Fall 2008 - Issue 9

Page 21

which includes Jugg Mugg, Big Hoss, T-Mac, and Rob Quest (one of the few blind rappers I know of). Crowds were not an issue, though the atmosphere felt like a Boy Scout alumni reunion, distinctly lacking those of the XX chromosomal persuasion. However, security seemed a bit tight for such an intimate show. I was OK discarding my empty cup before entering, having to pay for a coat check, and even being frisked, but I’m still a little sour that they took my pen. This inconvenience, however, was quickly eclipsed by the vibe of the audience. I stood comfortably just a few feet from the stage. The usual pushy assholes who stop at nothing to reach the stage were mysteriously absent or perhaps sedated by Massachusetts’ most recently decriminalized drug. In predictable stoner style—and Devin is a stoner—he moseyed onstage close to three hours after the concert started. He instantly elicited a salivatory response from the crowd with the big, fat blunt that he clutched between his fingers. Like a conductor’s baton, Devin directed the crowd with his weed-packed wand. In no time at all, it was lit (with a convenient lighter that was attached to his belt by a zip

Then, Myspace Semi-Artistic Scensterism®

cord) and passed around the stage. This quick sesh was a perfect compliment to the set list, which kicked off the show with various odes to Cannabis sativa. Promoting his newest album Landing Gear, we heard the melodious chorus to “Can’t Make it Home” (one blunt/ one more shot of Patron/ I’m



lit/ I can’t make it home) which, in concert, contained many more soulful harmony embellishments from Devin. I was impressed that his tar-filled lungs did not hinder his ability to throw in some harmonies. After the weed songs, a quick story about his sexcapades segued nicely into the lady songs, which were a little more unsettling. While Devin did preach equal opportunity lovin’ (he doesn’t discriminate between fat, skinny, white, or black), the fact that the crowd was singing along, even shouting “show her what her pussy made for,” made me wonder if I was in a room full of rapists or just among a particularly engaged audience. These new installments were a little extreme, even for Devin, and incredibly awkward in a concert setting. I still feel a little guilty for supporting an artist that holds such extreme views that run counter to my own. He ended with “Anythang,” one of few older songs he performed, that, while a little more positive than songs about an empty doobie ashtray or his busted Lacville ‘79, was a bit too downbeat for a finale. I would have cried for an encore, but alas, the T has an early bedtime. Seeing Devin the Dude doing his thing

Now, Myspace was, like, kind of this stepping stone thing between Livejournal and Facebook. Your page wuz portioned into sections and organized similar to Facebook, but again, almost everything was malleable a la HTML (HyPeRtExTMaRkUpLaNgUaGe!), although slightly less so than LJ (2kewl4skewl, Tom). Now, people commented directly on your page instead of responding to your creative output. Unless of course, we are to consider the shirtless, oblique, bathroom mirror reflection profile pic as creative output—which it totes is! Meh, the journaling feature, the “miniblog”, wasn’t so hot


Whatev, it was all about the sluttastic photos and music you expertly edited to exude your superkewl myspace persona.. The whole thing reeked of your you-ness from the moment that page opened. Or, at least, the you that you wanted to show people, and unlike Facebook, people often conveyed their scene-ass fantasy self rather than anything resembling reality…and we were so down. Plus, photoshopping your pics to make you look like a bad ass was way legit.


Yeah, URAQT but pastel pink page, flashing neon peach explosions with unicorns and strawberries and the care bears theme song mashed to the beat of Peaches. AwHellzyussss. B-TDUBZ: Whateva! Whateva! I roll with 12 gangs.


Pfffff red and black photoshopped montages with “I’m the New Cancer” emblazoned at the top. Techno like a lazer beam in your eyes. And don’t ever forget Myspace memes! Where do you think Pirates VS Ninjas came from? Myspace enabled users to entertain their friends with wit, 4realz u were xposed… …Lol. Just living my TTT lyfestyle ( Tight Typical Teen for those noobz out there) xoxoxox

Online no more!

December 8, 2008



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