September 11, 2018 Kscope

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Blazer News



New UAB foodtruck p.2 New Five Points hangout bar p.7 Cannabidiol research p.3 Spotlight: service learning p.4 Underground art movement p.8 New study assistance app p.5


Opinion Louis C.K.’s comeback p.10

Sports Men’s soccer loss p.9

Comments from inside the White House p.11

A creative stroll Downtown Myles Womack Staff Reporter Live music echoed from under the viaduct stage on the Historic Morris Avenue, while visual artists exhibited their photos, paintings, ceramics and clothing in tents set up along on the sidewalk.

See ARTWALK, Page 6


blazer news New food rolling through campus Magic City Eats provides students with a new selection of campus dining on the go

k. truc can o e h t s t y at d trucks plans a p foo Eat t to se i some c City ost. t to e u o i oor ditor als While , Mag low c itmen ver M n E e a e t y m aur r News du nce rice ings at a com e will n ck tha L e p i r e e .e b p th ade at w e tru pe s Blaz 3@uab d ex allow k as ee ’ve m sity th on th . to o k o 3 y s f i r d c I i r t “ e an lrm o ing sa tru ent . Th univ anyth wser will als or veg iffer eturns se the food e d h o t y e n w r l . s B r u u u it ,” ria at ne tal to feat ver $6 City E egeta ir men ll the a to h time ining to test i l e a v o c d c i u h a y . is Mag ve ea pus tunity eas fs a c they in t o tr o be ince am ppor nd id che that ally,” s ha ailable cited t oing t ahon, ed streets c y s a s s r a alw ion av ally ex t’s all g n McM an o cepts ing ouo thingo norm eting . e pa he s orn k ing hav nted t me fave iv to d to d r o g opt “I’m re glad i aid Eri gy. s a c r an s “It’ utlet able eim, M s Din yea reque unchti s in th . nd ap,” s esiolo dents cld for w a u f o e l h e p k f u d e s e A ruck , the amp truc ic foo er ch in kin ce stu ion fi ome naryuldn’t bantha KB Camy Eats nsag od ow o c dt sup hmen xt pla at Leg all’s h llow wo Sam for UA gic Cit ck tra and a foo AB. N rning t erse foalled M UAB d ger u k i y a r U c t v a c u fresThe ne uck is Footb also fo ial i b f t M s o is re ne d ck is ded a ious e the tot tru n c tr k B n e a i b o M Prev clud ater ite the of UA nts ca on so e truc ill ,” a of ew tru s prov w d e t m n n g h t y v i e t fi y s a n a e l . i d s r e for The n and i . r u re th in to ck la nu to h ian the es. St pus D ut whe . me ing inaco tru ol that u regu in can ats, rvices anting aid Br nagE m t m m o o t x i n a n r y n, it ,” s a e a t c e g BC o d n e Ci ing S ere w ept,” ict m “We t fo lking k it’s e me shma e aca n l fi e UA dia to lling upchame it to b mited wa “I thin up th e, fre y hav Din “We w h conc t distr ining. e wan i t l e o n e a n g r n l y e s h D a m w n l s e t a am gi d Gre ope .” be ally i we w re on fre resid pus w do revit c n l , l f i a w t o i h e w “It re ver c ne ser, Re e a ion.” tak . “I h oin cks Cam , ‘ho nd of k our saidrketingsome pod tru ck can ing hatesaid. “Waginat Bowor UABrselvesand ki e too ’” w be ser n im ma ls at the fo ew tru includ Dining er f ed ou ariety ?’ So w road. ay Bowour ow bowUnlike the n ment, Cash, ds. ask ring v ogram on the ws a wthe , r t y b r o g n l s a by n a g l p n o o a i c t our fp it ag ’p o o en inin ck a pus kind ocks, Dr d cred e MVPns can ize ident d od tru ing to gs happ ile any zerBu ash an ave th al pla res The fo nt din event us. Wht every l r e p n a i o Bla llars, c who h d 7 me d e esi r spec ff cam pres sion f r r Do dents e 5 an fo d fo nd o t be occa ded Stu gonfir roa h on a will no p on is nee u t t a i k o Dra p e b truc l po r as serv vide t the , it wil ents o . o ro ln day cial ev mpus ats wil tead p a s e E c n p i s und City will aro Magic u but n me rigid

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TUESDAY, SEPT 11, 2018




CBD oil counteracts epilepsy Groundbreaking UAB study may change treatment of seizures

in conjunction to info also being given on the UAB website. The first patient was enrolled in the study on April 2015 with over 100 patients actively participating. Among the 132 patients included in the study, 60 adults and 72 children who had been diagnosed with epiMallorie Turner lepsy were studied. Patients selected Staff Reporter were considered refractory or ble, meaning they had tried numerous medications yet still suffered frequent A new study at UAB may lead to seizures. millions of epilep“About tic patients world60 percent of wide to reduce patients had their symptoms more than 50 from the help of percent seizure CBD oil. reduction,” said The study Jerzy Szaflarwas published in ski, principle the Epilepsy and investigator Behavior journal of the study. with findings on “Of course, how CBD oil can benefit those sufferthere were patients who were not ing from seizures. seizure-free The experiment and did not started in 2014 have any when a bill known improvement. as Carly’s Law was A majority of passed, enabling patients had UAB to analyze the improvement, effects of CBD oil, and our reor cannabidiol, in tention rate is epileptic patients. about 80 perThe law was named cent, meaning after Carly Chandler, 80 percent of patients are still taking a 4-year-old from the Birmingham the product without any major side area with a rare genetic disorder that effects.” causes her to have multiple seizures Szaflarski said that patients were a day. scored The UAB Epilepusing an sy Center tested the adverse CBD oil, a plantevents based supplement profile, or derived from the AEP, which cannabis plant, on is a stanvarious patients. dardized *information provided by Jerzy Szaflarski, princiPure CBD does not questionple investigator of the study. produce a high or naire that the same psycheassesses delic effects that can be adverse events. It is standardized with seen in marijuana or THC. the purpose of being easier to collect Dustin Chandler, Carly’s father, and monitor patient data. publicized information about the study The data presented a significant

About 60 percent of patients had more than 50 percent seizure reduction.

This study is the largest trial on CBD and epilepsy done ever in the world.

One of the first trials tested in both adults and children.

AEP decrease for all patients at the end of the study’s 12-week period compared to when the study began. David Standaert, Chair of the Department of Neurology, coauthored the CBD therapy study. Standaert was one of the researchers who worked with the state legislature and the local authorities to get Carly’s Law passed and launch the study. He also served as the chairman for the safety monitoring of the study to ensure safety ethics were in effect. “This was the largest trial on CBD and epilepsy done anywhere,” he said. “It’s one of the first trials tested in both adults and children, and it shows a very strong protective effect against epilepsy.” Ashley Thomas, Assistant Professor in the Department of Neurology, served as a coinvestigator and coauthor of the study. Thomas said she sees the data from the CBD study as new terrain for future epilepsy treatment and research. “With our study, we were looking at patients with a wider variety of diagnoses for different epilepsy types,” Thomas said. “We hope seeing that this [supplement] is well tolerated with medication, that it does have some effect on seizure frequencies and severities, will help ART BY LAKYN SHEPARD/ ART EDITOR




Knowledge through nature Service learning allows students to learn by the water Myah Clinton Staff Reporter The Office of Service Learning and Undergraduate Research at UAB considers several qualities when looking for nonprofit organizations to partner with for service learning courses, according to Amy Badham, director of Service Learning and Undergraduate Research and a former public health professor. “We look for nonprofits or communities that we have a relationship with that have projects ready to go and are excited to work with undergraduate students,” she said. “They need to be willing to work with in a partnership with [UAB]. Our goal is for all service learning classes to be mutually beneficial.” Having taught service learning courses in the past such as PUH 333 Food, Water and Air; GHS 303 Food Security and Nutrition and GHS 320 Global Health Service Learning, Badham had formed a close partnership with Coosa Riverkeeper. According to the organization’s website, Coosa Riverkeeper aims to preserve and keep the Coosa River in Wetumpka free of pollution. “Honestly, our organization would look very different if we did not have our partnership with UAB and particularly the School of Public Health,” said Justinn Overton, executive director of Coosa Riverkeeper. According to Overton, some projects UAB students completed include writing a cleanup manual for volunteer groups to use when running River cleanups, creating info-graphics to explain what the organization does, conducting surveys with fishermen about fish consumption advisories and creating videos about the organi-

zation’s programs. Overton said that some service learning students have gone on to intern with Coosa Riverkeeper after their course ended. Badham expanded on this occurrence by giving a specific example with one student who took a Global Health course that worked with Coosa Riverkeeper. “After the class, he interned with her [Overton] during the summer and then he had to do a capstone for School of Public Health, then he used Coosa Riverkeeper as his project,”Badham said. “When he graduated from his undergraduate, he had done an entire year with one partner, so that’s like a year’s worth of work experience.” Another organization that has worked with UAB is Freshwater Land Trust, a nonprofit that focuses on “conserve[ing] land and build[ing] trails,” according to its website. Although the organization has worked with service learning groups from UAB before, it has not done any since Director of Communications Mary Beth Brown’s time there. But Brown said that Freshwater Landtrust has also partnered with various UAB student groups. “Students have been able to volunteer on our conservation properties doing cleanup days helping to cleanup and construct new paths and trails, so people can move around more easily on our properties,” Brown said. “Basically we really enjoy the privilege of introducing UAB students to our work.” Badham said that students involved in service learning can make a difference in Birmingham. “We have this wonderful group of students,” Badham said. “If we can get them to work on the social issues of Alabama and the Birmingham metro area, I really do think there can be a difference made both in our community and at UAB.” PHOTO BY LAUREN MOORE/BLAZER NEWS EDITOR Jace Rose, freshman in foreign languages, sketches the world around her as a part of a service learning partership between Coosa Riverkeeper and a Beginning Fiction Writing English class.

TUESDAY, SEPT 11, 2018




Jetpacking to success

discussed his own learning disabilities and how he has learned to overcome them. “The thing that’s really important to my story is I’ve always been a scientist at heart,” Diedrich Lauren Moore said. Blazer News Editor Diedrich ies the connection between HIV and tuberculosis while Juggling busy schedules and also teaching improve getting assignments done on time acting classes to kids. can be a struggle for most students, He is also starting a but the problems are magnified when nonprofit to reduce the a student has a learning disability. stigma around people A new program from Disability with disabilities. Support Services offers students a Diedrich was chance to strap on a jetpack and soar diagnosed with an over the walls hindering them unspecified learning disorder from reaching their goals. and an unspecified reading “It’s a text to speech disorder in elementary school, software and it also allows for meaning that he reads and note taking and study skills, so processes language in the it’s great for any student that bottom 14-15 percent of his needs a little extra help,” said percentile among Ashleigh Johnson, other learning setDSS program coorbacks. dinator. “When you grow Students were up with a learning invited to the new disability, you grow Kurzweil 3000’s softup with these barriware launch at the ers,” Diedrich said. “I Hill Student Center’s always worked really Alumni Theatre on hard, but things nevTuesday. er clicked for me.” “Kurzweil is a By the time great study too for all Diedrich started students, any student college, he still was can benefit from having to find ways using it,” said Allison to be successful and Solomon, director of productive. DSS and ADA compli*information provided by “I was a freshman ance officer. Carol Nees, senior account in 2002, and the only DSS provided a executive for Kurzweil Educa- assistive technology doughnut wall where tion and The National Center for I would use was a students could take a recorder to record Learning Disabilities. doughnut off its peg my lectures,” Diedand add extra toppings. rich said. Kurzweil Education keynote Diedrich encourages students to speaker Colin Diedrich, Ph.D. in Mofind their “jetpacks” in life, a person or lecular Virology and Microbiology, technology that can help them over-

New product simplifies learning

come barriers. For Diedrich, jetpacks were family, friends, teachers and counselors. Diedrich said also feels strongly that students with disabilities should practice self-advocacy. Ways Diedrich has personally learned to self-advocate includes sitting closer in classes, saying no when overwhelmed, allocating study time and asking for help when it’s needed. After Diedrich’s introduction, Carol Nees, senior account executive for Kurzweil Education, presented the Kurzweil 3000 program. “You can make it as individual as you are,” Nees said. “It is personalized to you and your style.” Students can sign into their Kurzweil account from any device as well as download it onto their personal devices. There are also translation tools available for students with english as a second language. “Students can have access to various folders, textbooks and more all in one place, and can create audio files,” Nees said. The program can highlight passages of text and read to students. Users can choose how the device reads to them, deciding speed and dialect. “I’m looking forward to seeing how students across the university use this software and apply it,” Solomon said. “It is for all students.”


Rwandan genocide

When you grow up with a learning disability, you grow up with these barriers. - Colin Diedrich


percent of college students diagnosed with learning disabilities take advantage of learning assistant resources at their school.


Lauren Moore Blazer News Editor According to, on April 6, 1994, a plane carrying the Habyarimana and Burundi’s president Cyprien Ntaryamira was shot down over the capital Rwandan city of Kigali with no survivors. This act served as the spark that ignited the Rwandan Genocide, where a massacre of nearly a million Tutsi minority by the Hutu came about after political unrest between the two groups. “About 800,000 men, women and children were murdered in what is often referred to as the most efficient genocide in modern history due to the simple tactics used to murder others and the amount of people murdered in the span of four months,” said Tyler Goodwin, student intern for the Institute for Human Rights at UAB. During this four-month period, the country fell into a state of violence and chaos, with local radio stations calling on civilians to murder their neighbors. “We were rightfully taught about the Holocaust with great detail, but I had never even heard of the country of Rwanda until my sophomore year in college,” Goodwin said. “Our public school education system, in my opinion, only focuses on the stories and histories of events and people who ‘look like us’.”


TUESDAY, SEPT. 11, 2018

Accessible and affordable art Fart Fairy breaks wind on the free art movement Ceri-Lune Renneboog CityLifestyle Editor

ARTWALK From FRONT “ArtWalk is a cornerstone event in Birmingham that showcases the wealth of talent we have in Birmingham and beyond,” said Kelly Marshall, volunteer for ArtWalk since 2003 and media relations at Street Captain of Morris Avenue, and handles media relations for the event. This past weekend the 17th Annual ArtWalk Festival took place in Birmingham. The fall event has regularly drawn a large and diverse population, with this year being no exception. “When the event started 17 years ago, there was very little activity downtown and especially not at night,” Marshall said. “We have been super stoked to see the incredible development of downtown businesses, organizations, events and more since our first ArtWalk weekend in 2001” Artists of all mediums participated in displaying their creativity at the event. The festival was open to the public and as food vendors and nearby restaurants and bars serve tasting cuisine,

fun family-friendly activities were provided within the festival’s area. ArtWalk gives Birmingham an up-close and personal connection to the artists who are presenting art work. “For me personally, it is critical that we celebrate our local and regional artists and provide them an opportunity to showcase their work” Marshall said. “We want to keep talent here and continue to cultivate more and more.” The idea for ArtWalk began at the Naked Art Gallery, owned by Vero Vanblaere, when it was still located downtown. Vanblaere and her friends had an idea to showcase regional talent as well as local Birmingham talent at the same time in a space downtown. “The atmosphere is electric on both days of the event,” Marhsall said. “Both days are like a family reunion of Birminghamians with smiling familiar faces all around. ArtWalk was born from the desire to show folks that Birmingham is an incredible place to live, work and play.” The first night of the event offered many different forms of artistic expression in multiple venues throughout 1st and 2nd Avenue. Throughout




Birminghamians head out to the city’s 17th annual Artwalk on Morris Avenue.


PHOTO BY LAKYN SHEPARD/ART EDITOR the night people began to fill the downtown streets, periodically stopping to admire the different works of art and have conversation with their creators. Some artists worked long hours to finish their work for the event. Walt Strickland, photographer, made three-dimensional pictures that are held together by handmade frames which he crafts by hand. “I had a piece sitting on my desk at home that I spent a total of 80 hours working on and I finally took a knife to it and trashed it,” said Walt Stricklin. “I absolutely love this event. The people that come here are relaxed and everyone has a great time.” Many paintings were hung from the eave of the tents in an organized chaos of color, including Sarah Scott’s water-color paintings. The bright, vivid colors blend with images of people, creatures, nature and other different living animals. “My inspiration for a lot of my art is life” said Sarah Scott, artist. “Many people who view my paintings immediately can tell what inspires my work.”

The notion of buying and owning original art within society is often reserved within the confines of prestige and elitism, reserving its ownership and viewership for those wealthy enough to pay the price of museum and gallery tickets. In 2006, a social movement was started by English artist “My Dog Sighs,” in hopes of expanding the accessibility of art by bringing it into the streets for open consumption. Free Art Friday, a local art movement turned global, encourages artists of all means to leave their art in public places for citizens to pick up and take home with them. The project brings together local artists that contribute free art which is scattered throughout public places in the city. Since its public initiation 12 years ago, Free Art Fridays have popped up in hundreds of cities around the world. Birmingham recently joined the movement, thanks to Ashley Guest, founder of @freeartbham and @smoothmellowart. Guest was inspired to start the project after discovering Karen Anderson, founder of Tiny PHOTOS COURTESY OF ASHLEY GUEST

Doors in Atlanta. Through her project, Anderson creates miniature doors and installs them throughout the city. “[Anderson] suggested that I launch a similar chapter in Birmingham in order to engage with my community” Guest said. Anderson’s advice led Guest to start a Free Art movement in Birmingham. Guest partnered with Happenins in the Ham, as well as ten contributing local artists, to launch in July 2018, one week before the start of the city’s annual Sloss Fest. Since July, Birmingham’s Free Art Friday has quickly grown into a collaboration with many additional artists throughout the city. Guest encourages all local artists, regardless of medium or notoriety, to contribute to the movement. Guest distributes art throughout the city every Friday, while she encourages artists to dispense art around downtown themselves on the fourth Friday of every month. Examples of locations artists have shared their work with include Saturn, Red Cat and Zoco’s. “I feel that there is so much value in giving as an artist” Guest said when discussing the reasoning behind the project. The Free Art movement encapsulates the notion that art should be inclusive and enjoyable to the public sphere, rather than monetized and kept in privatized sectors. The movement encourages citizens to take to the streets in admiration of the art that exists in their cities. “I had been leaving free art around Birmingham for a while but was just randomly doing so,” said Brian Burks, contributing artist. “Once I found out someone was putting a lot of effort into this

project, I wanted to be involved.” The conception of Free Art hardly began much earlier than 2006, though no one had solidified the concept of Free Art as a tangible social movement. Free Art Friday is not an original concept in the sense that artists have been voluntarily dispensing their art to the public for many years before the art movement was created. Free Art Birmingham seeks to alleviate any hardships artists may face when seeking to deliver their art to the public. The project does not have a permanent exhibition, instead, the Fart Fairy, played by Guest and friends, hides art in interesting, often unknown spots around Birmingham every Friday, consequentially posting clues for treasure hunters on their Instagram. “It was a unique experience and definitely something I’ll do again in the future” said Austin Whitt, a graphic design student at Jacksonville State who recently joined the weekly treasure hunt for free art. You, too, can participate in the project by following the @freeartbham page, browsing the #fartbham hashtag, and keeping an eye out for clues from the Fart Fairy on Fridays.

I feel that there is so much value in giving as an artist. - Ashley Guest Photos feature several examples of Birmingham’s Free Art distributed at the Crestline Village Murals, Homewood café Tropicaleo and at a local park in Crestwood.



TUESDAY, SEPT. 11, 2018


Woolworth bowls over Birmingham The new generation of Five Points Bella Tylicki Staff Reporter Featuring duckpin bowling and exhibiting a variety of classic pub games such as foosball, ping pong and darts, The Woolworth Refreshment and Recreation brings a twist on the traditional eat-anddrink to Five Points South. The Woolworth is a “social house,” combining grub and games on a large scale. John Boone of Orchestra Partners, the developer of the project, credited the model to Punchbowl Social, a company with social houses in 14 cities across the country. “[The space] was perfect for bowling lanes, but we didn’t want to do a conventional bowling alley,” said Boone. “Its size allowed for a large kitchen and gaming area, but we didn’t want to replicate a food court or arcade. So, we decided to do a Birmingham take on what Punchbowl Social has done in lots of other cities.” According to Boone, the building was unfit for modern retail and lacked character, so he and his partner knew its fate would be unique. The only original feature that remains is the old Woolworth’s soda fountain tile which can be seen at the base of the steps leading to the rooftop deck. “I live in Five Points South today, a block from The Woolworth, and our hope is that this concept will help re-


The Woolworth features bowling alleys, arcade games, and an extensive menu. mind everyone of how much tion going on, you don’t want Since the closing of Skky there is to see and do in one to miss out on the changes Night Club, the blemish on of Birmingham’s most diverse in the neighborhood,” Hooks the face of Five Points, last neighborhoods,” Boone said. said. “I see Five Points beNovember, ten new busi“Woolworth will bring coming an open-container nesses have opened their new energy to Five Points entertainment district and doors within one block of South,” said Russell Hooks, connecting parts of the area Five Points’ iconic Storyteller proprietor of a Birmingham that are adjacent to the main Fountain. lifestyle blog called Hapintersection. It is on track to The Woolworth is in penin’s in the ‘Ham. “It progrow the same way Avondale good company in Five Points. vides a place where you can has.” Other new kids on the block eat, drink, socialize and play Hooks praised the Five include restaurants, bars, a games!” Points Alliance, the district’s men’s salon and a Thai ice The full-service bar chief economic-developcream shop, bringing new boasts 24 beers on draft, ment propeller, for its efforts life to a district full of beloved and, consistent with the to revitalize the historic pillars such as The Original trending “social house” motif, neighborhood. Pancake House, Highlands the menu consists mostly of “It’s a great time to be Bar & Grill and Golden Temshareables. working, playing, living ple that have been in Five According to Hooks, The and investing in Five Points Points since last century. Woolworth experience will South,” said Steve Alexan“Stay tuned as our plans draw people to Five Points, der, chair of the Five Points to improve the neighborhood bringing traffic to other busiAlliance. parks and generally make nesses in the area. According to Alexander, this a more walkable and “I’m spending more and the opening of The Woolbike-able place to live come more time in Five Points. worth is “a great part of a together soon,” Alexander There is so much revitalizabigger story.” said.

City Council Highlights Bella Tylicki Staff Reporter

- Birmingham City will join the Alabama Drug Enforcement Task Force which identifies, investigates and prosecutes drug traffickers. This agreement commits the City to contributing personnel, equipment and funds to the cause. - Following two incidents of teen gun violence over Labor Day Weekend, the Council and the Mayor initiated a conversation to reach a comprehensive plan, including mentorship programs and workforce development opportunities, to prevent similar events.

TUESDAY, SEPT.11, 2018



Kentucky fried Blazers Blazers lose 0-2 vs. the Kentucky Wildcat’s Christopher Booz Sports Reporter September 8, the Blazer community gathered a crowd of 902 in for the Green Army Night to the BBVA Compass field. UAB Blazer Men’s soccer team hosted Kentucky Wildcat Men’s Soccer. In the first half of the game, the UAB Blazers kept even against the Wildcats 0-0. The Blazers were dominate through their offensive plays in the first half. Men recorded six shots and two corner kicks. Entering the second period, the UAB’s Goal-keeper James Teal was scored on twice through Kentucky’s successful throw-ins at the 64th minute and 77th minute. At the end of the 90-minute game, the score remained Kentucky 2-0 UAB. In the first half of the game, the UAB Blazers kept even against the Wildcats 0-0. The Blazers were dominate through their offensive plays in the first half. Men recorded six shots and two corner kicks. Entering the

We had an awful lot of shots on goal. - Mike Getman

second period, the UAB goal-keeper James Teal was scored on twice through Kentucky’s successful throw-ins at the 64th minute and 77th minute. At the end of the 90-minute game, the score remained Kentucky 2-0 UAB. UAB Men’s soccer enters the game with two game losing streak versus the undefeated Kentucky team. In the beginning, The Blazers fought hard against the Wildcats outshooting them 6-2 shots on goal attempts. The match was scoreless in the first half until 64th minute when Brock Lindow scored on the back post on a set piece to give Kentucky a 1-0 lead. The Wildcats ended any chance of a Blazer comeback in the 77th minute when JJ Williams scored, making the score 2-0. According to Mike Getman, UAB Men’s Soccer Head Coach, assignments and the advantage of the 6’7 (Aime Mabika) player’s presence disturbed the defense, which was one of the causes of the scores of set pieces. UAB (1-4-0, 0-1-0) has lost three consecutive matches, while Kentucky (4-0-0, 1-0-0) remains undefeated and has shut out every team played this season. Overall, Blazers played their game but with this lost, Conference record is now 0-1 under .500 which is not good for a playoff run. “We had an awful lot of shots on goal,” Getman said. “The Kentucky keeper made six saves and three of four of them were brilliant ones.” After the game, the players left with their head downs and shook hands walk off to prepare for Friday, Sept. 14, at FIU. Kickoff between the Blazers and Panthers is slated for 6 p.m. CST in Miami.


ABOVE: Midfielder Eder Mora’s sideline throw-in. BELOW: Midfielder DJ Benton (14) receives a yellow card due to a foul call for tripping over player 21 from the Kentucky Wildcats.



Has Louis learned his lesson? Kameryn Thigpen Opinion Columnist In our society, who has the authority to forgive the accused? Do we as a people forgive in unison or do we individually do it on our own time? Comedian Louis C.K. took a fall from humorous grace when he was accused of exposing himself to five unwilling women. Recently, he appeared back on the comedy stage and is slowly trying to emerge again on the scene. In this era of sexual assault awareness and the #MeToo movement, there is not much room for error - only accountability. The real question at hand is not what Louis C.K. did or if he was wrong. The real question is if he should be allowed the same spotlight he had before this downfall. Does he deserve societal forgiveness? There have been dozens of men who have been dismantled due to allegations of sexual misconduct and harassment, and once they are exposed they are forever tarnished. “Forgiveness is an important thing for the accused and not for the accuser,” said Cortney Johnson, Senior Coordinator at Student Multicultural and Diversity Programs.

Forgiveness is an important thing for the accused and not for the accuser.” -Cortney Johnson

when considering whether he should be forgiven. If Louis C.K. can come out and perform to a standing ovation, then it is obvious that at least some of society has moved on. Moreover, it is obvious that he himself has moved on. It has only been nine months since his allegations surfaced, so getting back on stage was a brave move. But if Louis C.K. can be successful at a comeback from sexual misconduct allegations – then will every celebrity with a similar record be able to do the same? If sexual assault is pardoned based on a popularity contest, then it need be asked, what is the point of sexual assault awareness?


There should not be any hesitation in punishment for the perpetrator and, in contrast, there should be nothing short of sympathy for the victim. Louis C.K. tried to creep onto the stage and the public came down with the verdict of “way too soon.” The celebrity status of this also an important factor. “Although forgiveness can be bestowed unto a person it does not give the clearance to misuse your power as a celebrity and any misuse of power should be taken

away,” Johnson said. Did we really forgive Louis C.K., or did we just give him a pass because he was once a successful comedian? On the other side of this, Louis C.K. is still a flawed human being. People slip up. This does not mean the behavior needs to be excused or simply forgotten, but shouldn’t those accused be allowed to have a second chance at life? Morgan Richardson, sophomore in political science, said that people need to hear both sides of the story

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TUESDAY, SEPT.11 , 2018




I don’t believe in the “quiet resistance” Parker Rose Opinion Editor

Photo by I, Daniel Schwen, CC BY-SA 3.0,

best interests in mind – I can’t help but not only be disturbed and angered. Especially when the author writes: “The bigger concern is not what Mr. “It may be cold for comfort in this Trump has done to the presidency but chaotic era,” writes a recent New York rather what we as a nation have alTimes Op-Ed article in regards to our current administration. “But Americans lowed him to do to us. We have sunk low with him and allowed our disshould know that there are adults in course to be stripped of civility.” the room.” Some people agree with This article, written by an this approach and think that unnamed senior White House the article’s message is official, is somewhat groundeven positive. breaking. It isn’t particularly “It almost seemed unprecedented in content, hopeful,” said Aleena Khan, a but it’s certainly significant in its sophomore in economics. “To publication. know there are people fighting The Times editors were bold to put the country first and not Rose in their decision to publish the succumb to the Trump adminarticle, as it is rare that Op-Eds are istration.” written anonymously. Not to menBut I would have to disagree. If tion the boldness of the move due to you watched the recent confirmation its authorship. hearings for Supreme Court nominee “It’s highly unusual, but not Brett Kavanaugh, you might have unheard of,” said Joey Kennedy, a noticed the screaming protestors in B-Metro columnist and English professor at UAB. “This is a highly unusual the background, or the women in the hallways of the building dressed as presidency. handmaidens in reference to Margaret And while I would love to believe Atwood’s dystopian manifesto. most of the things that the article Or, more importantly, you may claims – such as that our president is have noticed the several Democratbeing effectively babysat by responic senators who made reasonable sible adults who have our country’s

objections to the fact that less than 10% of Kavanaugh’s records have yet to be reviewed by both parties. Their request for adjournment was met with callous disregard, outright interruption, and defiance. While I agree that we all have a part to play in resisting the Trump administration, I would hardly say that those in opposition have remained silent. Moreover, I would be hesitant to say that it is the responsibility of those who are being ignored to put an end to such treatment. We can all be - and should be - acting effectively to resist the tactless, disgraceful politics that are being fed to us, but it isn’t just up to us. I also think that such a claim is especially concerning considering that it is coming from someone within the administration doing the oppressing. “There is a quiet resistance within the administration of people choosing to put country first,” anonymous writes. “But the real difference will be made by everyday citizens rising above politics, reaching across the aisle and resolving to shed the labels in favor of a single one: Americans.” And while I’m happy to wear my badge of “American” and speaking up

for what I believe in, I also believe that it is the duty of those closest to the presidency to do the same.

We welcome your opinions. If you have an idea or opinion about something and would like to possibly see it featured in an upcoming issue, please email Submissions must include the author’s name, year, major and daytime phone number. Phone numbers are for verification and will not be published. The Kaleidoscope reserves the right to edit all guest columns. Guest opinions do not reflect the position of the Kaleidoscope Editorial Board.

TUESDAY, SEPT. 11, 2018



Editorial Board Fall 2018 Kristina Balciunaite Editor-in-Chief Sufia Alam Managing Editor Lakyn Shepard Art Editor

1.. A plant that UAB is currently using for

5. Name of the newly opened bar with

research on epilepsy.

recreational features at Five Points.

2. On which avenue did the Artwalk

6. The quality of being crafty, creative

take place last weekend?

and imaginative.

3. Louis C.K.’s profession.

7. Someone working with no expected

4. Country that suffered a devastating


genocide in 1994.

8. A symptom of epilepsy.

Lauren Moore Blazer News Editor Last issue’s crossword solutions: 1. Rave. 2. Foreign. 3. McCain. 4. Tiger. 5. Scooter. 6. Intramural. 7. Stereotype.

Ceri-Lune Renneboog CityLifestyle Editor

EVENTS CALENDAR Patriot Day Remembrance Vestavia Hills City Hall 8:30 a.m.

Workshop: Professional Communication Education Building, room 241C 5:45-6:45 p.m. Yoga On The Green Education Building, room 241C 5:45-6:45 p.m.

Student Media Mixer HSC, 130 4-6 p.m. A Human Rights Approach to Transgender Issues HSC Ballroom D 6 - 7:30 p.m. Concert: Portugal. The Man Avondale Brewing Company 7:30 p.m.

Concert: the KOD tour J. Cole & Young Thug NFRH, Cahaba Room The BJCC 7:30 p.m. 6 p.m. Food for thought: Immigration

Art Brews and Shoes: Benefit show for Laced UP Boutique Artbar, TJ Tower 9 p.m. Big Something w/ The Pearl Zydeco 9:30 p.m.

UAB Football vs. Tulane Legion Field 12 p.m.

Food truck festival: Trucks by the Tracks Railroad Park 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Concert: Neck Deep Workplay 7-10 p.m.

Painting at UAB Fourth Floor Gallery in the East Building the Birmingham Public Library 2-4 p.m.

Concert: Ingénue Redux w/ k.d. lang UAB's Alys Stephens Center 8 p.m.

Would you like an event to be featured in Kaleidoscope’s calendar? Submit your request to Kristina Balciunaite at

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