UChicago Bite Issue XII: Fall 2019

Page 18

Burlap, Barrel, and Black Urfa Chili: One Man’s VENTURE TO DEMYSTIFY THE SPICE TRADE 1

1 Bakari, a farmer, holding a clove tree sprout in Pemba Tanzania 2 Left to right: Ethan Frisch, Amilcar Perreira (farmer), Juan Manuel Giron (local agronomist who works with an NGO

Alta Verapaz, Guatemala


bite | fall 2019


By Maya Osman-Krinsky / Photos by Ethan Frisch In the summer of 2017, Ethan Frisch’s mornings started with wheeling a granny cart full of one-and-a-half ounce spice jars to the post office, bantering with the employees, and returning home to his one-bedroom apartment in Queens. Ethan spent his days scooping cinnamon for restaurants and home chefs in his living room, and packaging and shipping orders himself.

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