The Chair

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Sarah Walker, Alice Morris, Ellie Goslin, Emma Black, Ieva Mackeviciute, Lily-Anna Patton, Mads Bailey,

Zanib Mughal

THE CHAIR To start the project we each took one section of the chair to draw ourselves in any medium we wanted. We then contributed each section to create the poster on the following page. Page 3 ..... London Transport Page 5 ..... Introduction Page 7 ..... The Chair Page 9 ..... Forensic Experiments Page 13 ..... Character Design Page 15 .... Pattern Design Page 19 ..... Narratives Page 23 .... Fonts Page 27 ..... Maps Page 31 .... Posters Page 33 ..... Animation Page 35 ..... The Website

History of Public Transportation


Public transportation has gone through time

and contains a lot of historical aspects and unforgettable events. Our project lead us to figure out many interesting features that expand from a simple object, a chair. We looked into ergonomic design, environmental design, fabric design, engineering design, etc. The list continues.

On your right you can see a simplified version

of changes that took place through time. the image next to the date 1857, displays a way of transportation which needed horsepower to be moved, this method was costly and required a lot of maintenance. Since this way of travelling was unreliable, new ways were needed to be provided for people to travel. That is why the buses were constantly developing, to make sure that it’s both economical and reliable.

Ieva Mackeviciute

The Brief We were asked to respond to any chair we liked. The chair chosen by my group was a chair taken from a bus. After researching the chair we discovered it belonged to the Thornton Heath line, Route 64. This newspaper contains a variety of experiments and outcomes produced by my group.


4 King Henry’s Drive, Vulcan Way - Homestead Way, Milne Park East - New Addington, Parkway - Merrow Way, Headley Drive - Addington Village, Interchange - Selsdon, Addington Road/Farley Road - South Croydon Station, Croham Road - East Croydon Station - West Croydon Station - Thornton Heath, Bus Garage


The Chair To start the project we each took a section of the chair to re-draw/re-paint/re-make. From left to right on the top row: Ellie Goslin, Zanib Mughal, Sarah Walker, Mads Bailey and on the bottom row: Lily-Anna Patterson, Emma Black and Ieva Mackeviciute



As part of the study we decided to look at the chair itself in as much detail as possible. We contacted the forensic science department at the University for help renting equipment. Our aim was to document the ‘evidence’ left behind on the chair itself. We looked at dusting for prints, shining a UV/Black light on the chair and taking samples to grow on Agar plates.

Forensic stain is confirmed to be blood. This test however may damage the evidence, therefore what is usually done is they One forensic test we conducted was a

take an ear bud, take a sample of the

presumptive blood test. When beginning

blood and test it on the earbud to check

this test, you have a choice of two dyes,

if thats actually blood.

Leucomalachite green (LMG), which

The intention of this test was to see

is a dye that turns green, and another

how accidents that would occur on the

dye called Kastle Meyer that turns to

bus are explored, and the reason we

a shade of pink. Hydrogen peroxide,

were interested in forensic is because

which is a more concentrated version of

this particular object, the chair, comes

hair bleach. The way the test works is, if

across a great amount of people.

a stain has got blood on it, and you had hydrogen peroxide and placed it on the blood stain, it reacts to it and breaks it apart to release oxygen. Further if you plays the dye on it, the released oxygen reacts with the dye and it turns to colour. The dye you chose depends on a base material, for example if the material with the blood stain is green, you would choose the Kastle Meyer dye to make sure the results are visible and the blood

Experiments Other experiments that we conducted included finger print dusting which resulted in the poster we have used as our front page and swab tests which we used to create agar plates.

Mads Bailey

Character Design I wanted to explore the narratives

As I was drawing them I found myself

surrounding the bus seats and think about

coming up with backstories for these

the kinds of people who you find on buses

people but just like if you were on a bus,

- people from all backgrounds take the

I wanted to leave the viewer to be able

bus for a variety of reasons and many

to speculate about the kind of people

memories are made on buses without

they are. I created these drawings by first

people really considering the space. I

sketching them out on paper and then

wanted to create a series of illustrations

drawing them digitally in Photoshop, later

that celebrated this.

animating them in After Effects.

Ellie Goslin

bus seats Choosing to focus on the 80’s style fabric used on the bus seat and retrieving inspiration from designer like Orla Kiely for the simplicity of the pattern to Cassie Byrnes, who keeps the hand made style visible in the fabric, I knew the direction I wanted to go in. Through the Forensic research conducted throughout the brief it was evident that the bus seat was unhygienic, as well as additional articles describing the several bacterias found on public transport. Wanting to ensure the bus seats could be cleaned regularly, I combine the three ideas together, using the four seasons as reference. Each pattern that was designed represented a season, and with the change of the season so would the change of the bus seats, allowing them to be cleaned more often than now. If anything happens within the process or the process of changing over the bus seats from old to new, Above and below recycle the bus fabrics and the wheels to create “vintage” and ‘rare’ high top shoes.

Ellie Goslin

Patterns I made three different sets of designs as part of this project, each one created in different ways. The first set was created by making a stencil and rolling ink over create several patterns. This was the design that I felt was the most succesful. The second set was created by using a type mask over set 1 patterns, and adjusting the colours to only 2. Finally, set 3 was created by making my own alphabet from a acrylic paint swatch and placing the letters from the name of the season onto the page randomly and making the colours similar to the previous ones.

Emma Black

The Newspaper Man Work had dragged on way longer than he’d hoped. He loosened his tie and stretched out across the two empty seats. He glanced at the obnoxiously large newspaper wondering if anything other than miserable stories were going to make the pages for a change. His wife was going to be so mad after he had stayed at work so late again; she probably had already made dinner which would now be cold. Trying not to think about the consequences he turned back to the newspaper, maybe there’s something interesting on the next page..

Emma Black

Bus Narratives Woman Sat Alone. She sat on the night

Children. The children had never been

bus alone. The dark night sky and the gentle

allowed to stay up this late before, let alone

sound of rain were strangely comforting to

go outside at this time. It was so exciting.

her, although she wished she’d worn a thicker

Accompanied by their grandmother who’d

coat. The old bus continued along the quiet

already fallen asleep at the front of the bus,

roads, it was a small break from the wet and

the children went about their mischief. The

silent streets; somewhere to get lost in her

little girl enjoyed drawing pictures on the

own thoughts before she would have to face

windows, making shapes and leaving hand

the real world again. Only three stops until

prints in the condensation. The young boy

the bus terminated at Thornton Heath, she

preferred climbing on the seats after kicking

contemplated what it would take to get the

his shoes off somewhere, allowing them

driver to take the bus on just one more round

to slide across the floor every time the bus

of South London before she had to get off.

turned a corner.

Font Design My typography was inspired by the rust found on the bottom of the bus seat. I looked at all the colours on the main seat and the frame of the seat, these colours isnpiered my colour palette. Once I had these colours I began to experiment with different styles of type and mediums. This experiment and finished type was all done in water colour by hand.

Lily-Anna Patterson

Ieva Mackeviciute

Font Design

The idea for my font was to use the forms of the

2nd image shows the result of using the pen tool,

chair to create the text. I looked at the shape from

soon I realised that much improvement needs to be

the different angles and tried to implement it in

done. For example letters like'L', 'J' or 'O' appeared

different ways. The main feature that ended up being

to be tacky and needed improvement.

repetitively used in this font is the back of the chair. 3rd image shows a simplified or clearer version of 1st image shows how the images of the chair were

the font. I made sure that the letter appears to be

used in order to create the text. When looking at

more neat and looks better visually. Lastly I have

it in much detail the font may become visible and

coloured the font using the colours that were inspired

you may notice how the shapes create a certain

by the bus chair, to finalise the font and to make it

character. I Used pen tool in photoshop to draw out

more bold.

the areas of interest to create this font. One letter at a time.

Sarah Walker

MAPS An illustrated map of the number 64 bus route. It takes a total of 50 minutes to travel through Croydon, London starting in King Henrys Drive and ending at Thornton Heaths Bus Station. Here are some of those illustrations, in no particular order.

After looking at the chair we found a piece

the route taken. I thought about the route and

of masking tape on the bottom of the seat

what might be seen on the journey. Unable to

with the words ‘Thornton Heath’ written on it.

take the route myself I decided to use Google

Combined with information given to us by the

Maps street view to illustrate the route myself.

seller we were able to identify that the bus this chair was taken off was the number 64

I tookover 130 screenshots along this bus

bus that goes from King Henrys Drive through

route to help illustrate my work. While I

Croyden and ends at Thornton Heath’s Bus

didnt illustrate every building I did end up


illustration over 20 buildings, including terraces and tower blocks.

I decided to look at this route in more detail, I started by drawing the map and highlighting

Sarah Walker

King Henry’s Drive

via Warbank Crescent, King Henry’s Drive Homestead Way, Homestead Way Milne Park, Kennelwood Crescent, Thorpe

Close, Homestead Way Overbury Crescent, Central Parade New Addington (Stop K), New Addington (Tram Stop), King Henry’s Drive (Tram Stop), Betchworth Way, Tillford Avenue, Goldcrest way King Henry’s Drive, Goldcrest Community Centre, Frimley Close, Merrow Way, Castle Hill School, The Lindens, North Walk, Foxcombe, Brierley, Applegarth (Stop FD), Addington Village Interchage (Stop D), Gravel Hill (Stop G), Featherbed Lane (Stop H), John Ruskin College (Stop J), Monks Hill, Pixston Way Selsdon, Selsdon Primary School (Stop P), Old Farleigh Road (Stop S), Queen Hill Road (Stop F), Brent Road, Little Heath Road, Farley Road, Croham, Valley Road, Ballards Way, Manor Way, Old Palace John Whitgift School, Campden Road, Birdhurst Gardents (Stop H), Coombe Road South Croydon (Stop J), Selborne Road (Stop K), Selsdon Road (Stop L), Garrick Crescent (Stop M), East Croydon Station (Stop E6), Electric House (Stop WY), Whitgift Centre (Stop WL), West Croydon Bus Station (Stop B4), West Croydon Bus Station (Stop WT), Montague Road (Stop LD), Sumner Road Croydon (Stop LE), Broad Green Avenue (Stop LF), Canterbury Road (Stop B), Croydon

Thornton Heath Bus Garage. University Hospital (Stop D), Thornton Heath Pond (Stop J) and finishing at

Zanib Mughal

Posters Looking at this bus chair one thing I

and how to treat it right and how it is for

found very distrubing was how we the

the passenger’s own benefit and also the

passengers do not use the things right. As

buses are runned by the fair we provide

we found scratches and chewing gums

and we should treat it the way we treat the

on the chair which were placed there

things we pay for.

intentionally. To spread awareness of how to behave with a bus chair in a public transport i created this poster which is created by a few sentences which help people rethink the idea of a bus chair

VIDEO After doing a lot of research and collecting data and I decided that I wanted to bring it all together somehow. Feeling inspired by Kyle Cooper’s montages I began to explore his work and felt this fit with the project well. This led to the decision to made a video showing both all the data in this Cooper-esque style. I found a video footage of Thornton Heaths number 64 bus route of YouTube called “Londonbuses 157” and “LÚ PONÉS”. I editing this along with my own footage. Finally adding the song “Jupiter Freak Show” by Sara Afonso as well as other audio effects. View it on vimeo by sacaning the QR code:

Alice Morris

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