Fall 2017 Foundation Report

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F ou nd a ti o n FALL 2017



A terrible car accident marked the start of a long, difficult journey for Olivia. Donors like you were there alongside her, every step of the way. On the evening of January 30, 2014, Olivia was in a car with her mother and a friend travelling home from visiting her niece. As they drove through an intersection, a van travelling at full speed crashed into the passenger’s side of the vehicle. Olivia bore the full impact of the oncoming vehicle. An off-duty nurse was the first to come upon the wreckage. Just eight minutes later, an ambulance arrived. After be-

ing brought to the emergency room in Belleville, Olivia was immediately transferred to the Kingston General Hospital (KGH) site of Kingston Health Sciences Centre (KHSC). Olivia suffered a skull fracture, rotated shoulder blade, broken clavicle and severe head trauma. When she arrived by ambulance at the emergency department at KGH, she was in a deep coma. Continued on pg. 5...

Your guide to redeveloping the Kingston hospitals. p. 3

LEGACY GIVING Is an endowment fund right for you? p. 4

BOARD UPDATE Meet the new members of our Board of Directors! p. 6

A MESSAGE FROM OUR PRESIDENT In my daily work, I am blessed to get to know generous people like you from across the region. I hear from donors who have been giving to the hospitals every year for more than 20 years. I talk with supporters who give in memory of a loved one, who give in gratitude for care received, and who give to ensure the future of excellence in our hospitals. Every person I speak to has a unique and personal reason behind their generosity. In a recent review of giving trends in Canada, we were dismayed to learn that fewer and fewer Canadians are supporting charitable causes each year. While faithful older supporters are increasing their gifts to charities, younger Canadians are giving less often than the generations who have gone before them. Denise Cumming, UHKF President & CEO

LOOKING FOR MORE INFORMATION? If you would like more information about endowments or about leaving a gift in your Will, I invite you to contact our Planned Giving office at 613544-3400 ext. 2419, or better yet, drop in for a visit at KHSC - Hotel Dieu Hospital site, Sydenham Wing Suite 233.

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When I sign letters of thanks to donors who have supported us for a decade or two, I wonder: “who will make these annual gifts to our hospitals for generations to come?� Establishing an endowment fund can be a powerful way to continue your tradition of giving and legacy of generosity. You can read about how one woman established an endowment fund for staff education that continues to make a difference in the lives of staff and residents ten years after she passed. (Iva Speers, pg 4 ) Perhaps, like Iva, you want to continue your support for the hospitals beyond your lifetime. Through a legacy gift, you can ensure the programs and caregivers important to you continue to have your financial support. I remain grateful to incredible supporters like you who have made such a difference to the quality of health care we have in our community.

THE INSIDE STORY: REBUILDING OUR HOSPITAL FACILITIES Higher ceilings equal better monitors and lighting systems

A mobile table will allow for more types of surgeries

Larger OR’s will provide more space for the care team

Over 16,000 surgeries are performed in the Kingston hospitals every year. We know that these patients are fortunate to have amazing doctors and surgical staff available to care for them, but the operating suites are in need of redevelopment in order to continue to provide the best care possible. Significant renovations are required to accomodate the growing number of surgery referrals and the rising popularity of minimally invasive procedures. The operating rooms will have higher ceilings to support modern monitoring and lighting systems, the fixed operating table will be replaced with a mobile table so staff can perform more types of surgeries, and the rooms will be built larger so the entire care team can work comfortably. “There’s a lot of innovation that’s been going on here,” said Laurie Thomas, Program Manager of the operating rooms, “and everyone is looking for ways to decrease the amount of time that the patient is on the operating room table. [When we have the new suites] we can give the patient all of their options in the best interest of their care.” Visit uhkf.ca/about/campaign to learn more about how you can support redevelopment at Kingston Health Sciences Centre. pg. 3 |FALL 2017

MORE ON REDEVELOPMENT PLANS As you know, we rely on donations from generous community members like you to fund new facilities within the Kingston hospitals. That’s why each issue of the Foundation Report will show you plans to replace aging facilities with new space made possible by your gifts.

AT KHSC Operating Suites Emergency Department Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Labour and Delivery Clinical Laboratories


ENRICHING THE FUTURE OF CARE You may have heard us share the news of staff members who have upgraded their education with an Iva Speers bursary, or a nurse who recieved specialized wound care training thanks to the Susan Dick Endowment Fund. These special donors may no longer be with us, but their legacy lives on every day in the Kingston hospitals through endowment funds. An endowment is capital invested to provide a steady and dependable income for a charity. Staff at hospital sites can better serve their When you create an endowment fund with the patients, clients, and residents thanks to University Hospitals Kingston Foundation, you endowment funds. give a continuing source of hope for the people of our region who depend on the Kingston hospitals for their health care. Income from the fund may provide support for programs, equipment purchases, facilities, research, education, and more. Most importantly, endowment funds are a meaningful way to help your local hospital thrive for generations to come. Establishing an endowment with UHKF through your Will can ensure that your annual gift to the hospitals continues…forever! For more information about endowment funds or other forms of planned giving, please contact Suzanne Beek at 613-544-3400 ext. 2419.

Yes! I want to support our hospitals... Cut out this form and mail to: University Hospitals Kingston Foundation, 55 Rideau Street, Suite 4, Kingston ON, K7K 2Z8

I want to make a one-time donation of $________________

I am interested in learning about Planned Giving. Please send me more information.

I want to make a monthly donation of $_________________ Method of payment: I have enclosed a blank cheque payable to UHKF, marked “VOID”. Please withdraw the above amount on the ______ day of each month. Signature: _______________________________________

I authorize UHKF to charge my monthly donation to my credit card on the ______ day of each month. Card #______________________________________

Expiry Date: _____ /______

Signature: ___________________________________

Name of Card Holder: __________________________________

I would like to see my donation:

Shared where needed most



Other: ___________________________

We recognize donors by name in our publications: I do not wish my name to be published. Tax receipts will be issued for all qualifying gifts of $20 or more. Charitable Registration No. 820218147RR0001. We do not sell or rent our mailing lists. As is common practice with Canadian fundraising organizations, a portion of your donation will be used for expenses.

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“Everything was painful. I didn’t know how to walk. I had to remind myself to breathe and put my feet on the ground.” continued from pg. 1 “I was nearly dead. The medical teams that worked with me knew what they were doing and did their best,” she said.

greatly increased.

Olivia doesn’t remember the car accident, or any of the time she spent in the Intensive Care Unit. She only remembers the final days of the month she spent at the KGH site.

This was especially challenging for Olivia, who had always been a very independent person. A teacher for over 30 years, she had worked in regular classrooms, with high-needs students, gifted students, had lectured at universities, and had been very physically fit.

“Everything was painful. I remember trying to get out of bed. I didn’t know how to walk. I had to remind myself to breathe and put my feet on the ground.”

“It was difficult. I could hardly read. Anything could cause dizziness. I had a feeling of falling out of my body – I would fall because of not knowing where I was in space.”

With the help of a physiotherapist, Olivia was able to take the first few painful steps. After a few more days in recovery, Olivia was ready for rehabilitation care at Providence Care’s St Mary’s of the Lake Hospital – now located at Providence Care Hospital.

Olivia visited Hotel Dieu’s ophthalmology clinic several times for issues related to her vision. Her eyes were fine – but her brain was having difficulty interpreting what she was seeing. Olivia continues vision therapy today.

But she was facing an uphill battle. Olivia’s skull was severely fractured in the accident. She was suffering from visual issues, cognitive issues and hyperacusis – a condition where sensitivity to sound is pg. 5 | FALL 2017

“Everyone who worked with me cared deeply and were amazing professionals. They lived their vision of care and their mission of care.” During Olivia’s care journey, donors like you were there ev-

Olivia still relies on the care teams at KHSC and Providence Care.

ery step of the way. The ICU was redeveloped several years ago thanks to the support of donors. You made it possible to renew the ophthalmology clinic at Hotel Dieu Hospital. You supported the purchase of rehabilitation equipment and you even helped build the new Providence Care Hospital! Olivia was fortunate to receive care in Kingston, where the hospitals and care providers work closely together to ensure the best care possible for their patients. Today, Olivia still struggles with the effects of her brain injury but she continues to remain hopeful and optimistic. “I still have issues, many issues to work through, to heal from, which I am working through. But I have caring help, and I have a heart and mind full of gratitude.”

DREAM DONATION FOR NEUROSURGERY! This spring, we shared Kyla’s story of lifesaving care from the Kingston hospitals with you. After a softball-sized tumour was removed from her brain, saving her vision and improving her quality of life, Kyla found a meaningful way to say “Thank You” to the care team that saved her.

Kyla was excited to present over $26,500 to hospital leaders!

Months of hard work went into planning the first annual Chase A Dream Half Marathon and 5K race. It was an incredible success, and Kyla was thrilled to present a donation of over $26,500 to members of the Neurosurgery department and representatives from UHKF. “It’s wonderful to see somebody begin their life and go on and enjoy their future,” said Dr. Pokrupa, Kyla’s neurosurgeon. “We hope that many of our other patients can follow the same path.” Neurosurgery leaders are determining the best way to use Kyla’s donations to impact the greatest number of patients possible.

WELCOME TO OUR TEAM! We would like to take the opportunity to introduce you to the new members of the UHKF Board of Directors. Evelyn Maizen is a self-employed Chartered Professional Accountant. She is already a friend of UHKF, and has been an active member of the Women’s Giving Circle committee. Cheryl Doornekamp is a member of the Women’s Giving Circle and serves on UHKF’s Donor Advisor Committee. Her family has loyally donated to UHKF for years, and now that she is retired, Cheryl is excited to have more time to give back to the community.




Randy Tredenick is a Regional Vice President with RBC and is responsible for retail and small business banking operations across the Rideau Lakes, Kingston and Quinte communities. Randy, his wife Laura, and their twin boys are new to Kingston. We wish to thank Pat McCue and Pierre Gaumond, who have stepped down from the Board of Directors. Pat and Pierre were excellent champions for the hospitals and we will miss them dearly!

55 Rideau Street, Suite 4 Kingston, Ontario, K7K 2Z8 Phone Toll-Free Web

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613.549.5452 1.866.549.5452 uhkf.ca

Charitable #820218147 RR0001

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