March 2020

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A CLOSER LOOK at Liz McCormick | 22 March 2020 | University of Evansville |

crescent magazine

Who Run The World?

YOU LEARN A LOT ON CAMPUS. But you shouldn’t have to learn how to deal with secondhand smoke when you’re off campus. Nonsmokers who are exposed to secondhand smoke increase their risk of developing heart disease by up to 30 percent. Everyone in Evansville has the right to breathe smoke-free air, including students like you. We need your help to ensure their everyone’s right to breathe smoke-free air is protected.


2020 STAFF




Get creative for Women’s History

WRITERS Avery Pereboom Jane Tafolla Paige Kirkey Grant Burnett Alexis Jones

Month. Whether you like to follow

the rules or color outside the lines, our coloring page is for you.


14 | Cover

EDITING DIRECTOR Serafina Martinez

Women make the world go

‘round, so why don’t they get the


recognition they deserve? We’ve

COVER DESIGN Alexis Jones DESIGNERS Hayley Tran Jenny Stepanski Fatimah Alnermer

CONTENTS identified a few women you should know this Women’s History Month.

CREATIVE PHOTO DIRECTOR Alexis Jones PHOTOGRAPHERS Jules Iradukunda Jenny Stepanski Nicolas Likulia Fatimah Alnermer

20 | ATHLETES IN ACTION After beating the number one

ranked, University of Kentuckey, the men’s basketball team had a tough season. But, senior K.J. Riley made sure his team gave it their all.

4 Fascinating People 6 Campus Culture 9 Out of Bounds 11 Campus Crime 17 Crossword 20 UE Around the World 22 Off the Wall 24 Lists


CRESCENT MAGAZINE is the University of Evansville’s student magazine. It is written, edited and designed by and for UE students and published six times during the academic year. Circulation is 1,500, and it is distributed to 18 campus locations and housed online at It is funded through advertising sales and a subscription fee paid on behalf of students by the Student Government Association. Printed by MarKel Printing, Newburgh, Ind. ©2019 Student Media, University of Evansville.

2 | March 2020 | Crescent Magazine

Ridgway University Center, second floor, University of Evansville, 1800 Lincoln Ave., Evansville, IN 47722 Editorial e-mail: Phone: (812) 488–2725 | FAX: (812) 488–2224 |

LETTER SUBMISSIONS: Crescent Magazine welcomes letters from UE students, faculty, staff, administrators and alumni, but material the CMEB regards as libelous, malicious and/or obscene will not be published. Letters should not exceed 250 words. For verification, letters must include the author’s name, class standing or title and email address. Crescent Magazine does not print anonymous letters or those that cannot be verified. Letters will be edited as needed.

EDITORIAL POLICY: Commentary expressed in unsigned editorials represents a consensus opinion of the magazine’s Editorial Board. Other columns, reviews, articles and advertising are not necessarily the opinion of the CMEB or other members of staff.


our viewpoint < editorial

While campus and the Internet alike are flooded with plans for new construction and updates to UE, many important buildings and student areas are being left in the dust. During the years a student attends college the campus can change slowly. With each incoming class and departure of the last, the atmosphere and physical body of the school shifts. What a freshman once recognized as a familiar place is then made foreign senior year. But what do students do when they view these changes as a detriment to future students? Where should school pride end and criticism begin? As the class of 2020 starts preparing to step out of undergraduate life and into their next phase, concerns for the students and professors they leave behind arise. Summer 2020, shortly after graduation, construction will begin to radically alter Walnut Ave. and later Frederick St. Walnut Ave. will get a much-needed facelift, but Frederick St. will see a change that many students view as unneeded. The houses currently lining Frederick St. will be torn down for a new intramural field which will be placed over the grave of the tennis courts and creep up against Jones Hall’s front doors. Access to Safety & Security, Lot H and mail services through Frederick St. will be no more. Students on foot will have to walk on the path next to the Carson Center; those in vehicles will have to drive through what is currently Lot Q via Weinbach Ave. Furthermore, Hughes Hall will be demolished and a shiny new wellness center will be raised where the beloved residence hall once stood. According to Donna Teague in Fiscal Affairs, all this will be funded through philanthropy, proceeds from the sale of property on Division St. and city funding for the Walnut Street Improvement Project. Several sacrifices had to be made in order for these cosmetic fixes to UE could be made. The talented tennis team was cut and Hughes residents were vacated. The building was turned into offices, and then vacated once again. For many students,

the closure of Hughes was devastating. It was the cheapest housing on campus and the tight-knit community was like no other. Living there could be rough; there was no air conditioning in the hot months and often the heat was not turned on until weather crept close to, or below, freezing. Still, for many it was home. On Oct. 23, 2018 residents were told they would have to find alternate housing by the end of the semester and eventually granted the Hughes Legacy Fund. UE was rebuilding Hyde Hall and Hughes had the lowest number of residents. The university would convert the residence hall to offices for the psychology, communication and theater departments during Hyde’s construction. But the struggle for Hughes residents was not over. Most moved to Moore Hall, but others chose different housing on campus and discovered a new slew of problems. Morton Hall, one of the proposed halls for Hughes residents, is known to have an unrelenting mold problem along with several other academic buildings on and off the central campus block. Olmsted Hall is one such building. A serious mold problem forced one professor out of their office and the issue still persists. There have also been complaints of water damage, insect infestation, and frequent unreliability of air conditioning and heat. Olmsted is also not friendly for students and staff with disabilities; it is not compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act, which it is exempt from as a historic building. This means that they don’t have to comply, but they stil could. The decision to not adhere to ADA requirements leaves three departments on the 4th floor and many more below an inaccessible area for those with disabilities. Katie Mullins, a creative

writing professor, was located in a small office on the fourth floor of Bower-Suhrheinrich Library, because she could not access her department in Olmsted. Another building that needs an elevator but doesn’t have one is Krannert Hall. The bulk of courses for art and visual communication students happen on the third floor of Krannert; students and teachers with disabilities can find getting to class in the old building difficult, if not impossible, at times. Students who frequent Krannert have complained of poorly functioning heaters in the cold months, mold, undrinkable water from the sinks and wasps. Students who have used the Art Studio, located on Mulberry St., have claimed that the house is riddled with mold and any water is undrinkable. One student claimed that the house should have been condemned years ago. While construction on Walnut St. starts this summer, buildings like Krannert and Olmsted will not see significant help for a while. Wheeler Concert Hall, located within Krannert, will get some repairs after a damaging pipe leak, acoustic updates, and maybe some updates to the lobby if they’re lucky. At this time there are no plans for extensive repairs, the addition of elevators or heating and air conditioning improvements for the next four years. Donna Teague said it is “in discussion,” so there is hope, but this means that the freshman class arriving next semester will most likely not see any significant changes to these buildings before they graduate. It may not even happen within the next decade. Unfortunately most professors in those buildings have to hold out much longer than four years. For their sake, here’s hoping the discussions about the conditions of busy campus locations happen quick and bear more fruit.

Crescent Magazine | March 2020 | 3

fascinating people > Resident Assistants


Striving to create strong and lasting communities on campus, Resident Assistants are more than policy enforcers.

avery | PEREBOOM Resident Assistants are a key fixture on campus, but misconceptions often surround the position. It’s easy to equate the job to residential law enforcement but ensuring that residents follow hall policies is just one of an RA’s many duties in a role that cultivates the communities many residents call home. For many students, college is their first experience living independently from their parents or with a roommate. With up to 50 young adults suddenly living and learning on one floor, all navigating the “firsts” of life at the same time, chaos is inevitable. That’s where RAs are needed. Their jobs entail asking rowdy rooms to quiet down and checking that residents’ extension cords won’t set the building on fire. But it also involves building relationships with and between students or offering a shoulder to cry on and an ear to listen to their problems. “I would love the RA to be a resource to residents, whether that’s a personal resource, an academic resource, a career resource, a mental health resource,” said Megan King, assistant director of campus programs and residential coordinator for Morton and Brentano Halls.

I would love the RA to be a resource to residents, whether that’s a personal resource, an academic resource, a career resource, a mental health resource. -Megan King. RAs are instructed to act as paraprofessional counselors, and are equipped to mediate conflict, address Title IX concerns and approach diversity. Hall events — referred to as programming — are one way that RAs go above and beyond support their residents. These events can be social, educational, artistic or many other categories. While the activities

4 | March 2020 | Crescent Magazine

are usually light-hearted, like making paper squids or watching comedies, they provide an opportunity for residents to come together and decompress from the pressures of school and work. They also allow students to get to know their RA and vice versa, which makes them more comfortable talking to their RA at a point when they need help. For many RAs, connecting with residents is the highlight of their job. “You have this relationship that you build with people that has a lasting impact, and it’s not something you expect,” said graduate student Kayla Penister, Senior RA for the Villages. Penister, who is finishing her eighth semester as an RA, has even been invited to residents’ weddings, displaying the true depths of the impact RAs can have. Sophomore Spencer Thompson, Powell Hall RA, is much newer to Residence Life than Penister, but is a prime example of how the position works and benefits students at any level. For the 2019-2020 school year, Thompson applied to be an RA on a freshman floor because of how close he became with his floormates his own freshman year. “We just had this tightly knit group, and I was like ‘I want to provide that for other people,’” he said. But being an RA isn’t free from challenges. Becoming close with their residents often means that RAs have to discipline their friends, which can have awkward repercussions, and the obligation to report unregistered parties complicates Greek membership. As a Village RA, Penister oversees Jones Hall, the Walnut and Fredrich Commons townhouses, Fraternities and all additional houses and apartments. Because the Village housing is occupied by older students often ready for the transition to postgraduate independence, her supervision can be met with annoyance or resistance. “The hard part is enforcing these rules and still treating people with the respect and integrity that they are an adult and these are decisions they are allowed to make,” she said. Luckily in recent years, resentful attitudes

toward RAs have dwindled as their objective has shifted from monitoring to mentoring. “The quality of RAs in my time here has been stellar. I think that’s why that stigma has fallen away, because they don’t see us as being the police,” Penister said.

You have this relationship that you build with people that has a lasting impact, and it’s not something you expect. -Kayla Penister. King attributes part of the RA staff’s increasing quality to their dynamic with the RCs, who are younger than ever before. Because UE stopped requiring RCs to hold Master’s degrees, the demographic of RCs has shifted from their thirties, to their twenties. King is the second oldest RC at 25 years old, the other three RCs have range from 23-26 years old respectively, which allows them to more easily relate to residents. Through their relationships with residents and each other, RAs transform their residence hall floors into homes. “If you know your neighbor better, and you know your building better, you’re bound to be happier in life,” said Thompson. While it is understandable when everyone gets grumpy about mandatory floor meetings and complains about the dread “RA knock” on their door over the weekends, students can thank their Residence Life staff for continuing to have safe, healthy and happy student-living options that only add to UE’s sense of community and comradery.

ON THE RIGHT | photo by Alexis Jones

campus culture> I-house

I-House presents women around the world On March 4 a panel of women from all over the world came together to discuss women’s rights at I-House. The panel discussed everything from education, to women’s violence, to what makes them proud to be a woman in their home country. This panel kicked off Women’s History Month — which lasts for the entire month of March. While this panel focused on women for their discussion, I-House features a different topic each week. Join International Club for a new presentation from around the world at 7 p.m. every Wednesday on the second floor of Ridgway University Center.

Annette Parks, associate professor of history, kicked-off the the discussion and asked the panel riveting questions to keep the conversation moving. | Jenny Stepanski

6 | March 2020 | Crescent Magazine

Senior Farrah Beidas explains the significance of a hijab with seniors Ăˆmile Moura and Anazuo Ohieku-Ajanaku. | Jenny Stepanski Junior Anh Tran discusses the differences between the northern and southern parts of Vietnam in regards to what is an appropriate age to marry. | Jenny Stepanski Senior Sindi Dlamini talks about what feminism means to her and how it is represented in South Africa. | Jenny Stepanski

Cresecent Magazine | March 2020 | 7

voices > dear white people

THANKS, CAN I HAVE IT BACK? Other races need to take the time to understand why black people get offended when their hairstyles are appropriated. alexis | JONES Dear White People, It seems everyday something new is trending on social media. Recently, a viral trend about hair has been circulating on the video-sharing social network, TikTok — the new “Vine.” The app has also been transitioning into a strange place where certain racial communities are becoming confidently bold, and the hair trend is a part of that confidence. The trend began with one viral video, “Thanks, can I have it back?” where a TikToker asked a straight celebrity if they could have their popularized queer phrases back. After doing some research, the audience learned that the phrases referred to in the video came from black, transgender and queer community members. This later lead to backlash and now black and African American TikTokers have responded with more “Thanks, can I have it back” videos referring to things stolen from our community, including hair, by other racial groups. Not limited to white people. Hair is an extremely sensitive topic, especially for black people. Their hair is equivalent to their crown and is a big part of their identity; it lets them be who they are without having to use other items like clothes or shoes to compensate. It is an integral part of black history, especially for black women. Did you know that cornrows were actually used as escape maps/patterns for slaves? Certain hairstyles also used to hold social standards and could tell you if someone was a widow, married, had men at war, etc. Black parents also used to put food, like rice, in their hair in case they were captured as slaves and wouldn’t have food for nutrients. For decades after slavery, black people used to

8 | March 2020 | Crescent Magazine

feel pressured to wear their hair in a more European fashion, or straight, in order to draw less attention to themselves; to fit in. In about 1919, Madame C.J. Walker, recognized as the first woman millionaire in America, invented a line of hair care products to prevent hair loss and the first straightener. Once black people began embracing their

When you tell a black person, you’re ‘just trying to understand’ as an excuse to wear our cultured hairstyles, be prepared for the repercussions. natural hair again, which is still a struggle for many, they had to face new challenges – like wash day. When they were little, most black people went through the same torturous day once a week or every two weeks. After the painful event of washing, comes the combing. Not many black moms knew the art of detangling back then, as most people were still transitioning out of perms. Perms are a big part of black girls’ childhood — and they hate every aspect of it. Perms were so traumatic, that some black women still have nightmares. Perms or relaxers are designed to make naturally curly, kinky hair straight with harmful chemicals. These treatments only last a month at most if you’re lucky and could result in painful scalp burns. To this day, hair is still an all-day event; starting in the morning, wash-day can go until the next day for some. It normally starts with actually washing and then conditioning the hair. Then there’s a deep

condition — during this process lots of detangling and sectioning occur. Next is more conditioning, which takes at least an hour or two and is how black people restore moisture back in to their hair. Finally comes the styling, which is twisting or braiding that takes a minimum of two hours and varies between the length of the hair. So, when a black person tells you they can’t come because its wash day… they mean it. Often, people think black people are being mean or unwilling to change whenever they get offended by people of other races wearing their hairstyles, but now you know why they react a certain way. Other races have not endured the trauma, time, effort and discrimination of black hair and shouldn’t be able to benefit from it without fully understanding it. And you will never understand. So when you tell a black person you’re just trying to relate as an excuse to wear their cultured hairstyles, be prepared for the repercussions. Black people as a culture, are not an excuse or a lesson to be learned. Please stop asking to touch black hair. Think about it is as if you are in a museum — security doesn’t let you touch artwork, so don’t touch ours.

out of bounds < voices

HEY NOW, YOU’RE AN ALL-STAR The 2020 NBA All-Star Weekend came and went, with the NBA keeeping its promise to make changes to the format – and they paid off. Maybe it was the pageantry, the moment or the rash of new stars that made 2020’s NBA All-Star Weekend — held Feb. 14 to 16 — entry into history feel so special, but the events this year all had an air of intrigue absent from years prior. The NBA Rising Stars Challenge featured numerous young talents across the league, including 2020 All-Stars Luka Doncic and Trae Young. The Luka Doncic experience continued with a fadeaway three over, through and around his Hawks rival. Former Duke standout and generational talent Zion Williamson cracked the backboard after a slam dunk. You could tell there was something special brewing in Chicago. The best day of the NBA All-Star Weekend is not the first — of course. It’s not even the last, where the All-Star game really feels like the falling action of the weekend. On Saturday, the premier events take place and bring fans of the NBA the skills challenge, the three-point contest and the slam-dunk contest.

Even more than the NBA AllStar game, the NBA Slam Dunk Contest is the premier event of the weekend. Once again, the frontcourt players proved dominant in the skills challenge as Domantas Sabonis and Bam Adebayo faced off in a battle of center skill. Both All-Stars proved that they can pass, dribble and shoot just as well as the backcourt players of the league, with Adebayo eventually edging Sabonis out. The NBA three-point contest seems an increasingly important part of All-Star Weekend, as the three-point shot becomes the dominant force in the game basketball. The three finalists for this

event were Buddy Hield, Davis Bertans, and former three-point contest winner and first-time All-Star Devin Booker – but there’s more to than meets the eye about this event for fans. As the league moves away from post-ups and elite centers wielding unstoppable footwork, the door opens for centers and forwards that shoot the ball more aggressively. Bertans, a power forward standing at 6’10, shot incredibly well to make it into the finals of the contest. His success highlights the movement away from post physicality and dominance. Although Bertans lost the contest, both Hield and Booker put on a show stopping display of shooting prowess. Hield’s final shot gave Booker the boot, and Buddy became the 2020 NBA three point contest winner. Even more than the NBA All-Star game, the NBA Slam Dunk Contest is the premier event of the weekend. Dunks are a part of the basketball lexicon; unforgettable moments that tell us more than any other. For many they are the best part of the game. The Dunk Contest has the power to dazzle, but also the power to disappoint. Contests of the past have definitely done the latter, with the occasional exception. This year was one of those exceptions. Aaron Gordon, potentially one of the greatest dunkers of all time, faced off against Pat Connaughton, Dwight Howard and Derrick Jones Jr. Aaron Gordon and Derrick Jones Jr. advanced to the final round. Gordon scored two fifties in the first round; Jones Jr. scored a forty-six and a fifty. Gordon continued his excellence, bringing his total to four straight fifty dunks, but Jones Jr. matched him in the final round. It would have to be a dunk off. The two had been dunking over attendees all night, Gordon jumping over Chance the Rapper

grant | BURNETT

and Jones Jr. jumping over Miami Heat teammate Bam Adebayo. There was one mountain yet to be climbed, and Gordon intended to do so on national television.

The NBA dominated the sports media landscape for a night, but lost one of its athletic titans in the process. Gordon brought out Boston Celtics center Tacko Fall for his final attempt. Fall is 7’5; the tallest player in the entire league. With a running start, the Orlando Magic forward jumped over Fall and stuffed it down the rim. The crowd went wild. Did he hit Fall’s hands and head? Yeah, maybe a little. Fall was definitely scared – the stunt wasn’t planned, and he had no idea what to expect. The judges intended on awarding a tie to the two, where they could hash it out and pick the winner via arbitration, but this story doesn’t have a happy – or fair ending. Gordon scored a forty-seven to the shock of everyone there. This cemented a loss, bringing back memories of another failure several years prior. He proclaimed afterwards that he would never participate again, a loss for all fans of basketball. Was it worth all the hoopla? The NBA dominated the sports media landscape for a night, but lost one of its athletic titans in the process. The drama of All-Star Weekend sometimes supersedes the reality, but while fans look forward to a duller contest next year, they will always be thankful to have the 2020 events to remember.

Crescent Magazine | March 2020 | 9

day in the life > Huda Aljidaa



Students across campus lead hectic lives, but each one has their own college experience. We’ve gone behind the scenes to explore a day in the life of the busiest UE students. paige | KIRKEY

Freshman Huda Aljidaa, a theatre design and technical major with a focus on costume design, tries to manage her job, schoolwork and passion of theatre in her daily life. Originally from Denver, Aljidaa found UE through advertising for the theatre department. She said theatre is one of her favorite things about UE; she likes to work on the technical side, dealing with lighting and stage props. Aljidaa has done theatre since middle school where she started curating her passion for technical work and tried out acting. “I’ve done theatre since middle school and in high school something just clicked,” she said. “It makes me feel happy.” Theatre is a main part of her schedule, but besides working on technical aspects for the semester’s productions, she is a part of the theatre recruitment department. Being a part of the Theatre Department is more than just putting on the main plays. In these roles, Aljidaa works behind the scenes in many rehearsals, painting and lighting meetings and more. “Theatre here makes me feel professional,” Aljidaa said. “I feel like it prepares me for whatever the future may hold.” Along with theatre, Aljidaa is a member of Phi Mu, which lets her explore her other passion: volunteering. She said she hopes to to volunteer more in her free time and truly make a difference in someone else’s life. She keeps busy with her classes like the rest of her peers. Her busiest days are Tuesdays, which she starts by waking up early, juggling her classes, her work, a whirlwind of theatre meetings and — if she’s lucky — a nap. UE’s small campus can serve as a benefit and gives Aljidaa more time to finish her never-ending to-do list, but it was an adjustment from her much larger hometown. Still, Aljidaa finds things to do for fun and relaxation during her rare and limited free time. “I do love the cat cafe,” she said.

10 | March 2020 | Crescent Magazine

photos by Jules Iradukunda

Jan. 29 – Possession/Consumption of alcohol in Schroeder Hall at 5:58 p.m. Student(s) referred for disciplinary action. Jan. 30 – Undisclosed item stolen from Koch Center 259 at 4:30 a.m. Case is cleared. Feb. 2 – Possession/ Consumption of alcohol in University Apartments at 1:45 a.m. Student(s) referred for disciplinary action. Feb. 21 – Rape reported at university housing occurring sometime between 12:00 a.m. Jan. 1 through 11:59 p.m. Jan. 31. Case is active.

Feb. 23 – Theft from vehicle between 8:00 p.m. and 10:30 a.m. on Sycamore St. Case is suspended. Feb. 26 – Undisclosed item stolen from Aces Place on Feb. 24 between 11:21 and 11:25 p.m. Case is active. Feb. 27 – Theft on Walnut St. at 2:54 p.m. Case is active. Feb. 27– Indecent exposure on the corner of Rotherwood St. and Lincoln Ave. at 2:50 p.m. Case is active. Feb. 28 – Possession/Consumption of alcohol on Walnut St. and Schroeder Hall at 11:45 p.m. Case is active.

National Campus Crime There’s just something about being on a college campus that encourages random and downright weird crime — and who are we to complain? College movie tropes led most of us to believe that our weekends would be spent at wild parties in various frat houses, a red solo cup never leaving our hands. With UE’s alcohol policy change that is no longer a possibility for students. And if you’ve thought about transferring to an Indiana college with a more relaxed alcohol policy, think again. Purdue University had eight cases of alcohol possession and intoxication and thirteen drug law violations in the first two weeks of February alone.

While the law tends to dictate what is and is not a serious crime, some people choose to discern that for themselves. The University of Chicago listed a fall on their Feb. 4 crime report. At 6 a.m. on Feb. 4 a person was reported tripping and injuring their shoulder. On Feb. 5 and 7 two more people fell, this time on the stairs, resulting in injury. The university might consider investing in flooring with more traction, and getting rid of their security team with “crimes” like these.

Good crimes aren’t a thing and no arrest is fun, but the criminal charge that sounds the most adventurous is criminal mischief. Though it can be serious, most instances of criminal mischief are minor and only occur when a person damages someone else’s property. The University of Kentucky had 10 cases of criminal mischief in the early weeks of February, most occurring in the wee hours of the morning.

Ivy League universities have a reputation for being higher class — whether this is deserved or not is a conversation for a different day. You would imagine with this reputation their crimes would be higher class as well. Yet, someone at Harvard University reported an unwanted guest at the Smith Campus Center shortly after midnight on Feb. 9. Some people clearly never learn when they’ve overstayed their welcome.

What crime would you most expect art students to commit? It’s not an easy question, but students of Otis College of Art and Design know the answer. They seem to have a penchant for theft and vandalism. The most common items reported stolen were laptops, tablets, and wallets but honorable mentions include a wedding ring and a flashlight sans batteries. Additionally, there were two separate instances of signs being stolen from a campus bathroom. As art students, you would think they would find more creative ways not to get caught. Crescent Magazine | March 2020 | 11

random > coloring

12 | March 2020 | Crescent Magazine


brain bomb < random

jane | TAFOLLA

With cold weather keeping us indoors and increasing light pollution brightening the atmosphere, the night sky can seem like a mysterious unattainable treasure. But the glimpses of small white stars we see from the ground are a part of bigger, more important constellations that display the stories, people and objects of history just above our heads. PavoThe Peacock Pavo represents Hera’s sacred bird, the peacock. Hera’s chariots were driven by peacocks in the myths and as a result of one of Zeus’ many affairs, Hera placed the eye of the giant Argus on her sacred beasts. Australian will know the constellation a little different than Americans, as they refer to the misshapen mass of stars as the saucepan.

VolansThe Flying Fish One of the smallest constellations in the sky, Volans was originally named Piscis Volans and later shortened. The original name lasted from the constellation’s discovery in 1598 by the Dutch to well into the 19th century. In 1845 it was first listed as Volans in a British catalog and of course the British name was quickly adopted.

Apus – The Bird of Paradise The constellation Apus is named after the Greek word for footless. The Greeks depicted birds of paradise as not having feet. It’s hard enough to fly everywhere unable to land much less try and walk around. Apus was discovered by Dutch astronomer Petrus Plancius in the late sixteenth century. Originally named Paradysvogal Apis — meaning Indian Bee — it was confused with the term bird and became what we now know it as today.

MonocerosThe Unicorn The constellation Monoceros is associated with the modern imagery of a unicorn. It was created to fill an open area between Orion and Hydra. Plancius is said to have used unicorn imagery to describe the constellation because it apparently comes up several times in the Bible. The constellation has also appeared in star charts under the name Unicornus.

Draco – The Dragon Although the constellation Draco has been used to represent many dragons throughout history, the most famous story is the representation of Ladon, the dragon who guarded Hera’s golden apple tree. In the myth, Hercules slays Ladon to gain the apples as part of his twelve labors. As a result of Ladon’s death it’s said that Hera placed him in the sky as the constellation Draco. The physical constellation is the eighth largest constellation in the sky and contains two galaxies.

Crescent Magazine | March 2020 | 13

Across 1 Arabian ruler 5 Following 10 Some providers of wood for furniture 14 Prepare 15 Larry --- in “The Iceman Cometh” 16 Largest island in the Marianas 17 Stage accessory 18 Fire prodder 19 A single time 20 Abandon 22 Overhaul 24 Aeronautics group. 25 --- Lama 27 Round Table leader 29 Baseball official 32 Lowest of the low 34 Eye defects 36 Notes 40 Heel 41 Sheltered spots 43 Short written reminder 44 Ethiopian capital --- Ababa 46 “The --- Dancers” (Jean Thesman) 48 About the eye 50 Did, once 51 “--- and her Sisters” (Woody Allen movie) 54 Intriguing group 56 --- Annie (“Oklahoma!”) 57 Battalion XO, often 59 Moves cautiously forward 63 Names 65 Author Evelyn --67 It replaced the French franc 68 Noted scat singer --Fitzgerald 69 Boredom 70 Former Mrs David Bowie 71 Move 72 Palm tree fruit 73 Sports defeat

Down 1 Smartphone programs 2 Brandy made from pressed fruit 3 Matinee idol --- Novello (d. 1951) 4 Disavowal 5 Egyptian cobra 6 Roman flower goddess 7 Consider 8 Garden west of Nod 9 Go over again 10 Self-esteem 11 Middle meal 12 Former Portuguese territory in China 13 Slander 21 Comedian Roseanne --23 Warrant 26 Bony 28 Deceptive decorative paintwork 29 Where the Wizard of Westwood coached 30 One of three in “The Mikado” 31 Formerly known as shell-shock 33 Inquires 35 Escherichia ---, potentially dangerous bacterium 37 Dweeb 38 Give off 39 Alone 42 Counterfoil 45 Irritating email 47 Straight --- arrow 49 Melted 51 Underworld 52 No longer a minor 53 Type of metal or gas 55 Debate 58 Country singer and actress --- Kramer 60 Japanese heavyweight contest 61 Subdivisions of eons 62 Male heirs 64 Plant juice 66 Not hers

Crescent Magazine | March 2020 | 17

UE offers opportunities for education and recreation across the globe. We asked students to share their adventures and reflect on their time travelling in college. Paving His Own Path

While studying abroad is a popular option, not all students have the option of academic travel. From some — like senior Jules Iradakunda, Crescent photographer — exploring the world becomes a personal passion. As a member of the National Guard, Iradakunda realized that studying abroad would never be a realistic option. As he watched friends travel to Harlaxton and back, he began to become inspired to pursue his own adventures. “I consider myself always traveling,” he said. “Everywhere I go there’s a new experience and I’m so drawn to those.” The communication major first got the travel bug after planning a spring break trip for 22 of his friends to Panama City Beach, Florida in 2017. After realizing he had the skills and passion for travel, Iradakunda began to itch for more. He has now been to fifteen states and three countries — including the U.S., Canada and Mexico. But he doesn’t plan on slowing down anytime soon. “Travelling within the school year is something I just started picking up more and more on,” he said. “I also get to travel within the Guard but I don’t consider that traveling, more so as my duty for my country.” Although he has experienced many cities and cultures with his friends, Iradakunda’s favorite trip was a solo weekend in New York City in 2020. Even with the cold weather, the Houston, Texas native said the trip was a learning experience and gave him perspective on life after graduation. Even with his desire to continue broadening his horizons, Iradakunda has also learned the valuable lesson of appreciating every destination — even his current locations. “One thing I’m learning is how to be content with where I am now,” he said. “I feel as if UE prepared me to handle the real world for all it is, but I’m at a time in my life where I need to remain focused in my classes. Let’s not forget we’re in school.” 18 | November 2019 | Crescent Magazine

dallas | CARTER

photos provided by Jules Iradukunda

Hannah Nicholson For some students, studying abroad can seem like an impossible task on a long list filled with class and internship requirements. Luckily for junior Hannah Nicholson, a sociology major, a semester at Harlaxton has given her the chance to check multiple boxes. Before heading to England for Spring 2020, Nicholson had never traveled outside of the U.S. but her first two years of college made her realize she wanted to study abroad. “Without [studying abroad], I would be missing my once in a lifetime chance,” she said. “Once I settled in, it was like I had been in the manor my entire life.” While traveling across the United Kingdom and Europe is a highlight for her, Nicholson said the best part has been still being able to focus on academics. She is a resident assistant and is currently working a research internship that includes surveying her peers about their experience. “UE found a way for their students to continue working hard, but still enjoy all the traveling they want,” said Nicholson. “My plate is completely balanced.” all photos provided.

Crayton Chestnut “It’s completely okay to not be happy at every single moment of your time abroad,” sophomore Crayton Chestnut said. “It’s still real life abroad, so there are going to be hardships.” The marketing and management double major, currently attending Harlaxton, originally heard this advice from upperclassmen before leaving for the semester. While many students find that the foundations of life are the same despite location, traveling has still been a rewarding experience for Chestnut who had never left the country. A constant rollercoaster ride of highs and lows, from adjusting to a six-hour time difference to climbing Arthur’s Seat in Edinburgh, Scotland, Chestnut said his travel has been a time of gaining independence and growing as an individual. “I represent UE’s ideas and identity abroad by having an open mind to every place I travel,” he said. “Instead of simply dismissing anything that is different to you as ‘weird,’ you have to put yourself in their shoes and understand why things are the way they are.”

Maddie Johnson Settling into a routine life abroad can be a struggle for anyone as daily chores can become lost in the beauty of a new city. For sophomore Maddie Johnson her first weeks at Harlaxton were just that. The English and creative writing double major said that it took time to find a comfortable balance between school work and travel. “I am here in this manor in another country with boundless opportunities surrounding me and homework can sometimes take the back burner even for the most studious of people,” she said. After experiencing a few fast deadlines, Johnson found her rhythm and has since been able to focus on traveling and exploring the unfamiliar landscapes around her. While most students spend their first weekends at the manor and cities nearby, Johnson has found a refugee from homework and homesickness alike in London. “I think I have found a new favorite place in London, England,” she said. “I love the hustle and bustle of everyone. We call America the “mixing pot,” but it is nothing compared to London.” Crescent Magazine | November 2019 | 19

atheltes in action > men’s basketball

Slam Dunk for Senior Night On Feb. 29, senior gaurd K.J. Riley finished his late conference game as a men’s basketball player. Leading the Aces with 18 points scored, Riley celebrated his years at the Ford Center with a standing ovation from the crowd and a video reflecting on his experience. While Riley and his teammates fought vailiantly, the Aces lost to Illinois State with a score of 71 to 60. Keep up with the team as they head to St. Louis for Arch Madness on March 5.

Despite being 5’10” sophomore gaurd Shamar Givance leaps into the air and his opponents, scoring two points for the Aces. | Nicolas Likulia The team huddles up during a timeout as Head Coach Todd Lickliter goes over gamplay and offers quick advice. | Nicolas Likulia

20 | March 2020 | Crescent Magazine

Both the Aces and Redbirds pause their action to watch junior gaurd Noah Frederking get nothing but net on a 2-pointer. | Nicolas Likulia The Aces scream and cheer from the bench as their teammates make an important play on the court. | Nicolas Likulia Joined by his family, daughter and girlfriend, senior gaurd K.J. Riley was presented with a framed jersey during senior night festivities. | Nicolas Likulia

Crescent Magazine | March 2020 | 21

random > Off the Wall


Once people recognize that Apple has become more of a fashion company than a technology company, their prices start to make more sense. But what if you can’t afford the latest iPhone or Macbook? You could pretend you have unlimited Macbooks with a Macbook scented candle of course! Released in 2016 by Twelve South, a company that produced accessories for Apple, this candle is supposed to smell like a brand new Apple laptop. What does a brand new Macbook smell like? According to Twelve South, notes of peach, mandarin, sage, lavender, basil and mint. Are you the child of an identical twin? Does your parent’s twin also have a child? I’m sorry to tell you but that child isn’t your cousin, that’s your sibling. Well, more like your half-sibling. According to 23andMe, siblings with the same parents share 50 percent of their DNA while half-siblings only share 25 percent. The Tech Interactive says if you and your cousin are the children of identical twins, you share the same amount of DNA with each other as half-siblings. The largest animal currently alive, that we know of, is the blue whale. The most sizable of these behemoth creatures can weigh over 200,000 pounds and measure over 100 feet long. Their heart itself can weigh almost a ton and with a heart that large, the vascular system must match. Blue whales are so big that an adult human could swim semi-comfortably through their arteries. This can’t really be tested though, as whales are roughly the size of a ten-story building and swimming through its arteries would be uncomfortable for human and whale alike.

Art thou in thought for a chance at romance? I have amnesia, do I come here often? Did you get your license suspended for driving all these guys crazy? I bet you 10$ you’re going to turn me down.


Ingredients: • 2 oz. blanco tequila (I recommend Jose Cuervo Silver) • 1 oz. grapefruit juice • .5 oz. orange juice • 1.5 oz. grapefruit Jarritos • Lime juice to taste • Tajín (optional) • Lime or grapefruit slice Directions: 1. Rim your glass with Tajín (This is highly suggested) 2. Pour the orange, grapefruit, lime juice and Jarritos in the glass 3. Stir thoroughly and add your garnish 4. Serve with tequila on the side to be poured over the top 5. Enjoy! This drink gives you a taste of the Florida spring break teen movies made us think we’d have. Bright, citrusy and super easy to make at home, you can have a great time on a budget. Both the Tajín and grapefruit Jarritos add a fun twist to a traditional Paloma; if you’ve never tried either of those before, your life is about to change. Tajín is a seasoning that can be used on fruit, vegetables, and added as a mild spice to many dishes. It’s a combination of dehydrated lime juice, ground chili peppers, and salt. Jarritos is a Mexican soda brand with a variety of fun flavors like guava, mandarin, tamarind, Jamaica (hibiscus) and passion fruit. They also have more traditional American soda flavors like lime, strawberry and fruit punch. Both Jarritos and Tajín can be purchased at Walmart. If you want to go extra wild, don’t measure anything, just eyeball it like the “two shots of vodka” Vine lady.

Here I am, what are your other two wishes?

BROKE LIFE Going on a Date.

22 |March 2020 | Crescent Magazine

It can be hard to go out for dates as a college student. Dinner or coffee is fun but can quickly get expensive, and movie theater prices are a crime. But there is hope; Evansville has a bunch of great things to do that are either free or less than $10 a person. If the weather is right, consider taking your date down to the riverfront. Parking is free and the view is lovely in nice weather. If conversation isn’t your strong suit, download Pokémon Go on your phones and catch about a million Magikarp. Just don’t dip your toes in the water. Wesselman Woods, located within Wesselman Park, can be a great place for a mild, romantic and educational hike. For an entry fee of only $5 per-person you and your date are given open access to the wooden trails and beautiful scenery. Once inside you can even take a peek at their aviary. With the tall old growth forest, a variety of animals and easily walked path, traipsing through The Woods can feel magical. If you and your date really want to see a new movie that just came out, Showplace Cinemas East offers $5 tickets all day every Tuesday. Snacks, popcorn and drink costs remained fixed, but with a fluffy enough sweater or a big bag and a little determination you could sneak in a whole meal.


Wired Earbuds Remember the feeling of reaching into your pocket and discovering a grotesque mass of wires? You pulled out the earbuds and started untangling, enjoying the sense of accomplishment you received when you could finally listen to music. The way we listen to music with our devices has changed since these days. Since the release of wireless earbuds/headphones — recently lead by Apple’s popular AirPods — we’ve had a tangle-free world. Of course, wired earbuds haven’t fully gone away, but they’re much less popular. Apple has even started making phones with no headphone jacks, eliminating a whole generation of products. Technology keeps expanding as we evolve; yet not every change is for the best. Wireless earbuds have flaws. People don’t always know you’re wearing earbuds and try to talk to you leading to misunderstandings. On the other hand, many people mistake that someone is talking to them when in fact they are on the phone, which is awkward. You can lose one

“Party instruction: walk-in, eat lots of food, walk out.” @JokesMemesFacts

earbud and have to buy another expensive pair or you may forget to charge them before you go out. While wired earbuds are flawed, they are a classic design that should still be monopolizing the market.

“If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.” -Maya Angelou



the ringing or tinkling sound of bells.

people tweet

“Run a physics sim long enough & you’ll get intelligence.” @elonmusk

the damndest things “Dentist: open wide” Me: :) Dentist: not your arms Me: :(“ @PleaseBeGneiss

“Bernie: I’d like to give you health care please Pete: the unity of our power is the hope of our voiceless Klobuchar : *throws stapler* Warren: I’m female Biden: it’s great to be here in Toledo (he’s not in Toledo)” @kylekulinski

“Tumor-covered Chester Cheetah apologizes for role in marketing dangerously cheesy Cheetos to children.” @TheOnion

Cresecent Magazine |March 2020 | 23

random > lists





TO LEARN A NEW LANGUAGE Learning a new language is an important skill that can be hard to develop. Here are a few unique ways to make the process a little easier.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

USE THE LANGUAGE EVERY DAY The best way is to start learning, and using, new words everyday. Don’t be afraid to mess up!

ONLINE PROGRAMS There are a lot of online programs to help you learn new languages easily. Duolingo, Memrise and Rosetta Stone are all good options. IMMERSE YOURSELF Put yourself in places to use the language practically. Study abroad if you can!

STUDY GROUPS Working in groups is better than working alone. You can speak the language with everyone and learn in a new way. TAKE A UE COURSE The foreign language department is downsizing, but they still offer a wide array of classes to expand your knowledge on different languages.



LEARN SWEAR WORDS If all else fails, at least you can insult your enemies without their knowledge and learning any vocab can help you better understand a language.

24 | March 2020 | Crescent Magazine


These are natural elements that may help some ailments but should not replace a doctor in any form. Consult a medical professional before using these remedies as they may interact poorly with some medications or ailments.

1. CAYENNE PEPPER. A superfood in both taste and medicinal properties the cayenne pepper has been known to improve digestion, lower the risk of cancer and act as a blood thinner. It also has a long history in Native American cultures, especially in South America. Reach for the cayenne if you’ve got a stuffy nose. 2. HONEY. Used as embalming fluid in Egypt, honey contains natural anti-biotics and anti-inflammatory elements. It is also considered a healthier alternative to sugar and can help lower blood pressure. Try adding it to your next cup of tea or coffee! 3. PEPPERMINT. Used most often for minor pain relief and its calming effects, peppermint has been used to ease menstrual pain, depression, anxiety, nerve pain and indigestion. Inhaling peppermint oil from your hands can also help calm a cough. 4. TURMERIC. This spice is a strong anti-oxidant. The main


As far as senior Serafina Martinez, a creative writing major, is concerned. Check out her picks!

active ingredient in turmeric is curcumin, which has been found to reduce risks of brain diseases, increase the body’s capacity to carry anti-oxidants and lower the risk of heart disease and cancer. It’ll work wonders on your skin too. 5. GINGER. Most commonly used to treat cases of nausea from carsickness to a cold, ginger may also reduce muscle soreness and other exercise-induced pain. It is a strong anti-inflammatory and has been used to help chronic indigestion. Homemade ginger tea is a flu season must. 6. EUCALYPTUS. The leaves of the eucalyptus tree are often dried and used to treat asthma, gingivitis, headaches, flu and other cold and respiratory problems. Add some eucalyptus salts to your bath or essential oil to a diffuser for some great, soothing stress relief. 7. FENUGREEK. Often found in soap and shampoo this East Asian spice has been used to help control appetite, cholesterol levels and heartburn.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

8. GREEN TEA. In addition to the caffeine content, the L-theanine in green tea works with caffeine to improve brain functions. It has also been known to help reduce fat and improve physical performance. Replace your morning cup of coffee with some green tea to boost your metabolism for the day and still get that caffeine kick 9. CINNAMON. As is the usual standard with medicinal spices, cinnamon has a large anti-oxidant content and can improve sensitivity to insulin. Add a bit of cinnamon and honey to plain Greek yogurt for a healthy, yummy snack — or a great facemask! 10. ALOE VERA. Yes, you knew this was coming. Aloe Vera can be found in many lotions, shampoos and even food for its moisture and nutrients. It’s also used to treat burns; whether you have it in a lotion or just scrape the coveted jelly from a leaf, it’s sure to help quite a bit.

“Esperanza Rising” Pam Muñoz Ryan (Scholastic Press, 2000) “Jane Eyre” Charlotte Brontë (Smith, Elder & Co, 1847) “The Song of the Lioness” series Tamora Pierce (Atheneum Books, 1983-1988)

“Things Fall Apart” Chinua Achebe (Heinemann, 1958)

“The Host” Stephanie Meyer (Little, Brown and Company, 2008)



ODD laws Colorado – In Denver, it is illegal to share your vacuum cleaner.

Nebraska – If you are serving beer, you must also brew a kettle of soup.

Hawaii – If you don’t own a boat, you can legally be fined.

Washington – If a motorist plans to commit a crime, they must stop at the city limits and call the police first.

Connecticut – A pickle must bounce to be legally considered a pickle.

Who is your favorite professor and why?

“I’M very partial to my advisor, the incomparable James Ware. I have never seen anybody with that much passion and energy. Which is saying a lot, because professors are usually pretty passionate and energetic people.”

Oklahoma – It is illegal to make glue out of dead skunks.

— Case Farney senior

“THOMAS JOSENHANS. He is equally passionate and knowledgeable about his field; unfortunately he’s not here this semester.”


— Daniel Griffaton sophomore


Who would you save; Baby Yoda or Baby Groot? “Baby Groot!

“Baby Groot,

I’m too broke to see The Mandalorian.’”

— Madeline Staley

without hesitation”


“Baby Yoda

“Bady Yoda?

I honestly have no clue, I guess Groot can be reborn.’”

— Lindsay Blair Stallings




because he’s a precious boy while Baby Groot is cursed.”

— Davanie Crouch



are tools of a monopoly and should rot in hell.

probably save Baby Groot.”

— Carmela Leon

— Braden Chittick

— Michael Braddam sophmore

“Baby Yoda;

he’s one of the only survivors of his race. Groot can regenerate.”

— Emma Williams


“DR. BELLAMY. He’s actually a lot of the reason I came to UE. On a campus visit he took the time to get to know me and my story even before knowing he would eventually be my teacher and advisor. He’s been such a big part of my college career and continually pushes me to do my best.” — Kylee Rathgeber sophomore

“DR. NIK because she’s been supporting me since I got here. She makes me feel very relaxed, and not like I have to be the ideal human being all the time.”

— Russell Bambenek


because obviously the force is greater and is extremely powerful for his age. Plus have you seen his smile.”

“DR. KOGUTEK, because he genuinely cares about the wellbeing and success of his students. He also is very passionate about music therapy and, in turn, makes his students more passionate.”




“Baby Yoda

— Hank Bergmann

— Alyssa DeCorrevon

Crescent Magazine | March 2020 | 25

a closer look > Liz McCormick


It’s no secret that college is stressful, and the build-up of academic stress, future-defining decisions and personal pressure are enough to challenge the mental health of the most resilient students, and even the counselors who serve them. Liz McCormick, Mental Health Counselor, strives for balance the stress and work of her life through spontaneity. When McCormick began college, her future was carefully planned: she would major in English, go to law school and become an attorney. She couldn’t have predicted falling in love with her social work class, but five years later, she graduated with a Master’s degree in the subject. Despite her interest in education, which led her to various adjunct appointments after graduation, McCormick still never expected to end up counseling at a university. But when the Mental Health Counselor position opened up at UE, she was suddenly immersed in the student side of university life. “I kind of just fell into it, and it was wonderful,” McCormick said. McCormick continues to teach as an adjunct instructor at Ivy Tech Community College, a position which gives her a new vantage point to improve herself as a counselor.

Out of everything she does, McCorkmick’s favorite part of her jobs happen right in her office, sitting with students. It allows her to see firsthand the academic stressors students face, and vice versa, counseling improves her teaching because she is aware of what students might deal with outside the classroom. Performing both positions sometimes makes her work difficult to balance but mixing things up 26 | March 2020 | Crescent Magazine

ultimately keeps her happiest. “It’s a way to step away from the counseling world and still engage with students,” McCormick said.

ESPN3 has been such a good divide between what I do here and having something that I can pursue outside of mental health counseling. -Liz McCormick

Becoming involved in university athletics are another outlet McCormick utilizes. Three years ago, an AceNote calling for an ESPN3 color commentator and play-by-play analyst for Purple Aces Productions caught her eye, and on an interested impulse, she responded. “ESPN3 been such a good divide between what I do here and having something that I can pursue outside of mental health counseling, or even the education world in general — that its just a hobby,” McCormick said. Although she enjoys her extra activities, McCormick is passionate about her work and actively reaches out to students through her Monthly Mindfulness workshop series, which she began last fall. At each workshop, she discusses different coping strategies and how they can be implemented in students’ daily lives. This workshop series is just one part of McCormick’s ongoing effort to bring proactive, wellness-driven mental health events to the campus community. Her goal is that students will take the skills that they learn in her workshops and apply them not just at school, but for the rest of their lives, and that they will use them to help their friends, families and coworkers. Out of everything she does McCormick’s favorite


things about LIZ

•She has a purple leopard gecko named Nyx •She has run four marathons in four different states •Her favorite place in the world is the area above the treeline in the Rocky Mountains •She likes to watch movies and listen to music in Spanish to practice the language •She once traveled to the Grand Canyon by herself and drove back through an ice storm

part of her jobs happen right in her office, sitting with students. “That moment when a student’s eyes light up, like it finally clicks that what they’re saying and doing is helping improve can see it, you can physically see it,” McCormick said.

ON THE RIGHT | photo by Alexis Jones

That moment when a student’s eyes light up, like it finally clicks that what they’re saying and doing is helping improve things.


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28 | March 2020 | Crescent Magazine

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Congratulations to the Class of 2020


BRIGHT The Clas 2019 ha s of d career o 96% utcom rate and e reported a median salary o f $51,250 *


• Job, internship, co-op and graduate • • • •

school search assistance Help with résumés, CVs, cover letters and personal statements Handshake @ UE Connect Networking and social media utilization

Be part of the 96% — Start your post-graduation plans now!

Gene Wells Senior Director, Career Development

Linda Wulf Associate Director, Career Development

Dianna Cundiff Associate Director, Career Development

Kelly Bargeloh Assistant Director, Career Development

Donna Schmitt Senior Administrative Assistant

Nicole Coffey Assistant Director, Alumni & Parent Relations

Join the UE Center for Career Development group on LinkedIn *Career information gathered from 96% of 501 survey respondents from the Class of 2019

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