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the optimisation queen

TEDx speaker and best-selling author

Genevieve Searle says a positive future for humanity lies in people reaching a holistic level of understanding of themselves and each other, then moving forward together.



GENEVIEVE describes herself as “a visionary and revolutionary of the heart” whose deep contemplation about how patriarchal systems have harmed all of humanity led her to turn her life around, and to share her journey with others, whose vulnerabilities prevent them from leading fuller lives.

She recalls the words of author, international keynote speaker Bryant McGill who says: “In a world of hate, love is a revolution”.

“The words of Bryant McGill are visionary and full of hope, but far easier to dream than to do, especially when we have experienced pain . . . but it’s time to go beyond anger and retaliation and begin building real connection within our relationships, teams, families and communities,” Genevieve says.

Genevieve was the 2022 ambassador for Feminessence Magazine, and is a contributor to Disrupt Magazine, Los Angeles Times “Now”, New York Weekly Times, the Rhonda Swan Show, and multiple podcasts. She is a guest teacher in The White Picket Fence Project with Cass and Kathryn Morrow.


Genevieve says: “One night, 25 years ago, after years of depression, post traumatic depression syndrome from rape and sexual assault, eating disorders, and chronic gut issues, I found myself lying on the floor of an empty resort pool, and I suddenly realised I had three clear choices: continue as I was; kill myself; or get better.

“With that clarity, I made the choice to get better, and from then on, I was committed to doing whatever it took first to heal and then, as the healing happened, to see how good I might become.

“It wasn’t a smooth path: divorce, bankruptcy, unexpected pregnancy and still battling depression, and other issues for many years.

“But I have a phenomenal partner, the father to our three incredible sons, who supported me in so many ways to heal, evolve, be a devoted mother, study, and start my first business – Rhythm and Light therapies.”

One day a client told Genevieve about epigenetic profiling, and she immediately trained to become a PH360-endorsed coach.

“Finally, I had a super potent, precise pathway for working with individuals. This was when I stopped searching for the ‘one thing’, because epigenetics is the one thing – it’s really the umbrella science of how humans work in relationship to the world around us, including our environment, food, movement, relationships, thoughts, and beliefs.

“I like to say we are in a dance with life responding to what happens, predicting what’s to come and adjusting our genetic expression on the way via our dominant hormones.”

Genevieve says that while we’re in our mothers’ wombs, and through childhood, we acquire a hormonal profile that “wires” us to be who we are at every level, physically, mentally, and emotionally. We are all different, we know this, but until now we haven’t really had a way of understanding how we are different or how to apply this to our lives. Epigenetic profiling changes this.

“With epigenetic profiling, about 80 per cent of the guesswork and complexity is removed from your personal wellness program. Taking physical measurements – health, lifestyle, and ancestry questions, combining that with 11 branches of science, ten thousand data points – this cutting-edge technology determines our ‘HealthType’. “While we are all unique, we also fit into six broad groups or HealthTypes, each ruled by a dominant hormone. Though we all have all the hormones in our body we each have one, sometimes two, hormones that we need to regulate more than others. When we do that, everything else falls into place. PH360 HealthType profiling uncovers which hormones governs us and then creates a personalized program.”

Not only does it offer a specific food plan including what, when, and how often and how much food you should be eating, and not only the type, timing, and frequency of exercise you should do, though this is ground-breaking enough, it gives insight and guidance on every part of your life.

What’s your body type? What daily rhythm best suits you?

The best way to de-stress and how to make the best of relationships. What your core values are, what environment best suits you, and how your brain works. The answers to all of this and more is available through epigenetic profiling.

Can epigenetics help you optimize your life?

Genevieve says: “One of the main gifts epigenetic profiling gave me was learning I am not ‘broken’ and never was.”

She notes that her tendency toward depression comes from serotonin being her dominant hormone to regulate, “so of course I’ll be prone to depression”. In learning this and now having clear strategies for how to regulate it daily, she can detect when her serotonin levels are out of kilter and can do something about it.

“It is extremely empowering to know not only what is happening in my system at a hormonal level but also how to work with that in very simple and practical ways,” Genevieve says.

“While the health industry has spawned a compulsive rhetoric aimed at improving fitness, strength, and muscle growth, epigenetics doesn’t often list these high on priorities but perhaps it should.”

Hack your environment; change your life

For many, epigenetic profiling alone is eye-opening, offering a glimpse into hidden traits and propensities. However, Genevieve amplifies its usefulness by applying her own hard-won experience.

“I overlay all my learning, gained over 25 years. I train people to become their own wellness experts by looking into their ancestry, hacking their environments, (workspaces, homes), habits, and behaviours to better support their body type, mind, and emotions,” Genevieve says.

Over the past 18 months, Genevieve has embodied epigenetic and hormonal profiling to an even greater degree, as she and her partner, Matthew, “deconstructed their 20year relationship, taking it down to ground zero”.

“I truly thought it was over. It was devastating.” Genevieve says. “Again, I realized I had three choices: ending the relationship or pretending everything is fine, when it’s not, are the two pathways most people choose but, as I said, I’m a visionary and at the very least I needed to understand what had happened. I dove deeply into how dominant hormones influence relationships.”

It was a game-changer not only for Genevieve and her partner, but this new understanding changed her work, parenting, and every other connection too.

“I see people very differently now. Matthew and I both say that we learned more about ourselves and each other in one year than we had in all the years previously and we are not new to personal development.”

This took Genevieve in a new direction with her business, moving beyond just personal health and wellness to supporting couples, and men with relationships, intimacy, and mission alignment through the lens of epigenetic profiling.

“What I love about this is that we can use the precision of personalized science to get to the heart of relationship dynamics and life purpose. Our core wounds, needs, desires, and values are all literally written in our bodies. I get to give people their own personal blueprint and instruction manual and teach them how to understand the people around them.

“Already I see it changing the world, because this information gives people the power and pathway for individuals to access energy, clarity, passion, and purpose according to their own unique operating system. Imagine bringing this into our intimate relationships, communities, and businesses?”

And so, Genevieve’s own evolution continues. Going beyond individuals, she now wants to get this information out to the world. In addition to writing, speaking, and teaching, Genevieve has begun training other mentors, leaders, and impact-makers, especially men, to leverage this information for the benefit of their clients, communities, and businesses.

Genevieve’s decision to work more with men feels like a culmination of all her life experience and work up to this point.

She says: “The war that men and women have been waging with each other for millennia is not the way forward.”

Maximize your wellbeing with simple exercises

As well as her more advanced techniques that help amplify the results of epigenetic profiling, there are certain health-giving exercises that Genevieve prescribes for everyone: Breathing is of paramount importance to wellness. Genevieve advocates slow, controlled breaths through the nose – four seconds in and six seconds out, with a twosecond hold on the outward phase, for stress relief. Make sure that the breath goes all the way into the belly. But don’t ‘gulp’ the air.

The key is to try and make each breath calm, quiet, and light. Ten minutes of slow, nasal breathing is known to give your nervous system enough time to rebalance and harmonize, offering a host of health benefits.

“My vision is for a world where every single person on the planet is healthy, energised, feels deeply aligned with their own truth and can walk through the world with a strong back and an open heart,” Genevieve says.

“That’s the kind of world I want to leave my children. This is my mission, and this technology maps out a very clear pathway for this to happen. Truly, it can change the world and I’m so here for that...” www.theoptimisationqueen.com

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