! Sweet & savory bits by VJ Nelson. Tickets are $30.00 and can be purchased at our website

Concert commemorating the Holocaust -


Sunday, May 4 • 3:00PM • St. Paul United Methodist Church, 1144 M Street

Lincoln Choral Artists and several Nebraska choirs are joining forces for "To Be Certain of the Dawn", a moving work by Stephen Paulus that commemorates the Holocaust and honors its victims and survivors. The piece was originally commissioned by the Basilica of Saint Mary in Minneapolis as a gift to the Jewish community, to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the freeing of Holocaust survivors and to help teach an important lesson: the prevention of future genocide is in the hands of today's children. This powerful oratorio raises eternal questions regarding humanity, tolerance and respect. Unitarian Members Dorothy Ramsey and Barb Brant are proud to be a part of this event. For tickets: | 402-580-6669

A documentary about corporate media and the threat it poses to people and democracy, 93 minutes, followed by a short discussion session. Among others, the film features Danny Glover, Julian Assange, Dan Rather, Amy Goodman, David Simon, Daniel Ellsberg, Norman Solomon, Dick Gregory, Roberta Baskin, Robert McChesney, John Nichols, Chris Hedges, Kristina Borjesson. It was the official selection at the following film festivals: IDFA, Sheffield Doc/Fest, HotDocs, Vancouver Intl. Film Festival, DOKFILM, Bergen Intl. Film Festival, Canberra Intl. Film Festival, Leeds Intl. Film Fest, Docs DF, London Intl. Documentary Festival, Open City Documentary Festival. You will find more information about this documentary at the film website: and at the IMDB website: title/tt1543807/ Sponsored by the Social Justice Committee of the Unitarian Church of Lincoln and KZUM radio

Singles – come one come all! If you are reading this you may know that last month a group of people met in an effort to start a Singles Group for people “west of 50”. There is a small band of people interested in getting together to attend a variety of social events. This is NOT a dating service, but a place for friends to gather and enjoy activities together. This month in an effort to expand our numbers we are holding a get acquainted meeting at Big Sal’s Pizza Parlor, 838 N. 27th, Sunday May 25 at 11:30 a.m. This is the day designated as the “Know Your Neighbors” day where church members and friends gather at a local restaurant. There will be a table set specifically for people interested in enjoying the company of other single people. And there will be further discussion about what kind of activities the group might like to pursue. If you would like to know more about the formation of the Single “West of 50’s” group please speak to Barb Brant, Mary Ann Meisner, Connie Benjamin, or Gary Colvin

!1333 N. 33rd • Lincoln, NE 68503 • 402-483-2213 •

May 2014


O N - G O I N G A C TI V I TI ES The fellowship activities and discussion groups listed below happen on a regular basis and are open to new participants at any time. Please contact the group’s organizer if you have any questions! Adult Game Night

Men’s Potluck

UU Meditation Sangha

2nd Saturday •May 10

2nd Monday • May 12 • 6:30PM 1333 N 33rd St • Fellowship Hall

2nd, 4th (and 5th) Wednesdays 7:15PM • 1834 Ryons Street

All men are invited to attend to enjoy good food and conversation. Table service will be provided. Bruce Raymer 402-475-7875

When you enter the front door, please leave your shoes in the foyer and come in to the yoga studio through the French doors to your left. Contact LauraLee Woodruff 402-770-9382

Enjoy an evening with a potluck dinner (6:30)and card/ board games (8:00) at the home of Bob & Betsy Shipley at 2411 S 76th St. Everyone welcome for one or both. Phone: 402-488-2286

Bridge Groups

Moms Group

Intermediate Group

2nd Monday • May 12 • 5:30PM 1333 N 33rd St • Preschool Room

Every Tuesday • 2:30PM 1333 N 33rd St • CoWorkers Room

Coordinator: Jackie Egan 402-435-6111

Advanced group Every Wednesday • 1:00PM 1333 N 33rd St • CoWorkers Room

Coordinator: Earl Kramer 402-489-8213 Want to join us? Contact us prior to the day of the game.


Moms with young children meet to chat while the kids play. Contact Kim Ziemann 402-464-1179

Newcomers Chat Sunday, May 11 • 11:15 AM 1333 N 33rd St • CoWorkers Room

Meet with visitors and friends in the Library to watch and discuss a 10-minute film called "Voices of a Liberal Faith.” Contact Karen Dienstbier 402-489-7545

4th Friday • May 23 • 7:00PM 1333 N 33rd St • Fellowship Hall

PFLAG (Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays

Board games for adults and kids. Open to all individuals. Hosted by the LGBTA Welcoming Cmte. Contact Deb Hope

4th Tues. • May 27 • 7:00PM St Paul Methodist Church, 11th & M

Men's Discussion Group

Tai Chi

2nd & 4th Tues. • May 13 & 27 7:00PM • 1333 N 33rd St. CoWorkers Room

Every Wednesday •1333 N 33rd St Fellowship Hall • 5:30PM Beginners, 6:30PM Intermediate

This is an open group which welcomes new participants at any time. Contact Duane Polzien 402-540-5025

All UU Members and Friends are invited. No experience necessary. Contact Karen Dienstbier 402-489-7545

We will meet at Saint Paul’s until the UU Church is remodeled.

Women’s Book Group Every three weeks •10:00AM Gere Library • 56th & Normal Blvd

For more information, contact Diane Richards May 10 My Beloved World by Sonya Sotomayor May 31 Canada by Richard Ford

Women’s Brunch 2nd Thursday • May 8 • 1:00PM Braeda 48th & O

All UU Women are invited to join in the dining and conversation. Contact Margaret Brown 402-488-2882

Writers’ Group 4th Saturday • May 24 • 7:00PM Gratitude Cafe • 1551 N Cotner Blvd

The UU Writers’ Group has merged with “Gratitude: An Evening with Writers”. Contact Kat Cloran

Zen Meditation Every Thursday • 7:00PM 1333 N 33rd St • 2/3 Classroom

We are a small group of UU's who meditate at church each week. Contact Norm Simon 402-435-0225

!1333 N. 33rd • Lincoln, NE 68503 • 402-483-2213 •

May 2014


NEWS & ANNOUNCEMENTS Thank you’s Thanks to our April Sunday Hospitality Teams for welcoming our friends and visitors each week. As we have seen the remnants of winter depart and spring appear we have been gratified by those of you who continue to serve on Sunday morning teams to make sure that everything continues like clock work on Sunday mornings. Thanks to Tim Johnson, Becky Seth, Jackie and Bob Egan, Earl Kramer and Mary Sommermeyer, Harris Lehl, Kathy Disney, Curt Donaldson, Harry Heafer, Bill Genuchi, Elbert Smith, George Maly, and Floyd Wickenkamp for helping get our 6300 A St grounds ready for Spring. --- Martha Horvay, on behalf of the Grounds Committee. Thank you to the Newcomer Committee and to Megan McGuffey for taking the lead in coordinating the newcomer/new member event on April 13. They held a pizza and games night for about 15 people. This was a family event and everyone had a good time. Watch for more Newcomer Committee events as this year progresses.


May 4

May 11

May 18

May 25

Pulpit Decoration

Vicki Treat Huber

Cyn Monohon

Janine Copple

Geri Cotter

Ginny Gross


Martha Horvay, Mary Jane Gruba

Wesley Botham, Molly Klocksin

Jan Buffum, Gary Colvin

Amy Birky, Connie Benjamin

Trish & Tony Olderbak

Coffee Hosts

Lindsay Bartlett, Jamie Radcliffe



Lindsay Bartlett



Penny Urwiler

Liz BonneyHeermann

Cindy Maly

Curt Donaldson

Lindsay Bartlett


Tim Johnson, Pam Forster

Amy Birky, Alex Enersen

Jerry & Mary Ann Petr

Sharad & Becky Seth

Megan McGuffey, Jackie Egan


Larry Gregg

Don Pinkley

Don Pinkley



Welcome Table

Amy Birky

Mary Sommermeyer

Shamene & Dan Dixon

Deb Bevard

LauraLee Woodruff

!1333 N. 33rd • Lincoln, NE 68503 • 402-483-2213 •


May 2014

O U R C O M M U N I TY Thank You’s

Milestones, Millstones, Stepping Stones Long-time friend of the church, Mordy Marcus, could use our help right now. He has recovered from a bad infection and is now ready to move on with his life. He would appreciate phone calls, visitors and rides since he is not able to drive right now. Contact him at 402-890-0128, Windcrest Assisted Living, 7208 Van Dorn, 68510 Long-time friend of the church, Judy Cole is awaiting hip replacement surgery. She would love visitors, notes or phone conversation. Contact her at 402-840-3405, Eastmont Towers, Springfield Bldg #506, 6315 O St, 68510

Fritz’s ministry with us has spanned close to 17 years! This in itself is quite an accomplishment. As all families do we have had our ups and downs, but through it all we have remained a strong, growing, and for the most part, loving community of like minded people. Come help us celebrate this achievement with Fritz and Ginny on May 30 at the Retirement Party (see page 5.) The spring Wonderful Wednesday’s program was enjoyed by many in our congregation. We hope that you will consider joining us next fall for the next mid-week programming experience.

S TA F F & LA Y LEA D ERS Staff Fritz Hudson, Minister • Charles S Stephen, Jr. Minister Emeritus • Chelsea Krafka, Religious Growth Dir. • Jean Helms, Administrative Dir. • Julie Enersen, Worship Arts Dir. • Karen Dienstbier, Membership Associate • Christina Strong, Administrative Associate •

Board of Trustees

Management Team

Linda Hellerich Charles Coley, President Curt Donaldson, Vice-President Bob Haack Lindsay Bartlett, Secretary Christine Starr Davis Priscilla Handy Officers: Cindy Maly Mark Weddleton, Church Treasurer Leslie Ryan Linda Ager, Assistant David Williams Jo Donohoe, Assistant Penny Urwiler Mary Sommermeyer, Liz Bonney-Heermann Stephanie Geery-Zink Capital Campaign Treasurer The Board of Trustees meets on the third Tuesday of each month at the Church. Any member or friend of the church is welcome to attend these meetings.

Church Office temporary location 1333 N. 33rd St. Office Hours: Sunday: 9:00 AM—1:00 PM Tues-Fri: 9:00 AM —3:00 PM Closed Monday & Saturday Phone: 402.483.2213 Email: Website: The Beacon is published monthly. Newsletter subscriptions are $20 a year. This newsletter is printed on 35% minimum post-consumer content recycled paper. It is also available online at

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