Tulane School of Liberal Arts Magazine 2019: The Global Issue

Page 36

PHILOSOPHY IN THE COMMUNITY What are the ethical foundations of leading a meaningful life?


raduate student Sabrina Leeds (M.A., Philosophy, ’19) used this question to guide a philosophy class she taught last fall at a local nonprofit in the greater New Orleans area. For two months, Leeds led weekly conversations on ethics and philosophy at Project Lazarus, a transitional housing agency for people living with HIV/AIDS.

Project Lazarus opened its doors to New Orleans in 1985 and is an independent, non-denominational, and non-profit organization sponsored by the Archdiocese of New Orleans. More than 1,000 men and women diagnosed with HIV/AIDS have stayed at Project Lazarus under safe housing with special care ranging from wellness and holistic services, to an outpatient substance abuse program and aftercare to support each resident’s livelihood beyond Project Lazarus. As Director of Programs Jessica Kinnison explains, the organization offers culturally responsive programming focused on the overall wellbeing of the resident. “The benefit to residents is immediate stabilization, improved health outcomes, a built-in support network, and assistance with long-term goal planning. The benefit to the community is an immediate reduction in the number of 34


individuals who are homeless, who might be transmitting HIV without full knowledge of the virus and their health, are uninsured, or who might have untreated mental It helps our illness,” Kinnison said. students and Leeds’ philosophy class was part of their residents the organization’s Wellness University understand that program, which provides courses to philosophy isn’t residents such as HIV 101, Financial purely academic, Literacy, Life Skills, and elective and that many of courses such as creative writing, art therapy, psychology, and philosophy. the ideas we discuss For Leeds, this was a great opportunity in philosophy have a universal appeal. to gain teaching experience while completing her master’s degree in the School of Liberal Arts’ Department of Philosophy’s 4+1

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