Education at the University of Miami
Summer 2023 Programs and Course Sessions

At the Division of Continuing and International Education (DCIE) and UOnline, we provide many opportunities for diverse learners to advance personally, academically, and professionally, and for each one to achieve their goals in the manner that works best for them. Students are at the center of all that we do, and we provide exceptional opportunities and support for each one.
Our Summer Sessions 2023 Catalog highlights a wide array of courses and programs for all ages and all levels that are available this Summer at the University of Miami.
DCIE specializes in serving the “new traditional” student by providing programs that are flexible, affordable, and that fit easily into busy lives. We welcome students from around the world and through our programs help them transition to college life in the U.S.
Whether you plan to spend your summer building skills critical to advancing your career by pursuing our Bachelor of General Studies degree, taking online courses for credit towards graduation, or exploring new interests, our Summer Sessions help students stay on track or expand their horizons.
You may wish to pursue the next chapter in your career with intensive, career-oriented certification programs, micro-credentials and badges for specific skills and professional content areas.
Or you can stay engaged and connected through our Osher Lifelong Learning Institute for UM community members over 50.
For high school students looking to enhance their college applications and gain real experience living and learning on a college campus, UM’s premier Summer Scholars Program provides an array of educational opportunities for pre-college teens to explore their existing passions or discover new ones.
We also offer language programs designed for healthcare professionals who want to increase competencies in Medical Spanish or Intensive Language programs for students who want to improve their ability to communication in a variety of languages.
If you are looking to follow a passion, define your life, change your life, or enrich your life, begin your journey with us.
Go Canes!
Rebecca MacMillan Fox, Ph.D. Dean, Division of Continuing and International Education and UOnlineThe Division of Continuing and International Education at the University of Miami offers credit and non-credit academic programs to various types of students, including kids and teens, traditional and non-traditional undergraduates, international students, adults, and corporations.
Our Mission is to empower people to reach their full potential through lifelong and life-wide learning.
We’re constantly seeking out new ways to disseminate knowledge. We collaborate with both outside industry experts and UM faculty members to create new course offerings, which implement innovative ways of teaching and make knowledge accessible to people who may not have had access to it in the past.
Whether you want to complete your undergraduate degree or explore upskilling through a professional certificate program, the University of Miami Employee Tuition Benefit is designed to encourage employee and family participation in higher education.
In addition to traditional degree-seeking programs, many other credited, oncampus programs are also eligible. For example, the pre-college credit options within the Summer Scholars Program are covered. Other offerings, such as the noncredit professional certificate programs and select intensive language programs, offer a 20 percent waiver.
To learn more, please contact the HR-Total Rewards team
At the University of Miami, Veterans Student Services provides support to veteran students for their successful transition from military service to campus life and beyond. We will guide you through everything you need to continue your educational journey and have dedicated staff to help you navigate your eligible benefits.
Students who are entitled to VA educational benefits can seek support and guidance from our experienced VA Certifying Officials located in the Office of the Registrar.
To learn more, please contact Veterans Student Services
University of Miami Pre-College offers both credit and non-credit programs for high school students seeking to gain college experience before graduating from high school. Upon completion, participants feel better prepared for the undergraduate admission process and gain confidence in their academic choices and ability to succeed in college.
Through immersive and experiential learning opportunities, students can get hands-on with their academic passions – from shark tagging to conducting mock trials or producing digital content in a live studio.
Summer Scholars, Credit, Three-Week Program:
July 1, 2023 - July 21, 2023
UM Academies, Non-Credit, Two-Week Program:
July 1, 2023 - July 14, 2023
Summer Scholars Credit, Three-Week Program
Residential: $8,996
Commuter: $7,723
Marine Science Exploration Fee (Marine Science Students
Only): $400
UM Academies, Non-Credit, Two-Week Program
Residential: $5,242
Commuter: $4,088
Remote: $3,720
July 1, 2023 – July 21, 2023
All of the courses below provide students with 6 credits.
Music Therapy and The Brain
Neuroscience and Public Health
Cancer Biology: Treatment, Management, and Prevention
Specialty in Healthcare and Medicine Courses
Sports Medicine – Athletic Performance and Injury Management
Infectious Diseases and Public Health
Exploration Sciences
Forensic Investigation, Crime Scene, and Intelligence Analysis
Marine Mammal Biology and Marine Conservation
Tropical Marine Biology
Specialty in Communication and Media
Digital Media, Podcast Production, and Electronic Media for the Future
Exploring Sports Communication and Culture
Filmmaking and Storytelling
Biomedical, Computer, and Electrical Engineering
Computing and Digital Innovations
Specialty in Architecture, Engineering, and Tech Courses
Explorations in Architecture: Sustainable and Resilient Design
Explorations in Architecture: Urban and Landscape Design
Fintech: Decoding Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Technology
Industrial and Systems Engineering: Work Design, Project Management, and Digital Solutions for Engineers
Mechanical, Aerospace, Civil, and Architectural Engineering
Robotics and Automation
Business, Ethics, and Leadership
Business of Real Estate
Specialty in Business, Law, and Global Studies
Global Business and International Relations
Law – Litigation and the Legal Profession
Money and Marketing
The Music Business Industry
Sport Administration: The Business of Sport
UM Academies provide immersive academic experiences for current high school freshmen, sophomores, and juniors. Students select one non-credit course to study over the two-week session. Courses meet both mornings and afternoons in an engaging academic setting that allows students to get hands-on with their academic passions and explore college life. Students can also explore the city of Miami by participating in educational field trips.
In-person courses offered:
Business Academy: An Entrepreneurship Crash Course
Hurricane Academy: Extreme Weather and Atmospheric Research
Spanish Immersion Academy: Español Sin Pasaporte
Remote courses offered:
Business Academy: An Entrepreneurship Crash Course
Courses are subject to change. For the latest course listings, please visit
The general application deadline is May 1, 2023. Rolling admission opens May 2, 2023. Applications are reviewed based on program availability.
(305) 284-4000
Want to earn credit this summer but can’t come to campus? Enroll in an online course to catch up, get ahead or fulfill a requirement. The flexible online format allows access to our outstanding UM faculty while enabling students to work remotely.
Session Dates
Summer A: May 15, 2023 – June 16, 2023
– July 21, 2023
15, 2023 – August 4, 2023
AAS 150 Introduction to Africana Studies
ARH 132 Survey of Western Art II
BIL 104 Genetics in Society
CSC 118 Information Technology & Society
ENG (LIT) 210 Literary Themes & Topics: Miami Writers
ENG (LIT) 395 Film (Special Topics)
GEG 120 Physical Geography
GSS 348 Mental Illness, Gender & Psy
PHI 345 Metaphysics
REL 242 Religion and Revolution
REL 358 The Color of God
SOC 271 Criminal Justice
SOC 369 Crime and Public Policy
SOC 372 Criminology: Police and Community
TAL 207 American Sign Language II
TAL 407 American Sign Language IV
THA 101 Introduction to Theater
WRS 106 English Comp II
INS (comb.
IGS 645 Y3) 503 Human Security: Prevention & Mitigation
KIN 150 General Nutrition for Health and Performance
KIN 155 Biological Bases for Physical Activity and Health
KIN 201 Introduction to Sports Administration
KIN 305 Careers in Sports
KIN 202 Applied Nutrition for Health and Perfomance
KIN 212 Sport Psychology
KIN 221 Skeletal Muscle
KIN 232 Basic Human Physiology
KIN 233 Basic Anatomy Lab
KIN 234 Functional Anatomy
KIN 235 Personal and Community
KIN 301 Athletic Injuries and Sports First Aid
KIN 302 Sport Marketing
KIN 403 Sport Information Management
MED 159 Intro to Music Therapy
MSC 101 Survey of Oceanography
PHI 332 /532 Philosophy of Law
ARH 343 Modern Art
PHI 339 Philosophy of Love
SOC 368 Violence in America
WRS 333 Writing the Research Paper
American Sign Language (ASL) is the thirdmost used language in the United States, behind English and Spanish. ASL skills can enhance career opportunities for students in their chosen field or prepare them for careers in the growing field of ASL communication and interpretation. Students can also use ASL courses to fulfill the foreign language graduation requirement.
TAL 107 American Sign Language I
TAL 207 American Sign Language II
TAL 307 American Sign Language III
TAL 407 American Sign Language IV
Registration for Summer online courses starts April 4, 2023 for active University of Miami students, as well as visiting students. Visiting students must apply via UM Non-Degree-Seeking Status at:
Contact 305-284-2727
Learn more about the courses by visiting and reviewing our Course Offerings page.
As the University of Miami’s Division of Continuing Education, our goal is to provide opportunities throughout the year, including summer, for students to achieve their educational goals over a concentrated period. These short-term credit courses can help students get to graduate more quickly or take advantage of the flexibility offered by an online format and earn their credits remotely. Continuing students can also participate in innovative classes taught by outstanding faculty and renowned guest lecturers.
First Summer Intersession:
May 15, 2023 - May 30, 2023
Second Summer Intersession:
June 26, 2023 – July 11, 2023
$2,310 per credit
After the second day of class, no refunds or academic drops are available to students.
Official grades for Intersession courses will not be released until the end of the summer session in which they are offered.
Courses Offered During First Summer
Intersession May 15, 2023 – May 30, 2023
PHI353 | Section U80/B80 | 3 credits | Undergraduate PHI553 | Section U80/B80 | 3 credits | Undergraduate PHI653 | Section U80/B80 | 3 credits | Graduate
Professor: Otavio Bueno
Combining readings in philosophy and film theory and criticism with close analysis of selected films, this course is premised on a conviction in the potential fruitfulness, both for film studies and philosophy, of thinking philosophically about the ontology of the medium, the history and the art of film, the ways we experience movies, and their impact on our lives. A main focus will be on the writings of Stanley Cavellthe most important author in the Anglo-American philosophical tradition to make writing about film a substantial part of his philosophical project-and philosophical responses to his work.
POL547 | Section U80/B80 | 3 credits | Undergraduate
Requisite: POL 201 Or POL 202 Or POL 203 Or INS 101.
Professor: Greg Koger
This course examines how and when citizens influence legislators’ behavior. More specifically, we examine how legislators’ floor behavior reflects citizens’ preferences and how these preferences influence the manner in which legislators build electoral coalitions.
CLA325 | Section U80/B80 | 3 credits |Undergraduate
Professor: John Kirby
By pondering the role of vampires and other such monsters, in folklore, fiction, and film, this course attempts to ponder such fundamental questions as “What does it mean to be human?” and “What are the implications of death?” The tradition will be traced from its earliest antecedents in the ancient world to its latest manifestations in current fiction and screen media.
GEG348 | Section U80/B80 | 3 credits | Undergraduate
GEG648 | Section G80 | 3 credits | Graduate
Professor: Justin Stoler
This course examines the mechanism by which climate change adversely affects human health, and the policy options for mitigating our exposure.
INS321 | Section U80/B80 | 3 credits | Undergraduate
Professor: Richard Grant
A synthesis of major theories of international development, institutional architecture, and international practice. Focuses on key international development policies such as trade, macroeconomic finance, and equity. Considers narrow conceptions of modernity, growth, progress, well-being, and culture toward broader conceptions of freedom and/ or sustainable development in both the Global North and Global South.
POL370 | Section U80/B80 | 3 credits | Undergraduate
Professor: George Gonzalez
Energy use throughout history has shaped humanity’s politics and economics; the politics of the depletion of fossil fuels; global warming; “green” alternative energies: solar; wind; waves; and civilian nuclear power.
Intersession May 15, 2023 – May 30, 2023
MCY131| Section U80/B80| 3 credit | Undergraduate
Requisite: Must not be in School of Music.
Professor: Christopher Cary
A general introduction to the musical elements and the history of music from antiquity to the present. Primarily focuses on classical music, but also includes exposure to pop, jazz, and music traditions. This course is not for music majors. Music majors should enroll in MCY 140 and MCY 141.
MCY121|Section U80/B80|3 credit| Undergraduate
Requisite: Must not be in School of Music.
Professor: Brent Swanson
A critical history and analysis of the hip-hop culture in the U.S. and beyond. The course will cover major historical periods hip-hop in the U.S. beginning in the 1970s through its global impact in the 21st century. The course will also include analysis of technology, gender, race, sexuality, religion and politics related to hip-hop culture.
MCY124 | Section U80/B80 | 3 credit | Undergraduate
Requisite: Must not be in School of Music.
Professor: Melvin Butler
A study of the origin, development, and styles of jazz music and its exponents. This course is not for music majors. Music majors should enroll in MSJ 113 and MSJ 213.
Courses Offered During First Summer Intersession May 15, 2023 – May 30, 2023
KIN235 | Section U80/B80 | 3 credits| Undergraduate
Professor: Magda Aldousany
Overview of current strategies and practices for healthy living, including health maintenance and disease prevention.
KIN301 | Section U80/B80 | 3 credits | Undergraduate
Professor: Kysha Harriell
Course will help coaches, camp counselors, teachers, personal trainers, and athletes of all levels to fulfill the role of being a competent first responder to athletic injuries and illnesses. Upon completion of this course, students will have knowledge of basic sport first aid skills, anatomy and sport injury terminology, and knowledge of specific athletic injuries and illnesses. These will include head injuries, sudden illnesses, weather-related problems, upper and lower body musculoskeletal injuries, respiratory emergencies and illnesses, and internal injuries. Students will also learn basic hands-on skills such as splinting, taping, and bracing as it relates to preventing and treating athletic injuries.
Courses Offered During First Summer Intersession May 15, 2023 – May 30, 2023
FIN412|Section U80/B80|3 credits| Undergraduate Prerequisites: FIN 302 and FIN 320
Professor: Tie Sue
This course examines the investment and financial issues arising from financial planning and personal wealth management activities. It covers various topics required for the construction of a comprehensive financial plan including the identification of client financial status goals, asset allocation, securities trading, managed funds, tax planning, risk management and insurance, and estate planning.
MGT401| Section U80/B80 |3 credits | Undergraduate
Professor: Marianna Makri
An integrative approach to strategy formulation and implementation, from a domestic and international perspective, is the focus of this core capstone course. All the primary areas of business are emphasized using cases and readings. Course is required of all graduating seniors in Business. Requisite: Business School and Senior Standing.
The Bachelor of General Studies degree is a premier University of Miami degree completion program for the new traditional student – adult learners who may be trying to balance school, work, and family. It is designed specifically for adults who have previously attended college but have not yet completed their undergraduate degrees, as well as for those who have never had the opportunity to pursue post-secondary studies. It combines flexible scheduling, significantly discounted tuition, and customized learning options to help students achieve their personal and professional goals.
Summer A: May 15, 2023 – June 16, 2023
Summer B: June 20, 2023 – July 21, 2023
Summer C: May 15, 2023 – August 4, 2023
Registration is now open for the Bachelor of General Studies.
Registration ends on April 14, 2023, for the Summer semester.
$950 per credit (AY 2022 - 2023)
$975 per credit (AY 2023 - 2024)
Flexible online and campus-based courses
Evening and Weekend classes available
Learn more about curriculum requirements by visiting and reviewing our Curriculum Requirements page.
Contact Carolina de Sa
Not everyone needs or wants a complete degree program. Recognizing this, the Division of Continuing and International Education at the University of Miami – in collaboration with several other colleges and schools of the University - offers special Credit Certificate Programs. Focusing on a single subject area, certificate programs deliver the concentrated knowledge and skills needed for fast career advancement.
This program is designed to provide a broad background in business computer information systems and to develop the technical skills needed to stay competitive in this challenging field. The program will be of particular benefit to programmers and to management information systems analysts. The certificate is awarded by the Division of Continuing and International Education and the Department of Computer Information Systems upon the successful completion of 18 credits.
Summer Session Dates:
Summer A: May 15, 2023 – June 16, 2023
Summer B: June 20, 2023 – July 21, 2023
Summer C: May 15, 2023 – August 4, 2023
Registration begins April 4, 2023, for the Credit Certificate Programs.
Deadline to register for Summer Sessions is May 15, 2023.
Tuition and Costs
$2,310 per credit
Carolina de Sa
Do you want to take a University of Miami undergraduate or graduate course but don’t want to go through the admissions process of a degree-seeking program? Non-degree seeking status allows qualified applicants access to a streamlined process to take a limited number of credit courses.
Enrollment for classes in non-degree seeking status is on a space-available basis. Nondegree students are responsible for meeting any requirements for the class (pre-requisites, co-requisites, etc.) Classes reserved for specific degree programs (as noted in the course listing) are not open for non-degree students.
Summer A: May 15, 2023 – June 16, 2023
Summer B: June 20, 2023 – July 21, 2023
Summer C: May 15, 2023 – August 4, 2023
Registration for Non-Degree programs begins April 4, 2023. Visiting students must apply via UM Non-Degree Status at
Tuition and Costs
$2,310 per credit
The University of Miami provides academic courses and certificate programs to working professionals in all stages of the career lifecycle. These “new traditional” students can build important skills that are critical to employers without leaving the workforce for a long-term learning institution.
With the credibility of the University of Miami brand, a certificate course from UM’s Office of Professional Advancement is led by one of our university instructors and is completed on your own time. Let the flexibility of online learning at the University of Miami transform your workforce and your career.
This 10-week program prepares participants for all facets of the project management process. Participants will gain proficiency in the knowledge areas, process groups, skills, and techniques outlined in the Project Management Institute, A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, (PMBOK® Guide) Seventh edition.
Summer, live, online:
June 13, 2023 – August 22, 2023
Tuesdays and Thursdays
Summer, online, self-paced:
June 12, 2023 – August 20, 2023
Fall 2023, live, online:
August 21, 2023 – October 30, 2023
Mondays and Wednesdays
Fall 2023, online, self-paced:
August 21, 2023 – October 29, 2023
Tuition and Costs
$2,995 total program cost
Samuel Christophe
This 8-week program prepares you to lead Lean Six Sigma projects in organizations across multiple industries. Lean Six Sigma professionals assist with the improvement of business processes and the enhancement of team efficiency, and participants gain the knowledge and skills needed to successfully lead Green Belt-level projects. This program is conceptually aligned with the American Society for Quality (ASQ) Body of Knowledge and is not an exam preparation program.
Fall 2023, online, self-paced:
August 21, 2023 – October 15, 2023
Tuition and Costs
$1,495 total program cost
Samuel Christophe
This 16-week program allows participants to explore a legal career by focusing on a wide range of core functions and the skills needed to become a professional paralegal. Participants will learn through a combination of hands-on exercises, frequent knowledge checks, and exams, with guidance from expert instructors like judges, magistrates, and attorneys.
Summer, live online:
June 12, 2023 – October 4, 2023
Mondays and Wednesdays
Summer, online self-paced:
June 12, 2023 – October 1, 2023
Fall 2023, live online:
August 8, 2023 – December 14, 2023
Tuesdays and Thursdays
Fall 2023, online self-paced:
August 21, 2023 – December 10, 2023
Tuition and Costs
$6,995 total program cost
J.C. Garcia
(305) 284-8841
Design is an expression of the way we live; an understanding of basic design principles expands our appreciation of our surroundings and opens up professional and personal development opportunities. This 24-week Interior Design Certificate program is ideal for those looking to enter the design field or anyone who wants to enrich their understanding of design and style fundamentals.
Summer, live, online:
June 13, 2023 – December 22, 2023, Tuesdays and Thursdays
Fall 2023, live, online:
August 19, 2023 – March 9, 2024
Tuition and Costs
$4,495 total program cost
Contact Elissa A Milan
This 24-week certificate program provides a comprehensive curriculum that works for both the newcomer and seasoned professional. Our curriculum is taught by industry leaders who deliver HR fundamentals as well as the latest trends and issues in the HR field.
Summer, online, self-paced:
June 12, 2023 – November 26, 2023
Fall 2023, live, online:
August 22, 2023 – February 15, 2024
Tuesdays and Thursdays
Tuition and Costs
$2,495 total program cost
Samuel Christophe
This 16-week certificate program prepares you for the Medical Billing and Coding Certified Professional Coder (CPC®). Upon successful completion of the Medical Billing and Coding Certificate Program, students will demonstrate proficiency in applying medical terminology effectively in the practices of medical billing and coding; differentiating anatomy, physiology and disease pathology concepts in the interpretation of medical documentation and the assignment of standardized codes; diagnostic and procedural coding; and Certification Examination preparation.
Program Dates
Fall 2023, online, self-paced:
August 21, 2023 – December 17, 2023
Tuition and Costs
$4,995 total program cost
Samuel Christophe
This 8-week certificate program has been designed for allied health care professionals who want to specialize in hospice care and is also suited for rehabilitation professionals, medical assistants, nurses and nursing assistants, social workers, clergy members, and more.
Program Dates
Fall 2023, online, self-paced:
August 21, 2023 – October 15, 2023
Tuition and Costs
$1,995 total program cost
Samuel Christophe
This 16-week certificate program prepares students for the Board-Certified Patient Advocate (BCPA) certification examination while ensuring that students are fully informed about the scope of practice of the patient advocate.
Program Dates
Summer, online, self-paced:
June 12, 2023 – October 1, 2023
Fall 2023, online, self-paced:
August 21, 2023 – December 10, 2023
Tuition and Costs
$1,500 total program cost
Samuel Christophe
This 8-week certificate program prepares you to act as key members of a healthcare team, have direct patient contact, and facilitate clerical and insurance-related transactions. Upon program completion, participants will have satisfied the National Center for Competency Testing (NCCT) education requirement with a certificate of completion.
Program Dates
Fall 2023, online, self-paced:
August 21, 2023 – October 15, 2023
Tuition and Costs
$3,495 total program cost
Samuel Christophe
A physical therapy aide is generally responsible for carrying out the non-technical duties of physical therapy, such as preparing treatment areas, ordering supplies and devices, and transporting patients, working under the direction of a physical therapist. Aides can be employed in hospitals, nursing homes, orthopedic clinics, sports medicine centers, and more. This 8-week certificate program prepares you for a career in the growing field of physical therapy.
Program Dates
Fall 2023, online, self-paced:
August 21, 2023 – October 15, 2023
Tuition and Costs
$2,995 total program cost
Samuel Christophe
This program has participants examine the relationships between exercise, human performance, and the role of physical activity in healthy lifestyle promotion. Participants will develop a foundation in the health sciences associated with the enhancement of sports performance, injury prevention, and health and fitness participation.
Program Dates
Fall 2023, online, self-paced:
August 21, 2023 – October 15, 2023
Tuition and Costs
$1,995 total program cost
Contact Samuel Christophe
This 8-week program is for individuals interested in working within the artificial intelligence field. Throughout the program, at all levels, participants will explore the technology and skill set needed to practice the successful application of artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques to address critical industry problems.
Fall 2023, live, online:
August 22, 2023 – October 12, 2023
Tuesdays and Thursdays
Tuition and Costs
$2,800 total program cost
J.C. Garcia
(305) 284-8841
This 8-week program aims to provide a comprehensive but accessible introduction to data science techniques used to interpret, clean, and visualize data, preparing participants for entry-level jobs in related fields. Participants will also learn how to design, train, and evaluate common regression and classification models by using the Python programming language and specialized libraries.
Fall 2023, live, online:
August 21, 2023 – October 16, 2023
Mondays and Wednesdays
Tuition and Costs
$2,800 total program cost
J.C. Garcia
(305) 284-8841
This 8-week program is designed for individuals with an active interest in starting their career implementing internet of things (IoT) solutions. Participants will explore the topics, technology, and skills required to gain practice in the successful implementation of IoT solutions.
Fall 2023, live, online:
August 22, 2023 – October 12, 2023
Tuesdays and Thursdays
$2,800 total program cost
Contact J.C. Garcia
(305) 284-8841
At the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at the University of Miami, you’ll find a world of new experiences with a changing catalog of courses that will be sure to interest you. But, beyond the program’s rich offerings, you’ll find a community of new friends from fascinating backgrounds, each on his or her own quest to continue to enrich their understanding of the world around them.
OLLI at UM provides non-credit courses and activities specifically developed for seasoned adults aged 50 or older who are interested in learning for the joy of learning. OLLI provides access to a broad range of classes that are offered in various modalities - in-person, on Zoom and hybrid.
Take the next step on your journey through lifelong learning. Join us at OLLI at UM!
Session Dates
Session 1: May 1, 2023 - June 12, 2023
Session 2: June 26, 2023 - August 8, 2023
Registration dates
April 24, 2023 - June 23, 2023
Tuition and Costs
Membership is $55. Most courses are $80.
The Intensive Language Institute offers language programs for professionals, organizations, and corporations, as well as international students. You can create your own custom language program for your team’s professional needs, or you can immerse yourself in a dynamic Intensive Language Program.
The mission of the Intensive English Program is to prepare international students to enter a university in the U.S. by providing instruction in English language and academic study skills. The IEP also helps international students adapt to university life and American culture. The program facilitates intercultural understanding, offers support and guidance related to non-academic issues, and builds ease and confidence in a new culture.
Summer Full Session:
May 1, 2023 - August 4, 2023
Summer Mid-Session:
June 13, 2023 - August 4, 2023
Fall Full Session:
August 21, 2023 - December 1, 2023
Fall Mid-Session:
October 3, 2023 - December 1, 2023
Monday - Friday from 8:30 A.M. to 1:30 P.M.
Registration for the Intensive English Program is open now. Apply online at
Full Session: $8,600 total program cost
Mid-Session: $5,200 total program cost
The Intensive Spanish Program is designed for those who would like to develop and improve their Spanish. In our classes, we focus on you, the student, and your ability to communicate in the target language. Our Spanish classes have been divided into four levels for your convenience.
Session Dates
April 18, 2023 - June 8, 2023
Tuesdays and Thursdays
6:30 P.M. - 8:30 P.M. via Zoom
July 18, 2023 - September 7, 2023
Tuesdays and Thursdays
6:30 P.M. - 8:30 P.M. via Zoom
October 3, 2023 - November 30, 2023
Tuesdays and Thursdays
6:30 P.M. - 8:30 P.M. via Zoom
Registration for the Intensive Spanish Program is open now for the session from April 18, 2023 to June 8, 2023.
Tuition and costs
$1,150 total program cost
The Medical Spanish Program is designed for healthcare workers who would like to increase their competence in Medical Spanish. The focus of the program is to provide an opportunity for participants to develop the language skills required to work with Spanish-speaking patients effectively.
Session Dates
May 15, 2023 - July 10, 2023, Online
Mondays and Wednesdays
6:30 P.M. - 8:30 P.M.
August 6, 2023 - October 2, 2023, Online
Mondays and Wednesdays from 6:30 P.M. - 8:30 P.M.
October 18, 2023 - December 18, 2023, Online
Mondays and Wednesdays
6:30 P.M. - 8:30 P.M.
Registration Registration for the Medical Spanish Program is now open for the session from May 15, 2023 to July 10, 2023.
Tuition and costs
$1,150 total program cost
At the Intensive Language Institute, we can create a specialized language training program around any skill area. We understand that each participant or group has different language learning goals, so our team will work with you to create a unique learning experience.
Session Dates
Customized to fit your needs.
Tuition and Costs
Priced in 20-hour increments starting at $115 per hour.
English for Graduate Business Studies
This course is designed to prepare international students for the rigors of the graduate business school environment.
Program Dates
July 3, 2023 – July 28, 2023
Tuition and Costs
$4,500 total program cost
English for Graduate Engineering Studies
This course is designed to prepare international students for the rigors of the graduate engineering school environment.
Program Dates
July 3, 2023 – July 28, 2023
Tuition and Costs
$4,500 total program cost
The Miami Semester is an academic program for visiting undergraduate students. To be eligible, students must be enrolled in a fulltime undergraduate degree-seeking program at a university or college in the United States or abroad.
Domestic and international students can take advantage of the University of Miami’s specialized areas. Academic programs are designed to highlight courses unique to the University, taking advantage of UM’s geographical location, distinguished faculty, and highly regarded academic resources.
Participating students are required to maintain a standard full load of credits (minimum of 12 credits). Students will take two to three core courses in their chosen academic area and will choose one or two additional elective courses from other departments and schools based on individual program requirements, academic interests, and course availability. Students can apply to attend one or two semesters.
For undergraduate tuition and fees, visit