Bilten-Women`s vision no.02.2011

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YEAR 2011, NO.02

EVERY THIRD EMPLOYEE IS VICTIM OF MOBBING Psychological violence at the work place



SOOZ against domestic vio-


UNASM in Vil- 3 nius, Lithuania Thought of 3 life, Theodore Roosevelt

Does it often happen to you to go to work with feelings you do not describe? You receive tasks which not only are not your obligation, but you are not even trained to do and as a top your bank account is shrinking each month? Or, you notice that your colleagues avoid you and ask themselves what happened to the friendly atmosphere in the office. If you had a similar problem in the past six months, do not check the date of the newspaper. Realistically, you live in the 21st century and you are victim of mobbing. The fact that you have not returned in the time of slavery is confirmed by the results of many studies. Gender division of the victims proves that women are more exposed to mobbing than men. Hence, the number of women that have declared abuse at the work place is 68 percent while the number of men is twice lower – 32 percent. According to the age, persons between 35 and 50 years are most exposed to mobbing and interviewed victims had more than 10 years working experience. The biggest number of abused person felt scared and thought of leaving the work place. Horizontal mobbing in most of the cases happens to employees on same position. Strategic mobbing in most of the cases happens in big companies as a result of the need to reduce the number of workers. Emotional mobbing happens due to fear, envy and malice and is most commonly directed towards people who like to stand out with their quality and capability. The cases in which sexual abuse is included and that lasts for longer period are referred as to mobbing with elements of sexual harassment. Lately more often it is talked about po-

litical mobbing which is especially present in state institutions which confirms the existence of political society. In order to help the victims of mobbing, for the first time in Mrs.Divna ZMEJKOVSKA Macedonia a President of SOOZ within SOS line has UNASM been opened by the Union of independent and autonomous trade unions of Macedonia (UNASM). “Since the line has been opened in March and up to now we have increase in the calls”, says Divna Zmejkovska, president of SOOZ. This is confirmed with the example of one single mother who was victim of sexual harassment by her superior and when she had decided to share the problem with the rest of the crew, instead of help she was judged by her colleagues that it was her fault because previously she had been in a relationship with him and now when she wanted to end it she cannot blame him for anything. The victim was forced to leave the work place.


Research ESE pursues violence against women on the work place The recently carried out Research for psychological and sexual abuse of women in the workplace is very important step towards promotion of gender equality, in particular regarding to assuring equal opportunities and non-discrimination of women in the workplace. This research has focused on employed women in the private and public sector as well as types and content of negative behaviour and practices women face in the workplace. This research included the following methodological steps: Carrying out a survey with prepared questionnaire (809 interviewed people) and Organization of focus groups (2). The information obtained from the conducted survey enabled us to get an overall insight regarding: presence and types through which these two things appear; frequency of these kind of situations; last incident; reaction of victims of psychological and sexual abuse; consequences for health, personal and professional life; influence of professional characteristics and organizational culture on the appearance of different types of psychological and sexual abuse, as well as stances and opinions of the victims and interviewed on: frequency, legal regulation and necessary measures for treatment and protection of victims. As result of the obtained information from the two methodological steps several recommendations and conclusions were drawn a part of which refer to the need of undertaking preventive activities for proper and overall information of employers, workers, trade union and other institutions (organizations) for the seriousness and virulence of psychological and sexual abuse, not only for health and professional engagement of victims, but also for effectiveness, productivity and profitability of work organizations. These activities will result in talking publicly about these problems which will consequently result in increased level of registration. Also, the information pointed out the need of development of internal organizational procedures for treatment of the cases, development of proper mechanisms for timely identification of the problems

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due to further initiation of formal procedures for protection of psychological and sexual harassment. Part of the data from the research that has been carried out: . – Psychological abuse 1. According to the research date every second interviewed woman declared that she has suffered a certain type of psychological abuse. From the total number of 809 interviewed women, 462 employed women (57%) responded that they have faced with psychological abuse in the workplace. 2. From the total number of victims that undertaken any measures (280), only 58 victims have undertaken any formal activity. The level of formal declaration of psychological abuse in trade unions or in the labour inspection is very low. The most common formal reaction of psychological violence is declaration of the abuse to the employer. Unfortunately, the employers do not undertake any further formal actions. 3. Women- victims of psychological harassment (mobbing) said that they mostly suffer emotional and psychological consequences (89, 6%); after which they face psychosomatic consequences, 70,1% of the victims and negative consequences for the private life (46,5 %). - Sexual abuse 1. More than two thirds of the interviewed women (77 %) think that in our country sexual abuse is taboo and is not publicly talked about. 2. These data confirmed the information for low rate of declared sexual abuse by only 17,1 % of the total number of interviewed women within our research who declared that they have been victims of sexual abuse. 3. Over 40% of victims of sexual abuse declared that they have been exposed 3 to 10 times to sexual harassment, i.e. they have been sexually harassed more than once. 4. Victims of sexual abuse in our country personally reacted and tried to find a solution to the situation they were in. On the other hand only one third of them asked for professional help or undertook certain actions that had resulted in official reaction for solving this type of violence.

YEAR 2011, NO.02

SOOZ in fight against domestic violence On the occasion of the International days for fight against domestic violence, SOOZ within UNASM realized activities in the area of protection of domestic violence victims. The activities were implemented within the PME Program on Women supported by CNV Internationaal. The role of the woman in the society is of great importance. It is highlighted that every fourth woman justifies physical violence in certain situations. But, a part of this type of violence, sexual, psychological and of course

emotional violence is often happening. Women, as mother and parent should be far more respected for her promotion in social flows of life. The right to life is right of every human being on the planet. In the Republic of Macedonia a numerous legal regulations, strategies, acts and other methods were adopted for protection of the victims of domestic violence.

of promotion of women’s human rights. Only in the last two months of 2011 there have been cases of victims of domestic violence who have suffered physical and psychological violence within their families. Let us preserve our lives and not keep silent but declare domestic violence on 02 15 700!

SOOZ within UNASM in the following period will continue to work in the area

UNASM took part in the 12th trade union school in Vilnius In October 2011 in Vilnius, Lithuania the 12th International trade union women’s school took place organized by ITUC/ PERC CEE and women’s network NIS. This school was attended by 50 trade union organizations from 24 countries. The school offered education on preparation of project cycle and decent work.

Participants in the school, Vilnius 10.2011

PERC’s Secretary General, Mr. Grigor Gradev gave information on the next program of PERC and pointed out the challenges of trade union organizations that should direct towards women workers. Participant at this school from the Republic of Macedonia was Mrs. Vera Vasilevska from UNASM.

“It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.” Theodore Roosevelt Page3 Page3


Thoughts about life:

St. Vasul Gorgov No.39 1000 Skopje Republic of Macedonia phone number. +38923230307 SOS line for help to the victims of mobbing +38923220252

Publisher: Divna ZMEJKOVSKA

• “Life is long process of dying” - Samuel Butler • „If life was beautiful , men would not be born crying“—Sand • „Life is the last habit we would like to lose because it is the first one we have acquired“—Dumas

publishes: SOOZ within UNASM Editor:


Electronic informant UNASM Newsletter E-mail.

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