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Dachshund Club of America, Inc.
Thursday, March 9, 2023 at 7 pm ET via Zoom
Roll Call
Present: Cheryl Shultz, Carl Holder, Ken Levison, Kathy Lockyer, Debby Krieg, Randy Eltringham, Janet Schwalbe. Cindy Niles, Monika Martin, Connie Fisher, Mary Nie, Georjan Bridger, Larry Sorenson, Lorraine Simmons, Vicki Spencer, Wally Jones, Sandy Arnold
Absent: Denny Van Hook
Call to order at 7:09 PM ET
Approval of corrected May 18, 2022 Minutes
APPROVED as corrected
Approval of Corrected December 5, 2022 Minutes APPROVED as corrected
Report of Officers
President: Cheryl Shultz
Cheryl thanked all for the transition of officers and welcomed a new board member, Mary Nie . Carl Holder was thanked for his 24 years of service as the DCA President. Carl has also agreed to act as the parliamentarian for the DCA board.
Cheryl regarding keeping OPEN,/CLOSED/ INFORMATION in the board minutes. Motion: Discontinue use of OPEN/CLOSED/ INFORMATION labels in the board minutes. ADOPTED
Without objection the Board agreed to take business out of order and went into Executive Session.
Membership: Georjan Bridger
Jessica Gagliardi and Kathleen Jackson were accepted into membership.
Without objection the Board came out of executive session.
Georjan requested assistance from the Board members at the check-in table at the Annual Meeting. Wally Jones, Vicki Spencer, and Connie Fisher volunteered..
Corresponding Secretary:
Debby Krieg a. Proposed By-law changes that the membership will vote on b. Ballots for DCA National 2025 Specialty judges and the 2024 Field Trial Judges.
1. Informed board of two mailings sent out to the membership.
2. Correspondence from a DCA member regarding changing the nomination process of judges for DCA National specialty, conformation. It was recommended the system remain as it currently done.
3. Correspondence from a DCA member, regarding the possible use of the AKC progeny reports in applying for the DCA ROM continued on next page...