UNASM Newsletter no.5-EN

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Electronic informant


YEAR 2011, NO.05

REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA CELEBRATES 20 YEARS OF INTDEPENDENCE ! The independence day in Macedonia is a national holiday celebrated in the country on 8 of September. The alternative name of the holiday is the “8 of September”. This holiday designates the sovereignty and the independence of the Republic of Macedonia and of its population. On 8th of September 1991 95 % of the population – vast majority- voted positively on the referendum question: “Do you vote for independent Macedonia which will have the right to be part of the future union of sovereign countries of Yugoslavia?”According to the official data, at the elections there was a turnout of 1.132.981 voter of the total number of 1.495.626 voters with the right to vote, or 71, 85 percent and from the overall number of voters at the Referendum, 1.079.308 or 72,16% voted for. These results show how successful the referendum was. In the official report of the Referendum Commission it is stated that there were no complaints submitted regarding the legitimacy of the referendum implementation or offences against the Law on National Referendum. The Commission confirmed the massive turnout of citizens with the right to vote and who voted “for” independent and sovereign Republic of Macedonia. Before the Referendum there was a Declaration of Independence adopted on 25th January 1991 by the first multi party-system of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia/Macedonian Parliament/. As a national holiday, the Independence Day is a non-working day in Macedonia. The president and the government of Macedonia organize various festivities. The president traditionally gives the “8th September” prize. All Macedonian embassies and consulates organize cocktails and formal dinners in the host countries. This year, the Republic of Macedonia celebrates 20 years of independence under the slogan “Together under one sun”.


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First work meeting of the minister of labour and social policy, Mr. Ristovski with the presidents of SSK, SONK and UNASM In August, the Minister of labour and social policy, Mr. Spiro Ristovski had the first official meeting with the presidents of Trade unions union of Macedonia, Trade union of employed in education, science and culture and the Union of independent and autonomous trade unions of Macedonia, Mr. Zivko Mitrevski, Mr. Dojchin Cvetanovski and Mr. Slobodan Antovski respectively. The Minister Ristovski announced the priorities for cooperation with trade union organizations such as: intensive social dialogue, initiative for determining the minimum wage and handling gray economy and illegal work, as well as commitments for protection and safety at work. Announcing more intensive communication in order to improve workers’ status and rights and protection of those who are not registered, the Minister Ristovski said: “We agreed that in the following period we will have more intensive meetings, as well as far more intensive economic social dialogue with which we will improve workers’ rights in Macedonia that will refer to fulfillment of their fundaSpiro RISTOVSKI Minister of labour and mental rights, their safety and health at the workplace, as well as to help with social policy in RM the help of trade unions the inhibition of gray economy and of workers that are not registered.” As far as the minimum wage is concerned, the minister Ristovski pointed out that “it is not about bidding numbers, but this minimum wage should be determined on the basis of the analysis made by the Government, trade unions and employers”. The attitude of trade unions’ representatives is that the minimum wage should be determined by law for all sectors. Among the other priorities, at the meeting also were mentioned goals as intensifying the work of the Social and Economic Council as body that should process all laws in the economic and social field, as well as the harmonization of the domestic legislation with the EU legislation. In that sense, preparations have been going on for implementation of the Directive for establishing European councils of employed that should ensure consultation of workers. Regarding the often offence against workers’ rights even when they are engaged for projects financed by the state, the minister Ristovski said that they will be severe regardless who is financing the building-up and the projects. “Workers’ rights are identical regardless who the financier or the employer is, we are going to be merciless, i.e. we will protect workers’ rights on any cost regardless who the employer is or who the employer is and regardless whose finances are being used for the implementation of certain projects”, said the minister Ristovski.

CONTENT: -Work meeting with trade unions’ representatives and Minister Spirovski..................................pag. 2 -CNV Internationaal in working visit .................................................pag. 3-4 -UNASM Info ........................................pag.5 -Macedonia, 20 years of decent life for everyone....................................................pag.5 -CONGRADULATONS for the agreement ............pag.6 -Young want less work and more free time...................................................pag.6

YEAR 2011, NO.05

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CNV INTERNATIONAAL IN WORKING VISIT At the beginning of the month of September a working visit took place between the representatives of the National Federation of Christian Union of Trade Unions- CNV Internationaal from the Netherlands and UNASM from the Republic of Macedonia. The aim of the visit was to see the results and situation of the PME program in the period from 2010 to 2013 that is supported by CNV Internationaal and implemented by UNASM. The president of UNASM, Mr. Slobodan Antovski pointed out that the program is implemented with a positive spirit and initially there are some results from this program. The implementation of such a program is of crucial importance for the members, fans and future members of UNASM that is recognized in the society by the projects and undertaken activities on national and regional level, pointed out Mr. Antovski to the representatives from the Netherlands. The partnership between CNV and UNASM is in good relation and in future we will continue the communication by establishing more intensive cooperation and by implementing some future programs, pointed out the representatives of CNV Internationaal, Mrs. Karen Bouwsma and Mr. Eugene Litamahuputty. During the stay the representatives of CNV had meetings with the representatives of the Trade union of taxi drives that took place in the premises of UNASM. The problems of taxi Slobodan ANTOVSKI drivers were main topic at the meeting and it was stressed that they have an every-day fight President of UNASM with taxi drivers who are not registered, who have not any emblems or working permissions. They also said that with the sum they earn it is not possible to pay all the fundamental needs of their cars. Even though there were amendments prepared in the legal regulations, taxi drivers still face problems with unregistered taxi drivers that work all over Skopje, the capital of Macedonia. The representatives of CNV and UNASM visited the Ministry of labour and social policy of the Republic of Macedonia where they met the minister, Mr. Spiro Ristovski. At the meeting, the minister pointed out that the social dialogue in the Republic of Macedonia is already established and functions on several levels, i.e. on bipartite and tripartite level. The basis for establishment and function of social dialogue are: the Labour relations law (official gazette of RM62/2005), the Agreement for creation of the Social and Economic Council (official gazette of RM 113/2010), the Convention of the Ministry of labour and social policy on tripartite consultations no.144, the recommendation of the Ministry of labour and social policy no. 152 on international labour standards. The Labour relations law from 2005 established a legal framework for social dialogue functioning on bipartite and tripartite level. The law sets down rules for creation of employers’ organizations and workers’ organizations as well for collective bargaining and labor relations. This law sets the grounds, as well, for creation of the Economic and Social Council (ESC) that serves as a forum for tripartite consultations between the Government of the Republic of Macedonia and the social partners that will discuss on social and economic issues, as well as on labour issues. The role of UNASM in the Economic and Social Council is to be an observer, but Mr. Ristovski pointed out that the cooperation with UNASM is also based on several project and initiatives undertaken for workers’ interest. During their visit there were also meetings held with nongovernmental organizations such as ESE and Open gate/la strada from Macedonia. Open Gate highlighted the cooperation with UNASM regarding the implementation of the mutual objective- prevention and protection of human trafficking and adaptation of the most concerned with the topic. The aim of the project was to improve the approach of workers towards the available services and to increase the awareness for human trafficking. This project enabled creation and strengthening of the mechanisms that refer to the two organizations. The capacity assessment and the needs of the trade union members, as well as the field research for cases of labour exploitation are done, so that the conclusions and main recommendations are to be announced in the Evaluation report which will be the actual basis for creation of an action plan between Open Gate and UNASM.


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Furthermore, the representatives of CNV had e meeting with the non-governmental organization ESE during which ESE presented the analysis on sexual harassment on the workplace and mobbing. The research was conducted with the help of women members of SOOZ within UNASM. This analysis is also supported by CNV Internationaal. The representatives of CNV and UNASM according to the plan visited UNASM’s regional office in Prilep on 07.09.2011. At the meeting several things were discussed such as the activities that were part of the PME program for 2010, presentation of the projects “Social Service Clubs”, implemented by the youth trade union organization within UNASM, and “Trade union organization of textile workers in Prilep”, implemented by UNASM’s regional office in Prilep. During the same day a meeting was organized with representatives of the textile company “Comfi Angel” from Prilep. At the meeting, the progress of the factory was discussed, as well as the respect of legal regulations by the company, the implementation of the Law on safety and health on the workplace and the Labour relations law, etc. Mrs. Irena Jakimovska who is the owner and general manager of the Comfi Angel attended the meeting. The representatives of CNV had an opportunity to see the process of production of pillows in one of the sectors of this factory as well as the showroom that was within the factory, as well. For more information about the products click on the following link http://www.comfyangel.com.mk/index-en.html. During the working day, the representatives of CNV visited two families where they heard their problems regarding their workplace. Still, women answered that the work in textile industry is very hard and difficult and they usually work more than eight working hours for a salary of 65 euros per month. Their work and labour are exploited without getting anything in return. Women say that they are maltreated in enterprises owned by Greeks. The earnings they make are not enough to buy neither medicine nor food or clothes for the children. The situation of textile workers in Prilep is far more difficult than elsewhere, say the interviewed women. The representatives of CNV had a nice opportunity to be guests at the gala celebration for 20 years independent Macedonia. At the end of their work visit in the Republic of Macedonia they paid a visit to the Embassy of the Netherlands in the Republic of Macedonia and personally met the ambassador, Mrs. Marriet Schuurman.

YEAR 2011, NO.05

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UNASM INFO In the period from 16 to 17 September 2011 in hotel Manastir, Berovo, training was held as part of the first stage of the project on Social responsibility of enterprises in Macedonia (OOP) supported by the European Commission. This training included several topics such as: safety at the workplace, human resources referring to the behaviour towards the employed, social audit- control of the social standards respect and respect of labour standards, as well as preparation of an operational plan for work in accordance with the National agenda of OOP.

Round table on „Macedonia, 20 years of decent life for everyone“

On the occasion of 20 years independence of the Republic of Macedonia, w i thi n the p r ogr am “September-month of independence”, the ministry of labour and social policy organized a round table on “Macedonia, 20 years of decent life for everyone”. At this round table, the Minister of labour and social policy, Mr. Spiro Ristovski and the deputy minister, Mr. Ibrahim Ibrahimi along with

the representatives of several unions and associations examined what has been done up to now in different fields in the area of labour and social security, but also they paid attention to what should be done to promote the rights. The Minister of

labour and social policy, Mr. Spiro Ristovski announced that the Government of the Republic of Macedonia will continue

to have the fulfillment of all rights of the Macedonian citizens as a top priority. “The Government will continue to make the life of all citizens as decent as possible regardless the religion” said the Minister Ristovski. He also mentioned that everything the Government has done up to now is in direction of fulfillment of citizens’ rights. Along with the Minister of labour and social policy, Mr. Spiro Ristovski, representatives of the Union of retired people of Macedonia discussed at the round table, then representatives of the Union of deaf people of Macedonia, the Union for care and education of children of Macedonia, Union of blind people of Macedonia, Union of disabled people of Macedonia, Union of Independent and Autonomous Trade Unions of Macedonia, Trade union of the police of Macedonia, Trade unions’ union of Macedonia, Business confederation of Macedonia and Employers’ organization of Macedonia.


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CONGRADULATIONS FOR THE AGREEMENT Minimum wage in Macedonia 130 euros

At the session of the Economic and Social Council held on 01.10.2011, the social partners reached an agreement for the net amount of the minimum wage in the Republic of Macedonia which is 8,050 MKD, while the sum of the gross wage will be 12, 265 MKD which is 39,59% from the average salary in Macedonia. This percent will be incorporated in the Law on determining the minimum wage which means that every change of the average salary amount will automatically change the minimum wage sum. “For the first time in these 20 years of independent Macedonia we fulfilled this right. Even in May when we contacted trade unions we promised that we will keep our promise to support the determination of minimum wage and today we have mutually achieved that. I can congratulate trade unions and employers for the mutual constructive spirit and responsibility that they have shown towards the society. ” As a third social partner, the Government is a guarantee for the agreement of the two social partners so this objective definitely has a future”, pointed out the Prime Minister, Mr. Nikola Gruevski. The Minister of labour and social policy, Mr. Spiro Ristoski who is president of the Economic and Social Council explained that in a month the law should be harmonized, after which will be scheduled for adoption, while its application will start on 1st January, 2012.For three industrial branches- textile, clothing and leather there is an adaptation period of three years. In September the work groups fulfilled their task and I hope that we will continue with the same pace. The amount of the minimum wage is on an optimal level because there are no negative consequences on the economy. There are no reasons for factories to be closed due to the increased salaries, as well as there is no reason for firing workers. At today’s session of the Economic and Social Council attended representatives of the Ministry of economy and Ministry of finances, as well as the president of the Union of independent and autonomous trade unions of Macedonia, Mr. Slobodan Antovski and representatives of other organizations.

Alarming data from GFK for a labour market crisis YOUNG WANT LESS WORK AND MORE FREE TIME The labour force market is in crisis all over the world, workers in their most productive years are disappointed that creates a long-term block and problems for management. The astonishing data were announced by International research company GFK custom search that has interviewed more than 30.000 employed in 29 countries. The research showed that in Macedonia the situation is also very bad. 40% of workers aged between 18 and 29 are often worried about the level of stress they have at the workplace and 39 % think that they do not have enough free time and do not have a good balance between the private and professional life. The analysis showed that greater percent of young people have negative attitude towards overtime work, they endure the pressure at work with great difficulties and are worried for their own health rather than their elder colleagues aged between 30 and 59 who are far more dedicated to their work. This kind of crisis on the labour market and in the professional behaviour as well as responsibility of young people is confirmed by managers of the human resources services in our domestic companies. According to them young people in this country do not want to be controlled; they want independence, freedom of making their decisions and more private life. “Maybe, up to a certain point that is not so bad because a good manager lets the employed to be creative. But we are a small market and still I think that employers are afraid that their stuff in which they had put a lot of efforts, would leave”, says a human resources manager from an international company in the country. The research has shown that about 31% of young in Macedonia who have a job feel under pressure from long working hours. As a result they are not satisfied from the life balance. It is interesting that young up to 29 years are more worried about the life balance than older people, who, according to some estimation, have already formed a family and should be more worried about their free time. Experts analyze this situation through the prism of social networks that in the past few years are used more for fun than for work.




St: „Vasil Gorgov“ no.32, 1000 Skopje, Republic of Macedonia Phone number: +38923230307 E-mail: info@unasm.org.mk Publisher:






Electronic informant UNASM newsletter E-mail: unasmbilten@gmail.com

St: SVETOZAR MARKOVIC 92000 DELCHEVO, REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA Coordinator: Dimitar Momchilov Тел: +38933410281 Email: unasmdelcevo@yahoo.com REGINAL ORGANIZATION OF UNASM, OHRID BLVD. TURISTICKA building REMIS 2 – 3 6000 OHRID, REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA Coordinator: Blagoja IVANOSKI Phone number:+38946251077 Email: unasm_ohrid@yahoo.com REGINAL ORGANIZATION OF UNASM, PRILEP St: „SOTKA GORGIOSKI“ 7500 PRILEP, REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA Coordinator:: Goce BLAZESKI Phone number:+38948410999 Email: unasmpp@gmail.com REGINAL ORGANIZATION OF UNASM, STRUGA St: GRADSKI PAZAR 6330 STRUGA, REPUBLIC OD MACEDONIA Coordinator: Dragica POPOSKA Phone number: +38946784495 Email: unasmstruga@yahoo.com

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