Why kids need teachers during these uncertain times? – UCMAS USA

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Why kids need teachers during these uncertain times? UCMAS USA

In this time of crisis, when all the schools are closed for an uncertain time, when everyone is unsure about how long this will go on, it is very important for us to keep the children’s minds off from this situation.

Kids are very vulnerable to any situation around them and if they are locked in home for the whole time, it will affect their mind in a lot of ways.

It is very important for kids to stay connected to the world outside and stay in touch with their friends and teachers too.

Because children are more open to their friends and also if teachers support them mentally then they will stay calmer.

Teachers need to stay connected with their students because in this time of social distancing, it is essential to stay connected emotionally.

There are so many thoughts which kids have in their mind that they are able to share with their teachers more easily than their parents.


When we see some examples on the social media that the teachers have shared, there is evidence that things have drastically been improved when there was more interaction.


Teachers who tried to connect with their students during lockdown through mail and video chat, got so many positive responses from their students telling them that it was a much-needed step as they all were getting depressed and getting connected to their teacher gave them strength which was required to get through this time in crisis.

Students shared their fears and thoughts which were eating them from inside.

One of the students said that he was worried about his grandfather that if he will get this disease then what he will do as Coronavirus is affecting old age people more and they are dying.

But the teacher assured his students that if social distancing will be followed properly and precautions are taken then this disease will not get near their grandparent and also soon this disease will be over and they all will be able to attend the school again.

All students were missing the school and wanted to stay connected to each other.


Parents need to make sure that they keep their kids busy in some constructive work. It becomes important to keep kids busy and enroll them in some extracurricular classes, there are many that could help the kids get ahead in their normal learning practices too, like math programs for kids that teach them important and rare skills like mental math.


During this time of lockdown, as we are not sure till when the schools are staying close, if kids will be involved in learning math in new ways, it will be very beneficial for them in future.


There are many math programs for kids available online. But it is your duty to know which course is best for your kid.













afterschool math programs. There are regular online math classes and the teachers are highly qualified.


Many of the students have given positive feedback and that they have received great support from these online classes. You can also help your child develop some amazing mental math skills.

Register him/her in UCMAS – World’s most trusted Abacusbased mental arithmetic program for children aged 5-13 years.

Set up an online class for your child today. Please write to: president@ucmas-usa.com

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