4th Quarter 2020 Legacies Newsletter

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Legacies A publication of the United Methodist Foundation of Louisiana

Inside This Issue

Tax-Smart Ideas to Let the Sunshine In Page 2

Charitable Gift Annuities:

Increase your income and create an everlasting gift to increase her retirement income while making an everlasting gift. Marianne is a member of University United Methodist Church of Baton Rouge and wanted her gift to benefit the spiritual formation program there. The program sponsors retreats and provides resources to those who seek a deeper understanding of their faith, and her gift will help with that after her lifetime. Marianne Hebert University UMC, Baton Rouge

While planning her retirement, Marianne Hebert discovered a way to increase her income while supporting a ministry that has been vital to her faith.

Coronavirus vs. Flu Page 3

Free Estate Planning Course Offered Page 4

Marianne sensed a call from God urging her to seek a deeper understanding of her faith years ago. She learned of a spiritual formation program, which gave her a community of people with common interests who she can share her faith with and learn to practice the daily disciplines of spiritual formation. Spiritual formation is a process that sharpens one’s attentiveness to God, and helps people draw nearer to Him and focus less on self. The Charitable Gift Annuity that Marianne recently set up is indicative of how her life has been transformed by her spiritual formation journey. Marianne retired this year after 42 years as a social worker. While planning her retirement, she learned about charitable gift annuities that the Foundation offers. When our staff explained the details, Marianne knew it was the perfect way

“Where Faith and Money Come Together”

4th Quarter 2020

“Anyone can use a Charitable Gift Annuity to support ministries that are important to them, and the gift will continue to support their favorite ministry forever. I like the fact that it’s not just a one-time gift; it continues to give,” she explained. When asked why she gifted her money instead of spending it on herself, Marianne claimed, “I’m just in a different place spiritually, which is due to my spiritual formation journey. My life is deeper and my relationship with God is stronger. The Charitable Gift Annuity appealed to me because I can give forever.”

The benefits of Marianne’s gift: • Provides an income stream for the

rest of her life, a portion of which may be tax-free

• She receives an immediate tax deduction this year • It reduces or eliminates her capital gains tax liability • Gives her the ability to support spiritual formation at her church after her lifetime, forever.

Legacies Tax-Smart Ideas to

“Where Faith and Money Come Together”

Let the

2020 Board of Trustees

Sunshine In

Omer Davis Chairman Rev. Weldon Bares L. Nettles Brown Debra Davis Rev. Doug deGraffenried Mike DeHart Bobby Fahey Irwin Felps Dean Harvey Rev. Michi Head Jarvis Jones Drew Kennedy Sandra Kuykendall Richard Lewis Mary Magee Rev. Ashley McGuire Rev. Brian Mercer Troy Searles Dianne Wilkinson Rob Fairly President

Contact Us: 8337 Jefferson Hwy. Baton Rouge, LA 70809 Phone: (225) 346-1535 (800) 256-9317 Email: information@umf.org Web Addresses: www.umf.org www.umfgiving.org Legacies Editor: Kelly Johannessen kellyj@umf.org


The sunrise lets us see things–literally–in a new light. As the sun rises on a new year, let’s illuminate some ways you can make 2021 a bright new year for you and the ones you love. You can save money, create income streams and save taxes by using some of the tools we offer, with no cost or obligation. New Year, New Income Fund a charitable gift annuity and start a lifetime stream of payments from us to you at dependable, high, fixed rates. Combine the payment with significant tax benefits and you have a sunny start! Call us to find out what rate of payment you can receive.

Brighten your day and your year Call or email us to ask about the things you can do now to give your new year a fresh, bright start. Our free tools at www. umfgiving.org will shed light on all the things you can do to create income, save taxes and support your family while also creating your legacy with the ministries important to you.

Clear Clutter Transfer your commercial property, vacant land or investment property into a charitable remainder trust. The trust can produce income and tax benefits that are bright alternatives to leaving it as is. Plan Some Comfort A new year is a good time to create or review your estate plan. We have free tools that will help you support your family and establish a lasting legacy, as well as possibly establish new income streams for you now. Let us show you all the things you can do, that often in one step will: • Create income for you • Give you income tax savings • Give you capital gains tax savings • Turn problem assets into why-didn’t-I-think-of-this-before opportunities As predictable as the sunrise, the following chart gives you benefits you can count on today. Start now, just before the new year! Have this? Appreciated Stock Real Property

Income Tax Benefits

Capital Gains Benefits

Rather than give cash to your church, give stock

Create a life estate

Try This:

Income Stream

Desire to Help Family

Create or review your estate plan

Need for Reliable Income

Charitable gift annuity or charitable remainder unitrust

4th Quarter 2020

Savvy Living

Coronavirus Vs. Flu: How to Tell the Difference Dear Savvy Living, Can you explain the differences between the coronavirus and the seasonal flu? I usually get a standard flu shot, but would like to find out what else I can do to protect myself this winter, before the vaccine is available to me. Because of the dual danger of influenza (flu) and COVID-19, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently warned that this winter could be the worst ever for public health. Understanding this, knowing the differences and similarities between the viruses and knowing what you can do to protect yourself is the best way to stay healthy and safe through this difficult time.

Flu vs. COVID-19

Because many of the symptoms of the two viruses are similar, it may be hard to tell the difference between them based on symptoms alone. Talk with your healthcare professional if you have concerns or symptoms. Testing may be needed to help confirm a diagnosis. With that said, here are some similarities and differences you should know. For starters, seasonal flu symptoms come on pretty quickly, whereas COVID-19 often develops gradually over a period of a few days and then either fades out or gets worse. Common shared symptoms include fever, sore throat, muscle aches, cough, headache,

fatigue, chest pain, diarrhea and nausea. Pinkeye and a dry cough are associated with COVID-19. Many people are having their temperatures taken these days before entering public spaces. A fever occurs in approximately half of COVID-19 cases and may also be present in an individual with the flu. Lack of a fever does not rule out COVID-19 or the flu. You are likely to have a runny or stuffy nose with the flu. COVID-19 has reportedly caused loss of smell and taste in some cases. To learn more, visit the CDC website at CDC.gov/flu/ symptoms/flu-vs-covid19.htm.

How to Protect Yourself

While we all wait to get the COVID-19 vaccine, the best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to this virus. Do the best you can to stay away from highly populated public areas. If you have to go out, wear a mask and keep at least six feet away from other people. Every time you come home, wash your hands with warm water and soap for 20+ seconds. There is evidence suggesting that people who are deficient in vitamin D may be at higher risk of getting COVID-19, than those with sufficient levels. Check with your

physician prior to adding vitamin supplements to your routine. Your primary healthcare provider may advise you to take in around 800 to 1,000 international units (IUs) of vitamin D from food or supplements daily. Daily exposure to the sun may also increase your vitamin D levels, remember to avoid overexposure from the sun. To help guard against the flu this year, you should talk with your physician about getting a flu shot that is specifically designed for people 65 and older. The “Fluzone High Dose Quadrivalent” or the “FLUAD Quadrivalent” are the two options that provide extra protection beyond what a standard flu shot offers. You only need one flu shot each year. It takes up to two weeks to build immunity after you receive the flu shot. Most healthcare professionals advise receiving the flu shot in early fall, at the start of flu season. And when the COVID-19 vaccine becomes available to you, be sure to get in line for it, and don’t forget the booster shot three weeks later. “Savvy Living” is written by Jim Miller, a regular contributor to the NBC Today Show and author of The Savvy Living book.



“Where Faith and Money Come Together”

8337 Jefferson Hwy. n Baton Rouge, LA 70809

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Free Estate Planning Course Start the new year right by getting your affairs in order. To help you start your plan, your Foundation offers a free estate planning course. Each lesson is written by a Louisiana tax and estate planning attorney and offers information specific to our unique state. Upon completion of the course, you will receive a free booklet, “Protecting Your Legacy,” a guide to planning your will and trust. Lesson topics include: • Why everyone needs an estate plan • A Louisiana perspective on estate planning • How to minimize taxes on estate planning • Making the best use of your retirement plan • How life income gifts can boost income and cut taxes

A current estate plan is vital to making sure your wishes are carried out. Enroll on our website (www.umf.org) and the five lessons will be mailed to you at weekly intervals. There is no cost or obligation.

Sign up today and begin creating your legacy now!

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