Radvan Alexandru

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Ulise al lui Alexandru RĂŁdvan

retractilitĂŁĂŸii ironic-parodice nu este decĂąt vag activatĂŁ Ăźn context. Confruntarea cu

ExistĂŁ un timp al lui Ulise, Ăźn lecturile Âși

adversitĂŁĂŸile, antrenamentul sportiv

imaginarul nostru. Pentru unii, mulĂŸi,

dezvoltã un “discurs” care devine o

fereastra cĂŁtre eroul lui Homer, zis Âși

pledoarie pentru robusteĂŸea corporalĂŁ a

Odiseu, se deschide Âși se Ăźnchide Ăźn

atletului antic, iar prin extensie, a celui

copilĂŁrie/adolescenĂŸĂŁ. Pentru alĂŸii, puĂŸini,

dintotdeauna. Imaginea acestei

Ulise devine un tovarĂŁÂș de drum pe

corporalitĂŁĂŸi triumfĂŁtoare este esenĂŸializatĂŁ

termen lung. Este vorba despre acei

Âși, Ăźn faptž sporitĂŁ de un calculat

oameni, creatori de text/imagine, pentru

“primitivism” al structurãrii formale.

care Odiseu se transformĂŁ Ăźn simbolul

Ulise apare Ăźn ipostaze Âși din unghiuri

DrumeĂŸului cĂŁutĂŁtor al CunoaÂșterii,

diverse, identitatea facialĂŁ este variabilĂŁ.

ÎnvingĂŁtorul prin forĂŸa inteligenĂŸei dar Âși

Sunt ĂźnsĂŁ destule cazuri cĂąnd percepem o

prin cea fizicĂŁ, dacĂŁ o cer circumstanĂŸele...

siluetĂŁ vĂŁzutĂŁ din spate, cel mult cu capul

Ulise Ăźmpinge limitele dialogului cu lumea,

Ăźntors Ăźn profil... Odiseu devine aÂșadar un

pe diversele ei paliere, luptĂŁ pentru a

personaj generic, un reper uman tipologic.

garanta constanĂŸa unor calitĂŁĂŸi umane.

Chiar Âși reprezentĂŁrile frontal-faciale ating

James Joyce a demonstrat cĂŁ mitul rezistĂŁ

un grad sporit de generalitate. Ceva

Âși Ăźn modernitate, cĂŁ Ulysses nu se

ĂźncĂŁlzeÂște, totuÂși, aceste portrete

rĂŁtĂŁceÂște nici Ăźn secolul XX, dimpotrivĂŁ.

paradoxal depersonalizate: uneori un soi

Alexandru RĂŁdvan transformĂŁ unul din

de exaltare modularĂŁ a trĂŁsĂŁturilor, alteori

reperele sale preferate de lecturĂŁ, de

“cuibul” haÂșurilor colorate care definesc un

Ăźntoarcere la Antichitate Âși la mit, Ăźntr-un

chip – aceste observaĂŸii privesc mai ales

adevĂŁr pluriform al artei contemporane.

lucrĂŁrile realizate Ăźn 2012 Ăźn pastel gras.

Lumea lui Ulise Ăźl ademenea ĂźncĂŁ din anii

În contextul datelor stilistice de

studenĂŸiei. Ea a revenit Ăźn prim-planul

ansamblu, Ăźn opinia noastrĂŁ, specificitĂŁĂŸile

sensibilitĂŁĂŸii Âși atenĂŸiei sale spre finalul

de “vocabular” imagistic ale lui Alexandru

primului deceniu al noului mileniu.

RĂŁdvan provin Âși din inspirata confluenĂŸĂŁ a

RegĂŁsirea acestui Erou se traduce si prin

unor “ecouri” diferite üntre ele. Acestea se

(re)descoperirea reprezentĂŁrii genuine a

“topesc” üntr-un coerent ton

atributelor masculinitĂŁĂŸii. NuanĂŸa

particularizant, fĂŁrĂŁ ca elementele care Ăźl

compun sĂŁ fie, fiecare, neapĂŁrat, brand

de sintezĂŁ formalĂŁ pe care o etaleazĂŁ Ăźn

new. În cazul universului tematic Ulise, cel

operĂŁ Alexandru RĂŁdvan, pentru

puĂŸin Ăźn ce priveÂște desenele Ăźn pastel, ne

sensibilitatea artistului faĂŸĂŁ de textura

gĂąndim mai ales la ecouri ale

materialului Ăźn care lucreazĂŁ Âși abilitatea

Transavanguardiei hrĂŁnite Âși de exemple

de a o pune Ăźn valoare.

greceÂști Âși romane antice. Pictura propriu-

Alexandru RĂŁdvan Ăźmi mĂŁrturisea cĂŁ

zisĂŁ confirmĂŁ dimensiunea

agreeazĂŁ din ce Ăźn ce mai mult lucrul Ăźn

neoexpresionistĂŁ (cu posibile “ingerinĂŸe”

volum Âși “lupta” cu materialul; faptul


plastic devine un fel de picturĂŁ/desen Ăźn

Pe de altĂŁ parte, “portretele” grupate Ăźn seria transformabilĂŁ Ăźn instalaĂŸie, de

3D... Fragmentele narative care se ataÂșeazĂŁ

monotipuri Ăźn tuÂș pe calc (“Oamenii lui

“marii povestiri” dedicate lui Ulise, i se

Ulise”, 2011), sunt la rñndul lor

reveleazĂŁ artistului Âși se transformĂŁ Ăźn

tulburĂŁtoare: aceste chipuri, cu expresii

imagini Ăźn ĂźmprejurĂŁri cel mai adesea

diverse, se ĂźnfĂŁĂŸiÂșeazĂŁ ca niÂște “amprente”

nespectaculoase. InspiraĂŸia se

ale unor diferite stĂŁri ale umanului,

declanÂșeazĂŁ, nu rareori, Ăźn mediul familial.

reprezentĂŁri neoexpresioniste Âși ele,

În definitiv, nu ünseamnã Odiseea

configurate prin intermediul petelor de

“üntoarcerea acasã” ün orice limbã a

culoare. Par, totodatĂŁ, glose pe tema


raportului Ăźntre prezenĂŸĂŁ Âși absenĂŸĂŁ. Sculpturile realizate cu ajutorul armĂŁturii metalice, pĂąnzei Âși pigmenĂŸilor, se afirmĂŁ ca exemple accentuat neoexpresioniste (unele), pornind de la deja identificata tipologie a primitivismului, cĂŁreia i se adaugĂŁ date ale unei “arheologizante” viziuni de tip body in pieces. IntervenĂŸiile picturale potenĂŸeazĂŁ “spectacolul” atitudinal. Reliefurile Ăźn lemn sau Ăźn ciment depun Âși ele mĂŁrturie pentru capacitatea de sintezĂŁ formalĂŁ pe care o etaleazĂŁ Ăźn

Adrian GuĂŸĂŁ

Alexandru RĂŁdvan Ulyssese

Ă©vtizedĂ©nek vĂ©ge felĂ© Ășjra visszatĂ©rt Ă©rzĂ©kenysĂ©ge Ă©s figyelme közĂ©ppontjĂĄba.

OlvasmĂĄnyainkban Ă©s kĂ©pzeletĂŒnkben

Ennek a hĂ”snek az ĂșjrafelfedezĂ©sĂ©t többek

Ulyssesnek kĂŒlön ideje van. Egyesek, elĂ©g

között Ășgy fordĂ­tja mĂ»vĂ©szettĂ©, hogy

sok ember, a HomĂ©rosz OdĂŒsszeusznak is

(Ășjra)felfedezi a maszkulinitĂĄs

nevezett hÔsét csak gyerek- és

tulajdonsĂĄgainak zsigeri ĂĄbrĂĄzolĂĄsĂĄt. Az

kamaszkorukban ismerik: az elsĂ”

ironikus-parodikus visszahĂșzĂłdĂĄs

idÔszakban talålkoznak vele, a måsodikban

årnyalatåt csak våzlatosan mûködteti. Az

elbĂșcsĂșznak tĂ”le. MĂĄsok, kevesen, hosszĂș

ellenfelekkel és nehézségekkel való

lejĂĄratĂș barĂĄtsĂĄgot ĂĄpolnak vele. AzokrĂłl a

kĂŒzdĂ©s, a sportos edzĂ©s olyan “diskurzust”

szöveg- vagy képalkotókról van szó, akik

fejleszt ki, amely az ókori atléta, s

szĂĄmĂĄra OdĂŒsszeusz a MegismerĂ©st keresĂ”

kiterjesztés révén a mindenkori atléta

Våndor jelképévé vålik, az intelligencia, de

dicséretévé vålik. Ennek a diadalmaskodó

ha a körĂŒlmĂ©nyek azt kĂ­vĂĄnjĂĄk, a fizikai

testiségnek a képét a lényegre egyszerûsíti

erĂ” rĂ©vĂ©n is DiadalmaskodĂłvá

Ă©s “felgyarapĂ­tja” a formĂĄlis struktĂșra

tovåbb feszíti a vilåggal való pårbeszéd

átgondolt “primitivizmusával”.

korlĂĄtait, a vilĂĄg kĂŒlönbözĂ” “emeletein”

Ulysses kĂŒlönbözĂ” helyzetekben Ă©s

gyakorolja kívåncsisågåt és értelmét, azért

szögekbÔl åbråzolódik, arca is våltozik.

kĂŒzd, hogy bizonyos emberi kvalitĂĄsok

Elég gyakori azonban, hogy håtulról låtjuk,

tartĂłs mivoltĂĄt biztosĂ­tsa. James Joyce

legfeljebb profilbĂłl
 OdĂŒsszeusz tehĂĄt

bebizonyĂ­totta, hogy a mĂ­tosz a

åltalånos, tipikus emberi személyiség lesz.

modernitĂĄsban is aktuĂĄlis, hogy Ulysses a

MĂ©g a szembĂ”li ĂĄbrĂĄzolĂĄsok is nagyfokĂș

XX. szåzadban sem téved el, éppen

ĂĄltalĂĄnossĂĄgot hordoznak. Valami


mégiscsak melegíti ezeket a paradox

Alexandru RĂŁdvan nem tesz mĂĄst, mint

módon elszemélytelenedett portrékat:

hogy egyik kedvenc olvasmĂĄnyĂĄt, mely

olykor a vonĂĄsok eltĂșlzĂĄsa, mĂĄskor a

ĂĄltal visszatĂ©r az Ókorhoz Ă©s a mĂ­toszhoz,

szĂ­nes satĂ­rozĂĄs “fĂ©szke”, amely

a kortårs mûvészet sokféle és szåmtalan

meghatároz egy arcot – ezek a

formĂĄjĂș igazsĂĄgĂĄvĂĄ vĂĄltoztatja. Ulysses

megfigyelések elsÔsorban azokra a

vilåga mår diåkéveitÔl kezdve

mûvekre vonatkoznak, melyek 2012-ben

foglalkoztatta, Ă©s az Ășj Ă©vezred elsĂ”

kĂ©szĂŒltek darabos pasztellszĂ­nekkel


hangsĂșlyozottam expresszionista

Ami most mĂĄr az ĂĄltalĂĄban vett stilisztikai

vonĂĄsokkal telĂ­tettek, s a primitivizmus

adatokat illeti, véleményem szerint

immĂĄr azonosĂ­tott tipolĂłgiĂĄjĂĄbĂłl indulnak

Alexandru RĂŁdvan kĂ©pi “szĂłkincsĂ©nek”

ki, melyhez body in pieces-tĂ­pusĂș

sajĂĄtossĂĄgai abbĂłl is szĂĄrmazik, hogy

“rĂ©gĂ©szeti” lĂĄtĂĄsmĂłd jegyei jĂĄrulnak. A

ihletetten egybedolgozott bizonyos

festÔi beavatkozåsok az attitûd-beli

egymĂĄstĂłl kĂŒlönbözĂ” “hatĂĄsokat”. Ezek

“elĂ”adĂĄst” teszik lehetĂ”vĂ©. A fĂĄbĂłl Ă©s

egy mindent partikulĂĄrissĂĄ tevĂ” tĂłnusban

cementbĂ”l kĂ©szĂŒlt dombormĂ»vek szintĂ©n

“olvadnak össze”, anĂ©lkĂŒl, hogy a

arról a formålis szintézisképességrÔl

kĂŒlönbözĂ” összetevĂ”k mindegyike

ĂĄrulkodnak, amelyet Alexandru RĂŁdvan

feltĂ©tlenĂŒl mai lenne.Az Ulysses tematikĂĄjĂș

mĂ»ve tanĂșsĂ­t, a mĂ»vĂ©sz Ă©rzĂ©kenysĂ©gĂ©rĂ”l

univerzum esetében, legalåbbis, ami a

annak az anyagnak a textĂșrĂĄjĂĄt illetĂ”en,

pasztellrajzokat illeti, elsÔsorban a

amellyel dolgozik és arról a képességérÔl,

Transavanguardia hatĂĄsĂĄra gondolok,

amellyel mondani tud valamit ĂĄltala.

melyeket görög és római példåk is

Alexandru RĂŁdvan bevallotta nekem, hogy

befolyåsoltak. Maga a festés módja

egyre jobban szereti a nagy tömegû

expresszionizmust is hordoz (olasz

anyagot s a vele valĂł kĂŒzdelmet; a


plasztika egyfajta 3D-ben megalkotott

MåsfelÔl az installåcióra våltható

festménnyé-rajzzå vålik

portrésorozat, a pauszpapírra rajzolt

Az Ulyssesnek szentelt “nagy

monotĂ­pusok (Ulysses emberei, 2011) a

elbeszĂ©lĂ©shez” tartozĂł narratĂ­v rĂ©szletek

maguk sorån szintén felkavaróak: ezek a

“megjelennek” a mĂ»vĂ©sz elĂ”tt Ă©s

vĂĄltozatos kifejezĂ©st hordozĂł arcok Ășgy

legtöbbször kevéssé låtvånyos

jelennek meg, mint kĂŒlönbözĂ” emberi

körĂŒlmĂ©nyek között alakulnak ĂĄt kĂ©pekkĂ©.

állapotok “ujjlenyomatai”, expresszionisták

Az ihlet nem is ritkĂĄn csalĂĄdi körben “indul

ezek is, a színfoltok révén felvåzoltak.

be”. VĂ©gsĂ” soron mit jelent az OdĂŒsszeia a

Ugyanakkor a jelenlĂ©t–hiĂĄny közötti

vilåg bårmely nyelvén, ha nem azt:

viszony margĂłjĂĄra rajzolt etĂŒdöknek


tûnnek. A fém, våszon és festékanyag segítségével

Adrian GuĂŸĂŁ

megformĂĄlt szobrok közĂŒl nĂ©hĂĄnyan

Fordította: Demény Péter

The Ulysses of Alexandru RĂŁdvan

and attention at the end of the first decade of the new millenium.

Both in our readings and in our

He transforms the rediscovery of this hero

imagination, Ulysses has different periods

into art by (re)discovering of the visceral

of time. Some of us, most of the people

depiction of masculinity. He operates the

know the hero of Homer named Odysseus

shade of the ironical-parodical withdrawal

in their childhood and in their adolescence:

only schematically. Struggling with

they meet him in the first, the say

opponents and other difficulties, this

goodbye to him in the later. Others, only a

athletic training develops a 'discourse' that

few, tend to keep a long-running

becomes the praise of the ancient – and

friendship with him. I am talking about the

by extension – the universal athlete. He

text and image-creators for whom

simplifies the image of this triumphant

Odysseus becomes the Wayfairer seeking

corporeality to its substance and he

Cognition and a Triumphant through

'upgrades' this with the deliberate

intellect and – if it's required – through

'primitivism' of formal structure.

physical strength... Ulysses keeps straining

Ulysses is depicted in different situations

the barriers of the dialogues with the

from different angles, his face changes

world, he practices his curiosity and

constantly. However, we frequently see

intellect on the different 'levels' of the

him from back or at most in a profile

world, he fights to ensure the durability of

view... and so Odysseus becomes a

some human qualities. James Joyce

general, typical human personality. Even

proved that myth is actual even in

his frontwise depictions carry a great deal

modernity and that Ulysses doesn't get

of generality. Nevertheless, something

lost in the 20th century, on the contrary.

warms these paradoxically impersonified

Alexandru RĂŁdvan does nothing else but

portraits: sometimes the exaggeration of

turns his favourite reading – by which he

features, sometimes the 'nest' of color

returns to the antiquity and myth – into

shading which determines a face – but

the many-sided and many-formed truth of

these observations can be related to the

contemporary art. He was interested in the

works he made in 2012 using lumpy pastel

world of Ulysses in his student years and


this returned to the center of his sensibility

Considering the general stylistical data, I

think that the nature of Alexandru

associated with the features of this body in

RĂŁdvan's pictorial 'vocabulary' derives

pieces-like archaelogical view. The

from the fact that he inspirationally

interventions of the painter make the

combined some completely different

attitudical 'presentation' possible. The

'effects'. These effects are merged in a

reliefs made of wood and cement also

tone that makes everything particular,

reveal that formal capability for synthesis

even if not all its components are modern.

that is testified by the whole artwork of

In case of the Ulysses-universe,

Alexandru RĂŁdvan, the sensibility of the

concerning the pastel drawings, I am

artist concerning the texture of the

thinking here to the effect of

material that he is working with, and the

Transavanguardia, which was influenced by

ability of saying something by the use of

Greek and Roman examples, even the


mode of the painting carries the influence

Alexandru RĂŁdvan once admitted to me

of expressionism (with Italian

that he likes the material of great mass


and the struggle with it more and more;

On the other hand, the portrait series that

plasticism becomes a kind of a painting-

can be viewed as an installation, the

drawing created in 3D...

mono-types drawn on tracing paper (The

The narrative details dedicated to Ulysses

men of Ulysses, 2011) are also disturbing

and belonging to 'the great narrative' just

in their own way: these faces with diverse

happen to 'appear' in front of the artist

expressions are depicted as 'fingerprints'

and they transform into images not under

of different human conditions, these are

very spectacular circumstances in most

also expressionists outlined by colorspots.

cases. So many times, inspiration is

They seem to be etudes drawn on the

'turned on' in a family environment. After

margin of the relationship between

all, what does Odyssey mean in any

presence and absence.

language of the world, if not

Out of the sculptures created with the use


of metal, linen and paint, some are saturated with emphasis with expressionist features and they start from the already identified typology of primitivism which is

Adrian GuĂŸĂŁ Translated by ElĂ”d MĂĄrton

Alexandru RÃDVAN Date and place of birth: May16th 1977, Bucharest, Romania www.radvanpainting.blogspot.com Education: 1996 – 2000 Bucharest University of Art Solo shows: 2011 - “The Heart”, installation at Abbaye de NeumĂŒnster, Luxembourg, curated by Didier Damiani 2011 - “Christ”, Anaid Art Gallery, Bucharest 2009 - “Wond'ring aloud”, Anaid Art Gallery, Bucharest 2008 - „Zeus & Europa”, Calina Gallery, TimiÂșoara 2008 - „Huldigung des Judas & der Kreuzfahrer ”(Hommage to Judas & The crusaders), LWL – Industriemuseum Westfaliches Landesmuseum fur Industriekultur Henrichshutte, Hattingen, Germany 2007 – “Memories of Constantine”, Anaid Art in collaboration with Cluj-Napoca Art Museum, Cluj-Napoca Art Museum, Cluj-Napoca 2007 – “Cancer”, Anaid Art Gallery, Bucharest 2007 – “Memories of Constantine”, Curtea Veche, Bucharest 2006 – “Sol Victus”, U.A.P. Gallery, BistriĂŸa 2006 – “Sol Victus”, Casa Matei Gallery, Cluj-Napoca 2005 – International Action Art Center / UNESCO, Athens, Piraeus, Greece 2005 – “Soma”, Anaid Art Gallery, Bucharest 2005 – “Taurobolii”, Palatele Brancovenesti Culture Centre, Bucuresti 2003 – “Imperatores. Fragments”, H'Art Gallery/ UNA Gallery, Bucharest 2003 – “Drawings for Petronius”, Posibila Gallery, Bucharest 2001 – “Heroes”, UNAgaleria, Bucharest 2001 – “12 images told by Alexandru Radvan”, ArtJazz Club, Bucharest 2000 – “Anatomy of the landscape”, 35 Atelier, Bucharest

Lista lucrarilor / List of the artworks Seria Atletice I., pastel gras pe hĂąrtie, 72x51cm, 2012 Athletic Series I., oily pastel on paper, 72x51cm, 2012 Seria Atletice II., pastel gras pe hĂąrtie, 72x51cm, 2012 Athletic Series II., oily pastel on paper, 72x51cm, 2012 Seria Atletice IV., pastel gras pe hĂąrtie, 72x51cm, 2012 Athletic Series IV., oily pastel on paper, 72x51cm, 2012 Seria Atletice V., pastel gras pe hĂąrtie, 72x51cm, 2012 Athletic Series V., oily pastel on paper, 72x51cm, 2012 Seria Atletice VI., pastel gras pe hĂąrtie, 72x51cm, 2012 Athletic Series VI., oily pastel on paper, 72x51cm, 2012 Seria Atletice VII., pastel gras pe hĂąrtie, 72x51cm, 2012 Athletic Series VII., oily pastel on paper, 72x51cm, 2012 Seria Atletice VIII., pastel gras pe hĂąrtie, 72x51cm, 2012 Athletic Series VIII., oily pastel on paper, 72x51cm, 2012 Seria Atletice IX., pastel gras pe hĂąrtie, 72x51cm, 2012 Athletic Series IX., oily pastel on paper, 72x51cm, 2012 Seria Atletice III., pastel gras pe hĂąrtie, 72x51cm, 2012 Athletic Series III., oily pastel on paper, 72x51cm, 2012

Oamenii lui Ulise I., monotipie (tuÂș pe hĂąrtie de calc), 42x30cm, 2011 People of Ulysses I., monotype (ink on tracing paper), 42x30cm, 2011 Oamenii lui Ulise III., monotipie (tuÂș pe hĂąrtie de calc), 42x30cm, 2011 People of Ulysses III., monotype (ink on tracing paper), 42x30cm, 2011 Oamenii lui Ulise IV., monotipie (tuÂș pe hĂąrtie de calc), 42x30cm, 2011 People of Ulysses IV., monotype (ink on tracing paper), 42x30cm, 2011 Oamenii lui Ulise V., monotipie (tuÂș pe hĂąrtie de calc), 42x30cm, 2011 People of Ulysses V., monotype (ink on tracing paper), 42x30cm, 2011 Alexandru RĂŁdvan - Oamenii lui Ulise, instalatie 45 de monotipii (tuÂș pe hĂąrtie de calc), 42x30cm, 2011 Alexandru RĂŁdvan - People of Ulysses, installation of 45 monotips (ink on tracing paper), 42x30cm, 2011 Oamenii lui Ulise VI., monotipie (tuÂș pe hĂąrtie de calc), 42x30cm, 2011 People of Ulysses VI., monotype (ink on tracing paper), 42x30cm, 2011 PeÂștera lui Polifem, acrilic pe pĂąnzĂŁ nepreparatĂŁ, 277x154cm, 2012 Cave of Polyphemus, acrylic on unprepared canvas 277x154cm, 2012 Ulise Âși Sirenele, tehnica mixtĂŁ: armaturĂŁ metalicĂŁ; pĂąnzĂŁ Âși pigmenĂŸi, 2011 Ulysses and the Sirens, mixed technique: metal armatures, canvas and pigments, 2011 Troia, tehnica mixtĂŁ: armaturĂŁ metalicĂŁ; pĂąnzĂŁ Âși pigmenĂŸi, 2009-2011 Troy, mixed technique: metal armatures, canvas and pigments, 2009-2011 FĂŁrĂŁ titlu, lemn de brad pictat cu culori vinilice, 2011 Untitled, pine wood painted with vinyl color, 2011

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