Concept of charity in islam and its types

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There are two types of charity in Islam that is obligatory and voluntary, called Zakaat and Sadaqah respectively. Zakaat means cleansing or Purification, blessing and growth. It is given out once a year usually during the month of Holy Ramadan. Though, those failing to give Zakaat in Holy Ramadan can pay their charities (sadaqah) at any time of the year. It is one of the basic pillars of Islam which complete the imaan (faith) of a Muslim. According to Islamic rules, Zakaat is 2.5% of one year’s total cumulative wealth. Zakaat is obligatory for every affordable Muslim and it is payable by every Sahib-e-Nisaab. Calculation of Zakaat is a very significant matter and it must be handled carefully. Sadqah is voluntary act of charity in Islam. Sadqah doesn’t essentially mean giving out wealth but it can be any easy act of sympathy that another person or even animal benefits from. Sadqah in way of ALLAH Almighty remove any difficulty from someone’s way or path as well as it is considered sadaqah to smile as greeting a person or just offering a simple Salaam. Being humble to animals and taking care of their foodstuff is also a charity. Both Zakat and Sadaqah have been mentioned in the Holy Quran innumerable times. Paying Zakaat is always mentioned next to offering namaz or Salah, which highlights the significance of Zakaat in Islam. Verse 2:110 of Holy Quran;

“And establish prayer and give zakah, and whatever good you put forward for yourselves – you will find it with ALLAH. Indeed, ALLAH of what you do, is Seeing.” Giving anything in way of ALLAH Almighty is considered the highest type of Charity. This means, whatever thing which is given for Jihad and spreading of Islam has maximum rewards. Such high examples of charitable acts and deeds were set in the days of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to support and encourage other Muslims to perform charity as well. In the Holy Quran, ALLAH Almighty says; Verse 2:261 of Holy Quran; “The example of those who spend their wealth in the way of ALLAH is like a seed [of grain] which grows seven spikes; in each spike is a hundred grains. And Allah multiplies [His reward] for whom He wills. And ALLAH is all-Encompassing and Knowing.” From numerous mentions of charity given in Holy Quran and many different examples in Sunnah, we can conclude that charity is the spirit of Islam and it has great significance in lives of Muslim. Muslim society thrives on charity. The effort Islam puts in financial check and balance for each and every member of the Muslim community shows the deep morals and values for human rights. It helps in building a strong community where the flow of wealth is even and essential human needs are met. is one of the authorized Hajj and Umrah travel agent based in UK offers a range of Cheap Umrah 2016 Packages with Flights from UK.

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