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2014-2015 'Th_e Sentinel

Seton Catholic Preparatory 1150 Dobson Rd Chandler, AZ 5224
www. eton atholic.org 562 Students 4 S[XlrtS 22FincArts 40 Spirituality 46 Student Life 68 Portraits 84Seniors
(480) 963-1900

The Lineman Lift: nior Stephen Fugger gives Sophomore Forest Sweet a mngratulatory lift after he 9Ilres his first varsity touchdown. This moment was bittersweet for Stephen Fugger as it was his Senior Night game against Rio Rim. Fugger had the opportunity to play on the varsity team his Sophomore year just like Forest LEF I SIDE-STRONG SIDECamenn


captains' C:::::Omer
Antonio: 'Ths team was the tightest l:xmd of brothers fve ever nandlam hononrl to ':ily I was a j:ID1 of it" Stephen. the S:tcker: '1t's n a ride th IXlSI 4 years. Thank youtoeveryonevvho was a JXlr! of it"

1. ROLL IT NOW SHAKE IT-VICIORY LETS TAKE IT: Noveml r was a busy month for the ton Spi1itlin JX'Iforming in thr comJX'titions. The& girls even mmed a bid to nationals in Disneyland. On Novem r 22nci 2014. at Pinnacle lligh hool the spiritlin teamswer nam thedivisionwinners. Manyofth girls are on multiple teams on spiritlin but they are all one family, ntin I Spiritline. captains' C::Omer

"As a captain I am so honored and consider myself fortunate to be a p3.rt of such an amazing group of girls. We have achieved so much."
-Gabrielle Larusso '15
'Tm extremely proud of everything my ch rteamhas aa:nmplished this season. I love girls as if they were my sisters."
- Morgan Voorhaar'15

Sophomore Shelby Genson and Freshman Grace Barnhou hug after a race at a home meet at Arrowhead Park. Th girls may swim in different lanes but they are still teammates nonetheless. The girls' swim team fmishoo 8th place overall in state. and the boys' team finishoo 18th.

'This year swim Dewby. fore we knew it we were at state and swam hard. breaking records left and righL"

'1 have met so manyg friends swimming at ton. This season was so exdting. and I am so proud of the girls' top ten finish in state."

C2.ptains' C:Omer

captains' C::Omer

'Not only did the golf team have a lot offun this year, but we improved lot as well And I can't wait to what they aa:omplish next year."
-Will Hietter '15

"Our team is like on (small) happy farnil yl This year we got to go to state as a team and I muldn't any prouder of the girls."

-Sarina Stokes '15

'Crn..> Country teams form a strong txm; even though it is a very iilliviualist:ic SJXli1. we mme together as a team like no other sp:nt. Being G!.ptain of this team gave me an opJX>rtunity to form another family, am to single tmmrnate crush their gools through was amazing."

-Jake Thompm! '15

C2ptain's C:Omer


1 H1illipiam 4:13:

On llioher 30. 2014, Seniors Rielyn Hoffman. Reggi end r , Sabtina ozn , Nirole Kinse . Maggie Harrington and junior Hall john">>n rome tog ther to I brate a IXJinL at Senior Night The words 'Phillipians 4: 13' w wtitt non Sabnna ozn hand. a ritual she said this ry game 1 can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

Six Seniors Selfl.e . .&])i):

On 8, 2014, Sonia took a quick selfie with all of the seniors their Semi -final game against Monumnet Valley. They took Monument Valley to 5 sets but lost in the fifth Even though they did not take home the trophy. they took home the feeling of aa:omplishment Like the six seniors, it is Cooch Sonia's last year. She will be missed

captains' C:Omer

"This was one of the most athletic 'This was a season to 'This year was filled with and versatile teams I've ever seen We came home from state feeling dedication teamwork. We had so many great like we had won it all with determination and setbacks. We put aa:omplishments having the ability incredible team work. competition up a fighL and there is not one thing to take the State Champion team to 5 and passion for the game." I would change aoou t this season." sets was just one of them"

'Switching cooches from Guthrie to Nick was tough, but our team is extremely talented and all ofth guys are very close I'm looking forward to ing how well guys can play. and I think it's going to be one of th • t years of ton ooys' vollcytxtll."
-Drew tlach '16
C2ptain..'s C::Omer

Tough Twins:

On January 14th, 2015. the Seton girls' team gather to say some enrouraging words the game. Seton Poston Butte. 50 to 26. At the of the season, the Wirth twins, Jennifer and LeeAnne sustained in juries. However. they were still able to pump up the team and enrourage them to do their The last name Wirth is an eminent one in the Seton basketball program Their siblings have also achieved great things in Seton basketbalL Seton cannot wait to see all the wonderful things the Wirth twins aa:omplish

'Tve never played on greater team than onelamnow.

are truly blessed

,. ..,..-,"v have such an i!ii!!J <una:zing roaching a:nd I will

• never forget the :I:Ji m:mc1ries we've this season

t: y'alL" Wirth '17

'1am truly blessed able to play of this team We have made amazing memories and have overcame obstacles that have sharm us

• -.: •.., into the family Liz Holter '17

C2ptains' C:Omer
1-hoo>Ou lltMr'ilf

Cooch Commander Cares: nior Konrad Eze and sophomore Ca n Pinter block a hot of a IJXJinte player. On th light one can truly how involvoo Cooch King gets in the games. The ooys' team won this game 68-54. Coach Commander King pined th Seton ys' oosketooll program just three ymrs ago. He turn th l:xlsketooll team into an athletic machine. Th team entered the play-offs for the first time since 2010. They played Nogales away and lost. However. they were able to come oock from a 14 JXJint defidt in the 3rd quarter. This could not have n done without the charaderistics of hard work and dedication Coach King has imtillcd into his players.

so for Seton l:xlsketball this year. "-

captains' Comer
'1f not now, Vv'HEN? .._._. If not us. WHO'!'
-Ryan Santarone '15
"I am proud to haves nt four years with my brothers making memories."
-Andrew Klee '15
captains' C:Omer

The Man The Myth, The Mullin:

Cooch Jerry Mullin has n cmching Seton Softooll for 30 years. Over the years. Cooch Mullin's team has earn 10 state championships. His two daughters. Molly and Meghan were able to be players on his team during the early years of his Seton career. Meghan later playoo softooll at Nebraska. Cooch Mullin has n awardoo many aocolades over his softooll career nationwide. However. he is not on to OOsk in his glory. Rather. he shin the s tlight on the girls on his team His softOOll team's skills come from a lot of hard work. Each day they end their practices chanting- ''Day by Day. We get Jter and tter."

as one.

''Hardwork beats talent when talent d n't as individuals. hard."

Rise or fall as a team"

-AshleyCard nas'15

Burdick ... should try every practice. or lose as a team

hard work commitment. I Ca . , lieve we will ptams plishgreat Co things this year." mer


During a tournarn nt gam again<>! Highland High hool senior Reggie Van vend r kicks the ball down th field in ho to score. Reggie endoo th season with 22 goals. 11 was namoo All .tion Player of theY girl ·team ,. went 12 1 1 for and mad it to the state quarterfinals.

'TI1 buliding bl ks arc in placr. for next year's state championship."


'TI1is year hast n gmll. We grew as a team and I could not happi<'r with how we did. 'DlCN' girls are unforgcttablcf'Madclinc Mci.mn '15

Ah uad is always out on the track working hard so they can toeveryon that thy will get things done."
l.X>minick John n '15

arc a lot of new fare; out here this However. we looking to have a great track this ymr."

,leurlfer Tavanl. P.dge AJEn . Lauren ShaJiro ,an:! Axenla
C2ptains' C:Omer 1

Jamb Garda quickly took down his oprx>nent at Sff:tionals. Jamb Garda is "just a freshman" at Seton, but h is something many p20plecan not claim alx>ut th mselves. a state champion. Apint I in wrestling refers to the various moves including arm! ks.legl spinal! wrist! and small · int manipulation. Skills like a pint lock and a variety of other different strategic moves were taught to the wrestlers by their crnch, Mr. Larkin. Cooch Larkin cam into ton only a few years ago and has changoo th program forever.

"I love the Seton wrestlers. If th y were in a fight with a would not help them I would rx>ur honey on them txruase th y like to fight"

Jarob's Joint Lock:
C2.ptains' C:::Omer ATHLETI

On February 25. 2015,Junior Lauren Drake gives it her all in practice. The ton girls' team is cmdl(xl by Coach Bartolotta. Coach Bartolotta has been apirt of the Seton Girls' Tennis Program since 2011. Her daughter Gianna is a nior on the team and also one of the captains. The girls' tennis team has 12 girls. It has been said that tennis is the "sfXJrt for a lifetime." This phrase could not be any more true of the ladies on the Seton team "All the girls on the team are very ta lented and all have such unique making usa well-roundro team. This !'eason is going to be awesome. We have a lot of strong players and will make it to state."

"Our tennis family is amazing. Everyday is so much fun with all the gjrls on the team All of us have different strengths helping make us a better team so we can make it to state."

c:aptains' C::Omer
lis Maty:.
'We dance and sing and generally give the stage mom's headachesr
"I like to get to know th oth r actors and a tr Havinga nd offstage really comes through on stage."

Sarah Thompson, '1 7

1 ·nliOO!playsthemleliDr



4 nlllln LuKia is playtd by AtKirey Pf ifpr '15 anlthr dlughtcr julie Is playu'l b) ?dig.! \'ari:onant'l8.lnrtrls ttl'the 1\\oaresv.itmd mmchOih·r; luliesarll.rrcuyirrgto itdr trrk.

5.11l'thw· quirky ladiei,rn· playttl by Mrya Chavez '15. Clo;tllli(;;JIV'dll !Sarli lsa 0Cuzrnan'15whoarc trying to f1gt Ill! out the l!IJ'lol<'l'J mvolvingthe rn •·riou ltJX. fin chara:ter <I Jxlie Fair juliesnudrevnrs you slsler IS play'<l by MarleTtKkt1 '15.

Genev>eve Leach, '1 5 II<M<ml v.hoisarmnwithr001il/l5 to marry Audn"i PfHt,-who plays the rok·!ll.irlla Fair D.rringtlrls_ rreall trestuden. anivefor julie'ssurpri-. !liO). mthrs pllllo Is Amra Pri<r 15. Tyler ];1'1:>11 18. Wt!>lort lhmlrmrr'16. FJmmGtllellc'15.Kacry Rd•ru 16.Quil1Il Burdick'18. Tirefmtum:l stu:lent tocllkleTyler j;r, m 18. athanZirrurerer 17.Qurrm Burdick '18 ani Karlie Bums 17

'While we're putting our make-up on OO.ck stage, we like to listen to our favorite music in the girl's dressing room"

'1 triErl to emulate Bernadette Peter's original, comical style and Meryl Streep's darker role."

'1 preapre by listening to music and getting into character OO.ckstage."

3. Dl9:XJVER!NG THE CURSE The Witch playoo by Audrey Pfeifer 15. visits the infertile OOker. EzOOel Smith '17, arxl his wiJi Brlanna An tram '15. informing them of row they am break the Clli'T sre plaarl on his family. S]IDJlcally his father, many years ago. 4. OFF1D GRANDMCJI'HER'S HOUSE Little Roo Riding Hrol. playffl by Erica Gass '18. erxnunters the wolf. playoo by Bm Leach '17. on her way to granny's lxlu9! 5. THE S1DLEN HARP j;d, james M<Lomlick '15. proudly displays the giant harp that he stole from the giants in the sky to his roother. Maya Chavez '15. 6. AGONY! Rapunzel's prince. ]coon '16. arxl Cinderella's prince. Weston llamlrnan ' 16. are CX]niing thetr chest hair while rassi<Jnately singing the "Afljlny." during Act 1. Nicholas Navarro, '18

l.lli ITC.OODr f'rlocmrd 1.et It Co:from tre hit Disrej· Movie. Frozen INTO ACTIO The ton Catrolk: Orc:tem Ennnble f>rl"ormsa ID{Iley of 'OOgS.

3.D I GUNDERTHELIGHTSComp=tnyD:lmmml Unf Grmlt d'l7. mlnlque '18. yl'lnter 18. Czernlskl 17anlG<lrltySILrk !Bare J•l5!ng !rtlr to tlr Slart a tmr hip rop darr:e.

4. 't.1NTER Mikayla Harvan'J6gr.nfully >ks at !Hharli while orminga mxlcm ron!emJxorydam!clllrewapOO:l by ton alumna Alyssa Vargas'l2.

5. ll.JNE IT UPGusWeult '17. Patrick Cohn 'J7,Ztck Mr.JY:Ioza '17. Matt Schwab '17.aoo Erk:Garlid'i7arestw·nr In the Guitar 1dilss.

6.REDRa>E Jimmy VanConant 'J6a ml tm·

7.GIVEMELOVEAIIr lll Rayrum'l6aoo Brooke Blumling 15aredardngtoa <DlltCIIIJ<I"ory pl!re cmnrwaplnl by S.·ton alumnus 1:6rmy Lat:OO!e '14.

8. MUSIC1DOUR F.ARSJ;rle Panlencr'i6. Dillion Shipley !Satid Manhf'W Ilupli.l<l 16 are footunrl (i!ylng a !if1'e with TI'.JPE

Kelsey Pinter '18

lo.AngrL choroographe:l by Nadia Loonardi

Halle La:ker '18 is shoWGm1 playing piano to a ITlffiley of Thou:md YtmS & Thousand Miles.

llirniniq ue '18

strikes a right leg tilt during her :'lllo to Distortion

111ffiCUP JNC.

1 mgM11CilfmGorr)byAnnaKerrlrrl.onmymard:lllnld ·thls'llJJg J, liklu IIX'way It •nrledon foreanldurtngthe p lfmliill:r I }lsi kep tmgin mytrnd "mn't BrtmnaAntrarn 15


'fur my hula lxop J>'lformarre Idffi the <nt rg "CI·ruury" by the alter rtati'll'! oorrl rail Out B'Y· I rmllyrnJ •I thls<nng lu:au11 It lrad a g!HII>IIt frn taught ani have 'l1 pmctmg rny hula bx p skills foc over 5 yrnrs. M flrJ hula lwp ex1• \\<!5 at Bush Cardrns "'hen I pickfrl up a Imp on theflmr" Lurns Ralslord7


1 dam>:! alongside Freslumrr. lphia Prornronas. TIIC Irish dance tune \\liS from tllC we thc'>IICM Toh·lrorll."il, we only (rilllimlaoouple tirllCSanl werent rlCJ'I()I.rsat llf lilllicllei'Pll' r'17

4.0 LYHOPE 1 H!J!•"byM.anl M nr· tosmgatkaralke. IXu1ng the prlocrnarre I th!nklng. 'Vimh this'll!Jgls really highan:ll lroJ• my vokrlhsn't cra:klikcitdildurtngtodrreffilrnl." l I <rUZinarr 15

''fur this J•fonrurre.I clv:f< tire 'll!tg Trl' Y<J.IreCore'byTIICCal• Dixon llarrllclru thrs<nngl>nlit It Is a furt funky, tture that s!XM'l".dlld myahilities. My gtrlfrbxi Mcgl'm playul tlw>dnrmsdurtrrg my ·rfonrurw>a\well.My f;rvoritt•qlJOiefmrn 'Kf'I1Jon k fi!l'onnntil you·n·gonr!'

& 11jimin Onez '17 'Dwenand Ilra'll'! ,•nda rrgforah!llt a yrnranda halfarrlrur favortt likctodotogether lsltllm 9Jng;and play music. We 1'1"!rntly go1 into 1k EVI'!lly Brolhers.a hand from the 1951Js. V.e hoo a haiti ture d !ilngonlyone 11rg. \\ ror 11da mfYiley whk:h lrrloo V.alk Right BackXath)'sQoo.\n arrlTIT I K1! d Ya· V.e were hth vcry mvrus I• 011.' t1X' slm..llllt erml up lnvlnga fun l' rlorming Aulrey Pfeifer 15

"quote me"

"Quentin's prayers are d p prayers with a crntral m ge and a touch of humor."

'The t {Xlrt of English this year was the rap oottles. We studied formal v bulary using informal slang. Helmet yUoshTucker'18)vs.Su r HotFire(Patrick Gorman '18)were thefunni tf'

"Anything that Andrew Kl and Tom Mag r said was hilarious. They had the most rcastic, funny answers to everything and I am really going to miss thatf' th Zimmerer '15

1 TALK SilO?. nior Christa Fm·r the lead in 4th AP Literature v.hil di!russingshort stories.

2. 1V\'O HFADS ARE BEHI:R THAN 0 1:.: h<5lunan work tog ·ther to make nse of lXX'try in Mrs. Foor's class.

3.READTOI MD: Taylor Ham 17

reads All Qlli ton the V\ 'estt•m fivm during Mrs. h.or' class.

4. ·w BE OR OTTO BE': nior Andrev.· Klee arK! Tom Mager. take a break and r for thecameradming tt irAPLit'raturcdasswithMrs. a eiiL



Using d&riptions in The Great Gatsby, Varinia Snedeker '18 and Bridger Barker '18 map out locations from the tmk. Mrs. Breen helps students to visualize complex imagery in this vvay. Sophomore Cassie I!anson works on herGeom try homework in Mrs. Griffith's class.
Madi A le '16 takes notes while Mrs. Sanders lectures aoou t logarithms in Honors Algebra II!frig.

"quote me"

'What we're going to miss the most aoout AP Government is learning aoout p:>litics from Mr. Vetti and watchingS 'al Rep:>rt every day."

-Madeline McLean '15 and Kristi Arty' 15

'My favorite moment from AP Government this year was presenting my disrussion IXl. r in front of the class and deooting my argument with them and Mr. Vetti"

-AndrewKl '15

'The things I am going to miss the most aoout AP Government are learing how to deoote IXJlitics and the random mmments Maggie Harrington would make everyday."

-Maggie Sullivan '15

1. OH 9J S1UDIOUS: AJi<;on l..a9J!a '17 takes notes in Mr. Thrrby's class.

2. fM ALL EARS: Junior IsaiahTunmons listens to Mr. Vettfs lecture in Philiosophy class

3. THE INVINCIBLE QUIZ: John Fraser'l6vvorks intently on Mr. Clinch's reading quiz that noOO:Iy ever ms to pass.

4.1DPASSOR Naf1DPASS:Jake Plich!a '16 struggles through one of Mr. Clinch's infamous rerling quizzes.


jake ffi:hta '16 MrClioch Mr Hart M.ni A!JoJe ' 16 DARBY THE NAVIGA1DR AP Europ=ru1 History teacher, Mr. Darby, navigates a class disrussion following a student presentation While speaking to Preslee Buher and Mike Solvensky, Mr. Darby ':';lyS. 'llike to draw out mmmentary and IXJint out talking IXJints."


In Miss Bell's fourth class. Danielle Peterson. Ben Cortez. Thiooult the distinctions tween church. Catholic and Christian in jesus Christ's Mission Continues in the Church


Father Chris humors his sixth .riod Church History class by telling them a story of his ex ricnres after ing Into the V\. 'w:ls over the weekend It was his routine to start class with a pke.


"quote me"

E 'Tm going to mi Mrs. Olivi ri 's prayers and all the labs we do. But won 't miss all the sl pless nights spent studying for AP Chem "

"I had Mr. tty, and my favorit e pan of his class was creating our own ets from 2liter ttles and launching them at the sch L"

'My favorit JXlr1 of the whole year was dissecting a pig fetus. It taught me that metimes in life you gotta start out slow but go all in and risk it for the bixuit"

I. LUCKY STRIKE: Sarah Kunz ' IG fuxis matches to light the nre of a burner

2.l.IS'I EN AND Au tin

BjJmholt '17 and Brianna Perez' 17 listen with intent to Mr. Beatty · physics )('(lure.

3. LllTLECHEMISTS: Juniors

Matthew Mika lian and Cory Marmir1g work on their Chern in Mr Olivi ri's class.

4. PROBLEM SOL\ ING: Mr. fumy g f.N r a quiz problem with his <itudent Cristian Padilla ·17.

Fre.hmm Bioltgy Briana Trt'Vini lU
AMAZING AMOEBA Examing a spximen under the stethoscope. freshman Myles Shelton completes his lab.
PhySk"S \lctorSI• ' ' IG


Mrs. Hoff quiets down her freshman class to get I:XIck to am jugating some Spanish.


nior Duy Nguyen rehearses his French lines fore rforrning a play with his French 3 class. The stud nts wrote their own play and translated it into French.


"quote me"

"I really en jJyoo stagroaft class and how creative we got to with our pro· tsf'

"I really likoo ceramic; cla and learning how to work with clay. Carving the designs into the clay is my favorite {IDt of any pro· . .t."

"Art foundations wHh Mrs. Totten is really fun and I learn a lot aoout art My favorit e pro . .ts are the ones wh re we u paint."


MattlK'\\ Bresmhan is hard at work on Ius rrlOrK.dunmatic shading pro ·rt in art foundations.


Brandon King works on his strCJwlx:rrir'Sginljklinting in jklintingarxl dtCJwing with Mrs. TotterL

1 \o\AY1D H:Tuminga2D\'an Gogh Jainting into a 3D 1lpture. G<'nevirve demonstrdtes her for a·ramic;. She is shown alxlVI at the Fou ntaiuhills Craft Festival here she 'ihov.rca and lis her own an work am mally.

4. OOUQUc'T OKA Y:junior Kyli1' VanAr.mtl is prnud of her floml grid jklinting in [llinting and drawing class.

Mrs. TOiten nJII'I' P.unung atd
DIGCIN IT: Gianna Bartolotta carves her designs into her illuminatoo letter pro· t in ceramic; class with thchelpofMrs.Hiller. Senior Ahsia Craig sings away and practire; her v Frable. Andrew Rangel '15 holds an inmnsolablc as they rform a heart -wrenching skit.

"quote me"

'We love our fourth ri rsonal with Mr. K his! The of his class was learning about fmancec; and how it can imiEct our lives and futures. It was all very helpfulf'

Echeveste '15 and Toria Erran '15

'The thing I think Til miss the most is the Monday morning w kend talks where we share all the interesting things that hap ned over th weekend"

"Mr. Anthony is such a funny teacher. His stories. little video dips. and shows are th l He taught m that even though I can't play the guitar I can play the keyOOarci"


l.SHIFTINGO\ER ·nior Ashl'y C.ardenasch<N> '>{)rmdsl ·t v.ith Mr. Anthony as one of her ·niorelectives.

2. WEiillME1D'll !ENEW hwmenleam ·ntial typing and Mi<nroft offiCl' ttXJis from Mr Anthony.

3. TAKE CfRL Ha1 malt Bustos is ltan! at work on ·gmnents in spreadsh t class.

4.SfARTUP:. 1phontoi Pres! Buher arK! Diep Trail an:f< rl in their prmdsl t cla'i1i:t they mrk oil the chapter one rxerci rs.

PLANNING AHEAD: niors Kevin Parra and Troy Youngman research help of Mr. K · · fmance class.

ible careers and salaries with th

Seniors Logan Camp II and Madeline McLean share a relebratory high -five as they win handball in sixth ri PE.. Sophomores Eva T nand Lauren Shapiro encourage each oth r while doing planks in venth ri girls y 9:Uiptingl


i.S<TlklrsjakelOOm!l'DnSiephen Fugger.Kati<· Maher. Br.m:lorr King. Ky!e LeJnre. Campb 1L Sarnh Sant. Sabrina Wamy. Maggie Harrington am Brmke Bhrmling v.'el1' thP Jtroers on Kairo; 43.

2. U returning hom) from Karros 42. Hannah '16 shamlln eJ(jX!fieln with all who 'MTI! in atlf'l'l:lam! for the mass.

3.jurlklrs I.auren PoresltT Alvarw.am jop 'lch:x nlrardt are fratum:l en· 1ng s:h otrers romranywhileon Kairo;43.

2. Krist IArty'IS is 'Mhlm>d lviD) by V'Jrioussnxlerrtsaftcr aming mi' of tiJC bus.

3. juniors Anthony Cmk.]ason Cusirnarv. Brarrl>n GartlaarK17.aclruy Bmggem111are fmturul having a grrat time. on Kairos 43.

4. junJorsGina Aguiar am Ouistire Kairos42.

S.Juruur Bridger Barkerlsfmrund sltar!rrg hlsowJJ r• ml Kairosexr• rlerreat theerKici the retreat.


!.At the junior retreat juniors Patrifk Chamf'lgne. GonZlllt'7, Ouistopher Cameron a picture.

2. Dugan and llinvy Nguyen make rxr;ters representing their group narnr.

3. At th fn.shrnen I. juniors Mikayla Harvin and jolm Engeltx·rt give a talk aoout the meaning of lovr.

4. niorsSydney Regaldo. Genevieve l.mch. Kirsten

Ol'il'fl Cassidy Bayda

Madeline McLean Samantha Nowack. and Uly Arama volunteerul as mentors at the freJlmen retreat

JuniorsGma Aguiar.AmJa Fbngrac:z.anl Jake Rueter at th! jmir retreat


Til!' alter ·rsdin t throougregatiou'sattentkm totheaossduriug thecluslngofthe


&fore the start !i the Ash Wror lay the udentsaul tmchers renadfrl the music di!l'llDr. Mr. Smitll with a "Happy Birthda·y{' ng.


·nior Alex Fritill distributes ashes to fellow sttx1eutsduring dl!' A<Jt V\'tilne:rlay


Auxiliary Bishop Eduanlo A eval15graarl tlK· 'llm oommuuity with his pr ·rKI' as til!' gu1st a•lebrant for tiM· A<Jt Wtdne:rlay n ·


During the Lorcl's Pray r.student f.1<:ulty,arKI vL>itor;rurne as a amununity.

6. OODY 01·

·niorC n Mar:< l Eud1.1n:. K n•m J•·rdistributl5 dM!lloly Eudl3list to students. IRITUALITY

1 PR LAIM 1ons tml dlaplairll'<lthcr Chris Axline. prn:L1irns the luly ,md hhxl of Christ

2.AU lU:fiTHER

Holding hand: during the fu nJaSSof thcymr Ryan Rex Irick. )m• I.o1x :t. Fore;t S V.:o:llly in brothcrtxnl arrl prd') •


UJX!n nn•ivingan invitation from music d!!Htor Mr rrl<lth tmdM·r Tn:ld fullrr plays his violin along v.ith . 1on <;tud!'n In music rnlni ry


As tradition hold<;, ev!'ry I ·mlx:r we invilt' the motlx·r 'i toa·l ·bratr with

In this photo. luroor Andrew &·tlad1 is with his morn lxforc the start of

5. VIALKING WIT!! hehrnan k Partida is fcatunrl Wdlking hiCk to IK·r smt aftrr roci£'ving

6. K EEL!NG ffiR CHRIST transpire:;. fn5hmen G.1lx• Ranpl'l. Mad 11 Axrnia Alo b>foreGo:l.

Ryan McCirville. and Alex

I SfANDING UP fDR TilE SENIORS ·nlor l..qjm Campb II am :s v.1th reli MrHart.


The afler a vlclornus wm


The] unm The Mmry tal. su1li il a ckvaslaluJg loss.

4. PRESIDENTO RJL"'T Sn.xlent Be Presldenl Brarrl>n Garda gets lh crowd exdttrl during the rally.

5. YANKIN FLAGS ·MAKING PLAYS 1llor. Avery Ha)OOJ grabs junior Kalll!n Armrosfs flag 10 prMnl The rJrey Juad fromsarmg.

6. DRESSING UKE MRS. S. Austin avarrodJ up as tiYontl sidelines for lh 1llor GirlS !t'am.

Royal C:Ourt


l'rtrrliiJII'atrk:ia (bllms(]'(M'fli <;m Harrlngtcxrat thr H mnmlng Frlday.()td • r 3ni


]unlen Braffiln Garda arrl.J,n rdrtlcocr embracr for a hug a! cr their ruyal amo.Jran:nt


l'rird!Itll'atrt:la(IIUinsam A.'iS!stltrt Pnrd!Ill I:Uvkl prt'!Brc to GUW!l the royal w.u•

4. AND 1HE WINNER IS Tire Diru:torofSildont Acttm th l'an"k ltJP Royal 11Xnt during th• p pnrlly.


It as reprernt• d by his nrotlrr arrl grnronllllrcralong -...ith tre 1Lm1ngton l·amlly.

• tonCtiholiCs2014

nrning Klngau:l

Qut :n were \amph II

am Map.gle Harrlngtm

PlnD :rolit """


the Future

• lll


The 1st Annual C:Om Hole Tournament


A l' T'lllnli2ul :ton Cathllk Com Hole b-ard "'as u'Hl during the trumtment Tite bnrds u«tl fort he night 'M.!fe provD-tl by varirusSI-·t rt families.

2.ANDT!IEWINNER Is_ )uniot jolut Engclh11 arKl. rtior Madeline Md1m1 won the I Armual Com Holt Trumm ntthat tmk placrort. ttunlay,january24.2015.

3.DjMRBFA1TI ortCatlJJ!Jc'sveryown Physicsteacher,Mr Bwuy. D]for thet'Vt'rtl.

4. ONLY SMILES FOR TilE NIGHT uxlfure'l& Axt·nla Alo '1& Lauren hapiro '17,arxl Nimlt•Gelut•t'l7 atl'l'll}Jyirtg on this fun filkrl nieht

5 PLAYING INS'll'U MylesShcltort'l&Mu) RU'i·Fug ·r'l&Rhetta F.u!Imks'l7.Muy Gr.trellla! t'l7.arxlS!t'V!e \anANiale 18arepictundweartngtll(' meshirtsruKloorrlanas.

6. LD\'E

TI te fan lliJS ft.oo trurk. 'v\ aflle love, Gllered the !Will for til(' night ,mJ W.lS a huge Slta= tl,mks to til(' brilliant Sttxk-Ill Coo neil!


irolc • '15anlSydn) Rrgalalo'lStx>kabnnkfromwatdt!ngtltei<IUmufl('rltanl.u-e fwtt nnl a:lmiring tlJCir 11 '>'aJTie


The 5 D's of Dcxigeball

I DAR! 1 IX,ER <;. nkr Ryan Trllk Is fcatuml thro.\ingadtdgehill to the ow ISing teamdwing tlcflnaldulgel:nllp;ure that tmkplaredur!ngtlq•prally.Othct teamnlf111h fromthe1uanManAnny.· ltdudlng7.adt'Aade 15 tal Eze 15an al 'piCiunrl Y.!tilckt•·ping their eyes on tiK'Op(xtSIIJ& tc;mL

2. TIIF FRIENDLY HJGG5 :1W' cpim Fugr,er loo tldvmranl • ialfcatund M 'at tlr I p Rally He aanm{lliii<d Justin Kcmky 16wlvY.asal<namther t:ialguesLa.\ Student llnly President Braalou Garda Hi

3. TI.ACIIING MR CURTIS l!O'v\ TO IXJLJ(,!F '15 W<t'i.ljlpl iul dumtg til(' p::p rally for.m unprorup!U dam:! htttlewlth Mr.Curti:>Gmrge Is fcatun d OOirJg tiK' 'doo.lgle. whk:h Is or..- ci his signature llarrc llXJVeS.


Mr n-verent prayl!l' !uSitkln wltk:lt tllatO'O'Mlan:l kd !urn tovk:tory.

" I 2.3. EA'fl mr TgioDiaVI!Zwastcsrotirredwingltl'j:teeatingront aslcweJltag'ltJISI fcllol.\ nb' M:lgm \ trlmr,Junkr Brklger Barker arrl. 'f!klrCabriclle Lar (M picturrd}


Memh TS from tlr hJ'y>saal girls tmkellnll tmrns are fcatuml1 unDIJ tg au atNr.tet jAere tlldt corn!' It d il@tnst tic girls •rer tmrns. Til! tmkethill teams wcreglveua :IJg from t!K'furmus rlmle. 771f' Lkx1King.


Com(Imy l.l'trre Is hlghlighttd Jl•rfonniug their tle'N hip lx>p phr. "Ring ll>e Alanrl"during the 1• p 1ltish4•h mergy d.tm•y,as(homw<•ph<l by S·tonalunuta Bn·mld Bm-kl'n '14 & DARTJNC roR Till· 'A l ' It Ryan. antroneanl Mmny Estrella were a JIIftcitl>e"Girl rut Dn>I•JUts tmrn durfnr. t!K'2015 !hi lrl}-shl tll('retmm to a Y.inag'tiriSI arolb!r'i<·IIiar t m

'-'_ge, Duck, Dip, Dive and... D ge.''

KAlROSCRCliS irr II 1 l l 11xl fm u• I .,. r tu>OOW that <ii I like to \\\'ill" that= h mu I rrolly en "> bing on KatroSolixllrod!J ltt<xt


1 \akcupat Gin the m:rning toslx!wer.blov. dry. am rurl my Jrur every orxr lr a\\ hilc."

1y rre-\\urko.lt nrnl

2 pleTs<i 1r wlrle wOO!t d of mill<."

TAKE NO DAYS OFF 1wdkeupat 43J. get out <i lu lanrll..ad to the gym to wurktMII hy 531."

ESI'RE'ro YOORSELF "Onmywoyto I I gel au lad "H•:nruru Mu!D!

WORK HARD "I workout for .rixlllt tr 1Nlllf. shower dt 1he gy11 L and d lillo ill} unifi nn for :Jml"

TIIEGRIND 'Mygy n nsistsofgyn slrms.a top.arxl athletic stJJ •


My sraple mil rolorsare pink am gold f'Or r'1y w:ag na!ls.


L Katie Maher '15 and Ana Falls '15

2. Avery Hayden '15. Gabrielle Larusso '15 and Morgan 'oorhaar

3. Megan Metoyer '15 and Sarah Sant '15

4. Natasha Stojmovic '15. Emily Echeveste '15 and Giana Bartolotta '15

5.]ohn Amorosi '15and Matt Rapier'15

6. Konrad Eze '15 and Zach Wade '15

7. Bailee Dawson '15 and Jimmy McCollTllck '15

8. minque Oliver '17. Br ke C:r..erniski '17 and rah Reichman '17

9. Brianna Perez '17 and Sarah Thompson '17

10. Anna Prire '15 and Kirsten Olson '15



1. Lindsay Wilson '17 and McKayla Kramer '17 2. Emma Soley '15 and Emma Gillette '15 3. Tyler Nimsger '18. Patrick Gorman "18. Michael Venable '18, Josh Tucker '18. Cole Hanson '18 and Mason Larusso '18. 4.lauren Tewes '18. Emma Skinner '18. Mary R Fu er '18. Ella Skinn r '18. Breanna Blurnling '18 and Victoria Ramierz '18, 5. Mackinley Adlhoch '16. Mckenna Conrad '16.Jade Panlener'l6, Brandon Garda '16 and Kylie VanArsdale '16 6. Colton Br ert '15 and Rielyn Hoffman '15 I..eeArme Wirth '17. Li1 Holter '17. Halley Wilson '15. Jennifer 'irth '17. Chel y Eze'15
8. Kevin Parra '15. Patrick Larsen '15. Cameron ueneman '15 and Ryan Trilk '15

Family Tree

What is your favorite game?

What is your favorite kind of shoe?


What is your favorite snack in the cafeteria?

Where do you sit at lunch?

What is your favorite coffee shop?

What is your favorite app?


Big thanks to ctownrivals and TheRedZoneSCP for all the support and coverage this year! Truly made this a memorable


The Red Zone

Clear your schedules on Friday because it's time for SILENT NIGHT. This is the game that started it all so let's keep the tradition going!

15 WE 31 :>RITES

Props to TheRedZoneSCP for showing out tonight! You guys do it the right way!

Shoutout to TheRedZoneSCP for coming out tonight. You don't realize how much the support means! setonfam

ted Antonio Campanella
Fol ow
t.l. •ed Commander King +..!.
BestStudentSectionlnAZ 21201 905 p., VE 21 RITES t.'l * t.l. 'weeted .... Hailey Wilson
t.'l * 59
3 :TWt 33 ORJTES
Superlatives Best/ Most Likely To_
Be A Protein/ Coffee Addict T ea.cher's Pet \X!orst Driver To Say ''\1V'ait:...what?''
Class Clown Famous Athlete Be President
Be Caught Texting In Class •••• OVerlzon LTE 4 : 38 PM _, * 34% New Message Cancel :tv1ost Huggable "\V'in. the Lotterey Contagious Laugh :tv1ost Artistic Best Eyes Most Photogenic l3e on Broadway Most Opinionated Use Every Absence l3e A 1v1illionaire


NationalHooorSa:iety- lstRow: Nick

Sam owak. Gabby Mazza Sabrtna Wonzy.

Hailey Wi.&ln. Jessica LoJXZ jennifl r Tavani.

Halle johnson 200Row: Mariana Charon.

Patrick Cham!XIgne. Tet McBryan. Bail

Christine Aguiar. Ja<>mine We:;t, ZuzarmaLat nGinaAguiar.Mrs. ;uxlers 3rd

Row: Sahil Sandhu. Charlie Kaminski. Andrew

Kl Tom Mager. Madeline McLean Kyli

\'a.naP.Ilale. Matt Rapier. Lauren Fahy 4th Row:

jackie Tan. Camcmn Hendershot. William

Hietter. W(5ton Brordman. J<1de Pank•rJl·t. Colton

B · crt. Kohl ])) y. Ja n Cusimano. ArKly

\'ega 5thRow: 5dluyl r rger.Sarah

Naldo. Genevieve Lead1. Kirsten Olsor1. J<am>

R rts. Michael Mclxmough. Madeleine

Ramos. Emily MOO. Ertca ·rKler

Mentors Oub-lstRow: Samia Salahi, rtna Stokes. ArJa Falls. Brooke Bluming, Madeline McLean. Hailey WiBlrt Kat

Malll·r. Lindsey Wilson Lilly Arama 200

Row: B ke Crrrniski. Bailee

Cassidy Bayda. Magdalena Yaroub. Rivera. Kat Ca-c£y. jennifer Tav-dlli.

Madeline Rama;, 5dluyler Sdmtlx·rger

3rdRow: NateCunha.ShelbyGet1sott

NiroleGehret. Lauren Shapiro. Emily allurday. jordan Turpen Sarnant ha

Ma'lOn. Cathertne WayJ-e, Sahil S<uxlhu

4th Row: En lily Echeveste. Moniq ue Taylor Ham Alicia D?rr. Pre:;lre Buher. Wiktoria LatocJJa. Brtanna Perez. Katrtm ]a<IJII Patrtcia Morth·tu, P'c1trick CharnfBgm· 5th Row: II <ill

JohrL'lOn Zuzanna Latcx:ha. ];Nnine

Carica Lauren Fahy. Gina Aguiar, Christine Aguiar. Anthony Cook. 1ustin

K!N:J\y. Lucas \anConant.Anly Vega

6th Row: Thiooult ·rtamif'l Richard

Galv-art Pinter. Alex Quentin

Hovis. Michael Gar lid Brandon G<Jrcia. Kohl])) y 7thRow: jamesStevermrl

Luke Bastian Eli jlh Norton Jason

Cusimano. Ashley Cardenas. Gabb,\· Mazza. Kylie \ anArsdale. Mackinley Arma Pongracz

ManlarinQuirlstRow: I< [} ty guyeJLCllherineCharL EduarooC.mcz.ll:tlton JJ 2Ix!Row: Wt•rL]uJtTud<•T.Val!·na F..strada ]aa:bDietcrle.. athan Zimmcr.GabricllaGanoez.l itlyn · R•tldlng. KrllySpirux·r 3rdRow Nick lkd !lnnlrJic >hata. james. KIP.iit·rt f'dllsl. hk:k Garlkl a•• I 'f Mmt • \ irx£ ', Max HolTman
.. _ Art Qui>-
·U, ?digeAlkn.
2lll Row-
Madi m DugwrL Ivy M<O•'J)
1st Rem: Annle D:l.Cit1lfl3 Molina Kenlra Milhone, Radrl
Harmah Cha'>l' Wak·ntiL•;(:fl
Uternture alll Art Magaz!re- 1st Rem: Marti.' Tucker. Mffilcl
Mollm F.1rum. >ley. Mrs. Prurml..J;rlie Tan 3rd Rem: Mr.Aulilf


Bkxxl Iklve-lstRow: Mlggk' Sullivan Brooke Blurning. MKleline McLean Avery Hay(kn Zuzanna Latocha 2Ixl Row: \ · ria Erran Morgan Vmrhaar. MP.> GalJr¥Ale l..arus.<D ImiEQub-lstRow: Wiktoria Lat<r.ha. Emi.leeSallurday.]arrlf'S Mc0Jmlick. Lauren Shirley. Lauren Drake. 2Ix!Row: BrookeC7P.mUi.AshkyCardf>Jl35. Brooke Bluminp. Keby Pinter,GarityStuk]usti!l' f.\mlei Kalei Kuikahi. [))minique Oliver. [))minique Bono 3rd Row-luxl G eg<.ffi. MoUy Ahlerooer. [))ffiinique Mm'. RayBurn Brianm Perez. Bailee Dawson Varinia Srulekrr. Ah<;ia Maria Isabella uzman Mariana Charon Harry futerQub-lst Row: Taylor Male.leine Naldo. Hannah TE· r. Vu 2Ixl Row- Schuyler Schan Mikayla McNaUy. Erta &mer. Jennifer Tavani. Keu:lra MiliKJne 3rd Row: Molina Kathleen O!s?y. MP.> Foor Student Crunil- lst Row: Bridget Hooges. My les Shelton Mary R(l;(' Fugger, Stephm VanAr;d;t l(\ phia Prom(XlTl35.]ackieTran]akobGryskiewicz 2Ix!Row: BrookrCzemniW.KeUyMolloy.NiroleGrrcLShelby Gem!nFenConez.RhetttaEul:ank.s.MaryGr.nB!a!ff.Ezckii'JSmith,SamFlores 3rdRow: ]ohnEngclh :!t. Art:ly Vega Brarxlon Gari<a Antl'xlny Cook. Kim Rapanut Michml Garlid. Mackinley Lut<s-Adllnn LaUll'.!l Fahy. Emily Ml9:1 4th Row: Nirk HOOges. Kaelan Hayes. Art:Jrew Kh:. Brmke Bluming.Bria An tram. Maggie Hanington. Maddie McLean Hailey Wi19:Jn Katie Ma!H'. Ga Ml22a

Rdxb:S- lst Row:TCI'CSI McllryJrtCa!Glllctte.Oui.'lllan YouSif. Errum

ll·wan21I! Row:Mr Fh r !lJIJysJh;llc .uhanZirnmerer Anm l!UinanrL Hrn!n ;rrxlornir 3rd Row: k:;. 1(,1 1\1\uro;.Dillon m•irJK 4th Row: Merm.!·.J k: Feil

Sent!nei.A!nlmirlrs 1st Row: Cktrie Rafford La urn \ anlht , Kelly Molkly. Erin Gesk:kl Genevieve I.mch. Emily Meal ll!armn Gan:ia. Htlges. \.arn(i•11. Auslln arnvvo. Mamllim icrtek. Justine 11mlel<nnCnlmne Wa}1II. ·lr.lh aklo :lunder,Quistoplrrr; xlrlgucz.l.admy Rmc&>rli.Ul \.atlmre Arama. :mCusirmm.ArJ:Iy VC!J!.Antlv:lrl) Cu Tran 1ktocia I.at x:ha.\=rlra.Felicia

Wolter. Brlanna Antram. MidJe!JcQ.JC7ala.Atma Cortabitart 3rd Row:.Aii:ladcrr. Mrl<enzle Mardrllo..Jad<ie Tia!l.Kathhn Cr jcrmlfer Tavanl}<rle P.mleif.'f. Mackinll'y wt£5-Adll'llh brim Wrrzny <kl.'ily Ha.rrtngtorl. MmlleCouture.l.aunn Wet Fliz<lh-th Sd rler 4thRowiJUvlaCun(h11. jmngKlrn Kaela.n lla)'e'Anlre.\ KhM m\illlrad. I.auren Fahy, Kylle VanAf"rl!E. MidJael M D:.rnw.h. Syrlnry Si!VI'r,Molly Ahlemeier.NiroleGehret.Lauren Shapiro. Bi1xikcC2muski. D:minijueOIMI-. .Jthaniel Cunl,tAiexarder SthRow:.Marta.m Omnllll n Kirnlx,.-ly RaJilnUt Wes1on &mdmarJ. Mtd<eJJZie lludinger.ChrislineAp,uiar.Gina Aguiar. lifilll \'arrCnnant Kro Rol x·rts. Kailey Frai•'I'.Aii<OO l.a'>IJtJ.Mari'l'la TybGarrl'>l>rt Rtdta Eul:m Klrn F.li7al • th flolter,l.inky Wil<;(>rt. ·1hil S<uxlhu 6thRow:&n flmin janX5 Mmfnd Mlttl•w GonZilll"/, Kohl lh'i!)'. AH·xarxler KH••.G;umt Hoyd. [JJke Tivrnp'l>rt]aoob hmlkner.Ou;nJJ l'lnit1".0uis!Ophrr llakhl Jr. alvamr johnatlvn Won;'l n;trnln Cortez 7th Row: jarre;S!CYCJrut Luke BlstlaJtC ralg. h .Jaoob •·rkel Timm Mager. Arw:!Jw. Ra.ngcl.Omles Komlnskl. 1H, jennifer \o\ I.rth i.RP.Anre '.fl i.rthRyan M<Larvuie. ?dtri:k Olhn 8th Row: Mr;. Hiller, Mr;. Sv.mkr

LaurenShajiro.SIJe!bo, role

V.Jst Ka.u • Roh'I1S. Midlf'JlcOJJJtlJm M!ch'!cl McDJrllltgh 2III Row: F.mma >k.')',Mlriana !sa \',mConant Kailey Fralx"T.Gcnevicvc Lrurll Audrey Pfctfcr 3rd Row: Ernily allurda;. Prt5k' Buher, GnwllrgulAtrlrev. bnrmGille te. Kmlt·nOison.SoJ nfuu:zko

thlon [I on ten areas of study. Though it is daunting for many to think of learning math, science. ·aIscienre. art music and econorrucs all in one year. the camaraderi of th class makes learning a great ex rience. The broad m of study helps students mnnections in history. Each day. the 2014-2015 group of 9 grew closer. learned more than they kn w before of artists. musidans. and changers of ·ety. and found strength in to study and achieve. CDm tit ions through the y(2[ them ins and interview presentations. Reg1onals Ia:! th team to stat representing ton Catholic with pride. For all A is an informative, friendly. and simply fun class to in that the future.

2. hil n:lu.Arml Joy, Levi! Baierdu:k hdulcs for oornl•·titklll times.

3. V.aitiugtoglvcthclr n:hcs,lunnm Lotadn 16aal k:kShrum 15

4. ·niors Duy N rycrt Arrnl.]oy Maru y r.l;trella, Nick Stuurn take a tesl in a oontent arm atl!arnilton High ·lml.


ports Medicine

They've got our l:ktck. your neck. your wrists, our hamstnngs. your ankles and. wPII.icc.lnts and lotsofiU'. jXlit'> m 'l'lidn is an importanq:m1 of every Seton athlctir tmm'l11ry trmt. heal and suppJrt athletes through.litPrally.thc blo:xl. sweat. tear and jJy of their 9-"asons. Th SrXJrts Med room also is more r 'liable than TMZ for on Cllmpu lx·himl the news of. ton at hi tics.

Sc.rabble Clubs Club

Astr:ong • ·· .nyandstrategicallypla ltilescamingdoublel ttcrs or tnpl word attributes for meml rsoftheY.rabbl Club. This long standing lunchtimP tradition at S:'ton turns the [XJpular gam intoacarnpusalfair

'We talk alxlut the cultures and frols from various S:Juth American mulltri We leam aoout how th p:npl prefkire th ir fro] u ing their own pnxiucts from the fc111r!S like pupusas. We made pupusasout ofmrnandch averysirnple that d n't mst a lot of money. To top it off. we mad aJrtidos out of atblk!ge and vinegar. Later. we made tortillas. Not your Me jean tortilla on made of egg and IXJtatcxs

Basically. we u the cheap pr lucts that natives would u ' in these mlturcs since they have limited Mrs. Hoff

Scra!XJieQul>-lst Row: Ax•·nia Tew.os 200Row: Anna tu nhanlt. Erin
Il!Vi:hln Mm]
Ja<OOC'.aria Gabrlclla Gmuez, MiraJKla Ptaff•·nh rger, •x 1r
l '!'':.: 3rd Row:
SolklarttyQul>- lstRow: AUSiin Navarro.Mlf,gwSulliv-m Bn e Blundng. M<rllle McL!rul KrlsUArty Zuzanna l.;uocha 200 Row: Troy Youngmlll J"'Y All<·rl john Olmr Sl•·rling. Illnielle M.mrlla 3rd Row: Duy NguyerL Arnal Mr Kulx!slck. MJg<tlima Yamrb
... " Wl'mm·otlr;>. I •• ;,;I
rit m mwhen y u w nt t Set n?
'My favorite memories from my time at Seton are defmi tley the 5cl1 I ralliesf' Mrs. Kohl '98

'-X1h t W'as y ur

m st embarrassing

m m nt thi year?

'VIa<on Goff Patnck Gorman Jr 'VIallory Cornall Kvle Grabauskas Jakob Grysk1ewicz Cameron Hamilton Anthony Hamr1ck Cole Hanson

If you could "Wam next y r's freshmen about ne thing, "What "Would it be?

Hannah Tepper Lauren Tewes Toyne joshua Tucker Steven VanArsdale Paige VanConant Mauricio Vega Michael Venable
re y m t afraid u f?

was your fav rite teacher this year?

Andrew P1azza Carson Pmter Andrew Powele1t Michelle Quezada Cla1re Rafford Sarah Re1chman El"a R1vera Isabella Tromo Jordan Turpen Kan Vo Cha'e Walenhtsch \hchael Warren Catherine Waypa \lomque \\' eber

you '\¥ere on a deserted island, '\¥hat is one thing you '\V uld '\¥ant t have "With you?

Lauren Farester-Aivaret Kailey Fraher Eduardo Gamet Brandon Garc1a jac.;mml' Garcia \1ichael Garhd De\'ln Kovarck jo,eph l':ouvetak1s Kalei Kuikahi Sarah kun1 john Rcnnealh )r

IS one thing you want to do before you graduate?

.. .. ..
Emily Samuels Marvin Santiago lll Schuyler Schanberger Craig Scheer Rebecca Schoenhardt Abigail Schroeder .\1ichael Schrocder Ian Scott Alexandra Serrano Ethan Shewbridge Lauren Shirley Claire Skinner Varinia Snedeker Samantha Soto Lawsen Stanley Taylor Steele Victor Stoll Ryan Storm Faisal Sukkar Jacob Sweador Aaron Sycamore Jackie Tan Jennifer Tavani Kaylee Taylor
lllioU1t111: 1": t• :<" •• '" I •II lo ili"!JittLul /olll !fol IWo ;.,, •.... tl I IIi .ffi'ii"'\ I -.:;I ""': I 'I I !

Juan Acosta

Congratulations Juan

I am bl that th Lord has given me the opJX>Itunity to your mother. It makes me so proud that you have grown into such a fin young man. I lieve that you are very bright and triumphant. Follow your dreams as the Lord has a grand pu for you in your life. Never let go of 's hand and always have faith u with him all things are ible. I will always h re to love and supJX>It you. I give thanks to the Lord with all my heart for blessing m with you and your brother. I ask that h guides your way. has love for you, and bl you always.

We love you, Morn and Manny


to always work hard and do your L You will achieve great things. kind and wise in your decisions. We love you very much, and we will always here for you!

Love, Dad and Mom Mark

Mandy. Cory. and Oliver

Molly Ahlemeier


Wearesoveryproud of the mature young man you have me. You area kind.mmJli ionate.and rson We your mllege years will an ex rience where you can rontinu to grow to a blessing to others as you have n to us.

·we know that in everything works for g with those who love him who are calloo acmrding to his (Romans


Mom. Thld. Kari .nand of Grandma Mary

Congratulations Johnl

We are so proud of youl You are a mnsiderate. kind loving loyaL and wise young man Your enthusiasm in everything you do and your wond rful nseofhumorwillcarryyou far.and it's th traits we ch rish the most

Continue to choose wisely. have faith in and and do your tin whatever you ch Remem r to .. a simple kind of man: Oh be something you love and understand." We will always hereforyouandcan'twaittoseewhere your · urney leads you.

We love you!

Mom Dad MichaeL and Kaitlin

J sephAllen
John Amorosi

Brinn Antram

Brianna Nimle An tram.

Oh th of our sw t ooby girL From your quiet b2ginnings to your gen rous heart for the JXX>r in spirit. to the mlorful personality that lights up a room and wanns the hear1 with genuin jJy. vVhat a precious d1ild of you arc. Weare grateful entn1stcd you to us. to love and to rai up to glorify Him with your utiful heart. eager to honor all.from the youngest and the elderly.

-Mama and lliddy

My littl flower. you hav utifully blammcd into a jJyful. vibrant young woman Keep using the talents has given you. You make me a proud big sister. I love you to th moon and oock and oock again.


Bri. you have grown up to b2 on of the most utiful young ladies I know. I am so proud of you and everything you have accomplished. For you the possibilities arc endless! I miss you bunches.

-Your Big Bro.

LilyC'atherine Arama


blessoursw tgirlas h transitionstoadulth mllegiatelifc.andawonderful future! The world is a b2tter place bcca use sh is here. Go forwdrd and "do not let your heart troubled .. Heg forcyoualway .. :·

Love you! Mom.llid. jam and Ariel


venteen years flew by so quickly! We are so lucky and bl to able to you transition from a little girl to a young woman You have fill our lives with an incredible amount of · y and love. We are so proud of your aanmplishm nts and exdtoo for your future. With 'sh lp,g luckasyoutakethenextstep in your life. Congratulations!

We love you. Mom and Grandma

As you graduat from high ool your mother and I [I 1so bles.<ai to have been a your pumey, and we can't wait to all that your future holds. You were our miracle and "on in a million" ooby. W know that has great things in store for you and your life. We wish you th t of everything that life has to offer. I encourage you to follow your heart and always strive to do what' srightand you will never go wrong. As you gin this next chapter, know that your rments couldn't more proud of th rson you are, the aanmplishments you have achievffi and th ilive imj:Xlcts you will continue to make along your pumey.

We love you, Mom and Dad

Kristi Arty David Baier

This is so hard for us ... Graduation and th ginningofawhol n wchapterinyourlife.Our hearts are bittersw t. On on hand we are so proud of what a utifuL well-rounded young adult you have me. You have such an outgoing. magnetic nali ty and you bring 'py to everyone wh lives you touch. You have a mntagious mile,anamazing 002ofhumor.and aresofulloflife. Y t,thereisahugetuggingatour hearts knowing you are no longer our sw t rnby girL We have such wonderful memories of your youth, and now w a young woman ready to meet the world. There will obstacles to overmme. and th road will not always smooth, but we fl 1the tools you have given will h lp you sucm=rl in anything you put your mind to. Stay close to look to him for guidance and all things are j)JSSible. We love you G-Da, Smegs, and our little Peanutl




Nways pray to have eyes that see the t in ple. a heart that forgives the worst a mind that forgets the rnd and a soul that never I faith in You will always our Sunshine!

Love, Dad Mom, Ryan and Emily

Gianna Bartolotta-Gricunas Bayda Gianna

Congratulations. my little sister. on your graduation from high schooL The whole family is happy. but I am very proud that you have taken it sua:£SSfully. You have a great mind. Always rcmcm r that intcllig n is much more than the facts that you know. it is what you do with facts. Continue to feed your mind by surrounding yourself with Jmple and things that inspire you. Inspiration feeds your thought p and enhanres your creativity. both of which h lp your d · ion making prcre;s.

Every day when you wake up in the morning. look in the mirror. and remind yourself that you are a wonderful intelligent young woman OO:a that is what I think of you. Never give up! Never allow anything or any y to top you from ing sucre;sful and when life mes mmplicated or difficult. remem r that we will always here for you to help you make it through the difficult mom nts use we love you. and we lieve on you.

Four years! For you it may have med to drag on forever: for us it was over in a blink of an eye. We are proud of th young lady you have grown to You are strong-willed and driven by your dreams. You have truly seized the day. You have madeandwillmntinuetomakelifeextraordinary. You have enmmpa the motto of Carpe Diem "Gath rYe while ye may. old time is flying. and th m flower that smiles t ay. tomorrow will dying."

Go forth and don't look back at your regrets. but look at the obstacles in front of you and leap over them with what you have learned and will mntinue to learn You will look back at th four years many years from now. and I promise that they will of your most treasured m maries. Continue to amaze us with what you can do make a difference.

We love you!

Mom and Dad

Alexis Becerril Brooke Blumling

C:Olt n Brockert


It is difficult to find words to fully express what a spnaldaughtcryou have txmme to us. You arc mmJ'kl ionate and loving. and you give way more than you ever take. You arc such a ln1utiful young lady. inside and out. You arc the very of us. and yet more. Yes, you havcyourofTdays. but they arc few and far lx•tweerl Weare truly to have a daughter like you. It is our hoJX! and desire for you to find no undaries in followingyourdreams.your J'kiSSions.and ultirnatelyyourplacr. in this world. There is lXlth a sl.'nsc of and 'py in S('('ing you cmwrk on this next chapter of your life. While we fear losingth little girl that we held so close inouranns for so long. weareronfident that you will txrome the amazing woman you are meant Plea. know that no matter where you are or what struggles you enrounter in your life pum y. we will with you.


Mom and Dad


Where hasthetimcgon? ft d n'tseem real that you are graduating from high school already! We have watched you grow from this adorable little ooy into a loving. caring and intelligent young man We arc so very proud of you and of all your hard work and dedication and can't wait to wh re your fu turc takes you. Th sky is the limit so don't ever give up on your dreams and know that will always with you guiding your way! We love you Buboo Lou!!


Mom Dad and Brenna

Madi n Britt n


gracrrl us with your and gifts to nunurc for eighteen years. Your tx>;Jutiful smile. blissful inn ncr and genrroushean bring'py to our For your happiness. kindness tooth rs. determination to ovcrmm and ability to make rroplc laugh. weareforcv rgrateful.

Ac:, you embark on your own life 'purn -Y· resolute in pursuit of your dreams and refu9:' to mmpromisc your Never let your go to your head or your failures go to your heart. Our Lord and fnJplc who love you arc with you through every

Know that our love for you is unmnditional Our elation for your acromplishments is in vitablc. We arc S) very proud of the young woman you have me. Congratulations. ntinel.

'ith all of our love. l}jd, Mom and Quinn

You were such a blessing when you Glmc into our You'vcmmplctoo our family in ways we muldn't have imaginoo. Your and your humor is balana'd out byyourreautyandkindness. Welookforward toth yearstommeand how your faith and will brighten all our utiful. Weare all so proud of you.

Hannah Olivia Burdick Hannah Bustos

Ant ruo C2mpanella

Wovv! Whatafunrideithas nwatchlngyougrowup!Thanksforallth memories! Here you are, ready to step off the launch JX!d and fly. We can't wait to what you do next With your clarity of thought jXISSion confid nee. and determination you will sua::eed at anything you ch Never forget you are a leader. Never forget the r nsibility that com with iL

Goo:lluckmovingforwardl::aby!Weareandalwayswill h reforyou.En· yeach day. We lov you more than it is "bl to expr with words.

Go get 'em Storm!

Love, Mom and Dad

Time g by so fast It ms like just yesterday I was dropping you off at Kind rgarten and now you are just a few short months away from ing dropped off at college. You have grown to become an amazing young man with many talents and much to offer th world in front of you. You are a walking. visible. example of th mantra "Ch Happy.HYour happy go-lucky attitude, combined with your JXISSion to ri nre life to th fullest is to admired and will take you far. true to yourself. honor your who gave you this gift and always know that your family is always with you no matter how far you traveL

Love forever and always.

Logan campbell


It ms like only yesterday that we ran out of gas on the way to your frrst day of high school Since that day. through the ups and downs of high I and th challengesofreinga teen. you have matur and grown stronger and made us proud of the OO:iutiful young lady that you have me.

Now. as you enter the next phase of your life. we amfidently lieve in you and know that if you follow your dreams and lieve in yourself. you will fmd happiness and JXace. Dream big. always do your t and know that you are truly lovoo and we will always there for you.

Always remember ...

Dance like no one is watching Love like you've never been hurt Work like you don't need the money


Morn. Dad Maria and Drew


We watchoo you grow throughout the years and truly lovoo every moment From dance ·tals to softball games. it has been a jJy to watch you in everything you do. You are a OO:iutiful and · rson inside and out We I k forward to where your life will take you next

We are very proud of you. Congratulations!


Mom. Dad Jose. and Ciera

"D:m' t let anyone look down on you OO:ause you are young. but tan example for the lievers in in life. in love. in faith. and in purity"

(1 Timothy 4:12).

Rachel Campbell Ashley Cardenas

Maya Chavez


You have truly bl moo into a and bright young woman. We are so proud of every thingyouhaveachiev andcan'twaitto what oth r great things you will aanmplish. Rem m r to always follow your dreams and true to you If. your family. yourfriends. and to your reliefs.


Our dear Maya

We are so proud of the exreptional young woman you are! Your Jll.SSion and mmmitment to reach ing your dreams has n evident sinre you were a little girL Your growth in mind spirit and is evident and far reaching. For you anything is "ble and achievable. Your j>urney. though not always easy. will lead you to new and exdting op rtuni ties. You are a blessing to us. and weare privileged to call you our daughter and our sister.

We love you.

Mom Dad Adrienne. and Sofia

"Music gives a ul to th universe. wings to th mind. flight to th imagination and life to everything." -Plato

Mariana Chac n


We are so very proud of you and the young man that you have lxromc. You arc a great role moor. I to your brothers. showing them how hard work JX!ysoff.

Ovcrth last 18ycarsyou havealways ncxdtffl and sup rtivc with all th hobbies we have don together from raising r tcrs to radngand then wrestling.

I have en pyro axlching you in little league and being mat side at all of your wrestling tournam nts. You have provided us with great m morics as a farnily.Asthischaptcrofyour life ends. weare cxdtffl for what the future holds for you.



Dad Carmen, Diego. and Xavier

"I ho the days come easy and the moments pass slow.

Each rood leads you wh re you want to go. If you· re fa with a choice. and you have to ch

I ho you ch the one that means the most to you.

If one door o ns to another door closed. I ho .you keep on walking till you find the window.

If it's cold outside. show the world the warmth of your mile.

More than anything my wish. for you.

Is that this life m all that you want it to. Your dreams stay big your worries stay smalL You never n to carry more than you can hold And while you're out there getting where you're getting to.

I ho you know m y loves you. and wants the same things. too.

I ho you always forgive. and you never regret And you help some y every chance you get May you find ·s grace. in every mistake. And always give more than you take"

Sergio Chavez Ahsia Craig

Bailee Davv n

Congratulations Nooh.

You have .n such a in our lives. From the moment we SdW you. we knew you were hand picked with love to a Ik!rl of our family. As proud as we are of everything you hav done. we are more proud of the amazing and caring youngmanyou have me.Asyoucontinueon into th nr.xt chaptrr in life, may and watd1 over you always. Dream like you'll live forever, but live each mom nt as if it's your last

Love you forever and always. Mama and Paik!


A moon m to charm you A heltering ang I so nothing can harm you Laughter to ch r you

BAILEEFaithful friends near you And when veryou pray Heaven to hear you -Irish Bl ing

The Easter Bunny of 1 7 brought th t gift ever.. a OOiutiful daughter. Never imagining that you were alx>ut tor this world! Your mile is infectious. your blue eyes Sik!rkle. and the single dimple .. .a kiss from . Through all that you have endured. you have managed to stay groundedandtruetoyou If Alway knowwho you are and n ver fait r. You are ready to spread your wings. what th world has to offer. and follow your dreams. Your hard work Ik!SSion and perseverance will take you wh rever you want to go .. Never give up. This jJumeycalled life is yours to embrace.

Bailee. you shine on tage. Now it's time to go out and define your own stage. And always remem L1hat don is utiful!

I love you. Mom


You are such a wonderful bl ing from hmven a rce of py and pride, to our family and everyone around you! With your {X)Sitive attitude, charm, l:xxluty. talents. aw me voice. mntagious laughter. what more muld we ask for?

As you emoork on a new chapter in life. we wish you all the t of what life has to offer. Stay [I sed, en py life and most of aiL follow yourdrmms. We lov you. and proud of you Congratulations!


Dad. Mom and Kuya

re;t Gabrielle.

I know high school was a challenge many different ways. and yet you and forged that unique "you." I ho I have told you enough time; how proud I am of you as you move on to your next adventure. As you explore new worlds. (and of course new dvilizations) r willlmn on words to ask of you two things: "always the optirnisL the of far Oung ho and the drmmer of improooble drearns"andsecond"don'tevergiveup. n'tletthingshap nMakeastand.Aiwa ys have the guts to do what's right, even wh .n everyon elsr just runs away." Above all. trust because He knew how unique you were going to be even fore you were born and He is and always wi II be there for you.

Love you. forever and always. Dad

Mari I
bell DeCJuzman
, I ' j
Gabrielle Diaz

C:Onnor Dunn

Emily Echeveste


Weare so bl to have you as our son. You have always n such a Light in our hrnrts. fllling us with love. 'py and laughter. Stay strong and true to your beliefs and remember Philippians 4:13, UI candoall thingsthroughChri t whostrcngthens me."

We are so proud of the young man you· ve me and we arc excited to where your lrnds!

Love, Mom Dad, and Tann



What 'py and love you bring to us! Weare so proud ofallyoudo - from rvingyouthatSL] 'sYouth Camp. to a:aching pr oolers in tumbling, dN1lvering a love for Chemistry. sharing your musical talents at rlool to your dooicalion with USA Starz Trnrns to rom pete at Ch T Worlds! Each day you show us your love and faith in GOO through your smile, rour-age.laughter and 'pyful spiritl We have n amazill at all you dorontinue to dream big and be awesome! You are our special Emmy, and we are so blessro and love watching you FLY!! - SWAG


Daddy, Mommy, Stephanie, Valerie. Alida Nana Grandp1. Grandma Rita GrandJ=e Frank. and Cecilia

'Through your 'pyful witness and rvice, help to build a dvilization of love. Show. by your life. that it is worth giving your time and talents in order to attain high ideals. it is worth rerognizing the dignity of each human rson. and it is worth taking risks for Christ and his Gospel" -Po Francts. World Youth Day, 7/28/13.

Victoria Skye.

We are so proud to how you have grown into such a young lady. Your gorgeous eyes and contagious smile always m to lighten those around you. You have always so kindhearta:l. caring deeply for everyone you m t.

As you grow into an adult. we pray that you will always carrythatchildlikenatureaboutyou.You continu toamazr us with your charm and witty ways! has truly us with you. our precious daughter.


Mom and Dad

- "He will give llis angels charge over you. to keep you in all your ways" (Psalm 91:11).


Congratulations! Thank you for working so hard in your studies and developm nt. K p it up. Mip. Always to keep close to your heart and give your all in everything you do. We love you so very much! Know that we will always there for you as you go off and pursue your dreams.


Mom and Dad

Viet ria Erran. Jesus Manny Estr lla

Chelsey Eze

Isat L

From the moment you were oom and you liftoo your head to stare the nurse square in theeye(and unnervoo hassharu:l how you move through th world. You are a forcr. tot reckoned with. but you arc a kind and gcn rous friend. daughter. sister. chiropractic assistant, student, roootics team m mber.Dutch Brosclicnt..human being. You love pic without prejudice and with loyalty.

From the moment you ':>dW the grand of the world. you have wantoo to nm through it without I king oock with r gret. We know this mean you won· t always nearby. but we' reronfidentand happy to know that it means you· retruly living life in a full and o n way. May we'll clean m after you sally forth. but you'll always have a pia cr. to mme chi II. eat dark ch late. binge watch 'The Thtily Show." and laugh.

We love you alway<;, Mom Thtd and Keegan

Chel ydear.

It has n a watching you grow and mature into a beautiful talentoo.and and kind heart have always flllro our house with love. There is no limit to what you can do if you tnJst in th Lord and believe in yourself.


Thtd Mom CrystaL Konrad. Nirole. and A<>hley

lsetbel Ewan
f -j I I


Wekn wfrom the moment you wereoom that you· remeant to shine. You're a kind. generous. and loving brother to your siblings. You· rea tremendous and a wonderful gift to us. Wherever your pumcy you. I ho()2 you' 11 always know how proud you make us. Dreams big and always put your trust in


Mom Dad CrystaL Chelsey. Nirolc. and Ashley.

Congratulations Anastasia Marie.

Weare so proud ofth woman you are and will rontinuallycvolve to bc.Aiwaysstay true toyourselfand do not be afraid yourself or to show your true£ lings. That is a true gift you We know you will aa:omplish whatever you want in life.

Love you always.

th rest of the Falls family

Konrad Eze

-.. . ' r ,
Anastasia Falls

Hoy termina una taJX! y mmienza otra en tu vida Nos ntirnosmuyorgull ldaiioque has alcanzado. r el esfuerzo y dffiicadon que lo largod estos ultimoscuatroaii as. Es ti m d ira la Univ rsidad. Esta proximo esfuerzo te dara nuevas alegrias. Utiliza en la vida los talentos que Que Dios te ndiga y si mpre te guie.


PaJX!. Mama Rodrigo y Di gas

J ph.

Weare:JJ very bl to have you as our :JJn You are an amazing and incredible pernn and we are extremely proud of you. It has n fun and exdting watching you grow into th man you are ming. Stay tru to your values.


We love you.

Dad Mom, and Rachel

Joseph Ferreira


We can't lieve th tim is finally here! Looking txlck through aII the years of ups and downs. th laughter and tears,ouryoungestisgraduating and ofT to mllegc! We are extremely proud of you and all of your aa:omplishments in sch I, on mingan Eagle uLand thesucre;softhe many S{X)rtS you love. Our wish for you is to stay [I havemnfid nee in yourself. and find your [XI. ion. We love and li vein you. En· y this next step in life and always rem m r to "make a difference" in th world You are headoo for great sua:ess. and we will always love and sup[.X)rt you. n' t to dream bigfi

Love. Mom and Dad


Awonderful bl ing was given to us the day you w re born, and now here you are. having grown into a utiful mart nsitive young woman ready to a n w pumey and to pursue everything you d ire.

While we are so exdted for you and your future. our hearts are a little heavy knowing your childh has now left us. Your wiL kindness. [XI. ion and rsonality are beyond We admire that you are not afraid to be who you are.

fun to with,andyou haveanenergyaboutyou that is mntagious!

Our wish for you is that your dreams stay as big as your heart your worries small and that you know we are always here to sup{X)rt you. K p your faith in and 1 k to him for guidance.

We love you more than you will ever really know, Mom Dad Patrick. and Danny

James Franko Christa Freer

Alexander Friedl


We cannot how fast the years have gone. Even as a ooby. you were always so full of energy. You have grown into such an ambitious. hard working. & determinoo young man. You have always nalead r.es . ·allyintheexampleyou t for your brothers. You lead not by talk. but by action. Your integrity and kindness will take you far in life. As JXtrents. it has n our j>b to teach you. and yeL we have learned so much from you. You are yond your years. We have all the ronfld nee in the world that you will lead an amazing life, and do many great things for others. Your strong Christian faith is your foundation and you live it daily. We arc so proud of you. It is an honor to call you our son. We are exdted where life takes you.

We love you - AlWAYS, Dad Mom Eric. and Andrew

William Frye

To Liam Fry (aka kid th kid, kidzo. ooby bro. Willy Lew}.

Congratulations on your graduation. We love you and love being your family. A few things to always keep in mind (we know we will}.

*Ifyou want to feel g aoou t srend time with Liam Fry (Mrs. Elia)

*When push romes to shove

*Celebrating nearly two decades of

D-A -M A-G -E.

*Did you work out tooay?

*Summer of the yellow lmt

*Viking Burial


*Snow days and IHOP

'Really proud ofyou. obviously you rou ld not have done it without me" -Lamar Fitzgerald

'We knew this day would mme but we weren't sure when" - Capt Miller 'You didn't ch the thug life. the thug life you." after -T. Shakur

Love, Mom Dad Dana Palmer. Sandl and Felix

lbr Stephen.

You have lived a life of love. loyally. mmJXIssion and j)y. Not a day gcx'5 by wh .n we don't give thanks to for th privilege of being your family. Continue to trust in the Lord. Follow th dreams that He has planted in you. Live a life of glory.

We Love You.

Dad. Mom Thlvid. Mary R and Peter

r Zachary.

We proud of all your aa:omplishm nts and the pc n you have me. You have truly bl ·. us with much love. laughter. and happin I You arc an incredible young man: strong.athl lie, funny. determined (TN ) You have such a big heart and even bi cr smile and a mntagious laugh - never lose th. J

Rcmcm r to follow your heart dream big. k p and faith in your life. and live your life with IXJ.. ion!

Zach. weare your bi est fans. and we will always h rc for you our wish for you is that your life mesall that you want it to me.

We love you!

Mom Dad. and Nikki

Stephen Fugger
Zachary Fulmer

Erin Gesicki

Louis Giaquinto


We are so very proud of the young woman you have m . You are utifuL smart. funny. athletic. and caring. Your determination hard work and faith will take you far. and we cannot wail to all that you do.

We are so proud of you and all that you have acmmplishoo thus far. Continue with your purney and follow your dreams so one day you can look back and. y. '1 did itJ" Always know that we are here for you. We love you. and we are blessffl to have you as our daughter and ister!


Morn. Dad and David


We talk about your senior year and graduation and we realize it is approaching. but we don't really know how to resr.x:md until it's here. and then it's overwhelming. We love you for the child you were. the young man you have grown to and th you are yet to me. Pride and exdtement fill uscompletelyaswe think about the wonderful ibilities the future holds for yougraduation is only the ginning! Always know OUR love is with you. no matter what you do or where you go. May the Lord Bless You as you continue to make the world a tter place!

Morn. Dad and Family

"Congratulations! Today is your day. You· re off to Great Plares! You· re off and awayr Dr. Seuss

You are so brave and srnart.Clearly.you got the brains in this family. It' a crazy four years! Not many eighteen year-olds can they' vc amq ucnrl brain surgery and high rnool Weare so proud of all of your athletic and athletic achievements and for the outstanding rson you've txromc! "You have brains in your head. You have feet in your sh You canst r yourself any direction you ch You're on your own And you know what you know. And YOU are th one who1l decide wh re to go."

You are such a radiant and inspiring human in g. We can· t you· re already graduating! We are so proud of you for trying new things. rsistently pursuing your dreams. and bravely venturing into th unknown. We are so proud of you for your triumphs in track, travel and theatre. 'Forget the risk and taketh fall if it's what you want. then it's worth it all."

Callan Patrick Gillette. Emma Hall Gillette. Callan Gillette Emma Gillette

Miss Emily.

You have grown to such a lovely. bright young lady. You have an old soul with a utiful and kind heart We can't vvait to . . you grab your dreamsand maketh mrometrue.And th ywill! Weknowthis useyoumay quieLbutyou're full of ression and d temlination As Emberlyn grows. we know she will so grateful to have such a wond rful rol m I in h r life. We are truly bl I Thank you for being you. and may all your dreams rome true!

Love Alvvays. Mom Dad Renee. and Emberlyn


You have blessed our family with so much love and laughter sincr. th moment you were born You are an intelligent and talented young lady. and we are so proud of you. You are a loyal friend with a big heart.

vVherever you go and whatever you do in life. take the Lord with you. Remember. 'The Lord is with you when you are with Him and ifyou k Him He will be present to you" (2 Chronicl

We are so exdtoo to what your future holds!

bless you. Mary Margaret

We love you.

Dad Mom J y & Jack

Emily H mmer
Mary Harrington


It is hard to licvc that eighteen years have gone bysoquickly.Youhavc mea utifulyoung woman, and wr arc honored to call you our daughter.

We have cnpycxi watching you grow and dpvelop into the you arc t ay. Your contagious smile. determination. and sense of humor have mad you such a fun to re around.

There is no doubt that you will aa:omplish great things. Your foundation has n t and now we look forward to what is yet to come.

We arc very proud of you!

We love you!

Mom and Dad

Thank you for ing th 'rc form always.



Ka Ian.

You arc a Bl ing to us and we arc proud of the lyyoungmanthatyouhave m .Youhav always put first in your life. and it shows in the life you have loo and the example you have t The two most imp:>rtantdaysina person' slifeare th day th y arc l:XJrn and th day th y know why th ywerc l:XJm You heard calling you to help others in His name. You listenoo and trustoo in His plans for your future. May keep you and protect you as you go ofT to fulfill His calling to rve our country in the United States Air Force. We hav n so honorffl to call you our son and broth r.

All our love.

MomDad. mandjustin

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. not afraid; do not d· uragcd for the LORD your will with you wherever you go" Qoshua 1:9).

Avery Hayden Kaelan Hayes

Nicholas Hcx:lges

William {vVho the heck is wum

You have n making us laugh sincr. .wcll. incr.we brought you home and ploprnJ you in your car seat on th kitch n table. It would easier to follow the path in front but you always carvoo your own. It's n fantastically fun to watch you find your interests and hon your skills on the cou in the fi ld. on the court. and in thr. ci m We are proud of you and look forward to ing wh re your talents (and hilariousn ) take you.


Mom Dad Edward and Christiana

Dm Nicholas.

Wow. where did the time go? As you gin to follow your dream we will always remem r your laugh. helpfulness. kind generous heart and faith As we let go. you are consecratoo to Mary and will never Be o n to the graces in your life. To Jesus. through Mary.


Mom Dad Marie, and Bridget

Willi m Hietter

Toourdmrest Rielyn.

Thr5C eighteen have OO>n an amazing _pumcy. and we couldn't 1-X' more honorro your {Erents. You have a grmt <AfXICity for learning, developing friendships, and a willing to help oth rs. Over the ymrs you have takm on new respmsibilitirswilh much sums.<;, and we havecompleteconfidencr that you will continur to me even more inde[X!nd nt and confident as a young lady.

We look forward to your excitem nt as you continue to unlock the }XJtential within yourself. Weknowyouwillcontinuctodoincm:liblethings. and we cannot wait to it all!

You are a true testament of doingg works. now and in your future. He has prepared you in advance for all that you will ex{X'ricnce in life.

Thankstoyou.our hearts have grown to love more than we ever drmmcx:l we could

With all our love, Mom and Dad


Life is a series of not endings. As this chapter of your life begin.<;. use your strength. courage. and determination to build your future. Words cannot express how proud you make us just by You arc tnJiy an inspiration to our family. We 1 k forward to continu watching you grow and embrace new op{X)rtunitics. Remem r toalwayscount your blessings and let your faith guide you. Congratulations!

All our Love. Mom Robert Anthony. Joslyn and Roman

H ffman
Dominick Johnson

Sarah Kagasoff

Congratulations!Weareso proud ofyou. We know it was not so easy. There were many challenges, but you made it through with your hard work and dedication. You proved that you are intelligent hardworking, and you can achieve anything with dedication and hard work. your strengths and make gocd choices; sua:ess will follow you in your mllege life and also in whatever you do next. Your dreams will mme true. We thank bless!

We love you so much!

Mom and Dad

We are so proud of the young woman that you are ming. Th fBSl 4 years have n quite the j>urney. and we are so proud of how you have navigated the upsand downs. You are an amazing trong, beautiful kind and caring rson. Your future is in front of you, and you can take on the world All things are ible.

We Love You.

Mom Dad and Nimle

Am lJ y


You arc a blessing in our lives We arc so proud of you and your acmmplishments. Your smile is mntagious. bringing jJy to those around you. You have a kind and gen rous heart.

"The measure of who we are is what we do with what we have" -Vince LombardL The sky has no limits for you. BK May bless you. We 1 k forward to the next chapter in your life.

Congratulations on your high rlool graduation!


Mom and Dad


Congratulations! Time g by so quickly. We cannot beli ve that graduation is here already. We were truly blessed the day you were born You have brought so much jJy to our hearts and to our family. We are so proud of the young woman you have OO::ome and all that you have acmmpli hed. Stay true to yourself and to Remember that graduation is not the end but th beginning. We know that you will approach the years ahead with th same faith and character that has led you to this JX>inL We cannot wait to. very thing that you will achieve in life. We will always beth retoch rand supJX>rtyou. We wish you all the tand loveyousoverymuch!


Mom. Dad. and tt

" fun' t cry Smile usc it happened" Dr. Seuss

t ••. Brand n King


We are so proud of the rson you have me. May your wealth of opinions and your rolorful advocacy of ideals keep those around you ever challenged Lead on.

We love you.

Mom Dad Alex. and Abby


Congratulations on all that you haveaa:omplished thus far. but this is only the flfSt step of the many milestones you will achieve. Your family will be with you always as you head out on your own adventure. En j.Jy the ride, for it goes by way too fast

"IX> Dr do not There is no try." - Yoda

We love you.

Mom Dad and Harris

Charlie Kaminski

r Patrick

You have accomplished many great things. TI1e world awaits you. Go and leave your mark on life. fu true to your.celf. your faith, and your family. We continue very proud of you. Rememb2r that God loves you and is always with you. Life is like a pick six: sometim they come your way. oth r times they don't. Go fmd your pick six! We love you from underground to outer SJX!ce!!!


Mom, Dad, Daniel and Thomas

You are truly one of a kind; always know that Gabs! We couldn't b2 more proud of who you are ooth inside and out. Shoot for the stars and never lose sight of who you are. and rememrer wherever you go. go with all your heart. WE IDVE YOU ALWAYS!

May GOD BLESS you in all you do. Mommy. Dad. and Mason xoxo

Let your smile change the world but don't let world change your smile.

Gabrielle. Patrick Larsen Gabrielle Larusso

Genevieve Leach


It's still so hard to that you are graduating and starting college. It seems like just yesterday you were getting your tonsils out and painting your tn:lroom wall. Now look at you and all the sua:ess you have had! We are all so proud of you and all that you have aa:ompli hcd. You are going to do amazing things in life. We love you very much!


Dad Morn. ]o. n. and David


Congratulations on a pb well done. You have made us so very proud of all that you have aa:omplished in these past eighteen years of your life. We wish nothing but the t for you and cannot wait to see what lies ahead for you as you enter this next chapter in your life. Keep reaching for your dreams. no matter how far off th y may seem Always believe in yourself as we will always believe in youl May continue to bless and guide you on your future endeavors. It is t said by Pele:

'Sua:ess is no accidenL

It is hard work learning. studying. crifla' and most of all love of what you are doing or learning to do".

You are truly an amazing son and brother. We love you with all our hearts! Morn, Dad and Jessica

Kyle Lepore

our pnnous

It has tx>cn one of the great pysof our lives to watch you grow from the cute little girl with the angel smile. into this gorgeous. smart funny. and sweet young woman that still to help a friend loyal toh r family. and pride of her grandmother.

Sirn you were a little girl. we have n ama;ro at your ability to set lofty gools for yourself as a n academically and in rts: th n fmding the dedication and drive toacmmplish th m every single time. That our princrs5. is a very gift that will take you high and far in this life. We pray you never change and that grants you a long and fulfilling life. knowing that we will at your side to sup!X)rt you. your fans in your triumphs. and your parents to guid you.


Morn. Dad. and jose

J .y,

You are amazing! Time sure has flown by! Just yesterday I was dropping you off at daycare for the first time. I was so you were only nine months old. Now, in a blink of an eye. you are eight n old! Where did the tim

J y. you are the t hugger! I am so glad you wereneveremoorra tohugmeinfrontofyour friends. Plea k p those hugs coming!

fm so happy that you have found true faith in Thank you much for your spiritual and emotional maturity. You have given me the desire to continue to mature and develop in my faith

Love you.

"Lord. make me an instrument of your a>: wh re there is hatred let me sow love: where there is in jury. pardon where there is union wh re th re is doubt faith where there is despair. hope: wh re th re is darkness. light and wh re there i dn · l'j."

[_.... ' • 1 ' '
Jessica Lopez Joseph Lynch


We arc proud of the young man you have m •

Dare to jump into your future with enthusiasm

Dare to place no limits on what you hope to acmmplish.

Dare to work hard and dream big and realize it's not just a cliche

Dare to bring excellence to everything you do. Thtre to be humble and dare to be kind to everyone you meet.

Dare to be all that we know you can be.

We love you beyond words.

Mom Dad and Erin


You have the privilege of wrapping up a fourteen year stre tch that has had at least one Magnus sibling attending Seton Catholic High

There is a little bit of each one of your brothers and sister in you, and you have truly representoo the best in all of them in your dedication to your studies and extracurricular activiti in luding oosketoo!L volleyooll,and NHS. We are very proud of the final impression the Seton community will have on not only you, but our entire family. We are truly blessed to have a son and brother who is commit too to his faith and has his priorities straight.

Remember through strong faith and hard work, your sucx:ess will continue through college and beyond

Congratulations on a pb well done! We love you,

Mom Dad, Matt. Laura Belle,] ude, Andy.] ustin, Nikh and Harrison

Thomas Mager Jonathan Magnus

r Katie.

Congrcllulations on ad1ieving another great rnile>ton in your life. we arc all so proud of you. You have rnaturro into a very reautiful. funny. mnfldent,charrning. faith fillooJoving.did wcc:iiy funny young woman. You have n our precious gift from Cal si ncr. the moment we set eyes on you. and you have brought us all immense 'py. You so many qualitie> that will allow you to crmtc a life full of happiness. suar:ss and tremendous pride. You arc deeply rootoo in your faith and have nan extraordinary daughter. sister. and friend to all of those lucky enough to have known you. We look forward to mntinuing this · umcywithyouand whatyouaanmplishas you mntinuc to follow dreams. You are truly a unique individual who lights up any room and arc always entertaining. As always stay true to yourself and to GOO. and you willhavea blessro life.

We love you dearly!

Mom Dad and Danny


gave us a precious gift when you cam into our lives. You arc our m nger from Heaven. our angel. Gabriella. Loving you. watching you grow.guidingyou intoearlyadulth has n amazing. We arc so proud of the woman you have becom but you will forever our bcautifullittl girl dancing in th aisle at church. filloo with inn ncr. and 'py. We arc so exdtoo to see what you do with the gifts that has given you. We pray that you mntinue to listen to continue to feel the Holy Spirit in your heart and mntinue to walk hand in hand with Jesus. Make th choicr.s that He would have you make. As you move along your path. know that you arc lovoo deeply both on earth and in Heaven. With that love, th rc is nothing you can't do. Embrace challenges. celebrate victories. nurture relationships. help others. and pray daily.

Wclov you!

Mom Dad Abba and Grand {XI

Katherine Maher Gabriella Mazza

Jacqu line McAuliff

We love you more than anything in this world. You have ama;.rd us with your unwavering faith, unlimited and amazing to love. You are our miracle and have taught us how to love unconditionally. The way you see ears presenre in th around you is inspiring. Your mml;essionate heart and contagious laughter are true gifts. We cannot wait to . what Iics ahead for you as you write the next chapter of your life. true to who you are and we will all h re for you and will love you always!

Love you.

DadMomJ]Ja nJulie_J yJadaJena,Grandma &GrandJXl,andGrandrna EV<l

''But now faith, hope, love. abide th but the greatest of th is love" (1 Corinthians

Teresa McBryan

Boogie. Boogstopher Robin. giewoogstopher Ro ierre.

Congratulations! Four long years are done. Party, party. JXli1y, just think of all the funl

You've worked hard in all your classes. and you'verertainly made the grade But your work isn't ov r, so suit up and g t your blade!

Your he are hard to live up to, turtle shells and all But you can great too. even though you're rath r small.

Drisive, cl&iplined and physically fit

You've got to keep working this is no time to quiL Summer is just around the comer, high .h I is almost done, But with nationals injun you won't be having any fun.

Congratulations little moonflower!

Love, MomDadJohnKate,Angie. Emily,and rah.

blessro us with such a wonderful and talentoo son. May your j:>umey continue to bring you happiness. You aredestinoo for gmJt things. Always stay true to your heart remain steadfast in your faith, and pursue your dreams with f:ES.<;ion. Words cannot express th love we have for you. Congratulations. son. We are proud ofyour achievements but more proud of the rson you have me.

All our love, Mom. Thld and Ashley

Jim Jim

Having you for our nephew has one of the greatest gifts to us. Thank you for all you are, all you· ve n and all you are yet to Shine on!

-Nina and Nino


lt has na pleasurewatchingyougrowupfrom the days when I namooyou the mayor of Kinder steps to now watching you excel in acting and singing. We are ooth so proud of you. Keep up the g work.

Grandmaand bby

Life has taken you to:

Sand crabs and ca ties

Pin w derby rare; Fishing from the shore, Closing down rides at Disneyland

ReOret ing on ·s design

Random animal facts galore, Swimming m Jcrafter meter to the ftnish line

Talking of oones and habitats at th zoo

Try anything and everything. more, more, LollifX)pGuild and l..Xlle Plantation Man I fclpful. kind. tall ooy and baby

The on that we adore.

Life will take you on an n current where only you may go.

K pstmdfast and faithful Loving and true

K('('p learning and caring

Dreaming and reaching

Butaooveallk p ingyoul

Michael McDonough
-,. :·-"1 ;

Mad lin Me:Lean

Mad line,

How is it ible that you arc graduating already? We arc so proud of all that you havedoneth pastfouryears.but wearecvcn moreproudofthcintrlligcnt.mnfidcnl and kind that you have m . You have shown such amazing strcngt h of character in both success and adversity. With faith. humor. humility. and that OO:tutiful smile on your face you Gl.n aa:ornplish anything. Your high school graduation marks the end of a chapter both in your life and for our family. but we muld not moreexcit<X.l what the future brings! Weare to have you as a daughter and sister.

We love you with all our hearts. Mom Dad Chelsea Cayley. Brenna and Kady

Megan Metoyer


We are ever so proud of what a OOiutifuL caring. and intelligent young woman you have me. We support you in your future endeavors and pray for your happin and sucx:ess.

Congratulations baby!

Love, Dad Mom and Jason

We arc so proud of the young man that you have me. We love your kind heart, crazy sense of humor, and bright mind You area gift to us each and every day.

We know that has amazing plans for you and we are so excited to watch you enter the next chapter ofyour lifcl Keep your faith strong. a smile on your faa'. and love in your heart and you will aa:omplish great things. Be real courageous.


We love you so much and are so proud to your parents!



"All our dreams can come true if we have th courage to pursue them" -Walt Disney

From thedayyou werebomand bl your mother and I with such a precious gift w could not more proud what a caring. intelligent and giving young man you have develorm into. We have fond memories of that little boy who always had such a big smile on his faa' and such energy. You have always nan inspiration tooth rsand your strong spirit will help you to achieve those things in your life that may difficult. Vv'hen you graduate. it will the start to many aa:omplishments in your life. and the rood you will travel will present many obstacles. Always strive to do your t and carry in your heart. You will always have the love ofyour family. and we will always proud of you.


Morn Dad. y. Ashley. Grandma Gwen Grandpa Adolfo. Nana and G'pa

Kyle. Dylan. Dylan Miles Kyle Miller

Michael Minelli

TumerM ms

A nuestro hi· Michael Angelo.

We marvel daily at the young man you've me from that infant. so small and utiful. You have made us proud in so many ways and we look forw..1rd to your future with great exdtem nt and anticipation Follow your heart and will But never forget that we will love you always. May guid you on your life's jJumey and help you to make the world a placr

Con todo nuestro amor. Mom and Dad

Turner -

ton has n g for you. You have n challenged academically and pushed to "do ttern. You've had the chance to play multiple SJXlrlS and to ex rience team camaraderie. You have fu!filled service work to graduate. Seton has JXlSitioned you on many levels to succeed in your next endeavors and in life.

The friendships that you have ex rienced at Seton will lasting. Some will last as memories. and a few may last a lifetime. We have what a caring friend you are and how imjXlrtant "brotherhoodn is to you rsonally it is evidence of what we have told you from childh you are gifted with a tremendous heart to share with others.

As you transition out of school and intoadulth we would like you toknowthr things. One. you can do absolutely anything you want to do. Two. we love you and supjXlrt you. And thr your family is proud of you.

Much love,

Your parents and your sister

r Alexis.

TI1c last four years have brought us so much pleasure. We have en pyoo watching you grow into a l:mutiful amfldcnt young woman. As you travel through then xt chapter in your life. rem mber your values. faith. dreams. and {XISSions and make it a purney to remember. We arc very proud of you and all that you have aa:omplishoo so far in your life. We will always be there for you. Lexie. you will always be our little "Ch hie."

We lov you very much!

Mom Dad and Nick

'Tile only pcr<iOn you arc dcstinoo to txmm is the rson you decide to be." -Ralph Waldo Emerson


lfe•ls:>bl tohaveyouasmy n. Youhavebrought my life s:> much happiness, love. and stability. You have taught me just as much as I have taught you about life and love. I admire your murage and mnfld nre. and your integrity is inspiring. I am s:> proud of the man you arc ming.and I want you to always know that no matter wh rc life's winding roads lead you. I will always be here for gilldance and unmnditionallove.

I love you forever.

Mom Austin.

1am very proud and honored to have watched you grow and develop as a young and honorable young man. I have many fond memories as you have brought me s:> much joy and meaning to life u. of your sense of humor. mnfldence. and caring nature. fm s:> cxdtoo for you as you move onto the next journey life as you face new challenges. I am mnfldent you will sua:essful in all you do of your ind nre. detem1ination and strong leadership abilities. luck n.andlwillalways hercforyou. Love.

Alexis Navarr Austin Navarr



Thanks for all of your efforts for the Ac team with JX2CC. love.andgreat adventures. Mrs. Nash

You are one of the smartest pic I have had the honor of knowing. Your ability to work hard amazes me. I wish you all the t luck in your future. -AmalJoy

* pite the fact that you cam to .ton your junior year when friend hips arc already set in stone. you managed to find a place in our hearts with your wit caring nature. and enthusiasm for life. Sahil Sandhu

Duy. you are an intelligent and knowledgable individual Coming to the US takes a lot of murage. and I resprt you for it. Wherever life takes you. I havcmnfldenre you'll find achicvem nt. - Manny Estrella

*When you meet and talk to Duy. h has a mild and enncrgetic aura about him that makes him a great guy. Ac:lk this year with you was a blast -David Baier

It takes a lot of guts and mnfldencr tomme to the US from Vietnam I admire your murage. You are a smart and funny rson Anthony Giaquinto

Samantha Novvak


We arc so proud of everything you have aa:omplished in your first eighteen years. and are esprially proud of the beautiful young woman you have OO:ome. You mntinuc to amaze us with your motivation sense of humor. values. mmpassion and intelligence.]. Johnson said 'The difference n ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra" Samantha you d finitely have that little extra! May the future roods you choose to take lead you to extraordinary and blessed adventures.And'MaytheLordgiveyou th desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed" (Psalm


With much love.

Mom Dad Jessica and Jim


Eversincr the day wcdiscoveroo we were having a baby girl, you have brought such py into our lives. How fortunate we arc to have blessed with such a beautiful daughter as you. You are fun loving and have a 71'S! for life. Your radiant smile. gleaming eye::; and gorgeous hair arc SIJr[XlW'd with the love in your heart, which gives you tru uty. From you have learnoo comJ:Xission and caring for those around you. This love has providoo you with wisdom reyond your years. You have sharoo this wisdom with us and made us JnJple of it. Your understanding will lead you to wonderful opportunities as you make your way in this world. Continue to tum to and h will always take care of you. We could not prouder of you than we arc. and we love you more than you will ever know.

Mom and Dad


You made it

You have workffl for all of your gools and aa:omplishments in this half way pumey. You have a bright future ahead: you u it wisely and continue achieving your gooJs. Always dream big and you will triumphant! Live daily all the great things that life brings. Always stay firm in your You have all it takes to a sumssful man in life. We are very proud of you You are and always will in our hearts!!

Love, Mom, Dad, and of course your sister, Karynne!

Kirsten Olson Kevin Parra

Susa_n Ponczko


We are so proud of you! We arc so exdtoo to see what you will do nextl We wish you many bl ings on your future endeavors.


Mom and Dad

Susan has gifted you with an inner t. gloriou ly out of sync with the rna that you with confidence. faith, and style! We are ndingyou out into the world knowing that you will compissionate. understanding. and helpfuL to th less fortunate. You wills k up for in justire and take action even if you are a lone voice. You lead not byword but by example. 'v\'hen all else fails. you will pray! We are so proud of the faithful. strong. unique. ·ally conscientious young woman you have me. andareexdtooaooutwhat th future holds for our lovely Susan. In the words of one of our faves:

"It may goin' ]ust to do your things

The hardest thing to do

But you've gotta make your own kind of mu ic

Sing your own ·at song

Make your own kind of mu ic

Even if mOOdy else sings alongf'

We love you!

Mom. Dad andMary

Audr y Pf ifer


Well that vvasfast!Wethink tXJckon thcdtildyou were. out Annie.fullofcreltivcgeniusand wis:lom Your incrediblrSI'nseofhurnorand authmticwit area py to lx>hold! You haw grown into a lnlutiful. intPllig('!)t young woman of faith. and we arc so pruud of you. Thank you for using your gifts to rnakr the world a place.

We love you to infinity <md tx'yond. Mom and Dad

fulr Anna

Congratulations! You'rp a grrot sister. We're so grateful for all you do to encouragP us. And that's why we're sorry to inform you that we've derided you11 just havetostayat homr forever. So. SI'C you tomorrow. and every day after that you know. at home. forever.

We love you!

Jack. phia and Luke


'v\'hen you were small. you amai'ro us all with your zest for adventure and your laughs. You lit up a r m with your bright mile and warm heart As you th young man that stands fore u we are once again amazed. There have n many challenges as you grew in spirit and si?..e. I know there were times wh n you vvantcd to give up. We witn you me stronger and more determined with each challenge that was issued. You faced your fear with sheer will and grace. You are somanythingstosomanyJ:mple. Youareyourfather' spride.mother' sheartbrother' s ho forthcfuture.anduncles' andaunts' py.Weall love you measure and feel bl to of your amazing life. Remem r to attack life with your intelligence. and exdtement May mntinue tobl you.

Love, Dad. Mom and

' ; '
Anna Price AndreW' Rangel

Sydney Regalado

Matth w.

As you regin this next chapter in your life. please rememrer how proud wcareoft hemrnpassionate. intelligent and strong man that you have me. Believe in yourself. follow your dreams. and have faith in your abilitie;. v\'herever you go and whatever you do. we hope that your life will filled with love. laughter. and happiness.

Love you always. Dad Morn ChlCX:'. and Hayden


We have been amazed watching you grow into a beautiful strong. and intelligent woman From thedayyou were born. from th very first tirneyou opened your eyes to the world has bl us all with your infectious smile, loving soul k n nse ofhumor.andquick wit. You have shared your many wonderful talentsandq ualities. as you have bl med each day. month. and year.

It is always a wonder to rememrer you taking your first footsteps. cruising around letting go. and off you went..lo running and dribbling down the basketl:xlll rourL and driving carefree around town. Always moving forward. now it· s tim for you to take another step in life. and we are so very exdted for you!

Always true to yourself. and th ky' s th limit.

With all our love.

Morn Dad and n

M tth vv Rapier

AWESOME that's what you are!

Over the years you have brought so mud1 'py to our family and lives that you have touched! Frorn your sense of humor to your sense of romfk!s.< ion. youaresos(ffial insomanyways!You havefacrr.l challenges and prevailed!

We're proud of you and look forward to watching your future unfold. giving you the support you need. and wish you all the happiness you TI1c sky's the limit go for itl


Mom and Dad

'v'Vherever you go: no matter what the weather. you always bring your own sunshine. We are so proud of your aanmplishments. We are thankful to for having a son who has persev red through everything put before him Sahil you have me such an outstanding person and we hor nothing ever changes your light hearted outlook on life. We know for a fact that wherever ou go in life. you will sua:eed while still having that big sm il on your face.


Mom Dad. and Sohani

John R berts
...--1 .•
Sahil Sandhu

Ryan Santarone

Our precious Sarah.

Congratulations! We are very proud of all your hard work. From the day you were oom.you have always had a gift of kindness and rom passion. Watching you grow into a young lady and ing the talents has given you. is a blessing. Use these unique talents to help oth rs and grow closer to GOO. Through life. always stay firm in your Thank you for trnching us so much as parents. The depth of our love and the j:Jy you have given us is immrnsurable. JlHicnt. kind and thankful in life. and you will go far.

All our love. Dad Mom, Veronica ]en and Jared


plaa'd you on this j:Jum y. It has n such a pleasure to guide and watch you grow. You have had your share of struggles and triumphs. but your faith and trust in has sha you into the person you are tcxiay.

Congratulations on rompleting this chapter of your life!! We can't wait to see how the next chapter g I You are oound to do amazing things!

Love and Bless you always. Dad Mom, and Heather

Also_' When you get the choice to sit it out or dance_ I hope you dance_"

S rahS nt


It's truly amazing that very you will re off on your own away at college. and forging a new (XIth for yourself. as a mart We will miss you so much

There isabsolutely no doubt in our minds that you will achieve whatever it is that you t out to accomplish You are intelligent and driven, yet have moxy and street smarts. Remem r that nothing is free. and that you will have to work for everything you get

CDIIcge is such a fantastic time. and we are very excitErl about your u ming _pumey. You will make new friends and IXJSSibly fall in love along theway.justdon' t losesightofyour ultimategool. which is to find som thing that you are fE ionate about. a discipline that will establish your career path

Always remember we love you. and will always re there for you. No matter wh re the rood may take you. we are always by your side.

Your Mom and Dad

Your name means "Vidory of th People. R lute Protedor." You have livoo up to this name with your tireless search forth truth, your enormous compassion and desire to serve your fellow man and your ability to work with others to make th world a tter place. As a natural lead r you have the passion, courage. and determination to stand up for your liefs and to express them with humility and diplomacy.

You have th bi est heart of anyone that we know. These past four years have . n a challenge and a true test ofyourcharader.and you have risen to every iort You are mmfortable in your own skin and confident in your abilities. as you hould .. lnAu you aspire to greatn You have a role to play in shaping a brighter future for mankind. Go forth now and light up the world with the love of Christ, th Word of and the guidanCE of the Holy Spirit

We Love You "Petey."

Mom Katrina Christopher. and Kim rly

c:a.mer n Schueneman
Nicholas William Nicholas Shrum


Weare so proud of all your hard work and aa:omplishmcnts!Wcknow that you will amtinue to do great things in life. Your nseofhumor. intelligencr.Giring for other and !l'l ion for music are all GOO given gifts that Jklrl of your bright future.

Thefu ture is full of wonderful IX>SSibilities. May all of your dreams mme tnJe as you the next Jklrl of your life _pumcy.


Mom Dad and Chris

Emma Soley


You eml:xxly the title of daughter. sister. granddaughter. nicer, musin and a friend smart. loving ffilutiful. adventurous. mrn}Xlssionate. loyal funny. strong warm hearted. l<Xl uadous. ambitious. sweet dreamer. witty. indepmd nt. gool-orientoo. tenadous. hard-working fX!SSionatc. sin<rre. under standing reliable. sociable, loyal. inventive. humorous. easygoing. imaginative. rncr getic. diplomatic. crultive. mnsiderate. trotting. graceful. determined, exuberant. pvial and res(rrtful of the gifts words eml:xxly!

The next chapter of your life now begins. As you turn thepage.youractionswill writeyourown unique and exdtingnarrative. Yourtalewillhavencwadvrntur(!;. amazing successes and learned lessons. You toudtcd our lives starting on that extremely dark. mid. snowy evening. the 13th of january. the luckiest nurnt)2r in our hearts. We cannot wait to watch the nan-alive of Emma unfold. Always know your family and friends will always be closr, to listen and to share in your laughter and your tears. WORDS cannot express how proud we are of you. Our bond is never-ending. We love you.


Dad Morn. and Julian

Juli Silv

Conor.you have grown intoanamazing man that Iam proud toGill my son. YouGillleintothisworld with a hmrt and have grown into a strong. mrnJftSSionatc.GJring.lovingyoung man worthy of the name chosen for you - OJnormcaning ''Strong willed or wise with high desire." I look forwdrd to watching you amtinuc to grow and make your mark on this world

Love always.


Congratulations on your graduation from high words have mme way too fast But you arc now a man oft he world You arc strong. smart. gracious. and salt of the earth. has ch n you for SJrrial things in life that I know you will handle with grace and brilliance. In th tough tcvcntof my m . That will top of mind for me.

K pit going my son. Your proud fath r.


You approoch life with humor. a {X)Sitivcattitudc. and the desire to find adventure. We will always be your roots; u your wings and follow your dreams. We are so proud of you. and we love you v rymudt

-Mom Dad and George

r Sterling
Natasha St pn v1c

To my swccL playful loving. and strong baby girl:

You have brought me such happiness. py. and many laughs. Stay true to your high standards. morals. values. and mnvictions.l am so proud of the young lady you have bemrne. You inspire me to ter rson. I am praying that your future will bring you th sua:ess and happiness you d rve.

I love you. Morn Sarina

You havegrown uptoshow amsideration faith. and an abundance of love in everything you do with your family and friends. I am a proud father. Your :k girl.

Hugs & Ki Eagle. Dad


v\'here has the tim gone? You have truly n a py in our lives. and it has , n a delight to watch you grow and mature into the utiful young woman you have bemme. As you begin your new pumey. we know you can do anything you put your mind to. Ch well and ch .wisely. Never lose your sensr of wonder or your of humor and always remember, "I can do anything through Him who strengthens me" (Philippians 4:13).

Love, Mom and Dad

S nn St k
Magdalene Sullivan. rMa

fu:lr James.

Congratulations! We are so proud ofyou! As we have watchoo you through this j:>urney of life, you have given us ycars of laughter, tears. and much j:>y! Wh n you J:x>gin this next phase of life. remem r that you are loved yond mEaSUre. Hold strong to your faith and always J:x>lieve in yourself] GOO has s ·al plans. Follow your drcarns and dare to do what you J:x>lieve in!


Dad. Morn, and ]arob


All you have throughout your short lifetime has sharm you into th strong wonderful young man you arc today. It has made you strong and given you qualities such as rompa ion for oth rs. rouragc. faith, and p:rseverancc. This is the path GOO has chosen for you. He has a plan for you. and with GOO as your guide your future holds end! {.X)SSibilitics! We love you and arc very proud of the rson you have l:xmme. Have fun; love life!


Morn Dad, and Kaitlyn

"For I know well the plans I have in mind for you. says the Lord plans for your welfare, not for plans to give you a future full ofho "Qeremiah 29:11)

James Terrill Niklaas Thomas


You arc Gal' sgift to us - Our PRIDE and JOY!a talented. considerate. hardworking young man with th world at your finger-tips. Your pumey is just ginning. You have so many fish still waiting to re caught and rare; to re run. Stay steadfast in your faith and pursue your dreams with jliSSion. 'With ALL things are iblc"!

We love you.

Dad. Mom, Luke. and Kendyl

Ryan Trilk

r Ryan.

We love you so much and arc so proud of you! We have en pyoo watching you grow through your high hool years. We will definitely miss watching you play football on Friday nights! We look forward to watching you grow even further as you enter mllege. start a career. and live life to the fullest Vv'hatever you do. you will do it welL


Mom,Dad.and Hail y

"May the Lord bl and k p you. May His facr. shine u n you. Be gradous and give you cr." 6:24

Jac b Th.omp n

To our dearest daughter Marir, TI1rre is an old &ottish saying ''Som things arc felt than telt." As we write this tribute to you. it is hard to th overwhelming love we have for you within our hearts! You have grown into a beautifuL young woman th jXl.St four years at Seton Weare so very proud of all of your aanmplishmcnts and have really en pycd watch ing your in drama and theatrcl 1 know your Papi has , n watching over you these fX!St four years from heaven above and is aIso very proud of th confld nt. mature, young woman you've grown into! As you "embark" UJXln your n w"adventurc"in life.ncverforgetyourfaithand how much lov you! Rem it is not th amount of time given to us h re on Earth that is imJXlrtant, but what we do with it that really counts!

Bless You, Mommy, Daddy. joshua. Nana. Unde Gary. and UndeCarl

Re ie,

You are the light of our life. 'v\o'hat py you bring us when you're playing volleybalL rand just your crazy lf at home. You are confident. kind funny, athletic, smart, and caring. Always reach for the stars u. you long among them Your passion integrity. vibrant spirit will amy you through th next great chapter of your life. AJways rem m r that pie arc life's treasures: stay true to yourself happiness is priceless. We are so proud of you now and always.

Love, Morn Dad and Ally

Regina V nD vender

Zachary Wade


W are so proud ofyou and the utiful woman you have txrorne.Continue to l:x· yourself smart, funny, sensitive, and spiritoo. May the rest of your j:>umey mntinue to bring you happiness and sucx:ess. Your future is in your hands, make th most of it and know that you will do great in your choices. Always stay true to your heart and faith lieve in yourself, o n to new nces. make good choices. proud of your aa:omplishrnents, and embrace love. M&M, all the fun tim · reach trips, being an aunt, tea Jliflies. ice-skating, learning to drive, Cheer & Pam. K p making us proud

May your light always shin brighL so you never lose your way. Have I told you lately that I love you ...

Mom and Dad

To my Sissy ...'The future to those who believe in the OC<Iutyoftheir dreams". I can't wait to what your future holdsl

Love, Sissy


You have workoo so hard in so many ways over the last four years: You have grown into a caring, mmmittoo young man with a strong moral mm{Xlss and outstanding work ethic. Th will serve you well throughout your life.

You are preparing to embark on your next steps in life. You will begin your j:>urney as an adult making your own way in the world. We want you happy. Look inside yourself and identify your {:X!SSions, the things that make your soul sing, and follow the {Xlth where th lead. Live your dreams and don't let anyone a dream stealer!

"Twenty years from now you will more disap in too by the things that you clidn' t do than by th ones you clid do. So throw off the lx>wlines. Sail away from the safe harlx>r. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream Discover."

We love you!

Mom and Dad

Morgan V oorhaar

Weare full oflove,awe.and admiration aswecrlebrate youracromplishrnents.l Iailey. Your leadership strengths. love for oth rs. and ability to light up a room with your smile will take you far in life To we arc proud of you is an understatem nt: we are so v ry proud! We lov you so much and GHmot wait for you to this next d1apter of your life. CD now. do BIG things. and dlase all your dreams: leave your mark on this world. God bless..

With lotsoflove. hugs and a bunch ofk· Lind y. Mom and Dad


Let this your guide ... Faith . Family. Football!

Stand firm in your faith,

Love your Family with all your heart.

And en jJy your pa ion which is FootbalL

You are a Blessing and a Gift.

We Love you and are so Proud of what you have acmmplishOO.

Wishing you success in all you do.

We Love You.

Mom. Dad RacheL and Annie.

Hailey Wilsc:>n Ge rge Wolter

Troy Y oun.gr r1an

Our rest. ahrina.

truly bl . us when h chose us to family. You havclxcna blessing for each of us. Your smile lights up a room when you enter. and your heart radiates kindn and mmpa ion towards everyone you m('('t. Your faith isstrong,and you always tand up for what is right. It isyourtimetopursucyourdmunsand pa ions. and we know whatever path you ch you will be muse will always walk with you.

"lcandoall things through Christ whostrcngth nsmc" (Philippians4:13)

With all of our Love. Alexander. jonathan. Mom. and Thld


The day you were born. our lives were changoo forever. What a wonderful gift from ! You have filloo our home with love. and your unique sense of humor. and have touched so many lives throughout your purn y. You have su<Xl'£rlcd in all things you have set your mind to. So much lies aheadforyou.Manyadventurestocome!Embrace it all. and ide you always. You have grown into such a g heartOO. fun-loving son. uncle. brother. cousin. and grandson.

We are so proud of you, Waminomni!

Love you tons.


W zny


We are extremely proud of who you've me You have . na bundlr.of pysinceyou wercoorn. Your and that generous smile of yours mntinu to bring 'py to pie around you. You're full of amazing ideas and knowlrdgc (our little entrcpren Your {Xltential is endless. Rcmern r :Drl. seek GOD in everything you do. live your life and work hard for your future one day at a time. bless every stepyou for you.


Dad. Morn Sophia madette. and Marrelino

We are :D proud of what you have aa::omplished over the last eighteen years as a student a gymnast a wrestler. an artist, a filmmaker. and the fry guy at Five Guys. But most im rtantly. we are proud of who you are. th. for you are fearfully and wonderfully made. And as you move toward this new chapter of your llfe. know that we are here for you as you write your own story - to ch r for you in your triumphs. pick you up when you fall and laugh with you in your 'py. This is your time. th. Explore. En'py. Dream. Discover. Keep th Faith.

All our love.

Dad. Morn Simon. Nooh. and Nathan

-_-;·,.··1a, ') ' Christian Y usif
Seth Zimmerer

Varsity Foofuill: 1st Row: John Amorosi, Patrick Zach Wade, Aaron Sycamore. Michael Rom ro. Michael Marx 2nd Row: Cory Manning Nicholas Hcxlges. Antonio Carn[Xlnella Logan

Brandon King Brandon Garda Anthony Cook 3rd Row: Jacob

Terrill Matt Al .rs.lliminick Johnson Camerson hueneman

Turner Morris. Manny Estrella Kyle Le re, Austin Navarro 4th Row: James TerrilL Luke Zuluaga Matthew Bresnahan RJ Bailey. \'ictor Stoll Dylan Miles. Kyle Miller 5th Row: Matt Rapier. Zach

Fulmer. George Wolter. Stcph n Fu cr. Ryan Trilk, Garrett

James Franko 6th Row: Cooch King Cooch Dickey. Cooch Golden Cmch Hart. Cooch Bowser

&ys'Gdf lstRow: Cwch M u k.Anlnw l'laz;>a(';u'l:m Michael Mindli.]<uncsSit 'Vt'!l<;llll Roln 1 S.t<'S:oing. Matt. twdh.V.1lliarn ll il1h'r john Engcllx n.AicxGiambblGusWmll U=Country: lstRow: Cm:hOirrll. Elizlh th ID[YZ. LaurenShapiro.}amieCu Trev!ro. AiJen McRcllie-johmn h Halley 2rxl Row: C.mch Kent !Jam Evlsl jake Th::miffi!l. Eduank! Gam2. Cllm Ed<ert JVG!rls'Vdleybill: 1st Row: Marlq:;Ja 2rx!Row: GinaAguiar.Ertra P. rrlcr. Mali A :le. jojo nhard l•• ·trah Kunz 3rd Row: ('mdJ jane;, Cmch Sonia. Elizlh ill l mn ler. Lida. Tr.lllJ, Lauren Taves. lzzy Tr:q>,p,kl. Kirn. Rhctta Futru MaKayla Kra nlf'.r, Cmt:h hOn:hSarn Varsity Vdleybill: 1st Row: Kat Casty. QuistirlC Al " 2rxl Row: Halle johrron. Grnre Millur. KirstenCnmJmlik.Mary Grace Blaser.]asrnlwW 3rdRow: Cmdl]ames.CI h >rlia. Map,p,le ILmington Nimle Kirt'<)'. Ertn G€sickL Rep,g ir \,m ·wrxh,. abnna Wonzy. R!elynlkifmar1 Cmch h. Cm h Silrn
JVRnbill: lstRow: RyonRtxlrlck.IsraeiTrer\] Lopz.BraOOJI ·inrer. at Sulllvan 200 Row: ]e>ySullivan.Aj Zamh ni.jolm Paul P"dSlOil'. Rreil S\\ •'L Za:h MIJCffiSki 3rd Row: Er1c
opOO- Rt•lrlgucz. Uwihln Man rs 4thRow:
jacOO Tmill. Mk:hael Marx. Miditrl RonrnJ. Aaron Syr:umre.AntlllllyG•
Ath le's mer
]V I:Uielbill: lstRow: Kyle KolihtJJ.AlcxGiaaiJ!JlAntlooy 0 Ryan M<Cuvllle Mall Bj>mt 2m Row: J Holtml un Flures.j<ni!FaulkrrT, )arobTen1ll.LukeZuluaga.Austin Hpmlk.llt Snul· u1 :h miC!t Van;ttylloyS'Sam: lstRow: GrlJ >1 Lawlor,l.uke fusliililMrhael Marx.Brankm
"IX.m't aspire to lX' thf• t .I on tile tmm Aspire the t t fc)r th tmm" Radll'l Wolter '17 "Life is like scxrer: YOl: NEEDGOAI.Sr Lucas VanCommt '16
Alli'iln jonathan WoZily. Alex;ulle! Wozny. jams Mrmn 2rd Row: l·niliy Alexauler Matt P'dbsl. Joltn KouVI:tlkls. Wf'S lhmlmul Loo!s Van\nmnllau. tttGllch Bu&l

"Champiolli do not nmechamplons when they Wlll the C¥ nt but in the hours. rnonthsand years Ihey jX'IId pr-eJnring for it"

Sergio Olavez '15, State Olampion

1st Peri I is won by ted licia.It TI1e 2r Kl Is won by tl1e kid in II<t] 11 3rd l<; won by the kid the bigg t heart."

Quentin Hovis '17 State Cllamplon

"TI1e rrn;t meroorable rooment for me !his n v. walking out onto the mat form) finals match m front of a full arena It 'WaS one of the craz.ie;t frelings I have ('Vel" exp 'Iiernrl. Rt'Sides winnurg my stat titl • - Br:ank:ln Kom:ny '17. State Cllampkln

V3Ilillty fuys'Risketl:nll lstRow: Cmnmarrler King. Br<Kl Pinter 211! Row: jakP Ruett1",}ohn Nooh Williams. Nik TIXltllaS.Garrett Boyd. ]ai111'5 Franko. Br.rlert Mtttun]onathan Magnus. Troy Yoongman Carnn PlnH·r Lu 1hllliJH>Il Konrdd Wlll Hi<·ttt·r jVfuys'SooEr: TarlNa'i Kuil<ani. EricFell]tre l...op20!vil Mu<'ller, R ·n Mex1 211l Row: Ethan Shewbrilgr. Eduardo Gamez. Matthew Harris.. Dillon Shipley. &Kkl VarsityGlrl5!UiftOOil lst Row: LeeAnrl> Wirth. Sarah &rrein · E7P. W Uz Holter, jenn Winh 211! Row: Cm:h Tate. Cm:h Ken:lall Kn:k. Crurmey Kre:hL Sydney Regalah Kaitlin Arrorosi. Ky VanAP.rlale. Cluislire Aguiar. Hailey W King Fre;hman ImmiJ: !stRaiN: Mmrk:lo Vegan!ln V.'h!tmin'.MJcmcl lll Masin I lxmmic Sycarmre. Ryan Wesliey. ·Cardena.-;. 2rxl RaiN: Cffi:h Kenny. Mu.alcll Munhk ]<nil Helm;. MacCDJ!lH'.]akobGryskiev.'k:z. MaX'Mi! MlX'hihau.'l.'ll Mt10n GdtCooch Hollow
JV Sd'tb!ll: 1st RaiN: MrokjlX' V.ti•T.OI!v!a Carnph U. Fva Tmn. Tort RarnleZ 2rxl RaiN: Ella Mary Fugger. Ernrm SlcirJm" 3rd RaiN: Sc¢la Prornjxl!laS Agr'f5. Katie F\>g!Jes.llarmah &lie Merkel je;sk;!Lop7. rah Uurda 2rxl RaiN: J)Jmynyq ue &m Lauwn Fahy .l.aun ullrake. Arma Cnnab!ttrte 3rd RaiN: Halle I.a::ker Rill jackie Tran

'Tennis (not pictura:l}

Adam Bender, Noah

Q)rnpanik Connor D:movan

Matt Duplissa, Cj Espiritu, Cameron I larnilton Reagan

MerkeL Jacob Pretzman

Luke Ralston, jake Swcador, aron Sycamore. ja n Tan

ChamJX!gne. Maria Chiaradonna Roman ro. Thirnult laney ndy.D::>miniq ue Nicholas furoz. Brian Dunn Chris Eckert Konrad Ez.c. m Flores. Brian Freidho( Eduardo Gamez. Brandon Carica Garza Felida Gass. Emma Gillette. Alan Griffieth. Anthony Hamrick, Cole Hamln Kaelan Hayes. Sierra Hendershot Lexi Hill Nicholas Hodges. Max Hoffman Rielyn Hoffman CJ Holton fuminick Johnson Brendan Klein] Kouvetakis, Wiktoria Latocha Kevin Lawlor. Connor ill>, Brianna Lind Eliza th Steven Lo z. Erin Mager. Cory Manning. Cabriel Aid n McRobbie ]o n Ro rt Mead. ]ash Merrer. Haden Meyers. Grare Milhone. Kendra Milhone. Thlvid Mueller. Thlni Peter.nn Andrew Poweleit Brain Pulley. Michell Quezada Man Rapier. Lora lee Raiding. Ja<XI ueline n Rodriguez. nna Rusn Sarah Sant Abigail r. Rachel If. Lauren Shapiro. Myles Shelton. Ethan Shewbridge. Evan Shewbridge, Dillon Shipley. Nate Sullivan

Jennifer Tavanl Mason Toyne. Briana Trevine. Catherine Waypa Christopher Y !))WOS. Luke Zuluaga

Cooches: Darby. Crichlow. Holter. Farlow. Anthony. Nowak, Nowak

Varstty lstRow: Metoyer.Abds avarro. Ha!leyV.ilson.AshleyCardenas.OIIvla Burdi:k 2rxl Row: lAuren Shlrley. Olivia CamJix 11 Samml. Mari Frres 3nl Row: Mooijue Weh ,., Kaltlin Arrr:ro>l. Mary Gl<l!l' Bla'i'r, l Macl<enl2e IJmey Wilsm Track and Raste1: Juan Arosta Miles Adams. Paige Allen Axenia Alo. Lily Arama Kyle At:kim:Jn RJ Bailey. Luke Bastian Dalton Beach, Clartse ton Ma . Buessing. Quinn Burdick, Joanie Ca.ros:!llo. Patrick


The 2015 ntinel Yearl:xJok was creat by the yearl:xJok staff at Seton Catholic Preparato in Chandler, AZ. This l:xJok was printed by Iostens, Inc, using Yearl:xJok Avenue, Replayit Adobe Photoshop, and Survey Monkey. Th theme of the the yearl:xJok was chosen by the 2014 Staff. The yearl:xJok adviser is Mrs. and staff includes Madeline Mclmn (editor in-chief), Maggie Harrington (srnrts editor), Ana Falls (senior tributes editor), Maggie Sullivan (JX)rtraits editor), Olivia Burdick (reference editor), BrookeBlumling (student life editor), Alexis:&rerril (academics editor)and Christian Yousif (photography editor). The cover was designed Ewan Lily Aramaand Natasha Stojmovic from Graphic ign. The colors used in this l:xJok are rainfor t guava , organic slate, black and white. The text was printed in A YTR tum t o Eart hAYf G<Xxl Name and 5IYT ![{orence Scriptin various JX)int sizes. This l:xJok was prcxiuced with digital photos taken by staff memberS, faculty, parents and other volunteers.

Special Thanks

The yearl:xJok staff would like to thank all of the parents, faculty, studentS, and volunt rs who provided pictures for the yearl:xJok We would esJffially like to thank Mrs. Engelrert Mr. ROOriguez, Mrs. FriOOl Mr. Tole,Mr. Foor, Mrs. Gernun and Mrs. Taylor.

We would also like to thank lamar Studios for proving all of the srnrts team pictureS, school protraits, and the senior class picture. Your dedication to Seton is greatly appreciatedl


Meet the Staff

A Letter From the Editor

I would like to thank all of the 2015 yearbook staff mem rs for all they contributed to the making of this book Without all of the dedication and creativity this yearbook would not great as it is tcxiay. Th th me of this yearbook, Legacy,was chosen Seton celebrated its 60th anniversary this year. In our book, we tried to show you how much Seton has grown as a community in the past 60 years. Seton is filled with many traditions that we the community will continue. As niors, we are leaving it up to the underclassmen to continue to make Seton the great it is. Uphold the legacy! We have worked very hard with long days and a lot of candy. We youenpy! Madeline


Abele, 12, 31, 32, 41, 80, 150

Acosta. juan 19, 38, 60, 84, 86, 155

dams, 7 2, 151, 1 'iS

,\gnes 1ary sa 7 2, 1 51, 1 54

gUlar, Chri;tine 5, 12, 14. 42, 48, 62, 65, 80, 81 83, 150, 153

guiar, Gina 5, 12, 30, 42. 43, 62, 65, 80 81, 83, 150

gutlar, Paula 7 2

hlemeier, 3 7, 48, 51, 53, 59, 60,61,64,65,84,85,86

le ander, Manfred 65, 80

limusa, _72

lien. Benjamin 80

lien, Daniel 76

lien, joseph 63, 67, 87

lien, Madi on 66, 72

Allen, Paige 19, 63, 80, 155

Alii on, Brandon 76

lo, xenia 19, 45, 50, 67, 69, 72, 75, 155

lpers, Matthe\\ 80, 150

Ambrosia, Thaliajo 8, 54, 80, 83. 150

moro i, john 39, 53, 54, 56, 61, 84, 85 87, 150,155

Amorosi, Kaitlin 14, 17, 48, 56, 59, 66, 80,81,83, 153,155

ngelo, Mackenzie 36, 80, 83

nthony, Thomas 10, 70, 150

ntram, Brianna 10, 25, 27, 42, 64, 65, 84,85,88,150

rama, LilyCath rine 5, 43, 48, 55, 62, 65,67,84,88.155

Ariola, Alexis 28, 67, 76

Arse ul ratne, Mac y 26, 66, 67, 72, 73, 74

Arty, Kristi 32, 33, 42, 47, 48, 60, 63, 6 7 89

tkinson, K)-le 65, 72. 1 51, 155

A line, Chri 33, 40, 41, 42, 45, 70

BBaier, David 66, 89

Bailey IV, Richard 30, 34. 80, 150, 155

Barcello, Sarah 14, 72, 153

Barker, Bridger 5, 20, 30, 38, 40, 42, 47, 50,51,54,80,153

Barnhouse, Grace 9, 72. 151

Bart n, jack 50, 70

Bartolotta Gricuna , Evan 57, 72, 151

Barto lotta-Gricunas, Gianna 21, 36, 52, 53,54,57,84,90, 154

Bartoszek, Zachary 65, 76, 154

Ba ttan, Luke 11, 65, 66, 76, 155

Bayda, Cas idy 43, 62, 90

Beach,Robert35,62,66,80, 155

Beard, jacob 80

Beattte, Cameron 43, 80, 154

Beatty, Quentin 70

Becerril, Alexi 91, 157

Bell, Amanda 33, 70

Bender, Adam 72

Bender, Erica 62, 64, 80, 150

Bensman, ja on 80

Betlach, Andrew 13, 45, 80, 82, 83, 154

Bitler, Robert 39, 51, 70

Bjornholt, Au tin 34, 76

Bjornholt, Matthew 76

Bla er, Mary Grace 5, 12, 14, 17, 50, 64, 76, 150, 155

Blumling, Breanna 55, 57, 72, 73

Blumling. Brooke 26, 42, 48, 49, 51, 55, 57,62,64,67,84,91, 157

Boardman, We'>ton 18, 24, 2 'i, 62, 6l. 65,80.154

Bo tto. Dennis 70

Bohata, Charle 62, 72

Bono, Domynyque 21, 42, 64, 80, 1 54

Dally 14 29, 65, 80

Bo ton-Maroe, Clari>e 7 2. 15 5

Bou-Ghazale Carine 63, 7 2

BO\\ er, Rex 6, 7, 39, 70, 150

Boyd. Garrett 6, 65, 80, 150, 153

Boyle, lan-Thoma 80

Breen, je i a 30, 70

Brennan, Cole 30 7 2, 151

Bre nahan, Matthew 36, 69, 80, 150, 155

Britton, Madi on 85, 92

Brockert, Colton 53, 55, 60, 61, 62, 92

Bruggeman, Zachary 42, 55, 80, 83

Budinger, Ma kenzte 17, 43, 65, 66, 80,82,83,155

Bue>'>lng, Robert 72, 150, 155

Buher, Pre le 29, l2, 38, 43, 65, 76, 79

Buneo. Ceceilia 31, 80, 151

Burdick. Olivia 5, 17, 34, 42, 54, 57, 67, 84,93 155,157

Burdick, Quinn 11, 19, 22, 24, 47, 57, 72, 155

Burn Karli 22, 24, 76

Bustos, Hannah 8, 38, 68, 84, 93, 150, 151

cCampanella, Antonto 6, 7, 49, 53, 59, 61' 84, 85, 94, 150

ampbell, Logan 6, 16, 39, 41, 42, 48, 49, 51' 54, 57, 61, 65, 84, 85, 94, 150, 155

ampbell, Olivia 17, 55, 57, 65, 69, 76, 79,154,155

ampb II, Rachel 39, 61, 95 amptell, Thea 33, 76, 79

Cardenas, A hley 5, 17, 26, 30, 37, 38, 42,48,54,56,64,67,84,95. 155

Cardenas, Jose 35, 47, 56, 66, 72, 151, 152, 154

Caro ello, Joante 11, 63, 80, 83, 150, 155

Carpenter, Kathy 70

Carpenter, Ken ""0

Carrieres, Mary 18, 55, 76, 77

aru o, Tiffany 62, 80

Ca ey, Kathleen 5, 12, 62, 64, 65, 67, 80,150

Casillas Galvan, France ca 24, 72

Casilla , Alexis 8, 76, 151

hacon, Mariana 48, 60, 62, 64, 65, 84,85,96

hampagne, Patrick 43, 62, 63, 80, 155

Chan, Catherine 62, 80

harles, Kayla 63, 65, 72 havez, Adrienne 57, 72

Chavez, Maya 24, 25, 57, 85, 96

Cha\ez, Sergio 5, 20, 47, 51, 54, 67, 84, 97, 153

hiaradonna, Maria 76, 155

Chinchilla, Eric 72, 151, 152

Chiu, Wen 62, 70 iferno, Jeffrey 76 irino, Melissa 72

Clinch, Dennis 32, 70, 150

Cohn, Patrick 26, 65, 76, 77, 154

Collins, Patricia 49, 70

ollins-Merkel, Sheri 70

Compan i k, Kirsten 5, 12, 80, 150

C omp,mik oah 7 2

Com ha. Reagan 80, 1 51

Conrad, McKenna 8, 29, 3'i, 38, 55, 65, 69, 80, 83, 151

ook. nthony 7, 13, 15, 26, 37, 42, 43, 64, 65, 81, 83, 1 50, 1 51, 154

oomer, Michael 72, 1 54 ortabitarte, Anna 21, 48, 64, 6'i. 67, 76, 154

Cortez. Benjamin 27, 33, 37, 48, 64, 65,66,76, 79

outure, Mady;en 45, 69, 72

outure, Michelle 42, 50, 65, 81, 151

raig, Ahsia 37, 48, 63, 64, 65, 84, 85, 97

reech, Tyler 24, 72 ress, oah 29, 66, 98 rosser, Austyn 72

Cunha, athaniel 35, 63, 65, 76, 154 urttn, colt 66, 72, 75

Curti>, Robert 42, 51, 70 usimano, jason 42, 62, 63, 65, 81, 83 zerniski, Brooke 26, 31, 54, 62, 64, 65, 76, 78


Daily, jacob 62, 72

Danielson, justine 26, 64, 65, 76, 151

Darby, Thomas 32, 70

Davtd, Karen 34, 66, 72

Davts, Bryce 81

Daw on, Bailee 24, 25, 33, 51, 53. 54, 62, 63,64,66,98

D aro, Roman 72, 151, 155

Decker, Todd 70, 71

DeGuzman, Maria Isabella 22, 24, 25, 26,27,42,48,63,64,65,85,99

Deluca, Elena 72

Dempsey, Sarah 76

D namiel, Thibault 27, 33, 63, 76, 155

Dendy, Delaney 63, 81, 155

DeRose, Dominique 26, 64, 73, 155

Derr, Alicia 65, 76, 151

Detente, Dominick 65, 80, 81

Dtaz, Gabrielle 99

Dteterle, Jacob 62, 76

Dirrigl. Karen 70

Do, Thy I Annie) 63, 73

Doak, Stephen 66, 81, 84, 154

Dodaro. Beth 70

Dolce. Vincent 5, 20, 54, 67, 76, 153

Donovan, Connor 81

Doroz, ichola 23, 65, 73, 155

Dorsey, Kohl 26, 43, 47, 53, 62, 65, 66, 81, 155

Downey, james 62, 73

Drake, Lauren 21, 3 7, 42, 64, 81, 154

Duggan, Madison 43, 63, 66, 73

Dunn, Brian 47, 49, 73, 75, 151, 155

Dunn, on nor 16, 100, 155

Duplissa, Matthew 26, 81

EEcheveste, Alicia 57, 66, 73

Echeveste, Emily 38, 53, 57, 100

Eckenrode, Emily 81

Eckert, hristopher 11, 73, 74, 150, 155

Elkins, Kaylen 8, 80, 81, 82, 83, 150

Engelbert, john 10, 13, 15, 43, 50, 64, 81,82,150,153,154

Err an, Victoria 26, 38, 63, 64, 101

Espiritu, Christopher 81

Esposito, Bob 70

Estrada Montijo, Valeria 62, 76

f 'lrt>ll,l, )P'u' Manny h, 1h, 49, 51, 66, ll4,8'i,IOI,150, l'i'i

Eubanb. Rhetta 'iO. 64, 65, 68, 76, 150

Evan,, K,Hhleen 70, 71

Evl'ton, I tam 11, 7l, 1'iO, 1'i2

h\an, 55, 6 'i, 84, 102

Eze, Chelsey 14, 48, 'i 5 56, 61, 6 'i, 84, 85, 102, 153

Eze, Konrad 15, 19, 27, 29, 51, 54, 56. 60. 84, 85, 103. 15l. 1'i'i

Ez ' icole 56, 73


Fahy, Lauren 9, 21, 42, 62, 64, 65, 81, 83, 1 '> 1, 154

Fall>, Ana;ta'>la 48, 54, 62, 84, 103, 157

Farester-Aivarez, Lauren 42, 81

Faulkner, jacob 15, 65, 69, 76, 77

Feil, Eric 65, 73, 1 '> l

F •ndon, William 73

Fernandez-Prado, e;ar 104

Ferrantelli, onnor 67

Ferreira, joseph 57, 104

Fcrretra, Rachel l2, 57, 76

Ferris, Lind ey 76

Files, Moira 81, 151

Flores, Marisela 1 7, 65, 69, 76, 79, 150, 155

Flores, Salvador 50, 55, 64. 65, 76, 77, 155

Foor, Clarisa 64, 70, 71

Foor, Michael 65, 70

Frable, Matthew 37, 70

Fraher, Kailey 65, 81, 150

Franko, james 13, 61, 85, 105, 150, 153, 154

Fraser, john 32, 81

Freer, hrista 8, 30, 3 l. 48, 105, 150

Freidhof, Brian 6 3, 65. 76, 155

Friedl, Alexand r 16, 42. 44, 52, 53, 56, 76,84, 106,155

Fnedl, Eric 26, 28, 50, 56, 69, 77, 154

Fry, William (Liam) 106

Fugger, Mary Rose 50, 55, 56, 64, 69, 72,73,151,154

Fugger, Stephen 6, 7, 28, 41, 42, 51, 53, 56,59,61,84.85,107, 150

Fulmer, Zacharv 4. 6, 60, 84, 85, 107, 150

GGalvan Ill, Richard 63, 77

Gamez, Eduardo 11, 62, 81, 150, 1 53. 155

Gamez, Gabriella 12, 62, 63, 67, 73, 151

Garcia, Brandon 6, 19, 41, 42, 43, 47, 48,49, 55,64,65,80,81,83,84, 150, 1 'i4, 155

Gareta, jacob 5, 20, 54, 67, 73, 153

Gareta, ja mtne 8, 42, 54, 68, 69, 80, 81,83,150,151

Garlid, Erick 62, 77, 151

Garlid, Michaelll, 55, 63, 64, 81, 83. 154

Garrison, Tylor 18, 48, 65, 76, 77

Garza, assandra 65, 77, 155

Ericca 25, 43, 73, 151

Gass, Felicia 63, 65, 77, 155

Gehret, icole 5, 10, 11, 50, 55, 64, 65, 77, 150

Gertson, Shelby 9, 55, 64, 65, 77, 151

Gesicki, Erin 5, 12, 23, 3 7, 54, 65, 84 108, 150

Giawbbi, Alt>x.1nder 77, 1 )0

G1aqumto, l b J, 66, 108

Gille\ple, 13, 81, 154

G1llette C1llan 65, 84, 109

(,dlette, EmnM 22, :.14, 25, 51, fd, 6'5, 66, 84, 85, 109, 151

Gofi. 7 3, 1 54

Gonzalez, Matthew 4l, 65, 81

Gorman Jr., Patnck '55, 66, 73, 75, 151, 152, 154

Gorman, Molly 70, 71

Cornall, Mallory 73

Gottschalk, Cole 77, 1 51

Kyle lO, 73

Amrit 81

Griffieth, Alan 19, 77, 155

Griff1th, Elizabeth 70, 71

Grindey, juli<' 70

Grootego 'd, Lindsey 26, 51, 64, 65, 77

Gryskiewitz, Jakob 64, 65, 73, 154

HHager, Hannah 42, 63, 81

Ham, Taylor 30, 77

Hamilton, ampron 65, 73

Hammer. Emily 11 0

Hamrick, Anthony 73, 151, 15 5

Hanson, Ca sandra 31, 77, 151

Hanson, ole 55, 73, 152, 155

Harrington, Mary 5, 12, 41, 42, 46, 49, 55,61,64,65,84,85, 110,150,157

Harris, Matthew 73, 153

Hart, Steve 28, l2, 48, 70, 71, 150

Harvan, Mikayla 8, 26, 42, 43, 81, 151

Hastings, Claudia 26, 55, 77

Hayden, Avery 8, 36, 48, 54, 61, 64, 111, 150, 151

Hayes, Kaelan 41, 6l, 64, 65, 84, 111, 155

Helms, Jacob 73, 154

Hemmgway, Vincent 9, 73, 151

HendeL hot, ameron 62, 66, 81

Hendershot, ierra 73, 155

Hen on, Lindl y 70

Hernandez, Eli a 73

Hi1tt atalya 81

H1etter William 10, 15, 51, 62, 112, 150,153,155

Higinbotham, Samuel 13, 77, 154

Higuera, Brandon 77, 154

Hiii.Aiexis63, 73, 74,151,155

Hill. Karen 70

Hillebrand, an 70

Hiller Karen 36, 70

Hoang, Mike 66, 81

Hodget Bridget63,64, 73,151

Hodges, i holas 4, 5, 23, 40, 62, 64, 65, 85, 112, 1 50, 15 5

Holt, Olga 35, 66, 67, 70

Hottman, Elizabeth 5, 12, 19, 48, 53, 55,56,84, 113,150,155

Hoffman, joseph 7, 30, 56, 62, n, 151, 155

Hollerbach, Pamela 70

Holter, Elizabeth 14, 38, 51, 55, 65, 77, 153

Holton Jr., hristopher 15, 26, 65, 77, 155

Horn. Ryan 70

Hovis, Quentin 20, 54, 76, 77, 153

Huentelman, Donald 70 J

]dcque , Katrina 63, 77

john,on, Oomin1ck 6, 19, 39, 5 J, 84, 85, 113, 1 50, 155

john on, Halle 5, 12, 6:.1, 68, 81, 150

joy, Amal 40, 66, 67, 114


Kaga oft. Sarah 48, 114

Kelly Moira8,69,81,1')0, 151

Kenneally jr, john 18, 81

Kenneally, Charlotte 8, 7 3, 151

Kim, Megan 65, 77, 79, 1 50

K1m, Yoon·Jeong 65, 77

King, Brandon 6, 36, 41, 42, 54, 61, 84, 85, 115, 150, 155

King, Commander 15

Kinsey, 5, 12, 47, 50, 5l, 59, 84, 115, 150

Kittilson, Michael 16, 73, 151, 154

Klee, Alexander 50, 56, 6 J, 65, 76, 77, 154

Klee, Andrew 16, 30, 3 :.1, 56, 60, 62, 63,64,65,84,85, 116,155

Klein, Brendan 73, 151, 155

Knecht, Courtney 14, 55, 67, 77, 151, 153

Kochis, Leah 70

Kohl, jennifer 70

Kolibosk1, Kyle 77, 154

Kommsk1, 62, 63, 65, 116, 155

Konecny, Brandon 5, 20, 28, 54, 69, 76, 77, 78, 153

Kos1sky, ju tin 34, 47, 48, 81, 83

Koszarek, D vin 81

Koszarek, Quintin 73

Kouvetakis, jo eph 18, 81, 15 5

Kramer, MaKayla 12, 55, 65, 77, 150

Krick Kendall 153

Krzmarz1 k, ynthia 8, 73, 1 51

Dominic 77, 154

Kubasak, ynthia 33, 64, 67, 70

Kuikahi, Kalei 8, 42, 63, 64. 81, 150

Kuikahi, Kana'i 73

Ku1kah1 Kana'i 153

Kulak, Maxwell 73, 151

Kunz, Sarah 25, 34, 63, 81, 1 50

Kunze Benjamin 74

LLHeureux, ynthia 82

Lacy, jacob 74

Larsen, Patrick 6, 7, 55, 84, 85, 117, 150

Larus o, Gabrielle 8, 36, 48, 49, 54, 56, 60, 64, 84, 117, 150, 1 51

Larusso, Mason 16, 30, 55, 56, 74, 154

Lasota, Alison 32, 49, 65, 69, 77, 79, 150

Latocha, Wiktoria 35, 43, 63, 64, 65, 77, 79. 155

Latocha, Zuzanna 62, 6l, 64, 66, 67, 82

Lawlor Kevin 50, 77, 155

Leach, Benjamin 22, 24, 25, 27, 56, 63, 65, 77

Leach. Genevi ve 22, 24, 25, 27, 36, 118

Lecker, Halle 8, 26, 74, 151

Lee, ar on 10, 74, 75, 150, 152

Lee, on nor 11, 66, 82, 15 5

Lepore, Kyle 41, 42, 85, 118, 150

Li, jingjun 62, 63, 82

LindBrianna63, 155

Lopez, Elizabeth 11, 66, 7 3, 74, 150, 155

Lopez, jessica 21, 48, 57, 60, 62, 85, 119, 154

l opeL, jose 41, 4 5, 57, 66, 77, 1 51, 1 ') l

Lopez, Stephanie 67, 74, 151

Lope7 Steven 5, 11, 82, 150, 155

Lut hett1, Man sol 74

jaydon 74, 151, 152

Lutes-Adlhoch, MacKinley 8, 55, 64, 65,68,82,150

Lynch, Jo eph 11 'J

MMager, Erin 56, 67, 74, 155

Mager, Thomas 30, 56, 61, 62, 6 3, 65, 85, 120

Magg1o, Sydney 74, 151

Magnu jonathan 62, 120, 153

Maher, Katherine 42, 53, 54, 59, 60, 62, 64, 84, 85, 121

Maldonado, Heber 18, 77

Manella, Danielle 18, 63, 67,74

Manning, Cory 34, 82, 150, 155

Manygoats, Davidson 5, 54, 67, 77, 151

Marchello, Mackenzie 65, 77

Martinez, Brandy 71

Martinez, Cabriel 31, 66, 82, 155

Marx, M1chael 7, 39, 77, 150, 151

Mason, Samantha 77, 151

Mayfield, justin 74

Mayo, Matt 48, 71, 151

Mazza, Gabriella 33, 42, 44, 49, 53, 62, 64, 121

McAuliff, jacqueline 63, 122

McBryan, Teresa 62, 65, 122

Me arville, Ryan 36, 41, 45, 65, 77

Me leery, Ivy 63, 74

Me orm1ck, jame 22, 24, 25, 26, 54, 61,63,64,84,85, 123

McDonough, Michael 9, 42, 62, 63, 65,123,151

Mclean, Madeline 10, 18, 26, 32, 39, 41,43, 50, 53,55, 59,60,61,62,64, 67,84, 124,150,157

Me ally, Mikayla 64, 74, 151

McRobbie-johnson, Aiden 11, 82, 110, 155

Mead. Emily 62, 64, 65, 66, 82

Mead. Mlchael31, 71

Mead. Robert 74,151,153,155

Medina. Siarra 82

Mendoza, Zackary 26, 78, 151

Mercer, joshua 65, 74, 151,155

Merkel, Hannah 73, 74, 154

Merkel, joseph 65, 82

Metoyer, Megan 17, 33, 54, 61, 85, 124, 155

Meyers, Haden 72, 74, 151, 152, 155

Mikaelian, Matth w 34, 82

Mile , Dylan 85, 125, 150

Milhone, Grace 5, 12, 19, 55, 78, 150, 155

M1lhone. Kendra 63. 64, 82

M1ller Kvle 85, 125, 150

M1lyard, 1nfa 18, 7 4

Minatogawa, Teresa 71

Minelli, Michael 10, 126, 150

Mittun, Braden 15, 39, 82, 153, 154

Molina. Cienna 63, 64, 82

Molloy Kelly 22, 64, 65, 78

Montero Patricia Y abel 63, 78

Moore, Christopher 71

Moore, Cooper 50, 62, 76, 78

Morns, Turner 85, 126, 150, 155

Morse, Ja on 24, 25, 82

Mucenski Zachary 78, 151

Muehlhausen, Maxv\ II 74, 154

Mueller, David 66, 7 4, 153, 155

Mullin, j rry 17, 71

Murdock, Me al ·b 74, 151, 154

Murray, Cheyenne 64, 82, 83


aldo, Sarah 21, 62, 64, 65, 82, 1 54

ash, Patricia 66, 71

'avarro, Alexis 17, 38, 56, 127, 155

avarro, Austin 6, 16, 29, 48, 49, 54, 65,67,84.85,127, 150,154,155

avarro, jacob 30, 36, 82, 154

avarro, , icholas 25, 56, 63, 67, 78

eumann, Anna 65, 78

'wman, Blake 16, 82, 155

guyen, Danvy 43, 62, 66, 74

guyen, Duy 35, 66, 67, 128

imsger, Tyler 55, 74

orton, Elijah 82

Noudali, Robin 63, 71

owak, james 33, 43, 65, 82

owak, Michelle 71

Samantha 54, 62


O'neill, Bndget 30, 70, 71

Olivares, Raphael 66, 82

Oliv r, Dominique 54, 64, 65, 78, 151

Olivieri, Barbara 71

Olson, Kirsten 23, 42, 43, 54, 62, 65, 66,84,85,129

Osterday, Paula 71 p

Pab t, Kirsten 62, 78

Pab t, Matthew 18, 82

Pacheco, Anthony 82

Padilla, Crist1an 78

Panlener, jad 8, 26, 41, 48, 49, 55, 62, 65, 69, 82, I SO, 151

Paredes Andrea 74, 151

Parra, Kevin 38, 55, 60, 61, 84, 85, 129

Parson , Irene 78

Part1da. lvonneck 45, 74

Pastore, john Paul 78, 151

Pattock, Beth 49, 71

Pear on, Mary 63, 71

Peck, Davis 82

Pegues, Katherine 65, 74, 154

Perez, Brianna 8, 26, 34, 54, 63, 64, 69, 78,150,151

Peter on, onnor 66, 82

Peterson. Danielle 27, 33, 78, 155

Peterson. jack1e 71

Pfaitenberger, Miranda 67, 74, 151

Pfeifer, Audrey 22, 24, 25, 27, 42, 48, 61' 65, 84, 85, 130

Pham, Paul 78

Piazza, Andrew 10, 78, 150, 154

Pinter, Carson 65, 76, 78, 153

Pinter, Kelsey 26, 51, 64, 74

Plichta. jacob 32, J6, 47, 69, 80, 82, 154

Polanco, Rolanda 63, 71

Ponczko, usan 26, 48, 65, 85, 130

Pongracz Anna 21, 35, 43, 81, 82, 83, 151

Andrew 19, 78, 155

Pretzman. Elizabeth 12, 73, 74, 151

Pretzman, jacob 65, 82

Price, Anna 22, 24, 42, 54, 131

Prompona , Sophia 63, 64, 65, 74, 154

Pugliese, Vine nt 62, 74

Pulley, Bnan 74,151,155 Q

Quezada, M1chelle 63, 65, 78, 155

Rafiord. Claire 4 3, 65, 78, 151

Ralston. Lucas 27, 78

Ramirez, Victoria 74, 151, 154

Ramos, Madeleine 9, 62, 64, 66, 82, 151

Randolph, Thomas 13, 82, 154

Rangel, Andrew 9, 37, 57, 63, 65, 85, 131 151

Rangel, Gabriel 9, 33, 45, 57, 66, 67, 74, 151

Rapanut, Kimberl} 63, 64, 65, 81,82

Rapier, 53, 54, 62, 84, 85, 132, 150, 155

Rayburn, IIi on 8, 26, 51, 64, 82, 150, 151

Redding. Loralee 18, 62, 74, 155

Regalado, Sydne 14, 43, 48, 50, 65, 84, 85, 132, 153

Reichman, Sarah 54, 78, 151

Richard, David 71

Ri hel, Marie Theresa 71

Rivera, Elisa 21, 62, 63, 78, 151, 154

Roberts, john 67, 133

Roberts, Kacee 24, 62, 65, 82

Rodnck. Ryan 28, 39, 78, 151, 154

Rodriguez, Chri topher 65, 78, 151

Rodriguez, jacqueline 74, 151, 155

Rodriguez, Sean 30, 1 51, 155

Rodnguez, Tere a 71

Rojas, Catalina 24, 65, 78

Romero, Michael7, 32, 82,150,151

Ruchen ky, Lucille 71

Rueter, jacob 15, 23, 43, 80, 82, 153

Ru nock, Deanna 29, 63, 66, 74, 151, 155

Russell, Daria 78

Ryan, Siu-Ling 71


Saiz, john 82

Salahi, Samia 26, 27, 37, 62, 63, 78

Salazar, Isabel 66, 71

Sallurday, Emilee 5, 21, 64, 65, 67, 78, 154

Samuels, Emily 10, 83, 150

Sanchez, Rebecca 71

Sanders, Cecilia 31, 62, 71

Sandhu, Sahil 62, 63, 65, 66, 133, 151

Sandomir, Mary jo 65, 71

Sant, jared 57, 75

Sant, Sarah 37, 42, 54, 57, 61, 84, 85, 134, 155

Santarone, Ryan 16, 48, 51, 53, 59, 84, 134, 155

Santiago Ill, Marvin 42, 47, 83, 154

Scandura, joanne 5, 67, 71

Schanberger, Schuyler 31, 62, 64, 83

Scheer, Craig 65, 83, 154

Schoenhardt, Anna 67, 75

Schoenhardt, Rebecca 42, 83, 150

Schroeder, Abigail 14, 65, 83, 155

Schroeder, Elizab th 65, 78, 79, 150

Schroeder, Michael 83

Schueneman, Cameron 39, 55, 84, 85, 135, 150

Schwab, Matthew 26, 78, 150

Scott, ian 18, 83

Self, Rachel63, 66, 75, 151, 155

Serrano, Alexandra 83, 150

Shapiro, Lauren 11, 19, 39, 50, 55, 65, 78, 150,155

Shaughnessy, Teague 66, 75

Shelton, Myles 34, 50, 63, 64, 75, 152, 155

hewbndge, Ethan 83, 153. 15 5

Shewbridge, Evan 78, 1 53

hipley, Dillon 26, 65, 75, 153, 155

Shirle , Lauren 64, 83, 155

Shrum, icholas 66, 84, 135

Shurr, Kaitlyn 62, 73, 75, 151

Silver, julia 53, 65, 84, 85, 136

Skinner, Brandon 7, 34, 78, 151

Skmner, Clair 37, 54, 63, 73, 83

Skmner, Ella 55, 73, 75

Skinner, Emma 55, 75

Smiley, Conner 75

Smith, Ezekiel15, 25, 47, 48, 55, 64, 78

Smith, jack 75

Smith, Tim 26, 37, 44, 70, 71

nedeker, Varinia 23, 30, 42, 47, 63, 64,83

Soley, Emma 5, 9, 55, 63, 65, 84, 85, 136,151

Sorkin, David 49, 71

oto, Samantha 5, 17, 30, 42, 54, 67, 83, 155

Spindler, Archie 9, 66, 67, 75, 151

Spinner, Kelly 62, 73, 75

Stanley, Lawsen 83

Steele, Taylor 64, 66, 83, 151

Sterling, Conor 67, 13 7

Stevenson, )a me 10, 2 7, 65, 78, 150

Stock, Garity 26, 51, 64, 75, 151

Stojanovic, atasha 54, 137

Stoke , Sarina 10, 42, 62, 84, 138, 150

Stoll, Jonah 7, 77, 78, 151

Stoll, Victor 34, 83, 150

Stoner, Kimberly 71

Storm, Ryan 83

Sukkar, Faisal 34, 83

Sullivan, joseph 50, 57, 78, 151

Sullivan, Magdalene 32, 39, 41, 48, 57, 60,64,67,84, 138,157

Sullivan, athanael 30, 78, 151, 155

Sweador, jacob 83

Sweador, Lisa 71

Sweet, Forest 6, 7, 28, 41, 45, 50, 79, 151

Sycamore, Aaron 83, 150, 151

Sycamore, Dominic 65, 7 5, 151, 154

TTan, jackie 21, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 83, 154

Tan, jason 75, 153

Tavani, jennifer 19, 62, 64, 65, 66, 83, 155

Taylor, Kaylee 47, 83

Taylor, Kelvin 20, 54, 83, 153

Tepper, Hannah 64, 75

Terrill, jacob 15, 49, 50, 55, 56, 79, 150,151

Terrill, )a me 6, 53, 56, 59, 60, 61, 84, 85,139, 150

Tewes, Lauren 12, 67, 75, 150

Thomas, Christopher 79

Thomas, iklaa 15, 51, 53, 59, 139, 153

Thompson, jacob 11, 31, 42, 49, 53, 54,57,59,60,68,84, 140,150

Thompson, Lucas 28, 47, 50, 57, 65, 68, 76, 79,153,154

Thompson, Sarah 22, 24, 54, 63, 77, 79

Timmons, Isaiah 32, 83

Tole, Melissa 71

Toon, Eva 10, 39, 55, 79, 150, 154, 155

Totten, Cyd 36, 71

Toyne, Mason 67, 72, 75,151,155

Tran. Diep 38, 6l, 65, 66, 79

Trejo, )o eph 79, 151, 154

Trevino, Briana 11, l4, 83, 150, 155

Trilk, Ryan 6, 23, 39, 51, 53, 55, 84, 85, 140, 150

Troggio, Isabella 12, 55, 79, 150

Tuck r, )o hua 55, 62, 75

Tucker, Mari 22, 24, 25, 63, 141

Turpen, jordan 63, 79 v

Van Hou e, Laura 65, 79

VanArsdale, Kylie 14, 36, 43, 53, 55, 62,65,80,81,82,83, 153

VanAr dale, Steven 47, 50, 64, 69, 75, 152

VanConant, Logan 26, 65, 83, 151

VanConant, Luca 18, 43, 83, 152

VanConant, Paige 24, 75

VanDevend r, Regina 5, 12, 18, 53, 54, 59, 84, 141, 150

Vega, Andy 24, 25, 62, 64, 65, 66, 81, 83

Vega, Mauricio 54, 75, 151, 153, 154

Venable, Michael 55, 66, 75, 152

Vetti, Michael 32, 63, 70, 71

Vo, Kacy 62, 79

Voorhaar, Morgan 8, 48, 51, 53, 54, 61, 64,142,150,151

Vu, athalie 63, 64, 75

Wade, Zachary 6, 7, 48, 51, 54, 59, 84, 85, 142,150

Walentit ch, Chase 79

Warren, Michael31, 79

• Waypa, Cath nne 65, 79, 155

Weber, Monique 1 7, 47, 65, 78, 79, 154, 155

Wendt, Augu tine 10, 26, 79, 150

Wessel, Samantha 14, 83, 153

West, )a mme 5, 12, 62, 65, 66, 83, 150

Westley, Ryan 63, 65, 75, 154

Whitmire, Dain 7, 72, 74, 75,151,154

Wiertek, Marcellina 63, 65, 79

William , Chri topher 79

Williams, oah 13, 36, 40, 47, 69, 82, 83,153, 154

Wil on, Hailey 14, 1 7, 48, 51, 53, 55, 57, 59, 60, 62, 64, 84, 85, 143, 153, 155

Wilson, Lind ey 14, 17, 55, 57, 62, 65, 79

Wirth, jennifer 14, 55, 65, 78, 79, 153

Wirth, Le Anne 14, 55, 65, 78, 79, 153

Wolter, George 6, 16, 31, 51, 56, 65, 155

Wolter, Rachel 18, 56, 59, 76, 78, 79, 152

Wozny, Alexander 13, 41, 45, 57, 65, 79,154

Wozny, jonathan 57, 65, 77, 79, 154

Wozny, Sabrina 12, 41, 42, 48, 57, 62, 65, 84, 144, 150


Yacoub, lsab II 75, 151

Yacoub, Magdalena 62, 63, 67, 79

Yas opoulos, Chri topher 43, 83, 155

Youngman, Troy 15, 38, 61, 67, 84, 144, 153

Yousif, Christian 47, 65, 145

You if, Sophia 75


Zamboni, Anthon\ 79, 151

Zientek, Abigail 49, 75

Zimmerer, athan 24, 25, 35, 56, 62, 65, 79

Zimmerer, Seth 10, 56, 145

Zuluaga, Luke 2 3, 36, 83, 150, 15 5

Zuluaga, Tessa 69, 73, 75, 151

Zylla, julie 71

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