UNISON Bolton Branch Newsletter May 2024

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Hello and welcome to the monthly branch newsletter

What have we been up to ?

Branch Committee meets every 1st Thursday of the month, the branch officers and your elected stewards This month our agenda included a motion on Abortion Rights and we heard from guest speaker Liz Wheatley on, ‘our right to choose’

Just recently it was reported that after delivering a stillborn baby, a woman was immediately arrested and held in a cell for 36 hours after being accused of "procuring an illegal abortion " The overturning of Roe vs Wade in the United States sent shockwaves across the globe, but did you know that abortion is still a criminal offence in England, Scotland and Wales?

The 1967 Abortion Act gave us access to abortion – but only under specific grounds, with permission from two doctors. This isn’t to scare anyone: women and pregnant people in the UK can still access abortions. But I am conscious of the current political climate where we are seeing fundamental rights stripped away, and how these shifts could change that. 85% of the public already believe women should have the right to abortion – but we’re a quiet majority. It’s time to speak up.

Branch Position: Passed

This month, UNISON has been celebrating LGBT+ History Month It was founded in 2004, as an opportunity for everyone to raise awareness of the history, lives and experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. With the current government fueling hate and prejudice and actively stopping progressive legislation, we must come together and fight for positive change in workplaces and society, to make LGBT+ workers more visible and confident in their rights. We cannot tolerate hateful speech and rhetoric

If you would like to get involved in our LGBT+ group then please contact the branch We have a new and enthusiastic LGBT+ Officer and they are waiting for you to get in touch.

This year Bolton Pride is happening from Saturday May 25th until Sunday 26th. The branch will be taking part in the Pride Rally which always takes place on the Saturday mornings, then will be hosting the Film ‘Pride’ at the lecture theatre in the Library It’s a reminder to 40 years ago how Gays and Lesbians formed support for the striking miners

This year is the 40th Year of Orgreave. It reminds us of the struggles of working class people and why it is as important as ever to remain collective in our actions. The Class war is alive and kicking.

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UNISONyearofthe LGBT+worker AndreaEgan,BranchSecretary ContactUs Email:admin@unisonbolton.org Phone:01204338901


April has seen the launch of the Young Members engagement programme. Ben Moore, our new Young Members officers has hosted 3 online meetings, an opportunity on zoom, to introduce young members to the branch leadership and a chance to hear from young members about what is important to them. We will be running the zoom meetings again alongside planning an in person event. What we are clear about is that no group will work in a silo, whilst each self organised group will have their own unique issues and challenges, there are plenty of issues that unite us.

International Workers Memorial Day

As we prepared for the 28th April 2024 International Workers Memorial Day, stewards attended a Health and Safety development day on April 10th. We covered the issues of risk in the work place and planning events around keeping our members safe. It’s important for our stewards to have an understanding about risk assessments alongside keeping workplaces safe through undertaking workplace inspections.

Greater Manchester Palestine


Branch was asked to affiliate to Greater Manchester Friends of Palestine (formerly Manchester Palestine Solidarity Campaign) UNISON has passed policy in support of Palestine’s rights and justice It is a key international priority for UNISON We respect Palestinians rights to self-determination and to establish a state in the West Bank It is important that we demonstrate our commitment to the Palestinian people by providing funding for marches Our government including Labour proposes to limit rights for peaceful protest, we reject this We have a weak government that is trying to demonise peaceful protest instead of challenging Israeli right wing ideologies. We need to stand in solidarity in an attempt to delegitimise the genocide and fight for a ceasefire.

Campaign Launches

Branch Committee agreed to pursue a campaign to bring Bolton Cares back in House. Julie Tudor and Christine Collins will be the lead officers on preparing the report to present to the Council.

Branch Position: Support

Schools Kitchens Project May 1st

The Branch acknowledges that school kitchen members are low paid women members who usually receive very little attention from the union. However, it is the area that alongside the waste department that will report the highest levels of health and safety issues. There is some dangerous machinery in kitchens and lots of dangers. That’s why I’m pleased to announce the branch is launching the school kitchens project that will see every school in Bolton visited, where we will undertake a health and safety inspection and hold a 10 minute talk with the staff. John Pye will be the lead officer and report monthly to Branch Committee.

Branch Position: Support

Branch Position: Passed

We also received a comprehensive report from Karen Dalley, Branch International Officer.

‘Reflection of my visit to Auschwitz 24th-27th February 2024'

It is a very moving report, the report is available for anyone who wants to read it.

And finally, does your notice board look like this?

If not give the branch a ring and let’s start the discussion!

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