Fact Sheet (Campus Valrose - Université Côte d'Azur)

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Welcome! Bienvenue !

Warm greetings from Nice France! We are delighted to inform you about the Erasmus+ nomination and student application process for the Faculty of Science at Université Côte d'Azur.

Starting university is an adventure. There’s a lot of information to take in In this document you'll find the essential information you need to help you get started You may not be on campus just yet, but you can kickstart your experience right now by connecting with your peers from all around the world.

Contact details:

Mrs. Fatima ZAROUR

Email : campus-valrose international@univ-cotedazur fr

Phone : +33 4 89 15 00 31

International coordinator for : Incoming exchange SMS/STA/STT (e g , ERASMUS+, ERASMUS+, ERASMUS MUNDUS, Double Degree ), receiving nominations, signing incoming Las, the Certificate of Attendance, enrolment, TOR

Outgoing SMS/SMT/STA/STT mobilities and IIAs

Nomination and application deadlines


Semester and full academic year


Nomination deadline (partners): 15 May

Application deadline (students): 15 June

Nomination deadline (partners): 30 October

Application deadline (students): 30 November

Fields & Subject Area of Faculty of Science & Engineering:

0510 - Biological and related sciences, not further defined

0511 - Biology

0512 - Biochemistry

0530 - Physical sciences, not further defined

0531 - Chemistry

0532 - Earth sciences

0533 - Physics

0541 - Mathematics

0542 – Statistics

0600 - Information and Communication Technologies (Bachelor Degree Only)

0610 - Information and Communication Technologies (Bachelor Degree Only)

0611 - Computer use (Bachelor Degree Only)

Nomination procedure (partners)

Before nomination, kindly check the mobility quotas agreed in the IIA. After this, send as much students as the institutions have agreed upon to the agreed study field With the following information:

First name, Last name, birth date, Nationality, email, Cycle (BA or MA) ISCED code

Application procedure (students)

Students must apply to our institution the following way. They will receive an email, explaining the steps to apply through an online application. they have to send a list of documents. With some of them, they will need their home university’s assistance (Transcript of Records, Learning Agreement, English or french certificate, copy of the identity card or passport).

As a final step, they should fill out our online registration form with their personal data. If they successfully finish the application within deadline, they will receive a Letter of Acceptance and their Learning Agreements signed



Welcome to Nice and the French Riviera!

Exchange students should be aware that it is their responsibility to find accommodation for the duration of their stay. Students can apply for dormitory placement in the application survey or rent a flat.

There are a range of housing options available to you in Nice. Wherever you choose to live, keep in mind that most places reach full capacity before the start of the academic year, so you should start exploring your options early and ask for support if you need it

On campus: Our University residences offer affordable self-catered accommodation close to everything you need >


Off campus: Some students prefer to find their own privately rented housing in nearby suburbs Use this advice when looking for rented accommodation off campus

Here are some useful links :

https://www studapart com/fr

https://www student-factory com/fr



Secret Map For Private residence FACT SHEET, EXCHANGE PROGRAM

Acceptation & visa

The decision will be given weeks after the application deadline A letter of acceptance will be sent by the host faculty in order to start the procedure for visa. We advise selected applicants to apply to a Student long stay visa.

> The consular procedures and obtaining a visa

Useful documents

> Campus map

> Academic calendar

> Welcome guide

> Exam calendar

> Contacts


The student card you receive when you enroll at UniCA gives you access to many services at your institution. It also entitles you to numerous discounts on a daily basis!

If you need to obtain a visa or a residence permit to continue your studies at UniCA, you must be able to prove that you have sufficient resources to support yourself in France. A minimum financial guarantee will be requested by the embassy (615€ / month) Once in France, students will have to validate the visa (60€)

Welcome Week

At the beginning of each semester, we organize a Welcome Week, during which we will introduce you to the university, courses, activities and student life in Nice

Follow @international univcotedazur

We recommend that you plan on a total of 1600€ to 2000€ dedicated to your installation in France. Obviously, all expenses depend on your lifestyle, the nature of your higher education and the way you organize your stay in France.

Insurance: Complementary Health Insurance

Housing Insurance


University hall of residence Deposit for the accommodation

Local transportation (Lignes D’Azur): Full access to all transport in Nice

Eventual installation costs (sheets, towels, kitchen )

Various dues and memberships (sport, ...)


Lunch in University (Resto’U - CROUS) Monthly average

Communication (telephone subscription, internet)

249€ to 800€ 1 to 2 months rent (minimum 450€ inprivate housing) 20€ to 80€ 15€ to 36€/month 22,5€/month 100€ 60€ 3,30€/meal 200€/month 30€/month

Student life

Health Insurance Support for students with disabilities

All students within the Côte d’Azur University site must have healthcare coverage for the entire duration of their stay for health and legal reasons.

Depending on your situation, you will have to:

› either join the French health insurance system to benefit from health coverage

› or be the holder of a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) In this case, the health insurance of your country of origin will cover your health expenses and refund you consequently

→ etudiant-etranger.ameli.fr

* Accommodation insurance is mandatory too for all students (including fire, liability and third-party, property damage, theft) once arrived in France

Students with disabilities or long illnesses, high-level sports students, confirmed artists, other profiles according to criteria (employees...), the university supports you

We offer different kinds of individual support to students who have a disability. The aim of the support is to ensure that the student may pursue their studies under the same conditions as their peers

Contact the service support officer on the campus as soon as the school year starts


→ handicap@univ-cotedazur.fr

Personalized and progressive support throughout your journey: Educational Technical and human

For more information

Learning French

CentredeRessources enLanguesCRL


Language Resource Centers

You can access the 10 Language Resource Centers (LRCs) located across all campuses of Université Côte d'Azur. You can improve your French throughout the year, as well as German, English, Arabic, Chinese, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, and Russian The CRLs also offer intensive summer courses in June and July (2 weeks; with daily classes from 9 am to 1 pm) Language Resource Center Website Erasmus Student Network

The Erasmus Student Network (ESN) organizes numerous events to meet international students and has implemented the "Buddy System" so that a French student can take an international student under their wing. Each One Teach One meetings are organized to promote cultural exchanges.


The courses offered for Erasmus students are listed broken down into Faculties at the university website The courses are usually updated 3-4 months before the academic year start. We do not know until then what courses will be available. Courses from previous academic years are available on the website : https://univ-cotedazur.eu/

Please note that the course list can change due to unforeseeable circumstances. Courses might be cancelled, or new ones can appear Please, regularly check the course list! The Bachelor Courses are taght in French Some Master courses are taught in English

Recommended arrival days :

Autumn semester 2024: 23 and 24 August

Spring semester 2025: 10 January

Contact :

CoursenLangues Vivantes

Should you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact us at campus-valrose.international@univ-cotedazur.fr

THANK YOU! Université Côte d’Azur Campus Valrose Attending university > Everything you need! > Click here > univ-cotedazur.fr Written by the International Relations Department, Fatima Zarour Designed by Communication Department, Meriem Ksaier Produced by Université Côte d’Azur (2024) You can also scan the QRCode here!
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