October 2012 Tubac Villager

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Vol. VII No.9

tubac's AnZA dAys october 20th octobEr EvEnts sAntA cruZ county updAtE Artist profilE nAncy corrigAn A visit With tAnZAniAn cyclist on his WAy

Around thE World

populAr itEms At tumAcooKEry bordErlAnds photogrAphEr friEnds of our hEritAgE pArt 2 tubAc's hEnry JimEnEZ honorEd With nAming of nEW pAth

coW pAlAcE: nEW mAnAgEmEnt With o ld trAdition

"timElEss mEditAtions” buddhist mAndAlAs At tubAc cEntEr of thE Arts photos from third AnnuAl monsoon music fEst At W isdom's cAfÉ

crEAtivity : t hE EyEs of A child rEmnAnts from ruth & morE...

C e l e br at ing t he A rt of L i v ing in S o u t he r n A r i zon a

"Let us show you the quality and distinctive beauty of Tubac"

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T u b a c

V i l l a g e r

About the Cover...

The Beginning of the Journey… Monday, October 23, 1775


his painting depicts Tubac's 1975 Bicentennial reenactment if Lt. Col. Juan Bastista de Anza's famed expedition departing from Tubac on October 23, 1775. Anza leads a party of over three hundred settlers, soldiers, guides, interpreters and priests on an eleven month trek culminating in the establishment of the Presidio at San Francisco, September 17, 1776. The future city of San Francisco was a direct result of this expedition.

October 2012

At eleven o'clock, the march north was begun and ended four hours later at La Canoa on the River of Tubac [Santa Cruz River]. The wife of one of the soldiers gave birth to a boy at nine o'clock that night.

Thank you for your patience with the bimonthly issues through summer. Monthly printing resumes with the November issue.

All the foregoing having been arranged and noted; Mass having been chanted with all the solemnity possible on the Sunday preceding for the purpose of invoking the divine aid in this expedition, all its members being present; and the Most Holy Virgin of Guadalupe, under the advocation of her Immaculate Conception, the Prince Señor San Miguel, and San Francisco de Assis having been named as its protectors, at eleven today the march was begun toward the north. Making some minor turns to the northeast, and having traveled four hours and as many leagues, we halted at the place which they call La Canoa, situated on the River of Tubac. Here during most of the year water is found, although it is not running, but by a little digging in the sand enough can be had for whatever may be required.

spAcE rEsErvAtions:

Anza's Diary

Oil painting of Anza's famous expedition departure by Francis Beaugureau, courtesy of the Tubac Historical Society.

Anza is mounted on the white horse which his second in command, Sgt. Jose Moraga to his left. Sgt. Moraga later became the first commander of the San Francisco Presidio.

Surrounding Anza and Moraga are ten soldiers who escorted the expedition and settled in Alta, California. Padre Pedro Font, the expedition's priest, can be seen in exiting the chapel. The soldiers are Sgt. Juan Pablo Grijalva, Juan Antonio Amezquita, Ygnacio Linares, Juto Roberto Altamirano, Gabriel Peralta and Juan Athanasio Vazquez. The Chapel of Santa Gertrudis, built by Anza for his soldados circa 1766, is in the background. Today, St. Ann's Church located north of Tubac Presidio State Historic Park is built on the foundation of Santa Gertrudis.

You can view the painting and other artifacts and illustrations of Tubac's rich cultural history at the Tubac Presidio State Historic Park & Museum, 1 Burruel Street, Tubac. Park admission is $5 for adults and $2 for youth 7 - 13, children free. Call 520-398-2252 for more information. www. tubacpresidiopark.com

You can view a reenactment of Anza's departure on October 20th, as Tubac celebrates Anza Days, sponsored by the Anza Trail Coalition of Arizona, Tubac Chamber of Commerce, Tubac Historical Society, Tubac Presidio State Park & Museum, and Tubac Rotary. See the Event Calendar below for more detailed information.

At the end of the afternoon today the wife of one of the soldiers of the expedition began to feel the first pains of childbirth. We aided her immediately with the shelter of a field tent and other things useful in the case and obtainable on the road, and she successfully gave birth to a very lusty boy at nine o'clock at night, the rest of which was passed without any other happening. -- Summary of Leagues: 1. From the Presidio of Tubac to La Canoa, 4 leagues.

E v E n t s A r o u n d tu b A c


registration go to www.anzatrail.org, For more information email mikeburns@anzatrail.org.

On October 23, 1775, Juan Bautista de Anza and a group of over 240 soldiers and civilians left the Tubac Presidio and embarked on a 1200-mile trek to the West Coast. Their mission was to build a presidio, or fort, to secure and protect New Spain’s struggling missionary settlements. The fort established by these settlers would become the city of San Francisco. The village of Tubac, which grew around the Spanish presidio built in 1752, is Arizona’s first European settlement.

To commemorate this historic occasion, Tubac invites you to “Tubac Anza Days Celebration” on Saturday, October 20, 2012 at the Tubac Presidio State Historic Park & Museum. The event is free of charge including admission to the Presidio. The community will host a day-long line up of fun, family-oriented events, including a concert by Ted Ramirez, living history demonstrations, historic street theatre vignettes, folkloric dancing, and a Mariachi band performance. Children will be able to enjoy face-painting, a leather work demonstration, coloring, basket weaving, and crafting traditional paper flowers. The day begins with an historic 10 AM Mass at Tumacácori National Historical Park inside Tumacácori Mission Church. This year’s reenactment riders include two authentically outfitted officers, six soldados, and a number of civilians.

The Rio Rico High School Marching Hawks marching band and JROTC Color Guard will kick-off the village activities with a parade through the streets of Tubac that will include costumed representatives of the Anza Ambassadors from area schools. Visitors will be able to enjoy festival fare in the food court in the parking lot of the Tubac Presidio.

After their arrival at the Tubac Presidio, the colorful horseback riders will parade through the village to encourage the public to come to the Presidio to hear Col. Anza speak about his expedition.

New this year, there will be a 5K “Fun Run & Fitness Walk”, which will start at the Tubac Presidio State Historic Park. The run begins at 8:30 am (number and T-shirt pickup at 7:30 am). Registration is $20 before October 12 and $25 after. All participants receive a T-shirt and breakfast courtesy of Tubac Market in Tubac. Proceeds of the run benefit Anza Trail Coalition of Arizona. For

This event is produced by, Anza Trail Coalition of Arizona, Tubac Chamber of Commerce, Tubac Rotary, and Tubac Historical Society and Tubac Presidio State Historic Park. Many Tubac merchants have also provided generous contributions to make this event possible. Tubac Anza Days Celebration is an official Arizona Centennial Event. This annual celebration commemorates Anza’s 1775 expedition as well as other episodes from Tubac's colorful history.

Tubac Village has more than 100 shops and galleries as well as fine dining restaurants. For more information call the Tubac Chamber of Commerce, 520-398-2704 or Tubac Presidio State Historic Park, 520-398-2252 or visit www.tubacaz.com.

Deadlines for November

oct. 17


oct. 24


oct. 29

This journal is made possible through the support of local advertisers, artists and writers... please visit their unique businesses and let them know where you saw their ad, art or article.

The Tubac Villager is a locally owned and independently operated journal, published monthly to celebrate the art of living in Southern Arizona. Opinions and information herein do not necessarily reflect those of the advertisers or the publishers. Advertiser and contributor statements and qualifications are the responsibility of the advertiser or contributor named. All articles and images are the property of the Tubac Villager, and/or writer or artist named, and may not be reproduced without permission. Letters are welcome. October 2012 Circulation: 8,000

The Villager is made available in racks and at businesses throughout the Santa Cruz Valley from Nogales to Tucson and also made available at public libraries in Arivaca, Green Valley, Nogales, Rio Rico and numerous Tucson Libraries and businesses.


T u b a c

V i l l a g e r

E v E n t s A r o u n d tu b A c

September 26-27, 6:30-8:30pm General Election Candidate Forums for Santa Cruz County Offices at Rio Rico HS

Tubac Presidio State Historic Park Joins Smithsonian Magazine’s National Museum Day Live! Free Admission to the Park on September 29, 2012

On Saturday September 29, 2012, the Tubac Presidio State Historic Park will open its doors free of charge along with over 1,400 other participating venues for the eighth annual Museum Day Live! This immensely successful program, in which the Tubac Presidio will emulate the free admission policy of the Smithsonian Institution’s Washington, D.C.-based facilities, encourages learning and the spread of knowledge nationwide. Frontier printing press demonstrations will be held in the Presidio Museum from 11am to 3pm. Professional printer James Pagels will operate the Washington hand press that printed Arizona’s first newspaper, The Weekly Arizonian, which was published in Tubac on March 3, 1859. Pagels will talk about the history of the press and will print samples of the first issue of the Arizonian. Visitors will also enjoy two art exhibits currently on display at the Presidio.

Candidate Forums for all contested Santa Cruz County public offices (Sheriff, and Supervisors for Districts 2 and 3), Arizona Legislative District 2 and U.S. Congressional District 3 will be held September 26-27, 6:30-8:30pm at Rio Rico High School Cafeteria. Forums will be moderated by Dan Shearer, Editor of the Green Valley News and Manuel Coppola, Editor of the Nogales International. These two forums promise to be the most comprehensive and informative forums for Santa Cruz County residents. All general election candidates for county, legislative and congressional offices representing Santa Cruz County will be participating. Forum sponsors include Green Valley News, Nogales International, Residents of Rio Rico, Santa Cruz Valley Citizens Council, Santa Cruz Valley Unified School District No. 35, and Tubac Community Center Foundation. Saturday, September 29 Jack's Luau at Tubac Jack's Old Tubac Inn

with music by Chuck Wagon & the Wheels. 398-3161. October 1 through October 31 at the Tubac Presidio Historic State Park “The Anza Expedition” Video – shown daily at 2pm

In October the Tubac Presidio will mark the 237th anniversary of the commencement of the epic trek of Juan Bautista de Anza by offering a free showing of the film “The Anza Expedition.” This documentary tells the story of Spanish explorer Juan Bautista de Anza who led over 240 settlers and soldiers on an epic journey that would change history. In 1775 they made the difficult 1,200-mile trek

across unknown lands from the Tubac to the Pacific coast where they founded San Francisco. The history of the Anza Expedition connects to the timeless themes of emigration, opportunity, diversity and faith. The film is included with Park admission $5 adult, $2 youth 7-12 and children free. Wednesday, October 3, 11am Lecture – The Art of Photography with Traci Quinn at the Tubac Center of the Arts Saturday & Sunday, October 6 & 7 Earth Harmony Festival, Gary Paul Nabhan to speak at Avalon Gardens

Free Admission (Donations appreciated). A weekend celebration devoted to creating a sustainable future now. EcoVillage tours on water harvesting, green building, organic gardening, solar energy, composting, and more. Live music, food, arts, children's village, hay rides, pony rides, and other activities including special eco-presentations featuring Gary Nabhan. Avalon Organic Gardens & EcoVillage, Tumacácori. For info & directions. earthharmonyfestival.org (520) 398-2542. Saturday, October 6, 8am-Noon Clean & widening Anza Trail

These two work parties are in preparation for the Reenactment Ride & Fun Run both on Oct. 20th. We will get the major brush removal & bridges installed prior to the work parties. The ATCA will provide gators & support equipment. If interested, please contact Jerry Behn eMail: daytongeb@yahoo.com or 520-223-3724.

T U B A C P O P S W I T H F L Y I N G C O L O R S – H O T A I R B A L L O O N G L O W & F E S T I V A L


Hot Air Balloon Glow & Festival Saturday, November 10, 2012 4pm to 9pm Free Parking / Entrance Fee $10 Adults/$4 Kids 12 & Under VIP Tickets $48 include two drink tickets, buffet dinner, entertainment and VIP parking

For VIP tickets call 800.848.7893 or book at www.TubacGolfResort.com

10 hot air balloons will grace our grounds glowing in the dark on Saturday, November 10th from 4p – 9p. The festival will also include a ‘Kids Zone’ complete with inflatables, t e t h e r e d b a l l o o n r i d e s , l i v e e n t e r t a i n m e n t w i t h B e a u R e n f r o a n d t h e C l e a r C o u n t r y B a n d a n d l o t s o f f o o d a n d d r i n k . F r e e P a r k i n g . E n t r a n c e F e e $ 1 0 a d u l t s / $ 4 K i d s 1 2 & u n d e r .

B e o u r s p e c i a l g u e s t a n d a t t e n d o u r V I P b u f f e t d i n n e r w i t h p r i v a t e c a s h b a r , l i v e m u s i c a n d V I P p a r k i n g . T i c k e t s $ 4 8 a d u l t / $ 1 5 k i d s 1 2 & u n d e r . F o r r e s e r v a t i o n s p l e a s e c a l l 5 2 0 . 3 9 8 . 3 5 3 1 . S t a y t h e n i g h t a n d t a k e a d v a n t a g e o f o u r s p e c i a l B a l l o o n F e s t i v a l g u e s t r o o m r a t e s i n c l u d i n g t w o ( 2 ) c o m p l i m e n t a r y e n t r a n c e t i c k e t s t o t h e H o t A i r B a l l o o n G l o w & F e s t i v a l : $ 2 0 9 H a c i e n d a / C a s i t a ( o r ) P o s a d a $ 1 9 9 p l u s t a x & r e s o r t f e e . C a l l 8 0 0 . 8 4 8 . 7 8 9 3 o r b o o k o n l i n e a t w w w . t u b a c g o l f r e s o r t . c o m


Saturday, October 6, 6pm - 9pm Las Lagunas Fandango Nogales Anza Days

Fandango II Presented by the Santa Fe Ranch and Partners. Bring the family and enjoy an evening under the stars! Treasure Quest for the Whole Family NHS and RRH Anza Youth Ambassadors, Local Food Vendors, Anza 1776 Re-Enactment Theater, Students and others showcase Art and Photography, NHS Science Club -Tours of the Wetlands, Music, Karaoke, Dancing & Cantina Refreshments. Your $5.00 donation supports the youth activities and the preservation of Las Lagunas (Children under 10 are FREE) Information: 520-287-7051 or 520-860-0418 email santaferanch@theriver.com. 966 W. Country Club (Across from St. Andrews Church). Sunday, October 7, 2 - 4 pm at the Tubac Presidio Historic State Park Meet the Curator of “Sonoran Stories in Plants”

A botanic art exhibit entitled Sonoran Stories in Plants will be on display at the Tubac Presidio State Historic Park now through November 30, 2012. The illustrations of plants from the Pimeria Alta are rendered in graphite and watercolor by artist Sorcha and are accompanied by stories, legends and scientific information. The artwork is inspired by agrarian traditions including Native American perspectives of botany and botanic art as expressions of a circle of attunement. Sorcha is the artist name of Dorothy Clare Massalski, Ph.D. Dr. Massalski is a professional educator with degrees in Special Education and American Indian Studies. Her current research at the Center for Gifted in Chicago involves developing a botanic art and science curriculum as a bridge in retaining a child’s love of art making while developing a scientific mind of inquiry and exploration. Sorcha paints in the open air (plein aire) to maintain a spontaneous response to the nature that she encounters. Her botanic portraits reflect the complexity of nature through detailed pencil work and accurate vibrant colors. Her technique is adapted from her study of the art of Beatrix Potter, a respected botanic artist as well as creator of the Peter Rabbit children stories. Sorcha studied botanic arts with Derek Norman of Chicago Botanic Gardens and at the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum in Tucson. The exhibit is included with park admission - $5 adults, $2 youth (7-13), children free. Visitors can meet the artist and curator Sorcha at a reception on Sunday, October 7 from 2 to 4pm. The reception will include an informal gallery talk from 2 to 3pm, followed by wine and light refreshments. The fee for the curator’s reception is $7.50, reservations recommended. Thursday, October 11, 7pm

Archaeologist Jeremy Moss gives a presentation to the Santa Cruz Valley Chapter of the Arizona Archaeological Society at the North County Facility at 50 Bridge Road in Tubac

Moss, Chief of Resource Management at Tumacacori National Historical Park, will discuss recent work done at the park.” The presentation is free and open to the public, no reservations. In the last three years Tumacacori National Historical Park has been involved in numerous research and preservation projects aimed at better understanding and preserving its cultural resources. Some of these projects, like the archaeological testing for the new visitor walkway and conservation of the sanctuary dome plaster, reached a scale rarely seen at the park and offer opportunities to better understand and protect

the park’s fragile resources. This presentation will summarize recent archaeological research, museum renovations, and historic preservation projects at all three units of Tumacacori NHP. Come learn more about the exciting new research going on at the park. The Santa Cruz Valley AAS Chapter meets the second Thursday of each month. In addition to hosting programs featuring experts in historical and archaeological topics that focus on the Santa Cruz River Valley, the chapter offers members opportunities for assisting archaeologists with excavating area sites, as well as hikes and tours to archaeologically and historically significant locations. The chapter’s educational and advocacy programs are intended to preserve and protect the region’s unique cultural resources and draw upon and partner with other organizations with heritage-based goals and objectives. Santa Cruz Valley AAS chapter members also have the opportunity to participate in many educational, stewardship, and excavation activities of the statewide organization’s other local chapters. For meeting details contact Alan Sorkowitz at 520-207-7151 or asorko@cox.net.

5 All to Benefit SantaCruzHumaneSociety.org • NOGALES

Friday, October 12 Temporary Meditations – Mandalas & Patterns In Nature: Opening Reception at the Tubac Center of the Arts Exhibit runs: Oct 12 – Nov. 11, 2012 Friday, October 12 Saturday, October 13 Sunday, October 14 The Patagonia Fall Festival

The Patagonia Fall Festival is known throughout the state as one of Arizona’s best small town celebrations. It is a genuine community event, with local residents, Town of Patagonia staff, businesses and not-for-profit groups working together to create a festival that offers an affordable weekend of entertainment, food and gifts for the whole family. With a 23-year track record of success, the three-day festival has gained a reputation as one of the best events for quality arts and crafts, great entertainment, and fantastic food in Southern Arizona. The friendly townspeople, exhibitors, and volunteers make the festival an annual “must” for thousands of visitors. Ample seating and food tables under mature shade trees make the festival a particularly enjoyable and relaxing day for everyone. Patagonia Town Park is located on Arizona’s Scenic route 82 between Sonoita and Nogales, approximately one hour from Tucson and three hours from Phoenix. The beautiful and historic Town Park is one of the many unique things that make Patagonia such a special place to live and visit. It has a long history of citizen support from planting trees to building the Gazebo and Pad. Local citizens are now embarked on a fiveyear comprehensive plan to preserve our park trees, grounds, and structures. Visitors will see progress made each time they explore Patagonia. For more information call the Patagonia Visitor Center at (520) 394-0060 or (888) 794-0060 or contact festival coordinator Kazz Workizer at (520) 559-0732. Listings of entertainers and 2011-2012 juried artists can be found on the festival website: www.patagoniafallfestival.com. Saturday, October 13, 6-10pm BARKTOBERFEST in the Plaza de Anza Courtyard

TICKETS $35 Includes All You Can Eat +2 Drinks Great Food, German Specialties & Select German Beers Wine-Tasting, Dance to the music of HEARTBEAT! ...and don’t forget to visit the Beer Garden! Tickets available at: Tubac Market and Santa Cruz Humane Society — 520.287.5654.

continued on next page...

Saturday, October 13th 6-10pm

Plaza de Anza Courtyard TICKETS $35

Includes All You Can Eat +2 Drinks

Great Food German Specialties & Select German Beers Wine-Tasting Dance to the music of

HEARTBEAT! ...and don’t forget to visit the Beer Garden! Sponsored by:

Inspired by and Dedicated to the Tubac Community

Tickets available at: Tubac Market and Santa Cruz Humane Society — 520.287.5654


Events continued...

T u b a c

V i l l a g e r

Sunday, October 14, 8am-Noon Clean & widening Anza Trail

Saturday, October 20, 10am Anza Days Mass The day begins with historic Mass at Tumacácori National Historical Park

These two work parties are in preparation for the Reenactment Ride & Fun Run both on Oct. 20th. We will get the major brush removal & bridges installed prior to the work parties. The ATCA will provide gators & support equipment. If interested, please contact Jerry Behn eMail: daytongeb@yahoo.com or 520-223-3724.

Saturday, October 20, 10am-4pm Anza Day Celebration in Tubac

Sunday, October 14

Paws Patrol of Green Valley Cat Adoption Fair at the Green Valley Canine at 750 W Camino Casa Verde This adoption fair is held monthly on the second Sunday. Wednesday, October 17, 9am – 12pm How to Submit Artwork Digitally, Chuck Myers at Tubac Center of the Arts Thursday, October 18, 1 to 3pm Green Valley Genealogical Society, at the St. Francis in the Valley Episcopal Church, 600 S. La Cañada Dr., Green Valley.

Main Program: Margaret Rennaker will present “What You Can Find at the Courthouse.” She will to cover deeds, wills, births, marriages, and other records that you can find in the Courthouse. Margaret has been searching for her ancestors since 1948 when her second cousin introduced her to genealogy. But her cousin forgot to instruct Margaret to proof her findings. Margaret has since visited courthouses in TX, WV, OH, IN, and MO to proof her records. The records maybe old and dusty, but they have interesting stories to convey. Second Program: Is going to be a surprise. Free and open to all interested in searching for their ancestors. Refreshments are served. Exciting genealogy items are featured as Door Prizes, Silent Auctions, and Raffles at our meetings. Open to all; refreshments will be served. Contact JoAnn Herbst (396-4630 or joannherbst@cox.net) for more information or Google “gvgs az”.

Meet the Curator of “Sonoran Stories in Plants” Sunday, October 7, 2 - 4 pm , at the Tubac Presidio Historic State Park Thursday, October 18, 4 to 6pm Meet Candidate Bruce Bracker at the Governor's Mansion in the New Barrio, Tubac October 19, 20 & 21 Navajo Silversmiths Monroe & Lillie Ashley

Friday, Saturday and Sunday experience Daily Demonstrations by Navajo Silversmiths Monroe & Lillie Ashley during Anza Days Weekend at Old Presidio Traders, 27 Tubac Road, 3989333. Saturday, October 20, 7:30am check-in Anza Days Anza Trail Fun Run

Mike Burns in cooperation with the Rich River Athletics Club is planning a 5K Fun Run on the Anza Trail the morning of Anza Days. Walk, jog or run.

A living history celebration of the Indian, Spanish Colonial and Territorial periods in Tubac. Highlights include a colorful re-enactment on horseback of Juan Bautista de Anza’s exploratory expedition from Tubac to the Pacific where he founded San Francisco in 1776. Enjoy folklorico dancers and mariachi music, a performance by Teodoro ‘Ted’ Ramirez, plus living history demonstrations, period costumes, children’s activities and food! FREE admission at the Tubac Presidio State Historic Park. This annual celebration commemorates Anza’s 1775 expedition from Tubac to the Pacific. There will be a colorful reenactment ride, marching band, children’s activities, a variety of foods, as well music and dance. This event is sponsored by Anza Trail Coalition of Arizona, Tubac Chamber of Commerce, Tubac Historical Society and Tubac Rotary. New this year, a 5K “Fun Run” will start the day. For more information call the Tubac Chamber of Commerce, 520-398-2704 or Tubac Presidio State Historic Park, 520-398-2252. Saturday, October 20 Pulled pork throw down

Wisdom's annual competition where 3 chefs vie for your vote for the best pulled pork recipe. Call Wisdom's Cafe 398-2397. Sunday, October 21 Tubac Center of the Arts Annual Meeting & Grand Opening

A new 3,600 sq. ft. expansion is scheduled for a Grand Opening on Sunday, October 21, 2012, 40 years to the day of the original building opening.

L a Pa l om a d e T u b a c 1 Presidio Drive


10am - 5pm Daily


T u b a c Friday, October 26, 10am-12:30pm Fiber Arts Friday – Join fiber art enthusiasts at the Tubac Presidio

Join fiber art enthusiasts at the Tubac Presidio on the last Friday of the month. Bring your knitting, crochet, spinning or quilting project and gather for uninterrupted fiber art time. Hosted by members of the Southwest Fiber Arts Resource Group. Included with park admission $5 adult, $2 youth 7-13, children free. Friday, October 26, 7:30pm Schoolhouse Concert with Peter McLaughlin

Teodoro ‘Ted’ Ramirez, Artist-in-Residence Concert Series presents national flat-picking champion Peter McLaughlin who is known for his intricate arrangements and stunning virtuosity on guitar. McLaughlin has performed with many groups including Perfect Strangers, The Dreadnutts, Laurie Lewis’ band and Titan Valley Warheads. Ted Ramirez will also perform solo and with McLaughlin. Tickets $18 adults, 14 and under free. Limited seating; please call 520-398-2252 to reserve tickets. At the Tubac Presidio. Saturday, October 27 Wisdom's annual Halloween Party. For more info, Call Wisdom's Cafe 398-2397.

Friday, November 2, 9am to noon TCA Workshop: Watercolor for Everyone: Painting the Landscape Roberta Rogers, @ Tubac Golf Resort.

Workshop: Mandala Making: Journey to the Center at the TCA

Friday, November 2, 2pm Tubac’s Day of the Dead Celebration

Saturday, November 10, 4pm to 9pm Hot Air Balloon Glow & Festival

Special showing of a 40-minute video of the “Day of the Dead” celebration held in Tubac in 1998. Including processions between St. Ann’s Church and the Tubac Cemetery, performances by Tucson mariachis and an Hermosillo-based performance group, and interviews with local people and Tucson scholars. Refreshments will be served. $7.50 adult, $4.50 youth 7-13, children free. At the Tubac Presidio. Saturday, November 3, 10am-4pm Southwest Fiber Arts Festival at Tubac Presidio Park -

Fifth annual festival featuring premier fiber artists and purveyors, wearable art, hand-dyed fibers, classes and demonstrations. Meet the alpacas, angora goats and rabbits that produce the fiber for the artists. On the grounds of the Tubac Presidio State Historic Park during ArtWalk Weekend in Tubac. Admission $5 adult, $2 youth (7–13), children free. November 3 & 4

Saturday, October 27 Jack's Halloween Bash at Tubac Jack's Old Tubac Inn

Tubac's An Art Experience throughout the village

Friday, November 2, 9am-5pm Fiber Arts Friday –

The Tubac Presidio will host several hands-on fiber arts classes as part of the Southwest Fiber Arts Festival. Sample classes include “Beginning Colcha Embroidery” with Rita Hartley ($25 fee plus $5 kit fee); “Pine Needle Basketry” with Ric Rao ($40 fee plus $4 kit fee); and “Inkle Weaving Plain and Fancy” with Elaine Ross ($30 fee plus $10 kit fee). Please register for classes by October 1. More information is available at www.TubacPresidioPark.com or call 520398-2252.

Monday, November 5 – Saturday, November 10 Buddhist Monk Sand Mandala Painting at the TCA Wednesday, November 7, 6 – 8pm, Lecture by Dr. Dean Pielstick on Mandalas at the TCA. A Partnership with the Tubac Buddhist Meditation Center

K i l i m s , Z a p o t e c I n d i a n , O r i e n ta l , N o m a d i c , Wa l l h a n g i n g s a n d other home accents, from over 40 years of knowled geable c o l l e c t i n g .

H a j j i B a b a s a y s , “ T h e t r i c k i s t o t r e a t y o u r s e l f t o a super selection and rest your dogs on a fine rug.”

7 P l a z a R o a d , T u b a c

5 2 0 - 3 9 8 - 2 3 6 9

w w w . T u b a c R u g s . c o m


V i l l a g e r

Saturday, November 10, 10am – 1pm

10 hot air balloons will grace our grounds glowing in the dark on Saturday, November 10th from 4p – 9p. The festival will also include a ‘Kids Zone’ complete with inflatables, tethered balloon rides, live entertainment with Beau Renfro and the Clear Country Band and lots of food and drink. Free Parking. Entrance Fee $10 adults/$4 Kids 12 & under. Be our special guest and attend our VIP buffet dinner with private cash bar, live music and VIP parking. Tickets $48 adult/$15 kids 12 & under. For reservations please call 520.398.3531. Stay the night and take advantage of our special Balloon Festival guest room rates including two (2) complimentary entrance tickets to the Hot Air Balloon Glow & Festival: $209 Hacienda/Casita (or) Posada $199 plus tax & resort fee. Call 800.848.7893 or book on line at www.tubacgolfresort.com Saturday, November 10, 2pm “Father Kino’s Herbs” Book Event at the Tubac Presidio

Award-winning garden writer Dr. Jacqueline Soule will discuss her book on the life of Father Kino and the herbs that he introduced to the Southwest in the late 1600s, as well as the native herbs he learned about from the Piman tribes. Learn how to choose, care for and cook with these Old and New World herbs that grow well in desert gardens or patio pots. $7.50 adult, $4.50 youth 7-13, children free. More information is available at www.TubacPresidioPark.com or call 520-398-2252. Friday, November 16, 9am – noon

Workshop: Watercolor for Everyone: Painting the Figure and Portraits for the Terrified, Roberta Rogers, @ Tubac Golf Resort.

continued on page 24 ...


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Tubac Regional Health Center board of directors member Carol Cullen said, “We will miss Tom Linnemann greatly. He has been a wonderful doctor for the last 10 years.”

tubAc doctor is lEAving

Dr. Thomas Linnemann, D.O., of the Tubac Regional Health Center, accepted a position at the Cleveland Clinic and announced his plans to leave. His final day in Tubac is expected to be Sept. 30, he said.

The Tubac center opened in August 2002 and Linnemann worked there from that time on as the only physician, supported by two office employees. “I leave with a lot of sadness,” he said, but added that the new job brings great opportunity. He’ll be working in the Department of Family Medicine and assigned to hospice and house calls for seriously ill chronic patients, he said.

In a letter to patients, he wrote, “My practice will be managed by Northwest Allied Physicians and Dr. Francisco Rivera.”

He said Rivera’s office hours will be Monday and Thursday afternoons and Tuesday and Friday mornings.

rEstAurAnt sEction

2 and 3), Arizona Legislative District 2 and U.S. Congressional District 3 will be held Sept. 26 and 27 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Rio Rico High School Cafeteria.

Forums will be moderated by Dan Shearer, editor of the Green Valley News, and Manuel Coppola, publisher of the Nogales International. Forum sponsors include Residents of Rio Rico, Santa Cruz Valley Citizens Council, Santa Cruz Valley Unified School District No. 35, Tubac Community Center Foundation, the Nogales International and Green Valley News. The general election is Tuesday, Nov. 6.

bought from county

A budget of $73.37 million for July 1, 2012, to June 30, 2013, was adopted Aug. 8 by the three-member Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors. The budget was a 4 percent reduction from last year’s adopted budget of $76.6 million.

hEAr from cAndidAtEs

“We have to budget for potential federal and state grants we might get and we rarely know details. We budget based on the prior year’s numbers and sometimes we don’t get it at all. As well, we’re saving money in the enterprise fund for the landfill’s future costs.”

Lagatutta had sought to buy the parcel since late last year. Several months ago, the supervisors set a minimum auction price of $29,000 for the piece of land that is 1,600 square feet in size. No one bid at that time. A farewell party was held Sept. 22 for Dr. Thomas Linnemann, center, of the Tubac Regional Health Center. Here he talks with Gary Fahrenz and Roberta Rogers.

7 Camino Otero

sc county budgEt ApprovEd

The owner of Tubac Jack’s restaurant was successful in purchasing a small piece of the patio from Santa Cruz County, which had ownership. At an auction held Aug. 21, Jim Lagatutta of Donde, Inc., bought the piece for $5,000. At an Aug. 29 Board of Supervisors meeting the deed was approved and the sale was finalized later that day, a county official said.

Candidate Forums for all contested Santa Cruz County public offices (sheriff, and supervisors for Districts

Last year’s actual expenditures were listed at $44.7 million. Jennifer St. John, the county’s finance director, explained that there are reasons that the budget is set higher than what will be spent.

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Santa Cruz County Update continued...

She pointed out that the law regulates that when a county’s tentative budget is approved in July, it cannot rise after that time, but can go down.

About $5 million is planned as a ‘rainy day fund’ and not expected to be spent, she said. The property tax rates remain at the same level, $2.8215 per $100 of assessed valuation for primary tax and $0.5643 per $100 for secondary property tax.

county sEttlEs church lAWsuit

The Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors voted on June 25 to settle a lawsuit fi led by the Global Community Communications Alliance of Tumacacori. The alliance had requested a conditional use permit from the county’s Board of Adjustment No. 3 to build a 17,000-square-foot church on its property. The permit was needed because the required zoning was not in place on the land. Following a meeting held last November, the board voted against the permit. The church group then appealed the decision. Details about why the board of supervisors decided to settle were not released. The settlement includes paying $20,081 to the Global Community Communications Alliance for its legal expenses. It also means the group can proceed with the process to develop plans to build what it requested; a church, offices, a library, classrooms and a music room.

If elected, he wants to see more emphasis on improving parks and recreation and feels that could draw more people to live in the area along with increase tourism.

choosE school boArd mEmbErs nov. 6

Tubac area residents live inside the boundaries of the Santa Cruz Valley Unified School District No. 35. They’ll be asked to vote for school board members at the Nov. 6 general election. Board members earn no salary and preside at meetings, open to the public, twice a month. Two incumbents are looking for another four-year

term; Brian Vandervoet of Tubac and Harry Clapeck of Rio Rico. Also on the ballot are three other Rio Rico residents, Maria Neuman, Ramon Gustavo Lopez and Norma V. Martinez. There are two slots open. Two candidates are running for a single two-year term made available when Rosie Simpson resigned. They are Rio Rico residents John Hays and Victor M. Fontes.

The continuing school board members with two more years on their terms are Joel Kramer and Susan Faubion. (Reach the writer with comments or questions at kathleenvandervoet@gmail.com) �

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choosE district 3 supErvisor on nov. 6

Bruce Bracker, Lee Jones and John Maynard are candidates for Santa Cruz County Supervisor representing District 3 which covers Tubac, Amado, Tumacacori, Patagonia, Sonoita, Elgin and the east half of Rio Rico. The position pays $63,800 a year, as set by state law.

John Maynard of Rio Rico is the incumbent, having served nearly three four-year terms. Among his accomplishments as one of three board members, he said, are having lowered the primary property tax rate from $3.50 per $100 of assessed valuation to $2.82, updating the county’s Comprehensive Land Use Plan and completing the county’s first capital improvement plan. Maynard is an active member of the Rio Rico Rotary Club which funds scholarships and participates in the international fight against polio, he said. Maynard’s own priorities, if re-elected, are to “increase the efficiency of county government and keep our primary property tax rate at its current level.” Bruce Bracker has lived in Tubac for 22 years and grew up in Nogales. He is a partner in Bracker’s Department Store in Nogales.

Among his community activities are being president of the Downtown Merchants’ Association and the Theodore Gebler Trust, which funds scholarship awards and community charities. He was a founding member and former president of Nogales Community Development Corp. On his website he writes this his priority is to attract suitable industry and sustainable jobs to our county by fostering our community’s unique assets.

Lee Jones of Rio Rico has volunteered for community programs such as the RR Little League, RR Chamber of Commerce and has been a Boy Scout leader and past president of the Nogales Rotary Club. He is in the commercial insurance business with NFP Property and Casualty Insurance Group and works from a Nogales office.

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T u b a c

V i l l a g e r

Travels have nourished artist’s creativity by Kathleen Vandervoet


rtist Nancy Corrigan

Although she never studied for an art degree, Corrigan took advantage of classes in many countries. She studied in France at La Napoule Art Foundation in Cote D’Azur and at the Institute of Art in Lucca, Italy, along with classes at the Corcoran School of Art in Washington, D.C. “When you do have a basic foundation of good knowledge, it just inadvertently comes back to you.

must have a treasure chest of memories from which she takes her inspiration. She’s traveled to and lived in many places around the world, and has studied in Italy and France.

Now, from her home in Rio Rico, she said she paints mainly from her imagination and defines herself as “more of an impressionist than a traditionalist.

“I make up a lot. I imagine a lot.” She may use a photograph for inspiration, but doesn’t copy it. The photo “manifests itself somewhere. Usually what strikes me is the light and how it hits, and accentuates and reflects,” she said.

Corrigan’s painting, an original oil of sunset on the Santa Rita Mountains done with palette knife, was named “Best in Show” a year ago at the annual Members’ Open at the Tubac Center of the Arts and she has a piece in this year’s show (Sept. 7 – Oct. 7) titled “Cowboys and Indians,” that’s impressionistic, bordering on abstract. Before settling in Rio Rico in 2005, Corrigan lived in many places, including Spain and the Aleutian Islands.

For 10 years, she lived in the West Indies on St. Martin Island where her paintings were shown

in three galleries. While there, she also had what she calls “a little design business in readyto-wear.” Her favorite media is oil because “the colors attract me.” She also enjoys working in pastel, acrylic and watercolor. Recently, she’s added necklaces to her portfolio, and does handpainted work on glass pendants.

Corrigan began painting when, as a child, she received a set of paints for a birthday gift. In addition to fine art, she has done commercial work for Amnesty International, Estee Lauder, Inc., the City of Naples, Fla., and Ramar Corp., in Sarasota, Fla., among others. She’s developed a philosophy that guides her: “It’s OK to break some rules. I like to take a subject and a medium and I like to push the edge of the envelope with it. I like to see how far I can take it and what will happen to it.”

“I carry a camera because lots of times I’ll photograph a tree or a scene or something. I do not copy, as such, but it will serve as a memory jog which helps me to insure I have a good composition before I start.” Training and experience combine with creativity, she said. “You have to plan ahead, you can’t just wing it. Even abstract painting is difficult. There has to be some thought process ahead of time. And there are some basic rules of design and composition you simply cannot ignore in order to ensure good balance,” she said. As a young woman, she worked for American Airlines and then married twice to men in the military which made her “a world traveler.”

Now a widow, she said, “I have the soul of a romantic gypsy and I loved to go and see and experience and find out what it is about the area




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T u b a c

V i l l a g e r

Handcrafted Christmas ornament workshop

Paintings in the spirit of the West by Nancy Corrigan.

that makes it unique and how people live and their feelings. I think that has helped my work.” She doesn’t have an art studio, but, “I have a space and I function out of that space. I’ve always wanted to have a glamorous studio. I had a nice space in the islands that had beautiful light, but there was no running water or indoor toilet, so that made it difficult. Corrigan will be teaching a

December workshop in Tubac on how to create painted Christmas tree ornaments (see sidebar). While in Naples, Fla., in 2000 she worked with a designer and painted 100 white tree ornaments, each with an individual design, for a tree that was auctioned to benefit the Naples Philharmonic. “It was a millennium tree, and each icon represented something from a year in the century.”

For the upcoming workshop, she said, “I’d like people to think about what they’d like to say (through the art), and I’ll show them how to do it.”

A native Californian, Corrigan said she was happy to return to the West. “I like the spirit of the West; I like the perseverance of the people who are here and the strength they have, and I like to be warm. It’s beautiful here.”

Artist Nancy Corrigan will teach a two-day workshop at the Tubac Center of the Arts in which students can learn to make their own handcrafted Christmas tree ornaments. Titled “Memories and Heirlooms,” the workshop is scheduled from 1 to 4 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, Dec. 7 and 8. The cost is $50 for members of the art center and $60 for nonmembers. An art center spokeswoman said: “In this workshop you will create six personal Christmas ornaments to decorate your tree or give as gifts to family members and friends. You’ll discover how easily you can create your own unique ornaments with designs, accents and colors of your choosing.” Individuals of all levels are welcome and techniques will be taught for experienced artists as well as beginners. The workshop fee covers all materials needed including the six ornaments, paint brushes and decorative items. To register, call (520) 398-2371.

T u b a c

V i l l a g e r

Ta n z a n i a n c y c l i s t r a i s i n g f u n d s

to help young students receive education in conservation Article and images by Paula Beemer


Munis was born in a village at the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, where he lived and was raised by his grandmother. At the age of ten, in order to pay for his education, he started working as a porter for tourists climbing Kilimanjaro. From an early age Munis understood the importance of sustainable development and wildlife conservation because it encourages tourism and added income in the area where he lives.

ow far would you go in support of wildlife? And how would you do it? I recently met someone who is willing to go around the world... on a bicycle. He’s a 25-year-old man-from Tanzania, Elvis Munis. Jeff Horwitz, president of the Tubac Rotary Club, heard Munis speak at Tucson sporting goods store, REI about his courageous quest and its purpose. Horwitz was so impressed with the story that he invited Munis along with Howard Frederick, a board member of the non-profit organization behind this journey, to present it to Tubac in late July.

Titled Chile to Kili, the project consists of Munis riding his bicycle 28,000 miles through 47 countries starting in Chile in a period of two years. The main object is to raise funds to provide ten young Tanzanians students a one-year scholarship in the field of Conservation and Resources Management and to create awareness of the importance of wildlife preservation.

Frederick, a conservation biologist, has been working in Tanzania for several years in the collection of wildlife data to provide quality information for the authorities to make good decisions, he explains. For the last five years he has been training young students who have shown interest in

His interest and desire to be involved in conservation efforts grew and he joined the training program led by Frederick.

Munis presented the idea of circling the world on a bicycle to raise funds to Frederick, who said Munis’ determination and Elvis Munis entering the US in Nogales after a long ride from Guaymas, Mexico. endurance became clear to him the He is full of excitement, hope and pride. A third of the way has been completed! moment he saw Munis had walked 100 miles in search of a lost tagged the matter, with the use of GPS and other devices needed bird with a GPS on hand and found it. He had no doubt to perform the job. He explains that the education in Munis could accomplish a journey like this. this area is very important in order for them to be able to The current conditions in the area of conservancy in manage their own resources and do that in a sustainable Africa inspire Munis. He states in his travel blog that manner.

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T u b a c


V i l l a g e r

and passionate about his journey, strong and at the same time humble, eager to share and learn. He has become a celebrity in his place of origin and everywhere he has been. Television, newspapers and organizations such as the San Diego Zoo and Tucson Zoo, Rotary clubs and REI Company have given him the importance he deserves.

There are many challenges associated with traveling, complicated and unclear procedures to obtain visas, cultural differences, illnesses, language barriers, etc. They are enough to destroy the spirit of a traveler. Munis has experienced many of them and more but he does not get discouraged; instead he keeps looking forward to the accomplishment of his goal, pedaling even harder.

In my last email exchange with Frederick, he wrote, “Elvis needs to raise $30,000 this summer to be able to continue - only a fraction of the money coming in goes to his ride (we prioritized the scholarships above all) and he's only one fifth of the way there.” Above, left: Elvis Munis, Jeff Howrwitz and Howard Frederick after presentation of project "Chile-to-Kili" and its objectives to members of the Tubac Rotary Club. Above, right: Elvis Munis enjoyed visited to the Tubac Presidio.

his inspiration comes from literature by authors such as: Jane Goodall with her book “Reason for Hope” where she writes her memoirs after studying chimpanzees in Tanzania. Also, he cites Paulo Coehlo who writes:

“The young all have the same dream: to save the world. Some quickly forget this dream, convinced that there are more important things to do, like having a family, earning money, traveling, and learning a foreign language. Others, though, decide that it really is possible to make a difference in society and to shape the world we will hand on to future generations.” The Winner Stands Alone, Paulo Coelho

Munis also has been impressed by the life of Lance Armstrong, winner of many Tour De France races and a cancer survivor, who he believes would be inspiration to anyone.

Munis started riding bicycles at the age of 17 and bought his first bike at the age of 21. Four years later, he is now a highly competent biker, experiencing the world “from the saddle” as he calls it. He travels completely unsupported, which means he must carry his own equipment and food.

Munis has completed a quarter of the way covering 6,000 miles between South America, Mexico and part of the United States. He seemed cheerful, energized

I have been reading Munis’ stories as he publishes them online on a travel blog and it seems that this wonderful, generous and inspiring human effort should only succeed in the achievement of the goal. Helping Tanzanians receive education much needed does not require us to risk our lives pedaling through narrow roads with semi trucks driving by at fast speed, it does not required us to travel far. It only requires us to support someone who is already doing that, Elvis Munis. You can follow his adventure on his website http:// chiletokili.com/ or on the Facebook page “chiletokili.” Donations can be made via Paypal on his website. Freelance writer Paula Beemer grew up in Chile. She’s lived in Tubac with her family since 1998.

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T u b a c


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by Kathleen Vandervoet


Rosenquist’s husband, Randy Wade, said he’s pleased that they can stock the Gaggia espresso maker.

umacookery, the Plaza Entrada shop, is the place to go for anyone who has ever invited a friend to a home-cooked meal. For those who don’t cook, there are a myriad of items to select from that make a delightful host or hostess gift.

They are costly, and “we don’t sell very many of them, but I feel great about the Gaggia. It reviews much better than anything in that price range,” Wade said. “We’ve been selling it for about a year and a half.” He believes that they are the only Gaggia dealer south of Phoenix.

A Tubac mainstay since 2005, they keep about 6,000 items in inventory, and regularly try out new wares. Holding a lily pad-shaped lid for a pot or a bowl made from silicone, co-owner Karin Rosenquist said, “This has been our break-out best seller this summer. This is a French brand, Charles Viancin. He makes silicone products that are all based on designs in nature. The best sellers have been these lids in the shape of a sunflower or a lily pad. They come in different sizes. “They go on a bowl or a pot, whatever has a smooth rim. You just drop it on the bowl and it’s strong enough that you can pick it up off the counter. It seals so it replaces (cling wrap). You can use it in the microwave, in the oven, in the freezer, the refrigerator. “They just make you feel happy. You show it to customers and they get so excited they have to buy at least one,” she said.

Another popular item is a wine aerator that fits into a bottle. The wine sticks to the outside of the globe and “aeration makes a big difference,” Wade said. Cookbooks draw many shoppers. Among the many cookbooks on various types of food, they stock a line of “Trader Joe’s” cookbooks featuring items from that market chain. “There are some great recipes in there,” Rosenquist said.

This silicone lily pad cover has been a huge seller recently at Tumacookery. The broad range of stock is intriguing. Would you expect to find music CDs in a kitchen shop? Well, you’ll find Putumayo World Music CDs at Tumacookery. The lively music is conducive to getting ready for a party, or for relaxing on the weekend. “We try to carry titles that have a café theme or South American music,” Rosenquist said.


One corner of the shop specializes in cleaning items. Rosenquist pointed out the microfiber “e-cloth,” which cleans surfaces with just water. It gives a smear-free finish and can significantly reduce the use of paper towels. Returning to talk about the line by Charles Viancin which they only began stocking in April, Rosenquist said she likes the steam lid crafted to

Tubac Rotary Club Tubac Rotary Club


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T u b a c

Randy Wade demonstrates a wine aerator that customers like.

look like a giant drop of water. A flexible silicone trivet or pot holder is modeled on the star anise and comes in a variety of colors.

Karin Rosenquist shows silicone items including a honeycomb ice cube tray.

the store is open seven days a week it nearly always has shoppers.

A silicone ice cube tray mimics a honeycomb and can be used to freeze flavored ice cubes or appetizers. The number of shoppers through the summer has been much the same as in the past few years, Rosenquist said. Saturdays are the busiest but since

V i l l a g e r

Wade said, “There are definitely people who come in who don’t know we’re here, they’ve never been to Tubac before. But in general, I think it’s repeat business, whether they come back one time a year or every few months.” Wade said that the knife-sharpening service he

provides is appreciated by area residents. And special orders are welcome. “We’re always happy to take requests. Some of our best products have come from requests,” Wade said. What do they want to tell the community? “Thank you. We love being in Tubac. We love our local customers,” Wade said. Photographs by Kathleen Vandervoet

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The Borderlands Photographer Friends of Our Heritage, Part 2 Text and Photos by Murray Bolesta


n a map, the backwards-J shape of the upper Santa Cruz River defines our borderlands region of Arizona. The Gadsden Purchase of 1853 left the international flavor of the river intact, with the bottom section of the J remaining in Mexico. The river flowed south from the Canelo Hills, and then turned northwards to the Gila River, the boundary of the newly-purchased territories. A century ago, more or less, and practically overnight in a geological sense, the river became diminished due to groundwater pumping and agriculture. All the rivers of the southwest, many of them tiny and fragile, were thus degraded. Today, groups of dedicated volunteers work to preserve remnants of our natural heritage from the onslaught of development growth.

One such group is the Friends of the Santa Cruz River (Foscr). A portion of the river, roughly from Rio Rico to Amado, hints of its former grandeur of cottonwood-willow riparian habitat surrounded by mesquite bosque. The river flow is supported by water effluent discharged from the Nogales Wastewater Treatment Plant to the south, augmented by some fresh flow and seepage from the local geography. The trees lining the path of the river, mainly cottonwoods requiring shallow water, depend upon that flow, and the intentions of private landholders. About 20 years ago, realizing with shock that the river had no protections, Sherry Sass and a few others started Foscr to do just that. She says national groups stayed away because of the river’s effluent dependency. There were no governmental agencies responsible since the land is privately owned.

Since then, Foscr’s major achievements include supporting a decade-long effort to upgrade the treatment plant, constant trash cleanup and public education efforts in tandem with the Anza Trail Coalition and the Tumacácori National Historical Park. Foscr’s outgoing president is Jen Parks and the new incoming one is Scott Vandervoet. Agreeing with most area residents, Jen thinks the water plant upgrade was a major achievement for fish and humans alike: “the river now smells like a real river!” For several miles here at Tubac, a visitor enjoys a reminder of the lush watery world of yesterday’s river. This stretch is the purview of Foscr. A small exception to the challenge of private property is 300 acres adjoining Mission San José de Tumacácori, a recent acquisition by the park. History runs through this country like the river, and adding this land was crucial to portraying the historical context of the park.

Foscr partners frequently with the park as part of its public education outreach, providing glue to link our cultural heritage with our natural heritage. Historically, Sherry says the river’s Tubac section enjoyed a broad riparian (“river associated”) habitat zone, because ground water is shallow here due to the geology underneath and there was generous natural replenishment from the surrounding mountains and springs. Thus, Europeans came. In the past, explains Sherry, increased agricultural development suppressed tree regeneration & understory regeneration resulting in big habitat changes. This was manifested in the disappearance of cienegas, a series of marshes, along rivers throughout the southwest. The cienegas, mosquito habitat fringed by mesquite bosques, functioned as sponges, moderating flooding and slowing water flow. Quiet water and mosquitos are loved by the native fish: Longfin dace, Gila topminnow, Sonoran sucker, and Desert sucker.

Mesquite bosques once extended all the way north to Tucson, but most were cut down to make space for agriculture in the fertile soil beneath. Guilt for this ecological damage over the centuries was shared by both native and white man, compounded more recently by the rapacious appetite of the latter.

Recently Foscr did some advocacy work involving guidance to the new Palo Parado bridge construction. For me personally, as a granite-hard conservationist, my position regarding all new roads and bridges is summarized verbosely as “No.” However, Foscr’s view was somewhat more nuanced. The group tried to induce the bridge’s design to be as river-friendly as possible, with “weep holes a no-no,” urging against holes in the bridge surface through which oil and other grimy stuff could fall to the river below. Instead, Foscr wanted to flush pollutants off to basins at the ends of the bridge. Alas, this advice wasn’t accepted, says Sherry. Ongoing group-sponsored work includes the RiverWatch water monitoring program which provides data used by Arizona Dept. of Environmental Quality. Foscr projects include water harvesting workshops with Watershed Management Group of Tucson, using techniques of gravity from road runoff and contoured basins to filter water naturally. This, along with planting native plants, reduces erosion from the scars of development which harms both the land surface which loses the soil and the river water which gains it.

Also, Foscr is in the beginning phases of an EPA grant which will entail testing private wells, with the object of monitoring ground water, finding contaminants and providing advice to property owners on alternatives.

For the future, in our dreams, says Sherry, Foscr would like to have a guaranteed source of water for the river. Currently, the treaty between US & Mexico provides for 10 million gallons per day from Mexico and 4 million from US side. If Arizona were in fact restricted only to the 4 million, it wouldn’t be enough.

Threats on the horizon include proposed mines that would pollute ground water near the river, including Mexico’s El Pilar copper mine and mines proposed for the Patagonia mountains. Also, Foscr worries about the IOI, or International Outfall Interceptor, a hazard-ladened pipeline under Nogales Wash linking the water treatment plant. Its condition is poor; it ruptures easily; and responsibility for it resides with frustrating bureaucratic opaqueness at the International Boundary Water Commission, under the U.S. State Department. And not the least problem is the permanent need for cleanup of trash that is both dumped locally and drifts northward from the Nogales area. Big, tough problems for a small, friendly friends group.

As with many non-profits, fundraising requirements can eclipse other tasks. For Foscr, as the groundwater aquifer drops, membership must rise. So the reader is hereby called to attention, summoned to Foscr’s website, www.friendsofsantacruzriver.org, cajoled to dip a toe in the river and requested to become a friend of the Friends! Murray Bolesta is an art and heritage photographer, and has written this column since 2007. Murray supports the preservation of our natural, rural, and cultural heritage. Murray’s work can be found at www.CactusHuggers.com.

Facing page: The length of open riparian habitat lining the river banks, densest at Tumacacori.

Top, right: The Nogales waste water treatment plant provides millions of gallons of ground flow per day.

Second from top, right: This is farmland at the river in Mexico. Agriculture along the entire length of the upper Santa Cruz has degraded its ecology by destroying marshes along its banks. Second from bottom, right: Foscr co-founder Sherry Sass, at left, with outgoing group president Jen Parks. Bottom, right: Monsoon floods, as seen here near Amado, flush fish into the river from tributaries.



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Tubac resident honored with naming of new path

Above, left: Henry Jimenez, center, cuts the ceremonial ribbon after a new path in Rio Rico was opened. From left are Santa Cruz County Supervisors Manuel Ruiz, John Maynard, Rudy Molera, and County Manager Carlos Rivera. Above, right: Henry Jimenez and his wife, Anna, pause at the new Rio Rico pedestrian pathway extension that was named after him. Photos by Kathleen Vandervoet by Kathleen Vandervoet

Walking is popular year-round and Santa Cruz County has paid attention to expanding the options in recent years. When it came time to inaugurate a new Rio Rico pathway, the Board of Supervisors decided to name it after longtime county employee Henry Jimenez, a Tubac resident.

Although he retired last December, Jimenez worked for the road section in the county public works department for 38 years, and currently enjoys working part time, about 19 hours a week, he said. His first county employment after his 1973 graduation from Sahuarita High School was

working at landfills in Tubac and Sonoita and he transferred to the road department later that year. He’s driven every type of equipment the road department owns, including a grader, a loader, a chip spreader, bulldozer, dump truck, water truck and a nine-wheel roller that compacts gravel. In recent years, he worked from the office supervising crews and projects.

The paved pedestrian pathway in east Rio Rico named for him was doubled in length to 2.07 miles with the opening of the extension. Santa Cruz County used a state grant to build the first section along Pendleton Drive and Avenida Coatimundi and it opened three years ago. The popular path, safely separated from the roadway, is well used by people walking before and after work, and during the cooler months. Jesus Valdez, the county’s interim public works director, said the new path is one of three walking paths the county is working on in upcoming months. The next one is to be in west Rio Rico along the West Frontage Road, stretching between San Cayetano Elementary School and Calle Patio near Family Dollar Store.

After that, a path is planned in Kino Springs from Highway 82 to the golf course club house, he said.

The Rio Rico path extension is one mile long and runs to the end of Avenida Coatimundi, not far from the entrance to Coatimundi Middle School. Construction, excluding labor costs which weren’t available, totaled $23,200, a fraction of the $437,000 it cost to develop the first 1.07-mile segment. Jimenez attended local schools as a child – first grade at the original Calabasas School in Rio Rico, grades 3-5 at the schoolroom in what is now the Tubac Presidio State Historic Park, and grades 6-8 at the newly-opened Tubac Elementary School, now the Tubac Community Center. His mother, Anita Vega Jimenez, was born in Carmen while his father, Tony, was from Harshaw in southeast Santa Cruz County. The home on Jimenez Lane that Jimenez built with his wife is on a parcel of land given to Anna by her grandfather, Teodoro Ybarra. Henry and Anna’s daughters, Sonia and Alexa, grew up there. The section of Tubac’s Bridge Road which leads to Jimenez Lane was a dirt field when Jimenez built his house, but in the mid-1980s, the county decided the section from the East Frontage Road to Burruel Street had to be opened up to facilitate the construction of the bridge across the Santa Cruz River.

“Eddie Megariz and I built Bridge Road for the county and chip sealed it,” Jimenez said. Megariz was his boss and “idol” until he retired in 2000 and “he taught me everything about heavy equipment.”

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GENERAL ELECTION NOVEMBER 6, 2012 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS REQUEST FOR PERMANENT EARLY VOTING AVAILABLE PLEASE CONTACT THE RECORDER’S OFFICE FOR INFORMATION Now through Friday- October 26, 2012: Request for Early Ballots Accepted Request may be made in writing or verbally by contacting the Recorder’s Office at (520) 375-7990. Monday- October 8, 2012: Voter Registration Deadline To register to vote, please go to the Santa Cruz County Recorder’s Office or call to request a voter registration form. You may also register to vote online at: servicearizona.com. or co.santa-cruz.az.us/recorder. For qualifications, please visit our website or contact the Recorders office. Thursday- October 11, 2012 through Friday- November 02, 2012: Early Voting Available Santa Cruz County Recorder, 2150 N. Congress Dr., Suite 101, Nogales, Arizona (Monday through Thursday, 7 a.m. – 6 p.m. and Friday, November 02, 2012 8 a.m.–5 p.m.) Early Ballots may be delivered to the Recorder’s Office and any polling place until 7:00 p.m. on Election Day.

Expansion completed at Tubac Center of Arts

by Kathleen Vandervoet

In a brisk six-month period, a significant expansion at the Tubac Center of the Arts has been completed. The new sections of the building were expected to be finished Sept. 8, while the exterior work on a spacious patio was to be concluded in mid-September.

A grand opening is slated for Sunday, Oct. 21, allowing plenty of time to move in art work, books and furnishings. Meanwhile, the Tubac Center of the Arts is open daily in its original section and the current show is the annual Members’ Exhibition.

“When people see the final results, I think they’re going to be extremely excited,” said Dave Bouchein, treasurer for the art center’s board of directors and cochair of the capital campaign.

Work began in mid-March. The $500,000 expansion includes 3,600 square feet and offers an additional large art gallery, a hall to house lectures and art classes, a library/meeting room, a backroom space for packaging exhibit shipments, new restrooms and a break room for employees and volunteers, and storage for tables, chairs and equipment. The new art library in the center features wood shelving units purchased from a now-closed

Tubac book store, Bouchein said.

The Oct. 21 official grand opening will also be a time to honor five master artists with close connections to Tubac, Bouchein said. These artists, who have now passed away, are well-known and painted at some time in their lives in Tubac. They include Hugh Cabot, Hal Empie, Dale Nichols, Ross Stefan and Jean Wilson. “They’ll be inducted into our (new) Master Artists Collection and plaques will be installed,” Bouchein said.

Visitors are welcome to the current show. If the front entry is not open, there is a rear entry on the south side of the building, and a door on the northwest side can be accessed from Hesselbarth Lane, Bouchein said.

The nonprofit art center welcomes all and no entry fee is charged. The original building was constructed in 1972 and a gallery was added in 1986. Topping said the art center has more than 800 dues-paying members of whom about 500 are artists. Photo:

This detail of the new gallery at the Tubac Center of the Arts, taken before landscaping was completed, shows how it blends with the original building.

Monday- October 8, 2012: Friday- October 26, 2012: Friday- November 2, 2012: Tuesday- November 6, 2012:

Voter Registration Deadline Deadline to Request an Early Ballot by Mail Last day for Early Voting at the Recorder’s Office ELECTION DAY

ASSISTANCE TO VOTERS: If You Are Disabled or Ill, You May Request the Special Election Board by Contacting Our Office MILITARY /U.S. CITIZENS LIVING OUTSIDE UNITED STATES: Information Available Online/Mail/Fax. Please Contact the Recorder’s Office for More Information

Suzanne “Suzie” Sainz

Santa Cruz County Recorder 2150 N. Congress Dr., Nogales, Arizona 85621 ELECCION GENERAL 6 DE NOVIEMBRE DEL 2012 ORDEN DE EVENTOS SOLICITUD PARA REGISTRO PERMANENTE DE VOTO ANTICIPADO DISPONIBLE PARA MAS INFORMACION FAVOR DE COMUNICARSE CON LA OFICINA DEL REGISTRO PÚBLICO De Hoy a Viernes, 26 de Octubre del 2012: Se aceptaran solicitudes para votar anticipado. Las solicitudes deberán ser por escrito o verbales llamando a la Oficina del Registro Publico al (520) 375-7990 Lunes, 8 de Octubre del 2012: Último día para registrarse para votar. Para registrarse para votar favor de pasar a la Oficina del Registro Público o llamar para pedir la forma de registro de votante. Puede también registrarse por medio de internet a: servicearizona.com o co.santa-cruz.az.us/recorder. Para requisitos, por favor visite nuestro sitio web o comunicarse a la Oficina del Registro Público. Jueves, 11 de Octubre del 2012 hasta el Viernes, 2 de Noviembre del 2012: Votación anticipada estará disponible. Oficina del Registro Publico, 2150 N. Congress Dr., Suite 101, Nogales, Arizona (el lunes a jueves, 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. y viernes 2 de Noviembre del 2012 de 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.) Votos anticipados pueden entregarse en la Oficina del Registro Público o en alguna de las casillas de votación hasta las 7:00 p.m. el día de la Elección. Lunes, 8 de Octubre del 2012: Último día para registrarse para votar Viernes, 26 de Octubre del 2012: Último día para pedir votación anticipada por correo Viernes, 2 de Noviembre del 2012: Último día para votar por anticipado en la Oficina del Registro Público Martes, 6 de Noviembre del 2012: DIA DE LA ELECCION ASISTENCIA PARA VOTANTES: Si Usted Está Enfermo(a) o Incapacitado, Puede Solicitar al Consejo Electoral Llamando a la Oficina Del Registro Público. MILITAR Y VOTANTE DE ULTRAMAR: Información disponible en Internet/Correspondencia/Fax. Por favor contacte a la Oficina del Registro Público para más información.

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the cow palace bar & restaurant Article and images by Paula Beemer

Top, left: Friday night at the restaurant Top, right: Restaurant Manager, David McGehee Middle, left: The Friday special, "all you can eat beer battered cod" Middle, center: Half a slab of baby back ribs rubbed with Cajun seasoning and bourbon BBQ sauce Middle, right: Delicious chocolate creme brulee for dessert Bottom, left: The new menu offers an extensive variety of dishes Bottom, right: A view from the front of the building

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Cow Palace: New Management with Old Tradition...


lmost nothing can get me out of bed faster than the offer to go for breakfast at the Cow Palace in Amado. I simply love the idea as much as an invitation to savor a great juicy hamburger, a fulfilling chicken Cobb salad or a delicious pecan pie with a cup of coffee any time of the day.

and we were all so pleasantly surprised with our choices. Even my seven year old, the pickiest eater in the family, claimed to have loved her dinner.

The restaurant has been in existence since 1921, it was part of a commercial development that included a bar, dance hall, service station, rodeo arena and other venues in what was known as the Kinsley Ranch. The original building still stands in what today is the bar area. Due to demand and success, it was expanded to accommodate up to 350 people between four separate rooms.

After struggling with so many tempting choices in the menu we made our decisions. As we waited for our dinner we enjoyed two mini loaves of fresh warm bread and butter. Soon after, our table was covered with steaming and mouth-watering dishes.

We sat at a booth, very comfortably. Our waitress was friendly and professional, she handed us the menus along with crayons for the kids to color and play games on their place mats. Ice water was poured and we ordered our more sophisticated drinks, Cabernet Sauvignon for me, Margarita for my husband and lemonade for our daughters. They arrived at our table fast.

The cow palace is a bar and restaurant that evokes history, tradition and nostalgia for generations Arizonans and visitors. For some locals it may be the home away from home where they end a day of work and unwind from the stress of the day.

I remember the first time a walked into the Cow Palace. It was like walking into Western movie set with its long bar, the dark wood and heavy beams on the ceiling, the wooden walls stamped with animal branding, mounted wildlife animals heads and to top the effect, black and white pictures of John Wayne and other Hollywood stars who used to visit the area frequently and enjoyed more than one meal at the restaurant. Attracted by the history behind it, the location and the physical capacity of the place, former owners of the Amado Steakhouse, Chef Jeff Clock and his wife Catherine Rodarte-Clock decided to lease the establishment from owner Frank Bertolino. It was Bertolino, the man responsible for the growth of the restaurant and its success for so many years, who presented this opportunity to the couple. Today, six months after they taking the reins on the operation, they still feel very grateful to him, says Rodarte-Clock. In a recent interview with the couple they introduced me to Chef Doug Kuehn, the man responsible for making sure the flavors are always delicious. He takes pride in the fact that everything is fresh and all dishes are prepared from scratch. He is an experienced chef with studies in Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts in Minnesota and the Culinary Institute of America in New York.

Restaurant Manager, Lyndel Caswell. She has worked for the Cow Palace for approximately five years. I was also introduced to restaurant managers; David McGehee former manager of the Amado Steakhouse and Lyndel Caswell, a beautiful young girl from Amado who will normally greet you at the entrance and who, for approximately five years has been part of the Cow Palace's team. McGehee, clarified to me that the plan is not to transform the Cow Palace's restaurant style, but to keep the wonderful approach it has always had of casual, affordable, family oriented and a wide variety of dishes. Caswell says there have been good changes and customers are noticing. It is the same Cow Palace just a little rejuvenate, she says.

A few items have been removed from the menu, but not enough for me to notice. Specials are running every day “ All-youcan-eat shrimp” on Mondays or “Slow Roasted Prime Rib” on Saturday, to name a few. They have daily, Happy-Hour specials, kids under 10 eat free on Sundays, and discounts for people in uniform. The Cow Palace also features live music on Fridays and offer take out and catering services. I invited my family to enjoy dinner with me after my interview

My husband ordered half-slab of baby back ribs rubbed with Cajun seasoning, mopped in bourbon BBQ sauce and accompanied by steamed vegetables, beans and a green salad on the side. I couldn't help myself not to reach across with my fork to taste it. I ordered the special of the day “all you can eat beer battered cod,” with the side of coleslaw and fries. Our oldest daughter selected a BLT sandwich of which I only found the bread crust on her plate at the end of our dinner and our youngest ordered a cup of “chicken dumpling soup” with crackers. She was so proud of her selection that she decided to make me a cracker topped with soup. Despite my disapproval of the idea, I have to say that it was indeed delicious and it was the perfect topping for that cracker... as long as I ate it fast and in one bite. To end in a much sweeter note, we ordered coffee and chocolate crème brulee for dessert.

My evening could not have been better - good food, good company and the wonderful atmosphere created by the place and the live music provided by Becky Reyes and Scott Muhleman. One of the additions at the bar is an arcade game called “Big Buck Hunter,” in which the maximum score belongs to Jeff Clock, my understanding is that it remains unchallenged, so when you visit the Cow Palace, don't forget to give it a try! You can find more information on their website www.cowpalacerestaurant.com, on Facebook or by calling (520) 398-8000


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images courtesy of Tubac Center of the Arts

An Exhibit Ten Years in the Making: “t imElEss mEditAtions” At tubAc cEntEr of thE


by Ginger Applegarth

hen Charlotte and Tom Bell of Tubac stepped into a tiny, remote Nepalese shop in 2002 and met a young woman named Pema Bista, a remarkable story began that continues to connect the people and communities of Tubac and Lo-Monthang, Nepal.

of the Tibetan mandalas on November 7 from 6-8 PM in partnership with the Tubac Buddhist Meditation Center, a mandala making workshop on November 10 with Cathi Stillman from 10 AM-1 PM, and a Mandala Dissolution Ceremony on November 10th. The opening reception is October 7 from 5-7 PM.

Highlights of the “Timeless Meditations” exhibit juried by Catherine Nash of Tucson will be the construction of a Tibetan sand mandala painting from November 5-November 10 by visiting Tibetan monk Lama Ngawang, a talk by Dr. Dean Pielstick explaining the symbolism

Tom and Charlotte Bell were so impressed with the young woman they met in the little village shop that they sponsored her for US permanent residency. Pema arrived in 2004 to work at their Graham Bell Gallery in Tubac. She was “adopted” by many in the community, none more so than Al and Karin Topping. Karin and Al became Pema’s surrogate parents and their granddaughter Cynthia became her surrogate sister. The two communities of Tubac

The story is still unfolding, but the latest chapter can be found at the Tubac Center of the Arts in its latest nationally juried exhibition, “Timeless Meditations: Mandalas and Patterns in Nature” from October 7-November 11. The word “mandala” means “circle” in Sanskrit, and the mandala is the archetype or symbol for universe or cosmos. Mandalas are found in almost every culture and religion, and Carl Jung famously used mandalas as part of the therapeutic process by having his patients paint their own subconscious worlds.

What’s the connection between the Bells’ 2002 visit to Nepal and the Tubac Center of the Arts “Timeless Meditations” exhibit? The answer to that question illustrates the universal meaning of the word mandala, highlights the very special qualities of the Tubac community, and strengthens its connection with that remote village in the province of Mustang, Nepal.

Faux Flowers - Real Design In the courtyardnext next to Road In the Courtyard to10 10Plaza Plaza Road directly across from the Arts Center (520) 248-5039 Open 10-5 Monday-Saturday 12-4 Open 10 toSundays 5 every day 520-248-5039 www.tubacflowers.com www.tubacflowers.com


and Lo-Monthang developed stronger ties as Pema’s mother, brother, and cousin all came for visits. Pema’s niece, Yudon, even moved here and is now an honor student at Sahuarita High School. Fast forward to summer 2011, when Pema and Joanna Corrrigan of Tubac made the arduous trip back to Pema’s village of Lo-Monthang. There Joanna met Pema’s cousin Lama Ngawang, master sand mandala maker and the head of a foundation for schools for Nepalese children. Joanna invited Lama Ngawang to visit Tubac, he accepted on the spot, and last December he arrived just before Christmas. Lama Ngawang walked the Tubac streets, met people in the community, gave a talk, and fell in love with Tubac. He said it reminded him of Lo-Monthang, and he offered to come back in 2012 and create a “Medicine Buddha” sand mandala painting here.

A sand mandala painting is created by first drawing the intricate design on a large wooden frame. Every aspect of the painting has meaning, and every dimension must be correct. Then, using paper tubes, colored sand is

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deposited in each designated space. At the end, after a beautiful sand painting is completed, the entire painting is brushed away in a special ceremony and the sand is usually deposited in a river or other body of water. This reminds us that nothing is permanent, and that we should try not to get attached to material things. It takes years of training to become a master mandala maker, so Lama Ngawang’s offer was a huge gift to the community, and a great honor.

Pema’s “surrogate mother” Karin Topping was one of the people who attended Lama Ngawang’s talk. Now the Director of the Tubac Center of the Arts, she was the perfect person to help make the sand mandala offer a reality. Thanks to the generosity of the TCA Board, the sand mandala will be created, and an entire exhibition will take place that is even

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more comprehensive and inclusive. It is inspired by, represents or includes sacred geometry, mandalas and patterns in nature.

The story already has a happy ending, but there’s more. Al and Karin Topping were there to witness Pema Bista becoming a US citizen last spring.

NOTE: At press time, Pema Bista and Joanna Corrigan were finalizing arrangements for two fundraising events for Lama Ngawang’s school, Himalaya’s Children. On Sunday, November 11 at 2 PM, Geshe Jampa Khechok of the Emaho Foundation in Phoenix will give a public talk on “Compassion and Forgiveness”. On Monday, November 12, at 6 PM, there will be a dinner at Elvira’s honoring Lama Ngawang with traditional Nepalese and Tibetan food prepared by Pema Bista. Cost is $25. For more information, call 784-3311.

"timElEss mEditAtions: mAndAlAs & pAttErns in nAturE" Nationally juried exhibit of art inspired by, representing or including sacred geometry, mandalas and patterns in nature. Juror: Catherine Nash of Tucson, www.CatherineNash.com The exhibit runs October 7 - November 11, 2012. The Tubac center of the arts is located at 9 Plaza Road, Tubac, AZ. www.tubacarts.org 398-2371

Friday, October 7, 5-7pm – Opening reception -- monday-Saturday, November 5 - November 10th-- “Medicine B uddha”s and

mandala painting will be created by Lama Ngawang visiting from Lo-Monthang, Nepal

-- Wednesday, November 7th, 6-8 Pm – “The Mandala in Tibetan Buddhism” a talk by Dr. Dean Pielstick in partnership with the Tubac Buddhist Meditation Center, www.tubacmeditation.org

-- Saturday, November 10th, 10am-1Pm – Workshop: “Mandala Making: a Journey to the Center” with Cathi Stillman

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Enhancing life though Evolution Studio classes

Friday, November 16, 5 – 7pm Opening Reception for Members’ Juried Exhibit & Holiday Artisan Market at the Tubac Center of the Arts Exhibit runs: November 16 – January 6 Saturday, November 17, 2pm “Wild About Arizona Wildflowers” Book Event -

Co-authors Colleen Miniuk-Sperry and Paul Gill will do an illustrated presentation on their award-winning book “Wild in Arizona: Photographing Arizona’s Wildflowers.” Discover the best places and times to find Arizona’s bountiful blooms, plus useful photography tips and techniques. Book signing to follow. $7.50 adult, $4.50 youth 7-13, children free. At the Tubac Presidio. Sunday, November 18, 2-3:30pm “The Coming of the Spanish” - A presentation by Jack Lasseter

locAl Artists highlightEd in tubAc novEmbEr 3 & 4, 2012

Visitors to the historic artist colony of Tubac will enjoy a variety of demonstrations by local and visiting artists during the weekend of November 3 & 4 10am to 5pm both days. New this year, “An Art Experience” will host outdoor “working studios” tents set-up in front of the village galleries and studios. Art Experience, is a celebration of the creative process. A wide variety of art will be featured including painting, sculpture, fiber art, and botanicals. There will be artists demonstrations throughout the weekend. Visitors to the event can meet the artists and watch live demonstrations throught the weekend; they can also actively participate by voting for their favorite works of art.

Tubac: An Art Experience 2012 is a departure from previous Art Experience and ArtWalk events. Tents will be set-up throughout the village where artists will create their works and meet the public. “This is a unique opportunity for the public to see Tubac’s gallery artists outdoors in the scenic beauty of the village” says Angela Kirkner, executive director of the Tubac Chamber of Commerce.

Tubac is located at Exit 34 on I-19, 45 miles south of Tucson. To find out more about the artist colony of Tubac, please contact the Tubac Chamber of Commerce at (520) 3982704 or visit their website www.tubacaz.com. Burro Painting by Leigh Morrison, showing with Lily’s of Tubac, courtesy Tubac Chamber of Commerce.

Popular speaker Jack Lasseter will share the fascinating story of the Spanish Presidios on the northern frontier of New Spain, of which Tubac was one of four in Arizona. This is the first in a series of talks by Mr. Lasseter on various Arizona history subjects, including Father Kino, the Apaches, Arizona Outlaws, and Women on the Arizona Frontier. The topics are inspired by the “Cavalcade of History” art exhibit currently on display, featuring 16 paintings of scenes from Arizona’s history by renowned Western artist William Ahrendt. A full house is expected, so sign up early. Wine and hors d’oeuvres will be served. $25 per lecture. Please call for reservations and future dates, 520-398-2252. A portion of the proceeds will benefit the community effort to “Save the Presidio.” At the Tubac Presidio. Friday, November 30, 10am-12:30pm Fiber Arts Friday

Join fiber art enthusiasts at the Tubac Presidio on the last Friday of the month. Bring your knitting, crochet, spinning or quilting project and gather for uninterrupted fiber art time. Hosted by members of the Southwest Fiber Arts Resource Group. Included with park admission $5 adult, $2 youth 7-13, children free. November 30 to April 30, daily 9am-5pm Walter Blakelock Wilson Art Exhibit

The Tubac Presidio will host a special exhibit featuring paintings with historic themes by Tubac artist Walter Blakelock Wilson (1929-2011). Wilson’s portraits, landscapes and architectural imagery have made their way into several museums and over 300 corporate and private collections. His historical paintings feature Native Americans, frontier personalities and pioneers in aviation, automobiles and railroads. The exhibit is included with park admission $5 adult, $2 youth (7–13), children free

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Rogoway Turquoise Tortoise Gallery hosts eight artists in outdoor event 10am to 5pm, November 3 & 4

by Kathleen Vandervoet

Sophistication has arrived in Tubac. Dance classes including tango, hip hop and ballet, along with more traditional partner dances, are exciting to those looking for more fun in their lives. The Evolution Studio tucked in behind the Tubac Market in the Plaza de Anza is a beehive of activity. Even though Tubac traditionally slows down during summer and early fall, that’s not the case at Evolution Studio. In addition to a variety of dance classes, other offerings include Zumba, Pilates, yoga and piano. As well, classes to learn or improve in both Spanish and English are on the slate of programs. The dance studio is a pleasant place to practice, with its quality maple sprung floors and two walls of mirrors and plenty of natural light. Language lessons are next door in a small classroom. Cheryl Todd opened the studio in October 2011 and is pleased at the response from area residents. “I am so grateful for the creativity, expertise, and thirst for learning that converges here in Tubac. “A lot of people have thanked me for providing an opportunity to learn Spanish and do all these things,” Todd said. She received an email on that from one Tubac resident in June. Kent Bader wrote to her, “I just wanted to thank you for the fun and joy... and young people you bring to our little village with Evolution Studio. I've lived here almost 19 years and when I see something so special change Tubac for the good, I just have to shout out a great big thank you.”

An Art Experience

Don’t miss our exciting eight artist show! Meet the artists and see demonstrations in outdoor “working studio” tents in front of the gallery. RogowayÊ TurquoiseÊ TortoiseÊ GalleryÊ 5Ê CalleÊ BacaÊ Rd.;Ê Tubac,Ê AZÊ Ê 85646Ê rogowaygalleries.comÊ |Ê (520)Ê 398-2041

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The Prickly Pair by Josh Cicci



A hip hop class appealing to children and teens is now under way and “students have come and loved” the teacher, Todd said. “I’m real excited. I never thought I’d have as many instructors as I do,” she said. They’re not her employees but they are contractors and pay a small amount for rent. “I want to be sure the instructors feel supported.” The Tubac Market is planning a sock hop in midNovember and Todd said people are encouraged to come to a free Friday class held at 5 p.m. to put together a few numbers so they can perform. For more information, updated schedules and prices, email her at cheryl@evolutionstudio.org, call her at (719) 237-7364 or visit the web site at www. evolutionstudio.org Meanwhile, this overview might tempt those who want to add some variety to their lives: Mondays include two morning yoga classes, Tai Chi, Pilates, ballet and private dance classes. On Tuesdays, there are fitness, Zumba, ballet and yoga classes. Spanish classes are held next door in the smaller annex room.

The highly-anticipated Argentine Tango classes taught by dancer Rusty Cline start Sept. 26 and will be held on Wednesdays from 7:30 to 9 p.m. Other classes on that weekday include yoga, line dance, Pilates and Spanish. On Thursdays, partner dance is 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. to accommodate the working crowd. Other classes that day are yoga, fitness, ballet and Spanish. The Friday schedule includes Zumba, Tai Chi, private ballet, beginning English classes and American history for Spanish speakers. A TRX suspension training class is new. Saturdays introduce hip hop and belly dancing, yoga and a morning class in intermediate English. On the third Saturday of each month there is a dance workshop for school-age students. Private piano lessons are planned by Marilyn Rassmussen starting in mid-October and each session is $25.

Contributed image: Hip hop dance teacher Mauricio Vaca, left, brings excitement to young students in Tubac and has six years’ experience as a teacher.

S e n i o r B u d d i e s E s t a t e & M o v i n g S a l e s G i n n y & B u d d y S a h u a r i t a t o R i o R i c o P r o v e n h o n e s t & r e l i a b l e W o r k i n g a s a t e a m

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It was a busy night at Wisdom’s café, music, friends and a crowded parking lot. On Saturday, Sept. 8th, Wisdom’s Café hosted the Third Annual Monsoon Music Fest on their front patio, a great event for the whole family. Over 200 attendants enjoyed the fun evening that included music of different genres and beats from approximately 14 different groups and singers who donated their time and talent, says Celeste Wisdom, owner of Wisdom’s café and organizer. Facing page:

Words and images by Paula Beemer

The purpose of the event each year is to raise funds to support kid’s music programs in the area. This year, $2,200 was raised, and it will all be donated to a group of this nature, explains Wisdom. The first year this event took place, the funds were given to the Montessori de Santa Cruz’s violin program, last year to Coatimundi Middle School's band program. ”We haven't chosen this year's recipient yet,” tells Wisdom.

Top left: Old time Arizona residents and friends Ginger Donelli, Brian Donelli, Rick Kemp, Amy Kemp, Allan Durazo, Karrie Durazo, Maya Donelli, Maddie Donelli, Kyra Neyhart, Chirs Martin

Middle, right: Fans of some of the performers came from Nogales. From Left to right, Lilly Padilla, Amado Manriquez, Victor Gamboa, Melina Townsend, Charlie Velazquez, Antonio Molina, Rocio Ruiz and Dedee Padilla.

Middle, left: Jackie Nichols along with sons Elliot and Zach Nichols were there from Tucson in support of their husband and father Brad Nichols, keyboard player for the Southbound Pilot band.

Bottom, right: Regina Simkins, Julie Grounds, Aubrey Simkins and Kris Hanson enjoyed their meal in the patio as they listen to the bands perform.

Upper right: Singer from Musical group Sin Fronteras

Cactus Heating and Cooling, Inc.

Bottom, left: Rose Retliff, Elisa Ochoa and Irene Wisdom enjoying the music on the patio.

Also at the café that night there was a voter registration table and attendants were able to purchase signed children's books by author Roni Capin Ashford~Rivera about the Monsoon season. “I would like to share our gratitude to the community for supporting live music and music education! Thank you!” says Wisdom.

This page:

Above, left: Amber Norgaard playing and singing with The Southbound Pilot Band. Above, middle: Cris Martin playing drums with The Southbound Pilot Band.

Above, right: Singer Amber Norgaard delighted us with her voice and fun songs like "These boots are meant for walkin'."


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Green Valley Residents Warned Feeding Wildlife Illegal The Arizona Game and Fish Department is reminding Green Valley residents that it’s illegal to feed javelina and other wildlife except for birds and tree squirrels.

Nighttime Hummingbird Feeder Bat Monitoring Project Continues in 2012

The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AGFD) and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, with cooperation from the Town of Marana, are again seeking help from the public as the Nighttime Hummingbird Feeder Bat Monitoring Project resumes for 2012.

Most of Arizona’s 28 bat species eat insects, but the federally endangered Lesser longnosed bats (Leptonycteris yerbabuenae), and the Arizona species of concern Mexican long-tongued bats (Choeronycteris mexicana), drink nectar and from hummingbird feeders, and also eat pollen and fruits from plants such as the saguaro and agave. In years past, citizen scientists have volunteered numerous hours each summer to monitor their hummingbird feeders for those two bats. Such observations, including photos, provide valuable information that allows for better understanding the of bats behaviors.

“If you enjoy watchable wildlife and sitting on your porch during summer evenings, please consider volunteering your time for this worthy cause,” said AGFD Wildlife Specialist Shawn Lowery. “Your efforts will allow wildlife and resource managers in Arizona to better understand the ecology of these species.”

The goals of the project are to understand when these species arrive in southern Arizona, determine foraging habits and movement patterns, and document when the migratory species depart Arizona.

Those interested in participating should visit the official website sponsored by the Town of Marana, www.marana.com/bats. The website allows participants to sign up as volunteers and to download information about this year’s monitoring protocol.

The bats migrate north from Mexico and arrive in southern Arizona as the Saguaro cactus and agave begin to bloom, traveling throughout southern Arizona.

Recent javelina sightings in the area may be associated with residents feeding them, said Regional Supervisor Raul Vega of Game and Fish in Tucson.

“Javelina are common in urban areas near a wash or other natural desert. We encourage watching wildlife from a safe distance, but javelina should never be fed by humans,” said Regional Supervisor Raul Vega of Game and Fish in Tucson. “Javelina occasionally bite people, and such incidents are almost always associated with people providing the javelina with food. They can inflict a serious wound.” Defensive javelina behavior may include charging, teeth clacking, or a barking, growling sound.

Javelina may act defensively when cornered, to protect their young, or when they hear or smell a dog. Dogs and coyotes are natural predators of javelina, and they can seriously hurt or kill each other. Javelina around your home may also inadvertently attract mountain lions, because mountain lions prey on javelina. Most people who intentionally feed wildlife are initially under the impression that they are doing something positive for wildlife,”

images courtesy Arizona Game and Fish Department

said Urban Wildlife Specialist Locana de Souza of Game and Fish in Tucson. “However, habituating wildlife to a human food source inevitably leads to conflicts with people and can result in serious harm in some cases. Furthermore, feeding wildlife can cause problems such as obesity and malnutrition, and promote the spread of disease.”

Last year a Tucson resident became the first person to be prosecuted in Pima County under a new state law (A.R.S. 13-2927), which makes it illegal to feed wildlife in Pima and Maricopa counties, with the exception of birds and tree squirrels. Game and Fish cited the person following repeated requests by wildlife officers that she stop feeding javelina. That person was sentenced in Pima County Justice Court, and ordered to stop placing food for wildlife on the ground. “There are responsible ways to feed birds without allowing other wildlife to access the seed,” de Souza added. “Birds can be fed in an enclosed yard, preferably in a bird feeder. A tray can be attached beneath a feeder to catch spillover seed. Seed blocks should be placed in an enclosed area or on a secure raised platform. “ For tips on living with urban wildlife, visit www.azgfd.gov/urbanwildlife. To report apparent wildlife violations contact Operation Game Thief at 1-800-372-0500, anonymously if need be.

Open every day 10am - 5pm

We also have over 150 Hopi Kachinas • 300 Zuni Fetishes

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Come see for yourself... the selection will amaze you!

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T u b a c

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Sonoran Stories in Plants A B OTANIC A RT E XHIBIT

re you a child A who colored your Thanksgiving turkey green

and was scolded for it? Did you disregard the lines in your coloring book? Were you ever allowed to use the beautiful colors of tempera and paint at an easel? Was it a cardinal sin in your house or school to make a mess of anything? If so, I am sorry. Sorry in that you may have been stopped before you even began. Young art is extremely sensitive. It can be easily thwarted in its earliest stages, because unlike the unconditional encouragement we receive for our first words and first steps, our first creative attempts may take awkward turns. They could look like scratches in furniture, scribbles on walls or marker stripes on the telephone bill. In such cases we need to find better, more intentional opportunities for creative expression. However, rules need to be established as soon as a child picks up a brush and plunges it into a paint pot. 1.) Clean your brushes between colors. 2) Choose from your heart not your head. 3.) Paint on the designated surface which is generally not the ceiling, the floor or the table. 4.) Dress for a mess. (Garbage bags make great smocks; a hole in the bottom for the head, and a hole on each side for the arms.) 5.) Paper towels should be handy for emergencies. (Wiping the water off the brush after it has been soaked is very important. 6.) Give advice only when asked and remember criticism is inhibiting. Going to art shows and talking about the art can be inspiring. Questions like: Which painting do you wish you had done? Which painting is the most exciting? Why? What makes one painting different from another? If your pockets were full, which painting would you buy? Is there a painting in this room that you dislike?

I had the experience this summer of watching my granddaughter catch the fire. She was lost in her work. It was serious. She called it her new “passion”. She may be only nine, but she is beyond age when she is working. She truly entered the zone. It doesn’t matter what anyone thinks of the painting, it only matters that she fell in love. I saw her studying it from a distance and then up close. I saw her smiling at it like it was a secret friend and they were in cahoots. She runs to the art shed to see it upon each visit and has stopped working on it temporarily. She says she wants to “feel” where to go next, that she is waiting for “instinct to kick in.” Some poets call that instinct the muse. I know this feeling. I can see myself by watching her. She has learned about bliss and will never be the same. It is the cheese that the poor mouse keeps searching for after its first success. Once tasted it is worth a lifelong effort to relive. If we watch children paint, it is fascinating to see their knowing. They begin boldly, use everything they think they need for the work and know exactly when they are done. The results are pure and vigorous and rather enchanting to the eye that can open wide enough to include the joy. It ‘s never too late to find this joy. It is not about age or talent or circumstance. Susan Bader found it in her sixties via lessons with Roberta Rogers, and has been ecstatically painting ever since. Celebrating the enthusiasm and results of Susan’s discovery, her work will be shown in Tubac in September. She doesn’t need to show off her collection, however. The mere act of creation has been reward enough. No one knows better than the artist that joy is not about the product; it is in the process. Our spirits breathe through the act of creation adding life to life.

September 1 - November 30 Open daily 9am-5pm Meet the Curator Reception Sunday, October 7, 2-4pm Featuring graphite and watercolor illustrations of plants from the Pimeria Alta by Sorcha (Dorothy Clare Massalski, Ph.D.) and accompanied by stories, legends and scientific information. Inspired by agrarian traditions including Native American perspectives of botanic art as expressions of a circle of attunement.. Exhibit fee: $5 adults, $2 youth 7-13, children free. ArtistÕ s reception on October 7 includes an informal gallery talk with wine and light refreshments. Reception fee: $7.50. Reservations recommended.

Tubac Presidio State Historic Park

1 Burruel Street, Tubac, Arizona 520.398.2252 www.TubacPresidioPark.com



Fiber artists and vendors are invited to apply for the 5th annual festival featuring wearable art, hand-dyed fibers, tools, classes and animal exhibits. Originally sponsored by the Southwest Fiber Arts Guild, the festival will be hosted by the Tubac Presidio State Historic Park during ArtWalk Weekend in Tubac on Saturday, November 3, 2012. For information and an application, please call 520-398-2252, email info@tubacpp. com or visit www.TubacPresidioPark.com. The application deadline is October 1.



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by Navajo Silversmiths

Monroe & Lillie Ashley

We also have over 150 Hopi Kachinas • 300 Zuni Fetishes

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National Feral

T u b a c

Cat Day

with Paws Patrol of Green Valley National Feral Cat Day, celebrated on October 16th, was created a decade ago by Alley Cat Allies to promote humane care for feral cats. Alley Cat Allies efforts to share information and educate others on the importance of

Trap-Neuter-Return have been supported year after year by caring individuals and groups across the nation. Paw Patrol of Green Valley is one such group. Paws Patrol promotes community awareness through a website, weekly newspaper ads and articles, educational materials, a weekly information booth at the Farmers Market, a float in the annual White Elephant Day parade, and monthly Cat Adoption Fairs. Primary sources of income are fundraising, donations, grants and a modest $65.00 adoption fee, which includes spay/ neutering and shots. Since Paws Patrol began in 2006, we have trapped 1366 feral and stray cats. After being spayed/ neutered, 618 have been adopted; the rest were either returned to their colony or relocated to safer areas.

Ours is a retirement community so Paws offers a Senior Adoption Program whereby seniors and disabled persons may adopt one cat for free. We also offer a discount for active military. Paws Patrol provides food for 6 feral colonies and 7 foster homes, in addition to litter, trapping and transport cages, materials to build shelters, and other equipment necessary for the care of these cats.

Paws Patrol is introducing several new projects in commemoration of National Feral Cat Day:

A slide show depicting stories of various feral cats who have been rescued by Paws Patrol. Debut will be on October 24th at the Farmers Market in Green Valley. Releasing our first book, “From Feral to Family, a feral cat’s journey to find a home”. This 100 page book is a collection of true stories, along with pictures, of feral cats that Paws Patrol volunteers and friends have rescued, and either adopted, or have placed in loving, caring forever homes.

2013 full color calendar is now available at many locations in the area. Both the book and calendar are $10 each and make unique Christmas presents. And all the money raised goes towards vet expenses for our feral cats.

Approximately 12,000 feral and stray cats live in our service area, which includes two counties, seven small towns, ranch land, open desert and over a dozen golf courses. Paws Patrol has no facility, no paid staff but approximately twenty-three dedicated volunteers who are dedicated to protecting, sterilizing, vaccinating and controlling the feral cat population in our community and to provide for them a safer, healthier, and better quality of life. More information at www.greenvalleypawspatrol.org

V i l l a g e r

Earth Harmony Festival Promotes Global Cooperation to Achieve Sustainability

Avalon Organic Gardens & EcoVillage presents the Earth Harmony Festival, a weekend celebration devoted to creating a sustainable future now. The festival will be held Saturday & Sunday, OcTOBER 6-7TH in Tumacácori.

In addition, live music, fine local art, locally made breads, food, and other natural products’ booths, a children's village, hay rides, and special presentations by Master Gardeners, Kamon Lilly and Tarenta Baldeschi, will round out the weekend festivities.

The vision of the Earth Harmony Festival is to encourage a restoration of balance to the world’s people and ecosystems through environmental awareness, education, and a commitment to peace and unity without uniformity. Festival coordinator TiyiEndea DellErba says, “This year’s Earth Harmony Festival shares some practical solutions to the social, spiritual and environmental issues we face in our world today.”

The Earth Harmony Festival is held at Avalon Organic Gardens & EcoVillage, one of the largest member EcoVillages in the world, nestled on 165-acres in the beautiful Santa Cruz Valley. Their sustainable practices include organic farming, education and the preservation of food diversity, permaculture principles, green building techniques, water harvesting, composting, alternative clean energy, and more. Avalon Gardens’ Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program was the first established in Arizona, feeding more than 100 people since 1995. Internationally-celebrated author GaRY PaUL NaBHaN will be the keynote speaker on SaTURDaY, OcTOBER 6TH. Nabhan is a conservation biologist, a seed saver, and sustainable agriculture activist and has been called “the father of the local food movement”.

The core of the festival will be the ongoing tours of their working EcoVillage. From Solar Panels, to Rain Water Harvesting, to Organic Gardening, to Green Buildings, to Home-Made Goat Cheese, these EcoVillage tours will have something for every interest. Participants are encouraged to donate for the tours to help foster the EcoVillage’s many projects which are prototypes for creating a more sustainable, environmentally-conscious world.

Live music for the festival is provided by Global Change Music Nonprofit Record Label, featuring TaliasVan & The 11-piece Bright & Morning Star Band performing CosmoPop, music of the future for minds of the future. Additional artists performing are Van'sGuard, Starseed Acoustic Ensemble, and The Change Agents Band. Global Change Music lyrics speak of taking action against any form of injustice. Global Change Music promotes sustainable living, which includes growing organic food, building green, permaculture, sharing services and goods (trade and barter), and having a protective environmental consciousness. Admission to the festival is free. Donations are appreciated to help support Avalon Gardens Internships and the Personality Integration Rehabilitation Program — nonprofit programs that assist individuals from diverse backgrounds in various levels of healing, training, and education in order to actualize their dreams and talents. Amadon DellErba, an activist and festival promoter, encourages people to Occupy Avalon Gardens for a few days at the Earth Harmony Festival. “I hope this festival can teach and inspire others to live a more sustainable lifestyle, to come out of the age of competition, and into the age of cooperation.”

The Earth Harmony Festivals were started in the late 1990s by Gabriel of Urantia and Niánn Emerson Chase in Sedona, Arizona. Please visit http://kck.st/OacQ7A to watch a beautiful and entertaining video about the event, including ways you can support the Earth Harmony Festival. Camping is available by donation. For more information and camping reservations visit earthharmonyfestival.org or call 520-398-2542.

Discover the art of Mexico. Decorative items and silver jewelry displayed in our two locations: 14 Tubac Rd. and 16 Plaza Rd.

New, Colorful Metal Wall Hanging Art

T u b a c


V i l l a g e r

Dear Readers,

uper S s ' e r Clai sing s e r D d Sala

Many thanks for your comments on Gertrude in the last issue of the Villager, to Joseph for publishing it, also to my dear friend and artist in Rogers, Arkansas, Sara Ford, who brought Gertrude to life. What a dear chicken! One of the reasons we repeated Gertrude, the woman from Vermont (whom I'd love to meet someday, asked for it) Nicole Bovin, thank you!

e) all juic e z e e u (sq lemon ped y chop 1 large l e n fi , c s garli 2 clove oney 2 tsp. h l olive oi 1/2 c. jar, small n i s t n ps e ngredi lve hone, kee i l l a r i o St iss ell to d shake w ly. spoon ul ke sure iced beautif a m , d sl la over sa le with Spoon arlic, sprink g reaches . ds ! almon ressing d s i h t love You'll

You can tell the desert is getting ready to welcome Fall, the cottonwoods are a dark vibrant green, the monsoons have done a great job, days are longer, mountains are green, the hummingbirds have had lots of little hummers, orioles are filling up with sugar water, Grosbeaks are more colorful, I think they're all getting ready to TAKE OFF!

Easy Dinner For 6 Chicken Delish

Everything You Need Sandwich

courtesy of Barb ara Sparks Rogers, Arkansa s

10 or 12 chicken tenders 1 stick butter x 1 envelope dry onion soup mi

(my backdoor nei

ghbor years ago) Please try this; y ou'll be glad you did! (C'mon, din ner's ready) Pumpernickel &

1/4 pint whipping cream rice

All The Fixin's

8 slices pumpern

ickel bread

4 large slices sw

pan or Melt the butter in a 9" x 13" turning n, baking dish, add the chicke the dry soup to coat with butter. Sprinkle cream over mix over all, pour whipping foil, bake at h chicken. Cover tightly wit rve over 1/2 c. 325 degrees for one hour. Se kes it happen. portion of rice. the sauce ma

eet onion

4 large slices tom


4 tbl. peanut butt

2 tbl. mayo


This will make 4 large sandwiches. Spread mayo on one piece of bread, some peanut butt er on the other piec e, lay onion and to mato on to cover th e slice of bread, cu t in half or quar te rs - enjoy! Please gi ve it a try, it's so very good!

Great De ssert Cranber ry Crun ch

One Liners •

A thing done almost right is wrong!

Forgive quickly, you'll save time and your digestion.

• • •

Friendships are better than battleships.

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Conserve everything except good nature.

Before you say what you think, stop to think what you say!

Willie and His Swallows - Hope you have time to stop in at the Tubac Senior Center and see Willie Armijo's swallows, they leave about the end of October for South America. They arrived several months ago and Willie has seen about 30 babies arrive! He's sure a good friend to all these families, cleaning and housekeeping and taking good care of all the babies. Thank you Willie for your TLC, now you take a vacation! Please, avail yourselves of the opportunity to see these magnificent swallows 0 their nests are at the back of the building - I counted 15 or more, so many swallows I couldn't count them! A medal for Willie Armijo!



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