Autumn 2018 Caregiver - ENGLISH

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News from our union

NOVEMBER is Caregiver Appreciation Month!

Call your local office to find out about special events near you!

DO YOU HAVE A PLAN TO VOTE ON NOVEMBER 6TH? So you’ve done your research and you know who you’re going to vote for. Your next step is making sure to get out and vote on November 6th! Don’t have a plan to vote yet? Here’s a checklist that can help: •

Are you registered to vote? You have until October 22nd – register to vote at

Voting in person? Make sure you know where your polling place is and how you will get there. Lines are usually shortest in the middle of the day when most people are at work. If you work at a job outside of the home, your employer must allow you time to go vote.

Voting by mail? Be sure your ballot is postmarked by November 6th. You can also turn in your ballot at your polling place on election day, or drop it into a county drop box by election day. Your vote won’t count if it’s still sitting on the counter!

Visit to check your registration status, find your polling place, and get answers to all the questions you may have about voting and elections in California.

Not voting because you forgot to register before the October 22nd deadline? Learn about Conditional Voter Registration at And you can still make a difference by making sure your friends, family, and clients return their ballot or get to their polling place. Let’s show everyone that Caregivers Vote!
















Vote for the leaders who will stand up for caregivers and our clients!


y this time in an election year, you’ve probably had your fill of politics: the commercials, the mailers, the phone calls. Most of us just want to turn the other way and ignore it. The problem with ignoring it, though, is that elections decide who will be our lawmakers. And our lawmakers decide what happens to programs like IHSS. So, tuning out the people running for office means tuning out the people who could improve our home care program—or destroy it. And it’s not just IHSS that’s at stake. As caregivers, the well-being of ourselves, our clients and our families is affected by many decisions made by elected officials. Our clients’ health care and long-term care are funded by government programs. Our own ability to get—or not get—health care is decided by the government. And how much money is spent on the affordable housing, transportation, and social services we need to do our jobs and take care of our families is decided by the government.

office that understand how critical programs like Medicaid and IHSS are to people like us and our clients and loved ones.

Legislation that discriminates against seniors and people with disabilities

As caregivers, we are advocates of the people we care for. So we know that legislation like HR 620, a bill currently in Congress that would weaken the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), can harm our clients and loved ones. We need to know that any member of Congress we vote for would keep doors open for people with disabilities—not slam them in their faces.

Anti-worker court appointments

Elected officials don’t just make the laws, they appoint judges who interpret those laws. Recent anti-worker decisions, like 2014’s Harris v. Quinn and 2018’s Janus v. AFSCME, have come from a Supreme Court that has been stacked by lawmakers who favor wealthy corporations over working people. We can change that by electing people who understand that the constitution is supposed to be about protecting everyone, not just people who make a lot of money.

Caregivers need to make sure the government hears from us, not just the wealthy and big corporations who have no idea what our lives are really like.

WHAT’S AT STAKE FOR US THIS ELECTION IHSS is funded from federal, state and local money, so from County Supervisors to State Senators, pretty much every person we vote for has some say in the future of the home care program and how much caregivers get paid. But there are other issues at stake this year that could affect our care: • Cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security

IHSS is partially funded by Medicaid, and that’s where a lot of us and our clients get our health care, too. Last year Congress passed a huge tax cut for the wealthy that created a big deficit. That deficit now will need to be paid for by cutting programs. We need to make sure we have people in

And many, many other issues that affect whether we and our loved ones will be safe and cared for or left to struggle with skyrocketing housing and health care costs, failing public services, and rising inequality.


These legislators voted to cut Medicaid & IHSS

November is Provider Appreciation Month, a time to thank the thousands of IHSS caregivers across our state who make home care possible for low-income seniors and people with disabilities.

– and now we can vote them out Last year we fought hard to protect the Affordable Care Act and Medicaid when Congress tried to repeal and gut them, because doing so would have meant hundreds of millions of dollars in cuts to IHSS. But in spite of our best efforts, some California lawmakers refused to support home care and voted to cut IHSS several times. Now we can tell them how we feel about that by voting them out of office! Here are the lawmakers that voted to cut care for millions of our state’s seniors and people with disabilities:

Rep. Doug LaMalfa R, CA-1

Rep. Tom McClintock R, CA-4

Rep. Paul Cook R, CA-8

We do some of the most important work there is, and yet we are among the lowest paid workers in the state. At UDW, we are caregivers supporting each other so we can earn higher wages, better benefits, and protect the IHSS program. We fight for ourselves and our clients. Together, we will create a future where caregivers are supported and everyone has the care they need. While we work toward that goal, let’s never forget how important the work we do is— and how special the people who do caregiving work are! I hope to see you at one of the many Provider Appreciation Month celebrations I will be attending in November. Call your local office or visit to find a provider appreciation event near you. Thank you for everything you do! In Solidarity,

Rep. Jeff Denham R, CA-10

Rep. David Valadao R, CA-21

Rep. Devin Nunes R, CA-22

Rep. Kevin McCarthy R, CA-23

Rep. Steve Knight R, CA-25

Rep. Ed Royce R, CA-39

Rep. Ken Calvert R, CA-42

Rep. Mimi Walters R, CA-45

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher R, CA-48

CAREGIVERS VOTE! There is too much to lose, so don’t let other people speak for you. Vote, and make caregivers’ voices heard! To see a list of candidates who are committed to caregiver issues, check out UDW’s endorsements at election-2018.

Celebrate Caregivers with me this November!

Rep. Darrell Issa R*, CA-49

Rep. Duncan Hunter R, CA-50

To learn more, visit: *Darrell Issa is not running for reelection. To see a list of candidates endorsed by UDW, visit:

Editha Adams, UDW President
















Vote for the leaders who will stand up for caregivers and our clients!


y this time in an election year, you’ve probably had your fill of politics: the commercials, the mailers, the phone calls. Most of us just want to turn the other way and ignore it. The problem with ignoring it, though, is that elections decide who will be our lawmakers. And our lawmakers decide what happens to programs like IHSS. So, tuning out the people running for office means tuning out the people who could improve our home care program—or destroy it. And it’s not just IHSS that’s at stake. As caregivers, the well-being of ourselves, our clients and our families is affected by many decisions made by elected officials. Our clients’ health care and long-term care are funded by government programs. Our own ability to get—or not get—health care is decided by the government. And how much money is spent on the affordable housing, transportation, and social services we need to do our jobs and take care of our families is decided by the government.

office that understand how critical programs like Medicaid and IHSS are to people like us and our clients and loved ones.

Legislation that discriminates against seniors and people with disabilities

As caregivers, we are advocates of the people we care for. So we know that legislation like HR 620, a bill currently in Congress that would weaken the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), can harm our clients and loved ones. We need to know that any member of Congress we vote for would keep doors open for people with disabilities—not slam them in their faces.

Anti-worker court appointments

Elected officials don’t just make the laws, they appoint judges who interpret those laws. Recent anti-worker decisions, like 2014’s Harris v. Quinn and 2018’s Janus v. AFSCME, have come from a Supreme Court that has been stacked by lawmakers who favor wealthy corporations over working people. We can change that by electing people who understand that the constitution is supposed to be about protecting everyone, not just people who make a lot of money.

Caregivers need to make sure the government hears from us, not just the wealthy and big corporations who have no idea what our lives are really like.

WHAT’S AT STAKE FOR US THIS ELECTION IHSS is funded from federal, state and local money, so from County Supervisors to State Senators, pretty much every person we vote for has some say in the future of the home care program and how much caregivers get paid. But there are other issues at stake this year that could affect our care: • Cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security

IHSS is partially funded by Medicaid, and that’s where a lot of us and our clients get our health care, too. Last year Congress passed a huge tax cut for the wealthy that created a big deficit. That deficit now will need to be paid for by cutting programs. We need to make sure we have people in

And many, many other issues that affect whether we and our loved ones will be safe and cared for or left to struggle with skyrocketing housing and health care costs, failing public services, and rising inequality.


These legislators voted to cut Medicaid & IHSS

November is Provider Appreciation Month, a time to thank the thousands of IHSS caregivers across our state who make home care possible for low-income seniors and people with disabilities.

– and now we can vote them out Last year we fought hard to protect the Affordable Care Act and Medicaid when Congress tried to repeal and gut them, because doing so would have meant hundreds of millions of dollars in cuts to IHSS. But in spite of our best efforts, some California lawmakers refused to support home care and voted to cut IHSS several times. Now we can tell them how we feel about that by voting them out of office! Here are the lawmakers that voted to cut care for millions of our state’s seniors and people with disabilities:

Rep. Doug LaMalfa R, CA-1

Rep. Tom McClintock R, CA-4

Rep. Paul Cook R, CA-8

We do some of the most important work there is, and yet we are among the lowest paid workers in the state. At UDW, we are caregivers supporting each other so we can earn higher wages, better benefits, and protect the IHSS program. We fight for ourselves and our clients. Together, we will create a future where caregivers are supported and everyone has the care they need. While we work toward that goal, let’s never forget how important the work we do is— and how special the people who do caregiving work are! I hope to see you at one of the many Provider Appreciation Month celebrations I will be attending in November. Call your local office or visit to find a provider appreciation event near you. Thank you for everything you do! In Solidarity,

Rep. Jeff Denham R, CA-10

Rep. David Valadao R, CA-21

Rep. Devin Nunes R, CA-22

Rep. Kevin McCarthy R, CA-23

Rep. Steve Knight R, CA-25

Rep. Ed Royce R, CA-39

Rep. Ken Calvert R, CA-42

Rep. Mimi Walters R, CA-45

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher R, CA-48

CAREGIVERS VOTE! There is too much to lose, so don’t let other people speak for you. Vote, and make caregivers’ voices heard! To see a list of candidates who are committed to caregiver issues, check out UDW’s endorsements at election-2018.

Celebrate Caregivers with me this November!

Rep. Darrell Issa R*, CA-49

Rep. Duncan Hunter R, CA-50

To learn more, visit: *Darrell Issa is not running for reelection. To see a list of candidates endorsed by UDW, visit:

Editha Adams, UDW President

News from our union

NOVEMBER is Caregiver Appreciation Month!

Call your local office to find out about special events near you!

DO YOU HAVE A PLAN TO VOTE ON NOVEMBER 6TH? So you’ve done your research and you know who you’re going to vote for. Your next step is making sure to get out and vote on November 6th! Don’t have a plan to vote yet? Here’s a checklist that can help: •

Are you registered to vote? You have until October 22nd – register to vote at

Voting in person? Make sure you know where your polling place is and how you will get there. Lines are usually shortest in the middle of the day when most people are at work. If you work at a job outside of the home, your employer must allow you time to go vote.

Voting by mail? Be sure your ballot is postmarked by November 6th. You can also turn in your ballot at your polling place on election day, or drop it into a county drop box by election day. Your vote won’t count if it’s still sitting on the counter!

Visit to check your registration status, find your polling place, and get answers to all the questions you may have about voting and elections in California.

Not voting because you forgot to register before the October 22nd deadline? Learn about Conditional Voter Registration at And you can still make a difference by making sure your friends, family, and clients return their ballot or get to their polling place. Let’s show everyone that Caregivers Vote!

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