PUZZLE EVENTS TO VOJVODINE, Novi Sad / TO of Vojvodina, Novi Sad TO BEOGRAD, Beograd / TO of BELGRADE, Belgrade SADRŽAJ / CONTENT TO NOVI SAD, Novi Sad / TO of NOVI SAD, Novi Sad....................................................................................................................................................................1 UVODNIK / EDITORIAL.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................2-3 NAGRAĐENI / AWARDED....................................................................................................................................................................................................................4-5 NACIONALNI PARK UNA, Bihać, BIH / National Park UNA, Bihac, BIH.....................................................................................................................................6 Hotel HILTON, Podgorica, Crna Gora / Hotel HILTON, Podgorica, Montenegro..................................................................................................................7 Hotel COURTYARD BY MERRIOTT, Banja Luka, BIH / Hotel COURTYARD BY MERRIOTT, Banja Luka, BIH .................................................................8 FRUŠKE TERME, Vrdnik, Srbija / FRUSKE TERME, Vrdnik, Serbia ...............................................................................................................................................9 Hotel TORNIK, Zlatibor, Srbija / Hotel TORNIK, Zlatibor, Serbia .............................................................................................................................................10 Hotel THERMANA PARK, Laško, Slovenija / Hotel THERMANA PARK, Lasko, Slovenia ...................................................................................................11 RESTORAN DP – MREŽNIČKA KUĆA, Donji Zvečaj, Hrvatska / RESTORAN DP – MREZNICKA KUCA, Donji Zvecaj, Croatia .............................12 Hotel VINOTEL GOSPOJA, Vrbnik, Hrvatska / Hotel VINOTEL GOSPOJA, Vrbnik, Croatia .............................................................................................13 Vinarija DE ADAMI, Dornberk, Slovenija / House Wine DE ADAMI, Dornberk, Slovenia ..............................................................................................14 PROMENA NIJE UVEK LOŠA STVAR / CHANGE ISN’T ALWAYS A BAD THING ...............................................................................................................15-19 Hotel SAINT TEN, Beograd, Srbija / Hotel, SAINT TEN, Belgrade, Serbia .............................................................................................................................20 Hotel HYATT REGENCY, Beograd, Srbija / Hotel HYATT REGENCY, Belgrade, Serbia ......................................................................................................21 Hotel METROPOL PALACE, Beograd, Srbija / Hotel METROPOL PALACE, Belgrade, Serbia .........................................................................................22 Hotel SHERATO, Novi Sad, Srbija / Hotel SHERATON, Novi Sad, Serbia ..............................................................................................................................23 Nacionalna asocijacija turističkih agencija Srbije YUTA, Beograd, Srbija / National Association of Travel Agencies in Serbia YUTA, Belgrade, Serbia ......................................................................................................................24 ČAROBNA POSTOJBINA DODOA / THE MAGICAL HOMELAND OF DODO ..................................................................................................................25-31 HARMONIA HOTELS GROUP, Albanija / HARMONIA HOTELS GROUP, Albania ................................................................................................................32 INTOURS, Tirana, Albania / INTOURS, Tirana, Albania ...............................................................................................................................................................33 TA GRAND TOURS, Novi Sad, Serbia / TA GRAND TOURS, Novi Sad, Serbia ................................................................................................................34-35 TO grada LOZNICE, Loznica, Srbija / TO city of LOZNICA, Loznica, Serbia .........................................................................................................................36 TO ZLATIBOR, Zlatibor, Srbija / TO ZLATIBOR, Zlatibor, Serbia ..............................................................................................................................................37 Pansion VUK, Vrnjačka Banja, Srbija / Pansion VUK, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia .....................................................................................................................38 ELITT DOO, Palić, Srbija / ELITT DOO, Palić, Serbia .....................................................................................................................................................................39 SALAŠ 137, Čenej, Novi Sad, Srbija / SALAŠ 137, Čenej, Novi Sad, Serbia .........................................................................................................................40 Konoba RIBA RIBI GRIZE REP, Novi Sad, Srbija / Konoba RIBA RIBI GRIZE REP, Novi Sad, Serbia ................................................................................41 S DRUGE STRANE DURIMITORA / ON TE OTHER SIDE OF DURMITOR 42-45 NACIONALNA TURISTIČKA ORGANIZACIJA CRNE GORE, Podgorica, Crna Gora / NATIONAL TOURISM ORGANIZATION OF MONTENEGRO, Podgorica, Montenegro .....................................................................................................46 TO BAR, Bar, Crna Gora / TO BAR, Bar, Montenegro ...................................................................................................................................................................47 TO BUDVA, Budva, Crna Gora / TO BUDVA, Budva, Montenegro ..........................................................................................................................................48 TO ULCINJ, Ulcinj, Crna Gora / TO of ULCINJ, Ulcinj, Montenegro ........................................................................................................................................49 INSTITU DR SIMO MILOŠEVIĆ, Igalo, Crna Gora / INSTITUTE DR SIMO MILOŠEVIĆ, Igalo, Montenegro .................................................................50 Hotel PRINCESS, Bar, Crna Gora / Hotel Princess, Bar, Montenegro .....................................................................................................................................51 Apartmani XXL, Dobra Voda, Crna Gora / Apartmans XXL, Dobra Voda, Montenegro ................................................................................................52 Hotels Group MONTENEGRO STRARS , Bečići, Crna Gora / Hotels Group MONTENEGRO STRARS , Becici, Montenegro ................................53 Hotel LIGHTHOUSE, Igalo, Crna Gora / Hotel LIGHTHOUSE, Igalo, Montenegro.............................................................................................................54 Hotel FALKENSTEINER Montenegro, Bečići , Crna Gora / Hotel FALKENSTEINER Montenegro, Becici, Montenegro..........................................55 POD MASKOM U SVET / UNDER A MASK INTO THE WORLD...........................................................................................................................................56-65 TO VRŠAC, Vršac, Srbija / TO VRSAC, Vrsac, Serbia.......................................................................................................................................................................66 TO opštine NOVI BEČEJ, Novi Bečej, Srbija / TO municipality of NOVI BECEJ, Novi Becej, Serbia..............................................................................67 KUR SALON, Banja Koviljača, Serbia / KUR SALON, Banja Koviljača, Serbia ......................................................................................................................68
Etno park MAJKIN SALAŠ, Palić, Srbija / Ethno park MAJKIN SALAŠ, Palić, Srbija ..........................................................................................................69 KAO VELIČANSTVENI BELI BROD / JUST LIKE A MAGNIFICENT WHITE SHIP ..........................................................................................................70-73 ELIKSIR oftamološka ordinacija, Novi Sad, Srbija / ELIKSIR ophthalmology office , Novi Sad, Serbia .....................................................................74 TA HALO TRAVEL, Niš, Srbija / TA HALO TRAVEL, Nis, Serbia ...................................................................................................................................................75 TA TREND TRAVEL, Herceg Novi, Crna Gora / TA TREND TRAVEL, Herceg Novi, Montenegro......................................................................................76 Hotel OLIMP, Zlatibor, Srbija / Hotel OLIMP, Zlatibor, Serbia...................................................................................................................................................77 MONA Hotel Management, Beograd, Srbija / MONA Hotel Management, Belgrade, Serbia.....................................................................................78 Hotel SOLARIS, Vrnjačka Banja, Srbija / Hotel SOLARIS, Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia..............................................................................................................79 Restoran STARA KAFANA, Beograd, Srbija / Restaurant STARA KAFANA, Belgrade, Serbia.........................................................................................80 RAJ ZA PEŠAKE I BICIKLISTE / A PARADISE FOR PEDESTRIANS AND CYCLISTS.......................................................................................................81-85 Nacionalni park BRIJUNI, Pula, Hrvatska / National Park BRIJUNI, Pula, Croatia...............................................................................................................86 Hotel MOZART, Opatija, Hrvatska / Hotel MOZART, Opatija, Croatia...................................................................................................................................87 GHOTW, Lisabon, Portugal / GHOTW, Lisabon, Portugal.........................................................................................................................................................88 BT DEVELOPMENT Services, Sofija, Bugarska / BT DEVELOPMENT Services, Sofia, Bulgaria.......................................................................................89 HUNGUEST HOTELS, Budimpešta, Mađarska / HUNGUEST HOTELS, Budapest, Hungary............................................................................................90 NEKI DRUGI VELEŽ / SOME OTHER VELEZ.............................................................................................................................................................................91-99 TO REPUBLIKA SRPSKA, Banja Luka, BIH / TO REPUBLIKA SRPSKA, Banja Luka, BIH....................................................................................................100 Rafting club BODO, Foča, BIH / Rafting club BODO, Foča, BIH.............................................................................................................................................101 Portal BH PUTOVANJA, Sarajevo, BIH / Portal BH PUTOVANJA, Sarajevo, BIH................................................................................................................102 Hotel VIDIKOVAC, Zvornik, BIH / Hotel VIDIKOVAC, Zvornik, BIH........................................................................................................................................103 EUROPE GROUP, Sarajevo, BIH / EUROPE GROUP, Sarajevo, BIH..........................................................................................................................................104 Hotel SUNCE VOGOŠĆA, Sarajevo, BIH / Hotel SUNCE VOGOŠĆA, Sarajevo, BIH..........................................................................................................105 STRUMIČKI TURISTIČKI BISERI / STRUMICA TOURST PEARLS...................................................................................................................................106-109 Hotel BELVEDERE, Ohrid, Makedonija / Hotel BELVEDERE, Ohrid, North Macedonia.................................................................................................110 Restoran OSTROVO, Ohrid, Severna Makedonija / Restaurant OSTROVO, Ohrid, North Macedonia.....................................................................111 TERME RESORT – RIMSKE TERME, Rimske Toplice, Slovenija / TERME RESORT – RIMSKE TERME, Rimske Toplice, Slovenia..........................112 Restoran PORTAL i Hostel ANA, Ljubljana, Slovenija / Restoran PORTAL i Hostel ANA, Ljubljana, Slovenia.......................................................113 BLED ROSE Hotel, Bled, Slovenija / BLED ROSE Hotel, Bled, Slovenia...............................................................................................................................114 NEW ENTERTAINMENT, Novi Sad, Srbija / NEW ENTERTAINMENT, Novi Sad, Serbia....................................................................................................115 TO grada SOMBORA, Sombor, Srbija / TO city of SOMBOR, Sombor, Serbia...................................................................................................................116
IMPRESUM / IMPRESSUM Izdavač / Publishers: D.O.O. „TURISTIČKA PRIZMA“ NOVI SAD.; Za izdavača / for the publisher: Đorđe Mihajlović, glavni i odgovorni urednik i direktor; Izdavački savet / Internationl Advisor Board: Prof. dr. Sava Janićević; Dragan Todorović, hotel IZVOR, Aranđelovac; Miloš Božanić, turistička agencija ATLANTIC, Jagodina; Vlada Vešković, UDRUŽENJE BANJA SRBIJE; Zoran Preradović-UNIS TOURS, Banja Luka; Borislav Šimenc VALL 042 Varaždin; Urednik izdanja / Editor-in-chief: Đorđe Mihajlović; pomoćnik urednika / assistant editor-in-chief: Nikola Mihajlović; tehnički sekretar redakcije / technical secretary of the editorial board: Natalija Novaković; grafički dizajn / graphic design: Vladica Lukić; prevodilac / translator: Prof. Vladica Rakić; deo prevoda komercijalnih strana oglašivači; priprema štampe / prepress: Dizajn studio “ TURISTIČKA PRIZMA”; adresa izdavača / publishers address: D.O.O. “TURISTIČKA PRIZMA”, Vatroslava Jagića 38/a, Novi Sad, tel/fax: +381 (0) 21 541 936, 541 937; E-mail:,, Web:, EDICIJA registrovana u JAA br. K-184/94: Magazin izlazi jednom godišnje na srpskom i engleskom jeziku i nije namenjen prodaji, ISSN 1452-1938, CIP-Katalogizacija u publikaciji Biblioteke Matice srpske, Novi Sad 338.48, COBISS SR –ID 1264732233, izdanje upisano u registar medija broj NV000875.
ZA BOLJU REGIONALNU SARADNJU Glavni i odgovorni urednik / Editor-in-chief
Đorđe Mihajlović
Poštovani čitaoci, pred vama je 26. godišnjak „Turistička prizma“ i svih ovih godina ja sam pisao uvodnu reč, ali definitivno, nikada u težem trenutku za turizam.
Dear readers, In front of you is the issue of “Tourist Prism” marking its 26th anniversary. Looking back at all these years, never have I written the introductory word in a more difficult time for tourism. In the previous quarter of a century, there were very difficult years, ups and downs for tourism on a global level, but also in the region of Southeast Europe, in which we have positioned ourselves. After the last economic crisis in the world at the end of the first and in the second decade of this century, years of intensive growth of tourist trips followed. As income grew steadily year after year, the number of people working in the tourism industry was constantly increasing, so that, especially in Europe and our Region, at some point we even started
U prethodnih četvrt veka bilo je veoma teških godina, uspona i padova za turizam na globalnom nivou, ali i u regionu Jugoistočne Evrope, u kome smo se mi pozicionirali. Nakon poslednje ekonomske krize u svetu krajem prve i u drugoj dekadi ovog veka, usledile su godine intezivnog rasta turističkih putovanja. Iz godine u godinu rastao je i prihod, a broj ljudi koji rade u turističkoj industriji se konstantno uvećavao, da bi smo, posebno u Evropi i našoj Regiji, u jednom trenutku čak počeli i da kuburimo s kadrovima, ponajviše u ugostiteljstvu. Sasvim je razumljivo da su se hiljade mladih zato opredelile za školovanje i svoj budući poziv u turističkoj industriji.
turistička prizma
turistička prizma
Evo, da se malo poigramo i brojevima. U 2017. godini, prema podacima Svetske turističke organizacije, ostvaren je najveći rast turističkog prometa u poslednjih 7 godina. U 2019. broj turističkih dolazaka je dostigao 12,31 milijardu, što je za blizu 5 odsto više nego u prethodnoj godini, a ostvaren je prihod od 5,8 biliona američkih dolara ili 6,7 odsto svetskog bruto prihoda. Ovakvi rezultati davali su realne osnove za planiranje u 2020. godini, pa je očekivan porast od 3,6 odsto.
to struggle with the problem of staff shortage, mostly in catering. It is quite understandable that thousands of young people have therefore decided to go to school and their future vocation in the tourism industry. Here, let’s check out some numbers. In 2017, according to the data of the World Tourism Organization, the largest growth in tourist traffic in the previous 7 years was achieved. In 2019, the number of tourist arrivals reached 12.31 billion, which is close to 5 percent more than in the previous year, and the income was 5.8 trillion US dollars or 6.7 percent of the world’s gross income. Such results provided a realistic basis for planning in 2020, so an increase of 3.6 percent was expected.
Ali, ne lezi vraže. Od svoje pojave u jesen 2019. godine u Kini, corona se, mimo svih procena, veoma brzo pretvorila u pandemiju svetskih razmera. Svedoci smo desetina miliona obolelih, mnogih smrti i izlečenja, propasti kompanija, otpuštanja radnika... ali se kraj ovoj pošasti ne nazire, barem dok se ne pojave proverene vakcine, a to znači da će i 2021. godina, posebno kada je turizam u pitanju, u najmanju ruku biti neizvesna i veoma teška. Ako se ovome doda da će prema još nepotvrdjenim podacima, gubitak u 2020. godini biti 5 puta veći nego u 2009. godini, nema mesta ni najmanjem optimizmu.
But the devil never sleeps, as they say. Since its appearance in the fall of 2019 in China, the corona virus has, despite all estimates, very quickly turned into a pandemic. We are witnessing tens of millions of patients, many deaths, the collapse of companies, layoffs ... but the end of this scourge is still not in sight, at least not until proven vaccines appear. This means that 2021, especially when tourism is concerned, will be at uncertain and very difficult. If we add to this that according to as yet unconfirmed data, the loss in 2020 will be 5 times higher than in 2009, there is no room for optimism, however slight.
Sve ovo dovelo je turističku privredu na rub propasti. Kod nas u Regionu, svaka država se bori s nevoljama na svoj način. Svedoci smo otvaranja i zatvaranja državnih granica, crvenih i ostalih boja listi kretanja, zatvorenih aerodroma i u jednom trenutku čak 17.000 prizemljenih aviona u svetu, masovnog zatvaranja hotela i turističkih agencija i hiljada ljudi koji ostaju bez zaposlenja, a šta tek da očekuju novi budući turistički stručnjaci koji dolaze?
All this has brought the tourism industry to the brink of collapse. Here in the Region, each country struggles with adversity in its own way. We are witnessing the opening and closing of state borders, red lists and ones of other colour, closed airports and at one point as many as 17,000 grounded planes in the world, the mass closure of hotels and travel agencies, thousands of people who lose their jobs. So, what can the future tourism experts expect in the future?
Mišljenja sam da će se turistiški promet u 2021. godini odvijati, kao i prethodne, unutar država i po regijama, odnosno, ljudi će uglavnom putovati do destinacija do kojih lako mogu da dodju i da se, u slučaju potrebe, isto tako i vrate. Daleka putovanja će i dalje biti uslovljena bezbednosnim faktorom, a odluke o takvim putovanjima će se donositi u kratkom roku, što će osetno otežati rad turoperatorima i avio prevoznicima. Upravo zbog ovakvih očekivanja, mislim da je neophodna tešnja saradnja u regionu. Bolja koordinacija informacija o zdravstvenom stanju u Regiji, maksimalno olakšavanje prelazaka granica uz zajedničku brigu o zdravlju turista, bolje povezivanje putničkog saobraćaja, medjusobno olakšavanje zaposlenja kadrova u ugostiteljstvu... samo su neka pitanja, koja bi se uz uvažavanje specifičnosti i potreba pojedinačnih zemalja, mogla i morala rešavati zarad oporavka turizma i njegovog ponovnog uzleta.
turistička prizma
I am of the opinion that tourist traffic in 2021 will resume as the year before, within countries and regions, that is, that people will mostly travel to destinations that they can easily reach and, if necessary, easily and quickly return. Longdistance travel will continue to be conditioned by the safety factor, and decisions on such travel will be made in the short term, which will significantly complicate the work of tour operators and airlines. Precisely because of such expectations, I think that closer cooperation in the Region is necessary. Better coordination of health information in the Region, maximum facilitation of border crossings with common care for the health of tourists, better interconnection of passenger traffic, mutual facilitation of employment in the hospitality industry ... these are just some issues that have to be taken into account and solved for the sake of the recovery of tourism and its rise.
turistička prizma
DODELJENE PRIZME ZA NAJBOLJE Mimica, “Gastronaut “ Hrvatska i Portal FIJET World i Đorđe Mihajlović “Turistička prizma”, predsednik žirija.
Redakcija Turističke prizme je pre punih 23 godine povela akciju “Za novi kvalitet u turizmu”. Od samog početka ideja vodilja je bila podizanje nivoa turističkih usluga i stimulacija inovativnih poduhvata u ovoj oblasti. Trudili smo se da zajedno sa kolegama iz drugih redakcija (članovima žirija) koji prate turizam u zemljama u kojima se vodi akcija, nagradimo one koji to zaista zaslužuju. Međunarodni novinarski žiri radio je u sastavu, Radmilo Bumber, TV serijal “Srbija koju volim”, Kamenko Milenković, TV Vojvodina, Slađana Jašarević (BIH) BN televizija,Dario Novalić,(BIH) časopis “Start” i portal BH putovanja, Sanja Golubović, časopis “Caffe Montenegro” Crna Gora, Drago Bulc - predsednik Udruženja turističkih novinara Slovenije, Tina Čubrilo - Eterović –predsednik FIJET-a Hrvatska, Karin
Nagrade u vidu statue i povelje proglašene su na online međunarodnom specijalizovanom sajmu turizma, WESTM 15.11.2020.godine, a na ovoj manifestaciji je promovisan i dvadesetšesti godišnjak “Turistička prizma 2021”, koji je prvi put izašao u elektronskoj forumi. Žiri je ove godine odlučio da u akciji “Za novi kvalitet u turizmu” dodeli svega devet priznanja što najbolje govori o veoma oštroj selekciji i nameri da akciju zadržimo kao i do sada na visokom nivou.
NAGRAĐENI – po kategorijama HOTEL HILTON, Podgorica, CRNA GORA – kategorija kongresni centri i hoteli HOTEL THERMANA PARK, Laško, SLOVENIJA - kategorija kongresni centri i hoteli HOTEL TORNIK, Zlatibor, SRBIJA - kategorija kongresni centri i hoteli NACIONALNI PARK UNA, Bihać, BOSNA I HERCEGOVINA – kategorija eko i etno turizam HOTEL COURTYARD BY MERRIOTT, Banja Luka, BOSNA I HERCEGOVINA – kategorija business hoteli FRUŠKE TERME, Vrdnik, SRBIJA – kategorija resorti HOTEL VINOTEL GOSPOJA, Vrbnik, HRVATSKA – kategorija mali i porodični hoteli RESTORAN DP – MREŽNIČKA KUĆA, Donji Zvečaj, HRVATSKA – kategorija restorani ZALOŠČAN VINA DE ADAMI, Dornberk, SLOVENIJA – kategorija vinski turizmam
S prošlogodišnjeg uručenja prizme/From last year awards
turistička prizma
turistička prizma
THE AWARDED - by categories: THE HILTON HOTEL, Podgorica, MONTENEGRO - congress centers and hotels category THE THERMANA PERK HOTEL , Lasko, SLOVENIA - congress centers and hotels category THE TORNIK HOTEL , Zlatibor, SERBIA - congress centers and hotels category NACIONALNI PARK UNA, Bihac, BOSNA & HERZEGOVINA – eco and ethno tourism category THE CORTYARD BY MERRIOTT HOTEL , Banja Luka, BOSNA & HERZEGOVINA – business hotels category FRUSKE TERME, Vrdnik, SERBIA – ressort category THE VINOTEL GOSPOJA HOTEL , Vrbnik, CROATIA – small and family hotels category RESTAURANT DP – MREZNICKA KUCA, Donji Zvecaj, CROATIA – restaurants category ZALOSCAN VINA DE ADAMI, Dornberk, SLOVENIA – wine tourism category
AWARDED PRISMS FOR THE BEST Journalists of Slovenia, Tina Čubrilo - Eterović - President of FIJET Croatia, Karin Mimica, “Gastronaut” Croatia and Portal FIJET World and Đorđe Mihajlović “Tourist Prism”, President of the Jury .
Exactly 23 years ago, the editorial board of the Tourist Prism started the action “For a new quality in tourism”. From the very beginning, the guiding idea was to help raise the level of tourist services and stimulate innovative ventures in this area. Together with colleagues from other newsrooms (members of the jury) who follow tourism in the countries where the action takes place, we have tried to reward those who really deserve it. The International Jury of journalists - Radmilo Bumber, TV series “Serbia I Love”, Kamenko Milenković, TV Vojvodina, Sladjana Jašarević (BandH) BN Television, Dario Novalić, (BandH) magazine “Start” and BH Travel Portal, Sanja Golubović , magazine “Caffe Montenegro” Montenegro, Drago Bulc - President of the Association of Tourist
turistička prizma
Statues and charters were announced at the online specialized international tourism fair, WESTM on November 15, 2020, and in the twenty-sixth edition of “Tourist Prism” 2021, issued in an electronic form for the first time, was promoted at this event. This year, the jury decided to award only nine awards in the action “For a new quality in tourism”, insisting on the very strict selection in order to keep the established prestige of the award.
turistička prizma
Nacionalni park “Una” raj za ljubitelje aktivnog turizma, Nacionalni park “Una” adrenalina raj za prirode ljubiteljei aktivnog turizma, Nacionalni park “Una” prirode i adrenalina
National aktivnog Park "Una"turizma, raj za ljubitelje Nationali adrenalina Park "Una" prirode a paradise for lovers of active tourism, nature and adrenalin a paradise for lovers of active tourism, nature and adrenalin
National Park "Una"
a paradise for lovers of active tourism, nature and adrenalin
Telefon/Telephone: +387 37 221 528 Adresa: Bosanska 17d, Telefon/Telephone: 77 000 Bihać +387 37 221 528 Adresa: Bosanska 17d, 77 000 Bihać Telefon/Telephone: +387 37 221 528 Adresa: Bosanska 17d, 77 000 Bihać
Hotel Courtyard by Marriott Banja Luka otvoren je 2019. godine u samom centru Banjaluke, dizajniran kako za odmor tako i za poslovne putnike. Nudimo Vam 116 komfornih soba, dva apartmana, multimedijalnu konferencijsku salu, salu za sastanke, fitness centar, restoran, i još mnogo drugih s adržaja u skladu sa s trogim kriterijumima jednog od najvećih hotelskih brendova.
Bilo da radite ili uživate u slobodnom vremenu, sa udobnim krevetom, zgodnim mjestima za rad i besplatnim Wi-fi, naše sobe su dizajnirane za Vaš udoban b oravak.
Od vanjskih prostora idealnih za opuštanje, do fitness centra pogodnog za održavanje kondicije, pripremili smo sadržaje za Vaš zaslužen odmor da biste mogli da budete najbolja v erzija sebe.
INSPIRATIVNI DIZAJN Pronađite inspiraciju za svoju kreativnost i svoje uspjehe u našim pametnim prostorima. Povežite se sa Vašo m okolinom i ljudima oko sebe, iskusite putovanje koje nudi priliku za lični i profesionalni rast.
NAGRAĐUJEMO LOJALNOST Courtyard by Marriott ® je dio vodećeg svjetskog programa lojalnosti Marriott Rewards®.Članovi Marriott Rewards-a dobijaju poene za svaki boravak, uživajući u najnižim cijenama, besplatnom Wi-Fi-ju stičući jedinstvena iskustva.
COURTYARD BY MARRIOTT BANJA LUKA Prvog krajiškog korpusa 33, 78000 Banja Luka Bosnia and Herzegovina Republika Srpska
V R D N I K Hotel Fruške Terme • Hotel Premier Aqua • Etno-naselje Vrdnička Kula turistička prizma
turistička prizma
Kongresni Centar Thermana Park Laško LAKO DOSTUPAN
(u srcu Slovenije, u tihom okruženju i s izvrsnom saobraćajnom povezanošću)
(10 prostorija za ukupno 1.100 učesnika)
SMEŠTAJ U HOTELU Thermana Park****superior (proveren i nagrađivan kongresni hotel)
w w w . t h e r m a n a . s i
U osebujnom Kvarneru, gdje su prirodne ljepote ostavile svoj trag na razvoj turizma i vinogradarstva, obitelji Toljanić & Brusić iz Vrbnika na otoku Krku, njeguju ljubav prema stvaranju jedinstvene vinske kapljice - Žlahtine Gospoja. Obiteljska zadruga Gospoja već se sedamdesetih godina prošloga stoljeća počela baviti vinogradarstvom, a poslije i turizmom. Osim prerade vina zadruga Gospoja savršeno je spojila ljubav i tradiciju u dobar posao. Godine 2016. otvorila je prvi i još uvijek, jedini vinotel u Hrvatskoj gdje u visokokvalitetnoj usluzi objedinjuje vinogradarstvo i
vinarstvo cijelog Vrbnika. Svoju tradiciju i običaje prezentira posjetiteljima kroz unutarnju arhitektonsku, dekorativnu i gastronomsku sliku. U svojem wellness odjelu gostima pruža tretmane na bazi vina sa veganskim sastojcima te ih na taj način povezuje sa prirodom. Autentičnost i regionalnost postaju glavne karakteristike turističke potražnje te, s tim na umu, Gospoja obogaćuje svoju priču izgradnjom pršutane i vlastite farme. Ovim projektom zaokružuje cjelokupnu sliku i gostima pruža nezaboravan enogastronomski doživljaj.
In the distinctive Kvarner region, where natural beauties have shaped the development of tourism and viticulture, the Toljanić & Brusić families from Vrbnik on the island of Krk share passion for creating a unique wine – Žlahtina Gospoja. The family cooperative Gospoja began with viticulture and later with tourism in the 1970s. In addition to wine processing, the Gospoja cooperative has perfectly combined love and tradition in good business. In 2016 the first, and still the only, wine hotel in Croatia opened, in which viticulture and winemaking from the entire region are combined to provide high-quality service. Traditions and customs
are presented to visitors in an excellent way through an architectural, decorative interior and gastronomic experience. The wellness department offers wine-based treatments with vegan ingredients, which completes the connection to nature. Authenticity and regionality are the main characteristics of tourist demand. Considering that, Gospoja is expanding its offer by building a prosciutto processing plant and its own farm. With this project the whole picture gets completed and offers guests an unforgettable enogastronomic experience.
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Intervju vodio: Nikola Mihajlović
Upoznajte Keri Ejbernati koju je časopis Collaborate Magazine proglasio jednom od „40 delatnika mlađih od 40” koji obećavaju. Njeno ime je jedno od imena na listi “Top 50 pametnih žena 2017. godine koju je sastavio časopis Smart Meetings, a našlo se i na listi časopisa Successful Meetings„ Top 25 najuticajnijih“u industriji kongresa.
Interview with Carrie Abernathy
CHANGE ISN’T ALWAYS A BAD THING Meet Carrie Abernathy, a nominee of Collaborate Magazine’s “40 under 40” industry planners to watch, Smart Meetings Magazine’s Top 50 Smart Women of 2017, and Successful Meetings Magazine’s “Top 25 Most Influential” in the meetings industry
Pa da počnemo sa pitanjem ko je Keri Ejbernati kao osoba?
Let us begin with asking who Carrie Abernathy is as person:
-Hvala na pitanju! Nisam samo planer sastanka, mnogo sam više od toga.To sam otkrila početkom ove godine nakon što nas je pandemija do temelja potresla. Trebalo mi je vremena da ponovo procenim kakva sam zaista kao osoba i šta me ispunjava u životu. U aprilu sam pokrenula svoj blog Žena sa zamahom. Tu govorim o ulozi nekog ko predvodi druge kao i o životnom stilu. Želela sam da podelimono što sam naučila naučeno iz lekcija iz vremena kad sam bila planer i voditelj sastanka. Sada pišem autentične tekstove o stvarima koje me najviše ispunjavaju. -Uz to sam i predavač - nakon kovida sam dobila sertifikat sa kursa univerziteta Jejl iz nauke o dobrobiti. Počele su da mi se obraćaju razne organizacije tražeći od mene da razgovaram sa njihovom publikom o tome kako se postiže to da se prisutni na virtuelnim događajima osećaju srećno.
-Thanks for asking! I am so much more than a meeting planner, as I discovered earlier this year after the pandemic shook us all to our core. I took some time to really reassess who I was as a human and how I wanted to be fulfilled in my life. In April I launched ‘A Woman With Drive’, my leadership and lifestyle blog because I wanted to share lessons from my time as a meeting planner and leader. I now write authentically about the things that fulfill me most. -I am also a speaker- after Covid I took the Yale certificate course on the science of well-being. Organizations started to reach out to ask me to talk to their audiences about bringing happiness to attendees at virtual events. Then I was asked to start speaking on the transition of the events industry in a post-covid world. I am passionate about bringing positivity and authenticity to the events industry through speaking.
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Onda su me zamolili da započnem da držim govore o tranziciji industrije manifestacija u post-kovid svetu. Izuzetno mi je stalo do toga dasvojim govorom unosim pozitivnost i autentičnost u industriju manifestacija. -Takođe sam trener i mentor u toj industriji, pomažem ženama koje žele da promene karijeru ili da svoje vođstvo podignu na viši nivo. Pomažem im da kroz proces pronalaženja njihovih istinskih želja stvore prostor za stvari koje ih zaista čine srećnim. Smatram da smo bolje majke, sestre, prijateljice i što je najvažnije, bolji profesionalci kada pronađemo ono što nas zaista čini srećnim u životu. -Takođe sam i izvršni voditelj jer sam osnovala Udruženje za žene u manifestacijama, s obzirom ja smatram da položaj žena treba da bude na višem nivou i da one treba da sede na rukovodećim mestima. Verujem da smo zajedno jače. U tom cilju vodim i nedeljnu emisiju na mreži o jednakosti u industriji manifestacija. Manifestacije: Od crnog do belog je nedeljna diskusija između mene i suvoditelja Derika Džonsona, gde se bavimo teškim temama oko raznolikosti i inkluzivnosti i kako industrija manifestacija MOŽE da unapredi ovu oblast. -Pre svga, ja sam otporna i izdržljiva. U svojoj srži osećam da nikada ne bismo trebali odustati, čak ni kad prlazimo kroz najhaotičnija i najburnija vremena. Život je neočekivan, kao i događaji. Obučena sam da se nosim sa bilo kojim scenarijem u svetu industrije manifestacija staloženo i smireno i radim na tome da te veštine prevedem u svet koji me sada okružuje i da se bavim pandemijom. Kad se bolje razmisli, naš život je jedna velika manifestacija sa mnogo različitih uzleta i prilika za slavlje. Moramo da mislimo u hodu, da ostanemo pozitivni, da budemo spremni da se PROMENIMO i da budemo fleksibilni. Kao što se kaže, nemojte se uzbuđivati -život ide dalje.
-I am also a coach and industry mentor, assisting women that want to change careers or take their leadership to the next level. I coach people through the process of finding their true desires and making space for things that truly make them happy. I find that we are better mothers, sisters, friends and most importantly meeting professionals when we find what truly makes us happy in our lives. -I am also a servant leader in that I founded the Association for Women in Events, because I believe that women need to be elevated and sit in leadership positions. I believe that we are stronger together. To that end, I also run a weekly online show on equality in the events industry. Events: From Black to White is a weekly discussion between myself and co-host Derrick Johnson where we tackle difficult topics around diversity and inclusiveness and how the events industry CAN make a change in this area. -Most of all I am resilient and tenacious. To my core I feel that we should never give up, even through the most chaotic and tumultuous times. Life is unexpected, as are events. I was trained to handle any scenario in the events world with grace and composure, and now I am working to translate those skills to the real world and to handling a pandemic. Our lives are one big event with many different breakouts and special celebrations if you think about it. I must think on my feet, stay positive, be willing to SHIFT and be flexible. As they say, stay calm-life goes on.
Vi ste suosnivač i izvršni direktor Udruženja za žene u manifestacijama. Šta je bila Vaša motivacija da učestvujete u osnivanjuUdruženja? -Početkom 2015. tražila sam resurse za promociju žena u manifestacijama i borila se da pronađem već formiranu zajednicu koja bizaista ispunila sve moje zahteve u toj oblasti. Jer moj zaključak je bio da su nam potrebni posvećena zajednica i resursi za promociju žena. U to vreme žene su zauzimale samo 1-3% rukovodećih pozicija u sektoru manifestacija, iako su činile preko 75% ukupnog broja radnika u tom sektoru u SAD-a. Kad smo pokrenuli organizaciju i izgradili zajednicu, shvatili smo da toliko žena traži resurse usmerene na žene i da im je potreban prostor za povezivanje. Udruženje žena u manifestacijama je pokrenulo i teške teme kojima se druge organizacije u to vreme nisu bavile. Osnovali smo Radnu grupu industrije manifestacija zasuzbijanje seksualnog uznemiravanja. Istakli smo značaj obrazovanja za ženu i njenu ulogu u podizanju porodice. Rešavali smo problem koji žene imaju pri kontroli stresa. I kao najbitnije, verujem da smo bili katalizator za to da mnoge organizacije osnuju svoje komitete za promovisanje žena u manifestacijama. -Nažalost, pandemija nije zaobišla ni našu organizaciju. Kako je ta promena pogodila našu industriju, tako smo i mi napravili pomake. Odlučili smo da sa formalne organizacije i plaćanja članarine, pređemo na BESPLATNU međunarodnu zajednicu na mreži za sve one koji se identifikuju kao žene (a takođe i muškarce koji podržavaju žene!). Sada na Facebook-u postojimo kao ElevateHER Lounge, a naša najznačajni ja inicijativaje međusobna podrška u teškim vremenima i problemima sa zaposlenjem. Tamo ćete videti kako inspirišemo, objavljujemo oglase za posao i dajemo opštu podršku svima u zajednici delatnika u manifestacijama.
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You were Co-founder and Executive Director of Association for Women in Events - what was your motivation to take part in founding the Association?
Vodite i blog Žena sa zamahom? -Da, tačno! Pokrenula sam blog u aprilu, želela sam da se utopim u neki projekat koji bih radila sa strašću - nešto što će, nadam se, nadahnuti druge. Na blogu su autentične pouke koje sam naučila tokom rada u industriji manifestacija. Ime bloga je povezano sa mojom ljubavi prema golfu - ali blog zaista govori o tome da budete svoje“najautentičnije ja” i o tome kako će vas pronalaženje sopstvenog izraza i priklanjanje sopstvenoj sreći na kraju učiniti boljom majkom, prijateljicom, sestrom, ćerkom i zaposlenom .
-In early 2015 I was looking for resources for elevating women in events and was struggling to find a community that existed and really fulfilled all my needs in that area. I decided that we needed a dedicated community and resources for elevating women. At the time, women held only 1-3% of C-Suite positions in the events sector, although they made up over 75% of the overall workers in that space in the US. Once we started the organization and built the community, we realized so many women were looking for women-centric resources and needed a space to connect. The Association for Women in Events also tackled hard topics that other organizations weren’t tackling at the time. We founded the Events Industry Sexual ---Harassment Task Force. We put out education around being a woman and growing your family. We tackled stress-management for women. Most of all, I believe we were the catalyst for so many organizations to start their own committees to elevate women in events.
Među ostalim priznanjima u industriji, časopis Collaborate Magazine proglasio Vas je jednom od „40 delatnika mlađih od 40” koji obećavaju, bili ste na listi “Top 50 pametnih žena 2017. godine časopisa Smart Meetings i na listi „Top 25 najuticajnijih“ u industriji kongresa časopisa Successful Meetings. Na koje stvari u karijeri ste najponosniji? I šta biste drugačije uradili da možete? -Prvo, ne postoji ništa što bih uradila drugačije. Ulog znoja i prilježan rad su osnova mog uspeha i trebalo je da uložim mnogo godina da bih stigla tu gde sam danas. Tokom poslednjih 15 i više godina radila sam u korporacijama, udruženjima, u medicinskom i vojnom sektoru - i za američke i za međunarodne organizacije i to je bilo neprocenjivo. Imala sam poslove koji su mi odgovaralii one koji nisu. Upravo je to što sam prošla kroz razne situacije i izazove razlog što sam stigala tu gde se osećam najsrećnije i najudobnije. Tačno sam tamo gde treba da budem. Najponosnija sam što sam pokrenula Udruženje žena u manifestacijama i stvorila zajednicu koja podržava napredovanje žena na poslovnom planu.
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-The organization wasn’t unscathed by the pandemic, unfortunately. As shift happened in our industry, we shifted as well. We decided to sunset the formal organization and paid memberships, and we moved to a FREE online international community for all those that identify as women (and also men that support women!). We now exist on Facebook as the “ElevateHER Lounge”, and our biggest initiatives are supporting each other through difficult times and job transitions. You will find us sharing inspiration, job postings, and general support to those in the events community. 17
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Ove godine industrija manifestacija ima velike probleme i mnogi se pitaju kada i da li možemo očekivati povratak „dobrih starih vremena“?
You also run “A Woman with Drive” blog? -Yes, I do! I launched the blog in April, I wanted to immerse myself into a passion project—something that would hopefully inspire others through authenticity and lessons learned during my time in the events industry. The name is a play on my love for golf- but the blog really is about being your most “authentic self” and how finding your voice and leaning in to your happiness will ultimately make you a better mother, friend, sister, daughter and employee.
-Evo moje poruke svima u ovoj industriji. Sada je vreme da se napravi pomak! Ovo vreme može biti vrlo uzbudljivo, ako mu to omogućimo. Stvari nikada neće biti iste kao ranije, pa se prvo moramo naviknuti na tu pomisao. Naravno, moramo i oplakati „dobra stara vremena“. Slobodno ožalite ono kakav je do sad bio naš životi ne žurite pri tom. Međutim, potom, umesto da ostanete zaglavljeni u prošlosti uplašeni da krenete napred - počnite da ramišljate o načinima na koje vam promena može doneti veliko uzbuđenje, uspeh i sreću! Sada je vreme da ispitamo valjanost starih uspostavljenih sistema koje smo koristili / primenjivali samo zato što su bili već uspostavljeni. Šta treba „podesiti“ u vašem životu? Postoje li efikasniji načini za funkcionisanje vaših poslova ili manifestacija? Postoje li načini da održite ushićenje i entuzijazam za posao kod vaših prisutnih, načinina koje nikada ranije niste pomislili jer ste bili navikli da radite stvari „onako kako se oduvek rade”? Da li je ovo period u vašem životu u kojem imate i vremena da se vratite sebi kao lideru, partneru, prijatelju i osobi? Moj izazov u odnosu na industriju manifestacija je fokusiranje na nepovoljnosti. U svojim govorima razmatram kako se nelagodnost usmerava na promenu, jer promena nije uvek loša stvar! Zadržite pozitivnost u svom životu. Možemo zajedno izaći na kraj sa ovim izazovom ako unapred razmišljamo i shvatimo da “nova normalnost” može biti bolja nego ikad!
Among the other industry accolades, you were named Collaborate Magazine’s “40 under 40” industry planners to watch, Smart Meetings Magazine’s Top 50 Smart Women of 2017, and Successful Meetings Magazine’s “Top 25 Most Influential” in the meetings industry. What are the things in your career that you are the most proud of? What would you have done differently if you could? -First, there is nothing I would have done differently. The sweet equity and hard work are all there as a foundation for my success, and I needed to put in many years to get where I am at today. Over the last 15+ years I’ve worked in the corporate, association, medical, and military sectors— for both US and International entities and that time was invaluable. I’ve had jobs that fit, and jobs that didn’t fit. It was only going through all of these moments and challenges was I able arrive where I feel most happy and most comfortable. I am exactly where I am supposed to be. I am most proud of starting the Association for Women in Events and creating a community that supports the advancement of women in business.
Šta biste poručili onima koji bi želeli da se isprobaju na Vašem terenu? -Način da započnete je shvatanje da ništa nije savršeno, zato krenite! Srećem toliko ljudi koji su se zaglavili. Nisu spremni da jednostavno krenu, jer misle da ono što hoće da rade mora biti potpuno savršeno pre nego što se odluče da se u to upuste, da nešto lansiraju, pokrenu i sl. Moja poruka je da je NAPREDAK, a ne savršenstvo to čemu bi trebalo težiti. Čim se nešto započne, lakše je i nastaviti. Ako razmišljate o pokretanju posla, krenite! Ako želite da započnete svoj blog, napravite stranicu i ideje će doći. Čekanje na „pravi trenutak“ nije najbolje rešenje. Život je tu da ga iskoristite! Volim da se čujem sa kolegama iz industrije manifestacija, zato mi se slobodno javite putem moje veb stranice da bismo se povezali i razgovarali o vašim idejama!
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As a meeting planner, you had experiences with planning events up to 15,000 attendees. For some time, event planning is ranked high among the most stressful jobs how do you cope? We keep witnessing that happiness has becoming a real issue in the modern world as many seem to struggle to be truly happy - where do you find the source of your happiness? -Carving out time for joy and happiness in my life is truly important to me, and I’ve learned that you must make this a priority in your life to avoid burn-out. I talk candidly about the fact that I did burn out early in my career. I was a 26 year old woman running one of the largest tradeshow in
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Vodite i blog Žena sa zamahom? -Da, tačno! Pokrenula sam blog u aprilu, želela sam da se utopim u neki projekat koji bih radila sa strašću - nešto što će, nadam se, nadahnuti druge. Na blogu su autentične pouke koje sam naučila tokom rada u industriji manifestacija. Ime bloga je povezano sa mojom ljubavi prema golfu - ali blog zaista govori o tome da budete svoje“najautentičnije ja” i o tome kako će vas pronalaženje sopstvenog izraza i priklanjanje sopstvenoj sreći na kraju učiniti boljom majkom, prijateljicom, sestrom, ćerkom i zaposlenom . Među ostalim priznanjima u industriji, časopis Collaborate Magazine proglasio Vas je jednom od „40 delatnika mlađih od 40” koji obećavaju, bili ste na listi “Top 50 pametnih žena 2017. godine časopisa Smart Meetings i na listi „Top 25 najuticajnijih“ u industriji kongresa časopisa Successful Meetings. Na koje stvari u karijeri ste najponosniji? I šta biste drugačije uradili da možete? -Prvo, ne postoji ništa što bih uradila drugačije. Ulog znoja i prilježan rad su osnova mog uspeha i trebalo je da uložim mnogo godina da bih stigla tu gde sam danas. Tokom poslednjih 15 i više godina radila sam u korporacijama, udruženjima, u medicinskom i vojnom sektoru - i za američke i za međunarodne organizacije i to je bilo neprocenjivo. Imala sam poslove koji su mi odgovaralii one koji nisu. Upravo je to što sam prošla kroz razne situacije i izazove razlog što sam stigala tu gde se osećam najsrećnije i najudobnije. Tačno sam tamo gde treba da budem. Najponosnija sam što sam pokrenula Udruženje žena u manifestacijama i stvorila zajednicu koja podržava napredovanje žena na poslovnom planu. Kao planer sastanka imali ste iskustva sa planiranjem manifestacijasa sa oko 15.000 učesnika. Već izvesno vreme planiranje manifestacijaje visoko rangirane među najstresnije poslove - kako se snalazite? Neprestano svedočimo da je sreća postala pravi problem u savremenom svetu, jer se čini da se mnogi bore da budu istinski srećni - gde se pronalazi izvor sopstvene sreće? -Izdvajanje vremena za radost i sreću u životu mi je zaista važno, i naučila sam da se ovo mora učiniti prioritetom u životu da bi se izbeglo “pregorevanje”. Iskreno pričam o činjenici da sam na početku svoje karijere “pregorela”. Bila sam 26-godišnjakinja koja je u to vreme vodila jedan od najvećih sajmova u industriji manifestacija. Tada sam i spavala u svojoj kancelariji. Dopustila sam čakI da trpe moje emotivne veze, da trpi moj lični život i postavila sam se na poslednje mesto. Prolazeći kroz to, naučila sam da ne mogu biti najbolja kad se prenaprežem na poslu ne dajući ništa drugo svom ličnom životu. Sad na svom blogu delim svoje iskustvo o pronalaženju načina da se izbegne izgaranje i da se izdvoji vreme za sebe, Žena sa zamahom!
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the events industry at the time. There were times I slept in my office, back then. I truly let relationships suffer, let my personal life suffer, and put myself last. In going through that, I learned that I couldn’t be the best me when I was pushing myself at work and giving nothing else to my personal life. I share way to avoid burnout and to make time for yourself in my blog, A Woman With Drive! This year, the events industry suffered greatly, and many have been wondering when and if we can expect the “good old times” to be back? -Here is my message to everyone in the events industry. Now is the time to shift! This time can be very exciting, if we let it. Things will never be the same as before, so we must get used to that idea first. Of course, we must mourn the “good old days”. Absolutely take your time to mourn the way our lives used to be. However, instead of being stuck in the past, and scared to move forward—start by imagining ways that change can bring great excitement, success, and happiness! Now is a time to look at old systems that were in place that we just used/did because they were there. What needs a “tune up” in your life? Are there more efficient ways for business or your events to be done? Are there ways to excite and keep your attendees passionate about your business that you never thought of before because you were so used to doing things “the way they had always been done”? Is this a time in your life where you have extra time to lean in to giving back to yourself as a leader, partner, friend and person? My challenge to the events industry is lean in to the discomfort. In my talks, I speak a lot about how discomfort leans to change, and change isn’t a bad thing! Keep positivity in your life. We can rise to this challenge together if we are forward thinking and realizing that our next normal can be better than ever! What would you say to those who would like to run in your shoes? -The way to get started is realizing that nothing is perfect, so go for it! I run across so many people who are stuck. They aren’t willing to just go for it, because they feel like whatever they are doing must be completely perfect before they do it, start it, launch it, etc. My message is PROGRESS not perfection is what we should strive for. Once you start, it gets easier to keep going. If you are thinking of launching a business, go for it! If you are wanting to start your blog, build the site and the ideas will follow. Waiting for the “right moment” isn’t the best mind set. Life is yours for the taking! I love hearing from my colleagues in the events industry, so feel free to reach out to me via my website and let’s connect and talk through your ideas! 19
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Mark Tven je za Mauricijus napisao da je raj stvoren po uzoru na ovo tropsko ostrvo u Indijskom okeanu. Mauricijus pripada Africi, ali je od najisturenije tačke kontinenta udaljen oko 2000 km, a još oko 900 km istočno od Madagaskara. Tropsko ostrvo privlačno je tokom čitave godine mada postoje vlažni i suvi period.
Tekst i Foto: Đorđe Mihajlović
Da li ste znali da je današnja Republika Mauricijus, mala ostrvska zemlja sa oko 1,3 miliona stanovnika, postojbina čuvene ptice dodo? Ona je čak i na državnom grbu, mnogim suvenirima, odevnim predmetima, ali nažalost strastveni lovci su je vremenom istrebili tako da od ove čuvene ptice nije ostao nijedan živi primerak. The island of Mauritius
THE MAGICAL HOMELAND OF DODO Mark Twain wrote that paradise was created after the model of Mauritius,this beautiful tropical island in the Indian Ocean. Mauritius belongs to Africa, but it is about 2000 km away from the most protruding point of the continent, and another 900 km east of Madagascar. The tropical island is attractive throughout the year, although there are wet and dry periods.
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Did you know that today’s Republic of Mauritius, a small island country with about 1.3 million inhabitants, was home to the famous dodo bird? The bird is even on the state coat of arms, many souvenirs, clothing items although passionate hunters eventually exterminated it so that, sadly, not a single living specimen of this famous bird remains.
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Mauricijus je ostrvo koje nema domorodačko stanovništvo. Naime, tek od 16. veka počinje lagana kolonizacija ostrva i njegovo naseljavanje. Otkrili su ga Portugalci, a vladari su bili Francuzi, potom Holandjani i Englezi. Nezavisnost je stekao 1968. godine, a republika je od 1992. godine. Ova demokratska ostrvska država važi za jednu od najrazvijenijih zemalja Afrike. Stanovništvo je mešovito, najbrojniji su Hindusi, zatim slede Evropljani, Kinezi, Afrikanci... Službeni jezici su francuski i engleski, mada ovaj drugi govori svega 1 odsto stanovništva, a gotovo 90 odsto priča kreolski koja je neka jezička mešavina . Glavni grad Mauricijusa je Port Luis, smešten u zapadnom delu ostrva, a jedini aerodrom je na jugoistoku i udaljen je od prestonice oko 50 kilometara. Državi pripadaju i ostrva Rodrigez i Agalega, kao i pedesetak manjih ostrva i atola.
Mauritius is an island that has no indigenous population. Namely, the slight colonization of the island and its settlement began as late as16th century. It was discovered by the Portuguese, and the rulers were the French, then the Dutch and the English. It gained independence in 1968, and it has been a republic since 1992. This democratic island nation is considered one of the most developed countries in Africa. The population is mixed, the most numerous are Hindus, followed by Europeans, Chinese, Africans ... The official languages are French and English, although the latter is spoken only by 1 percent of the population, and almost 90 percent speak Creole, which is a linguistic mixture. The capital of Mauritius is Port Louis, located in the western part of the island, and the only airport is in the southeast of the island, some 50 kilometers away from the capital. The archipelago also includes the islands of Rodriguez and Agalega, as well as about fifty smaller islands and atolls.
DESTINACIJA ZA SVE UZRASTE I HTENJA Zbog veoma specifične klime na Mauricijus se dolazi tokom čitave godine, mada postoje dve glavne i dve medjusezone. Vlažna sezona počinje od decembra i traje do početka aprila i to je peiod leta. Suva sezona je od juna do septembra i tada su temperature nešto niže, oko 25 stepeni u toku dana. Inače, na ostrvu ima 27 mikroklima, pa je zato veoma važno da pravilno odaberete destinaciju prema vlastitim očekivanjima i željama. Mi smo na ovom rajskom ostrvu boravili početkom tamošnjeg leta, u decembru. Ugodan let iz Zagreba do Pariza, zatim ukrcaj i dvanaestočasovni noćni let do Mauricijusa. Viza nije potrebna već u avionu popunjavate listiće za imigraciono, a pečat u pasošu praktično je njena zamena. Unapred dogovoreni taxi nas je čekao ispred aerodromske zgrade. Posle prvog temperaturnog šoka, od simpatičnog taksiste dobijamo preko potrebne informacije, kupujemo lokalnu karticu za mobilni i krećemo preko Port Luisa do našeg izabranog odredišta u Mont Choisu mestašcu s plažom dugom oko tri kilometra peska i tirkiznog mora, pored koga se proteže još jedna od najpoznatijih plaža na zapadnom delu, Trou Aux Biches.
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DESTINATION FOR ALL AGES AND INTERESTS Due to its very specific climate, Mauritius is visited throughout the year, although there are two main and two mid-seasons. The wet season starts from December and lasts until the beginning of April, which is the summer period. The dry season is from June to September and then the temperatures are slightly lower, around 25 degrees during the day. By the way, there are 27 microclimates on the island, so it is very important that you choose the right destination according to your own expectations and wishes. We stayed on that paradise island at the beginning of its summer, in December. A pleasant flight from Zagreb to Paris was followed by a twelve-hour night flight to Mauritius. A visa is not required, but you fill in the immigration forms on the plane, and the stamp in the passport is practically its replacement.
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A pre-arranged taxi was waiting for us in front of the airport building. After the first temperature shock, we get the necessary information from a nice taxi driver, we buy a local mobile card and head through Port Louis to our chosen destination in Mont Chois. It is a town with a beach about three kilometers long, with lovely sand and turquoise sea, next to which stretches another one of the most famous beaches in the western part of the island, Trou Aux Biches. This beach is ranked by many at tourists the very top, primarily because of the fine white sand for the length of about 3 km, the natural shade of palm trees and the multitude of catering facilities and facilities for water sports. The beach is completely surrounded by a coral reef so it is ideal for diving. Just a few kilometers above is the north coast which is the most popular with tourists coming to Mauritius for the first time. It is best to stay here during the summer. In the north and west you have accommodation of all categories, from hostels, apartments to 6-star hotels. In this region you can go to good markets such as those in Europe, great restaurants and beach bars, diving clubs and sailboats. There are also opportunities for unforgettable fishing or simply opting for lying on the beach overlooking the tinted turquoise sea and magnificent sunsets.
Ovu plažu mnogi turisti svrstavaju na sam vrh, pre svega zbog sitnog belog peska u dužini od oko 3 km, prirodnog hlada od palmi i mnoštva ugostiteljskih objekata i sadržaja za sportove na vodi. Plaža je upotpunosti okružena koralnim grebenom tako da je idealna za ronjenje. Samo nekoliko kilometara iznad nalazi se severna obala koja je najpopularnija kod turista koji prvi put dodju na Mauricijus. Ovde je najbolje boraviti u toku leta. Na severu i zapadu imate smeštaj svih kategorija, od hostela, apartmana pa do hotela s 6 zvezdica. U ovoj regiji imate dobre markete snabdevene poput evropskih, odlične restorane i plažne barove, ronilačke klubove i jedrilice, mogućnosti za nezaboravno pecanje, ili ćete jednostavno uživati na plaži s pogledom na nijansirano tirkizno more i veličanstvene zalaske Sunca. Za Grand Baie kažu da je najpopularnije turističko mesto na Mauricijusu zbog prelepih peskovitih plaža s prozirnom vodom i prelepom lagunom u kojoj se nalazi i pristanište. Gradić ima lepo šetelište u zaledju plaže, veliki broj kafića i restorana s izvrsnom ponudom egzotičnih jela i ribljih specijaliteta. Trebalo bi, ukoliko se nadjete u ovom delu ostrva uživati i na plaži Pereubere koja je samo dva kilometra severnije.
Mi smo za obilazak plaža iznajmili skutere koji koštaju od 12 do 15 eura na dan i oni su idealni za ovu namenu ukoliko skupite hrabrost da vozite levom stranom puta. Ako bi to trebalo da radite prvi put najveća frka je ulazak u kružne raskrsnice, ali kada „probijete led“ posle sve ide glatko. Inače, javni prevoz je dobar, autobusi saobraćaju u intervalima od petnaestak minuta, a cena vozne karte je do eura, zavisi od dužine vožnje. Taxi vozila su veoma uredna i kvalitetna, ali s obzirom da se na osrtrvu možete cenjkati , to obavezno učinite i pre ulaska u vozilo. Na zapadnom delu ostrva u kome je i prestonica i jugozapadu smeštene su brojne turističke atrakcije i plaže s odličnim hotelima i divnim plažama, poput luksuznog poluostrva La Morna, ili plaža Flic en Flac i Tamarin. La morne s planinom u svom središnjem delu i „vodopadom“ usred okeana, te nizom najluksuznijih resorta, stecište je bogatih turista iz čitavog sveta.
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Grand Baie is said to be the most popular tourist destination in Mauritius because of its beautiful sandy beaches with clear water and a beautiful lagoon in which the pier is located. The town has a beautiful promenade in the hinterland of the beach, a large number of cafes and restaurants with an excellent offer of exotic dishes and fish specialties. If you find yourself in this part of the island, you should also enjoy Pereubere Beach, which is only two kilometers to the north. We have rented scooters for touring the beaches that cost from 12 to 15 euros per day and they are ideal for this purpose if you gather the courage to ride on the left side of the road. If you are supposed to do it for the first time, the biggest hassle is entering the roundabouts, but when you “break the ice”, everything goes smoothly. By the way, public transport is good, buses run at intervals of fifteen minutes, and the price of a ticket is up to one euro, depending on the length of the ride. Taxi vehicles are very neat and high quality, but since you can bargain on the island, be sure to do so before entering the vehicle. In the western part of the island, where the capital is and in the southwest, there are numerous tourist attractions and beaches with excellent hotels and beautiful beaches, such as the luxurious La Morna Peninsula, or the beaches of Flic en Flac and Tamarin. La Morne, with a mountain in its central part and a “waterfall” in the middle of the ocean, and a number of the most luxurious resorts, is a meeting place for rich tourists from all over the world.
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Mauricijus je gledano od severa ka jugu dugačak 85 kilometara, a najširi je u središnjem delu u dužini od 55 kilometara. U unutrašnjosti se izdižu dve planine s najvišim vrhom Black River od 800 mnv a mali Mauricijus opasuje čak 355 km plaža. U ovoj maloj ostrvskoj zemlji ima mnogo toga što bi trebalo posetiti. Dilema je kako odabrati najbolje, kako stići do njih i utrošiti što manje vremena koje ste predvideli za plažiranje? Izleti kod lokalnih agencija su raznovrsni i cene se kreću od 45 do 70 eura, naravno možete ih platiti i u lokalnoj valuti rupija, a odnos je 1 euro oko 40 rupija. Možete da iznajmite auto po ceni od oko 45 eura na dan pa uz malo straha zbog engleskog smera vožnje i dobre pripreme s kartom u rukama, krenuti u avanturu. Mi smo već u toku vožnje od aerodroma ka našem gradiću, dogovorili sa taksistom da dodje po nas u odredjeni dan i povede nas po utvrdjenoj maršruti. Cena za ovakav vid obilaska ostrva je bila 100 eura i vredelo je svakog centa s obzirom da smo u njemu imali i odličnog vodiča koji se snalazio kao riba u vodi. To što smo zahvaljujući njemu uspeli da posetimo za jedan dan, prosto je neverovatno. Pred nacionalnom botaničkom baštom smo čekali na jutarnje otvaranje. Bašta je stanište neverovatnih tropskih biljaka, a stvorena je pre više od 300 godina kao privatni vrt tadašnjeg francuskog guvernera ostrva. U njemu je preko 650 vrsta rastinja, od kojih izdvajamo 85 vrsta palmi, vodene ljiljane, drvo baobab, a da bi ste ga detaljno obišli potreban vam je gotovo čitav dan, koji mi nismo imali, pa smo se zadovoljili brzim prolaskom i snimanjem.
Mauritius is 85 kilometers long from north to south, and the widest in the central part is 55 kilometers long. Inland, two mountains rise with the highest peak of the Black River at 800 meters above sea level, and small Mauritius is surrounded by as many as 355 km of beaches. There is a lot to visit in this small insular country. The dilemma is how to choose the best, how to get to there and spend as little time as you have planned for lying on the beach? Excursions at local agencies are varied and prices range from 45 to 70 euros. Of course you can pay them in local currency rupees, and the ratio is 1 euro about 40 rupees. You can rent a car at a price of about 45 euros a day and with a little fear due to the English wayof driving in the wrong direction, after little preparation with a map in hand, embark on an adventure. While driving from the airport to our town, we agreed with the taxi driver to pick us up on a certain day and take us along the established route. The price for this type of tour of the island was 100 euros and it was worth every cent, considering that he was also an excellent guide who was in his element like a fish in water. It was simply amazing what we managed to visit in one day thanks to him. We waited for the morning openingin front of the National Botanical Garden. The garden is home to amazing tropical plants, and was created more than 300 years ago as a private garden of the then French governor of the island. It contains over 650 species of plants, of which we single out 85 species of palms, water lilies, baobab trees. In order to see it in detail, you need almost the whole day, which we did not have, so we were satisfied with a quick pass and shooting.
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Nakon obilaska jedne kolonijalne vile u kojoj je danas smeštena prodajna izložba odevnih predmeta prvenstveno izradjenih od vrhunskog kašmira, najpoznatije suvenirnice u kojoj dominiraju makete jedrenjaka i ukrasi s motivima ptice dodo, obišli smo nekadašnji živi vulkan koji svedoči o poreklu ostrva. Put nas je dalje poveo ka nacionalnom parku Black River, a usput smo obišli i najveće hinduističko svetilište Grand Bassin pored koga uz autoput dominiraju pedeset metara visoke statue boga Šive i njegove žene boginje Paravati. Uz svetilište u kom smo prisustvovali i učestvovali u obredu nalazi se Sveto jezero, koje je jedno od 5 slatkovodnih na Mauricijusu. Klisura Black River je najveći nacionalni park i nalazi se na jugozapadu. Na oko 7000 hektara šuma, proplanaka i vrha od 800 mnv, s nezaborvnim vidikovcima u kojima ćete uživati u društvu majmuna koji poziraju u zamenu za slatki zalogaj, neverovatni vodopad koji se ukazuje pred vama u svoj svojoj lepoti, otkrićete pravo prirodno bogatsvo Mauricijusa. Put prema Shamarelu, ili zemlji od sedam boja, vodio nas je preko planinskog prevoja s čak 52 krivine. Ovaj prirodni fenomen gde se na relativno malom prostoru, poput peščanih dina zemlja izvija u sedam strogo odvojenih boja koje deluju kao ogromni mozaik, nije poznat nigde u svetu, a još uvek je predmet izučavanja.
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After visiting a colonial villa with a sales exhibition of clothing items primarily made of top quality cashmere we went to the most famous souvenir shop dominated by models of sailing ships and decorations with dodo motifs. Then we visited a former living volcano that testifies to the origin of the island. The road took us further to the Black River National Park, and along the way we visited the largest Hindu shrine Grand Bassin, next to which the highway is overlooked by a fifty-meter high statue of the god Shiva and his wife, the goddess Paravati. Next to the sanctuary in which we attended and participated in a ceremony, there is Holy Lake, which is one of 5 freshwater ones in Mauritius. Black River Gorge is the largest national park and is located in the southwest. On about 7,000 hectares of forests, glades and peaks of 800 meters above sea level, with unforgettable viewpoints. There you will enjoy the company of monkeys posing in exchange for a sweet bite. An amazing waterfall will appear in front of you in all its beauty and you will discover the true natural wealth of Mauritius. The road to Shamarel, or the land of seven colours, led us over a mountain pass with as many as 52 bends. This natural phenomenon where in a relatively small space, like sand dunes, the earth twists into seven strictly separated colours that act as a huge mosaic, is not known anywhere else in the world, and is still the subject of research. 29
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There is simply no explanation for folds that are stacked in different colors.There have been claims that if you artificially tried to mix the soil, it would stratify back into separate colours again. In Shamarel, you will also be delighted by giant turtles posing gracefully in front of the camera. After a delicious lunch at a nearby restaurant, the day was coming to an end and we, full of impressions, set off for the peace of our apartment. We planned another day to tour the capital. From the bus station we set off on a half-hour drive to Port Luis. The bus stopped every two to three minutes, people getting on and off modestly dressed but extremely tidy, women with nicely combed hair, children smiling . It was then that I realized, this is actually the real experience of this tidy country where people do not live very luxuriously since the protective salary is about 220 euros, and the average about 350 euros there.
Za nabore koji su naslagani u bojama jednostavno nema objašnjenja, a neki tvrde da kada bi ste veštaštački pokušali da izmešate zemlju onda bi se ona ponovo raslojila u bojama. U Shamarelu će vas oduševiti i džinovske kornjače koje ljupko poziraju pred kamerama. Nakon ukusnog ručka u obližnjem restoranu,dan se bližio kraju i mi prepuni utisaka krenusmo u mir našeg apartmana. Još jedan dan smo predvideli za obilazak glavnog grada. S autobuske stanice krenuli smo u polusatnu vožnju ka Port Luisu. Autobus se zaustavljao na svakih dva do tri minuta, ljudi skromno obučeni ali izuzetno uredni, žene s lepo očešljanim frizurama, deca nasmejana i tada shvatih, to je ustvari onaj pravi doživljaj ove uredjene države u kojoj se ne živi baš raskošno s obzirom da je zaštitna plata oko 220 eura, a prosečna oko 350 eura.
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Grad Port Luis je mešavina raznih kultura koje se ogledaju i kroz arhitekturu. Periferija se uglavnom sastoji od uličica s kućama za stanovanje, a u dugačkoj ulici koja vodi prema centru je niz različitih lokala koje nude robu i usluge domaćem stanovništvu. Ubrzo se pred vama pojavljuje neverovatna mešavina kolonijalnih zgrada, visokih oblakodera koje možete pronaći i u najmodernijim svetskim prestonicama, a onda austbuska stanica s velikim brojem nekakvih perona i brojeva i mnoštvo ljudi. U neposrednoj blizini veliki bazar na kome dominira kineska jeftina roba i hiljade kupaca. Na svega pet minuta hoda je Apravasi Ghat, koji je na svetskoj listi kulturne baštine UNESCA. Ova istorijska lokacije na obali okeana, svojevremeno je bila imigracioni depo za vreme britanske vladavine u 19. veku, a mnogo godina kasnije odigrala je ključnu ulogu u istoriji Mauricijusa. Na svega nekoliko stotina metara prošetaćete prelepim bulevarom palmi, doživećete kolonjalni Mauricijus, moći ćete da obidjete nacionalni muzej. Nakon osveženja u nekom od brojnih tropskih barova koji nude nezaboravne sveže cedjene sokove i voćne salate ili ručka u kineskom restoranu, Port Luis će vam ostati u pamćenju kao grad velikih kontrasta. Deset dana je brzo prošlo kao i sve što je lepo u životu. Poslednji dan smo maksimalno iskoristili kupajući se i upijajući toplo Sunce, jer već sutra nas je čekala hladna Evropa. Ponovo noćni let za Pariz i dovoljno vremena za popunjavanje mozaika koji se zove Mauricijus, zemlja dodoa.
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The city of Port Louis is a mixture of different cultures that are reflected through architecture. The periphery consists mainly of alleys with tenament houses, and in the long street leading to the center there is a number of different shops offering goods and services to the local population. Soon, an incredible mix of colonial buildings appears in front of you, high skyscrapers that you can find in the most modern capitals of the world, and then the bus station with a large number of platforms and a lot of people. Nearby is a large bazaar dominated by cheap Chinese goods and thousands of shoppers. Apravasi Ghat, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is just a five-minute walk away. This historic location on the ocean coast was once an immigration depot during British rule in the 19th century, and many years later it played a key role in the history of Mauritius. Just a few hundred meters from there, you can walk along a beautiful boulevard of palm trees and experience colonial Mauritius. There you will be able to visit the National Museum. After a refreshment in one of the many tropical bars that offer unforgettable freshly squeezed juices and fruit salads or after lunch in a Chinese restaurant, Port Luis will remain in your memory as a city of great contrasts. Ten days passed quickly like everything beautiful in life. We made the most of the last day by bathing and soaking up the warm sun, because cold Europe was already waiting for us the following day. Night flight to Paris again and enough time to fill a mosaic called Mauritius, the land of dodo.
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Лозница - модеран град који чува своју традицију Лозница је град за који туристи кажу да је посебан, да има душу, а ми кажемо да је за слово испред свих. Препоручујемо да прошетате градом, улицама великана : Вука Караџића, Јована Цвијића, Миће Поповића. Посетите Бању Ковиљачу, Бању Бадању, манастире Троношу и Чокешину, Текериш, знаменито место Тршић, Гучево, реку Дрину, Жићину плажу и Брањево, то су места која и сами Лозничани најрадије посећују у слободно време.
Loznica - a modern city that keeps it’s tradition Tourists say Loznica has a unique allure, and we, its residents consider our city to be the cream of the crop. We recommend taking a stroll on the streets of the renowned people : Vuk Stefanović Karadžić, Jovan Cvijić and Miodrag Mića Popović. Pay a visit to Banja Koviljača, Banja Badanja, monasteries Tronoša and Čokešina, notable place Tršić, Gučevo and the river Drina, Žića‘s Beach and Branjevo, the sites which local people visit in their free time especially on weekends and holidays.
ЛилаЛо је музичко сценски фестивал који афирмише стваралаштво младих, посвећен народном обичају лилање који је аутентичан за град Лозницу и регију Подриње. Идеја за фестивал ЛилаЛо (лилање у Лозници) настала је у жељи да да зближимо традиционално и модерно, да традицију прикажемо на један савремен начин и сачувамо је за генерације које долазе. Тема фестивала је светло лиле које нам осветљава будућност и буди оптимизам. LilaLo is a music and performance festival dedicated to the folk tradition authentic to Loznica and Podrinje region known as “lilanje” with the aim of affirming the creative potentials of young people. The idea for the festival LilaLo – „lilanje“ in Loznica – originated from the desire to make a brige between tradion and contemporaneity in order to preserv cultural heritage for generations to come. The theme of the festival is the light from a „lila“ (a burning bark) that illuminates our future and arouses optimism. Туристичка организација града Лознице Јована Цвијића 20 15300 Лозница
+381 15 878520 893895
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Vrnjačka Banja
Vrnjačka Banja ima najdužu tradiciju i najveća je banja u Srbiji. Kao takva, njena raznovrsna turistička ponuda se i izdvaja od ostalih banja, a jedan od bisera ove ponude je svakako i pansion restoran Vuk. Pansion je udaljen svega 150m od glavnog izvora Tople Vode i centralnog banjskog parka i šetališta. Na prelepoj lokaciji se nalazi već 30 godina, a ono što ga izdvaja od ostalih je prijatna domaća atmosfera, raznovrsna kuhinja i ljubazno osoblje. Pansion raspolaže sa 55 ležaja raspoređenih u 19 soba opremljenih kupatilom, TV i bežičnim internetom. U restoranu nacionalne kuhinje koji raspolaže sa 100 mesta, provešćete nezaboravne trenutke uz uvek biranu muziku. Turistička agencija VUK TOURS je logičan nastavak priče o turizmu i ugostiteljstvu u Vrnjačkoj Banji, uz već postojeći objekat Pansion Vuk. Rad turističke agencije je pre svega usmeren ka receptivnom poslovanju, tako da gostima Vrnjačke Banje nudimo veliki izbor smeštaja, kao i mnogobrojne izlete po čemu su postali i prepoznatljivi. Takođe posluju i kao partneri na destinaciji za velike domaće i strane turoperatore. Agencija poseduje i sopstveni vozni park s vozilima različitih kapaciteta, obavljaju aerodromske transfere, kao i prevoz putnika u zemlji i inostranstvu.
Vrnjacka Banja has a long tradition and it is the largest spa In Serbia. As such, its various tourism offer is different from the other spas and one of the jewels of its offer is certainly the boarding house and restaurant VUK. The boarding house is only 150m away from the main source of hot waters and central spa park and promenade. It is situated on the beautiful location for over 30 years and the things which distinguish it from the others are pleasant domestic atmosphere, diverse cuisine and friendly staff. It has 55 beds in 19 rooms, each with private bathroom, TV and wireless internet connection. In the restaurant of national cuisine, which has disposal of 100 seats, you will spend unforgettable moments always enjoying in the fine music. Travel agency VUK TOURS is a logical continue of the story of tourism and hospitality in Vrnjacka Banja, with the already existing boarding house Vuk. The primary work of the travel agency is directed towards receptive tourism, so we offer guests in Vrnjacka Banja a large selection of accommodations, as well as numerous excursions that have made them recognizable. Also, we collaborate as partners at the destination for large domestic and foreign tour operators. The agency also has its own fleet with vehicles of different capacities, organize airport transfers, as well as transport of passengers at home and abroad.
UGOSTITELJSKA RADNJA, SMEŠTAJ I PREVOZ PUTNIKA „VUK TURS” Olge Jovičić 10 • Vrnjačka Banja • Srbija • Serbia tel: +381 (0)36 612 131 • tel./fax: +381(0)36 618 370 Turistička agencija: +381(0)36 618 373 • •
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turistička prizma
ZA NEZABORAVNE USPOMENE Vikend na Paliću paketi : “Oaza tišine”, “Vikend za dvoje”, “Porodični produženi vikend”, “Proleće na Paliću” Prolećni porodični odmor (Prvi maj, Uskrs, Đurđevdan - 01. do 06. maj), specijalni, raznovrsni, popularni, vremenu prilagođeni aranžmani, kongresi, seminari, izložbe, prezentacije u banket bloku “Male gostione” i na “Velikoj terasi”. Otmene, atraktivne SVADBE SA STILOM HOTELI “PARK” **** (1860.) i “JEZERO” **** (1910.) • RESTORAN “MALA GOSTIONA” (1852.) - 280 + 400 mesta, Specijalizovani riblji restoran na obali jezera “RIBLJA ČARDA” - 45 + 200 MESTA
Riblja čarda Palić
Zgrada je građena 1890 - 1891.godine, kao gimnastička sala u okviru „Ahileum“-a, arene za Palićke olimpijske igre. Kao riblji restoran radi od 1947. a najnovija adaptacija je završena 2007.godine. Od obale jezera je deli samo staza za šetnju i uski travnjak. Goste prima u zatvorenoj sali sa 45 mesta, na terasi sa 100 mesta i na molu sa 20 mesta. Otvorena tokom cele godine. Deo terase se zimi pretvara u zimsku baštu.
Elitte Palić +381 (0)24 753 245 • +381 (0)24 753 125 • Srbija • Serbia • Palić • Park Heroja 15 „Mala gostiona“ +381 (0)24 753 447 • „Riblja čarda“ +381 (0)24 4755 040 Hotel „Park“ i „Jezero“ +381 (0)24 753 112 •
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Salaš 137 je jedinstveno mesto ako želite da uživate u domaćoj hrani i piću uz autentični ambijent i lokalnu vojvođansku etno muziku. Salaš 137 je već afirmisan po ovako koncipiranom načinu svoje kuhinje i društvenog života. Restoran je sa tradicionalnom vojvođanskom kuhinjom (gibanica, carska pita, štrudla sa makom i orasima, bundevara, rinflajš sa 5 sosova, rolovana teletina, ribić na kajmaku, salašarski sote, punjene tikvice,...). Restoran je kapaciteta - u salama - 70 mesta, u bašti - 80 mesta i ''Gazebo" (letnja bašta) - 150 mesta.
"Salas 137" is a unique place if you want to enjoy in the local food and drink in the authentic atmosphere and local ethnic music of Vojvodina. "Salas 137" has already been affirmed by this concept of its cuisine and social life. Restaurant is with traditional cuisine of Vojvodina (cheese pie, imperial pie, strudel with poppy seeds and nuts, pumpkin, beef meat with five sauces, rolled veal, roast shank in cream, dense farm broth, stuffed zucchini ...). Restaurant has capacity - in the halls - 70 seats, and in the garden - 80 seats and the "Gazebo" (summer garden) - 150 seats.
Salaš 137 Međunarodni put 137 • Čenej (Novi Sad) • Srbija • Serbia Tel/fax + 381 (0)21 714 497 • + 381 (0)21 714 501 + 381 (0)21 714 505 • + 381 (0)62 773 137 email: • Rezervacije soba:
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Tekst: Sanja Golubović Foto: Vedran Ilić
S DRUGE STRANE DURMITORA Cruise on Lake Piva to “Silence”, the secret place
Ako stvarno hoćete da doživite nešto što nije kliše, i u potrazi ste za skrivenim mjestima Crne Gore, pođite u Pivu (opština Plužine), na sjever Crne Gore, atraktivan i divlji, u čijim njedrima su rijeka Piva, Pivsko jezero, Durmitor, Tara… Pođite ili svratite u dolasku ili odlasku sa mora, vidite šta je s druge strane Durmitora...
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If you really want to experience something that is not a cliché, and you are looking for secret places in Montenegro, go to Piva (Plužine municipality), in the north of Montenegro. In its attractive and wild bosom, it has the river Piva, Lake Piva, Durmitor and Tara. Visit there on your way to or from the sea, see what is on the other side of Durmitor ...
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Hoćete rajski mir i pogled, evo vam fotogenično i fatamorganično čudo: boje u kojima se slila zelena sa brda nad jezerom, plava s neba, pa se kupaju zajedno u pitkoj vodi jezera. Pivu možete doživjeti hodajući njenim planinama, gorama, livadama, selima, i iz perspektive sokola, ili krstareći Pivskim jezerom na koje će vas povesti neko od pružalaca te usluge iz Plužina. Naš domaćin na svom brodu je bio Mikica Blagojević.
You want heavenly peace and a view, here is a photogenic and miraculous sight: colours in which green merged from the hill above the lake, blue from the sky, and bathed together in the pristine water of the lake. You can experience the area of the Piva by walking through its hills and mountains, meadows, villages, and from the perspective of falcons, or cruising Lake Piva to which you will be taken by one of the providers of this service from Plužine. Our host on his ship was Mikica Blagojevic.
LET’S PLUNGE INTO SILENCE Among the many opportunities for enjoyment and activities in this area, I recommend a boat ride on the lake on the route “let’s plunge into silence”, that is, sailing to a place where there is – Silence. This is a trip designed by Mikica Blagojević, our host on the ship and in the paradise of Silence. And while the boat glides slowly across the lake, guests snack “cold meats” and sip the excellent brandy that Mikica makes from apples (this is a rarity in the Piva region because it is known for its excellent pear and plum brandies), someone drinks homemade blueberry juice…, and everyone enjoys the sight and the view of both the water and above the water.
AJMO U TIŠINU Od mnogo mogućnosti uživanja i aktivnosti u ovom kraju, preporučujem vožnju brodićem po jezeru na ruti „ajmo u tišinu“, to jest plovidbu do mjesta tišine – Silence. Ovo je izlet koji je osmislio naš domaćin i na brodu i u tom Silence raju Mikica Blagojević. I dok brod lagano klizi površinom jezera, gosti meze “s noža” i pijuckaju odličnu rakiju koju Mikica pravi od jabuke (to je rijetkost u Pivi jer je taj kraj poznat po odličnim rakijama kruški i šljivi), neko pije domaći sok od borovnice…, a svak uživa u prizoru i pogledu i na vodu i iznad vode. Teško da bi neko ko ne zna, kad ga vidi pomislio da je Pivsko jezero vjaštačko. Međutim, jezero koje se prostire na površini od 12,5 kvadratnih kilometara i dostiže dužinu od 45 kilometara, nastalo je 1976. godine za potrebe izgradnje hidroelektrane “Piva” i pregrađivanjem kanjona reke Pive. Tada su izgrađene i nove Plužine, stanovnici su se iz starih prvih Plužina iselili “gore iznad uvale”, ali uspomene su ostale... Stariji Plužinjani kad plove jezerom, znaju đe je šta ispod bilo, kuda su se kao djeca igrali, u školu išli šljive brali i nestašluke pravili... Skoro svi objekti su prije potapanja porušeni osim Pivskog manastira (sagrađen između 1573. i 1586. godine), koji je, kamen po kamen, premještan 13 godina na novu lokaciju tj. višu kotu od jezera, gdje se nalazi i danas.
Very few people can tell that Lake Piva is artificial. However, the lake which is 45 kilometres long covering 12,5 square kilometres was made in 1976 when “Piva” hydroelectric plant was built. Then a dam was built across the river Piva’s canyon. At that time new Plužine was also built. The inhabitants of old Plužine were moved “up above the valley” but the memories have remained. When the people from old Plužine are on the lake, they know exactly what lies underneath. Tey know where they played when they were children. Where their road to school was and where they climbed plum trees and played their mischievous games. Almost all buildings there were pulled down before the flooding except for Piva Monastery (built between 1573 and 1586). It was moved 13 years, stone by stone to its present location above the lake.
Slušaćete od domaćina priče o tome kakva su Stare Plužine varoš bila, kako se živjelo tad, o tome da kad pane vodostaj jezera pokažu se još uvijek zidine kuća i drveća koje „raste“ pod vodom.
The hosts will tell you stories about what the town of Stare Plužine was like, how people lived then, about the fact that when the water level of the lake is low, the walls of houses and trees that “grow” under the water are still visible.
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Priča prebaci slušaoce u neko prošlo doba i oni gledajući u vodu jezera da zamišljaju taj, sad davni, život nekad ispod… Voda jezera je kristalno čista i pitka… To je jedna od najvećih akumulacija pitke vode u regionu. Ne može se odoljeti da se ne pije voda iz ruku direktno iz jezera… Divno se i kupati u njoj. Dubina jezera nakon punjenja ide i do 180 metara, a prosječna dubina je između 70 i 120 metara. Brana Piva, koja drži 880 miliona kubnih metara vode, visoka je 220 metara i spada među najviše na svijetu.
The story takes the listeners back in time and they look at the water of the lake imagining that, now ancient, life below… The lake water is crystal clear and drinkable… It is one of the largest reservoirs of drinking water in the region. You cannot resist drinking the water from your cupped hands directly from the lake… It is wonderful to swim in it, too. The depth of the lake after filling goes up to 180 meters, and the average depth is between 70 and 120 meters. The Piva Dam, which holds 880 million cubic meters of water, is 220 meters high and is among the highest in the world.
THAT NAMELESS COLOUR… The lake changes colour depending on the sky and the trees that hover over it or maybe on the mood of the depths ... During the voyage, we are going to Šćepan Polje, and the guests on the ship are not aware that at some point there is a zipline wire above them and that maybe apart from the falcons, some people could also fly over them… During the ride you come across the Oteša cave on the shore of the lake, where tourists also stop by, enter the cave whose interior is carved like a hall with a fantastic view of the lake - a “new view of the world”, where you can hear the chirping of cave swallows… The place has also been a venue for jazz gigs… The words resonate with an echo you are not used to, it is exciting when you shout and your voice comes back…
TA BOJA BEZIMENA… Jezero mijenja boju zavisno od neba i drveća što se nadvilo nad njim ili možda i od raspoloženja dubine... Tokom plovidbe se ide ka Šćepan Polju, a gosti na brodu nijesu svjesni da je u nekom trenutku iznad njih ziplajn žica i da možda gore osim sokola neko čeljade leti… U toku vožnje nailazi se na pećinu Oteša na obali jezera, tu turisti takođa svraćaju, ulaze u pećinu čija je unutrašnjost isklesana poput dvorane iz koje je fantastičan pogled na jezero – neki “novi pogledu na svijet“, a u kojoj se čuje cvrkut pećinskih lasta… Bilo je tu i džez svirki… Riječi odzvanjaju ehom na koji nijeste navikli, uzbudljivo je kada viknete, a glas vam se vraća nazad…
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Silence je mjesto gdje brodić pristaje nakon sat, sat i po vožnje (zavisno koju rutu -želite). Mjesto tišine je zaista to što mu ime kaže – sasvim skriveno u brdu obale jezera, no za svakog otvorenog srca otvoreno, mjesto do kog se može doći samo vodenim putem preko jezera... Prvo je tu bio mali pristan, sa terasom na kojoj je bio zidani roštilj, pa malo po malo naš domaćin je iz svog gušta za gušt gostiju izgradio jednu kolibu sa sobom koja ima najljepši pogled na svijetu (može da se iznajmi da prespavate tu, zaista u epicentru prirode i tišine), postavio pontu, okolo klupe, ljuljaške sve na takvoj razdaljini da koliko god gostiju dođe svak može imati svoj neometan mir i TIŠINU. Turisti vole da ostanu da prespavaju u Silence, da se potpuno “stope” s prirodom i razgovaraju s tišinom…
Tišina is the place where the boat docks after an hour, an hour and a half of driving (depending on which route you choose). The place is really described best by its name - completely hidden in the hill of the lake shore, but open to every open heart, a place that can only be reached by water across the lake ... First there was a small pier, with a terrace where there was a brick barbecue. Little by little our host built a hut with him for the guests, which has the most beautiful view in the world (it can be a rented overnight accommodation right in the epicentre of nature and silence), set a pontoon, put up benches and swings all at such a distance that, regardless of the number of guests, everyone can have their undisturbed peace and quiet. Tourists like to stay overnight in Silence, to completely “merge” with nature and communicate with silence…
Koliko vremena jezeru date toliko krstarite Po jezeru se rade ture krstarenja od sat, dva, poludnevni izleti, pa i dnevni s kupanjem itd., zavisi od vremena koje želite da odvojite za ovaj izlet. Moja preporuka je da birate cjelodnevni izlet. Dođete izjutra u Plužine, popijete kafu i ukrcate se, krstarite, a onda pristanete brodom na Silence, đe imate pontu, kajak, pa se kupate ili uživate u tišini i prirodi, dok domaćin sprema ručak…Možete mu se i pridružiti u spremanju ako vam je volja… Jer u Silence je sve neposredno i prirodno, pa i ponašanje.
The time you give to the lake, is the you cruise Cruise tours can be of an hour, two hours, half-day excursions, and even dailyones with swimming, etc., depending on the time you want to set aside for this excursion. My recommendation is to choose a full day trip. You come to Plužine in the morning, drink coffee and board, cruise, and then dock at Silence, where you have a pontoon, kayak, you can bathe or enjoy the silence and nature, while the host prepares lunch… You can join him in preparing if you wish to do so… Because in Silence everything is direct and natural, behaviour included.
Dok gosti uživaju u fotografisanju, dobroj rakija, pogledu… domaćin sprema pivsku pastrmku na žaru, onako što bi rekli u skladu sa prirodom “natural”, riba sa malo soli, bez maskiranja, i povrće na žaru, od čega sam se najviše radovao šumskim pečurkama… Na terasi koju ne mogu nazvati vidikovcem jer je čitav Silence ustvari vidikovac, servira se na drvenim platama zdrava gozba. Sve namirnice su iz ovog kraja, univerzalno siguran odabir spremljen jednostavno da sačuva sve dobro u sebi i ukus ovog kraja i zemlje i vode - riba i povrće, šta bi drugo poželjeli tu? Na trpezi se ušunjao i šaljiv trik, nazvala sam ga - “stranac u Pivi” – pečena banana, dobra fora domaćina!
While guests enjoy photography, good brandy, views… the host prepares grilled Piva trout, “a la nature” in accordance with the nature around them, nothing but fish with a little salt, without any masking, grilled vegetables, of which I was most pleased with the forest mushrooms… On the terrace, which I can’t call a viewpoint because the whole of Silence is actually a viewpoint, a healthy feast is served on wooden plates. All the food is local, a universally safe choice prepared simply to preserve all the good in itself and the taste of this area and the land and water - fish and vegetables, what else would you want there? There was also a funny trick on the table, I called it - “foreigner in Piva” - a baked banana, our host’s little joke!
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TOURISM ORGANIZATION OF ULCINJ Bul. G.K.Skenderbeu n.n. Montenegro
ULCINJ SOUL ADVENTURE turistička prizma
Tel: 030 412 333 • Fax: 030 412 335
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WWW.HOTELPRINCESS.ME J T 21, 85000 B, M +382 30 300 100
Objekat XXL se nalazi u mjestu Dobra Voda, na desetom kilometru puta Bar-Ulcinj, na samo 6m od šljunkovite plaže sa kristalno čistim morem. Objekat sadrži apartmane, restoran i terasu sa 160 mijesta. Apartmani su opremljeni mini kuhinjom, kupatilom, terasom, klimom, tv sa satelitskim programima i bežičnim internetom. Tropical Bar se nalazi na plaži Veliki Pijesak kod Bara. U prijatnom okruženju nudi prijatan boravak i dobar provod uz najbolje žurke, muziku, DJ-eve, barmene koji samo za Vas spremaju sve egzotične koktele i sve to na samoj obali mora...
XXL Apartments are located in Dobra Voda, on the tenth kilometer of the road Bar-Ulcinj, only 6m from the beach with crystal clear water. The building is consisted of apartments, a restaurant and a terrace with 160 seats. All apartments are equipped with a mini-kitchen, bathroom, terrace, air conditioning, satellite TV and wireless Internet. Tropical Bar is located on the beach ‘Veliki Pjesak’ (Grand sand) near the town of Bar. In a pleasant environment, it offers a pleasant stay and a good time with the best parties, music, DJs, bartenders who serve all exotic cocktails just for you, at the sea shore.
Veliki Pijesak bb • Dobra Voda Bar • Crna Gora • Montenegro Restoran: +382 (0)30 364 135 • +382 (0)69 330 189 Apartmani: +382 (0)30 364 601 • +382 (0)69 474 235 •
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“Lighthouse Hotel” is located in Herceg Novi, in Igalo, a tourist destination famous for its curative sea mud and mineral water, the climate, the high number of sunny days and varied Mediterranean vegetation.The hotel is located just 100 meters from the sea and in its immediate vicinity is 7 km long 5 Danica promenade, with restaurants, shops and souvenir shops. The Hotel has a capacity of 367 beds in Standard and Superior rooms and a restaurant, a mini wellness center, a TV room and an outdoor terrace.
“Hotel Lighthouse” se nalazi u Herceg Novom, u Igalu, turističkom mjestu koje je čuveno po ljekovitom morskom blatu i izvorima mineralne vode, ugodnoj klimi, sa visokim prosjekom sunčanih dana i raznovrsnoj mediteranskoj vegetaciji. Hotel je udaljen svega 100 m od mora i u njegovoj neposrednoj blizini se nalazi 7 km dugačko šetalište 5 Danica sa brojnim restoranima, prodavnicama i suvenir šopovima.Kapacitet je 367 ležaja raspoređenih u Standard i Superior sobama a hotel raspolaže restoranom, mini wellness centrom, TV salom i ljetnjom terasom.
HOTEL LIGHTHOUSE Norveška 2 • 85 347 Igalo Herceg Novi • Crna Gora • Montenegro tel : +382 (0)31 331- 615 • fax: +382 (0)31 331- 614
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Let's meet in Montenegro! Whether you are looking for ideal space for congress, business meeting, private event or a wedding, with its modern, perfectly decorated meeting space expanding over an area of 500 sq m Falkensteiner Hotel Montene gro provides the ideal venue for various types of events. Hotel Falkensteiner Montenegro and the unique setting with Mediterranean flair, excellent cuisine and dedicat ed staff will ensure that you and your guests have an amazing event. Offering a wide range of event venues and facilities for up to 200 guests, located near histori cal city of Budva, just 25 km from airport in Tivat, hotel Falkensteiner Montenegro will provide an unforgettable experience.
Nadimo se u Crnoj Gori! Bilo da tražite idealan prostor za kongres, poslovni sa stanak, privatni događaj ili vjenčanje, sa svojim mo dernim i savršeno uređenim prostorom za sastanke koji se prostire na površini od preko 500 m2, hotel Falke nsteiner Montenegro predstavlja idealno mjesto za sa stanke i konferencije svih vrsta. Jedinstveno okruženje koje odiše Mediteranom, odlična kuhinja i posvećeno osoblje obezbijediće da vi i vaši gosti imate nezabora van događaj. Nudeći višenamjenske sale za sastanke i banket sadržaje za održavanje događaja do 200 gostiju, smešten u blizini istorijskog grada Budve, na samo 25 km od aerodroma u Tivtu, hotel Falkensteiner Monte negro pružiće nezaboravno iskustvo za vas i vaše goste.
Our event team is looking forward to welcoming you! Naš event tim vas očekuje!
Welcome home
Tekst i Foto: Stefan Mojse
Mnogim putnicima je san i želja da obiđu jugoistočnu Aziju, koja predstavlja pravo lice najvećeg kontinenta na svetu. Tako smo se i mi odlučili da obiđemo ovaj deo Azije, ali u periodu pandemije korona virusa. Iako su nas mnogi ubeđivali da odustanemo od ovakvog putovanja, mi smo se kao pravi putoholičari odlučili da ipak obiđemo Vijetnam, Kambodžu i Bangkok, glavni grad Tajlanda.
UNDER A MASK INTO THE WORLD Many travelers have a dream and a desire to visit Southeast Asia, which is the true face of the largest continent in the world. So we decided to visit this part of Asia, but during the coronary virus pandemic. Although many people tried to persuade us to give up this kind of travel, we, as true travel addicts, we didn’t give up our plan to visit Vietnam, Cambodia and Bangkok, the capital of Thailand.
Prva stanica južni Vijetnam i višemilionski grad Ho Ši Min. Još po sletanju na aerodrom dočekao nas je temperaturni šok, odnosno 40 stepeni u martu mesecu, a napuštali smo Srbiju u jakni i temperaturi od 10 stepeni, ali takođe i birokratsko vađenje vize i čekanje u redovima. Prvo smo na jedan šalter predali dokumenta za vize koje smo sredili kod kuće, a to je pozivno pismo i 2 fotografije, dok smo troškove viziranja, odnosno 25 dolara u apoenima ne starijim od 2006. godine predali na drugi šalter, a zatim nas je dočekala gužva na trećem šalteru gde smo konačno prešli carinu i ušli u najmnogoljudniji grad Vijetnama.
Our first stop was South Vietnam and the multimillion Ho Chi Minh City. As soon as we landed at the airport, we were greeted by a temperature shock, i.e. 40 degrees in March. We had left Serbia with jackets on at a temperature of 10 degrees and we had to wait in lines to finish the bureaucratic visa procedure. We first handed over the documents for visas that we had arranged at home at one counter. It was an invitation letter and 2 photos. The $ 25 in denominations not older than 2006, i.e. the visa fee, we had to pay at another counter only to join the crowd at the third counter where we finally went through customs and entered Vietnam’s most populous city.
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Hô Chí Minh is the largest city in Vietnam. According to the data from 2019, there are about 9 million inhabitants in the city, although it is estimated that the actual number of inhabitants is 13 million. The city is located on the banks of the Saigon River in the Mekong River Delta, about 60 km from the South China Sea and 1760 km south of Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam.
Grad Ho Ši Min (vij. Hô Chí Minh) je najveći grad Vijetnama. U gradu je prema podacima iz 2019. živelo oko 9 miliona stanovnika, iako se procenjuje da je stvarni broj stanovnika 13 miliona. Grad se nalazi na obali reke Sajgon u delti reke Mekong, oko 60 km od Južnokineskog mora i 1760 km južno od Hanoja, glavnog grada Vijetnama.
The city named Prey Nokor was the main port of Cambodia, until it was taken over by the Vietnamese in the 17th century. Under the name Saigon, it was the capital of the French colony of Kohinhin and the later independent state of South Vietnam from 1955 to April 30, 1975. The city was the capital of South Vietnam from 1954 to 1975, when it was occupied by North Vietnam and changed its name to Ho Chi Minh City, after the late communist leader of North Vietnam, whom the Vietnamese still respect today and whose character and work can be found in every corner of the city, but also in the entire country. Although many will think that this city is the embodiment of poverty in every sense, this is not true at all. It has much to offer tourist thanks to its long and rich historical heritage. Vietnam was under the direct influence of China for more than 1000 years. This is how Buddhism was transmitted and why there are a lot of Buddhist temples, i.e. pagodas, even though the Vietnamese people today are 100% atheists. Also, the Vietnamese have taken over the modesty and the way of life from the Chinese, which adds to the confusion of the Westerners. However, the French who ruled Vietnam until 1954 passed on Catholicism, the style of construction, as well as the most delicious spicy Ban Mi sandwich, which is made in a French baguette with the addition of the inevitable coriander.
Grad je po imenu Prej Nokor bio glavna luka Kambodže, sve dok ga u 17. veku nisu preoteli Vijetnamci. Pod imenom Sajgon bio je glavni grad francuske kolonije Kohinhina i kasnije nezavisne države Južni Vijetnam u razdoblju od 1955. do 30. aprila 1975. Grad je bio glavni grad Južnog Vijetnama od 1954. do 1975, kada ga je zauzeo Severni Vijetnam i promenjeno mu je ime u Ho Ši Min, po preminulom komunističkom vođi Severnog Vijetnama koga Vijetnamci i dan danas poštuju i čiji lik i delo se nalazi u svakom kutku grada, ali i celokupne države. Iako će mnogi pomisliti kako je ovaj grad oličenje siromaštva u svakom smislu, kako turističkom, tako i u materijalnom, to uopšte nije tačno, duga istorija ostavila je mnogo tragova. Vijetnam je više od 1000 godina bio pod uticajem Kine, koja im je prenela budizam, pa ne treba da nas čudi što ima puno budističkih hramova, odnosno pagoda, iako su 100% ateisti. Takođe, neku skromnost i način života preuzeli su od Kineza, ali mnogi bi Vijetnamce pomešali i po izgledu sa Kinezima. Međutim i Francuzi koji su vladali Vijetnamom do 1954. preneli su im katoličanstvo, stil gradnje, kao i najukusniji pikantni sendvič Ban Mi, koji se pravi u francuskom bagetu sa dodatkom neizostavnog korijandera.
The strongest impression that we had, however, was left by the war museum, as well as the Ku Chi tunnels, which date from the period of the Vietnam War, when the communist North Vietnam fought against the democratic South Vietnam. This war lasted from 1955 to 1975 and is considered the “A Proxy War”, one of several that occurred during the Cold War between the United States and its Western allies on the one side, and the Soviet Union and / or the People’s Republic of China ( another similar war was fought in Korea) on the other. The proxy wars took place because the most important players - the United States and the Soviet Union - were reluctant to fight each other directly because of the unacceptable price - a possible nuclear war.
Najveći pečat na nas je ipak ostavio muzej rata, kao i Ku Či tuneli koji datiraju iz perioda Vijetnamskog rata kada su se sa jedne strane borili komunistički Severni Vijetnam i demokratski Južni Vijetnam. Ovaj rat je trajao od 1955. do 1975. godine i smatra se kao „zastupnički rat“, jedan od nekoliko koji su se dogodili tokom Hladnog rata između SAD i njenih zapadnih saveznika sa jedne strane, i Sovjetskog Saveza i/ili Narodne Republike Kine (još jedan sličan rat se vodio u Koreji). Zastupnički ratovi su se dešavali jer su najvažniji igrači - posebno SAD i SSSR - bili nevoljni da se direktno bore jedni protiv drugih zbog neprihvatljive cene mogućeg nuklearnog rata.
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The Ku Chi Tunnels form a tunnel system that served the Vietnamese to defend themselves against American forces in the war. The original length of these tunnels was over 200 km, but only 120 km have been preserved so far. They housed a hospital, a kitchen, bedrooms, a meeting room, and an arsenal of weapons. Vietnam is known for its greenery and forests that are rich in flora and fauna, as well as in water. The most beautiful trip we had there was a visit to the Mekong Delta. This is the longest river in Indochina, the 4th largest in Asia and the 9th in the world. It originates in China and passes through several countries in Asia, and flows into the South China Sea not far from Ho Chi Minh City. The trip included a boat cruise across the river, but also a boat ride through one of the estuaries of this river, where water coconut palms grow and which we could buy on the river. We had a traditional fish lunch with rice there, as well as “snake” wine that only the bravest dared to try.
Ku Či tuneli predstavljaju sistem tunela koji je služio Vijetnamcima za odbranu od američkih snaga u ratu. Prvobitna dužina tih tunela je bila preko 200 km, ali je samo 120 km do sada sačuvano. U njima se nalazila bolnica, kuhinja, spavaće sobe, sala za sastanke, i arsenal oružja. Vijetnam je poznat po zelenilu i šumama koje su bogate florom i faunom, kao i bogatsvom voda. Najlepši izlet koji smo doživeli je poseta delti reke Mekong. Ova voda je najduža reka Indokine, 4. po veličini u Aziji i 9. na svetu. Izvire u Kini i prolazi kroz nekoliko zemalja Azije, a uliva se u Južnokinesko more nedaleko od Ho Ši Mina. Izlet je obuhvatao krstarenje brodom niz reku, ali i vožnju čamcem kroz jedan od estuara ove reke, dok se uzdižu palme vodenog kokosa, koje smo mogli i da kupimo na reci. Neizostavan je bio i riblji ručak sa dodatkom pirinča, kao i ‘’zmijsko’’ vino koje su se usudili da probaju samo najhrabriji.
After spending a few days in Ho Chi Minh City, we went to the central Vietnam, where we visited the smaller city of Hoi An, as well as the imperial city of Hue. Hoi An is a typical seaside town where most of the buildings were built in the architectural style from the 19th and 20th centuries and are lined up in narrow streets of the traditional type on the north bank of the Tu Bon River. Streets that are parallel to the river, in the east-west direction, are intersected at right angles by smaller streets and alleys. Within this area there are houses (often together with shops), town houses (to honour sages, founders of settlements or crafts) and family cult houses (to honor ancestors), a ferry waterfront and an open market. The architecture of Hoi An is almost entirely made of wood and combines traditional Vietnamese design with those from other countries, primarily China and Japan, whose citizens immigrated and built houses and shops in the spirit of their traditions. There are also many religious buildings, such as pagodas (usually a square foundation with lavishly decorated roofs), temples, cathedrals, etc., which were created by the development of the port community. The wooden bridge of Chùa is connected to the Buddhist pagoda and leads to the Japanese quarter, and has the characteristics of Japanese art. Traditional way of life, religion, customs and cuisine can still be found in the Old Town where many traditional festivals are held every year.
Nakon provedenih nekoliko dana u metropoli Ho Ši Min, otišli smo u centralni Vijetnam, gde smo obišli manji grad Hoi An, kao i carski grad Hue. Hoi An je pravi primorski grad gde je većina građevina podignuta u arhitektonskom stilu iz 19. i 20. veka i nanizane su u uskim uličicama tradicionalnog tipa na severnoj obali reke Tu Bon. Ulice koje su paralelne uz reku, u smeru istok-zapad, su presečene pod pravim uglom manjim ulicama i alejama. Unutar ovog područja nalaze se kuće (često zajedno s trgovinama), gradske kuće (za poštovanje mudraca, osnivača naselja ili zanata) i porodične kultne kuće (za poštovanje predaka), trajektna riva i otvoreno trgovište. Arhitektura Hoi Ana je gotovo u potpunosti od drva i kombinuje tradicionalni vijetnamski dizajn s onima iz drugih zemalja, pre svega Kine i Japana, čiji su se građani doselili i izgradili kuće i trgovine u duhu svojih korena. Tu su i mnoge verske građevine, kao što su pagode (obično kvadratnog temelja s raskošno ukrašenim krovovima), hramovi, saborne dvorane, itd., koje su nastajale razvojem lučke zajednice. Drveni most Chùa cô u je spojen s budističkom pagodom i vodio je do japanske četvrti, te ima odlike japanske umetnosti. Tradicionalni način života, religije, običaja i kulinarstva su još uvek mogu naći u Starom gradu gde se se svake godine održavaju i mnogi tradicionalni festivali.
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Treba imati na umu da nas je sve vreme pratila korona, te smo osetili pozitivne, ali i negativne strane ove pandemije. Jedna od pozitivnih strana je smanjena gužva, odnosno svaku znamenitost smo mogli bez problema da posetimo i da obiđemo sve u mnogo kraćem roku nego kada je puno turista, naročito turista iz Kine. Ali negativna strana je bila otkazan izlet u gradu Hue, međutim, đavo ne da vraga, ipak smo se organizovali i posetili znamenitosti ovog grada.
It should be kept in mind that we were followed by the corona all the time, so we felt the positive and negative sides of this pandemic. One of the positive sides is the reduced crowds, that is, we could easily visit and see every landmark in a much shorter time than when there are a lot of tourists, especially those from China. But the downside was the canceled trip to the city of Hue. However, in spite of this we managed to get to the city and we visited its sights. Hue was the imperial capital of Vietnam in the period 18021945. The city is known for its historical monuments, which render it a World Heritage Site. Thirteen emperors from the Nuen dynasty ruled from the citadel on the right bank of the River of Scent. Inside the citadel was a forbidden city in which access was allowed only to the chosen ones. Nearby are the tombs of several Vietnamese emperors, as well as the Tian Mu Pagoda from 1601, a symbol of the city. Hue je bio carska prestonica Vijetnama u periodu 1802-1945. Grad je poznat po istorijskim spomenicima po kojima je svrstan na listu Svetske baštine. Trinaest careva iz dinastije Nujen vladali su iz citadele na desnoj obali Reke mirisa. Unutar citadele se nalazio zabranjeni grad u kome je pristup bio dozvoljen samo odabranima. U blizini su grobovi više vijetnamskih careva, kao i Tjen Mu pagoda iz 1601, simbol grada. Centralni Vijetnam je ostavio pravi utisak nekadašnje carske Azije bez gužve, velike trgovine i puteva bez staze za pešake, ali dolaskom u glavni grad Hanoj, sve se to vratilo pa čak i korona.
Th central Vietnam leaves the true impression of the former tsarist Asia without traffic jams, large shops and roads without pedestrian paths, but when we arrived in the capital Hanoi, it all came back and even the corona virus situation. One of the oldest cities in Southeast Asia, founded in 1010 under the name Tang Long (Thăng Long - a rising dragon). In 1802, the capital of Vietnam was transferred to the city of Hue, but Hanoi remained the dominant center of the north of the country. Since 1831, it has had its present name meaning “a city between rivers”, although the old one is in unofficial use. From 1883 to 1945, Hanoi was the governing center of the French colony of French Indochina. It has been the capital of a united Vietnam since 1976. What amazed us the most was the way of life of the inhabitants of Hanoi, namely, their life on the street. We passed through narrow streets with narrow and densely built buildings on the side, and on the road, there were millions of motorcycles riding among people who cooked, ate and slept there. The most impressive scene was a barber shop in the middle of the street with customers waiting in a long queue.
Jedan je od najstarijih gradova jugoistočne Azije, osnovan 1010. pod imenom Tang Long (Thăng Long - zmaj koji se uzdiže). Godine 1802. prestonica Vijetnama je prebačena u grad Hue, ali je Hanoj ostao dominantan centar severa zemlje. Od 1831. nosi današnje ime u značenju grad između reka, mada je i staro u nezvaničnoj upotrebi. Hanoj je od 1883. do 1945. bio upravljački centar francuske kolonije Francuska Indokina. Glavni je grad ujedinjenog Vijetnama od 1976. godine. Ono što nas je začudilo najviše je način života stanovnika Hanoja, a to je život na ulici. Prolaskom kroz uske ulice sa uskim i gustim zgradama sa strane, a na putu motori i ljudi koji kuvaju, jedu i spavaju. Najupečatljivija scena je berbernica na sred ulice gde se čekao red za brijanje.
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Not far from Hanoi, there is an archipelago in the South China Sea with more than 3,000 islands, caves and sea rocks. Unfortunately, we did not see that because the day before our arrival in this bay, a group of people were tested positive for COVID-19. From that moment on, we started wearing masks and disinfecting our hands more often. It should be noted that the Vietnamese are very careful when it comes to diseases, they constantly wear masks, but they also disinfect and wash their hands, especially when they enter an enclosed space. Also, we met with the temperature measurement for the first time, that is, when entering an enclosed space, they pointed a “gun” to our foreheads, measuring the body temperature in a few seconds.
Nedaleko od Hanoja, nalazi se i kompleks ostrva u Južnomkineskom moru koji obuhvata više od 3000 ostrva, pećina i morskog stenja. Nažalost, to nismo videli jer je dan pre našeg dolaska u ovaj zaliv otkrivena grupa ljudi koja je pozitivna na COVID-19. Od tog momenta počeli smo češće da nosimo masku i dezinfikujemo ruke. Trebalo bi napomenuti kako su Vijetnamci vrlo oprezni kada su u pitanju bolesti, stalno nose maske, ali dezinfikuju i peru ruke, naročito kad ulaze u zatvoreni prostor. Takođe, tu smo se prvi put susreli sa merenjem temperature, odnosno pri ulasku u neki zatvoreni prostor prislanjali su nam na čelo ‘’pištolj’’ koji za nekoliko sekundi pokaže telesnu temperaturu. Svakim danom sve više su bili oprezniji kad je korona u pitanju. Prilikom obilaska mauzoleja predsednika Ho Ši Mina, prošli smo kroz temperaturni skener, a maska je bila obavezna, međutim oduvek su ovde bile velike mere opreza, odnosno vojnici danonoćno čuvaju balzamovog predsednika od njegove smrti 1969. godine. Posetom mauzoleju, predsedničkoj palati, kao i njegovoj kući, tačno smo osetili kako se nalazimo u socijalističkoj, odnosno komunističkoj državi.
Every day they were more and more careful regarding the corona situation. During the tour of the mausoleum of President Ho Chi Minh, we went through a temperature scanner, and a mask was mandatory, but there had always been great precautions there. Namely, soldiers have been guarding the President’s balm day and night since his death in 1969. Our visit to the mausoleum, the presidential palace, as well as his house, made us realise that we were in a socialist or a communist state.
Another interesting attraction in Hanoi is certainly the railway with restaurants and cafes alongside of it, but to get to a cafe, you have to go through someone’s house, because the police patrol along the railway and do not allow anyone to approach. The real meaning of this attraction is the train passing right next to you as you sip Vietnamese coffee with whipped egg whites or drink cold Vietnamese beer. After bargaining at the Hanoi market and buying cheap T-shirts, sneakers and fridge magnets, we set off for Cambodia.
Još jedna zanimljiva atrakcija u Hanoju je svakako pruga uz koju se nalaze restorani i kafići, ali da bi došli do nekog kafića, morate proći kroz nečiju kuću, jer policajci patroliraju duž pruge i ne dozvoljavaju nikome da se približi. Pravi smisao ove atrakcije je voz koji prolazi tik pored vas dok pijete vijetnamsku kafu s ulupanim belancetom ili hladno vijetnamsko pivo. Nakon cenkanja na pijaci Hanoja i kupovinom jeftinih majica, patika i magneta krenuli smo na put ka Kambodži.
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Po polasku za Kambodžu saznali smo da Vijetnam zatvara granice za sve evropske zemlje. Pomislili smo tada da smo se spasili, pošto je situacija sa brojem zaraženih u Kambodži bila mnogo bolja u odnosu na Vijetnam. Sada tek shvatam zašto smo videli poslednjeg dana u Hanoju natpis da ne uslužuju strance.
Upon departure for Cambodia, we learned that Vietnam is closing its borders to passangers for all European countries. We thought then that we were saved, since the situation with the number of infected people in Cambodia was much better than in Vietnam. It is only now I just understand why we saw an inscription that they do not serve foreigners on the last day in Hanoi. On the plane from Vietnam to Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia, we received a paper with a medical questionnaire that we had to fill out in case we ended up in quarantine. We have already been a little frightened, as we were entering one of the poorest countries in Asia. The country, which has been in transition for the last 25 years and is implementing economic reforms, has opened up to the West and foreign investments thus depening on donations and assistance from international humanitarian and political organizations. The civil war in Cambodia in the late seventies, the political and bloody genocide of the communist regime of the Khmer Rouge and the leaders, murderers, revolutionaries, dictator Pol Pot, resulted in the death of 2 million of the then 7.5 million inhabitants of Cambodia.
Još u avionu od Vijetnama do Pnom Pena, glavnog grada Kambodže dobili smo zdravstveni papir koji smo trebali da popunimo u slučaju da završimo u karantinu. Tu nas je već malo obuzela jeza, pošto ulazimo u jednu od najsiromašnijih država Azije. Zemlja koja je u poslednjih 25 godina u tranziciji i sprovodi ekonomske reforme, otvorila se ka Zapadu i stranim investicijama i koja je zavisila od donacija i pomoći međunarodnih humanitarnih i političkih organizacija. Građanski rat u Kambodži, politički i krvavi genocid komunističkog režima Crvenih Kmera i lidera, ubice, revolucionara, diktatora Pola Pota, od 1975. do 1979. za posledicu je imalo smrt od 2 miliona od tadašnjih 7,5 miliona stanovnika Kambodže.
Svega nekoliko osoba iz Crvenih Kmera je krivično odgovaralo i bilo osuđeno za smrt i ubistva dva miliona muškaraca, žena i dece, nedužnih ljudi i civila, kako na Poljima smrti, tako i u zatvoru S 21 za „političke protivnike i osuđenike”, a neretko su i oni koji su bili u Crvenim Kmerima bili ubijani. Danas je zatvor S 21, kao i Polje smrti, otvoreno za turiste kao opomena šta čovek može da uradi čoveku i da se nikada tako nešto ne ponovi. Prilikom obilaska zatvora i polja cela grupa je saosećala sa ovim mestima. Bilo nam je nemoguće zamisliti da se to desilo baš ovde, pošto su nam svi Kambodžanci delovali kao srećni i nasmejani ljudi. Pretpostavljam da oni nemaju gen mržnje prema drugim ljudima i da su oprostili prošlost.
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Only a few Khmer Rouge people were prosecuted and convicted of the deaths and murders of two million men, women and children, innocent people and civilians, both in the Fields of Death and in S 21 Prison for “political opponents and convicts”. Quite and often those who were in the Khmer Rouge were killed, as well. Today, the S 21 Prison, as well as the Field of Death, is open to tourists as a warning of what a man can do to a man and that something like this should never happen again. During the tour of the prison and the field, the whole group sympathized with the victims of these places. It was impossible for us to imagine that it happened right here, since all Cambodians seemed like happy and smiling people to us. I guess they don’t have the gene for hatred towards other people and have forgiven the past. 61
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Pnom Pen pored tragične istorije ima da ponudi i neku pozitivnu stranu turistima, a to je lepo uređen centar, kao i velelepnu Kraljevsku palatu koja je izrazito bogato ukrašena. Kambodžanci se jako ponose svojim kraljem, koji ulaže u izgradnju države. Trebam da napomenu da slika velelepnog grada ipak nije pravo lice Kambodže. Iza ogromnih zgrada sa led ekranima nalazi se prava Kambodža, gde ljudi spavaju, jedu, kuvaju na ulici, bez kuće, u neasfaltiranim ulicama. Dolaskom u Kambodžu dočekala nas je i vest da je Republika Srbija uvela vanredno stanje i da počinje polako da se zatvara. Mi smo mislili da od toga neće biti ništa pa smo nastavili sa našim putovanjem, čak smo dobili i informaciju da svi koji se vraćaju u domovinu idu u kućnu samoizolaciju na 14 dana.
In addition to its tragic history, Phnom Penh has to offer to tourists a positive side, too. There is a beautifully designed centre, as well as the magnificent Royal Palace, which is extremely richly decorated. Cambodians are very proud of their king, who invests in building the state. I should mention that the image of the magnificent city is not the real face of Cambodia. Behind the huge buildings with led screens is the real Cambodia, where homeless people sleep, eat, cook on the unpaved streets. Arriving in Cambodia, we were greeted by the news that the Republic of Serbia has introduced a state of emergency and is slowly starting to close down. Still, we thought that none of that would last, so we continued our journey, we even received information that everyone who returns to their homeland goes to home self-isolation for 14 days.
Nakon nekoliko dana provedenih u Pnom Penu, odlučili smo da obiđemo i Siem Rep, zbog najvećeg kompleksa Angkor Vat, ali put do Siem Repa nije bio nimalo lak, tačnije za 300 km autobusom nam je trebalo 8 sati. Put neravan, negde i bez asfalta, samo crvena glina i zemlja. Naravno, mere opreza su i ovde na nivou, ali manjeg obima nego u Vijetnamu. Prilikom ulaska u autobus svakom se meri telesna temperatura, meni je bila izmerena 38,1 te je naš vodič dobio napad panike, ali i devojka koje je merila temperaturu. Međutim, bila je lažna uzbuna, merač nije bio ispravan.
After a few days spent in Phnom Penh, we decided to visit Siem Reap, because of the largest complex Angkor Wat, but the road to Siem Reap was not easy at all, more precisely, to cover 300 km by bus it took us 8 hours. The road is uneven, somewhere without asphalt, only red clay and earth. Of course, the precautionary measures are at a high level there, too, but on a smaller scale than in Vietnam. When entering the bus, everyone’s body temperature was measured, mine was 38.1, so our guide had a panic attack, as did the girl who measured the temperature. However, it was a false alarm, the gadget was not set up correctly.
Siem Rep je lep manji grad gde možete uživati u azijskoj hrani, ali i burgerima od krokodila. Mi smo našli i pržene tarantule koje smo ipak preskočili. Ukoliko probate tarantule i ostale pržene insekte fotografisanje je besplatno, ako želite samo da fotografišete morate da platite 1 dolar. Mi smo ipak probali da jedemo njihova pikantna jela sa karijem, piletinom i pirinčem.
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Siem Reap is a beautiful small town where you can enjoy Asian food, but also crocodile burgers. We also found fried tarantulas which we skipped, though. If you try tarntula and other fried insects, you can take photos free, but if you only want to take photos, you have to pay 1 dollar. The dishes we tried to eat were their spicy dishes with curry, chicken and rice. 62
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Obišli smo čuveni Angkor Vat koji predstvalja najveću versku građevinu na svetu. Sagrađen je u doba kralja Surjavarmana II početkom 12. veka kao državni hram. Kroz celu svoju istoriju zadržao je religijsku namenu. Prvobitno je bio hinduistički hram posvećen bogu Višnuu, a kasnije je postao budistički. Angkor Vat simbolizuje vrhunac klasičnog stila arhitekture iz doba Kmerskog carstva. Hram je postao simbol Kambodže i pojavljuje se na državnoj zastavi. Predstavlja glavnu turističku atrakciju zemlje i nalazi se na UNESCO-voj listi svetske kulturne baštine.
We visited the famous Angkor Wat, which is the largest religious building in the world. It was built in the time of King Suryavarman II as a state temple at the beginning of the 12th century. Throughout its history, it has retained its religious purpose. It was originally a Hindu temple dedicated to the god Vishnu, and later became a Buddhist temple. Angkor Wat symbolizes the culmination of the classical style of architecture from the times of Khmer Empire. The temple has become a symbol of Cambodia and appears on the national flag. It is the main tourist attraction of the country and is on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
Nakon obilaska Angkor Vata, vratili smo se u hotel gde su nas dočekale vesti da je Republika Severna Makedonija zatvorila aerodrom u Skoplju, a Evropska Unija zatvorila granice za državljanje izvan EU. Te vesti su počele polako da utiču i na naš moral, pa smo počeli polako da brinemo šta će biti ako i Srbija zatvori aerodrome. Međutim mi smo ipak nastavili putovanje i krenuli prema Tajlandu, odnosno da obiđemo glavni grad Bangkok.
After visiting Angkor Wat, we returned to the hotel where we learnt the news that the Republic of Northern Macedonia had closed the airport in Skopje, and the European Union had closed the borders for citizens of non- EU countries. That news slowly began to affect our morale, so we slowly began to worry about what would happen if Serbia closed its airports as well. However, we continued our journey and headed for Thailand, in order to visit its capital, Bangkok.
Dolaskom u Bangkok bili smo bliže kući i završetku našeg programa, ali kako su dani prolazili mi smo mislili da smo sve dalji, pošto zdravstvena situacija nije bila baš najsjajnija na Tajlandu, a u Srbiji još gora po broju zaraženih od COVID-19. Gupa Makedonaca se već pomirila da će ostaiti zaglavljeni na Tajlandu, pošto im je aerodrom zatvoren, a Srbija koja im je bila polazna tačka je zatvorila granice za sve, pa čak i državljane Srbije. Međutim, mi smo bili u uverenju da se naš aerodrom neće zatvoriti pa smo se opustili i krenuli u obilazak Bangkoka. Bangkok (zvanično taj. Krung Thep Mahanakhon) je glavni grad kraljevine Tajland od 1782. godine. U široj regiji Bangkoka, najvećoj urbanoj konglomeraciji u Tajlandu, živi ukupno 14,566 miliona stanovnika. Grad se nalazi na istočnoj obali reke Čao Praja nedaleko od Tajlandskog zaliva. Jedan od ekonomsko najdinamičnijih i socijalno progresivnih gradova jugoistočne Azije. Međutim, zbog korone, nije delovao da je toliko dinamičan, možda po saobraćaju gde se vozi levom stranom, ali i tuk-tukom koji može da vas odvede za male pare u obilazak celog grada.
Arriving in Bangkok, we were closer to home and to the end of our program, but as the days went by, we thought we were moving further away, since the health situation was not the best in Thailand, and it was even worse in Serbia as the number of people killed by COVID-19 showed. A group of Macedonians have already reconciled with the fact that they will remain stuck in Thailand, since their airport was closed, and Serbia, which was their starting point, closed its borders for everyone, even the citizens of Serbia. However, we were convinced that our airport would not close after all, so we relaxed and went on a tour of Bangkok. Bangkok (officially Krung Thep Mahanakhon) has been the capital of the Kingdom of Thailand since 1782. The wider region of Bangkok, the largest urban conglomeration in Thailand, has a total population of 14.566 million. The city is located on the east bank of the Chao Phraya River not far from the Gulf of Thailand. It is one of the most economically dynamic and socially progressive cities in Southeast Asia. However, because of the corona situation, it didn’t seem to be so dynamic., The traffic on the left side and the famous tuk-tuks can take you for a small tour of the whole city.
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There are over 400 watts (Buddhist temples) in the city. One of the most significant is the temple of Fra Kaeo (Wat Fra Sri Ratana Satsadaram), which houses a statue of the Emerald Buddha, highly esteemed and revered throughout the country.
The great palace for which we set aside more than an hour to see all its luxury, the Wat Fo Temple (Wat Vra Chefufon), one of the largest and oldest in Bangkok as well as the Wat Mahatat Temple, and one of the largest Buddhist universities in Southeast Asia, the Wat Fra Kaeo Temple “Ko Ratanakosin” (Ko = island), is the historical center of the city. In Bangkok, there is the Thai National Museum, the National Gallery, the National Library of Thailand and the Bangkok National Theater.
U gradu se nalazi preko 400 vatova (budističkih hramova). Jedan od najznačajnijih je hram Vat Fra Kaeo (Vat Fra Sri Ratana Satsadaram), u kojem se nalazi kip Smaragdni Buda, vrlo cenjen i poštovan širom zemlje. Velika palata za koju smo izdvojili više od sat vremena zbog raskoši, hram Vat Fo (Vat Vra Četufon), jedan od najvećih i najstarijih u Bangkoku kao i hramom Vat Mahatat, te jedan od najvećih budističkih univerziteta Jugoistočne Azije, hram Vat Fra Kaeo na ostrvu „Ko Ratanakosin“ (Ko = ostrvo), čine istorijski centar grada.
U Bangkoku se nalazi u tajlandski nacionalni muzej, nacionalna galerija, nacionalna biblioteka Tajlanda i nacionalno pozorište Bangkok. Dodatak za turiste koje posećuju Bangkok je svakako i ploveća pijaca, gde se trguje u čamcima na reci, ali i voz pijaca, odnosno tezge se nalaze tik uz prugu i kada voz treba da prođe, sve tezge se pomeraju sklanjaju. Čim voz prođe sve se vraća na staro i trgovina može da se nastavi. Mi zbog trenutne situacije nismo obišli ploveću i voz pijacu. Nakon obilaska prestonice Tajlanda, u hotelu nas je dočekala vest da Srbija zatvara aerodrom u Beogradu za sve komercijalne letove, a trebalo je da krenemo nazad sutradan.
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An attraction for tourists visiting Bangkok is certainly the floating market, where trade is done on boats on the river. There is also the market train, where the stalls are located right next to the railway and when the train needs to pass, all the stalls are moved. As soon as the train passes, everything returns to normal and the trade can continue. Sadly, due to the corona situation, we did not visit neither of the market. After touring the capital of Thailand, at the hotel, we heard the news that Serbia is closing the airport in Belgrade for all commercial flights, and we were supposed to leave the next day. 64
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Počela je da nas hvata panika i shvatili smo da ne možemo da se vratimo kući i da nam avionske karte više ne vrede. Trebali smo da putujemo od Bangkoka do Dohe (Katar), gde smo presedali, pa od Dohe do Beograda. Beograd je zatvorio aerodrom, a Katar ne prima strane državljane i ako nemamo konačno odredište ne možemo da se ukrcamo na avion iz Bangkoka za Dohu. Naravno, nismo imali konačno odredište. Odlučili smo da ostanemo u istom hotelu i da se saberemo i smislimo plan kako da se vratimo. Situacija na Tajlandu je bila sve gora i gora, počeli su polako da se zatvaraju restorani i da rade samo dostavu. Došli smo do plana da napustimo Bangkok i uputimo se na ostrvo Koh Samui. Turistička agencija nam je izašla u susret po pitanju smeštaja. Međutim sutradan smo došli do novog plana, odnosno kako bi bili što bliže Evropi odlučili smo se da krenemo iz Bangkoka, preko Dohe u Istanbul (Turska), a posle? Da li će doći po nas neki od humanitarnih letova koje organizuje Srbija ili ćemo ostati u Istanbulu dok ne prođe sve?
We started to panic and we realized that we could not return home and that our plane tickets were no longer valid. We were supposed to travel from Bangkok to Doha (Qatar), where we would change planes, then from Doha to Belgrade. Belgrade had closed the airport, and Qatar did not accept foreign citizens, and without the final destination, we could not board a plane from Bangkok to Doha. Of course, we didn’t have a final destination. We decided to stay in the same hotel and pull ourselves together and come up with a plan on how to get back home. The situation in Thailand was getting worse and worse, restaurants began to close and only delivery was done. We came up with a plan to leave Bangkok and head to Koh Samui Island. The travel agency was very helpful regarding accommodation. However, the next day we made a new plan. Namely, in order to get as close as possible to Europe, we decided to leave Bangkok, via Doha for Istanbul (Turkey). And then? Would some of the humanitarian flights organized by Serbia pick us up or would we have to stay in Istanbul until everything is over?
Dolaskom na aerodrom u Bangkoku dočekala nas je gužva, svi su želeli da napuste Tajland pošto smo dobili informaciju da se zatvaraju granice. Čekali smo više od 2 sata u redu za čekiranje, da bi nam rekli kako ne možemo da se ukrcamo pošto Turska ne primam strane državljane. Međutim, mi smo insistirali da se kontaktira predstvanik Qatar Airways u Turskoj. Nakon pola sata dobili smo odgovor da ipak možemo da se ukrcamo na let za Istanbul preko Dohe, pošto Turska nije zatvorila granice za državljane Srbije. Nažalost, Makedonci koji su pošli sa nama ostali su pošto njima nije bilo dozvoljeno.
When we arrived at the airport in Bangkok, there was a huge crowd, everyone wanted to leave Thailand after the information that the borders were being closed. We queued for more than 2 hours to check-in, to be told that we could not board because Turkey does not accept foreign nationals. However, we insisted on contacting a Qatar Airways representative in Turkey. After half an hour, we received the answer that we could still board a flight to Istanbul via Doha, since Turkey did not close the borders for Serbian citizens. Unfortunately, the Macedonians who came with us stayed because they were not allowed to enter Turkey.
Kada smo ušli u avion osetili smo olakšanje, ali pošto je let trajao više od 7 sati, bojali smo se da ćemo ostati zaglavljeni u Dohi, jer će Turska možda u međuvremenu zatvoriti granice za sve. Dolaskom u Dohu, sačekao nas je predstavnik Qatar Airways-a koji nam je objasnio da ne idemo u Istanbul, već da stiže po nas avion Air Serbia i vodi nas kući za Beograd ali tek sutradan. Iako smo dobili vode i hrane, kao i ćebad, noć je bila duga i mislili smo da avion ipak neće doći po nas, pošto nije bio najavljen. Ipak, posle više od 15 sati provedenih na aerodromu konačno je sleteo avion Air Serbia. Dolaskom u Beograd humanitarnim letom koji je organizovala Republika Srbije, dobili smo rešenje o kućnoj samoizolaciji na 28 dana. Avantura koju ćemo svi dobro zapamtiti, ali vredelo je!
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Iako smo dobili vode i hrane, kao i ćebad, noć je bila duga i mislili smo da avion ipak neće doći po nas, pošto nije bio najvaljan. Ipak, posle više od 15 sati provedenih na aerodromu konačno je sleteo avion Air Serbia. Dolaskom u Beograd humanitarnim letom koji je organizovala Republika Srbije, dobili smo rešenje o kućnoj samoizolaciji na 28 dana. Avantura koju ćemo svi dobro zapamtiti, ali vredelo je! When we got on the plane, we felt relief, but since the flight lasted more than 7 hours, we were afraid that we would be stuck in Doha, because Turkey might close the borders for everyone in the meantime. Arriving in Doha, we were met by a representative of Qatar Airways who explained that we were not going to Istanbul, but that an Air Serbia plane was coming to pick us up and take us home to Belgrade, but not before the next day. Although we got water and food, as well as blankets, the night was long and we thought that the plane would not come to pick us up, since it was not announced. However, after more than 15 hours spent at the airport, the Air Serbia plane finally landed. When we arrived in Belgrade on a humanitarian flight organized by the Republic of Serbia, we received a state order to be in home self-isolation for 28 days. An adventure that we will not forget in a hurry, but the one that was definitely worth it!
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U podnožju Vršačkog gorja, nalazi se Vršac, grad raskošne lepote, burne prošlosti, bogate kulturne tradicije, živopisne okoline, prirodnih lepota, grožđa i vina. Kulturno-istorijska zdanja kao što su Dvor Eparhije banatske, Gradska kuća, katolička Crkva Svetog Gerharda, Apoteka na stepenicama... nose posebne priče u sebi. Rodni grad oca srpske drame Jovana Sterije Popovića, slikara Paje Jovanovića, šahovskog velemajstora Bore Kostića i mnogih drugih koji su ovaj grad ubeležili na svetsku kulturnu mapu. Vršački breg na kojem dominira, simbol grada, Vršačka kula, idealan je za ljubitelje extremnih sportova kao što su paraglajding, brdski biciklizam, friklajmbing… Pod bregom su nepregledne plantaže vinograda od kojih nastaje čuveno vršačko vino kao poseban brend ovog grada. Usko vezana za ovaj brend je najstarija i najveća manifestacija u Vršcu, „Dani berbe grožđa“ ili kako ga vrščani zovu „Grožđebal“ na kojem ljubitelji Bahusovog pića, svakog septembra, mogu uživati u slatkom grožđu, kvalitetnom vinu, ukusnim kobasicama uz bogat kulturno-umetnički program. Dobro došli u grad vetra, vina, tradicije, zabave i sporta - dobrodošli u Vršac! At the foot of the Vršac Mountains, there is Vršac, a city of magnificent beauty, turbulent past, rich cultural traditions, picturesque surroundings, natural beauties, grapes and wine. Cultural and historical buildings such as the Court of the Diocese of Banat, the City Hall, the Catholic Church of St. Gerhard, the Pharmacy on the Stairs ... carry special stories. The hometown of the father of Serbian drama, Jovan Sterija Popović, painter Paja Jovanović, chess grandmaster Bora Kostić and many others who have marked this city on the world cultural map. The dominant Vršac hill, with the symbol of the city, Vršac Tower, is ideal for fans of extreme sports such as paragliding, mountain biking, free climbing… Under the hill are endless vineyards from which the famous Vršac wine emerges as a special brand of this city. Closely related to this brand is the oldest and largest event in Vršac, “Days of Grape Harvest” or as the people of Vršac call it “Grape ball” where fans of Bacchus drink, every September, can enjoy sweet grapes, quality wine, delicious sausages with a rich cultural art program. Welcome to the city of wind, wine, tradition, entertainment and sports - welcome to Vrsac!
TURISTIČKA ORGANIZACIJA VRŠAC TOURIST ORGANIZATION VRŠAC +381 (0)13 832 430 / +381 (0)13 832 999 e-mail:
Muzej Žeravica
Glavaševa kuća
Slano kopovo
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Majkin salaš ETNO PARK - PALIĆ
U svom sastavu ima komforne sobe, restoran domaće kuhinje, seosko dvorište, ribnjak, ergelu velikih i poni konja, igralište za decu, muzej poljoprivrednih mašina, galeriju slika.....
Contains comfortable rooms, national restaurant, village garden, pond, stables of large horses and ponies, children's playground, Museum of Agricultural Machinery, Photo stablegallery.....
Tekst: Đorđe Mihajlović
Foto: Stojan Malić
Mount Athos - Gregory Monastery
JUST LIKE A MAGNIFICENT WHITE SHIP Manastir je osnovao Sveti Grigorije Sinaist još u 13.veku i on je prema nekim izvorima bio srpski monah. U manastiru su se od početka podvizivali i njime upravljali slovenski monasi da bi mnogo godina kasnije postao grčki
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The monastery was founded by Saint Gregory the Hesycast in the 13th century and according to some sources, he was a Serbian monk. At the beginning and for many years, Slavic monks fasted in the monastery and managed it. It became Greek many years later.
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Manastir Grigorijat na Svetoj Gori nalazi se na zapadnoj strani Atosa, južnije od glavne luke Dafni, na pravcu prema manastiru Dionizijat i oblasti Karulja na jugu. Brodovi nekoliko puta dnevno saobraćaju do Karulje koja je pustinjski deo poluostrva i tu se nalaze monaška staništa isposnice-hasikastrioni. Ovo su uglavnom kolibe ili još češće pećine i druga neudobna staništa. Ukoliko ste u okviru svog hodočašća planirali da posetite manastir Grigorijat, predlažemo vam da u jednom danu posetite i Dionizijat, kao i Simonopetru. Naime, Dionizijat je od Luke Dafni najudaljeniji kada plovite preme jugu i brodom bi bilo najbolje stići do ovog odredišta, a potom se peške vraćati prema Grigorijatu (oko 1,5 sati hoda), a na kraju do Simonopetre (još oko 2 sata). Nakon ovako provedenog dana bićete ponosni na svoju fizičku izdržljivost, a svetinje koje ste obišli duboko će vam se urezati u pamćenje. Meni je ovo bio šesti dan boravka na Atosu. Iza naše male grupe ostale su impresije o većini manastira, skitova i kelija, a za kraj je ostao srpski Hilandar, kao poslednji od 20 manastira koji ćemo obići na ovom hodočašču. Posle manastira Dionizojat, krenusmo po prašnjavom putu i vrelini ka sledećem odredištu.
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The monastery of St Gregory is located on the west side of Athos, south of the main port of Daphne, in the direction of the monastery of Dionysius and the area of Karulia in the south. Ships travel several times a day to Karulia, which is a desert part of the peninsula, and there are monastic habitats of hermitages-hasikastrioni. These are mostly huts or more often, caves and other uncomfortable habitats. If you have planned to visit the monastery of St Gregory as part of your pilgrimage, we suggest that you do your Dionysius and Simonopetra visits in one day. Namely, Dionysius is the furthest from the Port of Daphne when you sail towards the south and it would be best to reach this destination by boat, and then return on foot to St Gregory (about 1.5 hours walk), and finally to Simonopetra (about 2 more hours). After a day spent like this, you will be proud of your physical endurance, and the shrines you visited will be deeply etched in your memory. For me, this was the sixth day of my stay on Athos. Everybody in our small group shares deep impressions of most of the monasteries, hermitages and cells. In the end, and in the end, only the Serbian Hilandar remained, as the last of the 20 monasteries we visited on this pilgrimage. After the monastery of Dionysius, we set off on a dusty road and heat to the next destination. 71
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St Gregory looks sumptuous from the sea, much more beautiful than when you approach it from the side by a narrow land road from the monastery of Dionysius. It is built on a plateau just above the sea, so far from the open sea it looks like a big white ship sailing along the shore, and when you get closer to it, you have the impression that it is rising from the water. The place where it was built is fairytale-like, surrounded by greenery and cypress trees that are reflected in the blue of the sea.
Grigorijat s mora izgleda raskošno, mnogo lepše nego kada mu prilazite s boka kopnenim uskim putem od manastira Dionizijat. Podignut je na zaravni tik iznad mora pa daleko s pučine izgleda kao veliki beli brod koji plovi pokraj obale, a kada mu pridjete bliže imate utisak kao da izranja iz vode. Mesto na kome je izgradjen je bajkovito, okruženo zelenilom i kiparisima koji se ogledaju u plavetnilu mora. Možda je baš zato po legendi ovde bio Posejdonov hram. U neposrednoj blizini manastira je manastirska luka s potrebnim pratećim objektima, a s druge strane izvan zidina ima još nekoliko zgrada u kojima verovatno žive monasi koji rade u obližnjim povrtnjacima. Manastir Grigorijat je osnovao Sveti Grigorije Sinaist još u 13.veku i on je prema nekim izvorima bio srpski monah. Ovaj svetac je preminuo 1402. godine, a crkva ga svake godine slavi 7. decembra. Za vreme velikog požara u manastiru 1476. godine, srpski monasi su bežeći od njega poneli mošti Svetog Grigorija i više dragocenosti, ali im se do danas nije utvrdila sudbina.
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Maybe that’s why, according to the legend, Poseidon’s temple was built here. In the immediate vicinity of the monastery is the monastery port with the accompanying facilities, and on the other side, outside the walls there are several other buildings in which monks who work in the nearby vegetable gardens probably live. The monastery of St Gregory was founded by Saint Gregory the Hesycast in the 13th century and according to some sources, he was a Serbian monk. This saint died in 1402, and the church celebrates him every year on December 7. During the great fire in the monastery in 1476, the Serbian monks, fleeing from it, rescued the relics of St. Gregory and other valuables, but their fate has not been determined to this day.
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U ovom manastiru su se u početku podvizivali i njime upravljali isključivo monasi slovenskog porekla, a tek mnogo godina kasnije postao je grčki. Manastir Grigorijat se nalazi u četvornici (tetradi) u kojoj je Hilandar na čelu, zajedno sa Svetim Pavlom i Ksiropotamom, a 19. je po dostojanstvu na svetogorsko hijerarhijskoj lestvici. Do 1840, godine, u manastiru se živelo po sistemu osobenožića, a od tada se prelazi na opštežiće kao i u drugim svetogorskim manastirima. Manastirska slava je Sveti Nikola Čudotvorac i ona se slavi 6. decembra, tako da je i glavna crkva ili katolikon posvećena ovom svecu. Pored glavne crkve, u manastirskim zidinama nalzi se još 6 manjih crkvica (paraklisa), a izvan još toliko.
In the beginning, this monastery was used for ascetic practices and was managed exclusively by monks of Slavic origin, and only many years later it became Greek. The monastery of St. Gregory is located in the quadrangle in which Hilandar is at the head, together with Saint Paul and Xyropotam, and according to its dignity, it is the 19th in the hierarchical order of Mount Athos. Until 1840, the monastery was inhabited according to the system of single occupancies, and since then the system of occupancy has been changed to communal one, as in other monasteries on Mount Athos. The monastery’s saint patron is Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker and his day is celebrated on December 6, so the main church or catholicon is also dedicated to this saint.
Katolikon potiče iz 18. veka i u njemu se nalaze izuzetne i dobro očuvane freske oslikane 1779. godine. Medju brojnim ikonama svojom lepotom izdvajaju se Sveti Nikola, Bogorodica Galktotrofusa (mlekopitateljnica) i Bogorodica Pantanaisis (svevladarka) koja je dar moldavske vladarke Marije Paleolog. Ikone su neoštećene preživele dva požara i ovo je veliko čudo što im još dodatno daje na značaju. U manastirskoj riznici čuvaju se razne dragocenosti, kao i mošti svetaca poput Grigorija Nazijanzina, Grigorija Bogoslova, Dionizija Areopagita i Anastasije Rimske, kao i dva zlatom tkana pokrova iz 15. i 17. veka. U manastirskoj biblioteci ima preko 6000 vrednih knjiga i 297 važnih rukopisa i dokumenata. Nakon kraćeg odmora i okrepljenja u manastirskoj gostoprimnici, prepuni utisaka, krenuli smo , uz Božju pomoć, ka najsmelije i najoriginalnije izvedenoj gradjevini na Svetoj Gori Atonskoj, manastiru Simonopetra. Pred nama je bio najzahtevniji deo puta koji je povremeno prelazio u kozje staze, činilo mi se da vode ka nebu, ali o ovom izazovu, u narednoj priči.
In addition to the main church, there are 6 smaller churches (chapels) within the monastery walls, and just as many more outside of them. The Catholicon dates from the 18th century and contains exceptional and well-preserved frescoes painted in 1779. Among the numerous icons, Saint Nicholas, the Mother of God Galctotrophus (milkmaid) and the Mother of God Pantanaisis (omnipotent), a gift from the Moldavian ruler Maria Palaeologus, stand out. The icons survived two fires undamaged, and this is a great miracle that gives them even more significance. Various other valuables are kept in the monastery treasury, as well as the relics of saints such as Gregory of Nazianzus, Gregory the Theologian, Dionysius the Areopagite and Anastasia of Rome, as well as two gold-woven veils from the 15th and 17th centuries. The monastery library has over 6,000 valuable books and 297 important manuscripts and documents. After a short rest and refreshment in the monastery inn, brimming with impressions, we set off, with God’s help, to the boldest and most original construction on the Holy Mount Athos, the monastery of Simonopetra. In front of us there was the most demanding part of the road that occasionally turned into goat trails that apparently, lead to the sky. However,this challenge will be described next time.
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Hotel Olimp Zlatibor ****
Zlatiborski hotel OLIMP pravi je dragulj ove turističke oaze, posebno nakon dogradnje kojom je ukupan kapacitet udvostručen. Pored dosadašnjih 70 ležajeva, ovaj renomirani objekat (4*) dobio je još 18 komfornih soba od preko 30 metara kvadratnih, novu kongresnu salu od 100 mesta, wellness centar s bazenom i raznim sadržajima na oko 1.400 metara kvadratnih. Ono što bi trebalo istaći jeste da OLIMP ima svoju termo-mineralnu bušotinu s najvećim sadržajem magnezijuma od svih voda u Srbiji, te da se ona koristi u pomenutom centru. Sve ovo uz vrhunsku gastronomsku ponudu, ostale sadržaje i blizinu sportske dvorane i više terena, opredeljuje, pored domaćih i stranih gostiju, mnoge vrhunske sportske klubove da ovde sprovode svoje pripreme. Ovde su tako boravili i još uvek dolaze košarkaši Panatenaikosa, CSK i Dinama iz Moskve...
TAKE A DEEP BREATH The OLIMP Hotel in Zlatibor is a real gem of this tourist oasis, especially now that it has been added a new building which doubled its capacity. This well-known four star hotel used to have 70 beds and now there are 18 new rooms each over 30 square metres, a new convention hall with 100 seats. In addition there is a wellness centre of some 1.400 square metres with a swimming pool and other amenities. It is worth mentioning that the OLIMP has its own thermo-mineral water source and, compared to other kinds of high quality mineral water in Serbia, the water has the highest amount of magnesium. Of course, the water is used in the wellness centre. The hotel also boasts a famous culinary specialities, other amenities and the vicinity of the sports centre and various courts which is very attractive not only for tourists from the country and abroad, but also for top class sport clubs which come and do their preparations for big events there. Famous basketball team such as Panathenaikos, CSK and Dinamo from Moscow have stayed here and they`re still gladly coming. HOTEL OLIMP Miladina Pećinara 1 • Zlatibor • Srbija • Serbia Tel. centrala: +381 (0)31 842 555 • 848 054 • Fax: +381 (0)31 841 953 e-mail: •
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Belgrade - 170 rooms and suites - 9 conference venues - All conference venues with daylight - Plenary room up to 400 delegates - Ĺ onda gastro bar and restaurant - Fit Plaza wellness and fitness center - Five-minute walk to the heart of the city, cultural and shopping area - 20 minutes from international airport
Zlatibor Mountain - located in the center of Zlatibor mountain - 120 rooms and suites - Koledo conference center - capacity up to 500 people - Mona business center - capacity up to 45 people - Wellness center Inspirium - National restaurant Perun
Sve najukusnije iz Srbije skupili smo na jednom mestu. Ponosimo se specijalitetima domaće kuhinje a naše “DOMAĆE JELO” preporučujemo u svakom trenutku. Uz ljubazno osoblje i živu muziku u duhu starog Beograda svako veče provedeno u staroj kafani ostaje za pamćenje!
We offer a selection of the most delicious foods from all over Serbia. We take pride in the delicacies of the local cuisine, while our “HOME MADE DISH” is recommended at all times. In the spirit of the old Belgrade, the stuff is friendly and the music is live. We promise you memorable times at Stara kafana!
PRAVI TRADICIONALNI SRPSKI UKUSI Ustanička 66 • Beograd • Srbija • Serbia • Tel: +381 (0)11 38 22 111 • Mob: +381 (0)65 38 22 111 •
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Tekst: Anita Žuvela
• Jeste li znali da su Moslavci daleko prije Amerikanaca boravili na „Mjesecu“ i to uz puno manje opreme? • Jeste li znali da u Repušničkom polju ima više modela na jednom mjestu nego u ostalim krajevima RH? • Jeste li znali da u Moslavini postoje mjesta gdje je moguće držati dovoljnu distancu, a usput se dobro zabaviti i odmoriti? • Jeste li znali da se jedan od najljepših prirodnih kontrasta nalazi na sat vremena od Zagreba, Park prirode Lonjsko polje, kao i Moslavačka gora, oba prirodna dragulja nalaze se dovoljno daleko jedan od drugoga za održavanje distance, a ujedno su dovoljno sigurni za slobodno i nesmetano kretanje zahvaljujući označenim stazama – i to kroz sva godišnja doba
Hidden paths in Croatia
A PARADISE FOR PEDESTRIANS AND CYCLISTS • Did you know that the people from Moslavina went to the “Moon” long before the Americans did, and with much less equipment? • Did you know that in Repušničko polje there are more models in one place than in other parts of the Republic of Croatia? • Did you know that in Moslavina there are places where it is possible to keep the social distance, and relax as well as have fun? • Did you know that one of the most beautiful natural contrasts, Lonjsko Polje Nature Park, is located an hour from Zagreb. There is also Moslavačka gora, another natural gem where you can maintain social distance, and at the same time be safe enough for free and unobstructed movement thanks to marked trails - and all that in all the seasons
Površina Moslavačke gore iznosi oko 1350 km2 , dok se Park prirode Lonjsko polje prostire na oko 50.650 ha, dio i jednog i drugog parka obuhvaća područje južne Moslavine. Upravo zbog njihove rasprostranjenosti, na njima je moguće držati dovoljnu distancu, odnosno postoji jako mala mogućnost da ćete se prilikom njihovog istraživanja susresti s nekom drugom osobom, ali vas molimo da se prilikom njihovog istraživanja držite označenih staza kako se ipak ne biste morali susresti s vrijednim članovima HGSS-a, te da se prilikom istraživanja vodite pravilom da sve smeće što preostane, vratite sa sobom doma.
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The area of Moslavačka gora is about 1350 km2, while the Lonjsko polje Nature Park covers about 50,650 ha, and part of both parks covers the area of southern Moslavina. Precisely because of their vast area, it is possible to keep a sufficient distance, i.e. there is very little chance that, while you are exploring it, you will meet another person. However, please follow the marked trails so that you do not have to meet the industrious members of the HGSS, and that at the end of your stay there you should obey the rule and take all the garbage with you.
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WHAT CAN WE TRY ALONG THE WAY? A selfie with models from Repušničko polje
Selfie s modelima sa Repušničkog polja
Embark on the exploration of Moslavačka gora, and on foot or by bike conquer some of its peaks: Mjesec (Moon), Vis and / or Humka or spend a day with numerous models of Repušničko polje. The best part is that they will pose for you free of charge, because Pisava, Milka, Roza, Aphrodite, Venus and Jolly have been doing it “professionally” for several years. Of course, we are talking about the numerous wildlife of one of the few examples of traditional animal husbandry in Europe.
Upustite se u istraživanje Moslavačke gore, te pješice ili biciklom osvojite neki od njenih vrhova: Mjesec, Vis i/ili Humku ili provedite dan s brojnim modelima Repušničkog polja. Najbolji dio je taj što će za vas pozirati bez naknade, jer Pisava, Milka, Roza, Afrodita, Venera i Jolly to „profesionalno“ rade već nekoliko godina. Naravno, govorimo o brojnom životinjskom svijetu jednog od rijetkih primjera tradicionalnog stočarstva u Europi.
Močvarni put: (24,0 km)
Wetland Road (24.0 km)
Močvarni put je kružna biciklistička ruta koja vodi kroz Repušničko polje, mjesto gdje ima više modela na jednom mjestu nego u ostalim krajevima RH. Biciklistička ruta nakon polja vodi šumskim putevima sve do odmorišta Čeperlin na kojem vas očekuju nadstrešnice, prostori za roštiljanje, drveni mol, te mir i tišina uz povremeni cvrkut ptica. Nakon odmora na Čeperlinu, šumskom cestom se uz lovačku kuću vraćamo do Radićeve ulice jedne od najstarijih ulica u Kutini, te biciklističkom stazom nazad do Posjetiteljskog centra Repušnica. Staza je većim dijelom ravna, bez uspona. Koriste se postojeći asfaltni, tvrdi šumski putevi ili močvarni teren. Zbog mogućih nepovoljnih hidroloških prilika i nailaska na močvarni neprohodni teren od Vrbaka do Čeperlina potrebna je prethodna najava Upravi parka zbog provjere mogućnosti upotrebe staze.
Wetland Road is a circular bicycle route that leads through Repušničko polje (field), a place where there are more models in one place than in other parts of the Republic of Croatia. When the bicycle route leaves the field it leads along forest roads all the way to the Čeperlin rest area, where you can expect canopies, barbecue areas, a wooden pier, and peace and quiet disturbed only by an occasional chirping of birds. After a rest on Čeperlin, we return along the forest road past the hunting lodge to Radićeva Street, one of the oldest streets in Kutina, and along the bicycle path back to the Repušnica Visitor Center. The trail is mostly flat, with no climbs. The existing asphalt, hard forest roads or wetlands are used. Due to possible unfavorable hydrological conditions and parts of the swampy impassable terrain from Vrbak to Čeperlin, prior notice is required to the Park Administration to check the possibility of using the trail.
Vrijeme obilaska staze: 2 sata.
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Trail tour time: 2 hours.
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Kružna biciklistička ruta koja vas vodi Moslavačkom vinskom cestom pokraj brojnih kleti i smještajnih objekta pa sve do Mramor brda, mjesta gdje Vina Glavica proizvode moslavačka vina u eko proizvodnji. Nakon Mramor brda spuštate se u Ciglenicu, a kada ste već došli do nje, uputite se u otkrivanje Poučne staze „Naftni bunar Martin“, gdje uz šest informativnih točaka kroz tekst i fotografiju možete saznati povijest iskorištavanja nafte na ovim područjima, te posjetiti sam naftni bunar Martin iz kojega i dan danas izvire nafta. Ruta dalje uz brojne vinograde i pašnjake, te pokraj motocross staze u Kletištu, vodi do gradskog trga u Kutini, gdje uz Info Smile „Outy“ uređaj možete servisirati vaš bicikl, te saznati informacije o događanjima na području grada Kutine.
A circular cycling route that takes you along the Moslavina Wine Road past numerous cellars and accommodation facilities all the way to Mramor Hill, the place where Vina Glavica produces Moslavina wines in eco production. After Mramor Hill you descend to Ciglenica, and when you have already reached it, head to the Discovery Trail “Naftni bunar Martin”, where through six information points, text and photography you can learn the history of oil exploitation in these areas, and visit the Martin oil well, from which oil springs to this day. The route continues along numerous vineyards and pastures, and along the motocross track in Kletište, leading to the town square in Kutina, where with the Info Smile “Outy” device you can service your bike and find out information about events in the town of Kutina.
Staza nije prezahtjevna, nekoliko manjih uspona i jedan veći uspon, podloga – asfalt.
The trail is not too demanding, several smaller ascents and one larger ascent, the surface - asphalt.
Zaljubljenici u ekstremni biciklizam moći će se upustiti u osvajanje Moslavačkog izazova. Kružne biciklističke rute koja započinje u Kutini, a vodi sve do Humke – najvišeg vrha Moslavačke gore. Put prema osvajanju Humke neće biti jednostavan, ali će biti ispunjen mirisima moslavačkih vina i pogledima na brojne kleti i vinograde. Vijugava staza, ravnica, brežuljci, asfalt i zahtjevni off road, to vas sve očekuje na ovom putu punom iznenađenja. Cjelokupni uspon na Humku prati potok sa brojnim malim slapovima koji stvaraju prekrasan doživljaj, a sa okolnih brda na vas će gledati brojni životinjski svijet. Uspon vas vodi pokraj kamenoloma, jezera Mikleuška, pa sve do odmorišta smještenog na Humci – najvišem vrhu Moslavačke gore. Ukoliko mislite da je najbolji dio rute iza vas, varate se, jer nakon uspona kreće spust niz prekrasan krajolik, pokraj skretanja za Belu crkvu – pavlinski samostan osnovan u drugoj polovici 13. stoljeća, pokraj vidikovca Vis s kojeg se pruža pogled na prekrasnu Moslavinu, uz kapelicu sv. Velemučenika Georgija, te pokraj mirisa brojnih polja lavande smještenih po brijegovima Katoličkih Čaira.
A circular cycling route that takes you along the Moslavina Wine Road past numerous cellars and accommodation facilities all the way to Mramor Hill, the place where Vina Glavica produces Moslavina wines in eco production. After Mramor Hill you descend to Ciglenica, and when you have already reached it, head to the Discovery Trail “Naftni bunar Martin”, where through six information points, text and photography you can learn the history of oil exploitation in these areas, and visit the Martin oil well, from which oil springs to this day. The route continues along numerous vineyards and pastures, and along the motocross track in Kletište, leading to the town square in Kutina, where with the Info Smile “Outy” device you can service your bike and find out information about events in the town of Kutina. The trail is not too demanding, several smaller ascents and one larger ascent, the surface - asphalt.
Težina rute: zahtjevna.
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Košćeva staza (5,0 km):
Košćeva staza (path) (3.1 miles):
Košćeva staza, ime nije dobila po ljudima koji kose travu, već po ptici kosac (crex crex) koja obitava na kasno košenim travnjacima s dovoljno visokom i gustom vegetacijom u kojoj se može uspješno gnijezditi i lako kroz nju hodati. Posljedica nestanka tradicionalnih poljoprivrednih praksi je i gubitak pogodnog staništa za kosca, a time se i uveliko smanjila njegova brojnost. Upravo zbog toga, ovaj dio Lonjskog polja (Repušničko polje) idealno je za njegovo gniježđenje jer se livade ne kose rano. Ova kružna pješačka staza vas vodi uz sjeverni nasip retencije Lonjsko polje, uz poplavne livade, brojne košnice i pašnjake prošarane kravama i konjima, pa sve do odmorišta Vrbačinec na kojem je moguće sjesti na drvene klupe i uživati u tišini i bojama Repušničkog polja. Obilazak staze je moguć uz vodiča i edukativni program ili samostalno. Ruta ide po postojećem šumskom i poljskom zemljanom putu.
The Košće trail is named after a bird (crex crex) which lives on mown lawns with sufficiently high and dense vegetation in which it can successfully nest and through which it can walk easily. The consequence of the disappearance of traditional agricultural practices is the loss of a suitable habitat for the birds, and thus its number has been greatly reduced. Precisely because of this, this part of Lonjsko polje (Repušničko polje) is ideal for their nesting because the meadows are not mowed early. This circular hiking trail takes you along the northern embankment of the Lonjsko polje retention, along floodplain meadows, numerous hives and pastures dotted with cows and horses, all the way to the Vrbačinec rest area where you can sit on wooden benches and enjoy the silence and colours of Repušničko polje. You can tour the trail with a guide and educational program or on your own. The route follows the existing forest and field country road.
Ukoliko nemate vlastiti bicikl, ova biciklistička ruta je baš za vas. Start rute je s prostora Posjetiteljskog centra Repušnica – moslavačkih vrata u Park prirode Lonjsko polje, gdje je moguće parkirati vlastiti automobil, iznajmiti bicikl, te se upustiti u otkrivanje staza kojima su se nekada kretali praslonovi i nosorozi. Ruta vodi Gornjom Jelenskom, mjestom u čijoj se dolini nalazi veliki rudnik koji krije mnoge tajne pradavnih vremena i prapočetaka ovog pitomog kraja, jer u njemu su pronađene okamine kostiju velikih sisavaca, ostaci praslonova, te dijelovi miocenskog nosoroga. Šumski makadamski put ove rute vodi do srednjovjekovnih starih gradova izgrađenih u 13. stoljeću: Jelengrada koji sa svojih zidina pruža lijep vidik na okolne šume i Košutgrada u blizini kojeg se nalaze ostaci franjevačkog samostana u Podgradskom jarku. Staza završava u Mustafinoj kladi, a karakteriziraju postepeni uspon uz prekrasan krajobraz iscrtan brojnim vinogradima, voćnjacima i šumskim bogatstvom.
If you don’t have your own bike, this bike route is just for you. The start of the route is from the Repušnica Visitor Center Moslavina Gate to the Lonjsko Polje Nature Park, where it is possible to park your own car, rent a bicycle, and embark on discovering the paths that once used to move old elephants and rhinos. The route leads to Gornji Jelenski, a place in the valley of which there is a large mine that hides many secrets of ancient times and the beginnings of this tame region. It was there that many fossils of large mammals were found, the remains of protozoa, and parts of the Miocene rhino. The forest macadam road of this route leads to the medieval old towns built in the 13th century: Jelengrad. There,from its walls, a beautiful view opens to the surrounding forests, and Košutgrad, near which are the remains of the Franciscan monastery in Podgradsko ditch. The trail ends in Mustafa’s log, and is characterized by a gradual ascent with a beautiful landscape with numerous vineyards, orchards and a wealth of forests.
Težina rute: zahtjevna
Route difficulty: demanding
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Prekrasna planinarska staza sa ekstremnom i laganijom rutom. Prolazi uz potok, mali slap, do arheološkog lokaliteta Bela crkva, te vidikovca Vis, s kojeg se pruža prekrasan pogled na nizinu, Lonjsko polje, Kutinu i širu okolicu. Stazu su obilježili članovi Planinarskog društva “Yeti” Kutina, te je njena polazna točka jezero/akumulacija u šumi, prekrasna prirodna oaza smještena u mjestu Mikleuška.
It is a beautiful hiking trail with an extreme and easier route. It passes along a stream, a small waterfall, to the archeological site Bela crkva (White Church), and the Vis lookout point, which offers a beautiful view of the lowlands, Lonjsko polje, Kutina and the surrounding area. The trail was marked by members of the Mountaineering Association “Yeti” Kutina, and its starting point is a lake / accumulation in the forest, a beautiful natural oasis located in Mikleuška.
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Hotel MOZART ***** M. Tita 138 • Opatija • Hrvatska • Croatia • Tel: +385 (0)51 718 260 • Fax: +385 (0)51 271 739 E-mail:
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Tekst i foto: Mevludin Mekić
On one of the longest Via feratta in this part of Europe
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Krećemo iz Sarajeva u četiri ujutro. Ne znam da li sam od uzbuđenja tu noć mogao i spavati. Kontaktiramo Aleksandra Vukovića, inače uposlenika u Šumskom gazdinstvu Botin već 23 godine. On nas na samom početku prijateljski priupita, onako hercegovački direktno, bez uvijanja: „Gdje ćete sada, ‘kapa’ se nadvila na Botin?!“
We leave Sarajevo at four in the morning. I don’t know if I was able to sleep at all the previous night because of the excitement. When we contacted Aleksandar Vuković, an employee of the Botin Forest Farm for 23 years, he asked us in a friendly way, in a Herzegovinian way, without beating about the bush: “Why are you going now, the ‘cap’ is hanging over Botin ?!”
Za „Srce Veleža“ zainteresovao sam se još tamo negdje krajem oktobra prošle godine dok sam gledao snimak s otvaranja jedne od najdužih Via feratta u ovom dijelu Evrope. Pažnju mi je privukao broj ljudi koji su taj dan došli da uveličaju tu manifestaciju. Pokazalo se tada veliko interesovanje svih ljubitelja avanture iz naše države i šire regije, onih željnih adrenalina dok osvajaju vrh Botin koji se nalazi na 1965 metara nadmorske visine. Možda bih i ja bio tu, ali baš i ne volim ta masovna okupljanja pa je jedan od razloga bio da to uradim drugi put. Pola godine kasnije odlučih da zajedno sa prijateljem i planinarom PD Brezovača Alenom Huskićem to i uradim. Pratimo vrijeme svaki dan, ali nam se ne da. Uvijek neki oblaci, kiša, a i poslovne obaveze nas priječe da to uradimo. Kako to obično biva, odlučismo jednom, „grlom u jagode“ idemo pa šta Bog da. Krećemo iz Sarajeva u četiri ujutro. Ne znam da li sam od uzbuđenja tu noć mogao i spavati. Kontaktiramo Aleksandra Vukovića, inače uposlenika u Šumskom gazdinstvu Botin već 23 godine. Narodski rečeno, on je šumar nadležan za to područje. Daje nam upute kako, šta, čega da se pazimo i slično. Dogovaramo se gdje da se nađemo kad se vratimo sa vrha da malo porazgovaramo. On nas na samom početku prijateljski priupita, onako hercegovački direktno, bez uvijanja: „Gdje ćete sada, ‘kapa’ se nadvila na Botin?!“, uz komentar da nije pametno što baš danas idemo. Ipak, želja je jača od pameti i krećemo u našu malu avanturu. Instrukcije nam daje i jedan od učesnika u izgradnji feratte, Nermin Demir.
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I became interested in the “Heart of Velež” back in late October last year while watching a video from the opening of one of the longest Via ferratta in this part of Europe. My attention was drawn to the number of people who came that day to the event. At that time, great interest was shown by all adventure lovers from our country and the wider region, those eager for adrenaline as they conquered the top of Botin at 1965 meters above sea level. Maybe I could have been there too, but I don’t really like those mass gatherings, so it was one of the reasons why I should do it some other time. Half a year later, I decided to do it together with my friend and mountaineer from PD Brezovača, Alen Huskić. We got information about the weather for days and we had no luck. There were always either heavy clouds and rain, or business commitments that prevented us from going. As it usually happens, we suddenly made the decision “to plungle in” – to go, for better or for worse. We leave Sarajevo at four in the morning. I don’t know if I was able to sleep at all the previous night because of the excitement. We have been in contact with Aleksandar Vuković, an employee of the Botin Forest Farm for 23 years. Popularly speaking, he is a forester in charge of that area. He gives us instructions on how and what to do, what to watch out for and the like. We agree on where to meet when we get back from the top to talk a little. At the very beginning, he asked us in a friendly way, in a Herzegovinian way, directly, without beating about the bush: “Why are you going now, the ‘hat’ is on Botin ?!” His comment was that it is not smart to go there today. Still, the desire is stronger than common sense and we embark on our little adventure. One of the participants in the construction of the ferrata, Nermin Demir, also gives us instructions.
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SRCE VELEŽA NIJE ZA AMATERE! Nermin Demir, alpinista iz Sarajeva, jedan je od onih koji su dali veliki, aktivni doprinos gradnji feratte za šta kaže da je bio naporan proces koji je trajao duže od mjesec dana, od čega oko 15-ak dana efektivnog rada. Sav materijal koji je bio neophodan kroz ferattu su iznijeli i ugradili ručno, a helikopterom EUFOR-a je dopremljen na vrh i u podnožje stijene.
THE HEART OF VELEŽ IS NOT FOR AMATEURS! Nermin Demir, an alpinist from Sarajevo, is one of those who made a great, active contribution to the construction of the ferrata, which he says was a laborious process that lasted more than a month, of which there were about 15 days of effective work. All the material that was necessary was taken out and installed by hand, and it was delivered by EUFOR helicopter to the top and the bottom of the rock.
KAPITALAN PROJEKAT I PODUHVAT PD Treskavica (ekipa volontera iz tog društva), zajedno sa MarketMakersima, općinom Nevesinje, planinarima iz Nevesinja i ostalim partnerima planinarskim društvima učestvovali su u projektu koji su nazvali „Srce Veleža“. Za izgradnju Via feratte utrošeno je šest stotina metara čelične sajle, preko dvije stotine ankera, isto toliko i armaturnih nogostupa. Najzaslužniji za „Srce Veleža“ su četvorica alpinista - entuzijasta: Armin Gazić, Srđan Kujundžić, Samin Bajrić i Nermin Demir. Povremeno su im pomagali: Amer Burić, Igor Milošev, Benjamin Jusić, Jasmin Čolaković i Meho Prelić. „Srce Veleža“ je danas jedna od najdužih Via feratta u ovom dijelu Evrope.
CAPITAL PROJECT AND ENDEAVOR PD Treskavica (a team of volunteers from that society), together with MarketMakers, the municipality of Nevesinje, mountaineers from Nevesinje and other partners of mountaineering societies participated in a project called “Heart of Velež”. Six hundred meters of steel cable, over two hundred anchors, as well as reinforcing sidewalks were used for the construction of the Via ferrata. The most deserving for the “Heart of Velež” are four alpinists - enthusiasts: Armin Gazić, Srdjan Kujundžić, Samin Bajrić and Nermin Demir. They were occasionally assisted by: Amer Burić, Igor Milošev, Benjamin Jusić, Jasmin Čolaković and Meho Prelić. “Heart of Velež” is today one of the longest Via ferrattas in this part of Europe.
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The weather at first seems promising. The sun and some blueness begin to appear in the distance, but in the direction of the sea, the “cap” does not budge. . From the bivouac where we left our vehicle to the entrance to the ferrata we arrive in an hour and a half. As we put the equipment on, the first drops of rain are already starting to fall. We wait about fifteen minutes. We enjoy the panorama that stretches in front of us, but my gaze is mostly directed towards the sky. The rain stops, the rock is already slippery from the rain of the previous day. We decide to go slowly and cautiously taking as much time as needed for the climb. Even with the first steps, it is clear to us that the ferrata is not for everyone and that it is different from the ones we climbed before. The gaps between the footholds are wide, and in some places there are none, so at the very start the cable is crossed on the hands with the support of friction.
Vrijeme nam u početku kao da obećava da bi nas moglo i poslužiti. Počinje se nazirati i sunce i neko plavetnilo u daljini, ali u pravcu mora „kapa“ stoji kako stoji. Od bivka gdje smo ostavili naše vozilo do ulaza u ferattu stigli smo za sat i po. Dok stavljamo opremu na sebe već počinju prve kapi kiše da padaju. Sačekamo petnaestak minuta. Uživamo u panorami koja se pruža ispred nas, ali moj pogled je većinom usmjeren ka nebu. Kišica prestaje, stijena već klizava od prehodnog dana i kiše koja se ispadala. Odlučujemo se da krenemo polako i oprezno pa kad god da se popenjemo. Već sa prvim koracima nam je jasno da feratta nije baš za svakoga i da je različita od onih koje smo ranije penjali. Veliki razmak između nogostupa, a negdje ih i nema pa već na samom startu sajlom se prelazi na rukama s osloncem na trenje.
We move slowly towards the top of Botin, the trail is dangerous especially when it is slippery, but we continue to take short breaks to rest our hands because the biggest load is on them. Somewhere below half the path, roughly around Okno in the rock, the rain starts to fall again and the fog descends down the cliff. We stop for fifteen minutes, look at the sky, agree on what to do next. As we negotiate, the rain intensifies and it starts to thunder somewhere above us. We take out the equipment for rainy conditions, but even that doesn’t help because the storm is already becoming serious. The decision is to go back and it turns out that it is the only right decision. As we slowly descend, the rain only changes in intensity and the thunder shoots in bursts. Wet “through to the underpants”, we descend to the beginning of the ferrata where we find some kind of shelter in the storm. We call Aco the forester so that the man doesn’t worry and to tell him we’ll be at the bivouac in about an hour. Velež very quickly showed us what his mood was like as well as that we have to respect him. When is the time when we manage to climb to the top, is obviously for him to decide, not us.
Krećemo se polako prema vrhu Botina, staza je opasna pogotovo kad je klizava, ali nastavljamo dalje praveći kratke pauze da odmorimo ruke jer je najveće opterećenje na njima. Negdje ispod pola staze, otprilike oko Okna u stijeni, kiša opet počinje da pada i magla se spušta niz stijenu. Zastajemo petnaestak minuta, gledamo u nebo, dogovaramo šta dalje. Dok se mi dogovaramo kiša pojačava a počinje i da grmi negdje iznad nas. Na stijeni vadimo opremu za kišne uslove, ali ni to ne pomaže jer ovo već postaje ozbiljno nevrijeme. Odluka je da idemo nazad i ispostavilo se da smo donijeli jedinu ispravnu odluku. Dok se polako spuštamo kiša samo mijenja intenzitet, a gromovi pucaju rafalno. Mokri „do gaća“ spuštamo se na početak feratte gdje nalazimo kakvo-takvo sklonište od nevremena. Javljamo se Aci šumaru da se čovjek ne brine i da se vidimo kod bivka za otprilike jedan sat. Velež nam je vrlo brzo pokazao sve svoje ćudi kao i to da ga moramo ispoštovati. Kada ćemo se popeti na njegov vrh to očigledno on odlučuje, a ne mi.
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Stižemo do bivka, odnosno šumarske kuće u blizini jezera odakle je počela naša mala avantura, a ubrzo je tu i Aco. Dok izlazi iz svog vozila već daje komentar da bi samo lud čovjek po ovom vremenu izašao na Botin.
We reach the bivouac, or a forest house near the lake, where our little adventure began, and soon Aco is there. As he gets out of his vehicle, he is already commenting that only a lunatic would go out on Botin in this weather.
- Poznajem planinu i znam kako može biti gadno. Grmljavina je gore specifična - komentariše on naglas. Dok se okrepljujemo slatkišima i voćem Aco nam priča svoju priču.
- I know the mountain and I know how bad it can be. The thunder is quite something up there - he commented aloud. As we refresh ourselves with sweets and fruit Aco tells us his story.
- Prvi put sam izašao na Botin sa devet godina sa svojim ocem koji je isto kao i ja bio šumar, tradicija se nastavlja - radio iste poslove na istom terenu. Tada nije bilo ferate. Popeli smo se preko Jarma. Ima i danas markacija do njega. Nije tada bilo ni opreme. Ovdje gdje se sada nalazimo tu je uvijek bilo stoke, dolazili su iz okolnih sela. Jedina voda na planini Velež se nalazi ovdje. Ovo malo jezerce nema ime, a mjesto se zove Jezero. Bila su neka dva bunara ovdje, onda je nivo vode dostigao takav nivo da je poklopio dolinu. Kada presuši vide se ti bunari. Stalno razmišljam šta je prava tajna Veleža. Nisam još uvijek dokučio. Mislim da je to što je ona još uvijek divlja planina. Čak i za mene nakon 40 godina. Išao sam na nju stotine puta, ali uvijek nešto novo vidim i otkrijem. Najmanje 70 posto Nevesinjaca do prošle godine nije znalo kako izgleda njihova planina sa ove strane. Danas je to možda 60 posto. Ne znaju da je to jedna od najvećih stjenovitih barijera na Balkanu. To je možda njena tajna. Neispitanost, divljina i surovost - priča nam u dahu dok krajičkom oka i dalje baca pogled na vrhove gorostasa obavijene maglom. Na moj upit da li zna kako je dobio nadimak „Čuvar Feratte Srce Veleža“ grohotom se nasmijao.
- I went out to Botin for the first time at the age of nine with my father, who was a forester just like me, the tradition continues - he did the same jobs in the same field. There was no ferrata then. We hauled it over Jaram. There are still a marked path leading to it. There was no equipment then. Here where we are now the people from the surrounding villages always brought their cattle. The only water on the Velež mountain is located here. This little pond has no name, and the place is called the Lake. There used to be two wells here, then the water reached such a level that it covered the valley. When it dries out, you can see those wells. I keep thinking about what the real secret of Velež is. I still haven’t figured it out. I think the fact that it is still a wild mountain. Even for me after 40 years. I’ve been on it hundreds of times, but I always see and discover something new. Until last year, at least 70 percent of Nevesinje residents did not know what their mountain looked like on this side. Today it is perhaps 60 percent. They do not know that it is one of the largest rocky barriers in the Balkans. That may be its secret. Virgin ground, wildness and mercilessness - he tells in one breath while out of the corner of his eye he’s still looking at the tops of the giant mountain shrouded in fog. When I asked him how he got his title of “The Guardian of the Ferrata“ he laughed out loud.
- Ma pusti to. To je Zehro Isaković (bivši predsjednik Planinarskog saveza BiH, op. aut.) smislio. Ali nije pogriješio. Kada neko kaže čuvar feratte, pomalo zvuči kao da sam tu stalno, ali na neki način imam tu ulogu. Sa svima koji dođu ovdje sam u kontaktu. Dobro je da mi se jave kada dođu u slučaju ne daj bože. Nemojte ići po nevremenu, kao vi danas - iskren je Aco. Ističe on i svoj doprinos tokom gradnje feratte.
- Let it go. This is what Zehro Isaković (former president of the Mountaineering Association of BandH) came up with. But it has its uses. When someone says “the guardian of the Ferrata“, it sounds a bit as I was there all the time, and in a way I have that role. I am in contact with everyone who comes here. It’s good that they call me when they come just to be on the safe side. in case. You shouldn’t brave the storm, like you do today - Aco speaks his mind. He also emphasizes his contribution during the construction of the ferrata.
- Ja sam savjetima pomogao. Iz kojeg pravca do dođu, šta gdje mogu očekivati, pomagao u dovoženju i odvoženju. To je bilo od jutra do mraka. Pomogao sam i oko organizacije kampa, bar se nadam da jesam. Kada se feratta još malo doradi imam namjeru da se popnem zajedno s ovom ekipom koja je to uradila. Ali znam da je feratta ozbiljna i nije za svakoga. Moraju biti spremni i opremljeni ljudi i psihički i fizički. Ja to svima kažem prije polaska da se ne desi da ostanu visiti na sred stijene pa da svima bude problem savjetuje naš savjesni domaćin. Što se tiče stranaca, Aco kaže da su to mahom planinari i turisti iz bivše Jugoslavije. Kada se ova priča proširi očekuje ih i iz drugih zemalja. Ima, kaže, već nekih najava, ali je pandemija sve poremetila.
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- I helped with advice. From which direction to come, what is to be expected. We worked from daybreak to sunset. I also helped with the organization of the camp, at least I hope I did. When the ferratta is completely finished, I intend to climb up there together with the team that did it. But I know that ferratta is a serious thing and it’s not for everyone. People must be adequately equipped and prepared both mentally and physically. I tell this to everyone before departure so that they don’t stay stuck hanging in the middle of the rock so that everyone has a problem. As for foreigners, Aco says they are mostly mountaineers and tourists from ex- Yugoslavia. When this story spreads, people from other countries are expected as well. He says that there are already some announcements, but the pandemic has disrupted everything.
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VELEŽ JE SUHO ZLATO O potencijalima Veleža i Via feratte na vrh Botin razgovarali smo i sa načelnikom Nevesinja Milenkom Avdalovićem. Velika je ovo šansa za Nevesinje. - Planina Velež je otkrovenje, pogotovo za planinare koji su tu prvi put. Naravno, ima tu iskusnih planinara koji dolaze decenijama. Čak i 40 godina. Velež je suvo zlato u sferi alpinizma i planinarenja. Mi tako i gledamo na ovu ferattu. Sve što smo mogli, mi smo pomogli drage prijatelje iz Sarajeva koji su dolazili i organizovali veliki događaj u oktobru. Prije nekoliko dana smo pomogli tako što smo dogovorili da Helikopterski servis Republike Srpske pomogne da se iznese opreme na Velež - kaže načelnik Nevesinja, podsjećajući da je prošle godine to radio helikopter SFOR-a. Nastoje da budu dobri domaćini i da učestvuju koliko mogu. Mišljenja je da će se od Veleža napraviti dobra priča
VELEŽ IS PRECIOUS We talked about the potentials of Velež and Via feratta at the top of Botin with the mayor of Nevesinje, Milenko Avdalović. This is a great chance for Nevesinje. - Mount Velež is a revelation, especially for hikers who are here for the first time. Of course, there are experienced mountaineers who have been coming for decades. Some even even for 40 years. Velež is precious in the field of mountaineering and Alpine climbing. That’s how we look at this ferrata. We helped our dear friends from Sarajevo who came and organized a big event in October. A few days ago, we helped by giving permition for the Helicopter Service of Republika Srpska to bring the equipment to Velež - says the mayor of Nevesinje, with a remark that last year it was done by a SFOR helicopter. They try to be good hosts and to participate as much as they can. He is of the opinion that Velež will become
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u smislu planinskog turizma pogotovo što tamo ima i jedno jezero, planinska koliba šumskog gazdinstva, odlična staza za penjanje i za profesionalce i za amatere, staze za šetnju, priroda je netaknuta. - Mislim da smo sada na raskrsnici kada trebamo osmisliti master plan sa Vladom RS i možda nekim privatnim investitorima kako bismo počeli sa izgradnjom infrastrukturnih objekata, naravno u granicama koje ne bi narušile sadašnju prirodu. Međutim, objekti su potrebni kako bi ljudi imali gdje prespavati, družiti se... O ekonomskim efektima je sada rano govoriti. Na početku nam to i nije toliko važno. Sada je bitno da ljudi shvate, dođu, vide i zavole Velež. Neke efekte možemo očekivati kada i mi nešto uložimo i kada se poprave uslovi za dolazak planinara i turista - kaže Avdalović.
an attractive place and important for mountain tourism, especially since there is a lake there, a mountain hut on the forest farm, an excellent climbing trail for both professionals and amateurs, walking trails, in the nature which is untouched. - I think that we are now at a crossroads when we need to devise a master plan with the Government of RS and maybe some private investors in order to start the construction of infrastructure facilities, of course within the limits that would not disturb the current nature. However, facilities are needed so that people have a place to sleep and socialize. It is too early to talk about the economic effects. At the beginning, it is not so important to us. What is important now, however, is that people understand, come, see and love Velež. We can expect some effects when we invest something and when the conditions for the arrival of mountaineers and tourists improve - says Avdalović.
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- Velež has 50-60 climbing routes, and there can be 200. The most impressive person I remember is Željko Rudan called Pentrala. I have heard many stories about him. He climbed that unique direction of “Omega”, which no one has repeated after him. Later there were Šišić, Božić, Gafić, Rudan, Prezelj ... Slovenians were the most frequent, and they researched the most. They were stationed here. You have to wear everything to the ferrata, from a sufficient amount of water to everything else. The biggest drawback is that there is no water - Aco explains. The area called Velež is his daily zone of responsibility. He says he climbs the mountain whenever he has time.
- Velež ima 50-60 ispenjanih smjerova, a može ih biti 200. Najupečatljivije ime koje ja pamtim je Željko Rudan zvani Pentrala. Za njega sam čuo mnoge priče. On je ispenjao taj jedinstveni smjer „Omega“, koji poslije njega nije niko ponovio. Kasnije su bili Šišić, Božić, Gafić, Rudan, Prezelj... Najviše su ovdje prije dolazili Slovenci, i najviše istraživali. Bili su stacionirani ovdje. Na ferattu morate nositi sve, od dovoljne količine vode pa nadalje. Najveća mana je što nema vode - priča nam Aco. Područje koje se zove Velež je njegova svakodnevna zona odgovornosti po kojoj se kreće. Na planinu se, kaže, penje kada god ima vremena.
- Velež looks flat from a distance and it’s only when you approach it that you see those huge layers. When someone says “Velež“, it first takes me back 40 years and then to the thought of how many times I went there. My heart leaps at the very mention of it, and whoever named it “Heart of Velež” seemed to have read my thoughts. I don’t see that there has been any change for these 40 years. Sometimes after an earthquake a rock is known to fall of. The only difference is that now some other people walk on it, not those from 40 years ago. We are a small and poor municipality with a small budget, but the authorities try their best. The road has been renewed, they want to help, but money is lacking. Tito’s generals and former highranking officials, those who were engaged in hunting used to come here. People even came from abroad. The Americans were very enthusiastic. They told us that we didn’t know what we had. As far as I remember, no one was ever killed in an accident here. Thunder can be terrible, but I don’t remember that it killed anybody, and it won’t, God willing - Aco assures himself and us at the end of our chat. Our conversation was closely followed by a pooh that circled around us all the time enjoying the fruits from our backpack. Aco jokingly warns us not to take him home in a backpack, but that would not be a problem for us because we intend to return to Velež soon. Very soon.
- Velež iz daljine izgleda ravan, ali tek kada mu priđete vidite te silne slojeve. Kada neko kaže Velež mene to prvo vrati 40 godina unazad i na pomisao koliko sam puta tamo išao. Meni se srce otvori na sami pomen, a ko god je dao naziv „Srce Veleža“ kao da je mene pitao. Ne vidim nikakve promjene za ovih 40 godina koliko pamtim. Ponekad se nakon zemljotresa zna neka stijena otisnut. Jedina je razlika što sada njome hode neki drugi ljudi u odnosu na prije 40 godina. Mi smo mala i siromašna opština sa malim budžetom, međutim sve što je u njihovom domenu izlaze u susret. Put se obnovio, imaju sluha, ali novca nedostaje. Ovdje su dolazili Titini generali i bivši visoki funkcioneri, oni koji su se bavili lovom. Čak su i iz inostranstva dolazili. Amerikanci su odavde odlazili oduševljeni, govorili nam da ne znamo šta imamo. Koliko se ja sjećam, nikada niko nije stradao ovdje. Grmljavina zna biti strašna, ali se ne sjećam ni od nje da je neko stradao, a i neće, ako Bog da - uvjerava Aco i sebe i nas na kraju razgovora. Naš razgovor pomno je pratio i jedan puh koji se čitavo vrijeme vrtio oko nas uživajući u plodovima iz našeg ruksaka. Aco nas u šali upozorava da ga ne ponesemo kući u ruksaku, ali to nam ne bi bio problem jer se namjeravamo brzo vratiti Veležu. Vrlo brzo.
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Planina Velež se nalazi u srcu Hercegovine na području opština Mostar i Nevesinje. Svojom 13 kilometara dugom stjenovitom barijerom, koja je kao takva jedinstvena u regionu, oduvjek je privlačila putnike koji su prolazili ovim krajevima. Podno stijene u gustoj šumi, nalaze se ostaci nekadašnje ceste koja je izgrađena u doba austrougarske vladavine Bosnom i Hercegovinom. Ovdašnje stijene nastanjuju orlovi, a šume medvjedi i ostale divlje životinje. Najviši vrh je Botin, koji seže do 1969 metara n. v. Ukupni krajolik svakako zaslužuje da bude zaštićen i kategorisan kao područije od posebnog značaja.
Mount Velež is located in the heart of Herzegovina in the municipalities of Mostar and Nevesinje. With its 13-kilometerlong rocky barrier, which is unique in the region, it has always attracted travellers passing through this area. At the foot of the rock in a dense forest, are the remains of a former road built during the Austro-Hungarian rule of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The local rocks are inhabited by eagles, and the forests by bears and other wild animals. The highest peak is Botin, which reaches up to 1969 meters above sea level. The overall landscape definitely deserves to be protected and categorized as an area of special importance.
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- Ko nije planinar i ko nije iskusio neku evropsku ferattu ne bih mu ni preporučio Velež jer ova ipak spada u nešto teže i zahtjevnije feratte. Ima nekoliko teških vertikala, a potrebno je do dva i po sata da se pređe. Kada se tu doda i pristup, odnosno spuštanje markiranom stazom to je ukupno oko deset sati penjanja i hodanja. Za razliku od onih u Grudama, Blagaju, Ormanju kojima se može pristupiti skoro iz automobila, ova je ipak s razlogom dobila naziv „Srce Veleža“. Istinski doživite osjećaj divljine. Feratta je napravljena po francuskom principu izrade feratta, potpuno je sigurna i zato će dugo trajati. Jedini problem može biti vrijeme i čovjek. Vrijeme na Veležu zna biti čudnovato i kapa od magle se zna spustiti do u pola stijene što nam se i par puta desilo. Osim toga i gavranovi bukvalno guraju kamenje sa polica, što može biti jako opasno - priča nam Demir. Kaže da tokom gradnje nije bilo nikakvih povređivanja jer se radilo o iskusnom timu. Znalo se desiti da ispadne baterija od aku bušilice, borer koji košta sto maraka i slično, ali sve bez ijednog incidenta.
- I would recommend Velež only to those who are mountaineers and who have experienced a European ferrata, because this one still belongs to something more difficult and demanding. It has several difficult verticals, and it takes up to two and a half hours to cross. When you add the access, that is, the descent along the marked path, it is a total of about ten hours of climbing and walking. Unlike those in Grude, Blagaj, Ormanj, which can be accessed almost from a car, this one was named “The Heart of Velež” for a reason. You truly experience the feeling of wildness. The feratta is made according to the French principle of construction, it is completely safe and therefore will last for a long time. The only problem can be the elements and man. The weather on Velež can be strange and the “fog cap“ can cover the rock down to its middle, which has happened to us a couple of times. In addition, ravens literally push stones off the ledges, which can be very dangerous - Demir tells us. He says that there were no injuries during the construction because it was an experienced team. Sometimes the battery of the cordless drill was dropped or a drill that costs a hundred marks fell out and the like, but there were no accidents.
- Od opreme se obavezno mora imati feratta set, kaciga, rukavice i još jedna dodatna gurtna koja je kraća i koju okačite o klin ili nogostup da bi se mogli malo i odmarati, te par karabinera. Najopasnija mjesta su dva izlaza iz vertikala, zato što se već umorite kroz njihov prolazak koje su 3040 metara, a onda se na kraju morate bukvalno rukama i svojom snagom izvući iz nje. Na gornjoj vertikali koja je zahtjevnija iako ima nogostupe morate imati fizičku snagu da biste se izvukli iz vertikale, a morate se malo i nagnuti što može biti problem za one koji se boje visine - opisuje naš sagovornik. Prema njegovom mišljenju, najljepši dio feratte je izlazna prečnica koja vodi ulijevo i vertikala iznad nje gdje se ispod pruža ambis od 350 metara te stoga uopšte ne sumnjamo u spektakularan pogled. Dodaje da na feratti imaju i dvije male police i pećine gdje se može odmoriti ili sakriti od nevremena.
- The equipment must include a ferratta set, helmet, gloves and another additional strap that is shorter and which you hang on a peg or sidewalk so that you can rest a bit, and a pair of carabiner hooks. The most dangerous places are the two exits from the verticals, because when you are already tired of having passed through them along 30-40 meters, in the end you literally have to pull yourself out of it with your hands and all your strength. On the upper vertical, which is more demanding even though it has sidewalks, you have to have physical strength to get out of it, and you have to lean a little, which can be a problem for those who are afraid of heights. In his opinion, the most beautiful part of the ferrata is the exit shortcut leading to the left and the vertical above an abyss of 350 meters offering a spectacular view. He adds that they also have two small ledges and caves on the ferrata where they can rest or shelter in a storm.
- Moj savjet je da svako nosi bar 30 metara užeta i dva, tri karabinera da u slučaju da se neko povrijedi ili ne može dalje da ga možete bezbijedno spustiti. Tokom gradnje smo sami sebe nazvali „Dudlajevi“ što samo po sebi sve govori. Savjet onima koji ulaze u ferattu je da moraju, kao prvo, biti fizički spremni, mentalno i spreman da nekome pomogne. Onima koji se boje visine nije mjesto na ovoj feratti. Prije nego što dođete ovdje savjetujem da prvo prođete feratte Osobac, Grude , Blagaj, Ormanj... - savjetuje Demir.
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- My advice is that everyone carries at least 30 meters of rope and two or three carabiner hooks so that in case someone gets injured or can’t go any further, you can safely lower them. During the construction, we called ourselves “Dudlajevi”, which explains it all. The advice to those who enter the ferrata is that they must, first of all, be physically and mentally prepared to help someone. This ferrata is deffinitely not for tose who are afraid of heights. Before you come here, I advise you to first pass the ferratas such as Osobac, Grude, Blagaj, Ormanj ... - advises Demir.
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...much more nature...
Stop, feel, breath in a secret part of Europe. Completely surrender to the moment of absolute freedom. Let the magic of this stunning nature take you to the sky and back.
...much more adventure...
Adrenaline junkies welcome to your perfect blissfully crowd-free adventure oasis. Cross all your limits and dive into the undiscovered world of adventure.
...much more culture...
Explore and visit some of the unique cultural heritage which some of them are under UNESCO protection. Fully understand why this area is considered as the bridge between East and West.
...much more gastro...
Gourmands and hedonists, this is your gastronomic heaven. Take your senses to an amazing journey and open the treasure brimful of fantastic different tastes.
Tourist organization of Republic of Srpska www.visitformore visitformore republic of srpska-visit for more 0038751229720 Bana Milosavljevića 8, Banjaluka turistiÄ?ka prizma
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RAFTING KLUB BODO Foča • Republika Srpska • BIH Tel: +387 (0)65 577 903 • +382 (0)69 206 311 • +381 (0)64 081 58 10 Plužine • Crna Gora • Montenegro • Tel: +382 (0)69 660 054 • turistička prizma
turistička prizma Web portal BH PUTOVANJA je online magazin za promociju turizma i zaštitu okoliša. Dostupan i na engleskom jeziku. turistička prizma
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Hotel Vidikovac zvornik
U istočnom dijelu Bosne i Hercegovine, na lijevoj obali rijeke Drine, okružen visokim brdima, smješten je mali urbani grad sa bogatom istorijom, grad Zvornik. Njegovo vodeno okruženje posebno plijeni pogled prolaznika sa obje strane Drine. U neposrednoj blizini grada (3km), nalazi se Zvorničko jezero nastalo putem akumulacije, odnosno izgradnjom hidro elektrane. Jezero je dugačko 25km i zahvata površinu od 1300 hektara, sa maksimalnom dubinom od 39 metara. U priobalnom dijelu ovog predivnog jezera nalaze se male plaže, privatne vikend kuće, kao i nekoliko ugostiteljskih objekata, među kojima se posebno ističe naš hotel «VIDIKOVAC». Pozicioniran na visokoj stijeni sa koje se pruža predivan i prostran pogled na Zvorničko jezero, Hotel Vidikovac prkosi svojom ljepotom, te čini prepoznatljiv brend za sve domaće i strane turiste. Smješten je na sredini magistralnog Sarajevo - Beograd, dok je od Tuzle i Bijeljine udaljen svega 50km. Savremeno opremljen hotel, prijatno osoblje, kvalitetna vinska i gastronomska ponuda, i predivan pogled, čine neraskidiv spoj za opuštanje svih čula i potpuno uživanje. Notu hedonizma pojačava i bogato opremljen Wellness i spa centar «Vidikovac», koji je na raspolaganju svim našim gostima. Hotel posjeduje 21 smještajnu jedinicu (19 soba i 2 apartmana) koji imaju prekrasan pogled na samo jezero, zatim restoran internacionalne kuhinje, terasu, lounge bar, kongres salu i sopstveni parking, sve smješteno na 2,550 kvadratnih metara, uz sami priobalni put.
ZA TURISTE I BIZNIS GOSTE Hotel “Sunce” zaista sija punim sjajem. Novo, skladno arhitektonsko i neimarsko delo, na početku Vogošće sa zapadne strane ulaza u Sarajevo uvek je otvoreno za dobronamernog gosta. Toplinom svojih prostora, maksimalno opremljenim apartmanima i sobama (klima, TV, telefon, mini bar...) i ugodnom atmosferom kraj fontane u bašti, hotel vas sigurno neće ostaviti ravnodušnim. Ako se ovome doda srdačno gostoprimstvo i profesionalnost osoblja, nije čudo što “Sunce” za kratko vreme ima svoje stalne goste sa svih meridijana. Hotel za poslovne sastanke i manifestacije kongresnog tipa ima posebne moderno opremljene sale. Napomenimo i to da za organizovane grupe hotel ima vlastiti klimatizovan autobus za izlete u Sarajevo i okolinu, kao i za transfere do aerodroma.
FOR TOURIST AND BUSINESS GUESTS The “Sunce” Hotel does shine brightly. A harmonious architectural gem at the west of the entrance of Sarajevo, this hotel in Vogošća always welcomes its guests. One never fails to be impressed by the warmth of the atmosphere, excellently furnished suits and rooms (air-condition, telephone, minibars...) and the peacefulness of the garden with a fountain. The famous hospitality and professionalism of the hotel staff account the fact that the hotel has established excellent reputation for a short time. It is worth mentioning that the hotel has an air-conditioned bus for excursions to Sarajevo and its vicinity, as well as for airport transfers.
HOTEL "SUNCE" VOGOŠĆA Feriza Merzuka br. 76 • Vogošća • Sarajevo • BIH • Tel.: +387 (0)33 475 600 • Fax.: +387 (0)33 475 617 •
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Tekst i Foto: Risto Tasev
Strumica je u bivšoj Jugoslaviji bila poznata po proizvodnji paprike i paradajza i manje poznatoj činjenici da je posle slovenačkog Maribora u njoj bilo najviše vozila po stanovniku. Posle osamostaljenja Makedonije, danas Severna, na površinu su isplivale pomalo zaboravljene prirodne lepote i skriveni turistički potencijali.
We are taking you to Northern Macedonia
STRUMICA TOURIST PEARLS In ex- Yugoslavia, Strumica was known for the production of peppers and tomatoes and the lesser-known fact that, after the Slovenian Maribor, it had the most vehicles per capita. When the coutry became independent North Macedonia, somewhat forgotten natural beauties and hidden tourist potentials surfaced.
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Od tri prelepa vodopada-Smolare, Kolešino i Gabrovo, zatim Banje Bansko, gde temperatura vode dostiže 72 stepena Celzijusa i lokalnog hotela „Car Samuil“, stare crkve i manastira, ili šetnje Strumicom, ručkom u nekom od elegantnih restorana ili kafića. Možete da degustirate domaće specijalitete, uvek sveže salate, koje se odlično slažu c čuvenom strumičkom „mastikom“, koja ima tradiciju proizvodnje dugu više od pet vekova.
From three beautiful waterfalls - Smolare, Kolešino and Gabrovo, then Banja Bansko, where the water temperature reaches 72 degrees Celsius and the local hotel “Car Samuil”, or from the old church and monastery, or from a walk along Strumica, or from a lunch in one of the elegant restaurants or cafes? You can taste home-made specialties, always fresh salads, which go well with the famous Strumica “mastic”, which has a tradition of production of more than five centuries long.
Tu su i poznati strumički roštilj i neizbežni ćevapi i naravno smeštaj u prelepom hotelu „Sirius“. Izbor je sjajan, ali krenimo redom. Tri vodopada vrhunski su doživljaj. Iako se posetioci i turisti kratko zadržavaju, turistički radnici kažu da se njihova lepota može iskusiti samo sa nekoliko dana boravka.
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There are also the famous Strumica barbecue and the perennial kebabs and of course, accommodation in the beautiful hotel “Sirius”. The choice is great, but let’s start from the beginning.
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U neposrednoj blizini postoje smeštajni kapaciteti i to je nedaleko od grada, na samo 10-15 km. Na sva tri lokaliteta postoje restorani. Sledeće odredište su manastirski kompleksi u selima Vodoča i Veljusa, kao i crkveni zaštitnik grada, „Svetih Petnaest Tiberiopoljskih jeromučenica“, gde svi vernici i ljubitelji verskog turizma mogu da vide ikonu „Bogorodice Brzoposlušnice“ iz Svete Gore, koja je četvrta takva kopija na svetu.
Three waterfalls are a top experience. Although visitors and tourists stay for a short time, tourist workers say that their beauty can be experienced only if you stay there for a few days. In the immediate vicinity there are accommodation facilities and it is not far from the city, only 10-15 km. There are restaurants in all the three locations.
Tamo možete prespavati za oko deset evra u lepo uređenim konacima, ali možete koristiti i ceo pansion. Turistima je na raspolaganju više hotela u gradu i naravno najpoznatiji i najveći - „Sirius 5*“. Dobitnik je nagrade „Balkan Spa Avards 2012“ i jedini je takve vrste u Makedoniji.
The next destination is the monastery complexes in the villages of Vodoča and Veljusa, as well as the church of the patron saint of the city, “Holy Fifteen Tiberiopolis Martyrs”, where all the faithful and lovers of religious tourism can see the icon of the Mother of God Quick to Hear. There you can sleep for about ten euros in nicely furnished hostels, but you can also have the full board.
Banjski centar samo dopunjuje dugogodišnji uspešan rad poznatog hotela. Nalazi se na 1,5 km od centra Strumice. Od sadržaja „Sirius Spa & Wellness“ centar nudi: zatvoreni bazen, džakuzi, tursko kupatilo, parno kupatilo, infracrvenu saunu, finsku saunu, slanu kupku, fitnes, 6 soba za masažu, 2 sobe za luksuzne tretmane i rituale, zatvoreni i otvoreni bazeni. Hotel radi tokom čitave godine.
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Tourists have at their disposal several hotels in the city and of course, the most famous and largest one - “Sirius 5 *”. It is the winner of the “Balkan Spa Awards 2012” and is the only one of its kind in Macedonia. The spa center only complements the long-term successful operation of the famous hotel. It is located 1.5 km from the centre of Strumica.
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Malo ljudi zna da je Strumica rodno mesto proročice Vange. U Strumici nema obeležja, ali je u Novom Selu, u blizini makedonsko-bugarske granice, 20 km od Strumice, postavljena fontana na mestu gde je ona oslepela. Za one koji žele više, mogu da „skoknu“ do prvog grada u Bugarskoj, Petriča, gde je živela Vanga, i banje Rupite, u kojoj je obično boravila, a koja se nalazi u blizini ovog bugarskog grada, udaljenog 50 kilometra od Strumice.
The “Sirius Spa & Wellness” centre offers: indoor pool, jacuzzi, Turkish bath, steam bath, infrared sauna, Finnish sauna, salt baths, fitness room, 6 massage rooms, 2 rooms for luxury treatments and rituals, indoor and outdoor pools . The hotel is open all year round. Few people know that Strumica is the birthplace of the famous prophetess Vanga. There are no landmarks in Strumica, but in Novo Selo, near the Macedonian-Bulgarian border, 20 km from Strumica, a fountain was set up at the place where she went blind.
Strumica svojim položajem, kao granična tačka između tri države, nudi mogućnosti i za druge vidove turizma – planinarenje na planini Belasica, obilazak dva velika veštačka jezera - Turija i Vodoča i što je najvažnije, jezero Dojran udaljeno je samo 40 kilometara od Strumice, gde poslednjih godina boravi veliki broj srpskih turista koji u Grčku ulaze preko graničnog prelaza Dojran-Dojrani. Takođe, Strumicu možete posetiti za vreme međunarodnog strumičkog karnevala, koji je poznat širom Evrope i jedan je od najvećih na Balkanu. Održava se u subotu, 40 dana pre velikog hrišćanskog praznika Uskrsa. Tada morate osetiti karnevalsko ludilo, kada kroz ulice bukvalno teku reke maskiranih ljudi. Postoji i nekoliko međunarodnih kulturnih događaja, poput Strumica open fest, Festivala kamernog pozorišta „Risto Šiškov“, Međunarodnog filmskog festivala „Asterfest“ i Međunarodne likovne kolonije Strumica.
Those who want more information, it is possible to make a quick visit to the first city in Bulgaria after the border. Petrich, where Vanga lived, and the Rupita Spa, where she usually stayed, are located near this Bulgarian city, 50 kilometers away from Strumica. With its position, as a border point between three countries, Strumica offers opportunities for other types of tourism hiking on Mount Belasica, touring two large artificial lakes Turija and Vodoča and most importantly, Lake Dojran is only 40 kilometers from Strumica, where over the recent years, a large number of Serbian tourists have been entering Greece through the Dojran-Dojrani border crossing. You can also visit Strumica during the International Strumica Carnival, which is known throughout Europe and is one of the largest in the Balkans. It is held on Saturday, 40 days before the great Christian holiday of Easter. Then you must feel the carnival madness, when rivers of masked people flow through the streets. There are also several international cultural events, such as the Strumica Open Fest, the „Risto Šiškov“ Chamber Theater Festival, the Asterfest International Film Festival and the Strumica International Art Colony.
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Restoran "Ostrovo", porodice Risteski, nalazi se na jugoistočnoj strani Ohridskog jezera, na ostrvcu, blizu manastirskog kompleksa Sveti Naum. Tokom čitave godine, ovo je mesto hodočasnika i turista iz čitavog sveta koji baš tu traže duhovni mir i uživanje u raskošnoj prirodi, a u samom restoranu gurmanske specijalitete i vrhunska makedonska vina. Ovde, turisti posebno uživaju u atraktivnoj vožnji čamcima na vesla po izvorima Crnog Drima koga zovu i majkom Ohridskog jezera. Takođe, porodica Risteski nudi Vam i nakit od čuvenog ohridskog bisera i srebra, koje sami izrađuju, kao i maksimalno komforne apartmane u etno kući udaljenoj nepuna 3 kilometra od restorana u selu Ljubaništa.
Restaurant “Ostrovo”, owned by Risteski family, is situated on the southeastern coast of Ohrid lake, on the small island, close to St. Naum monastery. Through the whole year, this is the place of pilgrims and tourists from all around the world, seeking spiritual peace and pleasure of rich nature... In restaurant itself, they seek gourmet specialties and exquisite Macedonian wines. Here, tourists especially enjoy attractive oared boat ride around wellsprings of Crni Drim, which is called “the mother of Ohrid lake”. Also, family Risteski will offer you their hand-made jewellery, made of silver and famous Ohrid pearls, as well as comfortable suites in the Ethno house situated in the village of Ljubaništa, less than 3 ETNO VILA RISTESKI kilometres away from the restaurant. Ova autentična vila porodice Risteski nalazi se u selu Ljubaništa, na samo 2,5 kilometra od manastira Sv. Naum i Restorana Ostrovo. Poseduje 5 luksuznih apartmana kapaciteta 20 ležajeva, sa klima uređajem, kablovskom televizijom, mini barom i kuhinjom. Svaki apartman ima terasu s koje je prekrasan pogled na Ohridsko jezero i manastirski kompleks Sv.Naum.
ETHNO VILLA RISTESKI The private accommodation in the ethno-villa “Risteski” in village Ljubanista which is on 2.5 km from the restaurant. The 11 apartments are for 30 persons and are equipped with air-condition, cable TV, kitchen, mini-bar and terrace with perfect view on best sandy beaches on coast of Lake Ohrid.
RESTORAN OSTROVO SV. NAUM St. Naum • Ljubaništa • Ohrid • Severna Makedonija • North Macedonia Tel: +389 (0)46 283 090 •
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DOBRODOÅ LI U RIMSKE TERME! Rimske terme - sinonim za bezvremensku eleganciju ambijenta, superior suite,toplo gostoprimstvo, izvrsnu kuhinju i jedinstvenu ponudu wellness i zdravstvenih usluga. WWW.RIMSKE-TERME.SI|INFO@RIMSKE-TERME.SI|+386 3 574 2011 RIMSKE TERME, Toplice 10, 3272 Rimske Toplice, Slovenia
Ljubljana Pansion Portal je manji smeštajni objekat u Ljubljani sa dugogodišnjom tradicijom. U objektu se nalazi jedan od većih rastorana u gradu, gde se služe jela po porudžbini i primaju veće grupe za veselja, poslovne ručkove, svadbe. Gostima se nudi mogućnost noćenja sa doručkom ili polupansionom. Obekat se nalazi na lepoj i mirnoj lokaciji na samomo ulasku u Ljubljanu. Pansion Portal je prepoznatljiv po velikom parkiralištu i lepo uredjenoj okolini pored reke Ljubljanice.
Pension Portal is a smaller accommodation facility in Ljubljana, with a long tradition. Within the pension there can be found one of the larger restaurants in town, where they serve dishes à la carte and host larger groups for various entertainment events, business lunches, weddings. Guests have the option of bed and breakfast or half board. The object is situated on a beautiful and peaceful location at the very entrance of Ljubljana. Pension Portal is recognizable by its large parking lot and a landscaped area next to the river Ljubljanica.
Portal & M d.o.o. Zaloška cesta 110 • Ljubljana • Slovenija tel: +386 (0)1 54 00 166 • fax: +386 (0)1 54 00 660 • Rezervacije: +386 (0)51 60 60 70 •
Dopadljiva mala kuća pod nazivom Hostel Ana, koja se nalazi u samom centru Ljubljane, poziva pod svoj krov putnike iz celog sveta. Hostel Ana je mala trospratna kuća koja poseduje 10 prostranih soba sa spratnim kupatilom. Vlasnica pansiona koja je glavni kuvar u jednom renomiranom ljubljanskom restoranu će vas poslužiti raznim gurmanlucima. Hostel ima besplatan Wi-Fi pristup internetu i letnju baštu sa roštiljem i barom.
Ana Hostel Komenskega ulica 10 • Ljubljana Tel: + 386 (0)1 292 7997 • Fax: + 386 (0)1 292 7995 e-mail:
Fall in Love with Bled Rose #ifeelslovenia
Vreme je za lepe trenutke. Prepustite se komfortu i priuštite sebi samo najbolje. Sigurni smo, da će biti vaše vreme provedeno u Bled Rose hotelu nešto posebno.
Izizetna lokacija s pogledom na Blejsko jezero, opuštena atmosfera, elegancija i udobnost hotela sa 4 zvezdice, primesama dobre energije prirode, restorana sa odabranim ukusima lokalne kulinarske tradicije, modernog wellnessa sa unutrašnjim bazenom, saunama i masažnim centrom, koji se otvara na hotelsku plažu. U hotelu se nalazi i moderni konferencijski centar, sa četiri prostrane i svetle sale i pre svega sa predanim osobljem koje će se pobrinuti da hotel Bled Rose postane i ostane vaš omiljeni izbor za nezaboravan romantični, poslovni ili aktivni odmor na Bledu.
Sombor je danas moderan grad koji je očuvao patinu i šarm prošlosti, zelena oaza bođoša na njegovim sokacima i vencima zadržala je nasleđeni hladoviti perivoj kojim i danas pitomo promiče fijaker, čuvajući legendu o Somboru, Ravangradu i Zelengradu, kao i mitskom staništu čija je lepota pesmom ispričana, kao preporuka, ponajviše kao dobrodošlica:
“U tom Somboru svega na volju; Ko kroz njega jednom prođe, Taj će opet da nam dođe, Zavoleće ga.”
TURISTIČKA ORGANIZACIJA VOJVODINE Novi Sad • Srbija • Serbia tel:+381 (0)21 452 910
Francuska 24 • 11000 Belgrade • Serbia