Feminism in 2017

Page 25

Q: What impact did the communities and charity work that you did have on you? A: I think it gave me more affirmation that I want to go into this kind of work. I have been an advocate on the community level at UNC, but this made me want to pursue advocacy work as a career. Q: Why was this an important trip? A: I think giving up your spring break for any type of service work is important. I got to meet some of the most incredible, self-driven first years and sophomores. As a junior, that gives me so much inspiration for the future of Carolina. Q&A with Annebelle Holman, one of the participants Q: Can you tell me about your experience on the alternative spring break? A: Before going on the alternative spring break trip, I had very little understanding of how volunteering at thrift stores had any connection to domestic violence shelters. Over the course of the trip I learned that service to survivors of domestic violence does not have to be immediate or direct. Volunteering at thrift stores helps to ensure that the environment is operating smoothly and that survivors are able to access what they need, such as clothing. For example, one store offers “gift certificates� to survivors that could be used to purchase items that they may need after coming out of a domestic violence situation. Even though we didn’t necessarily have firsthand contact, our volunteer work made a huge impact on the communities and a direct positive influence on surivivors of domestic violence!


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