Legacy Magazine Fall/Winter 2016- 2017

Page 14

currently teaches Voice Disorders, Speech

Education (Non-Categorical), University of

Dr. Danielle Apugo is a

Science, Sociolinguistics, and Phonetics cours-

the District of Columbia, and endorsements

Louisiana native and

es in the graduate and undergraduate curric-

in Intellectual, Learning and Emotional dis-

joins the UDC family as

ula. In addition, Dr. Ramos-Pizarro is a clin-

abilities. With over 29 years of instructional

an Assistant Professor of

ical supervisor in the Voice Care Clinic, part

and transition work experience at the elemen-

Urban Education in the

of the Speech and Hearing Clinic affiliated

tary, secondary and university levels, she taught

College of Arts and Sci-

with the UDC program. The Voice Care Clin-

in the District of Columbia, Prince George’s

ences (CAS). Prior to

ic provides free voice assessment and treat-

County and Fairfax County Public Schools.

joining UDC, Apugo was with the University

ment services to children and adults with

She has taught a variety of graduate and un-

of Wisconsin-Milwaukee’ s School of Education,

voice disorders in the UDC community as well

dergraduate courses at UDC since 2013, in

where she taught in the Department of Ad-

as the District of Columbia, Maryland and

areas such as special education, adult education

ministrative Leadership’s Urban Educational

Northern Virginia. The Clinic also specializ-

transition, and human development, and

Administration program. Dr. Apugo has a

es in the communication needs of individuals

worked as a Visiting Professor in 2014. Dr.

wealth of K-12 experience within the urban

in transition (transgender).

Miles served as an Employer Representative

educational landscape throughout different

Dr. Ramos-Pizarro is a graduate of the

on the Marriott Bridges from School to Work

and highly diverse regions of the United States.

University of Wisconsin-Madison with a Ph.D.

Project, TransCen, Inc. She continues to

She has been awarded the “Early Career Edu-

in Voice Science. She also has a Master’s degree

volunteer her services with the Going Places

cator of Color Leadership Award” by the Na-

from the University of Puerto Rico-Medi-

Social Group for teens and adults with Asperg-

tional Council of Teachers of English. Apugo’s

cal Sciences Campus in Speech-Language

er Syndrome.

academic research interests involve identify-

Pathology. Dr. Ramos-Pizarro has teaching

ing and investigating the invisible barriers that

experience in the field of Speech Pathology at

often exist in the professional and academic

the undergraduate, graduate and professional

Orisanmi Burton joins

experiences of black women within education-

levels which includes topics in Voice Disorders,

the University of the

al organizations. Her prime areas of interro-

Linguistics, Aphasia and related disorders,

District of Columbia as

gation are generational public education

Language Disorders/Language Difference and

an Assistant Professor of

experiences, optimal and suboptimal sustain-

Clinical Practice.

Criminal Justice and

ability strategies, space-making, identity affir-

Her research interests include commu-

Youth Studies at the Uni-

mation, and racial vigilance. Her professional

nication patterns of individuals in transition

versity of the District of

interests include dignity-centered program

(transgender), and evidenced-based interven-

Columbia. He is completing his Ph.D. in Social

evaluation that identifies barriers to learning,

tion in voice disorders and voice feminization.

Anthropology at the University of North Car-

equity, and replication. Dr. Apugo’s scholarly

Dr. Ramos-Pizarro has presented papers in

olina at Chapel Hill. His dissertation, entitled

activity includes collaborative research projects,

national and international forums and provided

“Attica Is: Revolutionary Consciousness, Coun-

national conference presentations, and a recent

training to speech pathology professionals in

terinsurgency and the Deferred Abolition of

publication in the Journal of Transformative

Puerto Rico, Canada, Egypt, Malaysia, Brazil

New York State Prisons,” uncovers, analyzes


and Colombia on the assessment of voice

and historicizes a long-standing tradition of

disorders using acoustic and aerodynamic

research, activism, and mentorship among

high-and low-tech alternatives.

incarcerated Black men. Professor Burton is the recipient of a Dissertation Fieldwork Grant from the Wenner-Gren Foundation and his

Dr. Annette Miles holds

scholarship has been published in scholarly

a Ph.D. in Human Devel-

and public outlets such as North American

opment, Virginia Poly-

Dialogue, Cultural Anthropology and Coun-

technic Institute and


State University; an Ed.S. and M.A. in Transition Special Education, George Washington University, a B.S. in Special



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