May Impact 2014

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MAY 2014



ladys, an Unbound scholar in Mexico, doesn’t need to look far to find her hero. She’s found a hero in her

pressure to provide for my siblings and my grandparents. “Fortunately, I managed to stay in school, but I am sure that

mother, Marcelina.

my mother had to go without certain needs,

When Gladys’ father passed away from can-

although she never said anything. She always

cer 10 years ago, her mother became the sole

tried to put smiles on our faces.”

provider for the family of five, which includes

The Unbound scholarship Gladys earned

Gladys’ sister and grandparents.

guaranteed that those sacrifices would not be

“My mother has been the hero in my family,”

in vain.

Gladys said. “She bravely put our family on her

While the family survives on the income

shoulders and has provided for us by herself.”

her mother makes, the Unbound scholarship

Gladys’ mother found work in a “maquila-

ensures that Gladys has the resources to finish

dora,” a clothing factory, where she works five days a week. On Sundays, she sells soups and meats to supplement her family’s income.

her education. Marcelina and Gladys

“My mom worked too much,” Gladys said. “She had lots of



According to a recent survey conducted by Unbound across all of our regions, more than 90 percent of mothers of sponsored children believe they have the power to change their family’s situation and 63 percent are active in solving problems in their communities.

“The scholarship has helped me tremendously and has been of great support because (continued)

DOLLARS FOR SCHOLARS Students like Gladys in Mexico need your help to make their educational dreams a reality. Donate to our scholarship program to help them reach their full potential. Visit to donate today.

In 2013, Unbound provided more than

$2.5 MILLION to

6,000 scholarships fund more than

around the world. The scholarships were made possible largely by donations from sponsors. Gladys, an Unbound scholar in Mexico.

The service hours provide students like Gladys with opportunities

(continued from front) now I can afford to go to school,” Gladys said. “It mainly helps to pay for my school tuition, transportation and clothing.” The Unbound Scholarship Program helps deserving young

to develop leadership skills and give back to their communities. For families living on $2 to $4 a day, an Unbound scholarship can be the difference between staying in school and quitting to

people around the world con-

earn money for the family’s sur-

tinue their educations at second-

vival. A college education may seem

ary schools, technical schools and universities by assisting with costs such as tuition, books, transportation and meals.

“I have learned that you can reach any of your dreams.” - Gladys, Unbound scholar

Students must contribute ser-

like a dream to those who are trying to overcome poverty. Unbound



students make their dreams a reality in the face of enormous odds. When their hard work is backed by a little

vice hours for their scholarships,

support and encouragement, anything is possible.

around 30 hours each month. Gladys usually volunteers to do a bit more. She helps sponsored children and elderly write letters at the Unbound office. On Saturdays, she teaches handicrafts to sponsored girls.

“I have learned that you can reach any of your dreams,” Gladys said. “I have learned to fight my fears. “I am confident and I know I can do great things.”

‘What can you afford to study?’


hat do you want to study?” It’s a question often directed to kids in the U.S. as they head off to college. But for kids in other countries around the world, it’s not that simple, said Henry Flores, director of the communications center in El Salvador. The real question is, “What can you afford to study?” For example, a child in a developing country who wants to study chemistry or computer science may choose to study

business or education because the courses are cheaper. Students also have to figure out how to pay for books, transportation costs, food and lodging if the college is far from home. As if that weren’t enough, young people going to college aren’t able to help their parents earn additional income during the hours when they are at school or studying, said Dan Pearson, director of international programs at Unbound. “Many parents understand that education is the key to long-term change, but




they have to weigh that knowledge against the day-to-day pressures of raising the rest of their children,” Pearson said. “Sometimes the pressure for income today is just too great.” It’s true that some countries offer state-funded college education, but the students who want to go to school usually outnumber the seats available. For many, an Unbound scholarship might be the only available option, which is why the Unbound Scholarship Program is so vital to students around the world. UNBOUND.ORG


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