Nu Motive | HOLD

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Message from the Madame




Tr a n s f o r m i n g P e r f e c t i o n I n t o Potential Alexandra Rose Messbarger

Virgo Sextrology Desiree Antila


Exploring 3 Asteroids In Virgo Liz Simmons


Ve d i c A s t r o l o g y Tr a n s m i s s i o n s Susie Burke




Dear Virgo Lyndsey Brown

4 6 Daily Devotional Practices Daniela Godfrey


A l l H a i l V i r g o : E m b r a c e Yo u r Inner Virgin Mary Natalie Holbrook

4 8 Social media in times of (S e r i o u s) U n c e r t a i n t y Genevieve Coulson


Connecting to Our Inner Goddesses Patty Montoya


42 A Channeled Message for Virgo Season Sin Mariani


4 4 Yo u H o l d t h e K e y / T h e K e y i s Yo u Jenn King


Hold Space for Nourishment Alyssa Madill

Creating a Daily Self Care Routine Nikki D'Ambrosio

Fo e n i c u l u m Vu l g a re (Fe n n e l) Victoria Van Rosebrook


6 4 Virgo Energy Kayley-Rae Nelson


6 6 High Priestess Energy Sue Hunt



P r u d e n t Ve h e m e n c e Ciara Kosse


V i r g o Tr i o Delaney Rohel



Grounded But Free Lucy Edwards

Morning Glory Chrischa Venus Oswald

Hold Joshua Bouck

Autumn Winds Jill K Therrien


Virgin Mother Crone Steph Woods




R I G H T T H I S WAY V I R G O S , V I R G O L OV E R S & V I R G O C U R I O U S F O L KS! Word in the stars is that we all have a little Virgo in our chart somewhere, and no one gets left behind! For many of us, Virgo season evokes an internal (and external) reset. A fresh start, a clean slate. We may feel propelled to clear it out, sort it out, freshen it up, tidy it up. Lyrics from a Laur yn Hill song come to mind in regards to this season, "How you gonna win, if you ain't right within? " As Virgo is also associated with our digestive system, the brains of our bodies, if we can organize our minds, we can organize our body. Or in reverse, if we can organize our body, we can organize our mind. Something to mindfully digest (Just like we do with each edition of Nu Motive!) I think we can all agree that this year has panned out the opposite of "planned out", but hey! I bet that even the Virgos can agree, that some of the twists and turns have provided us all with some unforeseen personal advancements, and positive surprises. Best to over prepare, and go with the flow, hey Virgos?! So as per usual, I am beyond excited for this edition of Nu Motive, and am once again in absolute awe of the collaborative magic that has been co-created here. My hope for you is that you use and cherish this resource/guidebook/companion in a way that is both practical, as well as magical, and that it helps to support, elevate and expand your season, in whatever way that you need it to the most. May we all take a deep and intentional pause as we catapult ourselves into this upcoming season, and remember that we already contain all of the answers that we are seeking, within.

Love always, Christa The Madame xx

Please feel free to connect with me directly, anytime, from any place. I am here with you.









And then you gave It all to me Your burning heart Like mercury. - ck





relationship, to Pisces, realizing the mystical oneness of the universe. Virgo is resembled as the Virgin and the Virgin is oriented towards purification. Virgo purifies experiences for itself and others, setting everyone at ease, stilling the nervous system and the mind, allowing for more grounding. She loves to serve and she symbolizes our capacity to be of use to other people. In doing so, she becomes the service that she offers, perfecting herself through an unyielding desire to offer a gift to the world. She chooses the aspect of herself that she wants to give in service and she polishes it and perfect its. She’s skillful, discerning and meticulous. Virgo’s primary concern is deciding what is and isn’t useful and ideally illuminating the latter. Because Virgo is concerned with ensuring that things function, there is a need to prioritize – to decide what needs to be done now and what can be left for a later time. Like her other Mercury-ruled counterpart, Gemini, Virgo wants information, but whereas Gemini is inclusive in that it gathers all information, Virgo is more exclusive in that it only wants information that is useful. This sign strives for perfection, but it is because of this that mastery is born, pushing us to rise to our potential. She knows that success is found in the small details. Virgo must learn, however, not to concentrate too long on a small f law, as this can cause for her to miss the overall beauty of something. She also must learn to approach her own self with more tender-love and compassion, as she can get caught up in judging herself when she fails, as well as mercilessly judging others when they fail, too. Sure, striving for perfection pushes us to expand beyond our limits, but it can also lead us down a destructive and self-critical path. This is why, often, Virgo may find herself unsettled because she is attuned to what needs to be fixed and life inevitably presents an endless array of those things. The evolving Virgo teaches us to accept and to find peace in the process.

ust as the summer comes to a sweet end, Virgo sweeps in, gracing us with her ear thly goddess presence, bringing us to the end of the first half of the zodiac. In practice, the zodiac is often divided into two halves – the first half starting with Aries and ending in Virgo and the second half starting with Libra and ending with Pisces. As each sign progresses through the zodiac, it can be thought of as one’s evolutional journey, building off of the other as mere body and will develop into the more spiritually conscious realm. Aries gives one an initial sense of self and sense of will, but it does not yet have a physical space in which to manifest in. The function of Taurus is to provide a vessel for the energies of Aries so that one’s desires and self can be made manifest on the physical plane. Where Aries and Taurus build the physical body, Gemini and Cancer provide the development of the mental and emotional aspects of the individual. Gemini represents the mental part, while Cancer completes the development of the individual as an individual with the unfolding of the emotional faculties. With Leo, the basic structure of the individual entity is complete, which is emanated through its developed ego and self-confidence, however the individual is still socially incomplete – one has yet to deal with one’s relationship to others. It’s only when we get to Virgo that the individual finds that external necessity must be taken into consideration. Completing the first half of the zodiac, Virgo represents the completed individual, not as in Leo standing alone and glorying in itself, but rather confronting both the physical and social universes and trying to come to terms with them. For the first time in the journey through the zodiac, we encounter the capacity for self-sacrifice. In the second half of the zodiac, the individual learns to relate to and integrate itself into the reality and social order beyond itself, which extends from Libra, signifying the first and simplest interpersonal

With the upcoming New Moon in Virgo on September 17th, use this as an opportunity to play around her themes. How can you begin to break down the illusion of perfection? Where are


you still clinging on to unrealistic expectations? In relinquishing these unhealthy attachments to a false ideal constructed by society, begin to feel into your body and tap into your inner knowing of greatness - of limitless potential. Learn to love yourself unconditionally – with an honest mind. Break down your self-limiting beliefs. Perfection is inhibiting, but once you begin to re-awaken yourself to all of the knowledge that you already possess and all of your worthiness, you can step into your potential from a place of power filled with self-compassion and self-love. You will begin to carve out a life, not merely reaching for a mirage, but of finding purpose and passion in the path itself. In transforming Virgo’s shadow into light, we are taught that we can accept something and still work to improve it without irritation and anger. We can find peace in allowing for the things that we cannot

feeling as if they are speaking to a robot. It allows for you to evolve. Rid yourself of false pretenses of self-worthiness defined by your to-do list or the number of likes on your latest post. Find the root of what causes you to feel unworthy and re-write your story under the energy of Virgo New Moon. If Virgo frowns at what she sees in the mirror – she is ultimately frowning at what she sees in the world. In relinquishing her judgment towards self, she makes space for love and acceptance towards others. To further work around Virgo’s energy, find the house or planets which pertain to Virgo in your chart. When one has a planet in the sign of Virgo, its principal effect is to make this planet work with extra precision and care. Those with the Moon or Venus in Virgo may be critical of people they are involved with and are prone to analyzing their relationships. Virgo on a house cusp is where the individual’s critical faculties may be most utilized; the person may also be particularly self-critical with reference to the activities associated with the house and may tend to be undervalued in this area as a result. This Virgo house may also be where the person seeks to serve others. How can you use this information to transcend and evolve, letting Virgo’s highest shine through? Virgo, after all, has a hunger for personal transformation. She must grow. This is a beautiful thing when met with the balance of self-acceptance and the ability to lovingly live in the moment simultaneously.

How can you begin to break down the illusion of perfection? Where are you still clinging on to unrealistic expectations? control to simply be. Virgo is said to possess natural humility, but it only comes into balance when Virgo accepts itself and others just as they are. She must love herself for what she is, not for what she could be. What are some of your imperfections that are still calling out to you to be nurtured with love? Remember: You don’t have to be perfect to show up. You don’t have to be perfect to heal. You don’t have to be perfect to change this world for the better. The world accepts you as who you are, right here… right now and more importantly – the world needs you as such. In accepting your imperfections, this makes you more open to being able to have healthy dialogues around constructive criticism without getting defensive. It allows for others to relate to you on a more human level, without

Additionally, on the day of the Virgo New Moon, Mercury will also form a square with Jupiter, adding another dynamic to the overall energy. This transit could bring about high hopes for the future, giving one a positive outlook on life. Tap into Virgo’s strategic and meticulous strengths and use her ability to focus on the small details when mapping out the future you would like to live in. Just be sure not to overestimate or exaggerate when sharing these ideas. Allow for yourself to further put your ideas into practice. This is where Virgo’s discipline will help you, bringing about persistency to your project.








01. What does it feel like to give thanks for the present just as it is?

03. How can I star t to see the per fect in my imper fect self ?

02. Where am I being asked to relinquish criticism and welcome in acceptance?

04. What do I need to forgive to heal? 05. How can I be of ser vice to others?







Mercury (Budha)


Om preem peetambaraya namaha




There are three nakshatra in the sign of the medicine maiden: Uttaraphalguni (political theatre, ruled by sparkling Sun), Hasta (ref lective artistry ruled by emotional moody Moon), and Chitra (architectural surgery ruled by artisan transformation-agent Mars).


Leonardo DiCaprio, Bruce Willis, Harrison Ford, Patrick Swayze, Sissy Spacek, Shannen Doherty


Ewan McGregor, Denzel Washington, Kate Winslet, Abraham Lincoln


Sally Field, Elizabeth Taylor, Margaux Hemingway, Jennifer Aniston


V I R G O: OV E RV I E W This is the sign of the healer, the medicine person, the law yer, the injured, the accused, the sick, and the servant. It is the sign of logic, illnesses, problematicity and argumentation — and the remedies associated with these things. It represents Shakti or Mahamaya and is ruled by intellectual nervous chatty Mercury (Budha in Vedic Astrology).

Let us feel deep compassion for the suffering of others and know that we cannot ever see what another human being is experiencing but that we can be sure we are all likely to experience that at some point in our lives as well.

“It belongs to the business community and is variegated.

Let us be grateful for our medicines, and those who aid us in the time of need, be it plant allies, social assistance, western medicine, or other forms of remedial measures.

It relates to hurricanes (Prabharanjani). It is a Virgin and is Tamasic.”

Let us remember to walk through a forest to benefit from Mercury's emerald medicine.

Let us be aware of our mind and our mid-back and upper core, sending it profound appreciation for all that it has carried us through so far.

- BPHS, Ch. 4: 13-14 Everyone has Virgo somewhere in their charts! It is an equal part of our humanity just the same as all the other signs. We as human beings are all touched by ministries of service, injury, illness, obstacles, and problems. We can’t escape it. We can sit on top of a mountain for all of our lives, never encountering another human being, and still experience problems internally and externally. Indeed the very sitting-on-a-mountain itself could be the source of the problem! Depending on which house our Virgo is in, and any planets in it (and any drishti to it), our experience relating to others and ourselves within the realm of illness, oppression, victimhood, and healing, will manifest in our lives in a multitude of ways. As the natural 6th house and the 6th sign, Virgo tells us how and where we create and receive the experience of healing, harm, and rectification of illness on all planes of existence: physical, emotional, spiritual. Let us offer our sincere gratitude to all of the times we have lived through a difficult situation and still ended up loving ourselves (even if it took a while to start healing!).



I am the healer, the brilliant rational writer, the medicine worker, the judge and jury.


I am comforted by healing those with toxicities, such as nursing and social work, as exemplified by my mother, who may have been imbalanced herself.


My mind is focused on rational intellectual ministries of service such as the law. I am a student of the ill, those in need of remedial measures. I am at home thinking and writing about societal healing.


I appreciate those who require medicine and healing, those who are toxic, and I am likely an alchemist or chemist to help remedy these folx through my penchant for poisons and balms.


My vital energy is directed toward fighting against injustice, on behalf of the hurt, sick, injured, and oppressed. I use my vital methods of traumaoriented action toward healing through movement, and am likely a skilled surgeon or first responder.


I seek to expand the scope of the experience toward the injured, ill, dispossessed and accused, through my benevolence and spirituality. I am a teacher of the ill and seek higher wisdom through ministries of service.


I delay and ward of f accusations and injury, because I am afraid of them. I experience cold and stif f bowel movements and should practice regular gentle movements to ease my joints. Taking care of others is serious business, it should be the law.


I seek social privilege through my injuries and illnesses. I am fascinated by argument, medicine, complaints, and court cases. Debate me!


I am not identified with victims and the oppressed, and have no connection to victimhood. At the same time, I apathetically hold the cure through my mysterious ways that cut through the fabric of reality.


PR ACTICES Virgo rules the area of the waist and upper abdominal area, and all of the organs within that space. As the centre of our personal power, this area is represented by the 3rd chakra and by acupuncture points K17, 18, 19 and CV 10, 11, 12, and 13. In this Virgo-ruled space we may notice a bulged disc, old scar tissue, blocked digestion, back injuries manifested from a space of perceived powerlessness, trouble digesting (literally) our mind’s experiences.

BRE AT H When this area is blocked, we may feel that we cannot breathe in the middle of our torso. We can breathe in our chest and our belly alright, but there is a tightness between the two. That is ok, we trust our body to manifest its protective measures the way it sees fit. However, we can help it come to a place of balance (Virgo's mission) through repeated slow easy gentle diaphragmatic breath. When we feel that we are frustrated with our breath, we can shake our arms or turn our head or stick out our tongue and literally shake the thoughts out through our nervous system. Let the guidance be: a slow steady inhalation that reaches about 60-75% of our capacity, while maintaining softness in our face and shoulders. Hold the inhalation as long as you wish, from a single heartbeat to as long as 6 seconds. Allow the exhalation to be longer and slower than the inhalation, and notice any areas of the body that soften and release their grip. Include this breathwork with the "Meditation" that follows.

A F F IRM ATIONS Affirmations that could be beneficial to balance this imbalanced area would be ones that support the person in moving emotions through psychological awareness, so that physical imbalances can correct themselves: •

I am good enough

I am allowed to express myself

I am safe to elongate my spine through my transverse abominis

My mid back is relaxed and able to carry the weight of my shoulders

I am strong

I am safe

My emotions matter and do not identify me

My spine supports me

My mind is allowed to think rationally

My mind is blessed and I am compassionate toward my mind

I care for others

May all beings be healthy and healed


RE S TOR ATI V E CH A K R A MED I TATION This calming meditation utilizes the three body parts associated with the three Nakshatras (lunar constellations) that sit within Virgo, and incorporate breath and mental awareness. Lay down comfortably, perhaps with your legs up the wall or on a chair. Use any cushions and blankets to support you. You may have a lavender dif fuser that would add an additional relaxation to your meditation, and perhaps some soothing music or just the sounds of the birds or traf fic. Allow your head to get heavy, and all the muscles in the face. Allow your shoulders to soften and your back muscles too. Bring your hands to your stomach area, palms face down. Allow your breath to remain steady, quiet, and full but without exertion. Feel the breath as it travels down through each of area of your torso, from the top of the shoulders to the heart, then to the sternum, upper abdomen, and down to the hips. Keep the eyes soft, even if they’re closed. After several breath cycles, move one hand lower toward the public bone, and one hand higher to the upper abdomen/ lower ribs. Notice any warmth in your hands, and continue to soften your shoulders and tongue, and let your breath continue. Send your awareness with love to these places through your hands. After several breath cycles, place the lower hand under the upper hand, and move the upper hand to your forehead (close to the space between the eyebrows). You might find it’s easier to just put the fingertips onto this space. Again, take deep breaths, and notice any changes in the mind. Rest in savasana for 10 minutes, and journal or draw or notice the mind’s journey.



V I R G O S E X T R O L O GY Desiree Roby Antila


and intellectual rather than emotional. They would rather direct their energy in other places - if you know what I mean. Virgos are as cool as the other side of a pillow, with self-control like no other. Because of this incredible discipline, they have some rules when it comes to sex and you will have to follow them if you want to play along. They have secret dark fantasies that will sometimes not match up with what they are getting in their actual sex life unless they are able to find the right partner to help them release their inhibitions.

irgos take care of their par tner at home and in the bedroom. Oh, and they do it so well. You may laugh when you refer to them as an angel, because most of them are any thing but.

However, there is something innocent and virginal about them, something clean and pure. Virgos have a white-hot energy that is magnetized to dark things. Opposites attract Virgos are no exception. You may look at this clear-eyed analytical who seems so innocent and think they will be boring in bed. However, your assumptions are not correct. They have tricks up their sleeves that will strike you like a bolt of lightning, literally out of nowhere.

Virgos tend to take very good care of themselves physically which only makes their attractiveness stronger. They are perfectionists, so if you can handle some sexual critique you will get along just fine. Virgos like security and they have no problem gaining it by using sex to have a firm grip on their partner. Not so angelic anymore huh? It is true though; Virgos see sex as a way to control their partner. They will acquire any sexual skills and will try anything to make bedroom play more blissful. If they really love you, the sky is the limit on what they would be up for. They like to be dominated, tied up, and experimental. They also find intelligence incredibly sexy as well.

Virgos are extremely critical, but also kindhearted. It takes a while to get in, but once you do you will find that they are wonderfully close to the ones they love. Being a Mutable Earth sign means they are sexually steadfast and enjoy using words as foreplay. This will make for a lot of dirty conversation. Once a Virgo enters your life, everything around you starts getting better. There is something in the way they take control that makes everything perfect. Virgos want to make sex with their partner perfect too. They see it as part of their job to make your wildest fantasies come true. They figure if they are able to give their lover every twisted desire they can think of, their partner will never need to look elsewhere. They enjoy keeping their other half in the palm of their hand.

The older and more mature they become, the more comfortable sexually they are in their skin. The more they can trust their partner is when they will learn that sex is not a task of emotionless control, but that it is a mixture of physical and emotional oneness. When you look into their very clear eyes you will start seeing a very faint halo form above their head. After all, Virgos are earthly angels with a little wicked twist.

Virgos are traditionally not an emotional sign. They will not cry tears of joy after you give them the best sex of their life, because to Virgos there is no crying in the bedroom. They are analytical


VIRGO – ARIES Aries is messy and wild, while Virgo is pristine and thoughtful. Their sex is innocent and fun. Aries will have to get Virgo to loosen up a bit so that they are able to have a good time. Virgo will love Aries’ stamina and affection, but Aries will need to give Virgo time to refresh. Their differences are vast, but they can make it work with care.

V I R G O – TA U R U S Before they have sex for the first time, Taurus will wonder how this perfectly poised creature can match their sensuality. Taurus is in for a surprise. Their sex will be grounded and powerful, yet respectful with a quiet unspoken understanding of what each other needs. They will, without a doubt, be able to fill each other’s desires.

VIRGO – GEMINI Virgo requires more affection, and Gemini requires a little more variety. There are a lot of differences between them sexually that they will have to figure out together. Gemini is so changeable that Virgo will have a hard time finding that security they so desperately need in a partnership. This may make Virgo become guarded towards Gemini. They will need to find a harmonious balance for this to work.

VIRGO – CANCER When it comes to sex, things will be lovely. Think about when water soaks into the earth. It is a beautiful and replenishing thing. Cancer will refresh Virgo, and Virgo will slow Cancer down and give the crab purpose. Their love will grow deeper every time they make love. Cancers love deep and emotional sex. Even though some may think Virgo is cold, they can be very tender and will be able to fulfill Cancer’s emotional needs.

VIRGO – LEO Leo is sexual, erotic, and fun in bed. They will make Virgo feel relaxed with sex. Virgo will need to warm up a little bit to match Leo’s warm and wild sexual behavior. There is something very natural and cozy about their romping that will have Virgo warmed up in no time.

VIRGO – VIRGO This may be a little cold and controlled at first, but with a little time you will start to see things steam up. They need to leave their cool and controlled attitude at the door to be able to really be able to fulfill one another. Sex is not as taboo as you two think it is. Someone is going to have to make the first move here.


VIRGO – LIBR A It is nothing crazy, but it is not bad either. They will both be content with their sexual encounters with each other. Libra can be overly romantic which can be a big turn off for Virgo. Take it easy Libra, and let things go naturally. Once Virgo sees your romantic gestures are genuine, they will give in.

VIRGO – SCORPIO Scorpio is intense, and Virgo does not mind at all. Virgo will be magnetized towards Scorpio’s dark passionate sexuality, and Scorpio will want to consume their virginal spirit. Their sex is passionate, erotic, and even holy. Virgo may need to adjust to their extreme intensity at first, but once they do it is insatiable.

V I R G O – S A G I T TA R I U S Being physical with one another will be refreshing as the fragrance of roses in a sun shower, especially after you have grown weary from constant misunderstandings. When Virgo is in Sagittarius’ chivalrous arms, they will forget about their frustrating mistakes, and Sagittarius will forget about Virgo’s critical nature. Once they find a rhythm, they can make it work.

VIRGO – CAPRICORN They enjoy time together tremendously. When Virgo is with Capricorn, they start to lose all their worries. Capricorn really allows Virgo to detach from their inhibitions, and Capricorn also feels similarly while with Virgo. Their love for one another can almost become overwhelming. When two Earth signs get together it is as powerful as an earthquake.

VIRGO – AQUARIUS This pairing is a lot better than anyone would ever think. Virgo will love Aquarius’ quirkiness, and willingness to think outside the box. The Water Bearer is always coming up with things to do in bed that will give them so much variety. Aquarius keeps Virgo’s sexual and intellectual mind very stimulated. Aqua’s craziness will crack Virgo up all the time, bringing a lot of fun and laughter to their sex.

VIRGO – PISCES These two are natural lovers, so sex will be something that unites them strongly together. It will probably be one of the only things these two will never fight about. Virgo’s quiet and earthy passion will really excite Pisces. Their love making never feels like something that is ever demanded.


E X P LO R I N G 3 AS T E R O I D S IN VIRGO Liz Simmons


othing is more Virgo in nature than asteroids themselves. In astrology, the celestial bodies cover over-arching concepts, such as planets representing the aspects of personality or major life events. However, the asteroids are the fine details that really pull the whole concept together, filling in the cracks with nuggets of valuable insight.



it. In astrology, Chiron represents emotional wounds and patterns. These are the wounds one experiences throughout a lifetime, in multiple ways or situations that always echo each other. Instead of healing, one learns to live with the wounds, to recognize the patterns, and to lessen the pain over time.

steroids represent minute, definitive aspects that can add suppor ting or clarif ying evidence. The usage of asteroids varies from astrologer to astrologer. Some practitioners focus on big picture celestial bodies – namely the planets and Houses. Other practitioners can utilize a single asteroid to pinpoint major milestones, habits, patterns, and more. Regardless of the usage, any asteroid has a wealth of knowledge that ought to be explored. Its consideration can add per tinence to any reading. Hell, it may even be the nugget of knowledge needed to tie the whole picture together!

Chiron in Virgo is the ability to be of service to others, but inability to serve the self. This is self lessness that is meant to fill a bottomless pit of despair. Chiron in Virgo represents the desire to heal others. It’s seeing and feeling the pain, but also seeing all avenues to fix it. The meticulous nature of Virgo shines through, but in a scattered, if nervous sense, when in Chiron. Virgo Chiron is analytical and careful, weighing all options before deciding. This is the energy of not allowing others to accept failure or to come up short, but accepting it personally. It’s essentially not practicing what one preaches. Virgo Chiron can be overly critical of the self. This can turn into intense psychological warfare. If unchecked, Virgo Chiron can become a permanent resident at the rumination station. The unnerving, underlying anxiety can and will present as somatic complaints. Virgo Chiron can notice how stress is physically affective with stress acne, weight loss/gain, stomach pains, and even stomach ulcers. Virgo Chiron out to seek out holistic means to cope such as mediation, reiki, acupuncture, and yoga.

There are three major asteroids that any novice star-gazer or long-time astrologer should be aware of. Consider the big three to be none other than Chiron (k-eye-rhone) , Juno (June-oh) , and Lilith (l-ill-ith). And in honor of Virgo season, where all is unfettered by imper fections, the exploration of each asteroid in Virgo will be any thing but Virgin in nature.


Juno is the asteroid representing the ideal marriage and life-long partnership. This tiny asteroid is located near Jupiter, which is fitting given its astrological role hails from her role in Roman mythology, as wife to Jupiter. The parallel to their roles and union is Hera and Zeus in Greek mythos. Juno’s role in astrology is similar to her role in her marriage to Jupiter – it’s the give and take, the (in)fidelity, the “till death do us part” mindset. Juno’s asteroid represents what one is willing to take in the long-term partnership. What will stand the test of time, what qualities should be sought after, and marital/futuristic compatibility. The inf luence of Juno’s placement depends


Chiron is the Wounded Warrior asteroid who sits in-between the Sagittarius and Scorpio constellations, and orbits haphazardly between Uranus and Saturn. Chiron is known as the centaur who was placed amongst the stars to ease the pain of being shot by a poison arrow. Because Chiron never healed, the pain was always present but so was the ability to live with


on appraisal. On one side of the coin, Juno’s appraisal is similar to that of her and Jupiter ruling the cosmos together. The partnership is invincible, mirrored, and fortuitous. On the other side of the coin, it’s also the downfall of the partnership. It’s the hills one is willing to die on, it’s the jealousy, it’s the inadequacy. It’s the loss of individual power in a partnership. Juno alludes to the ideal and unideal partnership. What it comes down to is the appraisal of such.

feared promiscuous figure that would seduce men, kill infants, and spawn demons. Lilith’s role in astrology and lore is one of rebellion. This asteroid represents sexual liberation, dark fantasy, primal instinct, carnal urge, and inner power. Lilith is fun to explore to gain insight to someone’s underlying raw nature. Lilith in Virgo implies a quiet, powerful sexual prowess. Virgo Lilith is unassuming in its prowess, which gives it an upper hand. This placement is someone who works behind the scenes. This can infer a strategic, cunning personality. Virgo Lilith likes to move in silence, which keeps people guessing. Because of this, Virgo Lilith tends to be extremely knowledgeable about people, relationships, and situations. But it's all about how Virgo Lilith expends its power. Sexually, Virgo Lilith is the ultimate “lady in the streets, freak in the sheets” energy. Virgo can get a bad rap of being “vanilla” or “virginal”. But in reality, Virgo Lilith is an extremely dirty sexual energy to work with. Its kinkiness will be contingent on the sexual situation at hand. Virgo Lilith will tend to match the situation it’s in. Virgo Lilith will try to ensure a sexually comfortable situation mixed with a little experimentation. Virgo Lilith may not have a definitive list of kinks because this placement really is open to experimentation. If anything, Virgo Lilith desires someone who is intelligent and communicative. Since Virgo rules the digestive system and health, this placement will prioritize sexual health by utilizing birth control, getting tested regularly, and being sexually selective. Likewise, Virgo Lilith may be drawn to someone who perceived as “clean” or healthy. This can even go so far to fantasizing about bathing or showering together too!

Juno in Virgo desires a life-partner who is intelligent, adaptable, and driven. The ideal life-partner for Virgo Juno is someone who is ambitious. This person is consistently striving to improve their own life, their partner’s life, and the overall relationship. The relationship should continually perfect over time. Virgo Juno is in it for the long haul, committed to the highs and lows of life with their person. Ideally, Virgo Juno aims to be with someone who holds themselves and others to a high standard. There should always be a goal, project, or aspiration in the works. Virgo Juno is deeply attracted to the clean-cut type. Their ideal person is the human embodiment of the smell of laundry detergent and dryer sheets. Virgo Juno is attracted to someone who can dress simply, but come across as put together. This is the essence of clean sneakers and ironed shirts. The downsides of a Virgo Juno partnership would be the critical, if cold, judgement. Virgo Juno’s ideal partner holds everyone and think to a high standard, but sometimes the bar is set a little too high. Virgo Juno may end up with a partner who chastises, critiques, and coolly judges from afar. While this is done in good faith, it may come across as nitpicky and harsh. If the standard is never met or reached, the disappointment is profound.


With each asteroid placed in Virgo, there is a shared eye for details, mental flexibility, and near unattainable standards. But the presentation of each Virgin characteristic differs, adhering to its mutable quality. Whether it ’s sexual liberation, the ideal partnership, or emotional wounds, the Virgin placements all have the opportunity to transcend to a Vulcan standing in any astrological placement.

Lilith is the dark asteroid, who’s power and characteristics stem from both Jewish and Demonology lore. Before there was Eve, Lilith ruled the Garden of Eden with Adam. To concisely break down her origin story, she dipped out of the Garden of Eve when she was denied sexual equality. From there, Lilith became this


Whether it’s sexual liberation, the ideal partnership, or emotional wounds, the Virgin placements all have the opportunity to transcend to a Vulcan standing in any astrological placement.








I might not always Believe in us Or you. But there's something Stronger than trust It is the pull Of you. - ck




D E A R V I R G O. . . Ly n d s ey Br ow n


You see, imperfection is actually our greatest gift – and it has been given to all of us from the Creator herself.

Thank you for your heart. I see how strongly and how loyally you love. I see how hard you commit to the things that move you. I see your ability to carry the weight of the world as if it’s a feather on your back. You do everything with such conviction, such grace, such control and with so much dedication. You are a masterful helper and I bow to your vigor. Yes, I see your strength, but I have also seen your beautiful vulnerability.

Imperfections are opportunities: portals to engage with deep inner-knowing and soulful lessons that help us fulfill our earthly purpose. They are unanswered questions we have the honor to explore and to find adventure in. They are our saving grace, our guarantee for healing, and our promise for growth. Our imperfections are something to be deeply and divinely curious about, because they make us human, and they make us unique. When we see imperfection as something to be inspired by, instead of something to fix, we then have aligned ourselves with the highest form of love.

o my deeply sensitive, wildly hardworking, kindhear ted, dependable Virgo...

I saw how closely you held your cards to your chest when someone tried to play games with you. I saw the self-doubt behind your perfectionism. You thought that no one noticed, but I saw you trying to hide the parts of yourself that you don’t like. And I’m here to tell you that I understand. But, my sweet Virgo, you are absolutely divine just the way you are. And we need every single part of you.

So, dear Virgo, I invite you to come out of hiding. I invite you to step into the fullest expression of your heart. I invite you to allow your light to shine into every corner of your being. I invite you to arrive home. We are ready to embrace you, with wide open arms, exactly as you are.

I know that they’ve taught us all that to be afraid of or disappointed by imperfection – to see it as some sort of f law – but lovely sister, please know that imperfection is just the opposite.

All my love. Lynds



E M B R A C E YO U R I N N E R V I R G I N M A RY Natalie Holbrook 34


n my opinion, Virgo is one of the most underrated signs. It gets its reputation of being organized, analytical and detailed for good reason, but it’s about way more than crunching numbers and being a worried perfectionist. As its name hints, it represents the Virgin: pure, clean, giving, and ruled by the planet of communication, Mercury, brimming with divine messages. Some modern-day channeled messengers are singers including BeyoncÊ, Florence (and the Machine) Welch, Michael Jackson, Amy Winehouse and Freddie Mercury. Virgo is here to remove impurities of the body, mind, and our world. This is why they are so detail-oriented and quick to discern. It’s a big job. Virgo is also connected to the stomach, spleen and intestinal organs, the place in our physical body where we separate nutrients from waste. To embrace Virgo season, keep in mind two of her main themes: Service and Benediction.

SERVICE The Virgin Mary was said to give birth to baby Jesus as a virgin, which in translation, means she went through the 9-month pregnancy without the pleasure of procreation, that baby implanted without the joy of baby making! Virgo is as this. In its highest form it is self-sacrificing and wants to give unto others. Virgo rules the sixth house in Astrology, which is connected to health care, nutrition, doctors, nurses, healers, alternative practitioners, and also to pets, our day-to-day routines, and the how we give within our lifestyle. Those with a strong Virgo energy (Sun, Moon, Rising, Jupiter, Mercury and more than 3 planets) or sun and multiple planets in the sixth house, may find themselves working in the field of nonprofits, health and wellness, or anything where they are analyzing.

BENEDICTION Virgo is one of our sacred healers and ruled by Mercury is granted the power to bestow moving prayers upon the Earth, its proprietary element. Virgo combines its inspired messenger nature with the harmony of voice to sing angelic melodies that invoke worship, wisdom, and wonder. Singers of Virgo nature are those who seem to take us into another realm as a divine force would. Virgo energy allows us to commune with Mama Gaia, to speak to her inhabitants of plants, fruits, seeds, weeds, and wildf lowers. The season gifts a great harvest; it is important to reciprocate nourishment back and listen for how we can regenerate the Earth.


SIX RITUAL S FOR THE VIRGO IN YOU Virgo rules a place in ever yone’s chart, whether a planet or a house. Maybe you have a packed sixth house with lots of underlying Virgo vibes, or not. No matter the amount, tr y out these practices to cultivate the essence of the selfless and sensible giver this season.


S E L F L E S S LY S E R V E . Find a way to give each day. Send a friend some food or a surprise gift. Sign a petition. Give away a $20 to someone who might need it more than you. Bake treats for a neighbor or run an errand for an elder. There is no better feeling than giving.


SING! Blast some of the aforementioned Virgos, or any of your favorite artists who penetrate your soul and give you that oompf ! Yes, in the shower, and do it in your car, on a walk or with friends and family. Join an online choir or take a couple of private lessons. Check out Landlights Choir for an incredible virtual voice coaching experience.


S U M M E R T I M E W I P E O U T. Virgos love organizing. Go through all areas of your home: closets, kitchen, garage, and give it away. Ask yourself if this item brings you joy. If not, donate it and allow it to land where it can be loved.


D E T O X Y O U R G U T. This doesn’t mean take a liver cleanser or hop on a juice fast (never recommended any way!). Instead, incorporate foods that aid in regular purification and get your digestive system movin’ and groovin’ as it should be. Add mint to tea or water, fresh ginger to veggie medleys and elixirs, sip on bone broth, use a soil-based probiotic daily, like the Kimberly Snyder brand, incorporate fermented veggies, sauerkraut or miso to your plate and drink water separate from your meals. Wait 20 minutes until after you’re done eating to rehydrate for better absorption and less bloating.


CONNECT WITH MOTHER EARTH. Take a walk or bike ride outside each day and stop to say hi to the plants. Yes, say hi! Tell them how beautiful they look. Plants need love just like us. Take your shoes off and feel your feet in the soil or sand. Sit outside in nature, close your eyes, take some deep breaths. Truly connect with the land underneath you, blowing through you, and watching over you. Plant seeds of gut-helping herbs like rosemary, thyme and oregano in your window.


C H A N N E L Y O U R D I V I N I T Y. Mercury moves through Virgo with deliberation, accuracy and goals. This is a time that encourages you to connect with the Higher Power and let it lead your life. Sit in meditation, prayer and journal your pain, your passions and your possibilities. Get ideas out of your head and onto paper and ask for the help of greater forces. Remember to be patient and to drop self-criticism and replace it with self-compassion.





few weeks ago, I spoke with a friend about feminine energy; we discussed how to cultivate it and how to embrace it. In learning more about feminine energy, I found a magnificent book called "Goddesses in Everywoman: Powerful Archetypes in Women's Lives", written by Jean Shinoda Bolen. This book shares how Carl Jung's archetypes can be seen in Greek Mythology and how we can use Greek Goddesses' energy to cultivate our strength. The Goddesses I outline are all attached to one archetype. It is essential to understand that we can be many archetypes at the same time, and we can change our primary archetype depending on the stage of our lives.


An Athena woman can be seen as cold, precise, and analytical. She is focused on winning and has strategized how she will climb to the top. She is comfortable surrounded by men. She is not moved by love, and she is not looking to be a wife or a mom. She is used to siding with the patriarchy and doesn't like change. GROWTH WORK

An Athena woman would grow by letting someone love her and love in return, something like letting someone hug her. Go back to being a child, playing, having fun. Not everything has to be work and no play. Maybe it is time to get in touch with your emotions. Find someone who you can trust to speak with about what is happening.


An Artemis woman is all about sisterhood, women equality, and protecting the most vulnerable. She is a fighter in her way. She cannot stand to see people being taken advantage of or being mistreated. She is goal-oriented and focuses on paving her path. GROWTH WORK

It can be challenging to have a relationship with an Artemis woman because they are usually focused on their goals, and moving forward. Artemis women tend to avoid being vulnerable and suppress their emotions. She might have a lot of rage towards men. This is her constant fight against the patriarchy and women treated as less.



A Hestia woman is all about her inner self. She is very introverted and enjoys being with herself in a drama-free life. She usually tends to be a spiritual or religious person. Some women find themselves as Hestia when they are experiencing a loss or grieving. This can be a moment of introspection and taking care of themselves. GROWTH WORK

A Hestia woman might have difficulties being in today's modern society. She might tend to have the challenges of dealing with conf lict in a social setting and usually lack assertiveness. A Hestia woman's way of caring is usually impersonalized and might have trouble showing others that she cares about them. A Hestia woman could benefit from learning to show compassion and love in her way.


Persephone is the Maiden and the Queen of the Underworld. As Maiden, she encapsulates the "forever child" attitude. She is f lexible, and this can help her be adaptable to changes. Her adaptability assists her when following paths that many others might not be able to choose. As a queen of the underworld, she has learned much about suffering. She has empathy and intuition. These are gifts that she can use to become resilient and be a guiding force for those suffering. GROWTH WORK

Persephone's adaptability can also harm a Persephone woman, the idea of not sticking to one plan and jumping around in a relationship or a job might be challenging. A Persephone woman should stick to a commitment. In the case that she continues moving from one opportunity to another, she will forever be a victim of the will and power of others, becoming a long-sufferer or martyr.


Demeter women are the epitome of a mother. She is the happiest when she is nurturing and comforting others. Her goal in life is to bear her own children, and once she has them, she will probably devote her life to them. She doesn't like to compete, and her career, if she decided to have one, might focus on helping and advocating for others. GROWTH WORK

A Demeter woman has difficulties saying no, her life is spent being there for others that is hard for her to have solid boundaries. Her generosity might also make her perfect prey for narcissistic people who love to be with people who want to "take care of them." This will become a perfect disaster because they will feed off each other's needs. She will thrive when she can take care of her energy, and avoid burning out for giving herself too much.



As her title expresses, a Hera woman is all about marriage. She is devoted to finding a partner who she can commit and devote herself to. Marriage is her ultimate goal, and she is offended when people think marriage is not a role. She sees her role and worth very tied up with that of her partner. Her devotion to loyalty and commitment is a great skill to have. A Hera woman will use these skills in all her endeavors. GROWTH WORK

Given Hera women are all about commitment to one person, when she is not in a committed relationship, jealousy as well as the inability to leave a partner who is not treating her well, might cause great harm. Another challenge a Hera woman might find is that she ties her worth to her relationship status; she might feel discarded and use her jealousy for revenge.


Aphrodite is all about excitement, sex, eroticism, and creativity. She loves love and wants the variety and intensity in everything she does. She enters relationships, not for the sake of the relationship, but sex and excitement. She is not one to become enamored after a one night stand. Just like with sex, an Aphrodite woman passionately uses all her senses to create art. Aphrodite's magic is that she is able to be present and aware of the moment fully. GROWTH WORK

All this love lust might harm her when finding her partner. Because she falls in love so easily, she tends to fall in love with the wrong person. She is usually attracted to people who do not want a lasting relationship and are not looking to build a family. This might harm her ability to be creative, and later in life, she might feel stuck in a present that does not bring her excitement. She might use her sensuality to attract attention, and when she doesn't get it, she is not completely happy.

There are good challenges in every archetype, but the message is the same. You own your destiny. If you can learn to understand your skills and passions and how to grow with them, you can use this to your advantage. The more you know about yourself, the more you can create and grow. It is okay to be anything you want because there is beauty in all of these mythical creatures. We are not just one archetype, and that is okay.



ithin you exists a rod of light. It is akin to an animated vertebrae full of light-filled energy. It connects you to Mother Earth, grounding your ways and ideas into earthy reality. The Virgoan Goddess energy will enter the soil through you, turning it over and circulating nutrients to assigned locations. You may see yourself standing on the earth, feet on the ground as this occurs organically via your soulful vessel. Then you look up to see stars in the daytime. Yes, stars. They shine and spray their mystical light into the cerulean seascape of sky, droplets of light gently showering you and falling into the rich sienna soil below. Know that these gentle luminescent drops light the way in the earth below, guiding Virgo as she seeks the new structures and seeds them into place. Soon there will be bright new cities emerging from soil, cities enshrouded in emerald vines and shaded by leafy counterparts, cooling and easing each breath you take. This is a time of preparing your own rich soils with the precious seedlings of ideas you have been carrying close to your heart. The world wants to start anew and Virgo lovingly nurtures your visions into life. She is steadfast, sturdy and ready to execute plans. So pull your light vision down from the sky and let them root into the moist earth. Be sure to place them strategically, for once they grow, they will require more room to express themselves. The Goddess herself thanks you for your contributions to the next season of humanity, as does our beloved Mother Earth and her radiant family of sentient beings.



Y O U H O L D T H E K E Y/ T H E K E Y I S YO U Jenn King 44


22 Aug - 22 Sept














Evolution is happening in the now (for those who choose it) and when we open ourselves to receive healing and wisdom it is grounded, elder style sage advice that comes through. Get the basics right and everything else comes forth from that. Do one thing every day that assists your forward trajectory and fret not. Keep going, nourish yourself, rest when you need, sleep when you need, one foot in front of the other. We are walking into a revolution and living through the most catalystic time of our lives as a species. Our planet is having a tower moment and we are the ones designated to pick up the pieces. Trust that you have it in you.

here is much work to be done. We find ourselves closer to, or further along our true path and authenticity is the everything during this time. We are realising now more than ever the true cost of a life lived out of alignment with a fair bit of memento mori thrown in just to give us the kick we all need. We only live once in this particular human form and we owe it to ourselves to be more of who we really are in this life. We must get real first in order to experience better days and greater fulfilment. Where there has been difficulty observing discipline, containing self sabotage and maintaining temperance Saturn gives us the wherewithal to find our middle path & keep it all energetically clean. Balance is beautiful, avoid what/whom throws you off kilter and stay in f low, sans distractions or tiresome dramas. The practicality of this vibe is ultra helpful in a world gone mad and supports us to take active steps towards restoring, renewing and recreating what is in front of us. Look after your health, especially the building blocks such as nutritional & sleepwise and take good care of your nervous system (breathwork is a panacea for this). Remember, if you can’t hold yourself up, how can you hold anything else up?

What comes next is up to us. The time is perfect for reinforcing and building on our inner strength so that we can magic up a new world. The power belongs to us and we get to choose what we do with it, as well as who we hand any power over to. When we shirk our power and refuse responsibility the consequences are dire and as humanity wakes up to this so many of us are ready to take this current scenario and alchemise it into something more beautiful and true. It begins with me and it begins with you.


D A I LY D E VO T I O N A L P R AC T I C E S Daniela Godfrey to develop a connection with the divine source through meditation.

I'm sharing with you how I began my daily devotional practices and why it was so important for my spiritual growth.

Meditation wasn’t new for me. I was meditating before this course, using different types of mediation such as mantras, breathing, relaxation music, Kirtan meditation, guided meditation and so on...

We are in the Virgo season and it is opposite to Pisces. Virgos are systematic, perfectionists, practical, love structure and rituals. Being a Pisces, I am a dreamer, love freedom and being in the f low. I'm not a very organised person and don’t like following rules. I'm always following my intuition and doing what it feels right for me.

At that time, I was doing whatever it felt right to do. Some days I followed one type of meditation, the next day other and it wasn't a defined commitment.

During my 12-month Intuitive Intelligence course I learnt many practices to support my journey of becoming a qualified intuitive guide. Through these practices, I started to rediscover myself and learnt who I truly am. I was guided

So I started to look at different ways to establish a stronger and continuous connection with my soul, my higher self. Meditation was still number one on my list and something I was very familiar with.


But deep inside me, I knew something needed to change.

Then I started to bring more love into my heart. I opened the doors to the infinite loving intelligence, which was inside me and also outside me. My heart was the temple, the cathedral where I met ‘God within’ and created a deep intimacy in silence, stillness and solitude. I was fully present and able to attune to the divine communication

During the Intuitive Intelligence course, I learnt the ‘triple S’ practice (I used to call it this way!) which meant Stillness, Silence and Solitude. It was a way to invite God in my life. In doing this, I silenced my mind and withdrew my attention from the superficial, busy and noisy world. I slowed everything down and communed with the higher consciousness. I moved out from beta waves to alpha and theta waves and began a continuous f low of communion with God, the divine source.

Also I became more aware of my innate power but somehow I was afraid of it. I found reasons not to fully meet my power. I preferred to stay small and in my comfort zone. Through my consistent daily mediation practice, I showed up and met my fear. I learnt to release it, to raise my consciousness and become more connected with the source.

This wasn’t easy! I needed to set ground rules and boundaries with my family so I wasn’t disturbed during my sacred meditation. I learnt to control my ego which was trying to keep me distracted and away from my practice. I had to work hard and with consistent repetition (like going to the gym) I was able to overcome the need to move, scratch my face or whatever else came up to disturb me. My body learnt that it is safe to be in stillness for a longer period of time.

This empowered me and I knew the power is within me, in my heart. The more love and gratitude I brought into my heart, the stronger was the connection with my higher self and received more guidance and support. I trusted and accepted, it felt good and knew it came from a space of love. My daily mediation practice became nonnegotiable. I built an inner discipline and consistent action to expand my consciousness and be connected with the Divine Source.

In stillness and silence, I started to feel the space between my breaths and my heartbeats. It was a vast and empty space. And there I found my true essence, my soul. It was blissful and wanted to stay longer in this space. So I deepened my breaths, paused and this triggered a decrease in my heartbeats. It was such a peaceful and magical space where I felt the connection with the divine.

Since then I added few more practices to my daily devotion, such journaling, prayer, chanting and walking in nature. I am creating a devotional energy, which is peaceful and healing. Every time I immerse myself into the magical connection with the infinite divine intelligence it feels like I’m home.

I also began to develop a connection with my heart, the portal to the infinite divine intelligence and changed my mind about myself. I rediscovered my true self, my power and my purpose.

I cannot imagine a day without these devotional practices. They are food for my soul and ignite the power within me. They bring me so much peace and joy. It is part of who I am, a spiritual being having a human experience and know that everything is okay exactly how it is. I'm here to learn, grow, evolve and rediscover my divine essence. I am God and always had and have the divine light within me.

The more I dropped down into my heart with the intention to connect, the easier it became. I started to feel it in my body. When I touched my heart, I felt an immediate connection. And the more I went into the heart meditation, the more I felt loved, supported and guided. There was no separation between me and the divine.


SOCIAL MEDIA IN TIMES OF (S E R I O U S) U N C E R TA I N T Y Genevieve Coulson 2020 has become so uncertain we need a new word for uncertain, and yet, our intuition stays steady. This is a short and sweet read on how to tune into your very own personal guiding north star (aka your intuition) and use it for your social media strategy. Finding some structure and certainty amid the never-ending WTF saga that has become this year. 48


t’s safe to say that these days, we are feeling a nearly unparalleled level of uncertainty. But isn’t life inherently always uncertain? It is indeed, but now, we’re being faced with SO much of it (even in the areas that many of us used to find some dependable structure and consistency) that it can literally feel like walking on a water bed, layered meringue, and the occasional sinkhole just for kicks. How in the world are we supposed to find our classic Virgo-inspired structure and organization amid all of this? Well, my dears, at the risk of sounding fairy godmother-y, the answer is within you. Your intuition is arguably now more important than ever. Your intuition is not rigid, it automatically calibrates and f luctuates with all that is going on - inside and outside. It is your ultimate guiding star, turn to it. So what does that look like in relation to social media? Let’s break it down into a few examples.


These days social media is getting A LOT of front row action with many of the things going on. From protests to challenges to pandemic updates, social media platforms have taken center stage. Some people have found this extremely empowering, liberating, and motivating. Others have found it daunting, overwhelming, and stressful (and of course plenty have fallen somewhere in between and that’s A-ok too, it all is).

When you find yourself wondering how to act, whether or not to act, what to say/not to say -- take a moment to step away from everything else you’ve been seeing said/done around the thing in question and ask yourself, “How do I feel I need to show up around this? ” -- go with it.


Boundaries. Boundaries. Boundaries. These show up a few ways in social media but for the sake of our convo here and now I want you to think in terms of scheduled content vs. “livetime or in-the-f low” content. If the strain of these uncertain times is wearing on your mental and emotional energy (safe to say virtually everyone) having some scheduled out content can relieve some stress by taking something off your plate. This also removes the task (mentally and energetically) of “having to create content” -- it’s already dialed in. You know your bases are covered and if inspiration strikes or something happens that you feel called to address you can add it on, or change things up.

Boundaries are mutually respectful and beneficial. Having content scheduled is like a boundary for yourself and your creative process, it actually allows for more.


Give yourself permission to have some fun with it. Shake things up, try out something new. A silver lining to uncertainty is that it automatically removes some level of expectation so now is a time to let your curious heart lead. Take this time to check-in and ask yourself:

What things about my current work/process do I really, really love? What parts don’t feel aligned, or needed anymore? Does anything feel stale? Is there anything I’m feeling resentment or irritation towards? What are the pieces that happen almost without trying? What are the parts that get me so excited they don’t even feel like work? Make this an actual practice, think of it as part of your intuitive social media strategy. Journal out your responses and really take the time to ref lect on them. Don’t write them off as passing thoughts or not that important -- look at what your intuition is telling you! Then ask yourself how you can act on this information and take the steps to do so. This is operating from a heart-centered place, this is operating from alignment, this is tuning into your intuition as your very own GPS during incredibly uncertain times. Happy travels!






And my body will age But my feelings won't change. You're my night sky full of stars Beautiful with all your scars. - ck




s we return to the earth element, we are given the opportunity to root into good health. Whereas other earth signs have more hedonistic tendencies, Virgo is sensible about holistic wellness.

Now is the time to really check in with your body, mind, and spirit- with a heightened focus on physical wellness. Solidify your foundation, perhaps starting with sleep and nourishment. After that month of wild, creative Leo energy, you may be feeling a little burnt out; now is the time to tend to your inner fire from the ground up. Yes, Virgo Season is the perfect chance to return to (or start a new) wellness routine: join a group wellness program, work with a health practitioner, visit your energy healer, or revamp your supplement routine. And most importantly, be highly intentional with what fills your cupboards, your fridge, and your belly. When it comes to the physical body, Virgo rules the nervous system, and the intestines, so it can be common for Virgos to experience digestive troubles that are exacerbated by stress. If this rings true for you, be sure to slow down at meal time whenever possible. Are you a chronic multi-tasker when you eat? Try to slow down and practice at least one mindful meal each week. You might notice that the food tastes extra incredible, and that your digestive function is better than usual.

Here's How: 01







C H E W S L O W LY & W I T H R E V E R E N C E


E N J O Y.


As the Virgo Vibe is highly organized, might I suggest the following week-by-week format to create healthy foundations in eating & holistic wellbeing: AUGUST 22ND - 28TH

Optimize your Breakfasts & Morning Routine


Focus on Lunches & Midday Wellbeing


Enhance your Dinners & Evening Unwinding


Upgrade your Snacks, Drinks & Overall Wellness

Sound good? I know all you Virgos have already filled in your calendars, colour coded and everything May you enjoy this profound time of returning home to your beautiful body.


C R E AT I N G A D A I LY S E L F CA R E R O U T I N E And a 5 minute grounding meditation. N i k k i D ’A m b r o s i o 54


he energy this month is calling us to ground down and take a look at our routines. This is a time to reorganize and get out heads out of the summer daze. How are you spending your time? What projects have you been putting off ? Where in your life could you be a little more structured and regimented? Virgo calls us to bring some order into our lives. This might feel boring after the fiery Leo season but it’s necessary as we move towards the end of summer.

not feeling yourself. While treating yo’self is especially good for those times, it’s important to create small things everyday that cultivate the same self love and care that you so deserve. Because Virgo is an earth sign, it heavily focuses on the body and the material world. Take this time to set in place new routines that bring you closer to yourself–grounding down in your body can help you feel grounded and secure in your life. These new routines don’t have to take a lot of time or energy; they are simply here to remind you to prioritize yourself.

In my own ref lection, self care has been one of those areas of my life that I never prioritized. Self care has been pushed aside and something reserved for special occasions or when you are

For the nex t month, c ommit to doing three thing s ea ch d ay th at provide self care.


O N E T H I N G T H AT I S A L R E A D Y I N Y O U R D A I LY R O U T I N E Like brushing your teeth, cooking a nourishing breakfast, reading before bed.


O N E T H I N G T H AT Y O U A L W AY S W I S H Y O U H A D M O R E T I M E T O D O Perhaps yoga, journaling, jade rolling, or having a slower morning


O N E T H I N G T H AT Y O U K N O W Y O U S H O U L D D O B E C A U S E I T ’ S G O O D F O R Y O U B U T I T A L W AY S S L I P S Y O U R M I N D Like meditation, f lossing, spending time outside

Give yourself f lexibility with these new habits. You don’t have to spend a long time with each thing (although you can!). Carve out 15-30 minutes each day to fit in your 3-step self care routine. Use this time just for you. You may have to wake up 30 minutes earlier or skip the extra Netf lix episode; but I promise, it’ll be worth it. You are worth the extra time spent on yourself. Sending you all the love this Virgo season.



FOENICULUM V U LGA R E V ictor ia Van Rosebrook Fennel is a gut guru and is a perfect guardian plant for the sensitive digestive system Virgos tend to have. With grace and gorgy-ness it guides Virgos to their greater good. 56

GROW The use of fennel can be traced back to Europe where it f lourished in the Mediterranean heat and guess what, the best time to plant fennel is smack bam midsummer when the heat is hot to trot. Best to sow the seed 10 inches apart directly into sunny, raked, and fertilized soil as fennel root doesn’t like to be disturbed. These fragrant seeds turn into a 4-foot stalk with delicate foliage and beautiful dainty f lowers in the form of tiny parasols that attract many beneficial pollinators, it truly has that virginal Virgo demeanour about it. As the plant grows be sure to water it often as dry conditions cause the plant to f lower prematurely leaving that juicy bulb all dried up, shame! Fennel is also very susceptible as a seedling to slugs but as we learnt last season Calendula is the perfect companion-protector plant! Beer traps and slug night watch will help too. As the bulb swells push up a bit of extra dirt to help a gurl out especially if you’re in a windy area.

HARVEST Fennel bulb is ready to harvest after about 90 days or once the size of a tennis ball and can be used as yummy food immediately. The seeds are ready to be dried once they turn from green to brown, simply cut the lovely parasol from the stem, check for bugs and dehydrate at a low heat for a handful of hours until no moisture remains. A gentle shake will separate the seeds from the stems. The seeds should be stored in a cool dry place and can be crushed into a fine powder with a grinder. Fun fact - the seeds are actually the fruit of fennel with a small seed encased, nature is neat!

MAGIC Fennel is a very nutritious and helpful plant that can be used as medicine in the kitchen for every meal offering loads of fibre, potassium and vitamin C. The bulbs or seeds can be cooked alongside seafood or pasta for a mighty punch of f lavour, added to salads for that extra crunchy-crunch, to dressings that blow minds and mouths or infused into wine for an extra sweet treat! Best part about eating fennel is that it offers a helping hand in the digestive process! It legit assists with any IBS symptoms like food-baby bloating, gastric spasms, hiccups or f latulence and helps the body eliminate with ease. Used as a bitters or as a tea before a meal it signals the body to ramp up digestion, especially for the liver so the whole ordeal goes smoothly. If portion control is a point of contention this herb can suppress the appetite leaving you satiated, satisfied and super impressed with your self control. If used regularly can even help with weight loss and candida overgrowth! The volatile oil anethole found in fennel not only has receptors in the digestive system to signal yummy time it also has receptors in the lungs making this mighty herb handy to calm coughing, wheezing, sore throats and shortness of breath during respiratory infections, bronchitis or asthma attacks. The sweetness and effectiveness of the seeds is a lovely addition to an elderberry cough syrup! The brain also benefits from the use of fennel and it is used for memory retention and migraines, as the saying goes if the gut-brain is happy so is the brain-brain! And any woman’s brain will be happy to hear it relieves menstrual cramps and increases lactation after pregnancy. Fennel goes next level topically infused in an oil or as an essential oil on muscle pains n strains, gout or arthritic ouchies and if in a pinch works great on insect or snake bites.


FEEL This herb is warming and can be very beneficial for your inner Virgo who often tends to be cold, especially if the lists are long and frustrations are high. It is also oily which acts as a lubricant in dry, frazzled bodies. If this rings true to you meditate with some seeds in your palm or next to a fennel plant for a cozy moment to let your body soak in the magic of the Universe, making sure to check in before and during noticing how your heart, bones and blood feel. Sitting with a plant can be such an ethereal experience and is different for everyone – close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and imagine what it would be like to have the f lower as your head, leaves for arms, stems for legs and roots for feet. Try to feel what it would be like living where it lives, how the sun might feel or what windy or dry or wet might feel like to it. Keep close tabs on subtle changes in your mood and sensations in your body as sometimes plants can show us in our own bodies how we may benefit from their magic. This experience can be life changing and different every time.

PA S T Fennel has been found in the tombs of ancient Egyptian rulers and has been a staple in Greek, Arabic, Indian and European medicine for thousands of years. In Europe during King Edward the 1st’s reign in the 1300s fennel was a staple in many households as munching on the seeds was the perfect way to stave off hunger during fasting days – fasting was super cool back then too! It was also used to f lavour wine, beer and sweets as tasty treats that ensured a healthy digestive system but also maintained a healthy weight, um bonus! Fennel crops that were not harvested were considered a bad omen and the plant was rarely traded as everyone who was anyone grew their own. The seeds were said to keep bad spirits away, especially on Midsummer’s night eve and the f lowers were hung nearly everywhere to repel insects. The use of fennel in the history of human civilization was so ingrained hardly any acclaimed herbalists bothered to mention it as it was so common place and widely appreciated – it’s time to bring this baby back!

CAUTION If you have an aversion or allergic reactions to celery, carrots or mugwort be cautious with this plant as it shares similar properties. Long term doses of more than 2 grams of seeds a day is not recommended, especially in teenagers. These statements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Of course, individual results may vary so please consult a competent medical practitioner with any health concerns.


HOW TO MAKE FENNEL DIGESTIVE BITTERS Bitters are used in fancy cocktails to add and enhance f lavour profiles but they were originally used to enhance digestion! Adding 10-30 drops of bitters to your own cocktail, soda or water before a meal sends a message to your body to get the digestive system ready for action. All you need is 10 grams of dried fennel seed, a mason jar and 125mL of vodka. Allow it to sit for 4 weeks, shaking every few days, then strain using cheesecloth. Get creative with your blends – dried orange peel, coriander or cardamom pods are all complimentary to fennel plus ramp up the digestive process.





She stood there Bathing in the warmth Of the golden hour Her chrysanthemum eyes More beautiful than any flower. - ck





Delaney Rohel





She has a clear vision, it's piercing. It cuts through the unneeded distractions with precision. Her precision is coveted by many. Keeping her focus on efficiency and brilliance. It radiates from her. Everything works together in unison in her auric field. The right place at the right time, is her middle name. Collaborating, giving, and sharing energy is her profound skill. Tactfully organizing the needs and energy fields of others. She is the one you want around to motivate, to see a project through. To uplift, and shares the goodness in her heart with many. Don’t let her get caught in too many details, for it will weigh down, Her bright Spirit. She reminds herself there is no such thing as “perfection” She embodies the divine complexities, with gratitude and acceptance. She is soft, open, welcoming, always sharing earthly beauty. See’s her ref lection in the mirror of earth, knowing she is a part of a whole. Her loving, healing voice is a divine melody. Always in service, high priestess energy is for her to share with all of humanity. The Virgo Spirit.

Prudent Ve h e m e n c e Ciara Kosse A generic disposition. Grasping to security, I seek refuge in the lion's pride. Finding myself prudishly reluctant to rest in the moon’s piercing essence, I absorb the conclusion of the realms hierarchy. Attending it’s timing in allowance of the exchange in bread; the last supper in the midst of the King's breath. I digress, and retreat to the Garden of Eden. A jungle prohibited by the Wildlings, I consciously engage in a transformation. A conversion of taking heed in the divine supply embedded in my instinct. Enlightened by the service of communion with the Sky Dwellers, it becomes invariably clear that I have reached the beacon, the house of the hourglass. Rising to the light of the Northern skies, the dancing begins to echo the rhythmic heartbeat of the I Am. Colliding with the chilly air of Libra, a false awareness is compromised in it’s junction and the commencing of descent begins. Vulnerably initiating my commandment, I close in on the shadows. Naked. Compromised. The ordering surges and the ruling of the law evicts all who refuse to lay as children of the night sky. And, as the grove of weeping willows descends into the hollow of the full moon, I fall into the pillows of maidenhair. Becoming witness to the victims of the stars; ascending and choking on prosperity. Gazing out to the limitless continuum of cosmic energy, I close my eyes and raise my arms in an offering of heavy gratitude. I am held.



HOLD Joshua Bouck She straddled his leg and weaved her manicured nails into his hair, above the ears. Grabbed his cranium, pulling him closer, to HOLD and kiss. Tounge tip, licked her glossy lips, making sure they were moist before applying. She leaned, ever so slowly, closer to him. Her eyes ref lecting the stars ref lected in his eyes. She planted a virgo kiss, that never missed. Her ninja lips, silent and deadly in the most charitable way. Her attention to detail was well recieved. Her yummy kiss, left him amiss, with virgo kiss vertigo.

VIRGIN MOTHER CRONE S teph Woods Virgin, mother, crone Rose, motherwort, hawthorn Plant mirrors and teachers To aid to guide In the journey of womanhood Of femininity in both sexes Create, birth and share wisdom Under the light of the Virgo Moon Harvesting those delicately planted spring seeds Nurtured to activation and growth In the fresh breath of Gemini, With the water of Cancer, Sunshine of mid-summer heat, Fire of Leo’s creation, Now grounding in Virgo’s roots Our true earth mother Grounded and true Methodical and skilled Putting into practice, Lessons and learnings of season’s past Impregnated To birth a new dream into reality To fulfill the duty and honour of ‘mother’ To Hold… and be Held Let the new life now take its own shape Make its own choices To surrender and let go Marvel at the shape it becomes, Like a young adult stepping into the world With motherly care Like an elder sharing wisdom Unfurling of the petals, Ripening of the berries, Shedding of the leaves, Of own choosing A dying and birthing of the layers of self Virgin, mother, crone Rose, motherwort, hawthorn What a dance on this Earth Walk.



GROUNDED BUT FREE Lucy Edwards This piece ref lects the beautiful Virgos in my life. To me, its symbolic of the Virgin's grounded but free-hearted and spirited approach to life. It exemplifies earthy tones but also a fire that all Virgos seem to possess. The collage piece was created digitally using a combination of imagery and illustration.


Morning Glory Ch r is c h a Ve n u s O s w a l d

Hold Hold on To harvest What´s been seeded By the wild that had to run You are here You can hold Blooms unfurling in the sun Tendrils Virgin mornings sprouted From the earth The soft colors That need special care You prepare them Earthenware You put them on The wooden table And keep Their nectar You hold Immaculateness Dear, but hear Late summer Chirping in Your Bosom As if it was A lover´s voice The tender Morning´s glory



V i r g o Tr i o Delaney Rohel


This piece speaks to the structure and organization that Virgos love to ground in. To balance these (sometimes rigid) tendencies are playful bursts of colour, dimension, and pattern all held within their comfortable, earthly container. 76


Falling somewhere on the pendulum between perfection and mayhem. She speaks for herself!


A nod to the inner sanctuary Virgos retreat to to rest, digest, and process; here lie the seeds of their plans as they begin to take shape.


AUTUMN WINDS Jill K Therrien The Priestess stands alone On the edge of Summer Warm winds Hot Sun Observing an active stillness Ref lections of the harvest Eyes touch the horizon Walking slowly now Each step through fallow fields A well curated moment Perfected in the eyes of no one in particular A gentle hum on the wind Calls her back from critical voices To the most important knowing What may pass as a mundane ritual Is instilled with the magic of Divine Order Interconnectedness A Rite To correct the wrongs To find peace To cope with what must be On these steady winds She moves steadily forward Noting the shifting light of Autumn Instilling hope in the darkness


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