Tvergastein Issue #6

Page 101


O N E E A RT H D E S I G N S 1. Our award winning solar grill SolSource is the future way

2. SolSource reaches temperatures up to 350 and it is more

of cooking. It is powerful, clean and fuel-free, and you can

than 90% energy efficient. In comparison, photovoltaics

grill without any charcoal or gas. In the long-term, our goal

(solar cells) can only utilize around 20% of the sun’s energy.

is to go to provide this in developing countries, where our

We are creating a new era for solar energy!

vision is to meet the challenges of deforestation and indoor smoke pollution.

KO M PA S S O G C O 1. Kompass & CO creates jobs for youth in the age between

2. We combine social and green innovation while we at the

15-25 who in some way or another does not find their

same time produce sustainable products needed in society.

place in society. We turn these jobs into arenas of mastery

We work along principles of a circular economy, which means

for the youth to build competence, take responsibility for

that our products do not harm the environment. We are for

themselves and others, and build skills which are needed in

example making furniture out of pallets, giving them a new

society. We focus on building skills within three areas: Food,

life instead of letting them be burnt. Kompass & CO sees gold

Redesign and Urban Farming.

where others see garbage. We see resources and opportunities where others see problems, costs and challenges.

EPLESLANG 1. Epleslang is a start-up and social enterprise founded

2. At Epleslang people with disabilities and young people

in 2012 in Oslo. We produce and sell a premium quality,

who are looking for work experience are responsible for the

natural apple juice made from unused and wasted apples,

harvesting of all the gardens and the bottle labelling. We

harvested from private gardens around the city with the help

provide work experience because we believe everyone can

of those most in need of a job. So when you drink Epleslang

take part and contribute.We love to work with a product

you might be enjoying the ‘fruit’ of your neighbor’s garden.

built on both social and environmental values, whilst preserving the best that nature has to offer. Combining all these untapped resources – that’s what makes Epleslang unique!


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