Feb 2003: On the Road Again Truckers Journal: Where did AIDS come from?

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Enter the heroic patriots!! There are tireless physicians who have spent

vaccine program that offered health benefits for themselves

and their

years researching and documenting the exhaustive evidence that proves conclusively that HIV/AIDS is in fact biological (germ) wartare

community. Most of the men in the experiment were white. Three months after the experiment began at the New York City Blood Centre, the first AIDS


case was discovered in a young white Manhattan gay. Beginning in March

Whereas both our derelict politicians and mainstream media

continue to fail us regarding this most tremendous story of our time! The heroic physicians introduced on this page are the true "saviours" if you will,

1980, similar vaccine ex-periments took place in Los Angeles, San Francisco, St. Louis, Denver and Chicago. In the fall of 1980, the first West Coast case

who alone have exposed the government's lies and devious smokescreens contrived to conceal an event that is easily the greatest mass murder in world

of AIDS was reported in a young white gay man rrom San Francisco. To this

history!! Those who control, manipulate, and censor the major media, are aware of the political and social implications of the AIDS bio warfare story. The reason for AIDS disinformation is obvious: to cover up the man-made origin of this disease. Americans have been duped!! In his well known report WHO MURDERED

AFRICA, Dr. WilIiam

Campbell Douglass, MD., wrote that HIV was finally produced (genetically

day the New York City Blood Centre refuse to release their data on the AIDS deaths following that experiment! The details of the experiment, and its effect on the health of these men, are contained in the records of the trials. However, since 1984, when 64% of the men who got the vaccine already had full-blown AIDS, no additional reports have been released (Waves Forest, "Designer Diseases", Open Road, Fall 1988, pJ). The U.S. Department of Justice is keeping this incriminating information "classified" and "unavailable" for

engineered) in 1974, after having been PREDIcrED and REQUESTED! He tells us that the AIDS virus by the WHO (World Health Organization), was

public research and investigation. The definitive report of this study can be

not just a diabolical scientific exercise that got out of hand. It was a coldblooded successful attempt to create a killer virus which was then used in a

DEATH and QUEER BLOOD. Those American gays never realized they were the victims of a secret biomedical plot directed against them. The more

successful experiment in Afiica. Afiican AIDS was the result of the smallpox eradication vaccine program conducted by the World Health Organization

one studies the hepatitis B experiment, the more the connections to biological wartare and genocide become apparent. To those perceptive enough to discern it, the mass deaths of homosexuals rrom AIDS was similar to the mass deaths of Jews in the Holocaust!

during the 1970s. It was not an accident It was deliberate! It is more than hypothetical hyperbole to conclude that our government has conducted bio warfare on Black Afiica. It is fact For decades depopulation

has been the highest long-range priority of US

foreign policy towards the Third World. It was classified - it was a secret. "Reduction of the rate of population in these States is a matter of vital US national security." (National Security Memorandum,

Henry Kissinger]

Viruses cannot jump species unless they are specifically engineered to do so. It is also scientific fact that the AIDS virus bears no resemblance whatsoever to any virus ever found in a green monkey or chimpanzee, but does bear a total resemblance to cow virus and sheep virus, which have been bonded together to create a hybrid virus. The only possible way these two different species of virus could bond together would be from deliberate laboratory manipulation, and then further engineered to make the jump into a human system. lIlY is the synthetic biological agent l<Xjuested by the United States Government to accomplish a hidden Federal program. Dr. Robert Strecker is on record saying that science's new super germ HIV (this perversion of science), had been worked on being created for 30 to 40 years, and because it was engineered at Ft. Detrick, MD, obviously his claim holds that it was specifically designed as a weapon of mass destruction. As bizarre as it may seem, there are connections between the U.S. Army's Fort Detrick bio warfare lab and the National Cancer Institute, where Robert Gallo and other leading AIDS researchers worked. (See Emerging Viruses, AIDS and Ebola, by Leonard Horowitz.) The Army's DEPARTMENT


BIOLOGICAL W ARF ARE already has a well-documented tradition of EXPERIMENTATION ON HUMAN BEINGS ... Since the beginning of recorded history there has never been a group of people so universally hated and despised as homosexuals.

And especially by the Pentagon! What

found in two books by Dr. Alan Cantwell, AIDS and the DOCTORS


Media Disinformation With the publication of And The Band Played On in 1987, the media became obsessed with author Randy Shilts' "Patient Zero" story. A Canadian airline steward named Gaeton Dugas is portrayed as the promiscuous gay man "who brought the AIDS virus rrom Paris and ignited the epidemic in North America." What Shilts probably did not know is that when Dugas was diagnosed with AIDS in 1980, over twenty percent of the Manhattan gays in the hepatitis B experiment were HIV positive. This twenty percent infection rate was discovered after the HIV blood test became availab1e in 1985, and after the men's' stored blood at the New York Blood Centre was retested for HIV antibodies (JAMA, Vol. 255, pp. 2167-2172,

1986). Remarkably,


gay men had the highest recorded incidence ofHIV anywhere in the world for that time! Even in Afiican populations, where AIDS had been theorized to exist for millennia, there were never reports of such a high incidence ofHIV in 1980. The media continue to promote ludicrous propaganda about the origin of AIDS, always avoiding discussion of the idea that HIV came out of a laboratory, and always pointing the finger to Afiica.

Dr. Robert Strecker Dr. Robert B. Strecker, M.D.,PhD.,

was the first AIDS whistleblower,

and Lorimar Pictures has bought the screen rights to this most brilliant and courageous doctor's life story. And a true AIDS activist, Eric Taylor, the 1994 founder ofRL.O.O.D.,Brotherly Lovers Of Original Democracy, - in Philadelphia, to spearhead a class action lawsuit against the Pentagon for bioengineering AIDS, has collected over 3,000 signatures from all 50 United States. Witnessing the unprecedented openness of the Clinton Administration

happened in 1978 and beyond to cause AIDS to burst upon the scene and devastate the homosexual segment of the American population?

in dealing with similar situations such as cold war radiation experiments conducted upon thousands of unsuspecting poor people, Gulf War Syndrome

Actual NYC Blood Centre recruiting ad - June, ]979

(increasingly linked to experimental bio wartare vaccines given to a halfmillion U.S. troops), and a Presidential apology for the racist Tuskegee


For Gay Men to Join the HEPATITIS


*A Sexually Transmitted Disease. Enrolment closes in June,

after which the vaccine may not be available for several years. Take the FREE blood test to determine your HEPATITIS

B status and eligibility for the

program. For hours and information call: New York Blood Centre 570-3047 AIDS in America clearly traces back to the U.S. Federal government's infamous enterprise of deceit, the hepatitis B experiments performed on thousands of gay volunteers between the years 1978- I 981. New York City (in

syphilis study rrom 1932 to 1972, Brotherly Lovers is pursuing a Congressional hearing rather than a class action. Nothing less than a Congressional hearing and investigation that may lead to a full world conference in the United Nations is needed to clarifY and defuse the alleged mentally deranged plan of world depopulation


genetically engineered bio-weapons and prevent world panic! Now if silence is complicity, then the American mainstream press IS libel for ifs continuing, ongoing silence in the face of this, diabolic world genocide encompassing the decimation of third world countries for purposes of population control. The

1083 gay men), San Francisco (in 7000 gay men). The experiment began in Manhattan in November 1978, when over 1,000 homosexuals and bisexuals

CIA's want and need for an offensive biological agent to stem the Afiican

were injected with the experimental

birth rate is a matter of record documented

vaccine. Dr. WolfSzmuness'

experimental hepatitis B vaccine was manufactured by the National Institute of Health (NIH). Also taking part in the study were the Centres for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and big drug companies such as Merck, Sharp & Dohme, and Abbott Laboratories. To be eligible for the experiment the men had to be young, healthy, promiscuous (emphasis added), and under the age of 40. For

over 50 years ago. The American

people have the right to know and deserve a dialogue on this global genocide ofNuremburg gravity! The massive government cover up and disinformation campaign is expected to escalate (witness the proliferation of certain conspicuous books). Dr. Leonard Horowitz is building a grass roots activist movement to finally expose this great crime against humanity, and to hopefully prevent future bio-attacks against gays and other targeted groups

statistical purposes - gays were set up -- the government tested and interviewed the most promiscuous gays e_ those signed up in VD clinics for

with "ethno-specific" viruses. The Genome Project makes this technology a very plausible reality for concern. During the late 1950's, the 60's, the 70's, and

example, and then made the statistics fit the entire gay community. Szmuness had no trouble rounding up gays who were willing to be guinea pigs in a

the early 80's, scientists and policy makers in the U.S. believed there was a




explosion of peoples who they considered inferior and or " U

Sex 1 U13. Seril!fol'l WBIJt. !f7U

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