Terp Fall 2012

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fall 2012  /  Connecting

The Blaze That Built Maryland pg. 20

Running with Zombies 14  /  Tackling Head Injuries 26  /  Hacker Trackers 28

Letter from the alumni association president fall 2012  /  vol. 10, no. 1

There’s always something exciting about the P U B L I S H E d by Division of University Relations A DV I S e R S

Peter Weiler

Vice President, University Relations

Brian Ullmann

Assistant Vice President, Marketing and Communications

Margaret Hall

Executive Director, Creative Strategies

Brian Shook

interim executive director, Alumni Programs m ag a z i n e s ta f f

Lauren Brown Universit y Editor

John T. Consoli ’86 Creative Direc tor

Joshua Harless Art Direc tor

Monette A. Bailey ’89 Kelly Blake ’94 Beth Cavanaugh Karen Shih ’09 Tom Ventsias writers

Brian G. Payne designer

Kelsey Marotta ’14 Sabrena Sesay ’13 interns

Gail Rupert M.L.S. ’10 photography assistant

Kathy B. Lambird ’94 Produc tion Manager

Terp magazine is published by the Division of University Relations. Letters to the editor are welcomed. Send correspondence to Managing Editor, Terp magazine, 2101 Turner Building, College Park, MD 20742-1521. Or, send an email to terpfeedback@umd.edu. The University of Maryland, College Park is an equal opportunity institution with respect to both education and employment. University policies, programs and activities are in conformance with pertinent federal and state laws and regulations on non-discrimination regarding race, color, religion, age, national origin, political affiliation, gender, sexual orientation or disability.

E m ail


o n li n e video news


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start of a new academic year: Our campus is once again filled with students; the sounds of the marching band can be heard from Chapel Field; and lectures, performances and athletic contests fill the calendar. There seems no limit to the activity level, and that is just part of what makes our university a truly incredible place! Terp magazine is always chock-full of great stories about what’s happening on campus, now. In this issue, however, the cover story conveys the remarkable tale of a pivotal event in our university’s history 100 years ago. On Nov. 29, 1912, a fire broke out in the Administration Building and quickly spread to the Old Barracks—the heart of what was then called the Maryland Agricultural College. By the time the flames were finally extinguished, the buildings were destroyed. The university was at a crossroads. Henry Holzapfel Jr., president of the alumni association and a trustee, led the charge to rebuild. He kept a positive attitude amidst the ashes of what had been and promised students new buildings that would be even better. The campus was soon transformed from a small agricultural institution into the University of Maryland we recognize today. The riveting story of the Great Fire of 1912, told on page 20, is but another testament to the power of this great institution’s alumni. As it was in Holzapfel’s day, we are proud that the mission of the alumni association is still the same: to support the faculty, staff and students of the University of Maryland in every way possible. I invite you to join us and return to College Park for Homecoming 2012. Terrific events— reunions, lectures, performances, and tailgates, to name a few—begin across campus on Oct. 14. The festivities culminate, as always with a football game, on Oct. 20. This year, the new-look Terps take on our longtime rival North Carolina State. Be sure to stop by Terp Town at the Samuel Riggs IV Alumni Center while you’re here—it’s a great place to meet and socialize with your fellow Terps. Hope to see you there!

fac e b o o k .co m /UnivofMaryland f li c k r .c o m /photos/wwwumdedu

Go Terps!

t w i t t e r .c o m /UofMaryland v i m e o.co m /umd yo u t ub e .co m /UMD2101

cover the great fire composite by john t. consoli ’86

Timmy F. Ruppersberger ’77 President, Maryland Alumni Association Board of Governors






Departments 2 4 6 10 12 32 36

In Brief Ask Anne Class Act Campus Life Innovation Giving Interpretations


The conflagration was chiefly spectacular; and for those who find the soul thrilled by the awe-inspiring rush of

roaring, leaping, gleaming flames

crowned by billowing, eddying clouds of smoke, the spectacle was grand, indeed. The Triangle, dec. 1, 1912


Features 18 Presidential Poll

We asked a few of Maryland’s experts on American politics to tell us something we didn’t already know heading into the November presidential election. By MONETTE AUSTIN BAILEY ’89

20 The Blaze That

Built Maryland The Great Fire of 1912 could have spelled the end of the Maryland Agricultural College. Instead, it sparked a rebirth of what would become the University of Maryland. By LAUREN BROWN

26 Tackling Head

Injuries A team of bioengineering students supported by department benefactor Robert E. Fischell is building a football helmet attachment to prevent concussions. By KAREN SHIH ’09

28 Hacker Trackers

Engineers, computer scientists and criminologists join forces in cybersecurity research, casting an invisible net to study hackers’ behavior. By TOM VENTSIAS

Illustrations by brian g. payne and Kelsey Marotta / bayou photo of the nighthawks copyright david blackwell / artwork courtesy of david c. driskell center wwii photo courtesy of walter mietus / hacker tracker portrait by john T. consoli

in brief

A Sunny Forecast NOAA Opens Weather & Climate Prediction Center in M Square

The new federal hub for oceanic and

atmospheric forecasts, including outlooks for the four seasons and hurricanes, and tracking environmental change has opened at the university’s M Square research park. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Center for Weather and Climate Prediction—delayed for three years by a federal subcontractor dispute— brings more than 800 government weather and climate experts to a state-of-the-art “green” facility less than a mile from campus. The 268,772-square-foot building houses numerous NOAA offices and labs, including the National Centers for Environmental Prediction; the Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research; and the National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service. The $133 million center

2 terp fall 2012

began operations in September, with a dedication scheduled for Oct. 15. “This is a tremendous opportunity to interact with some of the world’s top scientists in satellite oceanography and climatology,” says James Carton, chair of Maryland’s atmospheric and oceanic science department. Anticipating stronger collaboration with NOAA, the university has built new labs and offices for its earth sciences faculty adjacent to the NOAA center. This includes the Earth Systems Science Interdisciplinary Center (ESSIC), a partnership among several UMD academic departments that administers cooperative agreements with NOAA and the nearby NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. This unique university-federal partnership—which also draws in private companies—examines topics

like improving drought monitoring and prediction to help farmers, says Antonio Busalacchi, ESSIC director. Last fall, the university launched an undergraduate major that trains students to become certified meteorologists and oceanographers. About 25 students are enrolled this semester, with many looking forward to internship and other opportunities the new NOAA center will afford, says Jeffrey Stehr, an assistant research scientist at Maryland in charge of the program. “Whether it’s air pollution, severe weather or changes in the earth’s ozone layer, having the government earth scientists right down the road is exciting for all of us—students, faculty and even the folks at NOAA,” he says.–tv

noaa & team gamera photos by John T. Consoli

another Flight, another Record The NOAA center was built to LEED Silver standards. It features: 

cisterns to capture rainwater for irrigating landscaping

native plants covering more than half its rooftop for better insulation and protection

extensive use of recycled and local building materials 

highly efficient window glass, lighting and sensors, and sunshades to optimize energy performance

A human-powered helicopter designed, built and flown by students from the A. James Clark School of Engineering continues to smash flight records in preparation for one of aeronautical engineering’s most difficult challenges. In late August, Gamera II, a more nimble version of the vehicle that flew for 11.4 seconds last year, remained aloft for 65 seconds in one flight while reaching a height of just over nine feet in another. The National Aeronautic Association and Fédération Aéronautique Internationale are expected to verify the flight duration as a U.S. and world record. The flights were part of a series of tests for the Sikorsky Prize, which requires a humanpowered helicopter to hover for one minute within a 10-meter square while momentarily reaching a height of 3 meters (9.8 feet). The Maryland students remain committed to capturing the $250,000 prize, which has gone unclaimed for more than 30 years.–tv

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 To view the latest set of flights, visit www.agrc.umd.edu/gamera

Better Data = Better Forecasts

Any marble shooter knows that a small change in initial trajectory

can makes a big difference in where the sphere ultimately arrives. The same principle is involved in long-range forecasting for hurricanes and tropical cyclones. “Accuracy in ‘initial conditions’ plays a crucial role in predicting high-impact weather systems,” says Maryland meteorologist Takemasa Miyoshi (left), one of a dozen or more Maryland faculty expected to advance the field of weather forecasting through collaborations with government scientists at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s new Center for Weather and Climate Prediction. The key to identifying a storm’s intensity and track, Miyoshi believes, is better data assimilation. With his strong background in physics, Miyoshi uses chaos theory and other theoretical models to crunch data from NASA satellite images and NOAA sensors, honing in on factors that might at first seem miniscule, but end up playing a large role in a storm’s impact. “Improving numerical weather prediction systems is important not only for high-impact storms, but for everyday forecasts, too,” he says.–tv

rendering courtesy of team gamera

seconds pending world record for humanpowered flight duration

feet less than 10 inches from Skiorsky prize requirement

fall 2012 terp 3

Plans Advance for Collaborative School of Public Health The just-announced collaborative School of Public Health between the University of Maryland campuses in Baltimore and College Park will give graduate students at both institutions expanded education, research, service and training opportunities. The two institutions have begun the national accreditation process as part of the MPowering the State initiative unveiled in March. Master of public health students graduating in Fall 2014 or after will receive their degrees from the collaborative school. “It’s all about maximizing opportunity by drawing on our complementary strengths and niches,” says Jane Clark, dean of the UMD School of Public Health. College Park’s School of Public Health covers the field’s core areas: epidemiology, biostatistics, environmental health sciences, behavioral and social sciences, and health services. The school is also known for its community-based research and programs focused on lifelong physical activity, health literacy and strategies to reduce racial and ethnic health disparities. In Baltimore, the School of Medicine’s Department of Epidemiology and Public Health has established programs in preventive medicine and clinical research and trains students from the university’s other professional schools in public health. Students will have access to both schools’ assets, says Ann Wylie, who as senior vice president and provost (she now serves as special adviser to the president) played a lead role in the planning. “Our goal is to produce the best public health leaders, researchers and practitioners for the state of Maryland and beyond,” she says.–TV

New Deans, VPs Ready to Lead As a new crop of students arrived on campus this semester, so did a new class of university leaders. This summer, President Wallace Loh appointed a senior vice president and provost—the most prominent academic position on campus—as well as deans of the School of Public Health and the Philip Merrill College of Journalism, and a vice president for University Relations.

Longtime kinesiology professor Jane Clark began serving as dean of the School of Public Health on July 1. She’s leading the school into a new collaboration with the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore, effectively doubling the size of their respective master’s of public health programs.

Lucy Dalglish, former executive director of the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, took the helm of the j-school on Aug. 1. She’s worked extensively on issues of media rights and protections, and was previously a media lawyer, reporter and editor. Her goals include creating partnerships with other colleges at Maryland and other journalism schools.

Provost Mary Ann Rankin came to Maryland Oct. 1 from her post as CEO of the National Math and Science Initiative. She spent 36 years at the University of Texas at Austin, including 17 years as dean of the College of Natural Sciences. She’s a national leader in creating programs to encourage more science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) graduates.

As vice president for University Relations and president of the University of Maryland College Park Foundation, Peter Weiler leads Maryland’s fundraising, alumni relations, and marketing and communication efforts. He arrived in August from the University of New Hampshire, and also served in senior posts at Ohio State and Penn State universities.–LB

Mary Ann is one of the most visionary and innovative academic leaders in the country, and we are extremely fortunate to have her as our new provost.

—wallace d. loh, president, University of Maryland 4 terp fall 2012

photos by John T. Consoli  /  illustrations by brian g. payne


Questions for Anne Turkos, the University Archivist

Q. A.

Q. A.

Is it true George Washington once stayed at the Rossborough Inn? —Tim Creech ’09  / How many times have U.S. presidents spoken on campus?

—Robert Poisson ’78

As far as we know, George Washington never stayed at the Rossborough Inn, but one of his famous Revolutionary War compatriots, the Marquis de Lafayette, did on his way to visit the capital city. Five other U.S. presidents—all since 1960—have spoken on campus: Dwight D. Eisenhower, Lyndon Johnson, Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama. Obama has visited four times: twice as a U.S. senator and twice as president.

any of the buildings on campus Q. Are really haunted? By who? —Sam Ou ’06


I’ve heard many ghost stories about the Rossborough Inn, constructed in the early 1800s; Miss Betty, who managed the inn during the Civil War, reportedly has been spotted there in a long, yellow dress. Unusual occurrences have also been reported in Morrill, Marie Mount, Washington, Tawes, Easton and H.J. Patterson halls, the Stamp Student Union, the Alpha Omicron Pi and Kappa Delta sorority houses, and the Delta Tau Delta fraternity. Paranormal investigators often visit campus, and you can find one group’s recordings of “voices” by searching “University of Maryland Ghost” on YouTube.

Having admired “Duke’s tree” for many years, I wondered which is the oldest tree on campus? Is it possible to determine if any of the trees on campus date to the 19th century?

—Beth Alvarez, M.L.S.’77, M.A.’80, Ph.D.’90

I’m sorry to share that Duke’s Tree had to be taken down from its home near Memorial Chapel this summer. The 76-year-old white oak was struck by lightning in fall 2011, then suffered further damage from fungi and insects. Several trees will be planted on the site this fall. The Arboretum staff continues to research our earliest plantings through historic photographs and other records. To date, it has documented a white oak west of Tydings Hall that was likely in place in the 19th century, along with willow oaks at the east end of McKeldin Mall that were planted in 1938. In addition, our experts believe a beech tree along Paint Branch Creek could be 150 to 200 years old.

Questions may be sent to terpmag@umd.edu or @UMDarchives on Twitter. lib.umd.edu/univarchives lib.umd.edu/blogs/univarch_exhibits

o n li n e bl o g

by T. Consoli  /  photo credits fac  e b o oJohn k University of Maryland University Archives

fall 2012 terp 5

class act

Bill Scanlan ’83

 alumni profile  /  (above, from left) dave Lilling ’78, Vinnie Perone ’80 & Bill Scanlan ’83

Down by The Bayou Trio’s Documentary Recalls Glories of Former D.C. Hotspot

More than 15 years after one of Washington’s most storied nightclubs shut its doors, three Maryland alumni are primed to give The Bayou an encore performance.  ¶  Dave Lilling ’78, Bill Scanlan ’83 and Vinnie Perrone ’80 interviewed dozens of musicians, former employees and regulars; culled video and photos from live performances; and willingly gave time and money to produce their new documentary on the eclectic Georgetown venue that drew the likes of Billy Joel, Foreigner and Kiss.

6 terp fall 2012

“The Bayou: D.C.’s Killer Joint” is scheduled to air in February on Maryland and Virginia public television. “It was just a cool place. There was no other club like it,” says Scanlan. “It was huge, cavernous, raucous—and a really great place to hear music.” A producer and on-air commentator for CSPAN, he often went to The Bayou while a student at Maryland. He introduced acts for the Monday night concerts broadcast live on campus radio station WMUC, where he was program director. In late 1998, Scanlan approached Lilling about doing a film on the

alumni photo by John T. Consoli  /  springsteen Photo by Alan Aronowitz  /  bekele photo by w.a. barletta

nightclub’s closing. “I was shooting news and sports features at the time. This sounded like a lot more fun,” says Lilling, an Emmy-winning filmmaker who owns a video production company. The two were granted unlimited access for the club’s final performances, culminating with a New Year’s Eve bash featuring musicians who had performed over the years. The three-story building was razed six months later. Lilling and Scanlan soon discovered that for every Bayou performer they interviewed—from rocker Todd Rundgren to the late go-go musician Chuck Brown—another great story was waiting in the wings. They learned of a mob rubout in 1951 when the nightclub (then called The Hideaway) was an after-hours joint. They met some of the Dixieland jazz musicians who headlined The Bayou when it opened in 1953. They hadn’t known that Bruce Springsteen showed up unannounced one evening to jam onstage, or that a fledgling Irish rock group named U2 opened for a local D.C. act. “When we lifted the hood and saw what was in there—the constant shenanigans, the shifting musical genres, the outrageous stories—we had to rev the engine,” says

Perrone, who joined the production team in 2000 after a long career as a sports reporter for The Washington Post. This deeper narrative required more time and money. The project moved slowly until 2010, when interest via Facebook and other social media put completion of the documentary on a fast track. Lilling, who bore the brunt of an estimated $250,000 in production costs, says he and the others weren’t in it for the money. The film, he says, serves as a historical narrative of decades’ worth of significant music and cultural changes in the nation’s capital. “I think people will be surprised when they see this film,” says Richard Harrington, who retired in 2008 after 28 years as the Post’s national music critic. His memories of the club go back to the late 1960s, when antiwar protests were in full swing and the counterculture and the establishment squared off all across Washington. “[The Bayou] was one of the few places in D.C. where the hippies and Marines got along,” he says. “That should tell you something about the vibe of the place.”–tv

Rocker Bruce Springsteen (below, left) performed at the The Bayou with close friend Robbin Thompson during an impromptu jam session in 1981.

 To view a trailer for the film, go to www.bayoudoc.com.

class notes To submit notes, send an email to terpmag@umd.edu.

’00s Melissa Sowin ’06

and Doug Mohr ’04 are engaged to be married in May 2103. The couple met at Maryland, and she teaches at Uncommon Schools in Brooklyn, N.Y., while he’s a vice president at Cisco Systems in New York.

’90s Stephen J. Kerrigan ’93

was CEO of the Democratic National Convention, which took place in September in Charlotte, N.C. He previously worked in Washington and Massachusetts for the late U.S. Sen. Ted Kennedy, then as chief of staff to Massachusetts Attorney General Thomas F. Reilly.

’70s Mulugeta Bekele M.S. ’73

was awarded the 2012 Andrei Sakharov Prize by the American Physical Society for his “tireless efforts in defense of human rights and freedom of expression and education anywhere in the world, and for inspiring students, colleagues and others to do the same.” An associate professor of physics at Addis Ababa University in Ethiopia, he was imprisoned from 1979 to 1985 by the military regime in Ethiopia. Want to see more Class Notes? Visit w w w.t e r p.u m d. e d u/c lass n o t e s .

fall 2012 terp 7

 alumni profile  / Paul Monteiro ’02

Hearing the Voices of America Obama Aide Connects with Faith Groups, Nonprofits Paul Monteiro ’02 came to Maryland certain that he’d graduate, then teach history at nearby High Point High School, his alma mater. Instead, a Supreme Court aide position in his freshman year led him to the White House. Monteiro, associate director in the Office of Public Engagement, serves as a liaison to organizations and leaders in faith communities and to Arab Americans. He also works with social safety net providers that serve people at risk and helps coordinate the White House Mentorship Program. A first-generation American born to parents without college degrees, he understood that education was “a ladder out of not having enough.” He headed to Maryland as a history major to begin the climb. “That [court] job opened my eyes to working in the legal field. … and a lot of the court’s work was making history, so I could combine the two.” On campus, Monteiro joined the pre-law fraternity Phi Alpha Delta, worked as a defender in the student legal aid office and competed on the academic quiz team. He was a student government member and sat on the student advisory council that reported to former president Dan Mote. After earning a degree from Howard Law School, Monteiro worked for then-U.S. Sen. Barack Obama in 2006 before joining his presidential campaign as deputy director of religious affairs. He says the move from a local to a national arena wasn’t so big a leap. “I’m reminded every week how so much of the work that we do is local. People live their lives in their communities and may not be as focused nationally,” says Monteiro. “We can’t forget that.”–mab

I’m reminded every week how so much of the work that we do is local. People live their lives in their communities and may not be as focused nationally. —Paul Monteiro ’02 associate director, Office of Public Engagement 8 terp fall 2012

Welcome to the Club The Maryland Alumni Association has chartered a whopping 10 new clubs in the past year, bringing its total to 48. In addition to regional clubs in New Jersey; Chicago; Colorado; Seattle; Orange County, Calif; Charlotte, N.C.; and Capitol Hill, the association also welcomed two special interest clubs: Master’s of Real Estate Development Alumni and University of Maryland Black Alumni. Club activities include game watches, wine tastings, volunteer service and much more. All it takes to charter a club is a petition signed by 25 dues-paying members of the alumni association. For more on the club program, including a listing of clubs, visit alumni.umd.edu. homecoming photos by John T. Consoli monteiro photo courtesy of the white house poster illustrations by sabrena sesay

2011 homecoming stats

9,000 cars on campus 27,000 tailgaters 900 hours of community service performed

1,715 steps on the Homecoming Parade route

10,000 pompoms distributed at Terp Town

Flip through this issue of Terp for more fun facts about Homecoming.

Homecoming Amplified! Get ready to cheer: Homecoming is about to get bigger, smarter and livelier. The university is expanding its menu of social, athletic and educational events Oct. 14–20, so all Terp fans can get in on the action, no matter which colleges or campus organizations are hosting. Highlights of the weeklong run-up to the Terps’ Oct. 20 showdown with the North Carolina State Wolfpack will include a comedy show,

a sports journalism panel discussion, a bioengineering festival, and the annual Homecoming parade and party. Game day will feature an “Agtoberfest” at the Campus Farm and the Alumni Association members-only Homecoming Bash. Capital One Terp Town at the Samuel Riggs IV Alumni Center will serve as Tailgating Central, with music, games and food.  For a full list of events, visit www.homecoming.umd.edu.

Bookshelf Author and former waterman Mick Blackistone ’69 and the late photographer Marion Warren offer an intimate view of Chesapeake Bay life in Just Passing Through, a collection of poems and 63 black-and-white photos. In Living with Lynching: African American Lynching Plays, Performance, and Citizenship, 1890–1930, Koritha Mitchell M.A. ’00, Ph.D. ’05 explores how African-American communities suffering through this violent era used plays about the victims of lynchings to band together and endure. Beyhan ÇaĞri Trock ’82, M.Arch. ’99 has always been

Alumni Travel • june 13–20, 2013

interested in the foods her Muslim father and Sephardic Jewish mother brought to America. She shares these recipes—and their story—through color and historical photos and stories in The Ottoman Turk and the Pretty Jewish Girl.

Explore blue glaciers, rarely observed marine life and untouched coastlines. For more and other trips, visit alumni.umd.edu or contact Angela Dimopoulos ’07 at 301.405.7938/800.336.8627 or adimop@umd.edu. John this T. Consoli  /  photo credits   byabout

fall 2012 terp 9

campus life


homecoming tradition Fraternities and sororities were furiously competitive in decorating their houses for Homecoming.

play by play

Football Field Goes High-Tech Maryland now has the “coolest” synthetic turf field in the nation. Before kickoff of the 2012 football season, the university installed the FieldTurf Revolution playing surface on Capital One Field at Byrd Stadium. The first of its kind in the United States, it features exclusive new heat-reducing technology called CoolPlay. Coupled with a patented silica sand and cryogenic rubber infill, it can keep student-athletes up to 15 degrees cooler. “The new field turf will improve student-athlete safety and provide our kids with a soft surface to play and compete on,” says head football coach Randy Edsall. “I am excited not only for our student-athletes but for everyone associated with the University of Maryland." A recent five-year college football study published in the American Journal of Sports Medicine concluded that FieldTurf is safer than natural grass. After evaluating 786 college football games for injuries sustained while playing on both surfaces, the study found that student-athletes were twice as likely to be

10 terp fall 2012

injured on natural grass. More durable than grass, the field now enables the university to play lacrosse and soccer games at Capital One Field, and even use the facility to provide concerts, high school games and other high-profile athletic events. “This project is vitally important to our program and to our university,” says Kevin Anderson, director of athletics. “It improves our ability to attract outside events to our campus, generating revenue and improving the on-campus lives of our students and our community.” Additionally, the new surface reduces maintenance expenses and improves playability—and appearance—in the event of rain. Josh Kaplan, the assistant athletic director for athletic facilities who’s responsible for maintaining the field, used to dread the approach of rain on game days. “The Maryland flag design in the end zone is so sharp when we first lay it down,” Kaplan says. “And then to watch it fade by kickoff was extremely painful.” Now Kaplan looks out over the field with pride: “It really is the coolest field in the country. And those Maryland colors sure look great, don’t they?”–bu

stadium photo by greg fuime / artwork courtesy of david c. driskell center collection

photo (right) courtesy of delores ziegler


The Next Chapter

Exhibit Showcases Innovation in African American Art

Thirty-six years ago, a groundbreaking exhibit in Los Angeles by artist and curator David C. Driskell introduced the depth and breadth of African-American art from 1750–1950. A new exhibition at the university center named for Driskell, now a famed collector and professor emeritus, reveals the next chapter in that intriguing story. “African American Art Since 1950: Perspectives from the David C. Driskell Center” showcases 62 works by Driskell’s contemporaries who opened new opportunities in the field, artists who pursued art as political activism, and young, emerging artists.

Curlee Raven Holton, the center’s interim executive director, says African-American art has often been viewed as disconnected from the mainstream. “This exhibit represents the experimentation and innovation of African-American artists and how they reflected modern and contemporary trends,” he says. “It shows that they have a unique voice but are also part of the American artistic canon.” The exhibition will run through Dec. 14, then is expected to begin a national tour.–bc Faith Ringgold · You Put the Devil in Me


Fancy Pants Opera Singer plays Against Gender School of Music Professor Delores Ziegler loved singing in the roles of

feisty gypsy Carmen and Jules Massenet’s love-torn Charlotte, but some of her most rewarding—and funniest—moments came when she portrayed men. The internationally known opera singer has been Romeo (pictured left), the page Cherubino in “The Marriage of Figaro” and the sword-wielding Octavian in Strauss’ “Der Rosenkavalier.” “As a child, I wanted to be the hero of the story, the one who saved the world,” says Ziegler. “In my day, that was always a boy.” The distinguished scholar-teacher will shed light on this curious operatic convention and share her experiences performing such “pants roles” during a lecture-recital on Oct. 15 at the Clarice Smith Center for Performing Arts, “One Leg at a Time: How the Trouser Role Became an Integral Item in the MezzoSoprano’s Wardrobe.” Many adolescent or young male roles were written for mezzos, who have slightly lower voices than sopranos. Men often have the wrong body type or voices too mature to play the parts. Early in opera’s history, castrated boys depicted those characters. A few modern operas use the convention, such as Dominick Argento’s “Miss Havisham’s Fire,” performed at the center last —delores Ziegler spring. A female student played the professor, School of Music young orphan boy Pip. Ziegler’s roles have taken her from the Metropolitan Opera to Italy’s Teatro alla Scala, but haven’t always gone as planned. While once playing a Roman soldier, complete with short tunic, she missed a step and “went bouncing down the stairs. I could hear the audience gasp. I bet they saw more than they paid for,” she says. “You have to laugh and keep going.”–mab

As a child, I wanted to be the hero of the story, the one who saved the world. In my day, that was always a boy.

by John T. Consoli  /  photo credits

 For more information on the lecture-recital, visit www.claricesmithcenter.umd.edu.

fall 2012 terp 11


Tread This Way

Invention Helps People Regain Mobility and Balance

A souped-up treadmill created by kinesiology researchers in the School of Public Health may take a big step in helping people stay active and independent as they age. TreadSense is configured with Web cameras that record movements and a computer that translates those movements into images on a TV. It’s unique among rehabilitation technologies because it gives users feedback to improve their balance while walking, when falls are most likely to occur. With the annual cost of fall injuries among older adults expected to surpass $50 billion by 2020, TreadSense has the potential to help a large swath of people: patients with balance disorders, stroke survivors, individuals with Parkinson’s disease and the elderly. Because of its relatively low cost, it could soon become widely used, not just for treating problems, but preventing them.

“I envision that every health club is going to have TreadSense in 20 years,” says Professor John Jeka, lead researcher. “We focus on the importance of cardio-fitness, strength and flexibility, but balance is just as important for health and mobility, particularly as we age.” Jeka, kinesiology graduate students Eric Anson and Peter Agada ’08, and computer science major Joseph Owen ’14 are testing TreadSense with patients to refine its interface. Anson, a physical therapist at Adventist Rehabilitation Hospital of Maryland, trained his colleagues to incorporate TreadSense into their treatment plans for patients. The clinicians provide input about its design and usability, and patients have reported seeing noticeable improvements in posture and balance after using TreadSense for only short amounts of time.

Jeka is also planning a clinical trial funded by the National Institutes of Health to further test TreadSense with residents of a retirement community in Mitchellville, Md.–kb

Innovation Academy to Build Creative Thinkers Maryland alumni have created the world’s most popular search engine, the country’s most sought-after athletic apparel technology and medical devices that have saved millions of lives. The newly announced Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (AIE) aims to cultivate the next generation of revolutionary thinkers.

12 terp fall 2012

AIE will infuse innovation, entrepreneurship and creativity into new and existing courses as part of President Wallace Loh’s vision to position UMD as one of the world’s premier universities in these areas. “Innovation and entrepreneurship are more than economic development, more than starting a company,” Loh says. “It’s a way of

treadsense photos by John T. Consoli


homecoming tradition Festivities included a pig-catching game.

Interview with a Terrorist Researchers seek to stop youth radicalization

Two researchers in the College of Behavioral

and Social Sciences are leading an international team taking a novel approach to understanding how young people become radicalized: talking to the terrorists themselves. Funded by $4.5 million from the Department of Defense (DoD), Arie Kruglanski, a social psychologist, and Michele Gelfand, a cross-cultural psychologist, will spend five years on one of the most comprehensive investigations ever undertaken on the subject. The study focuses on preventing terrorism, rather than developing counterterrorism tactics, which Kruglanski says costs far less in the long run. “Ultimately, we hope to identify tactics that will help inoculate young people against terrorist recruiters who urge the use of violence as a legitimate political tool,” he says. “We need to understand with far greater precision the dynamics of radicalization, to be able to counter the forces of extremism.” Their team is taking advantage of connections made through the university’s National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START) to interview leaders of terrorist groups, detainees accused of

thinking. It’s about challenging every UMD student to look at situations and problems differently. That’s where solutions will come from, and that’s what the academy will instill on our campus.” When AIE launches in Fall 2013, classes, workshops and outside-theclassroom experiences will also encourage the university’s research.

terrorist illustration by brian g. payne / Creativity lego art by Joshua Harless

horrific acts, and youth and other community members in politically unstable areas including Egypt, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, the Philippines and Morocco. “We’re zeroing in on how radicalization and deradicalization play out in these specific locales, which are critical strategic imperatives for the United States,” says Gelfand, who has conducted extensive interviews in terrorist hotspots. The researchers include psychologists, anthropologists, and political and computer scientists from the Centre National de Recherche Scientifique in Paris, George Mason University, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, the University of Michigan, Northwestern University and the University of Warsaw. The study is funded through the Minerva Research Initiative, a DoD program dedicated to long-term research in the social sciences.–bc

“More and more, employers are looking for unique, out-of-thebox thinking,” says Donna Hamilton, associate provost and dean for undergraduate studies. “These types of courses will ensure that our students are truly prepared for the real world.”

fall 2012 terp 13

Student Entrepreneur Unleashes Zombies with Twist on Mud Run First it’s the mud: It sucks the shoes right off your feet and makes you slip and fall as you trudge up hills. Then it’s the obstacles: the house full of smoke, the maze buzzing with an electric current, the pits of water so deep that you end up submerged. The distance? That you can handle. It’s only five kilometers—a little over three miles. But you’ve never had to run from zombies before.

No wonder they call this “Run For Your Lives.” “Our goal is to break reality,” says business major Ryan Hogan ’13, co-founder of Reed Street Productions, which created this successful twist on the mud run. “We’re trying to put people in the mindset of an apocalypse.” Maybe it’s because it’s 2012, or maybe it’s because of “The Walking Dead,” but it seems everyone wants to give it a shot. The

“We see people of all shapes and sizes—from horror m ovie fanatics to avid runners. Ther e’s definitely a demand for a new ki nd of a race.” ­ —Ryan Hogan ’13

14 terp fall 2012

race attracts crowds of more than 14,000, including runners, zombies and spectators. Expanding from one run in last year to 12 in 2012, the company has more than 25 planned for 2013, including races in Australia and England. Its rapid success and expansion earned Reed Street first place and $17,500 in the 2012 Cupid’s Cup, sponsored by Under Armour founder and CEO Kevin Plank ’97 and hosted by the Dingman Center for Entrepreneurship in the Robert H. Smith School of Business. The company, launched with Hogan’s childhood friend Derrick Smith, is on track to earn more than $15 million this year. “As a startup, we’re still in our infancy,” Hogan says. “But we’re putting in the extra time and dedication to make the best events possible.” Where he finds that time, it’s hard to see: The husband and father of three is also a full-time student trying to complete a

photos courtesy of Reed Street Productions  /  illustrations by brian g. payne


University of Maryland faculty are the source news media turn to for expertise.

“This is the fastest-growing portion of the brewing industry. They won't be putting Budweiser or Coors out of business any time soon, but this locally grown product will appeal to a lot of people.” — Bob Kratochvil, plant science and

landscape architecture, on craft beer production, in The Baltimore Sun, Aug. 13, 2012.

“If the constituency of a terrorist organization no longer supports that organization, then the organization can't thrive.”— Laura Dugan, START, on a study she co-wrote that found conciliatory tactics are more effective than punishment in fighting terrorism, UPI.com, July 31, 2012.

business degree in just three years as part of a Navy program that puts enlisted members on an officer track. Once he graduates, he’ll receive his commission and begin flight school in Florida. And there’s also Warwear, the company he created in his early military days out of his need for affordable, sweat-wicking athletic wear. That’s what led to “Run For Your Lives.” “I didn’t have the business knowledge I have today,” Hogan says. “We ended up with a massive surplus of T-shirts and needed to get rid of it. I thought, let’s just throw a simple mud run and get some brand exposure.” He and Smith expected 1,000 people at their first race in October 2011, but thanks to Facebook and other social media, more than 10,000 showed up in Darlington, Md. “We see people of all shapes and sizes,” he says, from horror movie fanatics to avid runners. “There’s definitely a demand for a new

kind of a race.” Everyone pays to participate: up to $87 for runners, $32 for spectators, and $25 for zombies, who get professional make-up, gore and gear, along with the run. Being a zombie (there are about 600 per race) has turned out to be extremely popular, with slots selling out for all the 2012 races in just three days. Amid the success of “Run For Your Lives,” Reed Street is moving into other events. “The Dare Theory” scavenger hunt is the latest project: Teams will photograph or videotape themselves doing a series of stunts through a city—such as creating a human pyramid or having a spontaneous dance-off—to win up to $1,000. “We want to do something that’s never been seen or done before,” Hogan says.–KS

“These are people who have fulfilled the dream of having the complete choice of anything they want to do, and the things they choose are surprising. The three things that retirees spend the most extra time on are reading, resting and TV.” — John Robinson, sociology, co-author of the new survey, “Time for Life,” in U.S. News & World Report, July 2, 2012 Hear more University of Maryland experts in the media at twitter.com/UMDNews.

fall 2012 terp 15

’30s homecoming tradition Freshmen and sophomores face off in a tug-of-war across Paint Branch.

Home, Efficient Home

Architecture Team Designs Low-cost, “Money-making” Housing for Thailand Architecture graduate students are designing a low-cost house for Bangkok residents that not only saves them money, but could help them make it. “We want this modular, scalable idea to truly make a difference in the world,” says team leader Jordan Goldstein ’94 (below), managing director of architecture firm Gensler’s Washington, D.C., office. He brought three Maryland and four University of Pennsylvania graduate students to Thailand for two weeks this summer. There, they and local graduate students visited com-

munities and presented their initial ideas to residents. Upon their return to D.C., they refined the designs as Gensler interns. “Their traditional architecture is very ecologically sensitive,” says Kim Centrone, “but the trend toward Western architecture loses some of that. We had to try to figure out how to balance that.” She, Kristen Fox and Paul Myers, who will complete their master’s degrees in 2013, designed pieces that easily fit together to give Thai families (who traditionally live in multigenerational homes) the ability to expand their physical space as their numbers grow. Made with local materials, the houses should cost approximately $10,000—less than the government’s target price for low-income housing. The goal is for residents to assemble the homes themselves, saving labor costs while building a sense of community. Plans for the houses to make money for owners include potentially incorporating a garden onto the walls or roof, which would benefit the many food vendors who sell from their homes, and using solar panels to produce extra energy to be sold back to the grid. The team eventually hopes to offer adapted modular homes in other countries, including China and India.–ks

Team Takes Top Alternative Energy Prize Maryland engineering

students who designed a way to power the campus by converting solid waste into electricity, heat and hydrogen have won an international competition. The annual Hydrogen Student Design Contest, sponsored in part by the U.S. Department of

Energy, challenges universitylevel students to come up with innovative solutions to big issues facing the hydrogen and fuel cell industries. In June, Maryland defeated teams from 27 other institutions with its design of an alternative power system.

(From left) Diane Mcgahagan, Meron Tesfaye, Richard Bourne, Andrew Taverner, James Daniel Spencer, Jennie Moton, Kyle Gluesenkamp, Chetali Gupta and2012 Will Gibbons. 16 terp fall

Students from the A. James Clark School of Engineering used gasification and anaerobic digestion technology to recycle organic and municipal solid waste into fuel.

Beyond meeting the requirement that their design support the entire campus, it would produce enough leftover energy to run 20 buses, taking up to 2,300 cars off the road.–tv

faculty Q & A

Social media maven

Assistant Professor Jennifer Golbeck Ph.D. ’05 is a computer scientist in the iSchool and co-director of Maryland’s Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory. She’s an expert in analyzing social media: how people use it, how it connects them, and its economic and social impacts. She talked to Terp about how she sneaks her work into hobbies that range from ice hockey to beekeeping. Q. How did you get started in a field that’s so new to academia that it didn’t exist when you were growing up? A. When I was looking in 2001 to get my Ph.D., social networks were this tiny thing. I was interested in the social questions they raised, and people asked me, “Is that really computer science?” But I said that I think this is going to be a big deal. And it turned out that it was.

Q. The Department of Defense has awarded you more than $4 million to research the role social media can play in military intelligence or in training U.S. troops. How does the fast-andloose nature of social media fit with the high-stakes goals of the DoD? A. If you look at troops in a battle situation, that’s exactly how it is. It’s chaotic. Sometimes people are trying to tell you things, and it’s not clear, or it’s wrong. The people higher up in the chain want to filter out the good vs. the bad information.

I’m trying to put some of my understanding of how trust and social networks work—such as considering the sources, and their relationships— to decide what information to trust and how to use it.

Q. You’re also developing a new way for pet lovers to interact with owners online. Why? A. I adore my dogs, and was looking for a way to connect pets with their owners when they’re away. A fellow researcher and I are developing this interface where you have your computer automatically answer your call, and you can interact with your pet by playing sounds, showing images and moving a laser pointer. The dogs come over and start looking at it, and they cock their heads. They just love it. We’re now talking about remote treat dispensers, but we’re not there yet.

renderings courtesy of gensler / illustrations by kelsey marotta

Q. What new trends are you seeing in social media? A. Facebook wants to be the Internet. You find your news, your games, everything there. I now see everything breaking apart. People now go to Pinterest to share their photos or to Twitter to talk about things. I see people looking for more specific services that do a really good job on that one thing rather than a place that will do everything for them.

Q. You have such an eclectic range of interests: renovating your 1940s-era house, competing in triathlons and a men’s hockey league, and tending a bee colony. Beekeeping? A. Bees are social insects. They have all these ways of communicating in the dark, or knowing what they’re supposed to do. It’s just fascinating. The things you use to study bees are the same things you use to study social media interactions.

fall 2012 terp 17

Stella Rouse, assistant professor  ★  Department of Government and Politics

Neither party has attempted to maximize the potential power of the growing Latino vote this election. Republicans alienate them by favoring cuts to safety net programs disproportionately benefitting minorities. Democrats may not be able to count on them either, since the DREAM Act hasn’t passed, nor has comprehensive immigration reform. Unlike other minorities, Latinos lack a strong history with either party; they are much more independent. Both parties just don't seem to get it.


 


 As the presidential election season enters its shrill and frantic final days, the two major candidates are expected to ramp up their rhetoric, hoping to get the last word on everything from health care to the economy. It’s what President Barack Obama and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney haven’t been saying


An to ine dep Ba art Rac m e n n k s , a bec e may t o f g o s s i s ta n a v p but use o lay a e r n m t p r o f e f b b n t abo ecau he c igge t a n d e s s o r  r ★ a car ut issu se of h ndida role— p o l i t ic     er o n te e s w

pol efor s suc the s' et ot i elic cy, po m. Ad h as w y're t hnicit a s s wh it emo itivel that elfare lking ies, o vo tion y or conn and ter s su al res negat ect ra healt h c ppo pon ivel y, e to ses rt. tha can t aff ect 18 terp fall 2012

John T. Consoli  photomarotta credits by / kelsey   byillustrations

John Newhagen, associate professor  ★  Philip Merrill College of Journalism

Public opinion polls may be “statistically” accurate, but not helpful because few people have the political knowledge needed to think through their answers to tough questions. Gathering data using social media or the Internet makes the problem worse because pollsters have trouble capturing accurate samples. We sometimes miss the important underlying issue: A functional, liberal democracy demands that its citizens have a good idea of what is going on around them.


 or paying attention to that has Maryland’s experts talking. Our researchers have been analyzing ads, speeches and voting records. They’ve pored over polling data and met with policymakers and media movers and shakers. And they’ve managed to clear away the campaign clutter to share a few fresh insights.



Don Kettl, dean  ★  School of Public Policy

We’ll be talking a lot about jobs, but the president has very limited power to push a button and improve the economy. Other issues, like China and the Middle East, will lurk in the background and leap to the headlines, often when candidates least expect it. Voters will be judging candidates’ first instincts as a way of gauging the candidates’ basic values— and their ability to lead.

 ti on Communica

dential before presi es at st g in sw ysuring that in Shaw n Parr swing voters focused on en y to ll ia rn ec tu p ly es al e ther candies ar All eyes typic aise about ei the candidat al , m ar f ye o is se n th t se e base voter. .A elections, bu the year of th rn out to vote is tu th s er es rt ak o p m p es their base su paign promis to fulfill cam y it il ab s e' dat so r  ★  De Giles, profes

by John T. Consoli  /  photo credits

partmen t of

A panel of faculty experts discusses the campaigns, policy matters and economic issues dominating the 2012 election on "Research Matters," a new program highlighting hot topics in research, at www.newsdesk.umd.edu.

fall 2012 terp 19

20 terp fall 2012

All photos courtesy of University Archives

The Great Fire of 1912 Could Have Ended UMD, Instead, It Sparked a Rebirth. by Lauren Brown


umd history {






MAC opens with 34 students living in Old Barracks

59 1859

Maryland Agriculture college (MAC) chartered

by John T. Consoli  /  photo credits




First undergraduate degrees awarded to two students

93 94

104 students

69 1869



First graduate degrees awarded to two students


he buildings were still smoldering as day broke on Nov. 30, 1912. Exhausted cadets stood among the scattered effects salvaged the night before: damaged trunks, a charred bureau, a basket of papers. They and their dinner-dance dates, still wearing party dresses stained and reeking of smoke, stared at the ruins before them. ¶ The Barracks and the Administration Building—the heart of the Maryland Agricultural College—had housed all 265 cadets as well as the mess halls, all the offices and records, and the Departments of Languages and Mathematics. Now they were an unrecognizable, blackened heap of brick and stone. ¶ The inexplicable catastrophe might easily have shuttered the little college on the hill. Instead, MAC emerged from the ashes of the Great Fire to reshape its mission, ownership, physical appearance and orientation, and enrollment—its entire identity. It rallied determined students, faculty, alumni and state leaders to lay the groundwork for a far more ambitious institution, one that became the University of Maryland.

mac campus (c. 1910) science building (morrill hall) barracks administration building water tower Engineering building (Taliaferro hall)

98 1900





19 20 21






45 46 47

college of engineering founded

93 94 1894


library / gym opens

22 terp fall 2012

98 1900




64 65

Administration Building completed

04 1904

Science building (now Morrill Hall) completed



calvert hall dorm completed

12 1914 14


the great Fire decimates campus

by John T. Consoli  /  photo credits


Cadets and their dinner-dance dates pose for a portrait in the Barracks only minutes before the fire next door was discovered.

A Fire Without Foe

The fire’s timing—the night after Thanksgiving, when most cadets were away from campus—was fortunate, but so much else that night seemed to conspire against the college. “From the moment it started, it was clear this was going to be a big disaster,” says University Archivist Anne Turkos. Forty or so cadets, dressed in military uniforms, had brought dates to the annual subscription dance in the Barracks. The orchestra paused while the cadets were seated to eat around 10:30 p.m. A senior officer entered and calmly announced that a blaze had started in the building next door. A brisk southwest wind had quickly fanned the fire, and flames were already roaring from the upper floors of the Administration Building. The young men and women rushed inside to save college records from the president’s and treasurer’s offices as well as cadets’ property. “Who will ever forget the hurrying to and fro, the bursting of doors, the crashing of trunks, suit cases, etc., on the hard cement walk as they were thrown from the windows?” asked the 1913 Reveille yearbook. The collapse of the roof and the blistering heat drove the cadets from the building. With the help of arriving faculty members, they frantically started a bucket brigade from a pond where McKeldin Library stands today. The first firefighters, from Hyattsville, arrived to pump water from the campus’s 25,000-gallon tower, but the Baltimore News American reported that it ran dry almost immediately. Sophomore Lee Pennington knew why. In an oral history recorded with the University Archives in 81


85 86


246 students


05 06

State-run university system established / College renamed the University of Maryland / 522 students

19 20 21 1919 1920

First women enroll / state renames M.A.C. the Maryland State College of Agriculture


College of arts and sciences founded



1,139 students

1973, he recalled that cadets had kept rifles in their dorm rooms, and an “overenthusiastic” member of the corps shot a hole in the water tower. The Thanksgiving holiday, he said, was “a propitious moment for letting the water out of the water tower” so the hole could be plugged. Compounding the problem, fire engines had been sent up on the B&O Railroad from Washington, but “no provision had been made to be able to take them off the flat cars,” Pennington said. “So they just had to sit on the flat cars while the Barracks burned.” Indeed, the fire had raced through a passageway connecting the Administration Building to the Barracks. Cadets again fought the billowing smoke that filled the hallways, but the approaching flames forced them to give up hope of rescuing valuables. All remaining efforts went to save the Science Building, only 50 feet away. The student newspaper, The Triangle, credited the building’s janitor for leading the successful fight, by throwing water on the hot exterior. That building later was renamed Morrill Hall, and it’s still in use today.

Edwin Powell ’13 took the only known photographs of the Great Fire as it tore through the Barracks the night of Nov. 29, 1912.

The Class of 1913 stands in front of the Administration Building in 1912, sometime before the fire. Morrill Hall is at right.


ritchie coliseum opens

32 1935



school of commerce founded

1938 40

2,066 students


main administration building completed

first africanamerican student enrolls

4,176 students

45 46 47 1945

51 1951


8,554 students

fall 2012 terp 23


“It Was Just Wiped Out”

As the fire burned itself out, all the cadets were miraculously accounted for. But the college’s prospects looked grim. The Barracks, a severe yet beloved Gothic structure and the college’s first building, was a pile of rubble. So was the Administration Building, completed only eight years earlier. Insurance wouldn’t cover the losses. Richard W. Silvester, who had served as president of the campus for 20 years, speculated that crossed wires might have ignited between the top floors of the newer building. Within days, he resigned, citing illness. Adding insult to injury, bystanders looted cadets’ belongings left unattended on the premises that night. Between fire damage and theft, nearly all was lost. “It was just wiped out. The whole thing was wiped,” recalled Edwin Powell ’13, later known as the father of lacrosse at Maryland, in another oral history. Yet on the Monday after the holiday break, the faculty and every cadet but one reported back to campus. Families in neighboring Riverdale, Hyattsville and Berwyn donated clothes and volunteered to take in the homeless students. Classes resumed on Wednesday, a day after the college’s trustees voted to begin rebuilding. The question was: What exactly should they rebuild?

R.W. Silvester served as the college’s president from 1892 until immediately after the fire.

Stagnation, then Conflagration

The Maryland Agricultural College had long suffered an identity crisis. In his book “University of Maryland at College Park, A History,” George H. Callcott wrote that the presidents preceding Silvester vacillated between competing missions for the school: Was it a traditional college emphasizing classics and science for the sons of the landed class? A school of instruction in Christian morality? An engineering school that helped young men escape the family farm? A military school? Or an institution

Cadets and others sort through possessions saved from the blaze. Looters overnight had made off with much of the clothing and other effects.

school of architecture founded

64 5865 1961 6168


McKeldin Library opens



24 terp fall 2012

22,408 students

64 65 1964

32,320 students

68 1968


school of library and information sciences opens

64 65



Two unidentified men stand inside the ruins of the Barracks.

dedicated to agricultural services? It didn’t succeed at any one of these things; the college graduated only a little more than 300 students since classes began in 1859—an average of six annually. “Before the fire, the college was a very small institution that had evolved very slowly,” says university Vice President for Research Pat O’Shea M.S. ’82, Ph.D. ’86, an avid historian. “People didn’t change. Nothing new happened for generations. It had grown very little in 50 years.” Yet all around, the world was changing, fueled by technological advances like the automobile, the telephone, the airplane and radio. European empires were crumbling, and the U.S. was taking a more active role in international affairs. The Great Baltimore Fire of 1904 that destroyed 1,500 buildings had prompted the college’s neighbors to the north to lead efforts to standardize fire hydrants and institute fire codes. “It seems to me (the fire) forced the hands of the leadership of the institution to really examine what its future was going to be,” says architecture Associate Professor Brian Kelly, who has studied the architectural history of the campus. “A lot of colleges started off as one big building. The fire enabled people to rethink the trajectory of the place.”

school of public affairs opens

38,679 students (all-time high)

85 1981 8188

85 1985


Colleges of life sciences; arts and humanities; computer mathematical, and physical sciences; and behavioral and social sciences founded





umd Designated the flagship campus


by John T. Consoli  /  photo credits

The shells of the Barracks and Administration Building stand several days after the fire burned itself out.

Burning Ambitions

The fire presented an opportunity that ignited the imaginations of alumni, faculty and state leaders. Within a week, they had variously called to abolish the school’s military system, to have the state take over the college and to offer co-education. In addition, officials expressed interest in shifting the campus to a new quadrangle to the north, and to use a “colony” style of several small buildings instead of one large one. Within two years, the college opened a new dorm, Calvert Hall. The first two women enrolled in 1916, the same year the state took over the college, and renamed it the Maryland State College of Agriculture. Harry J. Patterson, who oversaw the institution from 1913 to 1917, divided the college’s work into five schools, each with its own dean. President Albert Woods arrived in 1917 from the University of Minnesota, and despite the intrusion of World War I, greatly expanded the research mission of the college. Three years later, the college completed its shift in identity. Gov. Albert Ritchie merged it with the professional schools in Baltimore to create a state-run system. The college took on a new name: the University of Maryland. “The fire ripped us from the old to the new,” O’Shea says. “It was cathartic.”

35,300 students

05 06 2005

What’s the “Point”? The geographical center of campus just after the Great Fire has become the center of a student legend. A brick and concrete circle 40 feet across in the pavement between Shoemaker and LeFrak halls designates that central point nearly a century ago. Lines radiate from center toward the eight buildings of that era (including the Calvert Hall dorm, built in 1914). The circle looks like a pie with unevenly sized slices. To mark the 75th anniversary of the fire, two historical plaques were posted next to the site. Yet it’s turned into the dark side of rubbing Testudo’s nose for good luck: Superstitious students believe that stepping on the circle’s center, known as the “Point of Failure,” means they won’t graduate in four years.

37,631 students

12 2012  For more about the Great Fire, from ruin to recovery, watch the next episode of the newsmagazine “TerpVision,” premiering in October at terpvision.umd.edu.


Univeristy celebrates its 150th anniversary

by John T. Consoli  /  photo credits

05 06


fall 2012 terp 25

26 terp fall 2012

photo by John T. Consoli  /  illustrations by brian g. Payne   /  renderings courtesy Kenneth T. Kiger

Bioengineering team members Azam Ansari (left), Karan Raje, Afareen Rezvani, David Kuo, Dana Hartman, Julie Loiland, Laith Abu-Taleb, Adam Zviman and Ryan Haughey, with their test dummy.

Maryland quarterback Jordan Steffy spent nearly half of 2007 in a daze. Months after an illegal helmet-to-helmet hit at Rutgers left him with the most severe concussion of his career, he would come out of class with no idea where he was going next. He forgot names and assignments and suffered constant headaches. “It was frustrating and scary,” says Steffy ’08, M.A. ’09. “I wasn’t able to function normally.” Now an undergraduate team from the Fischell Department of Bioengineering, spurred by department benefactor Robert E. Fischell M.S. ’53, honorary Sc.D. ’95, is working on a device they hope will keep future generations of football players from suffering the same kind of debilitating injuries. The students are developing a helmet attachment that connects the back of the helmet to the shoulder pads and contours to the neck. It’s filled with a liquid that gives players in motion free movement but solidifies upon major impact. This locks the neck in place, forcing the body to bear the brunt of the hit and keeping the brain and the skull aligned—and reducing the risk of a concussion. Research suggests that concussions occur when an action forces the head to whip or jerk violently, causing the brain to crash into and scrape along the inside of the skull. “We all watch football so we knew this was a huge problem in the NFL,” says team member Azam Ansari. “Talking to local high school teams, we learned from one coach that at least a quarter of his team had also had a concussion.” The suicide of famed linebacker Junior Seau in May, just two years after he left the NFL, once again brought the issue into the national spotlight. More than 2,000 retired NFL players have sued the league, accusing it of covering up the extent that football head trauma is linked to long-term damage. This damage includes personality changes and emotional distress, physical problems like

by John T. Consoli  /  photo credits

headaches and issues with balance, and a condition called chronic traumatic encephalopathy, a degenerative brain disease that mimics dementia. Fischell approached the team last fall to work on a solution. A prolific inventor, he holds more than 200 patents, including ones for life-saving devices like the modern medical stent, lifetime pacemaker batteries and implantable insulin pumps. “I’m always asking questions and when I hear of a problem, my mind sees a solution,” he says. “I’m so proud of my department and those terrific kids, and I wanted to give them a chance to develop a new invention.” Creating the attachment was part of the students’ capstone course, which allows senior engineering teams to take their designs from concept to product. The team includes Ansari and Dana Hartman, who will graduate in December, along with Laith Abu-Taleb, Ryan Haughey, Karan Raje, Adam Zviman, David Kuo, Julie Loiland and Afareen Rezvani, who all graduated in May. They are advised by mechanical engineering Professor Kenneth T. Kiger, an expert in fluid mechanics. They’ve created two prototypes and are continuing to refine their design. They’ve also formed a company, Guardian Helmets LLC, with Fischell and Kiger to guide this work. “We want this to be something you can buy at Dick’s Sporting Goods,” says Zviman, now a student at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. Everyone from Pee-Wee to NFL players will be able to use it, he says. Today, Steffy has moved on from football. He’s doing well as the president of the Children Deserve a Chance college preparatory nonprofit, but he’s still wary about the effects of years of hits on the field. He grapples with this question: “If I have kids myself, would I be willing to let them play?” With this new attachment, the answer might just be yes.  fall 2012 terp 27











Researchers cast invisible net to study cyberthieves’ behavior | by Tom Ventsias

28 terp fall 2012

David Maimon (left) and Michel Cukier are taking a multifaceted approach to cybersecurity— T. Consoli  /  photo credits looking at the technical components and human behavioral factors driving cyberattacks.   by John

Every three seconds, experts say, someone is trying to hack into your home or work computer. Whether it’s teenagers snatching Facebook photos, criminals siphoning your bank account or a foreign government stealing billions in intellectual property, these attacks share a common thread: They’re driven by human behavior, not a machine. In what is believed to be a first, Maryland researchers are examining the online behavior and motivation of cyberthieves—identifying the methods they use to crack a system, their actions once they’ve infiltrated and the types of network configurations that deter them. The team of engineers, computer scientists and criminologists from the Maryland Cybersecurity Center (MC2) are casting a wide net for hackers, catching them in a cybertrap called a “honeypot,” where their every move is recorded and analyzed. The National Science Foundation is providing $653,000 for the research, with additional funding coming from SANS, a nonprofit institute that specializes in cybersecurity certification. Ultimately, the data collected and analyzed by Maryland researchers could help engineers design better security solutions and IT managers teach computer users how to safeguard their files. With hackers having the power to wreak havoc on the banking industry or disrupt communication networks, the stakes have never been higher.

photo credits photo by/ John T. Consoli   by John T. Consoli

fall 2012 terp 29

“There is a lot of scientific literature out there on how criminals behave, but very little about online criminal behavior,” says Michel Cukier, an associate professor of reliability engineering and director of the new Honors College program in cybersecurity. (See sidebar.) He and David Maimon, assistant professor of criminology, began this research project in late 2011. Cybersecurity professionals in the trenches eagerly await their findings. Hart Rossman ’98, M.B.A. ’06, a senior cybersecurity expert with Amazon, points out that all software—whether constructive or destructive—is written by people. Understanding the intent behind hacking software is imperative for developing countermeasures. “[Cybersecurity] today requires a knowledge of science, legal policy and human behavior,” he says. Come and Get It Tucked away in a secure building near the center of campus are 300 specially configured computers just waiting to be hacked. To cyberpunks roaming the Internet, these machines could be any one of the tens of thousands of desktops, laptops, tablets and smartphones in use each day on the campus network, says Gerry Sneeringer, the university’s chief information security officer. In reality, they’re part of the honeypot research, and are usually discovered by hackers using automated scripts that constantly sniff out software glitches, easily deciphered passwords or other system vulnerabilities. When hackers attempt to break into the Maryland honeypots a specific number of times (that figure can’t be disclosed), they’re granted access with no knowledge that they’re being watched.

Most ignore a warning—part of a stimuli package in about half the honeypots—stating that they have entered a secure University of Maryland network and are risking prosecution, says Maimon, an expert in criminal motivation and behavior. But they do behave differently, he says. “It’s like a burglar knowing there’s a dog on your property—they’ll still break in if they think it’s worthwhile, but they’ll go about their business quicker and more stealthily.” (They also do it carelessly: The researchers have found that hackers using automated scripts to access the honeypot do much of their subsequent coding by hand. How? “We can see their typos,” Cukier says.) The Maryland team is also looking at how hackers use the system once they’re in: Are they hijacking the computer to access specific information, to learn more about the network, or to try to launch a major attack on another network? It’s the network-to-network attacks that worry cybersecurity officials the most, says Patrick O’Shea, the university’s vice president for research who helped establish MC2 two years ago. Google, Nissan and Facebook have all been hit hard, losing tens of millions of dollars in intellectual property. And, O’Shea says, these are just the high-profile cases the public is aware of. “The threats are increasing, so we need to amplify our research, education and innovation to stay one step ahead,” he says. The Human Factor One of the project’s challenges, Cukier says, is interpreting “blind” information (the hackers’ identities aren’t known) that represents human behavior, yet is only seen onscreen as a series of computer commands.

As a result, the team’s engineers and computer scientists can draw different conclusions than criminologists and sociologists working on the project. “It’s been a learning curve for all of us, to speak in each other’s language,” says Allison Doren, a systems science and engineering major at Washington University who worked over the summer in Cukier’s lab. This is exactly the type of interaction needed to address the biggest threats in cybersecurity, says MC2 Director Michael Hicks: computer scientists and sociologists meeting with economists, who then talk with public policy experts, who work with supply chain management experts on a business plan. “If [universities] just push out code monkeys who can only speak in highly technical terms to other code monkeys, then we’re not really going to solve the problem,” Hicks says. Cukier and Maimon are extending their cybersecurity research beyond the honeypot to explore the online behavior of legitimate network users: people too lazy to regularly change their password, or who rely on the same one for work, banking and photo sharing accounts. By identifying computer configurations— different wording on the warning banners in the honeypots, for example—that deter hackers and particular behaviors of cyberattack victims, the Maryland team believes it can increase computer security. “All of this involves the human factor,” says Maimon. “If you just work with the technical component, you’re only answering half the question.”

Allison Doren (Washington University), Sarah Cobb (University of Massachusetts, Amherst) and Abigail Ward (Princeton University) spent the summer in Michel Cukier’s Cyber Quantification Lab crunching data on the honeypot research. Their work was funded by a National Science Foundation grant to advance women and minorities in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) fields, including cybersecurity.

30 terp fall 2012

by John T. Consoli  /  photo credits

A Holistic Approach The Maryland Cybersecurity Center conducts research and education in areas that include: • Cryptography • Cyber supply chain security • Cybersecurity policy • Digital forensics • Economics of cybersecurity • Software security • Threat analysis and quantification • Wireless network security

Students Help Secure Maryland’s Network n a rare case of welcome cybersneaking, the university invited a group of Maryland students this spring to sniff out weaknesses in several IT resources on campus. The team of seven undergraduates was part of a class called “Secure Maryland,” studying systems that weren’t highly protected. They were able to identify several vulnerabilities, and then worked with campus IT administrators to fix those glitches. “The course allowed students to experience both sides of cybersecurity in a real-world setting,” says Maryland Cybersecurity Center Director Michael Hicks, who taught the course with Rob Maxwell from the Division of Information Technology. “They were the bad guys breaking in, and also the good guys using their skills and knowledge to plug the holes.”


Northrop Grumman Backs New Cybersecurity Honors Program new Honors College program launching next fall will give some of Maryland’s brightest undergraduates unique training for cybersecurity careers through the lenses of computer science, business, economics and the social sciences. The Advanced Cybersecurity Experience for Students (ACES) program is supported by $1.1 million from global security company Northrop Grumman Corp., with the university providing matching funds. Through special seminars, field trips and unique internships, students will interact directly with industry and government mentors and learn the latest cybersecurity trends and challenges that major corporations and other organizations face. “We wanted to support a program that will produce the best of the best—the leaders needed in this challenging yet vitally important environment,” says Chris Valentino, Northrop Grumman’s director of contract research and development.


photo by john T. Consoli  /  illustration by sabrena sesay

A new residence hall opening in 2014 will be outfitted with the ACES living and learning program in mind. Prince Frederick Hall will have the state-of-the art computing connections similar to the ones used in university research labs. “It will be the fastest-connected living space for undergraduates anywhere, and should really encourage and support students to come up with some innovative cybersecurity solutions,” says William Dorland, director of the Honors College. The Maryland Cybersecurity Center (MC2) is helping to develop the curriculum, which will push the holistic approach to cybersecurity—which includes science, policy, economics and supply chain security—that MC2 researchers and administrators are already taking. “We want our ACES students to have sufficient experience and leadership talent to walk into any boardroom and provide the CEO with not only a technical fix, but a business plan as well,” says MC2 Associate Director Eric Chapman.–tv

fall 2012 terp 31



homecoming tradition Homecoming queens were each given full-page photos in the yearbook.

Welcome Home

University House Opens for Campus Community

The university family now has a new house. University House opened on campus in September as a place to enhance Maryland’s visibility and stature, strengthen its connections to the community and build philanthropic, corporate and academic partnerships. The $7.6 million construction project was funded by private donations and underwritten by the University of Maryland College Park Foundation. Foundation President John Lauer says he and other project supporters believe the university president, the institution’s top fundraiser, needs every advantage in that arena. “We’re not replacing financial commitments we have or will make

32 terp fall 2012

to Maryland,” he says. “We’re making this additional commitment because we think it’s important to have a proper place for the president to entertain donors, students, faculty, staff and alumni.” University House sits on the highest point of

campus and is designed in the Georgian style used across campus. The facility features 10,000 square feet of public space, including a foyer, a presidential office and a reception room that can seat up to 125 guests or accommodate a standing crowd of 300. A catering kitchen, restrooms and other workspace are also included. The private residential space for the university president comprises an additional 4,000 square feet. More than 100 events are expected to take place every year at University House, from intimate dinners with contributors or international officials to gatherings of hundreds of Maryland students, faculty and alumni. Michelle Smith, the project’s earliest supporter, says University House fulfills a longtime wish of her father, the late Robert H. Smith. “My father recognized how important it is for the president to have a gracious environment to live in and host alumni, students and special guests,” says Smith, president of the family’s foundation. “University House embodies his vision and will be a wonderful asset for Dr. [Wallace] Loh and future presidents.” The building has much-improved handicapped accessibility and fire detection over the old president’s residence, built in 1956. It also was built to LEED Silver standards, incorporating environmentally friendly features such a geothermal heating and cooling system and rain gardens. Barry Gossett, a major supporter of the university and this project, often uses the analogy of a “White House” for Maryland and talks about the power of such a special place: “The house is going to be a symbol of what the University of Maryland is.”

photos by John T. Consoli


David H. and Suzanne D. Hillman


10 days $11,765.06 raised Students Skip Dessert, Help Other Terps A record 1,670 students donated their dining points over 10 days last semester to the Keep Me Maryland Fund, which supports emergency scholarships. In April, volunteers from the Student Government Association, the Residence Hall Association and Carapace asked their peers to pitch in for the campaign. They gave $11,765.06 to the fund, which has collected more than $875,000 to help Terps stay in school.–bc

Hillman Student Excels as Program Expands By age 19, Ayesha Johnson ’13 owned the first of her six residential properties. She’s moved up the ladder at the Prince George’s County Fire/EMS Department to become equal employment opportunity officer. And now the 34-year-old single mom is pursuing her business degree at Maryland, thanks to the Hillman Entrepreneurs Program. The scholarship program, funded by $3.4 million from the David H. and Suzanne D. Hillman Family Foundation, has supported 95 transfer students, like Johnson, from Prince George’s Community College. In June, the Hillmans pledged $2.7 million more over three years, including $600,000 to expand the program to aspiring entrepreneurs at Montgomery College. Besides partial Maryland scholarships and money for books, the program also provides mentoring, community-building activities, classes in entrepreneurship and leadership and opportunities to network with local entrepreneurs. “The Hillmans have a wide definition of what entrepreneurship means,” says Carolyn Karlson, the program’s director. “It’s not just a business person; it’s a mentality.” Johnson, who has a 3.4 GPA, believes her classes at Maryland enhanced the leadership she shows on the job and played a part in her recent promotion. “I try to find a balance,” she says of her full life. “But I can’t pass up an opportunity, and I’m very grateful for this opportunity.”–mab

I try to find a balance {in my full life}. But I can’t pass up an opportunity, and I’m very grateful for this opportunity.

—ayesha johnson ’13 Hillman Entrepreneurs Program student

fall 2012 terp 33

Clockwise from top left

Walter Mietus (left), chairman of the 76th Infantry Scholarship Committee; Air Force Col. Kyle Renseler, director of aerospace studies; then-UMD president Brit Kirwan; and Edward Austin, president of the 76th Infantry Division sign the paperwork to establish the student scholarship in December 1992. Mietus (left) with four fellow Chicagoans in C Company of the 76th, in Oberlungwitz, Germany, 1945. Mietus, 1992 Mietus, May 10, 1945, Germany. 385th Regiment, 76th Infantry Division. The 76th moves out after a fight in Hupperath, Germany, in an undated U.S. Army photo. Mietus in 1967, shortly after joining the faculty of the Department of Industrial Technology.

Veterans’ Benefit World War II Vets Support Students in Military An infantryman in the Battle of the Bulge,

Walter Mietus was forced into emergency duty caring for wounded soldiers. He later spent 25 years at Maryland as a professor, training future educators to teach plastic works, industrial materials and other technical subjects. At age 89 he’s still coming to the aid of students and soldiers. Since 1992, Mietus and the surviving members of the 76th Infantry Division have awarded scholarships to 29 Maryland students with outstanding leadership qualities

and potential to become military officers. Twenty years ago, all the members of the 76th Infantry supported the idea of a scholarship, but it was Mietus’ persistence that brought it to the University of Maryland. “Everyone wanted it in their home state— Texas, Washington, California,” said Mietus, the scholarship chairman. “I pushed them to bring it to Maryland because I was on faculty here.” From 1946 to 2007, the 76th Infantry Division held an annual reunion, and collected from each veteran $3 in dues and voluntary contributions. Their six decades

of giving most recently supported physics major Alexander LeBlanc ’13, the fourth generation of his family to serve in the Air Force, and John Donelson ’13, a computer science major who spent 11 months in Afghanistan prior to coming to Maryland. After graduating and completing the ROTC program, both plan to serve to the military as officers. “Winning the scholarship was a huge surprise,” says Donelson, who received $4,000 this year. “It was great meeting Dr. Mietus. We had so much commonality. It was just like speaking with a brother in arms.”–TT

$981,116,776 great expectations campaign total as of sept. 10, 2012

34 terp fall 2012

Did you make the Honor Roll this year? Visit www.greatexpectations. umd.edu/honorroll.html to see our annual list of loyal supporters. photos courtesty of walter mietus

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class notes

HeAtHer (wAtSon) SteIn ’07 and Andy SteIn ’06 recently brought

their golden lab puppy, tess, to meet her namesake, testudo, on campus.

’10s HAnnAH morgAn ’12

was awarded one of the two first student stowe prizes by the harriet Beecher stowe Center in hartford, Conn., honoring students’ commitment to social justice. morgan, a journalism graduate, wrote about the harrowing lives of the homeless for Street Sense, a washington, D.C., newspaper sold by the homeless community.

graduate student in opera performance at maryland, and until August was a member of the studio program of the wolf trap opera Company in vienna, va. In 2006 and 2007, he was a corporal in the Israel Defense forces. she is a speech and language pathologist at kingsbury Day school in washington, D.C. jiffy lube has signed mILeS BLAUveLt ’11

tALI roSA rASooLy ’12 and JonAtHAn eLIezer SPeISer ’10

were married july 8 at the American visionary Arts museum in Baltimore. she is studying at the Drisha Institute for jewish education in new york. he is pursuing a master’s degree in media arts and sciences at the media lab at the massachusetts Institute of technology.

mIrIAm PoLLAk ’08, m.A. ’12 and jonAThAn “yoni” roSe ’11 were married Aug. 26 at stone manor Country Club in middleton, md., according to The New York Times. he is a

36 TeRp fALL 2012

as its youngest franchisee to date. over the past seven years, he worked at mAB lube, llC in Baltimore, which was owned by his father

works at perkins+will in washington, D.C.

kAtyA vASILAky ’11

performed in “flight of fancy,” a theatrical, indie-rock ballet, at the Capital fringe festival in july. the production was inspired by the steampunk movement of discovery and possibility during victorian times.

with the u.s. state Department’s sports envoy program.

LeAH dAvIeS and


Allison Wilson,

new orleans hornet

both m.ArCh. ’11, were among the featured guest speakers at a white house event in August celebrating the pBs documentary “Charles and ray eames: the Architect and the painter.” they spoke about watershed, maryland’s winning entry into the 2011 u.s. Department of energy solar Decathlon. wilson works for Ayers saint gross in Baltimore. Davies

greIvIS vASQUez

SyedA rABI ALI ’08

kAtHryn Anne

’10 was honored at

has earned a doctorate from the philadelphia College of osteopathic medicine. she is continuing her medical training in obstetrics and gynecology at Albert einstein medical Center in philadelphia.

BAXter ’08 wed Christopher Bradford greene may 12 at the tuscan garden on staten Island, n.y. she earned a master’s of education degree, with honors, in secondary education from Depaul university, Chicago. she is a fifth-grade writing teacher at Bedford stuyvesant new Beginnings Charter school in Brooklyn.

the white house in july as one of nine “Champions of Change,” a distinction given to leaders who have exemplified extraordinary successes and efforts toward the development of—and diplomacy with—their countries or communities of origin. vasquez has operated youth sports camps in his native venezuela and has partnered

dIAne HoSkInS ’09

was among more than 150 AmeriCorps alumni leaders from 25 states who spent Aug. 17 at a white house briefing highlighting national service as a path to opportunity and career advancement. she is director of government relations with restore America’s estuaries and served in AmeriCorps*nCCC in 2007.

dAnIeL Bottner ’08 and kAteLyn trentzScH ’08 are

engaged to be married in october. he is a senior tax accountant at Bond Beebe in Bethesda, and she is a senior fund accountant at greenspring Associates in owings mills.

graduated. he’s a staff reporter covering tax and financial issues in washington for The Hill newspaper.

nAvy Lt. J.g. krIStJAn J. cASoLA ’08 has completed a

175-day deployment on the guided missile frigate USS Nicholas. he worked on countering drug trafficking and international organized crime. LIndSey AnderSon ’07 has joined white

and williams llp in the firm’s wilmington, Del., office. she focuses on complex civil litigation, primarily in the areas of medical malpractice, personal injury and premises liability. she previously served as a plaintiff ’s personal injury attorney and earned her law degree, cum laude, from widener university.

BernArd ABrAHAm Becker m. JoUr. ’07

and Adriane marie Casalotti and were married june 16 at the Bluemont vineyard in Bluemont, va. the couple met at the College of william and mary, from which they

gregory JoHn kArAm ’06 and LAUren AmAndA SPIegeL ’06 were

married on Aug. 4 at the weekend house of the groom’s parents in south gilboa, n.y. she is an editor at touchstone, a division of simon & schuster, in new york, and he is an associate in the performance reporting division of morgan stanley smith Barney in new york.

reBeccA coLemAn ’07 has written the

PAtrIck g. mAggIttI

novel “heaven should fall,” the story of a young relationship that slowly corrupts in the face of tragedy and desperation—and tests the character of everyone involved.

PH.d. ’06 has been named the helen and william o’toole Dean of the villanova university school of Business. he previously served as the Carmen and sharon Danella Director of the Center for Innovation, Creativity and entrepreneurship at the school, as well as associate professor of strategic management and entrepreneurship.

dAnette HowArd PH.d. ’07 has been named maryland’s secretary of higher education. she had been serving as the interim secretary since August 2011. she has spent her entire professional career in higher education and worked as a researcher and policy analyst at the university of maryland.

SABrInA roSHAn ’06, a program coor-

dinator in the world Bank’s Africa region poverty reduction and economic management unit, has been named one of the 99 most influential foreign policy leaders under the age of 33, according to Diplomatic

Courier magazine and young professionals in foreign policy. she earned a master’s degree in public policy from the harvard university kennedy school of government. J. SHAne engeL m.S. ’05 has been promoted

to senior associate in the fairfax, va., office of Dewberry, a national consulting firm. he has managed more than $12 million in geospatial-related projects for local, state and federal agencies. kyLe fromHoLtz ’05 married rachel

peirce April 21 at the milestone in Denton, texas. he is employed by parkwood Industries. edwIn A. mArtInI PH.d. ’04 has been appointed an associate dean of the College of Arts and sciences at western michigan university. he joined its faculty in 2005, and he has served as associate chair of the Department of history since 2009. he previously taught at georgetown university, george washington university and Deep springs College. he is working on a new book that explores the global history and legacies of napalm.

Jeremy SAmon ’03

is engaged to marry jessica morse in 2013. he earned a doctorate in biotechnology and biomedical science from the university of massachusetts, Amherst. he is employed at a medical writer with Quintiles, hawthorne, n.y.

early Career Award for scientists and engineers. she runs the f.m. kirby Center for neurobiology at Children's hospital Boston and researches how to better understand synaptic connections in the human brain and how they’re formed, remodeled and sometimes lost.

Interior designer

meAgAn SHIPLey ’01

mArIkA meyer ’03

is one of 75 nurses included in a new book, “the American nurse photographs & Interviews,” by Carolyn jones. shipley, who works at the Baltimore City health Department, was chosen for her work with providing health services and guidance to workers on the Block, where more than 20 strip clubs are located.

received one of the washington Design Center’s ones to watch Award this spring, recognizing up-and-coming talent in the industry. her designs have been featured in Home & Design, Northern Virginia magazine, The Washington Post and martha stewart living radio.

BetH StevenS PH.d. ’03 met president

dAvId roBert

Barack obama at the white house in August after being named one of 96 researchers to receive the presidential

SILverSmItH ’01 wed

StAcey moore ’05 and taurean Dernell Buchanan were married july 21 at woodlawn manor, a museum in sandy spring, md. she received a law degree from harvard university.

kimberly Dawn tivin june 10 at temple Beth torah in melville, n.y. he is a fiduciary tax officer in jersey City for the private banking unit of morgan stanley. he received a master of business administration from new york university.

fALL 2012 TeRp 37

eLySe H. woLff ’01, an attorney in the litigation department of greenbaum, rowe, smith & Davis llp’s woodbridge, n.j., office, was appointed to the board of directors of the new jersey women lawyers Association at its annual installation dinner on july 12. she was also appointed co-chair of the young lawyers Division.

DAn roiTmAn ’00, ’00,

founder and Ceo of e-commerce company stroll, received the 2012 ernst & young entrepreneur of the year retail and Consumer products Award in the greater philadelphia region. he founded stroll, an education e-commerce platform company, in his dorm room at maryland.

kImBerLy SeLLerS m.A. ’98 has been

promoted to tenured associate professor of mathematics and statistics at georgetown university. she earned her doctorate from george washington university in 2001.

LIndI LAdon

dr. regInA tAn ’95

BeAUdreAULt ’95 and

was recently featured on the u.s. Department of Agriculture’s website for her work in food safety and epidemiology. she is director of the Applied epidemiology Division for the food safety and Inspection service’s office of public health science. her office is responsible for detecting health hazards and clusters of disease associated with fsIsregulated products. she earned her doctor of veterinary medicine degree from purdue university in 1999 and a master’s degree in public health molecular epidemiology in 2000.

michael paul fleischer were married june 30 at the couple’s home in new Canaan, Conn. she is a securities enforcement defense counsel for the manhattan law firm shearman & sterling and serves on the board of the Adams street foundation, which supports the urban Assembly school for law and justice in Brooklyn. she graduated summa cum laude from texas tech school of law.

SoPrAno cAtHerIne


cHrIStIAn mArtIn ’00 married nola

Dobratz on Aug. 12 at Corpus Christi Catholic Church in Baltimore, followed by a reception at the four seasons hotel. he is the global category manager for Dsm nutritional products.

came from the u.s. Department of Agriculture, Animal and plant health Inspection service, veterinary services, where he most recently served as the chief officer.

mIcHAeL doerrer m.A. ’99 has been named director of communications, community engagement and marketing for frederick County public schools. he

verrILLI dmA ’97

dUncAn HAStIe ’95

made her Carnegie hall debut as a member of trio lorca (soprano, percussion, flute). A member of the faculty of st. Cloud state university since 1999, she’s writing a book on music and world cultures, to be published by kendall hunt.

has been promoted to associate vice president of water resources at the Atlanta office of the Dewberry professional services firm. In addition to 16 years’ experience in water resource engineering and hazard mapping and mitigation, he has 10 years of program and project management experience.

(Ator) mAItre ’94

is among 71 stories featured in the new book “military fly moms,” compiled and edited by retired naval aviator linda maloney. maitre flew the C-130 aircraft in support of search-and-rescue, law enforcement, and logistics missions during three tours, and she spent another with the navy flying as a flight school instructor. recently she started her first “desk job” at the Coast guard headquarters in washington, D.C. she and her husband have two young sons. JeAn m. tHomPSon ’94 has been named

head of school of the Island school on Boca grande, fla. she was assistant principal of heron Creek middle school in north port, fla., since 2007.

Joey n. JoneS PH.d. ’94, an educator and

usedCardboardBoxes.com, a green small businesses founded by mArty metro ’92, was one of 12 businesses awarded $250,000 grants by Chase and livingsocial.

38 TeRp fALL 2012

A profile of Coast guard pilot SUSAn

motivational speaker, has written “100 percent, the power of giving your All: 31 ways to a Better you.” the 112-page book offers 31 positive words or phrases designed to produce positive results.

LISA ArmStrong ’93, m.A. ’96 has been

appointed editor-inchief of loop21.com, a brand for African American culture. A visiting associate professor at the Cuny graduate school of journalism and a freelance journalist, Armstrong has spent much of the past two years reporting in haiti.

rIcHArd P. kercHer ’92, a project manager in gannett fleming’s harrisburg, pa., headquarters, has returned from his third and final trip to sierra leone, Africa. he worked with a team of students from the pennsylvania state university’s chapter of engineers without Borders to build a latrine for the Baoma Covenant preparatory school.

College of william and mary, and worked for College park’s national history Day program. roBert tUdor dennIS cAmLek ’93

PH.d. ’03 is the new

has been promoted to senior vice president of turner media group, turner Broadcasting system Inc. the group is responsible for media planning activities for Cnn, tBs, tnt, Cartoon network, Adult swim, hln and turner sports. he previously served as vice president of strategic media planning.

head of shepherd (w.va.) university’s music department. he previously chaired the division of music at jacksonville (fla.) university and served as the school’s director of music, theater and opera.

JennIfer keAtS

cUrtIS eIcHeLBerger

CurTis ’91, m.A. ’93

’90 writes about the role

is debuting three new additions to her children’s book collection this fall: “squirrel rescue, “seahorses” and “Animal helpers: wildlife rehabilitators.” A portion of the proceeds of “seahorses” is being donated to the nonprofit project seahorse. the nonfiction “Animal helpers” is the first in a series of photographic journals that takes readers behind the scenes of zoos, sanctuaries, rescue centers and wildlife rehabilitation clinics around the country.

religious faith plays in the lives of nfl players, coaches and their families. he believes the players and the game represent what every American dreams about and simultaneously struggles with: economic success and crises, marital bliss and trials, career climbing and flatlining.

ALBert LecHner

p.A. and was a partner at karp, frosh, lapidus, wigodsky & norwind in rockville, md. creIg nortHroP ’90

has been appointed to the board of directors of the y of Central maryland. he is president of the Creig northrop team of long & foster real estate. northrop and his wife created the unsung hero Award program, and the hoops for heroes program with the maryland men's basketball team and the uso of metropolitan washington.

’90 has joined terrell

BeAtrIz B. HArdy Ph.D. ’93, m.l.s. ’04

has been appointed dean of libraries at salisbury university. she previously served in several key administrative positions for the library system at the

meI XU m.A. ’92 has been elected to the board of directors of sandy spring Bancorp, Inc., the parent company of sandy spring Bank. she is president and cofounder of pacific trade International, Inc., a global home fragrance and décor company.

In his new book, “men of sunday,” Bloomberg news sports reporter

hogan, a jacksonville, fla., personal injury and wrongful death law firm. he has tried 75 cases to verdict and currently serves as president of the jacksonville justice Association. prior to joining terrell hogan, lechner was of counsel to edwards & ragatz,

’80s rAfAeL nAvArrogonzALez PH.d. ’89

received the vikram sarabhai medal from the Committee on space research and the Indian space

research organization for his contributions to space research in developing countries. he is a professor in geological sciences and astrobiology, laboratory of plasma Chemistry and planetary studies, universidad nacional Autonoma de mexico. gAry doUgLAS PerdUe ’88 has been named special agent in charge of the fBI’s pittsburgh Division. he most recently served as chief of the Counterproliferation Center in the weapons of mass Destruction Directorate at fBI headquarters in washington, D.C. mIcHAeL BALAn ’88

has been named a vice president/loan originator at grandbridge real estate Capital in miami. he is a member of the International Council of shopping Centers and a member fALL 2012 TeRp 39

of Business network International (BnI).

BrenDA PiPer ’87, m.B.A. ’91, chief

marketing officer for the animation, young adults and kids media group of turner Broadcasting system, has joined the under Armour Inc. company board.

crAIg SPAngLer ’82,

architect and principal with Ballinger in philadelphia, designed the wisconsin Institutes for Discovery, R&D Magazine's 2012 laboratory of the year. the new research facility for the university of wisconsin-madison was designed to be sustainable and accessible.

to u.s. embassies and missions. After the fellowship year, she’ll remain a state Department consultant for five years.

gLenn e. Acree m.A. ’82 is the new chief

judge of the kentucky Court of Appeals. he was elected judge for the court in 2006, and previously had a solo practice in lexington and was a partner in two lexington law firms. he earned his law degree from the university of kentucky.

has been promoted to managing partner at the tampa, fla., office of Arnstein & lehr llp. he joined the law firm in 2005, when it merged with Cohn & Cohn llp. he graduated from georgetown university law Center.


mArker ’75, an JoHn mooSSAzAdeH ’76, m.s. ’78 has been

chronicles his military experiences in his new book, “the folks Back home won’t Believe this: memoirs of a Concerned officer, rotC to vietnam.” he was awarded the Bronze star for meritorious service, yet never fired his rifle except on the target range. After his military service, finton spent 28 years teaching advanced television production and broadcast news writing at the college level.

cAtHerIne n. Long

named president of the American Council of engineering Companies, California for 2012–13. the group represents private sector consulting engineering and land surveying firms throughout the state. he is the facilities market manager at san Diego-based kleinfelder Inc. wILLIAm wALLAce ’76 was one of 97 out-

standing mathematics and science teachers to receive the presidential Award for excellence in mathematics and science teaching in june. he teaches at georgetown Day school in washington, D.C.

’82 has joined the

hutton Company, development, real estate and construction firm in Chattanooga, tenn., as general counsel. she was most recently an assistant general counsel at CBl & Associates properties, and she earned her law degree. from yale law school.

40 TeRp fALL 2012

SHAron kISSeL m.L.S. JeAn BeAgLe

’75 is a longtime civil

risTAino ’79. m.s. ’82,

rights and human rights advocate and legislative librarian at the American Civil liberties union. on may 18, she was recognized for her contributions to the AClu in a speech before the 112th Congress. kissel has researched, written and counseled on halting

a william neal reynolds Distinguished professor at north Carolina state university has been named a 2012 jefferson science fellow. through the national program, she’s working as a science advisor at the u.s. Department of state In washington, D.C., and traveling

torture and indefinite detention and fighting Constitutional amendments on school prayer and same-sex marriage. she previously worked at the world Bank and the white house. mArILyn feUcHS-

tom fInton m.A. ’78 ronALd coHn ’81

the group of 24,000 lawyers until june 2013. he received his law degree in 1980 from American university.

JoHn P. kUdeL ’77 is

the new president of the maryland state Bar Association. A solo practitioner in rockville and of Counsel to the rockville-based law firm of karp, frosh, wigodsky & norwind, p.A., he’s leading

attorney in smith moore leatherwood’s greensboro, n.C., office, was recognized by her peers for inclusion in “the Best lawyers in America 2013.” she specializes in family law. sTeve hAlT ’73, CPA

and managing partner at halt, Buzas & powell, ltd., was named one of this year’s top financial planners by Northern Virginia magazine. It is the third consecutive year that halt has received this honor. he is specifically recognized as a top financial planner in the area of income tax planning. dr. JoHn StULL ’73

has retired from his dental practice in hagerstown, md., after 36 years in practice. he graduated from maryland in three years, and was the youngest in his 1976 graduating class from the university of maryland Dental school. JAnet LUHmAnn m.s. ’71, Ph.D. ’74 has won a Committee on space research space science Award for her contributions to the field. she is a senior space fellow in the

space physics research group at the university of California, Berkeley.

’60s dr. roy L. eSkow ’68, m.A. ’71 was honored

by the university of maryland school of Dentistry as its 2012 Distinguished Alumnus of the year. he’s a former assistant clinical professor at the school, a volunteer with the Dean’s faculty program, a past member of the alumni association and a member of the Board of visitors. he is in private practice in Bethesda, md. PHIL coLe ’61, president of lommen, Abdo, Cole, king & stageberg, p.A., is listed in minnesota’s top 100 super lawyers.


Rachel Tova Minkove ’0 died July 29 after a four-year battle with Hodgkin’s lymphoma, according to the Baltimore Jewish Times. She was 28. A Baltimore native, she had taught at Jewish schools in Los Angeles and New York City. She returned to Baltimore after her diagnosis in 2008 and worked as an intern of archival research at the Jewish Museum of Maryland. She also completed her first year at the University of Maryland School of Social Work in hopes of becoming a hospital oncology social worker. She is survived by her parents, Judith and Dr. Judah Minkove; her brothers, Jonathan and Samuel Minkove; and her sister-in-law, Nicole Minkove.

Rebecca Ann Lord Ph.D. ’02 (below, left) died on July 15 after fighting cancer for more than a decade. She earned a bachelor’s degree in Latin American studies at the University of Texas-Austin and a law degree at American University. After graduating from Maryland, she served as a visiting instructor at the University of Maryland, Howard University and George Mason University, as well as the Maret School. She served as program manager at the Atomic Heritage Foundation and was an assistant editor at the Samuel Gompers Papers project from 2002 to 2005. Thereafter, she worked on political campaigns in Maryland state and local politics. She was named chief of

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staff to Montgomery County Council member Nancy Floreen in 2008, a position Lord relinquished due to health issues. She is survived by her husband, Jonathan Shurberg; sons Eli and Ethan; her parents, Hodge E. Lord and Bonnie O’Neal Lord; and siblings Brenda, Jennifer and Kent Lord. Edward Lawrence Sealover ’0, who served as a manager for cities and counties in seven states, died of cancer July 15 at his home in Fernandina Beach, Fla. He was 64. The Dundalk, Md., native played on the Terps lacrosse team and was president of the university’s chapter of Sigma Chi fraternity. He went on to earn a master’s degree in American government, public administration and public law from the University of Texas-Austin in 1971. His career included working for the Maryland Department of Legislative Services, Department of General Services and the Maryland Association of Counties, and serving as a county administrator or manager in Maryland, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Georgia and Florida. He is survived by his wife, Bleecker Sealover; his son, Ed Sealover Jr.; his stepdaughter, Bleecker Elizabeth Hawkins; his mother, Lorraine Sealover; his brother, Michael Sealover; and his sister, Kimberly Sealover. He was preceded in death by his father, Edward Harrison Sealover. Tom Green ’, M.A. ’9, an acclaimed artist and longtime teacher at Washington’s Corcoran College of Art and Design, died Sept. 3 at his home in Cabin John, Va. He was 70 and had been suffering from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, according to The Washington Post. Green was known for his large paintings of colorful “glyphs”—curving figures that resemble letters from a mysterious alphabet. His work was exhibited at the Corcoran and in New York at the Whitney Museum of American Art and at the Guggenheim Museum. He taught at the Corcoran 42 TeRp fALL 2012

for 40 years. Green’s first marriage, to artist Cynthia Bickley, ended in divorce. Survivors include his wife, Linda Green; stepdaughter, Kathryn Wichmann; and two sisters. D. Patrick Dalton ’ of Orlando, died July 31 at Health Central Park in Winter Garden, Fla. He was 70. He received his law degree from the University of Miami and opened a private practice in 1976 in West Virginia, where he was also a fiduciary commissioner, worker's compensation hearing examiner, municipal court judge and family law judge. He began law practice with Legal Services in Ocala, Fla., in 1991, specializing in representing victims of civil domestic violence. He then practiced with the firm of Trow, Appleget & Perry for five years prior to becoming the child support hearing officer in 2004 for the Fifth Circuit. That year, he received the Richard D. Custureri Pro Bono Service award, then the 2005 President's Pro Bono Service award from the Florida Bar. He is survived by a daughter, Carolyn Wainwright; a son, David Dalton; two sisters, Nancy Hall and Teresa Bragg; three grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. Evelyn P. Valentine M.A. ’, Ph.D. ’, a veteran Baltimore public school educator, died June 14 of heart disease at her Northeast Baltimore home, according to The Baltimore Sun. She was 77. The eldest of 15 children, she entered college at 15 and landed her first teaching job at 19 in her hometown of Beaufort, N.C. Valentine began teaching in Baltimore public schools in 1962 at Calverton Junior High School. She went on to serve as principal of Booker T. Washington Junior High School and what was then called the “New Eastern” high school. She retired in 1990 as an administrator in the Division of Planning and Research at the central office. Valentine was also an adjunct professor at Loyola University Maryland from 1972 to 1992. She was predeceased by her husband of 44 years, Oliver Clinton Valentine, and

is survived by three sons, Timothy Valentine, Ronald Hamilton and Numan Conolly; a daughter, Evelyna Valentine; four brothers, George Pasteur Sr., Joseph Pasteur, John Pasteur and Ernest Pasteur; five sisters, Alice Pasteur Edmonson, Patricia Pasteur, Ketina Pasteur, Deborah Pasteur, and Nellie Joy Pasteur; a grandson; and many nieces and nephews. Roy M. Waxler M.A. ’, a former physicist at what became the National Institute of Standards and Technology, died Aug. 10 at his home in Philadelphia of complications from spinal stenosis. He was 88. A Navy veteran of World War II, he graduated from what is now Drexel University in 1949. In 1952, he received a master’s degree in glass technology from the University of Toledo. He received a master’s degree in physics from Maryland. From 1954 to 1982, Waxler worked in the glass section of what was the National Bureau of Standards. His first wife, Zeumar da Silva, whom he married in 1955, died in 1968. In 1981, he married Olga Padilla. Survivors include his wife; two children from his first marriage, Mark Waxler and Lisa Waxler; two stepchildren, Darryl Fenton and Nina Wright Padilla; and five grandchildren. Mary Jane Ambrose Postove M.Aud. ’9 died June 15 at her Washington, D.C., home. She was 93. In 1944, Postove worked as an audiologist for the Army. She designed an audiology program for returning veterans at the Walter Reed Medical Center, where she remained until retirement as head of the department. Postove became a professor of audiology at Maryland and wrote a book on audiology. She is survived by her best friend Gustavo Adolfo of Washington, her nephew, Thomas Ambrose and her nieces, Lynn Holmes and Mary Nasca. She was predeceased by her husband of 45 years, Herman Postove and, her brothers, Thomas A. Ambrose and Marshall Ambrose.

Joan Kelly-Plate ’, Ph.D. ’ of The Villages, Fla., died Aug. 1 after a two-year struggle with cancer. She was 79. Kelly-Plate graduated from Ridgewood High School in Ridgewood, N.J., and earned her master’s degree from Columbia University. She was a longtime member of the faculties of Texas Tech University and Florida State University in the home economics department and also taught at Maryland and Oneonta College. KellyPlate co-wrote six textbooks, including six revisions of “Today’s Teen” for vocational high school students. She is survived by her husband, Harold Plate; stepsons Scott Plate and Jeff Plate; sister Cynthia Plate-Sadler; eight grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews. Roberta “Bobbe” Smith ’ of Oak Ridge, Tenn., died July 9 in Belfast, Maine. She was 88. A native of Hyattstown, Md., she taught physical education for three years at Grove City College in Pennsylvania, where she met her husband, David W. Smith. They relocated to Oak Ridge, where she taught physical education for 24 years. She also taught and coached swimming, wrote a weekly swim column in The Oak Ridger and co-wrote the book “Not Afraid to Wade: A Complete Book of Masters Swimming.” She founded the Swimmin’ Wimmin swim team in Oak Ridge, which she coached until her passing. She was predeceased by her husband and survived by her sisters, Mary Jane Hess and Woodie Coffey; several nieces and nephews; and friend, Daphne Hall of Oak Ridge.

William A. Holbrook Jr. ’2 died of cancer June 13 at Suburban Hospital in Bethesda, according to The Washington Post. After graduating from the University of Maryland School of Medicine in 1945, he served in the Army Medical Corps from 1946 to 1948. He had residencies and further medical education in Atlanta, Austria and the University of Maryland Medical Center in Baltimore before entering private practice in Cheverly in 1955. He led the medical staff of what is now Prince George’s Hospital Center from 1971 to 1973 and was its chief of vascular surgery from 1963 to 1988. He retired in 2002. For many years, Holbrook taught surgery at the University of Maryland School of Medicine and at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences. Survivors include his wife of 60 years, Noel Carol Edrington Holbrook; two children, William A. Holbrook III and Noel Michelle Holbrook-Rockwell; and a grandson. Edwin R. Johnson ’39, a Montgomery County farmer and son of Hall of Fame pitcher Walter Johnson, died Aug. 12 at his home, according to The Washington Post. He was 94. At Maryland, he was student government president as well as an all-conference basketball player and a three-year baseball starter at shortstop. He played two years in the New York Yankees’ minor league system. After a leg injury in the early 1940s, Johnson began a 40-year career as a dairy farmer. He later raised beef cattle, as well as corn, hay and other crops. His wife of 61 years, Pauline Scott Johnson, died in 2002. Survivors include four children, Edwin R. Johnson Jr., David Johnson, Elinor Sweeney and Nancy Rattie; a sister, Caroline Thomas; 11 grandchildren; and seven great-grandchildren.

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Fearlessly Supporting Entrepreneurship This summer, Terps rose to new innovative heights

with their human-powered Gamera helicopter. Over nearly four years, a team of engineering students has created, and recreated, a pedal-powered craft—immense in span, yet deceptively light. Inspired by an international prize that no one has been able to claim in three decades, the team has been breaking world records. By the time the students are finished, the experience will likely be a high point of their lives. In June, a UMD team won the grand prize in the international Hydrogen Education Foundation’s Hydrogen Student Design Contest. The students planned an innovative power plant to turn campus waste into energy. If built, the team estimates it could reduce campus carbon emissions 4 percent, while saving over $2 million per year in combined heating, electricity and hydrogen costs. I encounter this innovative dynamism all across our campus. At the A. James Clark School of Engineering, for example, I have seen a prolific inventor captivate potential entrepreneurs. He talks about the excitement and reward of creating medical devices to save lives and money. He urges students to make a difference by making things. At the Robert H. Smith School of Business’s Dingman Center for Entrepreneurship, entrepreneurially minded students develop businesses and polish their elevator speeches for investors. Over at the School of Public Policy, the new Center for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Leadership offers social entrepreneurism as yet another path to solving critical problems and making a difference. Similarly, the START terrorism research center in our College of Behavioral and Social Sciences urged students at a recent job fair to take a more entrepreneurial approach. In a tight market, experts advised, offer a solution, rather than ask for a job. Our College of Arts and Humanities programs cultivate innovative expression. This fall, for example, Chinese and American students are offering an experimental, bilingual version of “A Midsummer’s Night Dream.”

The world needs both basic research to advance knowledge, as well as translational efforts to turn discoveries and scholarship into lasting social and economic impact.

36 terp spring fall 2012 2012

Both of our entrepreneurial living and learning programs (one for juniors and seniors, the other for freshmen and sophomores) concentrate like-minded students from a variety of disciplines under one roof, creating a highly stimulating and productive environment. We are expanding our entrepreneurial competitions, so students have more chances to rehearse for an innovative career. The scope and intensity of these efforts led Entrepreneur magazine, the Princeton Review and Unigo Rankings to recognize UMD as one of the best U.S. universities for entrepreneurially minded students. Yet, we can and will do even more to nurture young innovators. The world needs both basic research to advance knowledge, as well as translational efforts to turn discoveries and scholarship into lasting social and economic impact. The Buddha alluded to this need to reach beyond understanding. “An idea that is developed and put into action is more important than an idea that exists only as an idea,” he said. This work requires a touch of fearlessness. All exploration does. Pursuit of a good idea brings frustration and rejection, as well as reward. To succeed, entrepreneurially minded students need all the inspiration, guidance and instruction we can offer. To this end, we are launching a new Academy for Innovation and Entrepreneurship to coordinate and expand I&E education across the curriculum and across all colleges. The academy director will report directly to me and the provost. We have begun a national search to fill this position. With intensifying global economic competition, this initiative benefits students and builds U.S. competitiveness. It helps us turn ideas into impact—a critical part of UMD’s service mission to Maryland and the nation. In two short decades, we have become a premier research and educational institution. Now, we must continue to grow our research programs and to build on these strengths to become a premier I&E university. We have made a beginning. We will put this idea into action. We will pursue this goal fearlessly.

—Wallace D. Loh, President Consoli  photo credits by/ john t. consoli   by John T.photos




Micaela Larson ’14 mechanical engineering  /  Honors College Entrepreneurship and Innovation Program

Micaela’s Torch Cord technology simplifies identifying computer cords in server rooms, lighting them up so users can easily trace their paths.

Fearless Ideas


Bold Invention

From research to development to launch, UMD is dedicated to the power of fearless ideas.



Terp magazine Division of university relations College Park, md 20742–8724


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