Pro manifesto (1)

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My name is Rachel McCarthy. I am a second year Arts student and I study Politics and Irish. I am an OCM on the current committee of UCC YFG and am seeking to be elected as PRO for the coming year. I have a passion for politics and have thoroughly enjoyed being involved in UCC YFG. The year ahead is an important one what with the upcoming referenda and the lead up to next years general election. I believe I have the enthusiasm and ability that UCC YFG needs their PRO to have throughout the exciting and challenging year ahead. If elected as Public Relations Officer I will aim to ensure the following : 1) An continued improvement on social media presence. I will make sure there are weekly updates about how our events are going on Facebook and Twitter, along with plenty of pictures of our debates and socials to entice potential members. 2) Advanced advertisement of events. I believe our weekly event should be up on Facebook and posters the Friday beforehand at least, and then followed through with fliers each Monday and Tuesday. This greater presence on campus will give people with potential interest plenty of time to plan attendance. 3) Engagement with societies. I would like to see more collaborations with the large variety of societies we have in UCC. I think the challenge of debating against the other societies and people who are as passionate about their own values as we are about ours keeps things fresh and exciting. Thank you for taking the time to read my ideas. I would appreciate your vote at our AGM. I look forward to the coming year with UCC Young Fine Gael.

Le Meas, Rachel McCarthy

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