Jumbo Magazine - Summer 2021

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FRIENDSHIP ISSUE Radical and Responsible: Art Activism through Many Lenses Herds Within the Herd: The Power of Finding Mentorship and Sharing It Zen and the Art of Rowing for Tufts Let the Games Begin! Jumbo Challenges For You to Conquer Tufts


These pages were written by Tufts students. Flipping through them should feel like taking a stroll through campus. You’ll meet professors and students; they’ll share with you what excites them. You’ll drop into a class on an unfamiliar topic and leave inspired, dig into some fascinating research, or hang out in a residence hall with potential classmates. Along the way, you might decide that Tufts feels like the right place for you. If that happens, this magazine is also for you—flip to the back where we’ve broken down the basics on applying: deadlines, aid, and our advice. This is Tufts; explore it.




14 | Anya, Ameya and Art Activism At Tufts and beyond, art gets people involved in social change.

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On the Cover: Ameya Okamoto ’23 and Anya Tisdale ’22 are artists and soon to be household names. Read about them on page 14. COVER PHOTOS BY KATHLEEN DOOHER (FRONT), ALONSO NICHOLS/TUFTS UNIVERSITY (BACK)



college experience—the people you meet in college will influence you, and vice versa, shaping your understanding of the world. Your friends are likely to be the people with whom you spend the most time, the ones with whom you form the strongest bonds and strongest memories; the ones who support you when things are diffi cult and cheer you on through all of your accomplishments. And they will help you be the best you that they know you can be. As we emerge from the Coronavirus pandemic, we have all learned more about the importance of social connection and the role that friends play in helping us through difficult times. At Tufts, friendship matters. What we offer is more than a classroom experience or the ability to major in your chosen field. It’s the opportunity to build meaningful relationships with your peers who are likely to come from different backgrounds than

MEET THE STUDENT COMMUNICATIONS GROUP Most of what you’re about to read was written by these Tufts students. Listen for their voices as they introduce you to the Tufts community, page by page.


you, have lived in different parts of the world, and have different interests and experiences than you. In admissions, we look for each applicant’s distinct voice, knowing that we are building a chorus of voices that complement each other in harmony, but also push each other in new directions. At Tufts, we will encourage you to collaborate on class projects, to socialize in Dewick or Carmichael, or to pile onto a toboggan for a ride down the Prez Lawn hill during a February snowstorm—all with the people that will become your lifelong friends. In this issue of JUMBO, you will read about some of the people that make up our community— faculty, staff, and students whose voices will help shape your journey. You will learn about residential spaces at Tufts that provide forums for connection and community-building. You will learn about the ways in which our students partner with faculty on research projects, and you will read about some of the memories that members of the Class of 2021

made during their Tufts journeys that will stay with them for a lifetime. I encourage you to pay attention to the people you meet as you learn about universities—who are they? What do they talk about? What do they value? And how might they shape your path? Tufts students are known for being intellectually playful, civically-engaged, kind, collaborative, entrepreneurial, and globally-minded. If that sounds like who you are looking for, and the types of friends you are hoping to make, then perhaps Tufts is the place for you.

SIWAAR ABOUHALA ’23 from West Harrison, NY

SUSANNAH MURRAY ’24 from Santa Fe, NM

BLAKE ANDERSON ’24 from Sioux Falls, SD

CHRIS PANELLA ’21 from Hollywood, FL

JOSH COHEN ’24 from Sarasota, FL

VALERIA VELASQUEZ ’23 from Columbia, MO


JT Duck Dean of Admissions

MARIE KAZIBWE ’24 from Mount Kisco, NY

OFFICE OF UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSIONS Tufts University / Bendetson Hall 2 The Green / Medford, MA 02155 617.627.3170 / admissions.tufts.edu / jumboeditor@tufts.edu

Produced by the Office of Undergraduate Admissions and Edited by Kella Merlain-Moffatt, Admissions Counselor Design by Hecht/Horton Partners


FRIENDSHIP. It lies at the core of any successful

CLASS HIGHLIGHTS The Tufts Experimental College, or ExCollege, is a department that offers innovative elective courses to every undergrad student. ExCollege classes can be taught by Tufts undergraduate and graduate students, Boston area professionals, and more. They cover a wide range of topics, connecting nontraditional studies with academic disciplines. As you’re thinking about finding common ground and friendship at Tufts, consider these courses that explore the nuances of relationships and community, all of which are being offered in the fall of 2021.

EXP-0022 Crafting Community Taught by Rebecca Aberle, a PhD Candidate in the Department of English, Crafting Community asks, “What can craft teach us, and how can it help us take care of others and our environment?” Throughout the course, students will explore the origins of food and clothing, learn about systems of knowledge that challenge contemporary Western epistemology, and create a new community of knowledge built on interconnection and responsibility to the planet. The class uses texts primarily written by women to recenter frequently overlooked knowledge and practice, and will be combined with hands-on experience with certain crafts, particularly fiber crafts. The readings, discussions, and activities are all woven together through the interconnection of stories, craft, and community and their importance in taking care of each other and the environment. EXP-0001-F Snapshots in the Internet Age: From Family Albums to Instagram Sarah Pollman ’07, ’14, a Tufts alum who creates visual art guided by principles drawn from art history, critical theory, and psychology, is teaching this course that aims to examine the relationship between the images saved to our camera roles, current politics, and culture. Looking specifically at vernacular photos online in the age of the internet,

where so much of interpersonal relationship is founded and displayed, students will analyze the power of images, their communicative roles in systems of distribution and display, and their historical power. The course uses both critical theory, visual anthropology, and visual arts, to examine the casual photograph’s evolving meaning through shifting time periods and technologies while drawing on ideas from films, field trips to exhibitions, visiting critics, and reading discussions. EXP-0014-F The Business of Video Games The video game industry is a constantly evolving space that delights billions of people around the world. In fact, the games industry now generates more annual revenue than film and sports combined. How did the video game industry become such a juggernaut? Who are the key players in this space? How does a game go from an idea to being played by millions worldwide? What broader impact does the video game industry have on society as a whole? Students will explore these questions and the industry while learning the fundamentals of business. Double Jumbo Zach Zager ’17, ’18, has played games his entire life and is excited to teach this course. Key topics will include marketing, fundraising, management, innovation, and working in the games industry.





THE SOMERVILLE FLEA THE GREENWAY ARTISAN MARKET is an open-air market right in the heart of Somerville!

Located just five minutes away from Davis Square, the market boasts gorgeous artwork, local and sustainably made goods, delicious food trucks, and more! The market also brings in local musicians to add to the fun, relaxed atmosphere of the market. This flea market is truly a community event, so go grab some friends and head over to the Greenway Artisan Market!


Congratulations to Myisha Majumder, E21! She has been recognized as a member of the 2021 ASCE (@ASCETweets) New Faces of Civil Engineering - College class. The distinction honors future leaders from universities around the world. Read more: https://bit.ly/3c5aKIi


existence, many things have grown and developed––including Tufts trees. As a suburban campus, Tufts has no shortage of trees to read or relax under. Although trees are commonplace, the trees at Tufts hold a special place in our hearts. They provide a much-needed relief in the form of shade on a hot summer day. New England fall brings the trees dropping their leaves in a spectacular display of vibrant reds, bright yellows, and warm oranges. The many pine trees one finds here become festooned with a delicate, fresh layer of white snow in the winter. Then, as the winter comes to a close, buds and blossoms spring from their stems. Nothing is more magical than the light pink hue of petals flowing through the winds of the Tufts campus in the spring. So, grab a hammock and a good book and enjoy the scenic greenery Tufts offers.


HOW PLEASANT IT IS THE PANDEMIC dramatically altered the way that

student organizations function on campus. Perhaps no set of student organizations has been hit harder by the pandemic’s restrictions than Tufts’ nine a cappella groups. My group, S-Factor, is an all-men group that sings music of the African Diaspora. Established in 2006, we are one of the youngest vocal groups on campus, but our status as a staple within the Black community at Tufts has been cemented by years of smooth melodies, soulful riffs, and service to our people in the form of musical healing. While we are not meeting three times a week like usual, we still get on Zoom to connect whenever we get the chance. We very much look forward to the opportunity to continue doing what we love as soon as it is safe to do so. But until then, we enjoy each other’s virtual company all the same. As we sing at the end of every S-Factor rehearsal, “behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.” —Harrison Clark ’22


A BLAST TO THE PAST IN THE WINTER OF 1972, a group of male students gathered in


the home of then-Dean of Students Elizabeth Ahn Toupin to learn how to cook. The class, titled Cooking Class for Men, was designed to teach men chores historically designated for women. No stranger to the kitchen, Toupin had published a number of cookbooks, and appeared on televised cooking shows before her time at Tufts. The students loved the class: “Dean Toupin was such a good teacher for us ‘novices’ in the world of food, and she made it interesting for us as we learned about her food culture,” exclaimed Chris Hagger, E73, P09. Toupin enjoyed teaching the class as well. “It was very catchy,” she said. “And very fun.”

awarded MARCH with the New Student Organization of the Year Award for the 2020– 2021 academic year! Tufts MARCH: Maternal Advocacy and Research for Community Health, founded in Fall 2020, is the first maternal and child health student-led organization at Tufts. MARCH wants people to march with pregnant and birthing people, and to serve as a pathway for undergraduate students to advocate for and incorporate maternal health into their future careers and lives. In partnership with the MOTHER Lab: Maternal Outcomes for Translational Health Equity Research at Tufts University School of Medicine, MARCH works with local and global maternal health NGOs in an effort to both improve maternal health outcomes as well as educate undergraduate students about ongoing initiatives combating health disparities and working towards health equity. For more information about Tufts MARCH, please connect via Instagram (@tuftsmarch), Facebook (Tufts MARCH), and/or LinkedIn (www.linkedin.com/company/tufts-march).


@museumofscience’s Pulsar: A Science Podcast to discuss her biomedical engineering research on the human heart. Listen: apple.co/2We3fr7

WHILE STUDENTS have traditionally enjoyed Spring Fling at

Tufts, this past school year we creatively adapted to COVID-19 restrictions to offer Spring 2021 Staycation—a long weekend filled with over 100 online and hybrid events. Students enjoyed everything from making tie-dye shirts to drinking lemonade and laying in hammocks to adopting succulents and cacti. Thanks to the incredible team of students and staff members through the Tufts University Social Collective (TUSC), this series was a huge success and offered energizing and rejuvenating breaks for students to enjoy.



SUNSETS ON TISCH ROOF ENJOYING THE small yet beautiful moments in the semester is more important now than ever before. There is no better way to end the day than to watch the sunset on Tisch roof. Usually, you’ll see a small socially distanced group that is spread across Tisch roof enjoying the view. The Boston skyline grazed by the sunset is truly stunning and offers a daily moment of relaxation and reflection. 5



Eve Abraha ’21 exudes kindness. She is one of those remarkable Tufts students who learns how to be a better human being through every experience. Whether in class, or in her work with many community-based organizations and nonprofits, Eve makes a positive impact on the world around her with warmth and humility. Through her professional and academic endeavors, Eve works to make meaningful changes at Tufts—and beyond. And when she finds free time, Eve enjoys getting food from Habesha Restaurant in nearby Malden, playing with her dog Lulu, and watching reruns of Masterchef and Hell’s Kitchen. As a Memphis native and self-acclaimed “lifelong learner,” Eve came to Tufts ready to learn in a way that she never had before. It was in her first-year biology lab where Eve realized she did not have the same academic experiences other students had growing up. Despite the shock of academic rigor, Eve found comfort when her professors at Tufts cared deeply enough to help her personally. It was thanks to Dr. Fuhrman of the Tufts Department of Biology that she learned to persevere when she felt that her K–12 education had not adequately prepared her for Tufts’ coursework. Additionally, Professor Deborah Donahue-Keegan (or, as Eve calls her, “the queen of equity and kindness”) instilled Eve with a sense of energetic duty regarding education, igniting her passion of advocating for equitable learning. Most


recently, Eve credits Professor Peter Levine with teaching her about the importance of critical thinking in equity and public policy. The lessons learned in Professor Levine’s class allowed her to think critically about complex problems, and she now feels prepared to create her own answers and solutions to these problems. Because she had the mentorship of professors like these, Eve was able to grow and explore the passions to which she felt drawn. “I feel like my experiences being...the kid who is getting the short end of the stick, also seeing how that’s impacted my life trajectory, I really feel like I want to make education better, especially for underrepresented students.” Due to her own personal reflections on inequity in her K–12 education, Eve shifted the focus from her pre-med track to a different outlet that is unique to Tufts: civic studies. As the nation’s first (and only) college-wide program dedicated to civic engagement, the Jonathan M. Tisch College of Civic Life’s goal serves to implement meaningful change in our world through active youth participation in democracy. Every student at Tufts gains a conscious understanding of our all-too-fragile democracy, but Eve takes this understanding even further through her work as a prestigious Tisch Scholar. This accolade allows her to grow and learn in tandem with the Tisch College faculty and other Tisch Scholars. Through this collaboration, not only are students

taught how to be changemakers in our society, but they put this practice to good use in the real world. In Eve’s case, she is not a stranger to communityoriented work. She stresses the importance of knowing that working with communities is far different than working in communities. This practice turned into action this past summer. As Eve walked along the streets of Medford, she noticed how hunger was a problem for certain members of the community that resided along Massachusetts Avenue. So, Eve made meals for this population by taking money out of her own paycheck. Her goal was to distribute good, quality meals to those who needed them most—and, of course, they were complete with environmentally-conscious biodegradable containers. This project later grew and received more funding, and Eve’s dream manifested itself with the name “Igniting Change Through Compassion.” Undeniably, her humility and kindness will continue to impact future communities. Eve lives by the quote, “life is most beautiful when everything is done with love and complete humility.” These sentiments are clearly reflected in her work as she is one of the most hospitable and humble hearts on the Hill. Thus, it is by no surprise that Tufts has honored Eve with The Presidential Award for Civic Life—the most prestigious award on campus given to students for outstanding achievement in community service and community leadership. —BLAKE ANDERSON ’24



“Understanding someone is another way of loving them.”




A LOOK INTO TUFTS SPECIALTY HOUSING Moving to college often means moving away from home and being immersed into a collaborative community unlike any other. However, this move doesn’t mean you can’t find the same communities you have always known and loved. At Tufts, we are proud to have over 17 different culture/identity-based housing options to choose from. These options allow students to celebrate their identities with other students and mentors. But don’t just take our word for it—see what real students have to say about what it means to feel at home at Tufts. BY BLAKE ANDERSON ’24


AKBOTA “BOTA” SAUDABAYEVA ’22 SLAVIC HOUSE “I love living in the Russian/Slavic/Central Asian Culture House on campus because I am able to share my home with people who have the same cultural background and academic interests as me. Almost all of my housemates take Russian with me, or have some kind of amicable tie to the region. There’s a warm sense of camaraderie in the house. We love to share ingredients for dinner, socialize at events organized by the lovely RSCA President Ashley Aron ’22, and study in the common room together. And there’s a great opportunity to practice Russian outside of class!”

DUNCAN KIRSTEIN ’23 JEWISH CULTURAL HOUSE “I think a lot of our bonding began with cultural activities. Every Friday night, some of us would gather (and some would Zoom in), observe Chabad, and eat dinner. After that, we would watch a movie or something, and we all just became closer over time. We even got to do a Seder, which was a lot of fun. I think having something that connects all of you facilitates that sense of community a lot more.”



“Living in the German House has been a huge part of my Tufts experience! During my first year at Tufts, I found community by attending the house’s weekly coffee hour (Kaffeestunde) and getting to know the house residents, exchange students from Germany, and other Tufts students studying German. Now, as a house resident myself, I organize similar events that bring students together and share the German language and culture with the wider Tufts community. I have loved getting to meet and live alongside people whose interests are similar to my own, and my housemates and I enjoy planning game nights, watching German TV shows, and more. I will certainly miss the German House after I graduate, but the experiences I have had here and the people I have met will stay with me long after I leave the Hill.”


Lucas Schwartz ’22 came to Tufts considering a computer science degree. But, after exploring different courses, following his fascination with infrastructure and how humans interact with the built world, he found civil engineering. Lucas is excited about the impact he feels he can make there. Now he works with Professor Laurie Baise in her research group, currently focusing on using remote sensing data to draw important conclusions about how to respond to earthquakes. Here, they discuss their interests, research objectives, and the future of civil engineering. BY SUSANNAH MURRAY ’24


How did you meet? Lucas Schwartz: I met Professor Baise last semester, when I took Intro to Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Laurie Baise: It’s a project-based class, and Lucas picked a project on earthquakes, which is also my research area. It ended up being a great project, and then I invited him to be part of my research group. LS: I remember one of the first conversations we had was about how to structure the formula that I was using to prioritize building structures. After class, we were going back and forth over how we should weigh the different factors of a building, like the height, what year it was built, the materials it was built from. I remember that as one of our first interactions in the class, just trying to figure out the best way to model buildings’ deficiencies.

What does the work you do together now look like? LS: Right now I’m part of Professor Baise’s earthquake hazards research group, and what we’re focusing on is leveraging remote sensing data and looking at how we can use that to identify earthquake damage. We’re building up this image library, because the end goal is to use that library to train a computer through machine learning to take all the remote sensing data, scan through it, and spit out a report. It’s kind of a long process of looking at aerial imagery, and then drawing circles and shapes around landslides or patches of liquefaction. LB: Overall, I’m very interested in identifying and mapping hazard[s]. Sometimes we develop predictive models, and sometimes we look at what happened and try to understand why it happened. This particular project is taking some of the inventories where we’ve looked at damage and past events but we’ve never really looked at the images. We also want to identify the infrastructure that’s damaged. I’m interested in the cause, why something happened, but I’m also interested in coming up with the summaries of damage after events that can be reported out. LS: One thing that I really liked about my GIS journey is that a semester ago I was just learning the ropes of the software and applying it to my own project, which was earthquake related. Now it feels like moving from the classroom environment to more of a real-world research environment doing similar things I’ve really enjoyed. What excites you about the future of civil engineering as a field? LB: What I’m interested in is thinking about the discipline in a more connected way. Lucas is working on the Puerto Rico earthquake. One of the things we’re hoping is to look at that earthquake, identify damage, and evaluate it as a system. My interest in terms of the future of civil and environmental engineering is how do we train experts not just in one part of it, but how do we train students so that they can go on and contribute more broadly, so that they understand people and infrastructure in nature, all together.


LS: Yeah, that resonated with me. I think the idea of it all being so interconnected and cross-disciplinary is really important, because you can’t just have a single structural engineer going and designing a dam and calling it a day. You need to involve local politicians and you need to involve biologists to tell you about how it’s going to affect the nutrient flows and the stream. There are so many different fields that I think come together when you’re working on these built environment projects, and I think it’s really important to have that level of interconnectedness between all the interested parties.




Memories from the Class of 2021


Now that they’ve come to the end of the road, we asked the members of the Class of 2021 to reflect on their times at Tufts. They’ve traveled abroad, hosted parties, learned German, and much more. As they say goodbye to the dear old Brown and Blue, check out some of their wonderful memories.


Tufts Quiz Bowl [I] traveled to Yale for a tournament on a Saturday. We left Tufts around midnight and arrived in Connecticut at around 2:00 a.m., got breakfast at a diner in New Haven, and then competed against a bunch of schools in the New England area. Loved getting to compete at a real tournament so early in my first year, and will always cherish the experience. Tufts Trading Fund Traveled with Tufts Trading Fund to three banks in New York City to learn about the financial services industry and meet with alumni. [It] ended up being an incredible trip where I got to bond with fellow club members, learn a lot more about my desired career, and make connections with Tufts alumni who helped me grow and develop throughout my college years.

Super Bowl I loved hosting a Super Bowl party with my housemates in the German House for all of my friends and the exchange students last year! The exchange students (who come to Tufts for their year of study abroad) enjoyed getting to watch at a reasonable hour, thanks to being on East Coast time, and we had fun teaching each other the rules of the game, debating over the best commercials, and enjoying the halftime show together. Illumination Ceremony I will never forget my first Illumination Ceremony... I even saved my candle! Tufts-in-Madrid in Medford Meeting up with my Tufts-in-Madrid cohort the semester after we got back. It was great to build community while abroad, and even better to bring that community back to campus!

Jumbo Days Jumbo Days (Tufts’ admitted student days) are always the highlight of my year. I’ll never forget showing up to German class with a bundle of balloons tied to my backpack after leading a group of admitted students to a mock class. The looks on my classmates’ faces (and my professors’) were priceless!

Peace & Pancakes There are so many!! Some of my favorites include going to IHOP at 2:00 a.m. after exams, watching Insecure in Capen House, screaming my lungs off at Break the Stage, hanging with my event staff crew, spending countless hours in the lab, and teaching with Peace Games!

SQUAD, TV, Food, and More Volunteering at a Black-owned food co-op with SQUAD in 2018. Doing the Cupid Shuffle at the Africana Welcome BBQ. Watching Love is Blind with 10 or so peers over a plate of Jollof rice that a visiting alum made in the Africana Center. Taking French and Gospel Choir with a friend I made on the first day of pre-orientation in 2017.

Among Friends Leading a Tufts Wilderness Pre-Orientation trip after having gone on the trip myself as a first-year. Lying on Prez Lawn on an 80 degree day in February. Moving into a house at the start of junior year with my friends that I met during orientation week my first year.

Hair Adventures Bleaching hair with friends at 4:00 a.m. in Stratton Hall. Recklessly taking advantage of $5 movie days on Tuesday nights.

You Have to Laugh I really enjoyed late night studying, laughing, and bonding with friends before morning exams.



What does it mean to be an artist? It’s a loaded question, and just about anyone you ask will have a different answer. Some might say it requires talent, an innate ability, or skill that sets creators apart from appreciators. Others might say that having a strong work ethic is the most important quality in an artist. But for Ameya Okamoto ’23 and Anya Tisdale ’22, it’s about responsibility.




Written by Chris Panella ’21 Photography by Kathleen Dooher


speaking with Ameya Okamoto ’23 and Anya Tisdale ’22 on a Zoom call—I’ve heard of their talents before, so it almost feels like talking to two Tufts celebrities. But the more we chat, the more I feel like we’re connecting as students and fellow artists. They laugh and talk about each other’s work. Tisdale’s got incredible mood lighting in her dorm room. It’s a conversation. We all agree that, when push comes to shove, artists are who they are because of the dedication they bring to their crafts. That, and the unique perspective they have on their experiences and the world. “If you’re going to call yourself an artist, that’s a bold term to use,” Tisdale says. Tisdale explains that being an artist isn’t just a moniker, but a job that comes with putting something out into the world. Artists have to fill a gap, tell a story that’s missing from the narrative, and accurately represent differences and identities. In other words, they have to be responsible. And radical. “Art for social change is not traditional,” Okamoto says. “Creativity and protest go hand-in-hand.” For both artists, that connection is best shown with using art in activism. “I think being an artist, especially with activism, is a responsibility because you have the ability to connect with people on a level that’s really emotional,” Tisdale says. Catching someone’s attention, informing them of an issue, and keeping them engaged in social justice. Art gets people interested in the fight. And the connection between the creator and the consumer is innately human, fueled by visuals and sounds that are more focused on resonating feelings and communicating important messages. That’s key in our current turbulent times. I’m talking to Okamoto and Tisdale after 2020’s COVID19 outbreak, severe economic inequality, and Black Lives Matter protests in the wake of the murders of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor. It’s been a whirlwind, but it’s prompted both Okamoto and Tisdale to work. Okamoto spent the summer creating Irresistible, a collective of artists for social change—more on that later. She was featured in various publications like The Boston Globe, interviewed on her protest art and efforts to build connections between Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC). That involved Tisdale, too. But it’s not how the two first met. We trace their time before and at Tufts. Okamoto did Jonathan M. Tisch College of Civic Life’s 1+4


Bridge Year, which ended up being a year making art. Tisdale’s studying film and media studies, an exciting major. But while the two seem like close friends now (check their Instagrams), Tisdale explains that she liked “nobody” just before they met, as if she’d come to Tufts and couldn’t find a place to fit in. She equates it to putting on a façade; Okamoto says it reminds her of something her mother used to say. “She’d tell me, ‘you fit in everywhere because you don’t fit in anywhere,’ and that was hard for me.” It’s a reminder of how strange coming to college can be—especially a predominantly white institution like Tufts. The two found each other by being their most extra selves—expressive outfits, fun attitudes, and loud colors. “We were working in the mail room,” Tisdale tells me, laughing, “and I was working at mail services and wearing cute outfits every day.” Neither was alone after all. But it raises an important question. “Where do I belong in a space that feels like it’s not for me?” Okamoto asks. She relates it to her experience as a woman of color online and offline. “The baseline for us to do something that’s political is so low. Even merely existing in space that’s not for you, like social media or Tufts University, is political.” Tisdale agrees, adding that it’s connected to her focus on creating art specifically about and for Black women. Right now, Tisdale’s work is mainly focused on watercolors and makeup. But the latter comes with some difficulties. “Even claiming to be a makeup artist was hard for me to do, because I didn’t see a lot of Black makeup artists getting the recognition they needed,” Tisdale says. It made her question how she could enter the field, what brands she should work with, and what she needed to do to stay aligned with her values. Watercolor painting has become more prominent in Tisdale’s art, especially since COVID-19 began. “Over quarantine, I did a series of smaller portraits of Black women who you don’t typically see in the beauty industry.” She began by questioning who was most visible in our perceptions of beauty—this manifested into looking at various beauty campaigns and brands and deciding to make art specifically dedicated to that representation. It’s about bringing those identities into spaces where they’re not given attention.

Check out more of Ameya’s and Anya’s work here: Ameya Okamoto www.ameyamarie.com/ Anya Tisdale www.instagram.com/anya.tisdale



Tisdale’s thoughtful about lifting up Black women and making them visible. The eight watercolor portraits tested her as a painter (Tisdale calls herself “intermediate” at the craft). “Getting my skin color and darker skin colors on the page was a learning process. And I try to put a little bit of myself into the work I produce.” She says painting darker skin tones can be more complex, but it’s important to capture depth and accuracy in art. Despite her “intermediate” level, she talks about watercolor painting comfortably and confidently. And Tisdale’s currently doing commission work. It’s exciting to see her hone her craft into a profession and a specific subject she wants to make art about. For Okamoto, lifting up diverse identities is also something that’s important. But her work stems back to growing up pulled between Portland, Oregon, and New York City. “I grew [up] going back-and-forth between this center for diversity, and this lily-white town,” she explains. It’s a dissonance, but it inspired Okamoto to make art from what makes her different. “I was raised to celebrate that, and my mom would tell me to create art from that difference.” Okamoto became interested in activism work, particularly in 2014, after the murder of Michael Brown. “I joined Don’t Shoot Portland and started creating art for them, almost anonymously,” she explains, “and I was able to create art for a lot of families who were impacted directly by police violence.” It taught Okamoto about how important art’s role is in personal healing, messaging, and memorialization. Much of her work was memorial portraits, which she says are made directly with the family of the loved one. It’s solemn, but Okamoto asked the families questions that connected to the core of who the memorialized individuals were. “The center of my work has always been with individuals.”

And it became especially important for their activism this past summer, at the height of Black Lives Matter protests across the country. “I founded this community arts organization called Irresistible,” Okamoto says, “with a tagline that was ‘creating art for social change.’” It involved a team of collaborators who worked together to produce art and connect to artists for the movement. “We created almost 100 infographics and posters and logos,” she begins, “and we were basically this miniature regranting program. Irresistible would go to Black Lives Matter organizations, or social justice organizations, and ask what they needed.” And then the team would pay young BIPOC artists to create art. It was an interdisciplinary community—everything from design to painting and music were a part of the process. Tisdale coordinated makeup. “We started reaching to anyone around the world who wanted to be involved in this,” she says. “And for makeup, it wasn’t traditional. We turned the practice into activism.” She reached out to a variety of makeup artists who got involved with creating looks for protests and activism. And the emphasis on hiring BIPOC artists was incredibly important. As Tisdale says, “having the connection and discussion with those artists, who aren’t receiving recognition in the industry, was really important.” Irresistible received significant attention for its work. But Okamoto says the organization is in a transitional phase right now, as the conversations about Black Lives Matter shift from where they were during the summer. This doesn’t mean Irresistible isn’t still dedicated to providing a space and voice for BIPOC artists. That remains. As does Okamoto and Tisdale’s commitment to the practice and art activism. In the words of Okamato, “It’s been really interesting to think about how we create art ethically and what is our responsibility to broaden the understanding of what art can do for social justice.”

“IT’S BEEN REALLY INTERESTING TO THINK ABOUT HOW WE CREATE ART ETHICALLY AND WHAT IS OUR RESPONSIBILITY TO BROADEN THE UNDERSTANDING OF WHAT ART CAN DO FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE.” Like Okamoto tells me, part of art activism is connecting with others. Portraits, street art, and infographics—they all play a role in inspiring and informing people. “People don’t realize the importance of art and design in mobilizing people,” Okamoto says. Tisdale agrees. It’s a reminder of all the infographics we see on platforms like Instagram. Both Tisdale and Okamoto talk about social media as an important tool. If you’re a part of their incredible followings, you’ll notice that whether they are doing professional makeup looks with popular brands or using their art to tell their story of friendship and collaboration, social media is the best way to showcase it.




“I try to ease my residents’ fears and help find outlets to constructively form friendships while keeping their health and safety at the core of it all.”




I sit down with Jack Clohisy ’23 over Zoom at 8:30 p.m. on a Thursday night and apologize for meeting at such a late time, but he quickly reassures me that he is familiar with these late night calls through reporting for The Tufts Daily. He then pointed to a shared connection we have—Chris Panella ’21—who is a colleague of mine in the Student Communications Group and a major source of mentorship for Jack as both a writer for The Tufts Daily and an undergraduate resident assistant (RA). Eased by our instant familiarity with one another, we begin talking about everything from life as a college student during the COVID-19 pandemic, to declaring a major, and passing down words of wisdom to incoming students. Jack is an RA in Miller Hall, a first-year residence hall. He recalls his initial purpose in wanting to take on this crucial role: “I wanted to become an RA [to] help with the first-year experience on campus.” As Jack planned his year as an RA, he learned about ways to creatively offer means of connection. “I try to ease my residents’ fears and help find outlets to constructively form friendships while keeping their health and safety at the core of it all,” he explains. As an example of these efforts, he recounts an interaction that had just happened a day prior: “Yesterday, I had two residents on my floor—one of them is writing for The Tufts Daily and the other is majoring in computer science. I had the opportunity

of standing with them for about half an hour just talking about what that’s like and how they’re going to enjoy what’s ahead.” Whereas there were limitations with in-person interactions and office hours during Spring 2020, he reassured them that when campus reopens fully, there will be exciting opportunities.“I try to keep the excitement and ambition going,” Jack says. Jack learned to keep this spirit alive through working with The Tufts Daily, the main mechanism stemming back to our mutual connection with Chris. “In terms of The Tufts Daily, I had never written for the publication until the beginning of last academic year; but Chris has written for them for years and often details to me how fun and exciting it is. I echo those thoughts down to my residents.” While at this point it was clear to me that Jack is a person of many interests, my presumption is further amplified after hearing about his academic studies. “I am majoring in computer science through the School of Engineering and double majoring in Arts and Sciences in cognitive and brain science (CBS),” Jack quickly follows-up with, “It’s been a journey that I’ve really appreciated.” After taking AP Psychology in high school, he became interested in clinical psychology and noticed that Tufts was the only school on his college list that offered it as a major. However, after his first year in the program,

he came across the CBS major, which combines psychology, computer science, and philosophy. Having never taken a computer science course or ever coded in his life, Jack was nervous about taking CS 11, an introductory-level computer science course. As it turns out, however, Jack reveals: “I loved CS 11—I had never coded before and was dreading it, but I fell in love with it. My professors— Megan Monroe and Richard Townsend—were the absolute best professors that anyone could have in an intro course. They were so energetic, animated, and enthusiastic about the subject that it made me want to do more.” Ignited by a new passion for computer science, Jack ultimately decided on the double major. By the end of our conversation, it is clear that mentorship has been a source of direction that has allowed Jack to navigate his plentiful interests throughout his time at Tufts. From declaring his majors, to becoming a first-year RA, to writing for The Tufts Daily, drawing from advice and inspiration from community members has been irreplaceable. Mentorship has always been critical in the college experience at Tufts, but it is one that students and supportive figures like Jack will only continue to grow and spread on campus this upcoming year. —SIWAAR ABOUHALA ’23


Objective: In this game of life, college is another avenue that you may choose to take. While we hope that you apply and choose Tufts to be your place of growth, adventure, and learning, we understand that you may be wondering, “How do I become a Jumbo?”



T H E RE AR T SEPT PICK a rigorous curriculum—one that challenges you, but also allows you to thrive

FROM WORK ON remaining short-answer questions (ED2 and RD)

FILL OUT FAFSA and CSS Profile (if applying ED1)

MINI GAME #1: LEARN MORE ABOUT TUFTS! Roll a die, do the outcome! Read a student blog on JumboTalk online Attend a virtual information session

PARTICIPATE IN fall programming at colleges (Voices, Fall For Tufts, and other open houses)

Choose a game piece (like a penny or paper clip!), roll a die (or roll one virtually online), and move along the squares. Feel free to play a couple of times!

Set Up: There’s a bit of chance and luck involved, but roll the dice, pick some cards, and see where you land! Winning the Game: Remember patience is key. Do not stress about the process. Whether you land at Tufts or somewhere else, you’ll be in the place meant for you.

BUILD AND REFINE your college list

REQUEST AN INTERVIEW with an alumni interviewer (completely optional!)


DEC PUT FINISHING TOUCHES on application (grammar/spelling checks)

Attend a virtual tour

Follow @TuftsAdmissions on Instagram Watch our YouTube videos or fellow Jumbos’ day in life vlogs Reach out to a current student— find them on our website


JAN THANK your counselor and teachers for writing your recommendations!


REQUEST AN INTERVIEW with an alumni interviewer (completely optional!)

SEE if an admissions counselor is visiting or hosting a virtual event for your area

ASK teachers and guidance counselor for recommendation letter(s)

THINK about paying for college! CHECK OUT MyIntuition/NPC and research FA deadlines for schools on your list—ADD THEM to your calendar now!


12TH PLAY MINI GAME #2 to work on your application

Roll a die (1–4) and read the corresponding card



It’s time to fill out your extracurricular list! Make sure you list ALL your activities, and give yourself credit for household responsibilities, part-time jobs, and commutes.

WRITE out your “Why Tufts?”—one of our short-answer prompts


NOV HIT SUBMIT (if applying ED1)


PLAY MINI GAME #1 to learn more about Tufts!



Take time to reflect on what’s important to you, and what you want to share with the admissions committee. Have a trusted friend or family member read through it to make sure it sounds like you!



Don’t rush these! This is a chance to show your enthusiasm for Tufts—what do you love about the campus and community?


4 FILL OUT FAFSA and CSS Profile

EMAIL any relevant updates (if you have any!)

PRACTICE PATIENCE until decision release


In the words of Hezekiah Branch ’21, “Don’t just apply to Tufts! Apply to who YOU will be at Tufts. Apply to the departments you see yourself growing within, the environments that will foster your next four years, the classes that you hope to enroll in, the programs, the research, etc. Tufts will obviously get a great student by having you as a Jumbo so make sure you are investing in your future likewise.”



PROJECTING THE Collectively, the pandemic brought us into the unknown, and over this past year, film, television, and media have looked different. Tufts’ Film and Media Studies Program kept its students prepared and informed on those changes and hopeful for the future. BY CHRIS PANELLA ’21


The COVID-19 pandemic closed many of the movie theaters and venues we’ve come to love, making the past year more focused on streaming platforms like Netflix and Disney+ than ever before. And while there’s hope for movie theaters as lockdowns lift and reopening occurs, it’s important to question the impact of COVID-19 on entertainment. That’s the mindset of Tufts’ Film and Media Studies Program, which has organized a handful of virtual events about the pandemic and filmmaking. “We wanted to bring people who could talk knowledgeably about this topic,” says department director Malcolm Turvey, “and perhaps other changes in filmmaking that might occur, or have already occurred, as a result of the pandemic.” The first talk focused on theatrical distribution, highlighting its history and status before COVID-19. The speakers discussed possible futures for movie theaters and streaming platforms, which provided insight for students and faculty interested in the topic. “As experts, they might have some thought[s] about what’s going to happen to theatrical exhibition and

FUTURE OF FILM what was already happening to it prior to the pandemic,” Turvey explains. It’s an excellent way to contextualize what Film and Media Studies students are learning in classrooms—as they study in classes like Global History of Cinema and Art of the Moving Image, students are invited to think more about the industry’s current situations. Turvey looked forward to inviting filmmaker and professor Dehanza Rogers to speak with Tufts students about representation in film. It’s an important topic regardless of COVID-19. “Rogers has a podcast called ‘Color Correcting the Narrative,’ and can speak to diversity, inclusion, and equity in filmmaking,” Turvey says. He adds that Rogers’ talk would be particularly useful for students who are interested in documentary filmmaking and how the medium has and will change as a result of COVID-19. These talks, along with the Film and Media Studies Program’s “FMS COVID-eo Film Festival,” show faculty’s commitment to providing exciting opportunities to students despite the pandemic. The festival, which occurred in December 2020, was the program’s first student film festival

and competition. It allowed students to produce and showcase work that directly responded to life during COVID-19. This all ties into a sort of positive of the COVID era—with technologies like Zoom, more people can attend virtual events and visit campus, without having to leave their homes. “The great thing about remote forms of communication,” Turvey explains, “is that we can have people who are distant from Tufts interacting with our community.” Of course, that doesn’t replace the in-person interaction that’s currently missing during the pandemic. But as Turvey suggests, it is a great way for students to connect with experts and scholars who they might’ve not been able to before. “It’s always very helpful to have people from the industry, especially alums, come to campus. They show students that the transition from being a student to having a viable career in film and media is possible and rewarding.”




Rowing captain and economics and philosophy double major Henry Ross ’22 has trained with head men’s rowing coach George Munger since he was a first-year student. Here, they discuss their love for the sport, the Tufts student-athlete experience, and the importance of mentorship and discipline.




How did you come to be at Tufts? George Munger: I came to Tufts sort of accidentally. I moved out to Boston to do a post-grad program specifically catered to rowing and coaching education. One of my best friends in the class was working her practicum at Tufts. That friend told me that she really liked what was going on at Tufts and that it lined up well philosophically with our goals, coaching-wise. There was an opening in the position so I applied and things kind of fell into place. When I arrived, what I liked so much about coaching at Tufts is that the students here are an ambitious group of people without clawing over one another to get what they want. They’re really competitive but not at the expense of others. Henry Ross: I ended up at Tufts kind of last minute, as George will attest. I’m from Brookline, which is twenty-five minutes away. When I started looking at schools, I had it in my mind that I wanted to get out of Boston. Tufts is the last school I visited. Right ahead of the Head of the Charles Weekend, I was sitting and watching rowing and thinking, “I don’t think I can give this up quite yet.” The schools that I looked at didn’t really have rowing programs and George was one of the three coaches that I was talking to. At the end of the day, he, and a lot of the guys on the rowing team, really sold me on the team and Tufts. I realized that if that was a thirty-person sample of what Tufts was going to be like, then it was the kind of place that I wanted to be at too.

What makes athletics and rowing at Tufts unique? HR: At Tufts, athletics and academics go hand-inhand. We practice at 6:00 a.m., and having those two hours to exercise and focus makes me a way better student than I would be otherwise. Tufts is unique in that it offers such a high level of competition and practice at a school of its size, with the resources that we have. It makes it a wholly unique experience. The team has become my best friends, my coaches are important role models and mentors, and it’s a community unlike anything I’ve ever experienced.

His first year, I figured out he had a pretty good intuitive sense and a pulse on what was going on with the team; he had a knack for figuring out people who were going to fit into our culture really well. That’s been insanely valuable because he’s gone above and beyond the call of duty to help facilitate the creation and building of [a] positive team culture. It’s about the way we interact with each other at practice and outside of it. Doing that type of cultural management is not only time-consuming but hugely energy-intensive—it’s hard, it’s draining, but it’s worth it. It requires constant maintenance and the work is never, ever done.

GM: The Athletics Department here is full of really, really great people. There isn’t one priority team that gets everything. When I try to boil down what my job is, it’s to present the team with pretty serious challenges, but give them the tools necessary to overcome them. There are personal development and life lessons available only when you’re really seeking out mastery in one thing. Rowing is such a distilled version of this and because the barriers for entry are so low, I want to give that opportunity to anyone willing to put in the work.

HR: It’s truly made my Tufts experience, and I don’t say that lightly. I spend more time [with] and talk to George more than I see my family. He cares, and what I’m doing on the water is as important to George as it is to me. That level of personal investment and support and the sheer amount of caring is something I’ve never experienced—and I’ve been doing competitive sports since I was eight. It’s so important to have people like that in your life. George is truly a special person to me, and I know that every single person on the rowing team would say the exact same thing. I probably wouldn’t have come to Tufts if it weren’t for George, and him being a part of my experience is top of the list for what I love about this place. Rowing is the most rewarding thing I do. You have to make a lot of sacrifices to the traditional college life, but I would absolutely have it no other way.

What impact has your relationship with Coach Munger had on your Tufts experience? Have there been any specific highlights or moments together that stick out to you? GM: We talk to prospective students and figure out who is going to positively contribute to the program.


No two people have the same journey at Tufts. With so many ways to be involved, it comes as no surprise that Tufts is filled with varied paths, experiences, and patches. We asked students to reflect on what they’d put on a Tufts quilt if they had the chance. Feel the warmth of the stitching and see just some of the ways that folks have come to be proud of being a Jumbo.

1. “The moment I knew I wanted to come to Tufts was listening to ‘Sunday Candy’ being performed by one of the a cappella groups during Voices. The lyrics are about finding home in someone and when I listened to that song after having been at Tufts for a whole day, I felt like I was at home. Tufts to me did in fact ‘smell like light, gas, water, electricity, rent.’” —Murshea Tuor ’21

2. “The Africana Center’s 50th Anniversary is something I will always remember. I enjoyed dancing with President Monaco and generations of Jumbos at the gala.” —Michael Kodua ’21

3. “I found my home in the women’s rugby team! There’s never a dull moment and it’s such an empowering community. Joining this club was the best decision I’ve made since deciding to enroll at Tufts.” —Amanda Schreiner ’23

4. “The Hill. Iconic and I love to hate it.” —Sibi Nyaoga ’23

5. “New England looks so beautiful when all of the leaves change colors. I can still see Prez Lawn covered in every hue of the autumnal season; it lives in my mind— rent-free.” —Blake Anderson ’24

6. “I loved performing a concert for children in the community with the Tufts Wind Ensemble. We opened the show with ‘Tubby the Tuba’ and closed with ‘Baby Shark,’ and it was so fun to see the children enjoy the music.” —Emma Longsjo ’23

7. “Tufts prepares and encourages students to become global citizens through the language requirement and robust study abroad programs (which has had a huge impact on my Tufts experience and future plans!).” —Emily Lazorchak ’21



8. “Campus is never more beautiful than when it’s sunny and everything is blooming!” —Rae Deveney ’21

9. “The Asian American Center, it’s such a welcoming and homey space!”


—Arnav Patra ’24

10. “My visit to Tufts stood out from all my school visits. From the weather, to the food, class experience, weekends, and the students being so welcoming, it felt like I found a new home.” —Trevon Woodson ’23

11. “Getting free food and going on rides at Tuftonia’s Day (the spring carnival).” —Yvane Ngassa ’21

12. “My sophomore year, my housemates and I put together ‘The Capen Express’ during the wintertime. We held events for a week out of Capen House and took pics in our matching winter pajamas.” —Jenah Gabby ’22













“I learn a lot from the insights of Tufts students.”





A typical week for Peter Levine, the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and Lincoln Filene Professor of Citizenship & Public Affairs in the Jonathan M. Tisch College of Civic Life, is quite busy. In one given week, Peter Levine advocated in a New York lawsuit aimed at improving equitable civic education, collaborated with other intellectuals about a nation-wide effort to create an equitable curriculum, served on the board of a nonprofit that seeks to teach elementary schoolers about justice, helped select the new Dean of Tisch College, and more. This work happens simultaneously with his teaching, as he educates civically-engaged students through courses such as Martin Luther King Jr.’s Political Philosophy and Issues in Public Policy. He keeps himself busy with his goals of educating today’s youth about civic engagement, and when he is not hard at work defending our democracy, he enjoys writing prose and poetry. Professor Levine’s journey to Tufts stemmed out of the one-of-a-kind opportunities that Tisch College presented. Tisch College, the nation’s first (and only) university-wide program dedicated to civic engagement, makes sure that every Tufts student has a firm understanding of how to be a civically-engaged member of our society. “I moved to Tufts because it had this unique commitment,” he stated, “the civic studies [major] is unique.” The interdisciplinary civic studies major teaches students to think critically, reason rationally, and make change––both simply and prolifically. Professor Levine, who is the major’s program director, also teaches its capstone course. “Lots of universities provide opportunities to learn about civic engagement from experience, including

Tufts, but we would like to have the most robust academic and theoretical component to that.” Levine emphasizes that his teaching relies heavily on multi-faceted critical thinking, and he really pushes his students to consider their arguments consciously in order to make an effective claim. In his view, Tisch College presents students with the best possible approach to become civically-engaged. “[We have] the best mix of experiential things, like internships and service learning, with academic rigor about civic engagement.” For Professor Levine, the sentiments of Tisch College ring in one room in particular: the famous Rabb Room. As a seemingly simple space nestled within the newly-renovated Barnum Hall, one might overlook this place due to its apparent normalcy. For Professor Levine, though, this place resonates with the community gatherings, advocating voices, and critical lessons learned within the walls. “It rings with the voices of so many different kinds of people…Whenever I walk in there, I just hear all these voices leftover from past meetings.” He spoke passionately about this place, as if he found some solace in this room as a cornerstone of an effective democracy. “The picture I want to paint is lots of flip charts posted up against the wall, lots of people intensely discussing something…a practical thing. People trying to figure out, ‘what should we do?’” For applicants, Professor Levine gives this advice: “You make your own way in college, so, wherever you go, you can make your way. You can make something of it that is great.” —BLAKE ANDERSON ’24 29



Common Application, Coalition Application, or QuestBridge Application


Tufts Short-Answer Questions (included in the Common Application and Coalition Application)

APPLICATION DEADLINES AND NOTIFICATION DATES* Early Decision I Application Deadline: November 1 Notification Date: Mid-December Early Decision II Application Deadline: January 4 Notification Date: Early-February Regular Decision Application Deadline: January 4 Notification Date: By April 1


High School Transcript(s)


Senior Year Grades


Testing (Optional) We accept either the ACT or the SAT; neither is required. Applicants may choose whether they wish to have exam scores considered as one component of their candidacy. We do not review scores from SAT Subject Tests, the SAT Essay, or the writing section of the ACT.

Transfer Admission Application Deadline: March 15 Notification Date: Mid-May


Letters of Recommendation We require one from a school counselor and one from a teacher. You may send us one additional if you’d like.


Art Portfolio Required only for students applying to the Combined Degree (BFA/BA or BFA/BS) and BFA applicants to SMFA at Tufts.

*Please visit admissions.tufts.edu/apply for the most up-to-date information on deadlines.

TUFTS CLASS OF 2025 ADMISSIONS PROCESS 31,198 First-Year Applications 11% Admitted 100% of demonstrated financial need met for all admitted students In the first year of our 3-year SAT/ACT test-optional pilot, half of the applicants did not submit scores. 40% of admitted students did not submit scores. We are SAT/ ACT test-optional for first-year and transfer students applying to enter in the Fall of 2022 and 2023. Please visit our Class of 2025 Profile, available online in September, for more information.





Financial Aid Documents If you are applying for aid, you will need to submit: 1. FAFSA 2. CSS Profile 3. Federal Income Tax Returns For more information, read the next page of this magazine or visit go.tufts.edu/finaidapp

Additional Materials (Optional) • Alumni Interview • Arts or Maker Portfolio: Students applying to the School of Arts and Sciences or the School of Engineering may submit an optional arts or maker portfolio to highlight talent in studio art, drama, dance, music, or engineering.

6,114 4.8 20 28 300+ 44% 45% 36% 76

Undergraduate Enrollment Miles from Boston Average Class Size Varsity Sports Teams Student Groups Women in the School of Engineering of Juniors Study Abroad Need-Based Aid Recipients Countries Represented As of June 7, 2021





Cost of Attendance


Tuition and fees Room and board (meal plan) Books and supplies Personal expenses


Expected Family Contribution


Parent contribution Student contribution


Financial Need


Your award may include: Grant aid* Student loan Work study

Your Expected Family Contribution (EFC) is the amount your family is expected to pay for college for the academic year. It is calculated from the information provided on your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), CSS Profile, and your family’s federal tax returns. Your financial need is the difference between the annual cost of attendance and your calculated family contribution. Your financial aid package will make up the difference, for all four years—even if your family’s situation changes. We generally do not include student loans for students whose families earn less than $60,000 per year. All Tufts financial aid is need-based—we do not offer merit-based scholarships or athletic scholarships. *Grants are need-based gift aid that do not need to be paid back.




To estimate the amount of financial aid you might receive if admitted to Tufts:

Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)* https://fafsa.ed.gov/ Tufts code: 002219 Cost: free *Note: not required of international or undocumented applicants for financial aid

College Scholarship Service (CSS) Profile https://cssprofile.collegeboard.org/ Tufts code: 3901 Cost: $25 initial fee plus $16 for each additional college. Fee waivers are available for students who qualify for an SAT fee waiver or whose family incomes are below $45,000. Non-Custodial Profile (NCP): if your parents are divorced or separated. The requirement may be waived by the Tufts Financial Aid Office under very specific circumstances.

Federal Income Tax Returns Applicants should submit all documentation to IDOC (idoc.collegeboard.org/idoc), an electronic imaging service of the College Board. Your account will be created at idoc.collegeboard.org once you submit the CSS Profile. Please do not send tax returns directly to Tufts Admissions or Financial Aid.

BY THE DEADLINE: Application Type Early Decision Round I Early Decision Round II Regular Decision

CSS Profile November 15 January 15 February 1

FAFSA November 15 January 15 February 1

Federal Tax Forms Through IDOC December 1 February 1 February 15

If you are applying for financial aid at Tufts and have a Social Security Number, please make sure to include that information in your application for admission so your materials can be properly matched.

MyinTuition http://admissions. tufts.edu/myintuition Tufts Net Price Calculator https://npc.collegeboard. org/student/app/tufts For questions while applying: CSS Profile 305-420-3670 FAFSA 800-433-3243 “Chat With Us” Service IDOC 866-897-9881 (US and Canada) 212-299-0096 (International)

Ready to get started? Go.tufts.edu/FinAidApp 31

PROGRAMS With nearly 150 majors and minors, 30 interdisciplinary programs, and the courses of the ExCollege, Tufts’ offerings require more than a brief skimming, so you can find an expansion of this quick list on our website. But in the meantime, skim away. Just note that Tufts’ undergraduate programs are offered in three schools: Arts and Sciences, Engineering, and the School of the Museum of Fine Arts. Students may take classes across schools, and many students do. SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES MAJORS

Africana Studies American Studies Anthropology Applied Environmental Studies Applied Mathematics Applied Physics Arabic Archaeology Architectural Studies Art History Astrophysics Biochemistry Biology Biomedical Sciences* Biopsychology Biotechnology* Chemical Physics Chemistry Child Study and Human Development

German Language and Literature German Studies Greek Greek and Latin History Interdisciplinary Studies International Literary and Visual Studies



Food Systems and Nutrition






Biomedical Engineering


Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Computer Science

International Relations

Electrical Engineering

Italian Studies

Environmental Engineering


Mechanical Engineering


Human Factors Engineering°

Architectural Studies

Africana Studies

Latin American Studies

Data Science




Middle Eastern Studies

Engineering Physics

Applied Computational Science

Music, Sound, and Culture

Engineering Science



Environmental Health

Architectural Engineering


Human Factors Engineering

Architectural Studies

Psychology/Clinical Concentration

Greek Archaeology Greek Civilization




Arts & Sciences/SMFA Combined Degree: BA or BS and Bachelor of Fine Arts


Hebrew History Italian


Geosystems German

Tufts/New England Conservatory: BA or BS and Bachelor of Music

Judaic Studies

Political Science


Asian American Studies Astrophysics

Japanese Judaic Studies Latin Latin American Studies Latino Studies Leadership Studies Linguistics Mathematics Multimedia Arts Museums, Memory, and Heritage

All BFA students at SMFA at Tufts focus in interdisciplinary art. They may explore many of the following areas of study while pursuing this interdisciplinary art education.

Biotechnology Engineering°

Russian Language and Literature


Cognitive and Brain Sciences


Colonialism Studies


Science, Technology, and Society*


Computer Science






Digital Media

Spanish Cultural Studies


Engineering Psychology

Film and Video

Spanish Literature



Graphic Arts

Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies



Engineering Education


Engineering Management°





Science, Technology, and Society


Entrepreneurship for Social Impact


Environmental Science and Policy°

Studio Art

Chinese Civic Studies* Classical Studies Cognitive and Brain Sciences Community Health Computer Science

Environmental Geology Environmental Studies* Film and Media Studies French Geological Sciences

Quantitative Economics Religion Russian and East European Studies

Papermaking Performance

*Available only as a co-major


°Available only to students enrolled in the School of Engineering




Chemical Engineering


Child Study and Human Development

Music Engineering


Native American and Indigenous Studies

Film and Media Studies Finance

Peace and Justice Studies Philosophy Physics Political Science Portuguese Religion Roman Archaeology Roman Civilization Russian

Spanish Urban Studies Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

. Y E H



Tufts is a student-centered research university, which means that we like to dig into our passions deeply and figure things out for ourselves—whether that involves using silk to regenerate tissue or spending a fully-funded summer exploring the political implications of Shakespeare’s plays through the Summer Scholars program. Students and professors come together, across disciplines, to ask questions and create meaning.

…in a lot of things. Tufts students don’t limit themselves: they combine biology with philosophy, compete as nationally-ranked DIII athletes, pursue Bachelor of Fine Arts Degrees in studio art at our School of the Museum of Fine Arts, and solve problems as engineers. They’re part of a community that embraces the unconventional and the uncategorizable.



Jumbos use their skills and ideas to better people’s lives, whether they are teaching engineering in local elementary schools, creating sustainable businesses, or spending a year doing full-time service as a 1+4 Bridge Year Fellow. They understand that they are citizens of a global community, and they embrace that responsibility.

This is a place where students are as excited to debate fan theories as they are to apply mathematical theorems—as intellectually playful as they are powerful. We believe that ideas can have a profound impact on the world, and those ideas can be born around the seminar table but also in the residence hall common room.

Sound about right? Read the stories here to learn more. Also check out our website: admissions.tufts.edu


Non-Discrimination Statement Tufts does not discriminate in admissions, employment, or in any of its educational programs or activities on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, ancestry, age, religion or religious creed, disability or handicap, sex or gender (including pregnancy, sexual harassment and other sexual misconduct including acts of sexual violence such as rape, sexual assault, stalking, sexual exploitation, sexual exploitation and coercion, relationship/intimate partner violence and domestic violence), gender identity and/or expression (including a transgender identity), sexual orientation, military or veteran status, genetic information or any other characteristic protected under applicable federal, state or local law. Retaliation is also prohibited. Tufts will comply with state and federal laws such as M.G.L. c. 151B, Title IX, Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 503 and 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment and Rights Act, Executive Order 11246 and other similar laws that prohibit discrimination, all as amended. Tufts is an equal employment opportunity/affirmative action employer. More detailed Tufts policies and procedures on this topic may be found in the OEO Policies and Procedures page. Any member of the Tufts University community has the right to raise concerns or make a complaint regarding discrimination under this policy without fear of retaliation. Any and all inquiries regarding the application of this statement and related policies may be referred to: Jill Zellmer, MSW, Executive Director of the Office of Equal Opportunity, Title IX and 504 Coordinator, at 617.627.3298 at 196 Boston Avenue, 4th floor, Medford, MA 02155, or at Jill.Zellmer@tufts.edu. Anonymous complaints may also be made by reporting online at: tufts-oeo.ethicspoint.com. As set forth in our policies, individuals may also file complaints with administrative agencies such as the U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights (“OCR”). The contact information for the local office of OCR is 617.289.0111 at Office for Civil Rights, Boston Office U.S. Department of Education, 8th Floor, 5 Post Office Square, Boston, MA 02109-3921. The email address for OCR is OCR.Boston@ed.gov.

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OFFICE OF UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSIONS Tufts University Bendetson Hall 2 The Green Medford, MA 02155 -7057 617- 627-3170 admissions.tufts.edu

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