Learning Activities for Kids Staying Indoors due to Coronavirus | UCMAS USA

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Coronavirus has been declared as a pandemic by WHO. Schools, malls, stadiums, and public gathering places remain close in many areas, as people across the World are battling against this life-threatening disease.

As children are not able to visit school, their favorite hobby classes or any after school math programs, parents are also concerned about a possible halt in their development.

Here are some child development program related activities that can be done in the safety of your home.

Here are some child development program related activities that can be done in the safety of your home.

Develop new hobbies

This break can be utilized to help your child explore activities and make new hobbies. Be it learning a new language, dancing, singing, indoor photography or painting, there’s plenty to pick from for your child.

Write letters

This break can be utilized to help your child explore activities and make new hobbies. Be it learning a new language, dancing, singing, indoor photography or painting, there’s plenty to pick from for your child.

Bring those books back 

One of the best child development program activities include reading. Along with improving your child’s vocabulary, reading helps immensely in knowing how to read & write, and understanding of concepts.

Cooking 

Children have a natural inclination of learning and making something new. This includes cooking and baking as well. Get your child in the kitchen to try out simple recipes, baking cookies and even making cupcakes.

DIY crafts 

The internet is flooded with several DIY crafts and tricks for children. Many after school programs near you also make use of DIY crafts in their activities. Just hand your kids papers, colors, scissors and see their imagination soar high.

Keep academic activities on 

A long break in academics can hamper a child’s learning curve. It is important to keep your child’s academic skills sharp. A lot of online grade-appropriate learning activities can be undertaken during this break. Abacus math's can also be introduced to children as an alternative way to approach calculations.

UCMAS is the World’s leading Abacus math’s program for children aged 5-13 years. For more information, call: 1-877-UCMAS-90

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