CSM Certification Training Online

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Characteristics of a Scrum Development Team


 Scrum development team is a self-organizing, cross-functional team of people who are at the core of the Scrum development team structure. It is the team that is responsible for building the actual product increment and meeting the sprint goal.


 Executing the Sprint: A significant portion of the Development Team's efforts is dedicated to carrying out the Sprint execution process. This typically encompasses a range of activities, such as designing, constructing, merging, and validating a potentially releasable product increment.

 Grooming the Product Backlog: Throughout every Sprint, the Development Team collaborates with the Product Owner to make arrangements for the upcoming Sprint. This involves contributing to the definition, enhancement, estimation, and prioritization of items on the product backlog. Moreover, they make certain that the items on the product backlog are clear, visible, and comprehensible to all involved parties.

Grooming the Product Backlog:

Planning the Sprint

 At the onset of each Sprint, the Development Team participates in the Sprint Planning meeting to set the Sprint Goal, with the facilitation of the Scrum Master. They work together with the Product Owner to select a set of high-priority items from the product backlog that can assist them in accomplishing the Sprint Goal. These items are then added to the sprint backlog.

 The Developer's duties in Scrum comprise taking part in the daily stand-up meeting to review the advancement made towards attaining the sprint goal. They also detect and address any hindrances or concerns that need to be tackled. Depending on the progress, team members modify their plan for completing the work.

Inspecting and Adapting during the Sprint

and Adapting at the end of the Sprint

 The team also participates in two meetings at the end of each Sprint to inspect and adapt the product and the process: Sprint Review and Sprint Retrospective.


CSM Certification Training Online

 Website: https://ucagile.com/

 Phone No: +1 (832) 990-2838

 Email: support@unusual-concepts.com

 Address: 1507 LampmanCourt Cheyenne, WY 82007 US

 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ucagile

 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ucagile/

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