Do You Know How the Science Behind Abacus Works?

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o Amazing, Isn’t it? Abilash Sashitharan can accurately solve complex math problems within seconds. o Give him any random math problem, and he will correctly solve it without using any calculator. o The reason behind this jaw-dropping skill is Abacus training. Abilash is a graduate in the UCMAS Abacus program and is surely faster than a calculator. o He is great in math, aces in his academics, knows 4 different languages and excels in different areas of life, all due to enhanced brain capabilities. o As a parent, you might wonder if your child can also acquire such super-human skills. o The answer is yes. Your child can also get trained to acquire such skills and enhanced brain capabilities through Abacus Training.

How Abacus training & brain is connected? Let’s understand

1. Abacus and Brain o

Out of the two hemispheres of the brain, the left one is connected with Mathematics function and logical processing while the right brain is used for imagination, visualization, and even intuition.


The left side of the brain is trained when a child is taught Math through traditional methods.


During Abacus training, children use both left and right hands and thus stimulate both sides of the brain simultaneously

2. Spatial Reasoning o

During Abacus training, children learn to connect a physical object (Abacus) with abstract thinking.


The process builds and strengthens their spatial and imagination reasoning. Complex numbers and calculations become easy to understand and process without any help from any external devices.

3. Long-term Memory o

Abacus math's helps children to learn the steps to solve a problem.


However, the technique of solving a problem using Abacus can be applied to other subjects, including geometry, algebra and even word problems.


In fact, a research revealed that Abacus children tend to learn new languages easily.


Thus, their long-term memory is highly developed.

4. Short-term Memory o

Children use their short-term memory to solve different problems.


When children shift to Abacus techniques to solve math problems, they do not feel the need to memorize anything.


The calculation process is ingrained in the brain. This gives more space to short-term memory for other essential things like schedules and important to-dos.

5. Critical Thinking o

Abacus maths training teaches a child how to analytically and critically think about a specific problem.


Students begin to look at problems from different angles, manipulate patterns and work on them.


When a student master such skills, his or her confidence grows in any area of critical thinking, be it literature, physics, social development, or even other areas.


Abacus children, therefore, feel more independent.

 Thus, there is a lot of science behind Abacus for kids! But it works only when a child is taught through well-researched and proven methods as well as training by knowledgeable instructors.  UCMAS, a popular and trusted Abacus learning centre, offers the best Abacus for kids aged 5-13 years.The program has successfully trained more than 3 million children globally.

 For more information on UCMAS Abacus learning centre, call 1877UCMAS-90.

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