Aski 2016-2017 Annual Report

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Advice Support Knowledge Information


2016/2017 ASKI is a ​Registered Company No: 08324877 | Registered Charity No 1171343

Place at My Table

Sports England Dance Participants

Chairs Preface This has been a year of planning for change. ASKI’s Trustees and staff have been looking closely at the challenges which the organisation and the voluntary sector in Croydon face in rapidly moving external circumstances, not least the financial pressures which continue to bear on voluntary organisations. ASKI remains committed to changing so that we may better support the growing number of clients we see on a monthly basis. We look forward to continuing our work, in dialogue with our members as well as key stakeholders in the Borough, in the coming year. I would like to extend ASKI’s thanks to Joseph Jeffers our Director of Operations and all the staff and volunteers who have worked very hard in difficult circumstances over the last year. ASKI is looking for new people to form a Project Advisory group (PAG) for a range of new projects starting next year. I would also like the opportunity to thank our funders who have supported our work, as well as the growing numbers of people who have become members in the last financial year. A great deal of work has been undertaken to deliver a range of projects which have impacted not only the people taking part but also the wider community. Michelle Ford Chair ASKI

London Sport Participant

Place at My Table 1

Core Values Our core values are that: • People should be empowered with the knowledge to enforce their rights. • We involve service users in the development, delivery and evaluation of our services to ensure the continued improvement and relevance of our work. • Volunteering strengthens the communities we work with. • It enriches the quality of our services by providing volunteers with the opportunity to learn and develop through giving back. • That in supporting and encouraging the personal and professional development of our staff and volunteers. • That by sharing lessons of our work with the local community we help them to tackle social problems and advocate for their own needs. • By learning from and gathering evidence about the impact of local action and programmes we will influence national policy. • That we can make a greater impact and achieve better outcomes for people by working in partnership and collaborating with partner agencies; both professional bodies and the community. • That all people should be treated with respect. • As an organisation we value diversity and promote equality and know that we cannot understand difference unless we are diverse ourselves.

Free Sport Exercise Class 2

Director of Operations Report 2017 has been a good year for ASKI we have delivered a wide range of training. It is with pleasure that I introduce our Annual Report I have spent much of my time fundraising, meeting our members, forming new partnerships and developing our offer to the community including finding new premises’. Croydon is a diverse and vibrant Borough with world class opportunities at its doorstep; however, it is not without its challenges and inequalities. Our role has increased in promoting health and education amongst people 55+ particularly amongst people from BME communities. Ultimately, we are working together togive everyone in Croydon the best opportunities. This Annual Report highlights the ways in which ASKI has supported the sector to achieve its goals in the past year. We formed a great partnership with London Sport and this has increase our capacity and ability to introduce in a strategic way sport as a tool for change amongst older people, this has included delivering a range of accredited training in dance for older men and women in the Borough.

J Jeffers Director of Operations

Director of Operations 3

Key Achievements in 2016 •

245 Hours of dance classes’ delivery for people 50+

8 training courses to move people into employment and training.

5 First Aid courses training 50 people in Emergency First Aid.

35 hours of arts and craft training workshops

25 people gained OCN qualifications in Mentoring and leadership

10 people gain Preparing to Work in health and Social Care qualification.

8 people gained qualification in Parenting Skills

5 people gained qualification in Nutrition Skills

10 Place At My Table events 600 people attended over the period

86 people attended Health Watch Event

75 people attended International Older peoples Day Event

90 people attended International Women’s Day Event

Gained Positive About Disability Accreditation

Gained Mindful Employer quality Mark

Developed a new website which meets our changing needs

People’s Heath Trust Project 4

Governance Training Ealing CVS

The Year Ahead 2018/2019 In 2017 with support from our external Business Development Consultant we have developed both a fundraising strategy and a three year business plan. This is vital as it allows the board to have a clear view of the work that needs to be delivered and the resources that will be required to achieve what will be a significant workload for the charity. We will be looking at a range of opportunities in surrounding Boroughs over the next year, as well as working with other agencies in Croydon on a series of consortium bids.

Leadership Training

Lampshade Making Workshop

BRIT School Partnership with ASKI 5

We Would Like To Say Thank You ACHA All the participants who took part in our services in 2016/2017 Big Lottery Fund Croydon Council Croydon Commitment Core of Life Dorothy Johnson - Ministry Of Empowerment Ealing CVS Eastern Oasis Lunch Club Free Sport London London Sport Health Watch Croydon Jags Foundation Hounslow CVS In Kind Direct Imagine Croydon Members of ASKI OCN London Staff Sutton SCVS Volunteers

ASKI Board of Trustees and Staff Chair Arts and Crafts Tutor Michelle Ford Amanda Nilmadhub Secretary Health and Nutrition Associate Core of Life Sam Nankani Sharon Gardner Treasurer Business Development Consultant Tajeda Kelly Tania Murrell Director of Operations Publicity and Design Consultant Joseph Jeffers Paulette Jennings Engagement Officer Lola Adeyi 6

Head Office

Joseph Jeffers Advice Support Knowledge Information (ASKI) Head Office 33 Brigstock Road Thornton Heath Croydon CR7 7JJ Training Room 2nd floor, Day Lewis House 324 – 340 Bensham Lane Thornton Heath Surrey CR7 7EQ T: 020 8683 2191| M: 07759194567 | E: |W:

ASKI is a ​Registered Company No: 08324877 | Registered Charity No 1171343

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