How to win drone pilot jobs on uavlance

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Contents 1. Freedom with your Work .............................................................................................................. 3 I. Welcome to UAVLance ................................................................................................................ 3 II. What is UAVLance? ..................................................................................................................... 3 III. How UAVLance works.............................................................................................................. 3 2. Stand out from the Crowd with your Profile ........................................................................ 4 I. Tailor your UAVLance profile to suit your niche. ........................................................... 4 II. Be selective with your profile photo................................................................................... 4 III. Show everyone your skills ..................................................................................................... 4 IV. Display a portfolio of your work and keep it updated. ............................................ 5 V. Other helpful tips to make your profile unbeatable .................................................... 5 3. Discovering your next job.............................................................................................................. 5 I. Customize your search................................................................................................................ 5 II. Keep close tabs on clients you would like to work for............................................... 6 III. Search regularly .......................................................................................................................... 6 IV. Communication is key .............................................................................................................. 6 V. Hourly rate or fixed price ......................................................................................................... 6 4. Submitting a winning proposal................................................................................................... 7 I. Submit proposals for work that you will enjoy ............................................................... 7 II. Research clients ............................................................................................................................ 7 III. Writing a winning proposal................................................................................................... 8 IV. Know your worth........................................................................................................................ 8 V. Check-in on your proposals..................................................................................................... 9 VI. Make multiple proposals......................................................................................................... 9 VII. Be prepared to negotiate your price................................................................................ 9 5. Completing Jobs............................................................................................................................... 10 6. How to gain credibility on UAVLance ................................................................................... 11 I. Gather great feedback .............................................................................................................. 11 II. Understand your performance ........................................................................................... 11 III. Handling your Feedback ...................................................................................................... 11 7. Keeping safe and secure on UAVLance ................................................................................ 12 8. Do a great job! .................................................................................................................................. 12

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1. Freedom with your Work I. Welcome to UAVLance Are you looking to build your career as a freelance drone pilot? If you are eager to work with flexibility and earn a fantastic income, for completing tasks that suit your skills set, then UAVLance is the place to be. To help you find your way around our first of it’s kind website we have created The UAVLance Guide so you can maximize your freelance piloting potential with us. We will take you through a step-by-step process for creating an awesome profile, landing your next UAV assignment and increasing your earning potential with UAVLance.

II. What is UAVLance? UAVLance helps you find freedom with your work. We are an online UAV marketplace where highly skilled pilots and UAV enthusiasts can match with businesses and individuals requiring UAV services. We operate globally and allow UAV Pilots and clients to connect across all corners of the country to collaborate. If you are a UAV enthusiast looking to earn a little extra, create a steady income or find some momentum with your skills UAVLance is perfect for you. Conversely, if you are a business looking to get your projects outsourced and completed with efficiency and accuracy, UAVLance is where you will find the best freelance drone pilots for your projects.

III. How UAVLance works If you have drone piloting skills and a decent internet connection you are nearly there! Once you have signed up with UAVLance, you can use our online workplace to find jobs and skills challenges that suit your skills set. We provide you with a helping hand on your freelance piloting journey and we work hard to match your skills with jobs that are suitable. It is free to sign up on UAVLance and to use the website. Furthermore, as a freelance pilot all your hard work is rewarded. Our success fees are charged to your client, over and above your project fee, so you end up taking home every cent of your income for jobs you work so hard for. Now that you have familiarized yourself with who we are and what we do, it is time to guide you in the right direction to set up a killer profile to stand out from the crowd. 3|Pa g e

2. Stand out from the Crowd with your Profile The hardest part of being a freelance UAV pilot is having the ability to get your skills set recognized above and beyond every other pilot or service provider you are competing with. Think of your UAVLance profile as the front page of a book. If it does not look interesting to the reader, no matter how good the content is, they are probably going to put it down and move on to another one.

I. Tailor your UAVLance profile to suit your niche. When you describe yourself in your profile make sure you cater to the type of clients and jobs that you want to land. For example, if you are a skilled UAV inspector, describe how your inspection or equipment will fulfill the needs of your clients. Utilize your profile to demonstrate your strengths, show how you provide solutions and add value to your client. If you can get all of this across whilst being able to remain pleasant, cordial and professional, you will stand out from the crowd and create your own uniqueness about who you are, what you do and how you fly. Also, take time to do the little things: ensure spelling and grammar are impeccable; display excellent communication with your clients; and show you can really be a team player.

II. Be selective with your profile photo If you want to be an expert freelance pilot, then make sure that your profile photo conveys that you are in fact an expert freelance pilot. This is the time that your Facebook profile picture, or emojicon can probably take a back seat. Ensure that you have a head and shoulders shot that shows you in a professional, friendly and expert manner. Or use your company logo Whatever shot you decide on, it is better than nothing, as leaving it blank is a sure way to turn off prospective clients and lose credibility and trust.

III. Show everyone your skills To take your UAVLance profile a step further you need to convey to prospective clients that you know what you are doing. There is no better way of showing this than completing your UAV Skills Assessments. UAVLance Skills Assessments are an array of tests that you can take that show clients that you really know what you are doing. Skills show that you are proficient 4|Pa g e

in your area of expertise and help you build an even stronger case to help you land your next freelance piloting job.

IV. Display a portfolio of your work and keep it updated. Clients want to know what you are capable of doing. There is no easier way of showing clients how good you are in your services niche than by keeping an up to date portfolio of your finest work. Make sure your portfolio shows off your areas of expertise. Show prospective clients what work you have completed in the past, how you achieved goals for previous employers and how you added value to the job. Rest assured employers will be falling off their chair, scrambling to secure your services for their next job.

V. Other helpful tips to make your profile unbeatable 

Be original. There are so many clones on the internet these days. Make sure your profile reflects the best version of your skills and yourself.

Verify your details. People want to know they are working with real people and not robots. Having your details verified helps you build up your trust and reputation.

Cater to your niche. You won’t land many jobs if you try to be a jack-ofall-trades and master of none. Make sure you hone your skills on one or two drone services categories and get validation and feedback there before expanding your services horizon further. Remember, right now the commercial drone industry is still young and having a lot of completed drone jobs in a specific niche makes you extremely valuable for businesses and consumers of need of those services.

Be selective in divulging information. Remember your profile is public, so be selective in what information you choose to make available to everyone.

Complete your profile. This is an easy one. Make sure you fully complete your profile. If you haven’t filled in everything, you may find yourself missing out on landing prospective jobs in the future.

3. Discovering your next job Now your profile is turning heads, it is time to focus your attention on landing your next job on UAVLance. Here are a few pointers to help you out:

I. Customize your search 5|Pa g e

Having a customized search and narrowing down what jobs you are looking for can really help you. Once you have narrowed down the type of jobs you are after, UAVLance can set up notifications for you and send you alerts for jobs that are likely to tickle your fancy. The more accurate you are at customizing your search, the better we will be at helping you find work. We can send email notifications to help you find those projects you are after without you having to lift a finger.

II. Keep close tabs on clients you would like to work for A quick search of UAVLance will show you that, in all likelihood, there will be several companies who are looking to outsource the exact type of work you are after. On UAVLance you can follow the companies that are creating those work opportunities. You can keep a close eye on these clients when they post freelance projects and we can help you build up a professional relationship with these clients quicker.

III. Search regularly You can use our search function to look for jobs on UAVLance. If you search regularly, you are more likely to come across jobs that suit your skills set. If your search is already customized, you can narrow or broaden your focus so that you can search jobs with more or less specificity, as you desire. Furthermore, you can narrow your search to include the duration of your project, pay rate, budget and job details.

IV. Communication is key If you have a great profile, in all likelihood you will get approached for jobs fast. Make sure that you are available and respond in an efficient manner to increase your chances of landing a project. Remember to make yourself available across multiple channels of communication. Sometimes email is effective and other times you need to have a proper conversation to get across key messages and understand the project fully.

V. Hourly rate or fixed price When you are searching for jobs it is good to know what you will be working for. Some projects are better suited to an hourly rate, whilst others fit well with a fixed price. There are benefits to both but make sure you understand what you will be getting for your time. 6|Pa g e

4. Submitting a winning proposal Wow! You are well on your way to becoming a UAVLance star. You have a killer profile and understand what jobs you want to go for and clients are beginning to approach you about potential work. The next step is to nail the proposal and submit an application that is too good to turn down.

I. Submit proposals for work that you will enjoy We talked earlier of the importance of tailoring your profile to suit a particular niche. When it comes to submitting proposals it is no different. Make sure you are going for jobs you enjoy and are good at. Otherwise, your projects could turn into a real grind, quickly. 

Go for jobs that are detailed - You want to go into jobs with your eyes open. To give yourself a head start, make sure you are submitting proposals for jobs that are adequately detailed. It is best to look for jobs that hold sufficient information from the client informing you of what is required. If the project description lacks detail and direction, chances are, the client will too.

Don’t sell yourself short - Submit proposals for jobs and skills challenges that reflect your budget. One of the biggest dangers as a freelance pilot is to undersell yourself. Make sure that you select jobs that mirror your skills and pay accordingly.

Fit in proposals wisely - Another common pitfall for freelancers is overcommitting to certain jobs. If you do this you are in danger of producing low quality and burning out as your stress levels rise. Make sure you take on work at a sustainable level.

II. Research clients When you submit a proposal for a job, you can be sure that your client will research you thoroughly to ensure you are getting the right person. It is extremely important to reciprocate this as a freelance pilot. Before you submit a proposal, do your research on the client. Make sure that the client will fit well with your style of work, quality and skills. It is better to find clients with established job history so you have some idea as to what they are looking for in a worker. Furthermore, if they are payment verified, you can also have some peace of mind that you will get the rewards you deserve for your work. Also, remember that feedback is used as a tool to moderate your performance. Ensure that your clients are good at giving regular feedback, especially when you 7|Pa g e

are new to UAVLance. Having great feedback will help you secure more work easily.

III. Writing a winning proposal So you know what job you want, you know the client inside and out, it is now time to write your winning proposal. Here is how you can put your best foot forward and land that job: 

Tailor your proposal to the client – It is crucial to specifically write your proposal to cater to the needs of the client. It is easy to just put in a copied, clichéd proposal. However, that will not get you over the line. Show that you understand the clients needs, ask for more information if required and display how you will add value to the client if the project is awarded to you.

Maintain a professional and friendly tone - It is easy to jump into lazy habits writing a proposal. Make sure your submission remains error free and maintains professionalism throughout. Again, being professional does not need to come across as automated. You can still be friendly and welcoming in your tone. Once you have finished writing it have another look through it. Does it look like a proposal from someone you would want to work with?

Keep it short and sharp – Clients don’t have time for long-winded proposals and essays. Keep it short and sharp to keep their interest and get your best points across.

Answer the client questions – This shows that you are paying attention and have read the client proposal carefully and understand the nature of their work. Ask for more information if you have to.

State that you want the job – A written proposal is essentially a job interview. Tell the client you want the job.

Showcase you know what you are doing – Add in relevant examples of your work that best fit the job the client needs doing. This is a great, easy way to show you are knowledgeable on the subject and that you know what you are doing.

IV. Know your worth When it comes to setting a price for your proposal it can be a difficult proposition. It can be hard to know where to set your price if you are new to freelance piloting, or facing a unique or complex job. To help you we have created a quick guide to provide you with some pricing direction.

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Include all outlays in your pricing – Make sure you add up every single task and activity that is involved in your work and include activities such as research, planning, organization and review.

Understand the going price – Make sure you understand your niche well enough that you have a good grasp of the going price for any particular job. Keep in mind that if your skills are rare or complex you will be able to charge a premium for your services.

Put the shoe on the other foot – If you were in the client’s position, how much would you be willing to pay for the project? It is a useful starting point for setting a price and helps you understand the project from another point of view.

Recognize your value – The most important point you can take from setting the price is to not undersell yourself. Whilst it is important to have an honest assessment of what your skills are worth, back your confidence and ability to charge a rate that reflects your skills.

Ask questions – If you are unsure about any aspect of the job you are about to undertake, make sure you ask for more information. It is so hard to put a price on a project if you do not understand some aspect of it, or do not fully comprehend the data involved. It is better to leave your price blank and seek clarification until you know what you are in for.

V. Check-in on your proposals After you have submitted your proposal you may think all the work is done. But it is very important to check UAVLance regularly to see if you have had any communication from prospective clients. Sometimes the client may edit the job or provide further requests to the work they desire. This may or may not play into your hands. When you remain informed you can make better decisions on whether to stay in the race or turn your attention to jobs elsewhere.

VI. Make multiple proposals This is an especially pertinent point if you are new to UAVLance. Your success rate will be higher the more proposals you apply for. Be selective in choosing jobs that suit your skills, but you will probably find that multiple jobs that suit you are open at the same time. You have to be in to win.

VII. Be prepared to negotiate your price In some circumstances, the client may want you to complete the project for them; however, they are not sold on the price you are offering. They may counter offer a

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price or want to facilitate another arrangement with you. If this situation does arise there are some important things to keep in mind: 

Have a minimum price in mind – Always have an absolute minimum you are prepared to work for. If the client insists on going lower, politely inform them that you will not be able to complete the work.

Keep calm – You know your worth, but the client may not always see it initially. If they want to negotiate a lower price for your services, keep calm and professional throughout your negotiations.

Be flexible about what you deliver – If clients want to lower the price you should be prepared to potentially narrow the scope of the work you deliver to accommodate the change in price. Especially if you are really keen on completing the job.

Always get something in return – Don’t offer your services for nothing. Always ensure you are getting paid and have set a price for the work you are completing. There is nothing worse than doing a lot of work only to realize you have given up all your valuable time for free.

5. Completing Jobs Fantastic! You have landed a job and your killer proposal has come up a winner. It is time to enter into the engine room and get stuck into the work. When you win a job you will be able to access a number of functions: 

Converse with your client – When you have won a proposal, undoubtedly, you will have to open up your communication channels with your client. UAVLance allows you to chat with your client across a variety of mediums.

Keep track of progress – On the UAVLance platform, you will be able to track progress with your client and tick off deliverables, keep track of time spent on a job and submit work as completed.

Get Paid – Most importantly for you, on the UAVLance platform, you can also get paid for all the hard work you have done when you have ticked off all your deliverables.

Keep online records of your jobs – UAVLance make sure that you can keep records of what you need for completed projects on the UAVLance platform. This saves you having to fluff around with paperwork and print information off incessantly.

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6. How to gain credibility on UAVLance Not all freelance pilots are judged the same. Potential and future clients will scrutinize your UAVLance feedback and reputation closely to ascertain whether you are good enough and reliable enough to complete their valued work.

I. Gather great feedback UAVLance uses feedback as a tool to moderate your performance. If you secure great feedback, it is a great way to raise yourself to a level above the competition. Your feedback is what potential and future clients will judge you on, so it is absolutely essential you do everything you can to earn yourself fantastic feedback. When a job is completed, both you and a client can provide feedback on the performance of the other and leave comments relating to the work. It is important if you receive feedback that you do not necessarily agree with, that you do not enter into a slugging match and keep your response professional at all times. Remember to think twice before asking for, or posting feedback, as it remains on your UAVLance profile permanently.

II. Understand your performance UAVLance uses a range of features and functions to measure your performance as a pilot. These tools offer a great insight into the skills and services you have provided on previous jobs and also act as a great leveraging tool for future proposals you submit on UAVLance.      

Reviews from past jobs Recommendations from past clients Ratings from past jobs Completion rate Skills assessment exams with passing scores Portfolio

III. Handling your Feedback Here is some quick advice for handling your feedback and enhancing your UAVLance reputation. 

Request feedback without fail – Every time you complete a project for a client, make sure you request feedback. Every piece of feedback you receive is an opportunity to enhance your UAVLance rankings and improve your performance. Which in turn, will increase the likelihood of you landing more work in the future and help your ability to charge a premium for your services. 11 | P a g e

Be Professional – You can’t always control what feedback is given to you. If you maintain your professionalism throughout your dealings on UAVLance, you will come out better off for it in the long run, guaranteed.

Use UAVLance to build your reputation – The more you use UAVLance the easier it gets to grow your reputation, find more work and get paid.

7. Keeping safe and secure on UAVLance We take your safety and security on UAVLance seriously and do everything to ensure you have a great experience on our platform. To ensure that you get the most out of our site and have the best experience make sure you use UAVLance throughout the piloting process. That way it is easy for you and us to monitor how and when you get paid and allows us to take action if things are not going as they should. Here are a few safety and security tips for using UAVLance:  Never give away personal information that is not necessary, including personal account numbers, tax numbers and financial information.  Always complete the job fully on UAVLance to have a safer and more secure experience. If you are asked to complete a job outside of UAVLance it is a warning sign for sure and will mean you have less recourse if you don’t get paid.  Remember, if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.  If anything looks amiss, unsafe or unsecure on our platform, please inform us immediately and we will do what we can to help.

8. Do a great job! So now that you are hired, all that is left is for you to go out and wow the socks off your client and nail your projects. Doing a great job will help you foster long-term relationships, secure more recurring work and increase your chances of earning a stable income as a freelancer. Remember to look after your UAVLance reputation and UAVLance and your clients will look after you! We are so excited to have you on board and hope you enjoy everything that UAVLance has to offer.

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