Multiplicity Baby Gear Guide 2015

Page 43

Most are looking to have their newborn photographed naked with perhaps an artistic pose. Newborn babies that are just a few days are able to be posed, comfortable naked (as long as they are warm and their bellies are full), and cute as can be. During this time (as a parent of twins and a singleton, I know this!), we are too tired to truly appreciate the tiny toes and wrinkled back. Your photographer should be able capture all these details, and create some amazing artistic images. Newborn babies change so quickly, so don’t let time pass you by before you can capture it professionally. A few caveats when it comes to newborn photography: **It is imperative that you select a newborn photographer with the proper training in handling newborns and who places their safety as a priority over any desired pose. They should be licensed and insured, and have considerable knowledge of the intricacies and special considerations involved in newborn photography. **Many of us parents of multiples experienced NICU time and our babies may not have arrived home within that 2-week window. If your photographer has the proper training, he/she will be able to adapt the newborn session to the age that your little ones arrive home and are cleared by their pediatrician for professional photographs.

changing by the day! You want to make sure you don’t miss anything right? As mentioned before, we probably wont be taking our children every 5 minutes to a professional. I recommend the next time your child makes strides in their development is the best time to bring them back for another session. At 3 months, your baby is now smiling! Yep, they know who you are! Babies at this age will smile and interact a lot. This is something that they did not do as a newborn. Some babies with also be able to have some tummy time. When positioned properly, a 3-4 month old will be able to lift their head up and perhaps peak a smile just long enough for that quick capture! If you are finding that your baby is within this age group and is not yet ready for belly time, which is perfectly fine, wait, until these shots are possible!

the 6-7 month session

About this age, there is another milestone...your babies will be grabbing for toys, laughing, and even sitting up! This is a great age and one of my favorite to photograph. Again, if your babies are not yet sitting up, wait a few

weeks until that is possible. Please know that sitting up with a parent’s helpful hand and balancing does count! Make sure it is safe and an assistant or parent is nearby to catch the lean. Little ones may also enjoy some added clothing for this age. I don’t think babies need a lot of props to enhance photos, but as they get older, adding them can be fun. Their personalities shine so much that your little ones are sure to be the center of attention in any photo!

the 9-11 month session

What no photo session? Well, there’s a reason. Remember, we want to count milestones, right? If you capture your babies at 6 months, and then at 9 months, not too much has changed. They may be crawling, and if you want that captured, that is fabulous! If you want to wait, wait until something is different. As much as they have changed since they were born, the older they are getting, the more subtle the changes are. I don’t want to disappoint my clients with photos from similar sessions where they look the same. --- contd. pg. 53

the 3-4 month session

You’ve had a newborn session, now what? Your babies are multiplicity

the must-have magazine for all moms of multiples


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