NEWSLETTER MONTHLY Welcome tothe monthly branch newsletter!
AndreaEgan BranchSecretary
The UNISON National Negotiating Body for pay, NJC, has met to make a decision on the next steps for the 2024 pay offer The offer currently on the table from the national employers is £1290 on every pay grade (pro-rated for part-time and term time only workers) The NJC felt the offer fell short of the £3000 or 10% claim they had made, and is £700 less than last year’s pay award! This means overall our spending power with our pay packets is still leaving us short when our bills and groceries are still increasing
The NJC committee made the decision that the offer is so poor that they now want to hear from you, the member They have determined that NJC members will now be balloted for action, with a recommendation to REJECT the offer
The Ballot will open on the 4th September 2024 and close on the 16th October 2024.
The postal ballot paper will be sent out to your address from the 4th September in a PURPLE envelope. To comply with the Tory introduced legislation, Bolton has to get a 50% turn out of its membership You can choose to vote to REJECT or ACCEPT, that is your right as a member in a democratic union So, it is really important, for you to complete your ballot paper and RETURN it by post in the pre-paid envelope
Some members feel it is not necessary to fill their ballot form in because they have a preconceived idea that the ballot will be won anyway. This is NOT the case - your vote is vital.
Please don’t ignore the purple envelope HAVE YOUR SAY ON PAY Reject or Accept, it is your choice
The UK is currently undergoing a spate of coordinated far-right violence, there is no other way to describe it. In the main it is targeted at Muslims, racialised communities, migrants and people seeking safety in the UK. While the events of the last week were sparked by online misinformation about the tragic murders in Southport, far-right activity is not a new phenomenon. The last decade has seen an increase in political rhetoric and policies which have increased the risk to these communities and have led to the current organised nature of the far-right. It is a time of unrest and uncertainty, and if you are a member of the community of any of the targeted groups, life must be very frightening. But when under attack communities can show their strength and solidarity as we have seen by coming together. We have to show people who want division that we demand peace and harmony, they cannot threaten our way of lives.
Bolton UNISON Branch wishes to place on record their unwavering support for the communities being targeted by the right-wing violence of the last few days. We condemn those voices fanning these flames, and the lack of public challenge over increasingly baiting, dog-whistle rhetoric in recent years, which has “allowed” the apparent acceptance of ever-more dangerous hate speech within the public conversation.
We are horrified by the violence and vitriol inflicted upon communities across the country and call on the wider political and social leaders to call this racist, Islamophobic threat out for what it is. It was a positive move to hear the Prime Minister, Kier Starmer announce that the attack on mosques will be dealt with the full force of the law.
We believe in a progressive society, one in which everyone feels safe, respected and able to give of their best. We, as Trade Unionists will play our part in achieving this.
Thismonth’sBranchCommitteeheardanemergencymotion: StopRacistPolicing.Thiswasinlightofrecenteventsat ManchesterAirport,thepublicationoftheBairdInquiryand theinvestigationof7officersinBuryforracialdiscrimination.It wasagreedto
supportthe“NoMoreRacistPolicing”campaigninitiatedby GreaterManchesterStanduptoRacism donatetothecampaignandtosupportfurthermeetings anddemonstrations.
affiliatetoStanduptoRacismnationallyand tosupportandparticipateincounteringanyattemptsby racistsandfasciststorallyintheNorthWestoranywhere elseintheUK.
Therewere3othermotionspassedatAugust’sBranch Committee,thefirstonewasinrelationtoaMigrantCare WorkerCharter.BoltonBranchhasnowgotamigrantworkers networkandwantstoraisetheissueofmigrantworkersin BoltonwiththeDirectorofAdultSocialCare.Alsoameetingis tobeorganisedwiththe3newlyelectedLabourMPs,the leaderoftheLabourGroup,NickPeelandGMMayor,Andy Burnhamtomeetagroupofmigrantworkersandhearabout thechallengestheyface.
Thesecondofthe3motionswasaboutBleedControlKitsand theimportanceofhavingthempubliclyavailable.Bleedkits areanessentialpieceofkitasarapidresponsetoaknife crime SadlyBoltonhasfirsthandexperienceofknifecrime with5fatalitiesinrecentyears.Thebranchagreedto purchase2kitsforourofficesandwillwritetotheCouncilto raiseawareness.Alsoarequestwasmadetosupporta donationtotheAvaWhiteFoundationandtosharethe petition“Makebleedcontrolkitsmandatoryinallpublic places”andaskpeopletosignit.
ThethirdmotionwasinrelationtotheNJCpayclaimanda requesttowritetotheLeaderofBoltoncouncilandseektheir supporttosubmitourownmotiontocouncilinregardstothe payclaim.
Tenants Union Support
AmotionwaspassedatBranchCommitteeinJunecallingforthefoundationof anindependentbodyspeakingupfortenants’rightsinBolton,sothismonthsaw BenClaycomeandspeakabouttheGreaterManchesterTenantsUnionwhichhe helpedsetup.Hespokeabouthowthehousingcrisisisworseningwithalackofsocialhousing, rocketingrentsandsomeunscrupulouslandlordscreatingaperfectstorm Thisaffectseveryage groupthoughyoungpeopleinparticularareaffectedandduetotheirlackofexperienceofworkplace unions,oreventheideaofcommunitiespullingtogethertofightcollectively,theycanfind struggling aloneandmoreeasilyexploited.
Thesolutionsarenoteasyanditrequireslong-termpoliticalwillformass buildingofsocialhousing,rentcontrolsandofcourse,theabolitionofSection21 (nofaultevictions).Thesearethingsweneedtoputpressureonthe governmenttoachievebutinthemeantime,establishingaBoltonBranchofthe GMTUtosupportandcampaignforlocaltenantsiskey
TheBranchwillbeholdingapublicmeetingOPENTOEVERYONEtoorganise collectivelyaroundtheissuesinBolton.TIME/DATETBC-CHECKWEBSITE/EMAILS!