UK Handmade Magazine Autumn 2017

Page 70

Do you ever have creative blocks and, if so, what do you do to clear them? I think everyone has blocks from time to time. I find that I get most stuck when I have too many ideas jostling for attention and it’s hard to focus on the next step. I find writing particularly helpful. Get the ideas noted down and you know they won’t be lost, and you can see more clearly what to get working on first. Usually I work on a group of paintings together, so if I’m stuck on one, I can put it to one side. Often working on the others gives me an idea of what will help. Sometimes you need to do something radical like covering up most of the surface, but if it’s not working then what do you have to lose? I have a studio notebook where I write notes about paintings and what I like (or not!). I find being precise and putting things into words helps me identify what I actually want from each painting. Understanding relationships between all the paintings has helped me this year as well. For example, I noticed I was using red or orange a lot as accent colours, so I was determined to do a mainly red painting. Although it was a challenge, as red is quite dark and can possibly a bit aggressive, this became one of my favourites. Sometimes though you just need a break. Making anything creative takes energy so occasionally you need time away to do something totally different and have new experiences. Eventually you get the pull back again or realise that you have twitchy fingers to get going again. If you had the chance to learn a new creative skill, what would it be? This summer, I went away on a course with Lewis Noble and I started painting on canvas again. 70 | ukhandmade autumn 2017

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