North Now Brand Guidelines

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A Brief Overview

Brand Characteristics

Mission Statement

Colour Palette

Brand Values

Logo Usage

This document should be used as a reference to communicate the brand identity, understand the brand values and mission statement.


Additional Brand Assets

Image Guidelines

If you have any further enquires please direct them to

A Brief Overview A message from the North Now founder “guidelines. Hi, welcome to the North Now brand North Now is a non-profit organisation that is focused on the creation of a fifth government in the UK for 12 counties in the North of England. Its not creating a new country or declaring independence, it is simply aiming to create more democracy by giving the North a bigger voice when it comes to deciding how to deal with problems such as housing, education and other polices.

Our proposal it to divide the number of people in England into two separate governments. We plan to do this by drawing a line along county borders to include Northumberland, Cumbria, Tyne and Wear, Durham, Lancashire, all of Yorkshire, Greater Manchester, Merseyside and Cheshire, this will be approximately 13 million people.

We have worked hard to create the North Now brand that you see today and it is important that the guidelines set out in this document are followed. Thank you for your support .

Our Mission Statement

The North Now mission statement is a simple one, it aims to create a devolved government for the North of England. A government focused on serving the people of the North and closing the North / South divide.

We are a non-profit and politically neutral campaign, committed to giving the North a bigger voice when it comes to issues such as education, healthcare and housing.

Brand Values Our Values.

Understanding We are proud Northerners and as Northerners we understand the struggles caused by the North/South divide.

Communication We believe that clear effective communication is essential to the success of the North Now campaign.

Authenticity We are genuine. We try to be as transparent as we can be.

Community We are in this together. This is a team effort

Growth Nobody is perfect and neither are we. North Now promises to learn and grow from each experience.

Approachable We are friendly, easy to approach.

Brand Characteristics This document should be used as a reference to communicate the brand identity, understand the brand values and mission


statement. Below is a personality slider that shows how we feel North Now is as a brand.



Easy to understand





Established Masculine

Youthful Feminine

We aim to always be friendly and approachable as well as keep all information as clear and simple as possible. For more information on our brand characteristics and personality please email with any further questions.

Colour Palette

Blue Primary Colour #37a1ab R55 G161 B171 C73 M16 Y33 K1

This document should be used as a reference to communicate the brand identity, understand the brand values and mission statement.

Green Primary Colour #73ba62 R115 G186 B98 C60 M0 Y76 K0

The core colours in the North Now brand are blue and green. Their exact shades should be used where appropriate to add colour to work.

Orange Secondary Colour #f59e38 R245 G158 B56 C0 M45 Y83 K0

Purple Secondary Colour #834a92 R131 G74 B146 C51 M80 Y05 K0

Red Secondary Colour #d63f44 R214 G63 B68 C10 M86 Y68 K2

There are a range of secondary colours that may also be used throughout any North Now work where appropriate. These colours include orange, purple, red, blue and grey.

Blue Secondary Colour #008695 R0 G134 B149 C82 M26 Y36 K9

Grey Secondary Colour #395154 R57 G81 B84 C75 M48 Y50 K43

The use of these secondary colours is completely optional and is only offered to add variation to existing works.

Logo Usage The North Now logo is integral to the North Now brand and campaign. It is important that the guidelines set out in this document.

Primary logos

The North Now logo has multiple approved variations in landscape and portrait compositions. Here are the two primary logos and every effort should be made to use these two above the other approved variations.

High resolution versions of these primary logos are available on request. Email with your logo requirements to receive a .jpeg, .png or .eps, depending on requirements.

Secondary logos

In cases where a black and white logo is required you may use these approved logo variations when it is more appropriate.


North Now also offers an icon logo to use where appropriate. It must only appear when our primary logo has also been used on the page and never appear on its own. There are also monochrome versions of the logo.


Please refer to this document for guidance when placing our logo in any medium. As each logo can be scaled to most sizes, you can use elements of the logo to determine the correct clear space for each logo. Do not place anything in the designated clear space.


Misuse of our logo

Please ensure that you follow the correct specifications of our logo. Incorrect usage of our logo could be detrimental to our brand and any logo

infringements will not be tolerated.

Resizing You can scale the North Now logo as long as it remains in proportion. Distortion of our logo is strictly prohibited.

Rotation Do not rotate the North Now logo.

Busy Backgrounds Do not place our logo onto busy backgrounds. There are alternate logos to use when more appropriate.

Changing colours There are several versions of our logo that you can use where appropriate. You may not recolour our logo.

Adding Effects Adding effects to our logo such as drop is not allowed.

Cropping Do not crop the North Now logo. Please follow the correct spacing specifications set out in this brand guidelines document.

Typography There are various typefaces available to use within North Now work. Each typeface has a specific use.


The custom North Now should only be used in special circumstances to avoid its over use and Acier Bat solid should be used as an alternative. For subheadings, body text and smaller type, various weights of Fieldwork.

North Now Adaptation of Acier Batt




Sub Heading


Fieldwork Bold

Fieldwork Light


Acier Bat solid

Sub Heading

Fieldwork Regular


Sub- Header 1 - Acier Bat Solid abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 ! ?“”.,\ / ( ) & % # @ *

Body - Fieldwork Geo Regular abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 ! ? “ ” . ,\/( ) & % # @ *

Sub- Header 2 - Fieldwork Geo Bold abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 ! ? “ ” . ,\/( ) & % # @ *

Body - Fieldwork Geo Light abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 ! ? “ ” . ,\/( ) & % # @ *

Additional Brand Assets


There are several patterns that are available for use within the North Now brand guidelines. The first pattern is created using the coloured blocks from the North Now logo. This creates an upwards arrow pattern. The arrows must always face up, never sideways, upside down or skewed. The arrow shape must remain undistorted and unchanged but does not have to be used in the repeated composition above. The second pattern is also created from the coloured blocks within the North Now logo, however, these blocks are arranged into a randomised pattern that cannot be altered.

Example of Pattern usage Here are a few examples of the patterns being used successfully as part of the North Now branding. You can see that the North Now patterns are useful for adding interest to items and filling up unwanted space, such as the tissue paper used to wrap orders from the North Now online store. They can also be useful for adding decorative on brand touches such as the collection of arrows on the design for a North Now pop up shop sign. There are many ways to use the North Now patterns but is important to read through the guidelines for each one. For example, you may use the arrows as individual shapes and resize them as appropriate, but they must always point upwards and they must not be distorted. This is unlike the second pattern which cannot have its composition altered. To get high resolution copies of these patterns please email: with your requirements to receive a .jpeg, .png or .eps file depending on what is most appropriate. North Now reserves the right to refuse permission to use these assets.

Image Guidelines Acquiring Images

North Now uses a lot of images as part of its campaign. It is important to ensure that all the correct licensing for every image is correct. To help do this, North Now recommends that all photography is the property of North Now, this means hiring photographers and avoiding taking images from social media or image sharing sites such as Shutter Stock.

Image Type

North Now images are often landscapes shot in the 16:9 ratio. It is important to the campaign that all images are of the North, another reason why it is best to hire a photographer specifically for the campaign. However, its is also important to the campaign that there North Now shows the diverse and various aspects and areas of the North such as rural villages, industrial towns, big cities, coastal communities and all the other places that make the North so special. Where possible we like images to appear sunny and warm. All images are treated with brightness and contrast, hue and saturation and levels adjustments. Each image is different and it is important to not over treat images as it will impact the authenticity of the brand. North Now has curated an album of high resolution images to use as an example or incorporate into any North Now work. It is important to note that all image rights belong to North Now and may only be used in North Now work. You may not keep any images for use in other projects. The North Now gallery can be accessed by emailing

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