14 minute read
Dogwood Dachshunds
My husband and I met Alta Bassett and Rosemary Berardino just by chance in the early 1990’s at a San Diego Dachshund Club dog show. We stopped by the show while trying to decide whether to adopt a Corgi or a Dachshund. Well, when the ladies learned of our dilemma that is all it took! They spent the remainder of the day enthusiastically educating us about the attributes of the Standard Wirehaired Dachshund.
That chance meeting turned into a 30year relationship and a shared enthusiasm for the breed that created our special bond. Alta and Rosemary helped us adopt five Standard Wires during the ensuing years. Also during that time, we would meetup with the ladies at various California dog shows to have fun and to learn how to enter our own Wires in various events. With their help we would become members of DCA, have two champion Wires and make many friends in the Dachshund community. In addition to frequent phone calls, birthday celebrations and photo emails that followed, our annual Thanksgiving trip to their home in Northern California was always a special yearly tradition.
Alta and Rosemary should be remembered not only for their Standard Wirehaired Dachshund breeding successes and as enthusiastic fanciers, but also for the number of people they introduced to this wonderful breed and for their friendship. For that, we will be forever grateful.
Evelyn Riddick
Rosemary Berardino and Alta Bassett bred and showed standard wirehaired dachshunds under their kennel name, Dogwoods. They were long time members of DCA and the Northern California Dachshund Club. While they loved attending and showing their beloved Dachshunds, they loved Specialty Shows the most and were a common fixture at shows throughout the West Coast.
The number of litters that they had over the years was small and if you were selected to become an owner of one, you became a friend and a member of the Dogwood family. That came with the expectation that you keep them informed of the health and accomplishments of their offspring.
I became a member of the Dogwood family, not by owning one of their dogs, but by having the honor to show several of their favorites as Specials.
Alta and Rosemary were both retired from the Oakland, CA. public school system. Alta earned her Ph.D. in Education and was a student guidance counselor as well.
While Alta was teaching, one of her students was a young man by the name of John Travolta. Years later, he signed a yearbook for her. She was very proud of that.
Rosemary and Alta had met while in college and had been partners in life for more than 60 years before Alta passed last spring. Needless to say, Rosemary had a very difficult time dealing with that loss and passed away on New Years Eve.
Rest in peace my friends.
Lorene Hogan
For as long as I can remember, Rosemary and Alta were two people you could count on to be ringside at most West Coast specialty shows with at least one of their standard wirehaired dachshunds. They truly loved their dachshunds and the friends that they made as a result of their shared passion. Their Dogwood breeding program was small and selective, but they both took such pride in any dogs that were of their breeding or descendants of. My first wirehair, GCH Brodny Schoolhouse Street Smart, was a grandson of their well- known stud dog, CH Boot Hill Steiger V Dogwood ROMX. Through this “familial” relationship, I got to know Rosemary and Alta. As a junior handler with Vito, I remember Rosemary would go out of her way to give her classic “wink” of encouragement as she said, “Go get ‘em, kid.” Alta was just as encouraging, although as I grew up, I came to appreciate her quiet and wry sense of humor also!
Some of my other favorite memories with Rosemary and Alta also include my mentor, Judy Anderson, Lorene and Jerry Hogan, and my mother, Kristin CihosWilliams. After several specialty shows, we would have pizza parties in our hotel rooms to either celebrate our wins or commiserate over losses. Win or lose, we had fun! With both Rosemary and Alta passing within the last year, I find comfort in the thought that they are together again and hopefully partying it up with Judy once again!
Rest in peace to two wonderful women.
Emi Pedraza
My adventures with Rosemary and Alta started long before the 2004 when we did the breeding to Steiger. When Kadell’s Rainbow in The Sky W won from the 6-9 class, WB, BW,BOS over specials was our first real interaction with them and it went from there.
When we bred Ch. Kadell’s Olympic
Gold W to Steiger, I had talked with them about doing the breeding well in advance.. So I was extremely surprised when she came in season to find he had been neutered but we were welcome to use the frozen semen they had on him. This was the way many of the great things to come with them that fell into place. There were hours of talking on the phone and so many fun dinners.
Even though in recent years I haven’t talked with them anywhere as much, I still keep them updated on anything that had to do with their dogs. I did talk with Rosemary about a month or so before she passed and was so glad I did
Rest in peace and God speed.
Laura Reynolds & Catlin Cahill
XFactor@Greensboro ML
Fee is so proud of his Grandaughter’s Maybelline amazing DCA BOV just as he was 10 years ago!
Fee was also the sire of littermates:
GCHB Galewinns Dreams Come Tru@Sandachs MLD - Select Dog
GCHB Galewinns In Your Dreams MLD - Select Bitch
CH Sandach’s Did It My Way MLD - Best Veteran in Show And DC Sharpree’s Lightning (Bug) in a Bottle CD, BN, RN, TDU, AX, MXJ, JE, CGC - HIT Agility Jumpers with Weaves & HIT Agility Standard in the 8˝ jump height. Congratulations to Breeders and Owners:
Pam and Shea Gale, Rebecca Kovarik, Cathy Deily and Susan Jones and Sharon McDonald
(GCH Sandachs Dancing Thru Life ML x GCH Galewinns Treasured Gem MLD)
Truman had an amazing DCA National where he was awarded Select Dog under breeder judge Mrs. Lorraine Simmons!! Thank you very much for finding him for this very special win!!
Rebecca: “Tru and I have had such a fun and exciting journey together since Mr. Bobby Sandoval so graciously gifted him to me 1.5 years ago. Some of his other most exciting wins we have had together include going Select Dog at the DCA National Host show in 2022, a BISS win, multiple hound specialty and all breed BOV wins, and a Group 4. Always proudly owner handled. Thank you to all of the judges who have awarded him! I am so incredibly grateful for the opportunity to love, co-own, and show him!”
1st Award of Merit at Westminster KC under Judge Jason Hoke!
Co-owned by: Handler Rebecca Kovarik, Bobby Sandoval, Pam and Shea Gale
Bred by: Pam and Shea Gale
The DCA Triathlon is a sequence of performance events that happens each year at the DCA Nationals. It consists of a Field Trial, Earthdog, Tracking (if offered), Agility, Obedience and Rally. Each dog must compete in at least 3 of these events in order to participate in the Triathlon.
For 2023, Indy and I competed in the field trial, earthdog, agility, obedience and rally. Tracking was not offered this year so if someone earned a tracking title since the last DCA National, it would count toward the Triathlon.
Indy earned his first Endurance Earthdog (EE) leg at the earthdog test. This means he qualified in both Master and Senior dens at the same event. This also qualified him for his Master Earthdog Excellent (MXE) title. He then participated in agility and he qualified in both Open Standard and Open Jumper courses; earning new titles in both (OA and OAJ). For obedience, we have just begun our journey for Utility and I knew he wasn’t ready for the ring, but the ring experience is irreplaceable so I entered him in Utility A, Graduate Open and Veterans (He turned 7 on Tuesday during the National). While he didn’t qualify in Grad Open or Utility, He came extremely close to his first leg in Utility, only failing one
by Shawn Nies, Indy’s owner, handler & trainer
exercise. He did a lovely job of Veterans obedience in spite of how tired he must have been by that time of the day. In rally, he qualified in Rally Advance, earning his RA title. His final tally was four new performance titles from DCA 2023.
One of the highlights for the week was the awesome problem-solving workshop offered by DCA and Sharon MacDonald. Her time and work to make that happen is so appreciated, even if my silly boy got a tennis ball as a reward which then took 20 minutes to retrieve. I loved having the time to sit and talk with other dachshund people who enjoy the performance events. I learned so much from everyone and I really look forward to using those pearls in training and in the ring.
It is very rewarding to train with your dog and watch them grow as an individual and as a team. It is humbling to know the time and work we have dedicated to training together has resulted in Indy being the Triathlon Dog of the year for a second time. Thank you to everyone who supports the Performance Events and we look forward to seeing you all again in 2024.
Shawn Nies and Indy
This past week I was privileged to show my Standard Longhair, Presley, at the 147th Westminster Kennel Club show in Queens, New York. For the second time, we were honored to have been named finalists as a team. Many people have complimented me on how well Presley shows and how he eats up the energy from the excited crowds.
I’d like to say, “Thank you, he has always shown like that!”, but that would be a lie!
by Ava Hata
When Presley and I first started showing, he was a young male and had a softer temperament. I would describe him as very ‘houndy’, meaning independent, soft to pressure, and lacking teamwork because in his mind he didn’t need me to do the things he wanted to do!
Often, we’d get into the ring and he’d decide we were done in the middle of a goaround. The ring became too pressurized and he began to overthink everything.
There was only one answer to this problem: call my obedience mentor.
Obedience trainers are masters at drive shaping and compartmentalizing drive until you need it as a pick up when working dogs. Miss Edie absolutely was a game-changer for Presley and I and we began to shape his ring procedure into something beautiful. Even this week during the hour and half long preliminary, when Presley started to quit I was able to pick him back up with our drive work we did years ago.
So what’s the point of me saying this?
I have been blessed to see many Dachshunds perform like ultimate show dogs but dogs like this are created by a talented trainer. As a generalized rule, I never expect to see it and I understand that it’s a part of their natural reaction to pressure as a hound breed. In Junior Showmanship, remember that a big piece of judging is breed-specific handling. You can’t ask someone to make orange juice out of lemons and comparatively you can’t ask a Junior to make a Doberman out of a Dachshund.
As the authority for Dachshunds in America, it’s important for us all to remember when judging, training, or mentoring that our dogs are NOT classically push button workers! We are NOT a breed known for freestanding or extreme showmanship. Our dogs often need time to be worked up to reach their apex performance in the ring and are not shown like terriers who oppositely walk in ready for the fight.
They may not be conventional show dogs, but they CAN be the best and, if you can convince them, they will work for you as long as you work for them! Juniors, don’t be discouraged by judges who may not understand your style of handling with your dog. I’d say 99% of show dogs aren’t born superstars. But I speak from experience when I say it’s 100% more amazing when you can look back and say,
“I made that dog what he is with my blood, sweat, and tears! These amazing moments? I made them with my dog and worked hard for this.”
That is worth more than any win!
Florida Gulf Coast Dachshund Club
January 14, 2023
Sweepstakes Judge
Mr. Dan Stolz
Sweepstakes Entry (Per Coat)
Smooth 1, Longhair 2
BOV Longhair
GCHB Lockshire Whiskey Makes Me Whirl SL RN
Jennifer A Ducharme
BOV Smooth & Best in Sweeps
Sunrise-Xo Calling Candy Man
@ 1 A.M. MS
Abner Mercado & Valerio
Hernandez & Patricia Guthrie & Miguel Negron
Breed Judge
Mrs. Karen C. Wilson
Total Entry Numbers (Per Coat)
Smooth 14, Longhair 25, Wirehair 12
WD Karun’s Ga-Dach I Want To Be Your Man SL
Kathy Pickrell & Nancy
RWD Kenmar’s Spring Fling With Harmony
April Patrick & Marianne
WB/BOW Kenmar’s Follow Your Dreams
Marianne McCullough
RWB Kenmar’s Supernova At Branhwater
Marianne McCullough & Judy Hargrove
BOV GCHG Splendor Farm
Washington On Your Side SL
Jennifer Ducharme & Chris
Ducharme & Sandy Pepper
BOS GCHG CH Mcrobs Birthday Wish
With A Pink Bow
Mary Boyle
SELD CH Telkel Here We Go Again SL
Mendy Howard
SELB GCH Lockshire V Splendor Farm
Emerald Coast SL
Jennifer Ducharme & Kathleen
Lockyer & Thomas Lockyer & Kelly McKinney
WD/BOW Shortyrock’s Ain’t
Misbehaven SS
Michelle V Bryant & Sandra Carter
RWD Sunrise-Xo Calling Candy Man
@ 1 A.M. MS
Abner Mercado & Valerio
Hernandez & Patricia Guthrie & Miguel Negron
WB Macledaux Reverie From The Ashes
M. E. McLean
RWB n/a
BOV GCHB Dachsmith Love’s Iris
NT Einore Carrington Lyon & Estate of Iris Love & Anne-
Imelda Radice
BOS CH Passport The Namesake SS
Leslie Kovacs David Glaze & Mr. Arvind DeBraganca & Joyce
SELD CH Dynadaux Hunky Country
Boy MS
Samantha Elliott Winona Elliott
Cyndy Senff
SELB GCH Apple Hills She’s Got Betty
Davis Eyes
Molly Howard & Helen Hamilton
WD Willowood-Sandale Wired To A
Dale Tarbox & Donna Maloney
RWD Willow Springs Wally World MW
Cyndi & Alex Branch
WB/BOW Willowood-Sandale Piece Of BOS
Virginia Zurflieh & Claudia
Tremblay & Beth Coviello-Davis
RWB Anikas American Dream
Joan Anderson & Alicia
BOV Usonia’s Jeremiah Was A
Bullfrog V Lowdown
Barbara Heuman & Therese
SELD CH Willowood-Sandale One For The Road
Laura Reynolds & Catlin Cahill & James Cahill & Samantha
BOB Usonia’s Jeremiah Was A
Bullfrog V Lowdown
BOStoBOB GCHB CH Dachsmith Love’s Iris
Best Junior Handler
GCH Kadell’s Etched ‘N Bronze
W Samantha Elliott
Florida Gulf Coast Dachshund Club
January 15, 2023
Breed Judge
Mrs. Terry M. DePietro
Total Entry Numbers (Per Coat)
Smooth 11, Wirehair 13, Longhair 22
WD/BOW Kenmar’s Spring Fling With Harmony
April Patrick & Marianne
RWD Karun’s Ga-Dach I Want To Be
Your Man SL
Kathy Pickrell & Nancy
WB Kenmar’s Supernova At Branchwater
Marianne McCullough & Judy
RWB Scanpoint’s Tango From Oakcrest CGC
Karin B Ashe
BOV GCHG CH Mcrobs Birthday Wish
With A Pink Bow
Mary Boyle
BOS CH Telkel Here We Go Again SL
Mendy Howard
SELD GCHG Splendor Farm
Washington On Your Side SL
Jennifer Ducharme & Chris
Ducharme & Sandy Pepper
SELB GCH Lockshire V Splendor Farm
Emerald Coast SL
Jennifer Ducharme & Kathleen & Thomas Lockyer & Kelly
WD Sunrise-Xo Calling Candy Man @ 1 A.M,. MS
Abner Mercado & Valerio
Hernandez & Patricia Guthrie &
Miguel Negron
RWD Criscross Summer Solstace MS
Cris Natali & Cait Johnson
WB/BOW Dynadaux Should’ve Come With A Warning MSCP
Cyndy Senff
BOV CH Apfel Dachs All A Big Bad
Wolf Wants
Molly Howard
BOS CH Passport The Namesake SS
Leslie Kovacs David Glaze & Mr.
Arvind DeBraganca & Joyce
SELD Ch Dynadaux Hunky Country Boy MS
Samantha Elliott, Winona Elliott, Cyndy Senff
SELB GCH Apple Hills She’s Got Betty
Davis Eyes
Molly Howard & Helen Hamilton
WD Willowood-Sandale Wired To A Promise
Dale Tarbox & Donna Maloney
RWD Willow Springs Wally World MW
Cyndi & Alex Branch
WB/BOW Roberg N Willowood Sandale’s
BOS Reba’s Ready To Roll
Gail P. Maki
RWB Willow Springs Yada Yada SW
Cyndi & Alex Branch
BOV GCHP2 CH Leoralee’s Lets Boogie With Barstool MW
Robbie Addison & Michael
Tipple & Marietta Singleton
SELD GCHS CH Willowood-Sandale Get This Show On The Road
Dale Tarbox & Donna Maloney
BOB GCHP2 CH Leoralee’s Lets Boogie With Barstool MW
Robbie Addison & Michael
Tipple & Marietta Singleton
BOStoBOB GCHG CH Mcrobs Birthday Wish With A Pink Bow
Best Junior Handler
GCH Kadell’s Etched ‘N Bronze W Samantha Elliott
Florida Gulf Coast Dachshund Club
January 21, 2023
Sweepstakes Judge
Ms. Mary Ellen Byrne
Sweepstakes Entry Numbers (Per Coat) Smooth 1, Longhair 2, Wirehair 1
BOV Smooth and Best in Sweepstakes
Sunrise-Xo Calling Candy Man @ 1 A.M. MS
Abner Mercado & Valerio
Hernandez & Patricia Guthrie & Miguel Negron
BOV Wirehair
Jeric’s Annie Get Your Gun W
Lynn Cope
Breed Judge
Mr. Walter (Wally) M Jones
Total Entry Numbers (Per Coat) Smooth 14, Longhair 24, Wirehair 18 continued on page 46...
The Dachshund Club of St. Louis, Inc. would like to thank and recognize Dr. Randy Eltringham and CAPT Pete Eltringham of Turning Point Kennels for all the generosity and support they have provided through the years toward the success of our club. We appreciate all the thoughtful, creative, and generous contributions they have provided for awards associated with our conformation, earth dog, and field trial events. Randy always manages to come up with very unique themes, along with outstanding awards, to support the club. Our participants eagerly anticipate what she will come up with next. Each donation is thoughtfully researched and forwarded with love. She always goes above and beyond to make everything EXTRA special and to make everyone feel welcomed and included.
We appreciate all the hard work required to make this happen and most importantly, just being you. We cannot thank you enough for all you do. Thank You so very much!!
You are the VERY best!
The Dachshund Club of St. Louis, Inc.
Twiggy and masterful handler
Adam Peterson put on a great show throughout the entire 2023 DCA Week, bringing home a BOV win under esteemed judge Marci Forrester, and AOMs under DFTWDC judge Aubrey Nash and DCA Nationals judge Eric Henningsen. Her ring presence was truly amazing as she free stacked on the table and on the ground. Her movement was simply breathtaking. And the best part about this 4 year old is she is such a wonderful, likeable companion to know and love. What a blessing she is to our TurningPt bloodline.
We’re hoping for puppies later this year.
Onyx is already getting curtain calls! She is stunning to watch with that beautiful headpiece and lovely silhouette. With a little more stage experience, she will hopefully learn that she isn’t a race horse (a role she may have played in a former life). No doubt, she will settle in and glide at her own pace. On her way to DCA 2023, Onyx won WB and WB/BOW at the two Louisville KY Specialty Shows. Like her father Rendoni and mother Annabelle, she loves to show. It will be fun watching her grow up and bloom in future Cameo Appearances.
Princess Bride) is living up to his name and reputation as a handsome special and stud dog. With the help of talented handler Tyler Mills, he recently won BOS at Westminster 2023. Max is also turning out to be a rock star in earthdog, a formidable underground hunting sport, under accomplished trainer Lynn Reagan-Hull. Our goal for Max is to be that “Do-It-All” Versatility Champion that TurningPt has been known for in earlier years. We are hoping for Max babies from two bitches later this year.
Castle; from the movie
What a Gorgeous Trio! Taurus, our newest high energy “Red Bull” is a real pistol-packin’ youngster who is trying to find his place in the world. He and his half-sister Ariana (GCHS TurningPt Simple Acts of Kindness Return) are both Bacardi kids. Onyx and Ariana are also half-sisters, sharing the same beautiful mother Annabelle (GCHG TurningPt Ain’t No Other Woman Like You ATT).
Ariana will be bred to GCHS TurningPt Tony Two Bags First Knock of the Night (Rendoni) later this year. We’re hoping for puppies as nice as this Trio – Onyx, Taurus and Ari – and the newest addition to our clan (Hildisvin Wurdig Bada Bing Bada Boom @ TurningPt SS).