UniBg | Open Day 2024-2025 Accounting, Governance and Sustainability

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Accounting, governance and sustainability Master degree CAMPUS Via dei Caniana, 2 DATE 23 March 2024

Who we are

Prof.ssa Silvana Signori

Director of the Master Degree

Prof. ssa Silvia Pilonato

Prof. Daniele Gervasio

Introducing Bergamo

and the University of Bergamo

Department of Management (Scienze Aziendali)

Teachers: 56 (15 Full prof., 25 Associate prof. and 16 Assistant prof.)

+ post-doc researchers

+ Phd Students

Students: around 3.500


1 – Bachelor Degree in Economia Aziendale

4 – Master Degree (2 ita 2 eng)

1 – Joint Master Degree with the Department of Economics

The Master degree in Accounting, Governance and Sustainability

2024-2025 II year

… but not completely

The Master degree in Accounting, Governance and Sustainability (AGS) develops from a previous experience as an English curriculum of a Master degree in Business Administration, Professional and Managerial Accounting (curriculum AAG - Accounting, Accountability and Governance).



ü The master degree Accounting, Governance and Sustainability (AGS) has been designed to motivate and inspire students to think and search for innovative responses to changes in the contemporary societal, business and organisational context.

ü During the programme students will learn new and up-to-date topics

ü Through these, they will gather managerial competencies necessary to assist organisations and public actors in developing and implementing solutions to cope with social and business challenges.


Key words

• Accounting

• Governance

• Auditing

• International

• Risk management

• Public value

• Sustainability

International context

AGS offers an internationally-infused learning and teaching environment to provide our students with the knowledge, skills and tools required to achieve successful and satisfying careers as consultants, managers or professionals specialised in accounting and governance practices for international business and for sustainability.


Two curricula

AGS develops throught two curricula:

• Accounting for International Business (AIB)

• Accounting and Governance for Sustainability (AG4S)

Both of them provide students with a comprehensive knowledge of international accounting, management control, risk management, corporate governance and accountability.


Two curricula

Accounting for International Business (AIB) provides students with competencies (knowledge, skills and tools) in accounting, auditing, corporate governance, and business and tax law that are necessary to manage the administration and accountancy aspects of international organizations

Accounting and Governance for Sustainability (AG4S) provides students with the competencies (in terms of strategic management, governance, accounting and control knowledge, skills and tools) necessary to envisage, design and implement innovative solutions for governing sustainability related issues in the daily management of organizations.


Job opportunities


Francesca Sala

Confindustria Bergamo

Sukhjinder Singh

Ecosphera Srl

Mirko Colnago

Internal Audit - Asset Quality

Review Gruppo Intesa



• International and advanced accounting

• Corporate governance, risk assessment and auditing

• Strategic management accounting

• European economic policy

• Statistics for accounting Accounting for International Business (AIB) - I year

One choice from the following:

• Comparative business law

• International and eu tax law


Accounting for International Business (AIB) - II year

• Corporate and investment banking

• Accounting and reporting for sustainability

• Accounting history

One choice from the following:

• Economic growth and sustainability

• Personnel economics and hr analytics

One choice from the following:

• Public value creation and reporting

• International business and trade

• Risk management and derivatives

One choice from the following:

• Foreign language (or italian)

• Internship

• Matlab for decision maker

• Theoretical perspectives and research methods in accounting

Elective Courses (12 CFU)

• Final dissertation


• Challenges in a world in transition

• International accounting, risk assessment and auditing

• Business ethics

• Strategic management accounting Accounting and Governance for Sustainability (AG4S) - I year

• Comparative business law

• Public policies for sustainability and the environment

• Statistics for accounting


Accounting and Governance for Sustainability (AG4S) - II year

• Governing, accounting and reporting for sustainability

• Public value creation and reporting

• Economic growth and sustainability

One choice from the following:

• Sustainable finance

• Social topics in organizations

• Philanthropy. Impact and next generation investment

One choice from the following:

• Foreign language (or italian)

• Internship

• Matlab for decision maker

• Theoretical perspectives and research methods in accounting

Elective Courses (12 CFU)

• Final dissertation

International opportunities

Partnerships with international Universities

Professor & students exchange

Research and Teaching partnership with International Universities

ERASMUS agreement with several UK, EU and Australian Universities


International internships

You can attempt Summer Schools in UE and extra-UE countries

Erasmus + Internships (2-6 months)

ERASMUS & Extra UE exchange opportunities

+ di 20 destinazioni in lingua inglese

+ numerose altre sedi in lingua francese, tedesca e spagnola con possibilità di sostenere esami in lingua inglese

International opportunities

International visiting professors

• Cavagnaro, E, Governing Sustainability (Ned)

• Ferguson J., Strategic Management Accounting (UK)

• Helliar, C, International Accounting, (Australia)

• Hoskin, K., Accounting History (UK)

• Power, D, Risk Assessment (UK)

• Rinaldi, L, Accounting for Sustainability (UK)

• Every year the Master's Degree hosts international visiting professors coming from all over the world.

• Around 25% of the teaching is performed by international visiting professors.

Double Degree Agreement

Best students will be able to spend the 2nd year at the University of Dundee by attending the Master Degree in “Accounting & Finance”. Once back from Dundee they will receive the DOUBLE DIPLOMA.


Tirocini e placement

National opportunities

Strong engagement with companies

Local, national and international companies are engaged in different courses sharing their experiences and offering opportunities for stages or internships.

Nell'ambito delle attività formative è prevista la possibilità di svolgere un’attività di tirocinio presso studi professionali, aziende e organizzazioni pubbliche e private nazionali e internazionali.

L'attività di tirocinio può costituire parte del più ampio praticantato triennale

disciplinato Dottori

commercialisti ed esperti contabili di

17 formative è
svolgere studi e private parte triennale Dottori

National opportunities

Placement and internship

The programme is coherent with the agreement between the “University of Bergamo” and “Ordine dei Dottori commercialisti ed esperti contabili” of Bergamo as provided by the Convention between the “Ministero dell’istruzione, università e ricerca” and “Consiglio nazionale dei Dottori commercialisti ed esperti contabili”.

Why to apply?

94% students satisfied with the course

• Hot topics – current issues

• International environment

• Active learning

• Good infrastructures

• Amazing city

97,8% students who have an occupation in 1 year

2,6 months

time needed to find a job (average)

Source: AlmaLaurea, 2022

How and when to apply?

Please visit our website.

How to enroll


For Italian students see the following slides

Criteri di accesso

Corso ad accesso libero!

Per essere ammessi al corso di laurea magistrale (LM) occorre essere in possesso della laurea, o del diploma universitario di durata triennale, oppure di altro titolo di studio conseguito all'estero e riconosciuto idoneo.

L'ammissione al corso di laurea magistrale è subordinata al possesso:

• di specifici requisiti curriculari (compresi requisiti linguistici);

• di un'adeguata preparazione personale;

Criteri di accesso

Possesso requisiti curriculari

A) Aver acquisito la laurea italiana in una delle seguenti classi:

Classe L-18 - Scienze dell'economia e della gestione aziendali

Classe L-33 - Scienze economiche


B) Aver acquisito una laurea italiana diversa da quella indicata al punto A e aver acquisito complessivamente, entro la scadenza per l’iscrizione alla selezione, almeno 60 CFU nell’area delle scienze economiche e statistiche o in particolari settori dell’area giuridica, matematico-informatica o dell’ingegneria industriale e dell’informazione


c) Aver acquisito altro titolo di studio conseguito all’estero, riconosciuto idoneo.

LT matrice «economica »
altre LT

Criteri di accesso

Possesso requisiti curriculari – requisiti linguistici

• conoscenza della lingua inglese livello B2 (o equivalente).

• conoscenza della lingua italiana attraverso il sistema CISIA test ITA L2 (per studenti non madrelingua)

Criteri di accesso

Adeguatezza della personale preparazione dello studente

• per i laureati triennali provenienti dalle classi 17 e 28 (D.M. 509/99) e analoghe precedenti voto di laurea non inferiore a 90/110;

• per i laureati provenienti da altre classi di laurea,

requisito curriculare dei 60 CFU nelle aree indicate voto di laurea non inferiore a 100/110.

In caso di voto inferiore, è richiesto al candidato di sostenere un colloquio per la verifica della preparazione personale su argomenti coerenti con il percorso formativo.

Per gli studenti internazionali: valutazione del CV e dei titoli, verifica dell'adeguatezza della personale preparazione tramite test/colloquio

Laureati LT matrice «economica » Laureati altre LT

Iscrizione con riserva

Gli organi accademici di Ateneo possono prevedere l'iscrizione "con riserva" agli studenti che non abbiano ancor conseguito la laurea di primo livello e che siano in possesso di requisiti curriculari sopra definiti.

In tal caso, sono ammessi al corso di LM con esonero totale dal test gli studenti, provenienti dalle classi 17 e 28 (D.M. 509/99) e 18 e 33 (D.M. 270/04), che abbiano conseguito una media dei voti negli esami sostenuti, pesati con i rispettivi crediti, uguale o superiore a 24/30 (26/30 per gli studenti provenienti da altre classi di laurea, fermo restando il possesso dei 60 CFU nelle aree sopraindicate)



Web-sites Info:

Prof.ssa Silvana Signori

Master Degree’s Director silvana.signori@unibg.it

Prof. Daniele Gervasio


Prof.ssa Silvia Pilonata






Further info

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