Fall 2010 Kick Off Issue

Page 6

Black Ink

In the Pit:


Is it okay to have the Mosque built in New York City at its present location? Mark Rosenstein, First-year, undecided

I am 100 percent for the mosque being built at its present location. The constitution guarantees it, and I feel they [Muslims] have the right to build it wherever they please.

Ian Helfrich, First-year, undecided My views on the mosque are a little mixed, but when several thousands of people are killed for political purposes by a religious group and for that same religion to then build a cultural center three blocks from the actual terrorist attack site is a little disrespectful to the memories of the people who died in that event [September 11th]. It’s not necessarily that I’m against the Muslim faith trying to build bridges to America, but it’s more that it’s so close to where it happened that it’s a little bit of an insult to the memory of the people who died.

Laura Jasmine, Junior, Journalism and Religious Studies I definitely do not have a problem with the Islamic community center being built near ground zero. A lot of people are opposed to it because they associate Islam with terrorism, but it was just a very small group of extremists who did that.

CJ Powell, Junior, Religious Studies and Peace War and Defense I feel if you say no to the mosque it’s being intolerant. Because you can’t blame an entire religion for what seven people did.

Rohan Smith, First-year, African Studies and Sociology

Janelle Norman, Junior , International Studies and French

I think it’s fine. I feel like this country is really intolerant, and I feel like it doesn’t really matter where it goes because this is America. And I don’t think there should be any restrictions like that. It doesn’t make sense to me.

I don’t disagree with the mosque being built because I feel everyone should have their right to express their own religion. However, on the other hand, I don’t necessarily think it’s necessary to put it on that site due to the sensitivity of the subject… There’s no great reason for it. If there’s an absolute need for a mosque there then you might as well have a kind of religious organization for each religion to show unity within America.

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